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Daniel Gibbs Declares his Candidacy for Legislative Elections --- Co-Deputy Candidate from St. Barthelemy.

dgibbsdeclarescandidacyforlegislativeelections11052012Philipsburg:--- Territorial Councilor and Leader of Team Daniel Gibbs, Daniel Gibbs declared his candidacy for the Legislative Elections which is to be held on June 9th and 16th 2012.
At a press conference on Friday, Gibbs also introduced his running mate and Co-deputy Mrs. Karine Miot of St. Barthelemy. Miot is the third vice president of the Territorial Council of St. Barthelemy. Miot attended the press conference where she was introduced for the upcoming race. Gibbs said Miot will be more than a co-deputy, instead she will be of real assistance since St. Martin is much different that St. Barths. However, their experiences will be key to the islands' success. He thanked Miot for placing her confidence in him as well as for accepting to be his running mate.
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