~ Hearing continues on Tuesday. ~
PHILIPSBURG: --- The Court of First Instance has denied the Government of St. Maarten its request to take urgent measures to end the ongoing strike at the Pointe Blanche Prison.
The court considers that there is no need for an urgent measure. The prisoners at the Pointe Blanche Prison have the right to collectively strike. The court is weighing the right of the inmates to strike as heavier than the right to end the strike. The prisoners also have rights and should be granted the opportunity to strike. Especially if their safety is at risk and they feel their basic rights are violated.
Attorney for the Prison Inmate Association Sjamira Roseburg says the case will continue on Tuesday, however, Roseburg said that the government should focus on what really matters. The guards and inmates are complaining about the current safety situation. More guards are needed. Also, the medical Situation needs to be urgently tackled and a policy needs to be in place for the current prison population to be reduced. This will add to the safety of the prison as well. It’s further impossible that for example last week the nurse was out of the office for 4 days and therefore the inmates couldn’t get the proper medical help. This urgent measure was uncalled for seeing the peaceful strike. I still have hope for a positive outcome on the matter. In the end, the inmates fall into the care of the country of Sint Maarten and their rights need to be guaranteed
Read the judgment from the court.