"That the UP/DP government had lost its majority support became evident from a declaration to that effect signed on April 28th, 2012 by the now former UP Parliamentarian Mr. Romain Laville and Independent member of Parliament Mr. Patrick Illidge. This declaration was signed in collaboration with the N.A. faction and Independent Member of Parliament Mr. Frans Richardson which, in essence, commanded a majority of 8 seats in the Parliament of St. Maarten" commented the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister continued by stating that left in the middle were the factions of the UP with five seats and the DP with two seats. "Following communications by the Members of Parliament who jointly represented 8 seats, talks were formally initiated with the Democratic Party about broadening the base of support for the next government of St. Maarten. That broadening of support was one option available to the Democratic Party, the other being the Democratic Party choosing to take its two current seats and joining the UP in the opposition benches,"
Wescot-Williams also stated that it is public knowledge by now that the Democratic Party, strengthened by the support of its membership and the overall public sentiment, chose to be part of the next coalition consisting of the NA and Independent Members Laville, Richardson and Illidge.
"Based on the UP/DP governing program and the actions of the UP/DP government for the past 19 months, the focal points for the Democratic Party have been shown to be a people-oriented, strong and transparent government with an emphasis on checks and balances and sustainable development. The process may have been been slower than we might have wanted but it was durable. How these goals are to be pursued in the new political reality remains a point of discussion with the new partners forming the government of St. Maarten," continued the Prime Minister.
"As Prime Minister of this country and leader of the Democratic Party it is my pledge that as St. Maarten goes into this new week, when it is expected that I will tender the resignation of the UP/DP cabinet and enter into formal discussions regarding the next government for our country St. Maarten, that we who have taken the responsibility of governing must now truly lead by example, an example of unity amongst ALL of our people. While politics will be politics, it is for the sake of all of our people that we do not have the luxury to draw political divides across our country. This is a first for country St. Maarten and I believe it is my duty, especially at this present moment, to ensure that the foundation that is laid for future generations and young people who have political aspirations is a strong and solid one," said the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister continued by stating that although the basic laws that govern our electoral and political systems are in place, many regulations as a result of these laws are yet to be devised. The Prime Minister also believes that some of these laws need to be amended, allowing St. Maarten to grow and find its own way.
"There has also been some speculation about intermittent elections, which according to our constitution would take place if the parliament is dissolved. While the decision to dissolve parliament rests with government, it should be in my opinion a last resort. Furthermore, if certain laws are not amended or further worked out, dissolving Parliament and calling for new elections will only be a solution until the next political disagreement," concluded Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.