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Verwoord on the Line to Save Local Business and Beaches--- Politician Reaping the Cream of Crop

Oyster Pond: --- Local entrepreneur Joan Veerwoord is once again on the frontline trying to keep bread on her table and roof over her head. This time the local businesswoman is not fighting her battle in court to be able to do business neither is she fighting against the island government since only a few months ago she was granted an indefinite business license to operate on Dawn Beach.

Despite having all that it takes by law for the young and vibrant businesswoman to function she still has to deal with mediocrity from her neighbor the operator of Mr. Busby.

Speaking to SMN News yesterday at the entrance of Oyster Bay Verwoord said that the operator of Mr. Busby known to everyone in the area as “Daniel” is hell bent of getting rid of locals since he wants to be the only one to operate a restaurant and renting beach chairs and umbrellas to visitors of the beach. “Can you imagine this man would have his employees’ park in the public area which would force the tourist to park in front of his restaurant and when they do that they must rent  chairs, umbrellas and snorkeling equipments from him and not the locals that are nearby.” Verwoord said. Next to Verwoord is another local who has the same problems and cannot get any one from government to step in. Jean Paul Rousseau has been operating on the beach for the past five years. He said he and Verwoord are the only ones who are complying with the law by having the amount of chairs as described in his permit and of course paying his taxes annually yet they are the ones that are suffering at the hands of investors.



Rousseau explained that some weeks ago they visited Economic Affairs to see if they department would assist them in solving the issues they have with Daniel and it was there they learnt that he Daniel does not have a business license to rent beach chairs, umbrella or snorkeling materials. The businessman is not paying taxes on this part of his income either and when told that he was conducting illegal business the brazen businessman decided to go one step further. That step was instead of stopping his illegal practice he decided he would place an employee at the entrance of his restaurant holding up a sign saying “Free Beach Chairs and Umbrellas” Rousseau said that it has been three days now they have not had one customer since the tourist prefers to have the chairs and umbrellas for free.  “This man has 150 chairs and umbrellas on the beach which is full almost everyday and he has no license and is not paying taxes. While the two of us can only have 50 chairs and no more than two rows on the beach” Verwoord said.

Verwoord was also appealing to local taxi drivers who have not been supportive of the two locals since they are being bribed with a free plate of food. “Can you imagine some of the taxi drivers would look at us with scorn and not support us simply because he Daniel would feed them his leftovers” she remarked.



Making matters worst is that employees of economic affairs visited the location and questioned some tourist who admitted they are renting the chairs and umbrellas from the restaurateur, but instead of slapping the businessman a fine and stopping his operations the employees promised to get back to him. Further investigation from the two local business people revealed that the managing director of the business turns out to be a former politician who is working in the office of the former commissioner of economic affairs and is his political advisor. Efforts made to contact the commissioner and his advisor proved futile up to press time.

At the entrance yesterday with the sign was a Jamaican national who was extremely rude to Verwoord and Rousseau who decided to put up some signs and stand at the entrance wooing customers to support them. “We are worst than those hawkers that runs after the tourist on Front Street, the only difference is we have a license to do so”. Rousseau said.

“We already sent a letter to the executive council and to date the commissioner or economic affairs did not answer our letter neither did she get back to us. Government had promised to put up signs on the parking but so far they have not done so.” Verwoord explained. Furthermore, it is very dangerous for all of us here because there is no entrance for the ambulance or fire truck to pass here in case of an emergency she said and so far government is turning a blind eye to it in name of development, she explained.

SMN News also understands that the owners of Oyster Bay are having serious problems with the same restaurateur who does not tourist to use the beach behind Oyster Bay and he is now claiming to be the one that built the road in the area, something that is creating another dispute among the developers and businessmen.

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