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Stepfather Accused of Molesting Stepdaughters--- Mother claims her children are lying.

Philipsburg: --- A Guyanese man identified as N is now in police custody accused of molesting his 12 year old stepdaughter a student of the Starlight Education.
SMN News understand the man who is employed by the harbor expansion have been molesting his three step daughters over the years. Sources say the man allegedly abused his older step daughter who began speaking out and she was sent back to Jamaica by her mother who felt she was lying on her husband.
The source said the man also did the same thing to the woman second daughter was also a student of Starlight Education but now attends the St. Maarten Academy but that child was very intraverse and did not speak about her problems. The alleged child molester then began sexually molesting his wife's last child who spoke out since last year at the school. It is understood that the school called in the mother and informed her of the allegations made by then 11 year old B.D. It is understood the mother became very angry and wanted to scold her daughter whom she said is a known liar.

On Monday the student stayed away from school seemingly because she was again abused. It is said the child went to a neighbor who rescued her and took her to the court of guardianship where she was questioned. This media house has been reliably informed that the child was in pain when she showed up at school on Tuesday and was crying. It is said that she also informed her teacher of the incident that took place the day before. Police arrested N on Thursday after an official complaint was filed. The man already appeared before the judge of instruction and was given an extension on his pretrial detention.
In an invited comment Chief Prosecutor Taco Stein said police are busy investigating the case and that only one complaint has been filed thus far. Stein said based on the nature of the case he is not at liberty to further comment.

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