If you are traveling this summer you should safeguard yourself and your family by ensuring that you and your children's immunizations are up-to-date. Even if you are not traveling for the upcoming holidays, it is still good to get vaccination or at least check to see if you are up to date with the aforementioned.
The theme for this year's open house is "Vaccination: An Act of Love – For you for me for everyone, get checked, get vaccinated."
Immunization is a way of protecting children against serious vaccine preventable diseases. Once a child or an adult has been fully vaccinated, their bodies can fight those diseases if one comes into contact with them.
Unprotected children are at greatest risk of contracting the virus. Parents and guardians must ensure that their children are protected.
The Open House will take place at the Festival Village from 9:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday. Various businesses and stakeholders will be present promoting their services, information and products.
Vaccines have the power not only to save, but giving children and adults a chance to age healthy. Vaccination offers protection not only to children but also to adolescents and adults against life- threatening diseases.
Parents who will be going to the Open House on Saturday should bring along with them their child's vaccination booklet/card. If you are not sure of the vaccination status of your child, you should contact your general practitioner, pediatrician, or YHC for children up and through 17 years of age.
YHC can also be contacted if you want to verify your own vaccination status by calling Tel. 542-3003, 542-2078 or 542-3553.