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Dengue Outbreak: confirmed cases continue to increase, 90 up to October 25, Results for 48 lab cases still pending.

dartPhilipsburg:--Dengue Action Response Team (DART), a multidisciplinary group coordinating the nation's dengue response, confirmed on Thursday that from October 1 to the 25, there are now 90 laboratory confirmed dengue cases, and this figure is expected to go over the 100 mark for the month of October as their are still 48 lab tests where the results are still pending.

The DART Team is requesting every household to take immediate measures as the outbreak continues to grow. The only way to stop the dengue outbreak from growing is by every household taking mosquito breeding preventive action. By taking measures, you are protecting your family from getting dengue fever.

On Tuesday evening a representative from the Preventive Health Department met with Family Physicians at the Dr. A.C. Wathey Legislative Hall to inform them about the latest strategies that are being implemented to fight dengue fever and to inform them about a new laboratory form that has been introduced. A meeting was also held with St. Maarten Laboratory Services (SLS). Dutch side health officials will now be able to get immediate results about laboratory tests carried out by SLS rather than having to send them to Curacao or the lab on the French side.

The Hygiene & Veterinary Department is continuing with its vector control measures of fogging the different districts which is based on having good weather - no rain. Part of the Philipsburg area as well as the Landfill on Pond Island was fogged recently.

Other areas next in line for vector control fogging are parts of the A.T. Illidge Road, Upper Princess Quarter and Guana Bay.

On Thursday Health Inspectors from the Hygiene Department as well as group team leaders visited the Pointe Blanche district to review the plan of action for the house-to-house/yard inspections that would be implemented on Friday morning as of 8.00am.

The house-to-house/yard inspections are part of the public health response to dengue on the island and are part of an intensified community campaign to eradicate the mosquito that carries dengue fever.

The Island Government has approved an emergency budget of over Naf.300,000 to cover a number of interventions related to the national outbreak.

Preventive actions that every household should take are: Debris, old tires and standing clear/clean water in yards are the main source and breeding ground for mosquitoes bringing about an increased risk of mosquito-borne diseases. These areas should be immediately eliminated.

Immediately check for clear/clean standing water in roof spouts, empty drums, buckets, jars, birdbaths, boats, plant containers, saucers, paint cans and other items that can collect water around your homes and businesses. Where clear/clean standing water exists, one can use small amounts of kerosene, just to cover the surface as a measure to prevent mosquito breeding or just get rid of the container.

During the house-to-house/yard inspections that will be carried out from 8.00am to 12.00pm, the mosquito control inspection team will also provide information and advice to residents on how to prevent mosquito breeding within their surroundings.

Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection that causes a severe flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults, but seldom causes death, however two persons have died since the outbreak and therefore you are urgently advised to take immediate measures to protect your family.

There are three serotypes of dengue circulating on the island, namely DEN-1, DEN-2 and DEN-4. This also increases the risk for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) which is potentially deadly, and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) which if not treated correctly, can lead to profound shock and death.

Residents are strongly advised to continue to take urgent preventive action against mosquito breeding in order to stem the increase in the number of dengue cases on the island.

Anyone requiring information concerning measures to prevent mosquito breeding or to report areas of standing water, overgrown vegetation etc should immediately call the Hygiene Department at 542-2079.

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