As District Governor, Tobias will be responsible to oversee the effective functioning of District 81, which consists of 2400 members in 104 clubs spread over 17 territories throughout the Caribbean. He will be assisted by a great team consisting of Ewart Adams as Lieutenant Governor Education & Training, Valerie Brazier as Lieutenant Governor Marketing, Raymond Romeo as Treasurer and Carmen Cordova as Secretary. Immediate Past District Governor Essie Gardner will function as Adviser to the Executive Team.
During his incoming address, Tobias expounded on three main areas of focus for his term as District Governor. The areas are promoting the Big Picture of Toastmasters throughout the Caribbean to ensure greater understanding of and participation in the program. The second area of focus is strengthening the leadership on all levels. The District consists of four levels; Club, Area, Division and District. By using the analogy of soldiers and lieutenants on the battlefield and Generals in the Pentagon; he made his case for the need to constant provide leaders with the necessary resources and support to deliver the right results.
The final area of focus that he outlined is to "light a fire within the Leaders and not under them". He underscored the importance of developing the right leadership skills and behaviours within the Toastmasters. His belief is that if you can encourage the motivate and inspire the members, you will get them to perform optimally. "After all, once you develop the right behaviours, you will get the desired results; Tobias concluded.
He took time out to recognize the founders of District 81 who were present at the Conference. While thanking them for being the giants on whose shoulders his Team was proud to stand, Tobias pledged to continue the efforts to take the District to the next level. Rolande Tobias will begin his term on July 1st 2012.