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MP’s Square off in Parliament Building --- Jules James Files Official Complaint Against Romaine La Ville.

Philipsburg:--- The former faction leader of the United Peoples Party and now Independent Member of Parliament Romain La Ville found himself in trouble on Monday afternoon when he and UP Member of Parliament Jules James had an argument. Eyewitnesses to the fracas said that James and La Ville were arguing about topics discussed during Parliamentary sessions when they were on the same faction and he La Ville was questioning government about what provisions were made for some youths that happen to be his friends.
One eyewitness told SMN News that La Ville got very upset because the statements made by Jules James did not sit well with him. It is further understood that La Ville was so angry that he made some harsh verbal threats to James. Late Monday afternoon, Member of Parliament Jules James went to the Philipsburg Police Station to file an official complaint against La Ville and Member of Parliament Sylvia Meyers was a witness for MP James. Sources at the Philipsburg Police Station said that Member of Parliament Jules James and MP Meyers were escorted by the Lands recherché to their office where the complaint was filed. Efforts made to obtain a comment from the head of the Lands recherché Ademar Doran proved futile Monday night.

In an invited comment, MP Romain La Ville said that he tried to obtain two taxi licenses for two people that were fired from the Simpson Bay Resorts by MP Jules James who was the General Manager of the company at the time. "One of the persons I was trying to get a taxi license for was my friend whose wife was laid off from Pelican and MP James undermined my efforts to assist his former employees. When I confronted MP James in front of the Minister, he said I did not consult him before approaching the Minister. These are people MP James fired and I was trying to help them get employment so they could feed their families. I even told MP James that those people don't work for him anymore and asked him why is he obstructing them from feeding their families. I wanted to know why he was so determined to see that they don't get to eat while he claims to be a man of God. Three weeks later my friend died of a heart attack due to the stress that he could not feed his family." La Ville said MP James raised the topic again on Monday after the Central Committee meeting and he basically flipped.

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