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MP Arrindell Sounds Alarm On VSA Minister’s Non Action.

PHILIPSBURG:--- In a recent correspondence to the Honorable Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor (VSA), Ms. Veronica Jansen-Webster, MP Arrindell expressed his concerns regarding the lack of action being taken to address the issues affecting health care, social efforts, and labor rights on Sint Maarten. “Firstly, there has been no update regarding how this government plans to tackle the deficit in the healthcare funds, of which the CFT has once again raised the alarm. What is more alarming is the fact that the SAAHA was proposed by the previous Minister as a possible reform to address this problem, but it appears as though politics is more important than the well-being of the citizens of Sint Maarten” stated MP Arrindell. The honorable MP alluded to the fact that the Honorable Prime Minister, during his time in Parliament, was adamant about addressing health care issues but had since appeared to have lost sight.
MP Arrindell also questioned if the Honorable Minister is aware that there are allegations that student nurses in the practical training phase of their studies are not receiving any stipend for their services. According to MP Arrindell “the nursing profession is vital to the healthcare sector of St. Maarten. All healthcare staff should be treated with equal respect, honor, and care in such a manner that would ease the unnecessary stress for the staff, that will lead to a positive work environment and better healthcare services”.
The MP also questioned whether the rumor circulating is true regarding government closing down shelters that are known for providing food to the needy. “In a time when citizens who are already facing challenges to make ends meet, reducing the number of shelters is a questionable move, to say the least” stressed MP Arrindell.
In closing the MP touched on the matter pertaining to employees receiving short-term contracts with extended training periods for the same positions within the hospitality field. “How can it be that an individual who has worked more than a year as a server is being told that they are still required to go through an extended training period for the same position for their follow-up contract? It is clear that certain employers are abusing training periods in labor contracts and this needs to be addressed immediately” stated MP Arrindell.
MP Arrindell is concerned that the Ministry of VSA is beginning to underperform and urges the Honorable Minister to outline what the plans of the Ministry are to combat these issues.


Continuation Public Meeting of Parliament for deliberations regarding the alarming rise in crime and recent increase in shootings.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The House of Parliament will sit in a Public meeting on July 25, 2024.

The Public meeting, which was adjourned on July 19, 2024 will be reconvened on Thursay at 10.00 hrs. in the Legislative Hall at Wilhelminastraat #1 in Philipsburg. The Minister of Justice will be in attendance.

The agenda point is:
Deliberations with the Minister of Justice concerning the alarming rise in crime and the recent increase in shootings (IS/913/2023-2024 dated July 8, 2024)

The parliamentary sessions will be carried live on TV 15, Soualiga Headlines, via SXM GOV radio FM 107.9, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the internet, and

UPP Statement Against the Decision of Prime Minister Luc Mercelina to Cancel Public Meetings.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The recent decision by Prime Minister Dr Luc Mercelina of St. Maarten to halt public meetings of political parties and gatherings of people leading up to the August 19 Parliamentary Elections represents a grave affront to democratic principles and the fundamental rights of the people. This authoritarian move, particularly following the recent incident, raises serious concerns about the Prime Minister's motives and the integrity of our democratic process.
Violation of Democratic Rights
Dr Mercelina's decision to cancel public political gatherings without declaring a state of emergency or providing a valid legal basis directly violates the constitutional right to assembly. The Prime Minister has failed to justify this drastic measure, especially when political parties had already secured permits for such meetings, and the United People's Party held its second peaceful and well-attended public meeting without incident less than forty-eight hours ago.
Undermining Public Trust
The timing of this decision is highly questionable. Just days after a high-profile shooting incident, which the Prime Minister himself stated was not politically motivated, he chose to curtail democratic activities. This raises the spectre of political manipulation, especially when his own Party is embroiled in controversy with the arrest of a relative linked to the shooting, especially when the United People's Party has been leading the way with a large majority of the public rallying behind the new leader of the Party and the likely new Prime Minister of St. Maarten, honourable Member of Parliament Omar. E.C. Ottley.
Threat to Public Freedom
By banning public political meetings, Dr Mercelina is effectively silencing opposition and preventing citizens from expressing their political beliefs. This move not only stifles free speech but also instills fear among the populace, suggesting that any gathering could be deemed a political threat. This is a slippery slope towards authoritarianism, where fundamental freedoms are sacrificed under the guise of public safety.
Economic and Social Impact
The Prime Minister's track record on public issues further undermines his credibility. His failure to address critical concerns such as the electricity crisis, where he said that the cost of an immediate solution to get the people out of darkness was too expensive, exacerbated by monopolistic practices and excessive fuel charges; where when asked he said he knows about the monopoly and high fuel clause, but he was too busy to be bothered with it, has already caused significant economic and social hardship. His dismissal of these issues, claiming he was "too busy," only highlights his disconnect from the everyday struggles of St. Maarten's citizens.
Call to Action
We must not allow this dangerous precedent to go unchallenged. The citizens of St. Maarten have the right to gather, express their political beliefs, and hold their leaders accountable without fear of retribution. We call upon the international community, human rights organizations, and democratic institutions to condemn this undemocratic action and support the people of St. Maarten in their fight to preserve their democratic rights.
Prime Minister Mercelina, your actions are not just an overreach; they are a blatant attempt to undermine the democratic fabric of our nation. We stand united against this encroachment on our freedoms and demand the immediate restoration of the right to public assembly. Democracy must prevail, and the will of the people must be respected. Your actions reflect the ideals of your coalition of the NOW, PFP, DP, and URSM and show that this forced majority could not provide a stable government for the people of St. Maarten, was a mistake from the start that should never have occurred. The people will remember this on August 19, 2024. I urge the people to be vigilant because it is our understanding that Dr Mercelina, the dictator, and his coalition have already sought to get The Netherlands to sanction a takeover of our country and appoint them as a Business Government for the foreseeable future. This bid for power too often results in the deterioration of Democracy and economic stability of a country and cannot be allowed. The increased security personnel from all over the Netherlands Kingdom, without any objective justification, suggests that Dr Mercelina and his Two By Four Coalition are preparing for a hostile takeover of our Democracy and the elections. They must not be allowed to do so. Where were they when our young men were being gunned down for scooters and other reasons since 2024 began? Why, only now, when the writing is on the wall that the days of the Two By Four Government are over, are they now trying to claim safety concerns as a reason to cripple the democratic and rightful removal of their political parties from office. On August 19, 2024, go out and vote them out; not a single vote should go to these people who intend to take your power away from you for their own personal reasons. It is time to get it right and make our country proud. Stand UP with the United People's Party.

CIBC Caribbean Bank Hosts "Ignite Innovation" Data Science & AI Webinar.

PHILIPSBURG:--- CIBC Caribbean recently hosted a successful “Ignite Innovation" Data Science & AI client presentation at the Warrens Great House in Barbados. Spearheaded by CIBC Caribbean's technology team, the hybrid event delved into the significant role of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing banking operations and business. The presentation drew a diverse audience of physical and online participants, ensuring broad accessibility and interaction.

The event was attended by corporate clients, IT stakeholders, and government officials, providing an excellent networking opportunity and fostering collaboration among key players in the industry. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with the presenters, and participate in interactive question and answer session, and gain practical knowledge on how AI can be integrated into their overall business strategies.

The event highlighted the rapid growth of AI with key initiatives such as personalized customer service, content creation, data extraction, and competitor monitoring.

The webinar, themed "How You Can Make Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science Work for You and Your Enterprise," provided a comprehensive overview of the pivotal role AI plays in modern business. The session underscored AI's significance in enhancing convenience and efficiency for customers and illustrated how businesses can leverage AI to streamline operations, reduce costs, and drive innovation.

Stephan Barrow, Senior Data Scientist at CIBC, spoke to the banking benefits, highlighting that since 2019 the bank has been using predictive analytics and software development to create a successful Digital Lending Channel bolstered by data science and automation that provides clients with loans within 15 minutes of application.

A key focus of the seminar was the accelerated adoption of online banking, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic highlighted the necessity of digital solutions and paved the way for a more seamless and user-friendly banking experience. CIBC Caribbean has embraced this shift, leveraging AI to offer innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of its customers.

Main presenter Quinn Weekes, Senior Manager of Client Product Profitability Strategy, shared his valuable perspective on AI's role in banking and business transformation. Weekes emphasized that contrary to popular belief, AI is best utilized in synergy with human input and knowledge application, reducing staff workload and increasing efficiency.

In addressing concerns about AI replacing human jobs, Weekes assured attendees that AI is intended to augment human capabilities rather than replace them. He highlighted that AI could take over repetitive tasks, allowing human employees to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their work. Additionally, he emphasized the bank's commitment to data protection, ensuring that AI technologies are implemented with robust security measures to safeguard customer information.

Trevor Wood, Director of Data and Innovation at CIBC, illustrated how to protect the integrity of data by using the correct AI tools, emphasizing the importance “of understanding the risks and being conversant with the technology to make the correct choices.”

The "Ignite Innovation" webinar gave attendees a deeper understanding of how AI can drive business efficiency and innovation. CIBC Caribbean remains dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and leveraging the latest technological advancements to better serve its clients.

This webinar was the first in a planned series of presentations that will examine how Caribbean businesses and society can drive positive change through the application of AI technologies. The bank looks forward to future opportunities to engage with stakeholders and share insights on the evolving landscape of AI and data science.

USM Partners with COSTAATT to Improve Academic Offerings.

usmmou24072024PHILIPSBURG:--- USM signed a memorandum of understanding with the College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago (COSTAATT) on Tuesday aimed at expanding opportunities for students on both islands. The five-year MOU allows the institutions to collaborate in course and program design, research, and academic exchanges. The MOU will allow students to transfer credits for compatible programs between both institutions of higher education.
USM and COSTAATT will cooperate in research initiatives, seminars, and staff training and will share resources to strengthen their academic offerings, according to the MOU. USM President Dr. Antonio Carmona-Baez said this collaboration between the USM and COSTAATT helps management ensure that they can maximize the opportunity afforded by both HEIs. “One of the most compelling reasons for fostering such a partnership is the ability to overcome limitations that individual institutions may face,” said Dr. Carmona-Baez in remarks during the ceremony. “By pooling our resources, we can mitigate these limitations and create a more robust educational and research environment.”
COSTAATT is one of the premier research and scientific institutions in Trinidad and Tobago, serving more than eight thousand (8,000) students nationwide. It offers degrees and certificates in communication, advertising, film production, nursing, healthcare, and others. COSTAATT president Dr. Keith Nurse said he hoped the collaboration would provide long-term and sustainable benefits to students and faculty of these higher education institutions (HEIs), asserting that USM and COSTAAT would not succumb to what he called the “implementation deficit.” He said,
“Far too often we are not able to collaborate and coordinate efforts across boundaries”. He was adamant that “We are committed to ensuring we don’t fall prey to that. We will implement.”
As USM celebrates its 35th anniversary, the institution continues to build strategic relationships with local, regional and international schools and non-profit organizations to enhance its offerings to students. In May, USM announced a partnership with St. Maarten’s National Institute of Arts (NIA) to provide introductory performing arts and dance courses with the intention of crafting a bachelor’s degree program in performing arts, in the near future.
USM Dean of Academics Dr. Gale Rigobert praised the collaboration as beneficial to all members of the educational and professional communities of both tertiary institutions.
“This MOU between USM and COSTAATT is indicative of our commitment to excellence, expanding opportunities for our students and staff, widening the range of academic offerings to both USM and COSTAATT students and our fervent desire to broaden our reach and sphere of influence,” she said.
USM provides bachelor’s degrees in Elementary Education, Hospitality and Tourism Management and newly introduced, Social Work, and associate degrees in General Liberal Arts. USM is also introducing an associate degree in Networking and Digital Communication.
USM provides instruction for the General Equivalency Diploma (GED), which allows students who did not complete high school or who graduated with vocational diplomas to earn the equivalent of a U.S. grade-12 diploma. USM also offers English as a Second Language (ESL).to students who are not native English speakers.
For more information about enrollment into USM’s programs along with financing opportunities, visit or contact USM at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 542-5171.


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