"The former President of the UMP Federation of Saint-Martin declared in a bitter statement that I was more or less the gravedigger of the right in St Martin and the grain of sand that halted the smooth running of the first government of the collectivité : I refuse to take part in sterile polemics that have no other purpose than to distort the debate on the eve of historical elections in the Northern Islands, "said the UD opposition leader, candidate for deputy. "I invite Louis-Constant Fleming to do some introspection, to take his responsibility and settle, without passing through me, the problems he seems to have with his political family at the national level" firmly stated Daniel Gibbs. "43% of voters in St. Martin, whatever their political orientation, have put their trust in the list that I led, and in the policy I advocated in March: I am a man of unity , not of division, and no offense to some, I am taking the challenge of reconciling Saint-Martiners with politics. It is not the time for division, our situation is too disturbing for me to lose precious time in useless arguments. I understand the impatience and confusion of our people and I approach this election with enthusiasm, determination and a sense of duty that characterizes me and that nothing will shift me from. I plead for appeasement today and I urge everyone to get to work to ensure to our Northern Islands, a brighter future, in reconciliation and in labour."
Daniel GIBBS