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Second Group Files Complaint of Treason against Senator, President and Liaison Officer with Prosecutor--- Front de Mer Project Brought on Legal Wrangle.

Marigot:--- A second group of persons recently filed a complaint with the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of France against Senator Louis Constant Fleming, President Frantz Gumbs and former liaison officer Marcel Gumbs. SMN News managed to receive an electronic copy of the complaint where they asked that the trio be investigated for treason, corruption and conspiracy as well as unlawful self enrichment. The complaint was filed under anonymity for fear if harassment and retaliation.

The complaints states that following an error of electronic transmission, it has been revealed recently that Senator Louis Constant Fleming, President Frantz Gumbs and Mr. Marcel Gumbs, all of them from the Collectivity of Saint-Martin, engage themselves in an understanding with a foreign power to affect the integrity and the national sovereignty of our republic. They have agreed to sacrifice the heritage and the future of our fellow citizens for the sole advancement of their personal interests.
The plaintiff also enclosed a copy of the email exchanges between the liaison officer of the French and Dutch side Marcel Gumbs, the CEO of the Dutch side port and the senator and president of the Collectivity of St. Martin.

The truthfulness of these documents which have recently been intercepted as well as their authenticity was verified and you can easily proceed with the same verification with various addressees and recipients identified.
The group is asking the prosecutor's office to make a thorough inquiry on the facts included and they are asking that he proceed with issuing charges of treason and unlawful taking of interest against these individuals:

  1. I. The first mail comes from Mark Mingo, the director of the port facilities of Philipsburg of Saint-Maarten. It is sent to Marcel Gumbs, who is acting as representative of the Collectivity, between Frantz Gumbs, Louis-Constant Fleming, and the Dutch authorities of the island. He is revealing the existence of an understanding with President Gumbs and Senator Fleming to protect Dutch investments.
  2. II. The answer from Marcel Gumbs indicates that the President "honors" the understanding and emphasizes the participation of Louis-Constant Fleming to this understanding:
  3. III. President Gumbs confirms his participation in the exchange of mails with his close collaborators
  4. IV. The facts are that in the exchange of mails was triggered when a docking company informed the Port of St. Maarten of a possible development of a deep-water pier in Galis Bay on the French territory of the Overseas Collectivity of Saint-Martin. If this development on the French side of the island comes into effect, it will create a direct link by sea between the mother country and the Overseas Collectivity of Saint-Martin:

The statements made by the CEO of the Dutch side port Mark Mingo confirm that there is an understanding, which took place between Messrs Louis-Constant Fleming and Frantz Gumbs, they even presented themselves as being "in charge" of the Collectivity of Saint-Martin. According to the exchanges that were brought to light, the understanding would be to the effect that Messrs Senator Louis Constant Fleming and President Frantz Gumbs would insure that no "risk" would come from the French territory of Saint-Martin to endanger the US 100 millions dollars invested in the port of St. Maarten.
And more importantly, your attention must be drawn to the passage of the text where Mr. Mingo indicates that Dutch authorities will not engage in any cooperation until "corrective measures" are undertaken; that is, measures to stop the docking company from investing in the port of Galisbay. According a response mail by Mr. Marcel Gumbs, President Frantz Gumbs confirmed that the port belongs to the Collectivity and that the understanding made with the Dutch authorities still stands.
However, it appears that this understanding would be an understanding stopping all development of the port of Galisbay in Saint-Martin likely to threaten the investments and the Dutch territory.
The Territorial Council of the Collectivity has not been informed of the secret understandings made and no understanding or motion appears on the registers of the collectivity. The Territorial Council of Saint-Martin, on the contrary, has adopted a mission of development of the commercial port of Galisbay, such as it appears especially in the incorporation act of its port facility.
For many years, it is publicly acknowledged that the Collectivity must give priority to the development of the commercial port of Galisbay, as proven by the numerous studies and bids carried out these last years. The dealings of Messrs Fleming and Frantz Gumbs are contrary to their elective mission, contrary to the interest of the French people, and to those of the Collectivity. Those dealings explain the difficulties of the Collectivity to advance with this project structuring necessarily the economic development. Therefore, it is obvious that the "cooperation" mentioned by the Dutch authorities in their mail would exclusively be reserved to projects and persons connected with Messrs L.C. Fleming and Frantz Gumbs. It must be indicated that according to the intercepted mails, the understanding was made as much with the port of St. Marten as with the government authorities of the Dutch part and especially Mr. Theo Helliger, the former commissioner and now deputy Prime Minister of Country St. Maarten.
Mr. Marcel Gumbs participated and facilitated the acts of corruption and treason herein detailed; he is therefore an accomplice and active member of this conspiracy against the French Nation.
Messrs L.C. Fleming and Frantz Gumbs are the custodians of the public authority. Frantz Gumbs, as President of the Territorial Council and upon authorization of the Republic could negotiate and sign international agreements, whereas he is simultaneously engaging secret relations with a foreign country. He could participate and influence negotiations within the European Union whereas he represents the interests of a foreign nation.
Louis-Constant Fleming, as Senator of the Republic, functions within the executive assembly of our nation. The purchasable nature of his political implication is already proven.
This is the second complaint filed in recent weeks as blogger and reporter Jabiru has also filed a complaint of the same nature since the COM and senator denounced the Canadian Investors who are currently on the island selling the plans of the multi-million dollar project.

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