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New Oral History Book Launches Saturday at Amuseum Naturalis.

FRENCH QUARTER:--- The Les Fruits de Mer association will be launching a new book of oral histories at Amuseum Naturalis at The Old House this Saturday. The book Association+Culture: Speaking of Heritage features members of three non-profit associations. Across ten interviews, they discuss their cultural inspirations and how they work to preserve and share St. Martin heritage. The public is invited to enjoy the free book launch event, which will be held from 9 am to noon. Attendees can take home a free copy of the book, which is bilingual in English and French.

“Much of St. Martin’s heritage has been passed down through oral traditions,” said Jenn Yerkes, one of the book’s editors. “Oral histories are a great way to record and share cultural information. We are especially excited to share the stories of people who are active promoters of local culture!”

The book presents interviews with members of three St. Martin associations: Soualiwomen Kultural Association (SKA), Good Friends Association, and the Roland Richardson Heritage Association. On St. Martin, associations are some of the most important heritage groups, and do key cultural work here. Their essential role on this island is highlighted in the book.

“The two biggest themes in this book are people being inspired by St. Martin heritage and culture and people coming together to share St. Martin traditions,” said co-editor Mark Yokoyama. “Associations are vital platforms for this activity. They are a vibrant and indispensable part of life on St. Martin. We are delighted to celebrate these groups, their members, and their stories.”

This book was made possible by a grant from FDVA (Fonds pour le Développement de la Vie Associative). It is a collaboration between the Les Fruits de Mer association and the associations showcased in the book. In addition to the copies offered at the book launch event, copies will be distributed to schools and distributed by the featured associations.

The Association+Culture book launch will be held 9am to noon on Saturday, June 22nd at Amuseum Naturalis at The Old House in French Quarter. Attendees will receive a free copy of the book. For more information, or to download the book for free, visit


NV GEBE Power Plant Scheduled Maintenance on Diesel Generator (DG) Set #18.

PHILIPSBURG:---  June 15th, 2024 – NV GEBE announces planned corrective maintenance for Diesel Generator (DG) set #18 at the Power Plant. To facilitate this essential maintenance, the respective production unit will be shut down on Saturday, June 15th, 2024, at 10:00 p.m.
This early shutdown is crucial to ensure the engine has adequate time to cool before the scheduled maintenance begins at 4:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 16th, 2024. A minimum downtime of six (6) hours is required to ensure the engine cools sufficiently, allowing the Mechanical Maintenance department to perform the necessary tasks safely and efficiently. The heat from these large engines poses a significant threat to the safety of our employees. By allowing sufficient cooling time, NV GEBE ensures a safer working environment, reduces the risk of heat-related injuries, and ensures our maintenance team can perform their tasks under safe conditions.

Please note that during the maintenance window, load shedding may be necessary to manage the power supply effectively. We ask for your patience and cooperation during this period as we work to minimize any disruptions.
The maintenance work is expected to be completed by approximately 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 16th, 2024. We aim to reinstate the unit and resume normal operations at this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience this temporary shutdown may cause and appreciate your understanding as we perform these essential maintenance tasks to ensure the continued reliability and safety of our power generation equipment.

EXCLUSIVE: URSM member Wendell Thode resigns.

~ I am available, but I need time to think about the way forward. ~

wendellthoode15062024PHILIPSBURG: --- Police Inspector Wendell Thode, who ran as the 11th candidate on the URSM slate on January 11th, 2024, has officially resigned from the party. Thode confirmed to SMN News that he submitted his resignation letter three days ago. He further explained that he never intended to keep the resignation a secret but needed some more time before going public.
“I asked the voters for their votes when I postulated on the URSM slate, and I am obligated to inform those voters who placed their confidence in me that I am no longer with the URSM.” Furthermore, he stated that he has no qualms with the leadership of the URSM or the party itself but has some serious concerns about specific decisions made by the URSM board.
“I took a long time thinking on how to deal with the issues with URSM and could not find any solutions simply because my vision and mission do not align with the URSM board.”
He asked if he would be postulating himself for the August 19th snap election, and Thode said he was available but had not decided on which political party he would contest the election. “I need more time to think about this, and then I will decide if I will postulate and which slate.”

St. Maarten Heineken Regatta Reigns as Largest Regatta in the Caribbean.

 The 100+ boat fleet of the 44th St. Maarten Heineken Regatta converges on the leeward mark on the iconic Around the Island Race, traditionally hosted on Friday of the 4-day Regatta © Laurens Morel
June 14, 2024 - Simpson Bay, St. Maarten - Once again, the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta is the largest regatta in the region, having welcomed 115 boats from over 20 different countries for the 44th edition February 29 - March 3, 2024. The event has a “Serious Fun!” legacy that has sustained generations, and will continue its success thanks to veteran and new leadership within the event organizing team.
Drawing participants from across the globe, the 2024 edition of the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta showcased the unique blend of competitive racing and Caribbean charm that has made it an annual favorite among sailors, tourists, and locals alike. With over 1,000 sailors plus thousands more who come to the nightly parties, the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta is one of the biggest cultural events in the Caribbean, running for over four decades the first week of March.
“We’re thrilled to see the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta continue to grow after some really challenging years for sailing and the island in general,” said Cary Byerley, new Chair for the St.Maarten Heineken Regatta Steering Committee and veteran Race Committee Chair. “Racers have come to know that the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta is truly an International event that brings together some of the most competitor-friendly race officials – that also just so happen to be top World Sailing Race officials. The Regatta competitors enjoy the diverse courses that they are given, along with the diversity of the boats on the water. Of course the regatta is not all about racing, our parties and entertainment are known to be legendary!”

Cary went from racing to race committee as her rolodex and work with World Sailing made her one of the most well-connected sailors in the Caribbean. For the 2024 St. Maarten Heineken Regatta, Cary once again curated a world-class Race Committee and Jury, with Olympic and America’s Cup experience – while she herself was on the water daily, race-reporting live with the Official Regatta Radio Island 92 team. This year, Cary was awarded the Robbie Ferron Trophy for her work in advancing sailing in the Caribbean and her curation of an internationally esteemed race committee and jury to serve at the St. Maarten Heineken Regattas.
Another leading woman, Michele Korteweg, captained the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta as Director for the past decade, leading the event successfully through extreme circumstances – from hosting the Regatta months after the island was destroyed from Irma to COVID-19 cancellations and adaptations. She has been behind Regatta’s “key values” strategy, which has brought stakeholders together around Regatta’s values of sustainability, inclusion, generations, and celebration. Michele will continue to serve St. Maarten’s marketing and event needs with her own business, Shortcut 2 Success, while the Regatta welcomes a new Director, Krispijn Teunissen, to lead the event into its next era.
“The St. Maarten Heineken Regatta has not only survived but thrived through over 4 decades of incredible growth and also extreme changes on the island. It has become a cornerstone of our island’s high season, and is recognized internationally as a top sporting and cultural event. I am honored to have been part of such an inspiring and passionate team of people, who I know will continue to ensure the event is “Serious Fun!” for many more decades to come,” shared former Regatta Director, Michele Korteweg.
“I look forward to being a part of this legendary St. Maarten Heineken Regatta team. This event is very important for St. Maarten and for sailing in the Caribbean. I want to keep the legacy going and make the 45th anniversary of the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta an event to be remembered,” shared new Regatta Director, Krispijn Teunissen.

 Creole Rock is one of the many stunning geographic sites that the fleet passes while racing around the island of St. Maarten/Martin © Laurens Morel.
One of the other key features of the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta is the island’s dynamic sailing conditions and courses, which draw in both sailors and spectators. At this year’s event, racers saw some of the best winds of all Regatta events this year – a picture perfect 12-19 knots seen throughout the 4-day racing event. Add to that the stunning backdrop of St. Maarten’s rugged coastline, picturesque beaches, and vibrant cultural scene, and it’s easy to see why the regatta consistently draws such a large and enthusiastic crowd every year since 1980.
Beyond the thrilling on-water action, the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta is renowned for its lively shoreside festivities. From beachside viewing parties and live music performances to delicious Caribbean cuisine and ice-cold Heineken beer, there’s no shortage of ways to celebrate both on and off the water. The Regatta’s legendary parties have become as much a part of the experience as the racing itself, creating memories that last a lifetime for participants and spectators. This year, international reggae artist Taurus Riley performed his hit song “She’s Royal” at Sunday’s grand finale – and certainly, he was referring to the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta as the reigning Queen of the Caribbean Regattas!
As the sun set on another unforgettable edition of the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta, organizers and participants were already looking forward to next year’s event: the 45th edition! With its winning combination of world-class racing, stunning scenery, and unbeatable atmosphere, the Regatta has firmly established itself as a bucket-list event for sailors and spectators alike. Mark your calendars for the 45th St. Maarten Heineken Regatta: March 6-9, 2025 – Registration is now open!
For more information about the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta, including past race results, reports, photos, and news, visit the event website:

St. Maarten Heineken Regatta
Celebrating 45 years, this Regatta just keeps getting better, four days of world-class racing with some of the world's most seasoned sailors, hailing from over 35 countries. This is genuinely a Regatta for everyone, including professional teams sailing Maxis, Monohulls, and Performance Multihulls to holiday-makers on chartered Bareboats to live-aboard families cruising the Caribbean. Crystal clear waters and cooling northeast trade winds give the pristine conditions for spectacular racing just off the coast of St. Maarten. This event is your bucket list must-do! Come and enjoy life in the Caribbean; come for some Serious Fun from March 6-9, 2025!
For complete information on the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta, including results, photos, videos, party and band information, and much, much more, visit:

National Alliance Calls for Open Meetings on N.V. GEBE.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The National Alliance faction is pushing for transparency regarding the recent changes to the parliamentary schedule about N.V. GEBE. In a letter to President of Parliament Sarah Wescot-Williams, Members of Parliament Silveria Jacobs and Cloyd Marlin questioned the postponement of the crucial meetings originally set for Friday, June 14, 2024, and the decision to reschedule them behind closed doors to Monday, June 17, 2024.

“Why can’t the public be informed along the way?” asked the MPs. “The Prime Minister and other ministers have emphasized the urgency of these meetings, so it’s essential for the public to be kept in the loop.”

The National Alliance stresses the importance of keeping such discussions open to the public. “This is a matter of significant public interest. While we understand some details may need confidentiality, these can be handled in subsequent closed sessions. The people deserve to hear what’s happening.”

During crises, it is not a time to withdraw from the people. Much like we saw during the pandemic, a crisis calls for constant updates from the Prime Minister to the public to avoid unrest. Providing information helps ease the minds of the public and maintains trust.

The NA faction also called out the current coalition’s shift in stance. “Some coalition members were once against closed-door meetings at any cost. Where are they now? What has changed? Why are they okay with such an important meeting of public interest being closed-door? The people have the right to know and should be able to follow these discussions closely.”

The faction urges the President of Parliament, Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams, and the Council of Ministers to maintain the transparency and involvement of the public that they once championed.

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