SMN News learnt that the inmates notified the management of the prison on Saturday that they will be holding a peaceful strike on Sunday as they protest against inhumane conditions.
Sources at the facility said the Minister of Justice Roland Duncan then reacted by informing the prison management that the prisoners should not be let out of their cells on Sunday and they could not have visitors if they are on strike. It should be noted that the prisoners had two incidents last week where they smashed several items inside the prison. It is understood that a number of prisoners were let out for recreation at one time and they refused to go back to their cells. The refusal turned into an uproar.
SMN News further learnt that the police conducted a raid of the cells at the Pointe Blanche house of detention and they seized a number of cellular phones and weapons. Last week's raid has now brought into question the security at the Pointe Blanche prison. Right now law enforcement and the Justice Ministry are beginning to question the competence of the prison management.
In an email to SMN News, a relative of an inmate said that Sunday's strike was peaceful and righteous. Furthermore the inmates association gave notice of the strike to the director of the prison on Saturday.
The notice contained the grievances of the inmates pertaining to their living conditions. It was a peaceful strike in order to stop the violation of their human rights. "These violations are going on for decades now and it is time for that to stop. The inmates that have a job, for example in the kitchen or in the sewing room just refused to report 'at work', nothing more, nothing less."
The relative said they sent several articles to the media and the Ministry of Justice regarding the deplorable conditions inside the Pointe Blanche prison. Up to last week there was no running water at the facility. The relative said that there is constant water shortage at the facility even though there is a huge water tank on the inner side of the prison premises.
"Everyone has the right to running water and a healthy environment. No water, rats, and cockroaches in the old and rusty kitchen, no toilets etc. They should not be punished by humiliation and taking away their primary needs. Sint Maarten is violating human rights on a large and organized scale. The civilization of one's country is shown by the detention facilities of that country. A civilized country treats their detainees with dignity and respect. A third world country treats their detainees like animals. I dare to say that Sint Maarten is a third world country. Politicians allowed the situation at Pointe Blanche to continue and worsen for many years, despite several court orders, despite financial aid from Holland (still don't know where that money went), despite promises that the renovation would finally start. Up to now, nothing has been done."