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Health Care Providers on St. Maarten meet at the Great Bay Hotel with the Executive body Social and Health Insurance St. Maarten.

careproviders18012011Philipsburg:--- Recently a group of Care Providers on St.Maarten requested a meeting with the new Executive Body Social and Health Insurance. The professionals in their respective fields wanted to acquaint themselves with information regarding the new setup for the social and health insurances in St. Maarten (Uitvoeringsorgaan Sociale en Zieketekosten Verzekeringen.)

At the meeting the interim director of the Executive Body Social and Health Insurances, Mr. Dennis Richardson, introduced the transition team of the Executive Body Social and Health Insurances St.Maarten; thereafter he gave an extensive overview of the new setup.
The transition team consists of Mr. Dennis Richardson as Director, Mr. Reginald Willemsberg, Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Wilko Odijk, Quartermaster, Mr. Cliff Pinedo, Policy Advisor Health Care, Mrs. Susan Aafjes Project Manager Social Security and Pensions and Mr. Ronny Busby, Media Consultant.

In his presentation, Mr. Richardson explained to those present that the procedures, Tariffs, and regulations pertaining to AOV, AWW, OV, ZV, FZOG, AVBZ and Cessantia will remain the same until further notice.

Some of the Care providers queried the director and members of the transition team about payments and other pending issues, in addition to a request for more input in future health care decisions.

Mr. Richardson assured the care providers that he will be happy to listen to all stakeholders and provide real solutions to the various issues brought forward by the care providers.

St.Maarten took over the responsibility for social and health insurance as of October 10th, 2011. SVB Curacao will provide assistance and their full cooperation in the transition period.

For further information: Please contact, Mr. Wilko Odijk, QuarterMaster

Tel: 599 9 515-2012

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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