BaySide co-founder Rae Dominique says demand for Bayside T-shirts has forced the company to offer a limited number of male and female T-shirts and snap-backs (hats) to the St. Maarten market.
"Our business model is set up for online sales, however, we have had such a great response from friends, family and other interested persons from both sides of the island who are hearing about BaySide, that we just had to have an outlet where the t-shirts and hats can be bought locally," said Rae.
He said one French side customer so believes in the product that he has outfitted himself with 10 matching BaySide T-shirts and hats in a single purchase.
"We expected a great response, but not so soon after announcing our plans. It has certainly given us a lot of encouragement," said the young businessman.
The brothers are especially thankful to Galaxy Fashions Manager, Mr. Vic Manni, for being the first company on St. Maarten to offer the BaySide brand in his store.
"As a young man going to school on St. Maarten Galaxy Fashions was our first stop when it came to buying the latest styles in caps and Tees. It's a great feeling to be back in the store offering the type of urban wear that my brother and I are now designing and marketing," continued Rae.
The Galaxy Fashions store owner for his part wishes the BaySide venture the best of luck in the competitive youth apparel market.
"I read about what these two young men were doing and I was very happy to meet Rae personally and to offer BaySide a place to sell their products locally," said Mr. Manni.
He said he is especially impressed with the "I Love St. Maarten" design, one of which he has already reserved for an international conference overseas later in the year.
BaySide Clothing Company is the clothing venture of brothers and former St. Dominic Schoolboys Lee and Rae Dominique. Both say they are setting out to develop "cool" urban clothing for their peers.
The brothers, are developing their brand in the United Kingdom, where they currently reside, with the "made in St. Maarten" label playing an important part of their marketing plans.
In addition to clothing and accessories they will also be offering a total package of clothing, Review on music, movies and games and other lifestyle things that young people like them are involved with. Future plans include bespoke jewelry and customized tattoo designs.
Making use of social media and readily available websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and a host of other avenues, the brothers are promoting custom-made hats, T-shirts, tank-tops, dress shirts, hoodies and other apparel that young people associate with.
The brothers are taking all they have learned on St. Maarten these past weeks back with them to the UK where they will be seeking additional investment for their venture.
"No doubt about it – We love St. Maarten and we want to dedicate our first Tee – "I 'Love' SXM" to the place that we call home. We think the design is unique and even iconic because we have replaced the heart that you would see in other similar tees with the island of St. Maarten – because that is where our heart is," explained Rae.
"Along with some limited designs and colours it's a good start but we promise we will be out with bigger and better things very soon," the brothers added.
To chat with Lee and Rae and to check out some fresh designs visit (and like) them on Facebook or on Twitter where they will also tell you more about their developing website and other plans for the future.
Rae's Facebook and Twitter contact information: -
Lee's Facebook and Twitter contact information: -