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Everything set for IND Open House on Friday; Public invited.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Everything is in place for the information day/open house at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) on Friday, 24 February, where the public are invited to visit the office and receive information about the services provided by IND.

The Information Day at its offices on the A.T. Illidge Road #8 (next to NAPA) is from 7:30am and 2:00pm.

Staff will be available to answer questions and brochures will be on display and available to take-away as well.

IND has a very important role to play where it concerns country Sint Maarten as it relates to admittance, border and territorial control.

The three main areas when carrying out its work are transparency, consistency and customer friendly service.

The IND has extended an open invitation to all and is looking forward to meeting with those who require additional information about the services of the department during the Information Day on Friday.

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