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Woman Stabbed by her Companion in St. Peters.

Philipsburg:--- A woman was stabbed in the St. Peters area on Tuesday July 17th, 2012 by her companion reported  Police Spokesman Quintin Rogers. Rogers said that the victim was not badly injured but she was transported to the St. Maarten Medical Center by ambulance for medical treatment.
In the meantime, the culprit was arrested a short time after and turned over to the detective department for further investigation.

The detective department is also investigating various thefts and ill treatments that took place over the week end.

Between Monday and Wednesday, the Zero Tolerance Team, Bike Patrol, and Uniform Divisions Philipsburg and Simpson Bay issued various summons pertaining use of cellular phones, not having seat belts on, and others traffic offenses. A total amount of 50 summons were issued.

A warning is also going out to heavy equipment truck drivers to adhere to the stipulated hours to drive said vehicles on the public road on Sint Maarten Dutch Side. Such will be controlled on a daily basis and there will be no exceptions when one is caught not abiding the law in accordance with the Traffic Regulations of Sint Maarten.

Press release from Police Department (KPSM)

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