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50 St. Maarten Academy Students Tour PJIA Facilities.

stmaartenacademystudentstouringpjia16122011Simpson Bay:--- Fifty students of the St. Maarten Academy (Class 1A1) recently visited the Princess Juliana International Airport.
The students were divided into two groups of 25 each, so that while one group was given a tour of the terminal building that included the Security Department, Immigration, Customs, Baggage Claim area, Business Class Lounge and Security Screening, the other group toured the Air Traffic Control Tower.
Conducting the tour at the PJIA Terminal building was Rubia Taylor, while supervisors Duncan Van Heningen and Gregory Hassell took care of the students at the Air Traffic Control tower.
The field trip took place on December 5, 2011 as part of the activities to celebrate International Civil Aviation Day, marked all over the world on December 7.
International Civil Aviation Day is officially recognized worldwide to raise awareness of the importance of international civil aviation and the role that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) plays in international air transport.
ICAO is an United Nations (UN) body responsible for developing international standards for aviation safety.
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