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So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9

It is with sadness in our hearts that we announce the passing of

Edna Nadean Mathews Reiph
b. k. a Miss Popo
December 10th, 1924 ~ December 18th, 2013

Left to Mourn:

Daughters: Rosa Trinidad-Augusta
                     Glenda Augusta
                     Yvette Hill-Augusta (U.S.A.)
                     Marvis  Reiph (U.S.A.)
Sons:             Ruben Augusta (U.S.A)
                     Errol Augusta (Santo Domingo)
                     Winselso Augusta (U.S.A.)
Step-Daughters: Patricia Reiph-Lake
                               Marie-Therese Reiph
Step-Sons: Frank Visser (Curacao)
                     Serge Reiph (U.S.A)
Daughter in Law: Cruz Marie Augusta & Cietta Augusta
Sister: Constance Cooks and Family
Sister-in-Law: Martha  Reiph-Baly & Family
                          Melaine Reiph-Cooks and Family
Brother-in-Law: Joseph Reiph &  Family Curacao

Grandchildren: Janine, Efraim, Elizabeth Augusta,  Frankie, Niva, La-Teen, (SXM), Melissa (Santo Domingo), Edna, Mercedes, Ricardo, Ruben , Francis, Gabriel, Rosacarmen, Jo-Anne, Morgan, Sandia, Crystal, Christine, Chelsea, Calwyn, Carlisle (U.S.A.), Sylvia, Gilbert, Elizabeth, Cedric (SXM), Timothy, Nicolas, Sergie, Zaire (U.S.A.)

Great Grand children 33
Great-Great Grand children 4

Many Nieces and nephews here and abroad, too numerous to mention.

Many Close friends, too numerous to mention.

She was related to the Mathews, Reiph, Augusta, Cooks, Illidge, Carty, Leonard, Lake, Thomas, Hellburg, Gibson, Arrindell, Richardson, & Visser families.               

During our time of grief if we have left anyone out please accept our apologies it was not done intentionally.

             A wake will be held on Thursday, January 2, 2014 at Belair Community Center from 7:00 pm-10:00 pm

Funeral service will be held on Saturday December 4, 2014 at the Good News Baptist Church
In Concordia,  F.W.I. Viewing From 1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M. Service will commence at 2:00 p.m.
With interment at the Sandy Ground cemetery.

May her soul rest in Eternal Peace

The Management and staff of Emerald Funeral Home would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families.




With so much sadness, we announce the sudden death of

Ines Christina Richardson

a.k.a. Mammy Ines, Nezzo, Miss Ines from South Reward, Wela, Roadrunner, Hot-Foot

01 December 1932 - 19 December 2013

Left to mourn are her:

Son:                                        Curtis Richardson (a.k.a The Man of the Land, Driver taxi 227)
Daughters                             Eldica Richardson and Teresa Richardson

Brothers:                                Shefton Farley (USA)
                                                Bill Richardson (Aruba), Romeo Richardson (Ned),Romero
Richardson (Ned), Philip Richardson(Ned)
Sisters:                                   Agatha Gordon a.k.a., Chichi (Aruba), Alice Hyman (Spain),
Cynthia Kruythoff, Anet Richardson (Ned), Cherry Richardson (Aruba), Sindy Richardson (Ned), Elaine Richardson (Aruba)

Grandchildren:                     Jacqueline Lake, Sandra Brunett-Lake, Sigfried Lake
Carlos Richardson, Jelani Richardson, Christopher Richardson, Esmeralda Daniel, Ashanti Richardson, Rudy Richardson, Reiny Illidge, Reshelle Illidge.

Great grandchildren:           Maruska Lake, Geralda James, Chrylysha Rampersad,
Rashida Illidge

Great great granddaughter: Makaila Lake

Nephew& Godson:              Vance Brown
Goddaughter:                       Lula Lijfrock

Nephews                               George Brown, Delano Brown, Julian Brown, John Brown,
Jean Hodge, Justin Hodge, Dudley Kruythoff and many
others toonumerous to mention

Nieces:                                   Anita James (Curacao), Zinesche Antoine-Kruythoff, Jacky Gordon and manyothers too numerous to mention

Daughter-in-law:                  Michelle Richardson Artsen
Son-in-law:                           Julio Rooi

Stepdaughters:                     Linda Richardson, Lourdes Brooks-Lake, Ursula Richardson,
Malaika Richardson, Nesha Richardson

Stepson:                                Shonary Richardson, Rolando Gumbs, Steve Gumbs

Uncles:                                  Josier Richardson, Philip Richardson, JuniorLake

Aunts:                                    Lea Lake, Corinthia Lake, Merline Lake, Irma Lake,
Rosemarie Lake

Special Cousins:                 Glenda Richardson, Albie Boasman, Betty Chittick, Mabel
                                                Dr. Loyd Richardson, Gloria Naar, Richard Courtney,
Janet Wathey, Edwin Richardson, Cinthia Richardson, Bernadett Richardson, Rosenda van Putten, Helena Richardson, Bienvenido Richardson, Beatrice Richardson, Jeffrey Richardson,Daphne Richardson, James Richardson, John Richardson, Owen Richardson and many others too numerous tomention

Special friends:                    Carmell, Patsy, Earthe, Marianna & Albert, Patsy & Maurice, Brigitte, Claudina, Victoria & Nelly, Josette, Romeo Carty, Esther &Larryand many others too numerous to mention

She was related to the following families: Richardson, Farley, Brown, Lake, James, Kruythoff, Naar, Hyman, Wathey, Boasman, Rogers, Hodge, Daniel
A wake will be held on Sunday Dec 29th 2013 at the senior citizen recreational center from 7:00pm -10:00pm.
Funeral will be on Monday December 30th 2013
At The Phillipsburg Methodist Church Viewing will be from 1:00pm-2:00pm
Service commence at 2:00pm with interment at the Methodist Cemetery.

May her soul rest in Eternal Peace

The Management and staff of Emerald Funeral Home would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families.



It is with deep sadness in our hearts to announce the passing of

Mary Toussaint
11 Oct 1960 ~ 24 Dec 2013

The funeral arrangements for the late Mary Toussaint will be announced at a later date.

May her soul rest in Eternal Peace

The Management and staff of Emerald Funeral Home would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families.


Dear Editor,

As the representative of the Private Sector workers, it is with a bitter taste that the Minister of Economic Affairs Mr. Ted Richardson and I assume his loyal and famous Advisor/Advisors have finally shown the people and working class of St. Maarten that money and power is above all morals. It also shows that there is definitely no respect whatsoever for family values one would say double pay, which spending quality time with family is also very important.

I am humbly appealing to the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs if his person and Cabinet were part of this decision to please seriously have a second thought and if the Labour and Social Affairs Minister is not aware then it says something is not right (this shows no respect towards the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs).

A few weeks ago a decision was made to grant certain businesses extended opening hours, my question is; Who is responsible for the security of the employees? The answer: Police Officers in the end.

It is no secret that Government is singing a ugly tune "NO MONEY, NO MONEY".

So my beautiful chorus will be: "WHO WILL FOOT THAT BILL".

In Unity,

Ms. Derie V. Leonard
President WICSU/PSU

Dear Editor,

It has been great to see so many people involved with the well-being of others in the last two weeks. Money has been donated to lots of different non-profit organizations, non-profit organizations shared out meals and supported the less fortunate at home and overseas and turkey and ham have been shared out by those who could afford it. Lots of volunteers put in their free time to bring light to their fellow man and woman.
We, Soualiga Social Movement, believe that one of the issues that we are facing today in our society is the focus on "self" instead of "us". You can have all the money in the world, but if you need to barricade your house, can't walk on the street when it's dark and your environment is severely polluted and damaged then the quality of your life isn't that great.
Once again we would like to put the emphasis on the importance of the individual contributing and participating in his or her community. Even when an individual is "struggling" with his or her own issues, a small contribution to the community is adding up to make a huge difference. We should all participate in clean-ups in our neighborhood and beaches, we should all be careful that we don't throw garbage all over the place (because that little bit of garbage also adds up), we should take time for each other and communicate with each other, we should listen to the stories about our island back in the days and spread those stories among the youth, we should help each other with repairs and maintenance to our houses and yards, we should grow our own food (even when it is just one or two pots, because of lack of space), etc.
We were once named "The Friendly Island" for a reason. Times change and we can't bring back that what once was, but we believe that participating in our community is a small thing to do to enhance the quality of life. If we can do it two weeks in a year, we can also do it fifty-two weeks in a year. Awareness, inclusion and participation! Don't leave no man, woman or child behind! Regardless of race, religion, small or tall: Let's work together in the best interest of us all as one community on Sint Maarten!
Dear editor, we thank you for publicizing our opinion letters over the past year and we are looking forward to have many more opinion letters published in the future. We wish you and your staff a wonderful year ending! And to all the people on this beautiful rock that once was called Oualichi and Soualiga and now Sint Maarten/Saint Martin: We wish you all the best in the upcoming year and we hope that we all can keep "the holiday spirit" alive! Happy New Year! #sxmmovement

Soualiga Social Movement

I am very concerned with what is coming from the positions of power and decision making over the last few weeks. I am talking about the dollarization issue. It seems that some members of Parliament and Ministers think that dollarization is as simply as changing the price tags on items. The greatest misunderstanding that I hear these leaders say is that St. Maarten is already dollarized, this is absolutely not true.
The thing is that there are advantages and disadvantages to a country assuming the currency of another country. Even though after my research, I am convinced that dollarization is not a good idea for St. Maarten, I will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages and you can make up your own mind. I apologize now for the length of this article but I hope many of you read it as it is very important issue that we must face in the near future.
The first thing we have to establish is the reason a country would consider dollarization. No country dollarizes for convenience! That is what I hear from our leaders, they are considering dollarization for convenience of the businesses. The affect on the population is not being considered.
A while back I wrote an article about this subject because an editorial of a local paper wrote in support of dollarization and I felt someone should discuss the other side. The thing is that most people that support dollarization have not done the correct amount of research in order to make an informed decision.
Now those that pay attention to the media may say that President of the Central Bank, Mr. E Tromp came out in favor of dollarization. My argument to this is firstly he came out against it and after his job was being threatened in Curacao he was all of a sudden for it. Secondly, in his explanation he proposes some kind of fee to replace the 30 Million guilder loss on seigniorage. Why change your currency to then put some form of a fee in place? Doesn't make sense to me.
As I said above, the main reason for countries adopting the currency of another country is to either contain hyperinflation or to induce currency stabilization. Another reason is to obtain lower interest loans on the foreign market. According to Andrew Berg, whose article I got most of this information from, even with the loss of seigniorage the long term effect of dollarization may offer gains that at first cannot be measured. With the limited possibility of devaluing of a currency some economic crises may be averted.
In the even longer term dollarization makes it easier for a country to trade internationally as it can easily integrate into the global market.
Now let's look at these advantages one by one when it concerns St. Maarten.
Currency Stability: Our Guilder has been stable for the past 50 years, there has been no major shift for as long as anyone can remember. The reason for this is that our currency, the guilder, is pegged to the United States Dollar. If it moves, we move and since the majority of our 'trade' is done with the US, there is actually no benefit here.
Hyperinflation: Some very good friends of mine would argue that inflation is very high in St. Maarten but it cannot be classified as hyperinflation. An example of hyperinflation is what happened in Ghana some years ago, when goods tripled in price overnight. Even though I agree that things here are too expensive, we are not experiencing this phenomenon.
Trade integration: Seeing that we have an abundance of US currency due to North American tourism being our main source of income, this too is not an issue. Many people reading this article trade with the US every week.
Now the disadvantages, the main disadvantage is, as I mentioned above, the loss of 30 Million Guilders a year in seigniorage fees. Additionally, when you dollarize and lose the function of a Central Bank, the Central Bank cannot provide any assistance to the bank and the population in the form of exchange rates or even liquidity support if the banks fail as they did in the US 3 years ago. Lastly, the loss of your own currency or I should say having your own currency is a form of pride and nationalism. It is strange to me that so many nation building and grass roots organizations have said little or nothing about this issue.
Again let's look at the disadvantages one by one.
Seigniorage: Presently in St. Maarten we accept dollars and give back dollars for change. With that method we and by allowing seigniorage free off-shore accounts for local businesses, we still collect 30 Million Guilders. Can you imagine if we only give back guilders as change and set up change points at the harbor and airport to change back the currency for a fee. Not only would this create some employment, but I am pretty sure that with those steps we can double our seigniorage without changing the law.
Loss of the Central Bank: The banks in St. Maarten as far as I can tell are rather conservative, they don't take high risk. The Central bank bailing them out of a crisis, I honestly don't see happening. The only role of the Central Bank other than collecting the seiniorage fee and stocking up on foreign exchange in our economy is interest control.
In conclusion, as you can see since the major benefit of dollarization has little or no effect on St. Maarten and the seigniorage fees are considerable, it is clear to me at least that dollarization is NOT a good idea for St. Maarten. If we take into consideration what happened in Saba, Statia and Bonaire with the high inflation due to dollarizing, we must really question our representatives that are floating this idea.
We have a similar economy to that of Aruba and they are doing well with their own currency. If our representatives are concerned about a joint Central Bank, then establish your own. We don't even need to go to Curacao for assistance, the ECC Central Bank has also been very successful in keeping their currency stable. We can look there for help or to our brothers in Aruba.

Kendall Dupersoy

Dear Editor,

I am convinced that the people of this country no longer should allow this coalition government to handle the affairs of the Ministry of Finance. The breaking point for me to come to this conclusion was what I saw and heard during the parliament meeting on December 12th, 2013, said meeting was attended by the Minister of Finance. When, parliamentarians, who are supporting this coalition, can come up with a feckless motion that will be detrimental to the financial survivability of this country.

Good corporate citizens of this country, must speak out and speak out firmly against such irresponsible actions. In this motion these parliamentarians, who signed off on it, are instructing the Minister of Finance to prepare legislation to write off taxes owed to government by businesses and individuals from 2006 to 2010. We are talking here about taxes that are recently owed to government. These are not taxes that should fall in category of "non collectable". This part of their motion is all about assisting unscrupulous persons who have not lived up to their civil duty and pay the taxes that they are to pay and should be able to pay. This is about rewarding bad and punishing good. This, same group of persons have already been rewarded by the former minister of finance, when he wrote off back taxes up until 2006. But this coalition is not satisfied with that, they find that that reward was not good enough, they are telling these tax evaders, we are not going to have you pay any taxes notwithstanding the precarious financial situation of this country. Most probably when you look around and check, the majority of these persons who will benefit from this tax write off are persons who live in big homes, drive the most expensive vehicles, vacation twice a year, have their children attend private schools and have hefty bank accounts abroad. But that does not bother these parliamentarians, as long as they too can benefit from it indirectly.

Since they are playing Santa Clause, I have a few questions for those parliamentarians who signed off on the motion. What about the residents of this country who year in year out lived up to their civil duty and paid their taxes? How are you going to reward these persons for being good co-operate citizens? Will they be allowed to receive a 50% reduction of their taxes over the year 2014? Don't you all believe in doing the right thing? To get back to the Ministry of Finance, this ministry is not doing a good job. It can't be so that the economy of this country is growing and revenues of government are not increasing. We have here a situation where the country is rich and the government is poor, and for me this has all to do with the quality of the Ministry of Finance and of course those unscrupulous tax evaders. If we have a good functioning Ministry of Finance, we will have a good functioning inspectorate of taxes and an effective collection of taxes. And those tax evaders should become something of the past. To avoid this country from falling into a financial debacle, that can have devastating consequences for the residents of this country, the quality of the Ministry of Finance has to be upgraded immediately. A plan of approach will not be the answer to this problem. That will take too long. What is needed here is immediate assistance from the Netherlands in the form of human resources which should book immediate positive results. If, this can only be done through a process of an instruction to the Ministry of Finance, as difficult as it may be to accept, it should be done in the interest of the people of this country. Both the Government of St. Maarten and the Netherlands should not diddle around with this issue.

And by the way it is mentioned through the grape-vine that this tax write off is all about assisting a family member of one of the parliamentarians who signed off on the motion and who owes a large sum in taxes. And we still don't want the Dutch to carry out their integrity investigation.


Dear Editor,

Soualiga Social Movement (SSM) is a non-political foundation aiming to promote awareness while encouraging participation and inclusion of the people of Sint Maarten, for the progressive and sustainable development of its society in the areas of social, environmental, health, and economic matters. The supporters from SSM are from all walks of life and professions, properly representing our multicultural and diverse nation.
We want to point out that we touch on all kinds of issues that affect our society. We cannot neglect the fact that our government's actions do affect our daily lives and therefore we followed the budget debate closely and sent letters to Parliament with multiple comments and questions on the budget. We also wrote a letter to Parliament asking for an update on the status on actions taken pertaining the UNICEF report on the situation of children in Sint Maarten and the recommendations given in that report. It is our and your constitutional right to address Parliament. There is a Petition Committee that has to provide an answer to petitions/letters within six weeks.
Government is representing The People's choice. SSM respects the democracy of this country and is not and will not be in support of an individual politician or a political party, neither will it oppose an individual politician or political party. However, we are and will continue to follow the functioning of the government apparatus closely. When we feel that we have to address an issue that pertains to our government that affects our society, we will do so.
Having the above stated, for a change, we would like to recommend our Parliamentarians for passing a motion that has the right intend to move the country forward and alleviate the financial burdens of many. Some of the points in this motion: write off of taxes prior 2006, tax incentives for businesses that decrease the unemployment under the youth, to introduce a simplified and more customer friendly tax collection system, to look at possibilities to move away from direct taxes to indirect taxes, to stop issuing labor permits for the next two years, to look at measures taken by the former Netherlands Antilles to decrease youth unemployment and to top it off: introduced tax incentives shall NOT apply to Parliamentarians and the current members of the Council of Ministers!
We don't highlight the performances of individual citizens, so we will not mention the names of the Parliamentarians that voted for or against the motion either. The Parliamentarians that voted in favor of the motion know who they are and we recommend them for finally passing a motion that has an actual intent to move the country forward. To our members of Parliament: Please continue on this course and work for The People. And don't forget: we, as a non-political organization, will be watching you closely! #sxmmovement


Cayman Islands multimillion dollar medical tourism venture is nearing completion with an official opening of the $80 million hospital scheduled for February 25, 2014 and the first patients already booked and to arrive a week later.

Tremendous progress has been made with respect to Cayman Islands medical tourism niche market development, having been described as the "third pillar" of the island's economy.

Health City Cayman Islands is a 140-bed medical tourism hospital. The aforementioned is a partnership between Dr. Devi Shetty's India-based Narayana Hrudalaya and Ascension Health Alliance, the latter, the largest private non-profit health network in the United States of America.

The Cayman Islands Health City is to grow up to a 2000 bed facility over 15-years, an investment of sum two billion US Dollars. It would be the third-largest hospital in the U.S. attracting more than one million stay-over medical tourists per year. Work on the next phase is set to begin in March 2014.

The 140-bed medical tourism hospital is forecasted to attract annually over 85,000 stay-over medical tourists per year according Government officials back in 2010. Imagine Sint Maarten attracting an additional 100,000 stay-over medical tourists per year, what a spin-off this would have for our national economy.

Health City Cayman Islands is now in the process of hiring staff for the facility. There are 140 job opportunities available and more than 3,000 job applications have been received.

A Sint Maarten Health City would also create many temporary jobs during the construction phase; and for the staffing and running of the facility, dozens of jobs will also be created.

The country's move into the medical tourism field would lead to an economic impetus and opportunities.

Roddy Heyliger

Dear Editor,

What would Sint Maarten be without foreign laborers and foreign investors? What would Sint Maarten be without a structured judicial system in which law making, law enforcement and sentencing are separated? What would Sint Maarten be without a democratic political system and having elected officials representing the people? These questions are relevant when it comes to the key elements of the existence of Sint Maarten. Rightfully, there are many public debates about the importance to Sint Maarten of foreign laborers, foreign investors, our prosecutor's office, our police force, politicians that represent us, etc. One part of our society is, unfortunately, hardly ever talked about: the volunteers.
While many of us are trying to cope with our day-to-day personal issues and are trying to reach a long term personal goal, there are many amongst us that go out every day and assist others in making their lives more pleasant or even alleviate the burdens of others. Think about those volunteers who help our children in after school programs or otherwise, the volunteers that look after our elderly, the volunteers that clean up and protect our environment, the volunteers that help the less able or the volunteers that are involved in sports activities, just to name a few. Now ask yourself: What would Sint Maarten be without volunteers?
December 5th was International Volunteer Day and we, Soualiga Social Movement, hereby wish to thank and congratulate the many volunteers that go out there and do their best to try to make Sint Maarten a better place. We want you, the volunteers, to know that it is well appreciated and that the importance of your efforts are recognized. Soualiga Social Movement stands for awareness, inclusion and participation. This is what volunteerism is all about: seeing something or somebody that needs help, get your neighbor by his/her every hand and be a part of solving/addressing the issue.
We would also like to encourage each and every citizen on Sint Maarten to take some of your free time to help others. Be involved! You are a part of your community and your input, how small or big, will make a difference. To the business community: unfortunately, sometimes projects that are beneficial to the community will cost money. We ask you to recognize the importance of your role to support non-profit organizations on Sint Maarten. After all, volunteers are the real backbone of our society. #sxmmovement

Soualiga Social Movement

At the end of November, Minister of Justice Hon. Dennis Richardson gave a state of affairs report to the House of Parliament in connection with crime and the challenges faced by our law enforcement agencies. Due to budget constraints, the Minister stated that there will be a serious push for the improvement of quality in detection and prevention as well as the introduction of supporting technology to minimize and compensate the need for quantity.

Based on this we need to look at what the future of crime fighting for country Sint Maarten's Police Force and other law enforcement agencies could entail. The Minister is looking at what I consider as the SMART-Policing approach. As a Caribbean nation with limited resources, thinking outside the box is the only viable way to maintain our long-term country's sustainable socio-economic development, and security.

In the past we had a Police Helicopter under the former Netherlands Antilles Police Force. Today, our law enforcement agencies are aided by a Coast Guard Helicopter which will be on-island for a limited period of time on a rotational basis. Tomorrow, the future of policing could be an unmanned/unarmed aerial surveillance aircraft vehicle (UAV), an advanced technological tool, popularly referred to as a "drone."

Drone technology would have several applications for our law enforcement agencies: land surveillance (locating drug fields; police surveillance; traffic surveillance); coastal border/waters surveillance in connection with drug trafficking, human smuggling and illegal fishing; and fire service (bush fires).

This is an opportunity for local job creation for young people who have an avid interest in aviation or law enforcement.

In continuing to look outside of the box, a Sint Maarten (SX) UAV Unit could offer services to our neighbouring islands such as Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Martin/St. Barths, Anguilla and possibly St. Kitts & Nevis; Sint Maarten could become a hub for UAV crime fighting surveillance in the North Eastern Caribbean; this would help to cover operational costs of the SX-UAV-Unit. Discussions could be held with the French authorities and the Collectivite of St. Martin to use the airport on the North side of the island for a North Eastern Caribbean UAV Crime Fighting Base since there is less aircraft traffic operating from the airport.

Another SMART-Policing intervention would be social media. There's evidence from around the world that social networking is the medium in which the community of today – and future generations – want to be engaged.

It has been said, successful law enforcement agencies will be those that adapt and change rapidly, by embracing technology and analyze emerging trends in their communities based on today's trends and tomorrow's challenges.

The future and sustainability of public policing is a conversation that police forces around the world are having. And the question is not whether change is coming, but what it will look like, and who will be involved and who will drive the process.

Roddy Heyliger

I (almost) totally subscribe to the Herald's Editorial on Saturday, November 30, 2013 regarding business closures. Being a preferred cruise destination, I agree that Government should post haste limit the "must close" days for businesses on St. Maarten to Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas Day. However, in your last sentence you say that if the Dutch side is not open for business, the visitors will "simply head across the open border to the French Side and spend their money there". From the context of the rest of the editorial, I deduct that you imply that this is a bad thing for (Dutch) St. Maarten. If that is the case, I beg to differ. We all need to accept and embrace the fact that this is a 37 square mile destination, that for "donkey years" we have promoted as being unique with the real concept of two countries in one (a little bit of French, a little bit of Dutch, and a lot of Caribbean). If tourists can for one reason or the other, not spend their vacation dollars on the Dutch side, but can do so on the French side, more power to us all! At least the money is spent ON island, THIS island, OUR island. All those of you who want to constantly treat St. Martin (French) as a threat to St. Maarten (Dutch) need to rethink and embrace. Just like "the hurricanes do not stop at the border", neither do any of the other negative phenomena. If because of a lack of visitor and/or local spending on French St. Martin, that half of our 37 square mile rock continues to slide into economic and financial ruin, sooner or later it will drag down the Dutch side, as crime (for instance) will also "not stop at the border". Treating St. Martin as a competitor of St. Maarten, is unwise to say it mildly. Opposing visitor/local spending on the French side by some that think it is at the expense of the Dutch side, is tantamount to "cutting our St. Maarten nose and spoiling our face". In this same vein I suggest to politicians on both sides of the island that they consider a singular currency for both sides of the island. While I can not boast to have book sense on the topic, I apply common sense from a personal angle when I recommend that we should dollarize (US$) both sides of the island (and with that I do not mean that we make the same mistake that was made on the BES islands whereby everything that now costs a guilder should then cost US $1, nor that if some one earns Fls. 2,000 now, that he/she should earn US $2,000 then. Consumer item prices, Employee wages, service charges and everything else we now pay or have to charge for, should be converted at the last guilder/dollar exchange rate. And a very important item is: FRANCE needs to be reminded and convinced that St. Martin IS "vraiment unique" in the French Republic. As long as people on French St. Martin get paid in stronger-than-the-dollar Euro's (both earned wages, as well as social benefits), they will bypass their own French stores and shop across the same open border on St. Maarten, where they get more "bang" for their Euro, and thereby exacerbating their own downward economic spiral. We cannot expect the Southern (Dutch)16 square miles to continuously produce enough economic and financial activity to carry the entire 37 square miles. Can anyone foresee the calamity that will hit ALL of us if ever the Social Benefit Euro's from the French Republic stop flowing into Marigot? We, the joint population together with our two local governments must stop the whining and the begging and do what it takes to economically prop up St. Martin, the Siamese Twin of St. Maarten. It will in my opinion ultimately benefit us all, Dutch, French, North, South and even East, West.

Michael J. Ferrier

Conformément aux directives nationales relayées par le commandement de la gendarmerie de Guadeloupe et par M. le Préfet délégué de St Barthélemy et de St Martin, un important dispositif de gendarmerie sera mis en place à l'occasion du réveillon de la St Sylvestre, afin de prévenir et réprimer les comportements dangereux susceptibles d'être relevés à l'occasion des festivités. Plusieurs postes de contrôles seront notamment mis en place sur les axes routiers de façon évolutive, en divers points du
territoire, afin de rechercher la présence d'alcool et de stupéfiants sur les conducteurs. La gendarmerie rappelle que la consommation excessive d'alcool est la cause des deux accidents mortels constatés cette année sur le territoire de Saint-Martin, et que la présence de stupéfiants a été détectée sur un de ces deux accidents.

Le mardi 24 décembre 2013 vers 03h00, l'opérateur du système de vidéo-protection de la police territoriale signale à l gendarmerie qu'un individu est en train de forcer la portière d'une voiture stationnée au centre ville de Marigot. Une patrouille de l'escadron de gendarmerie mobile 41/7 de DIJON se rend immédiatement sur les lieux et procède à l'interpellation de l'individu, qui venait de démonter la batterie du véhicule. L'individu est placé en garde à vue par les enquêteurs de la communauté de brigades de St Martin, qui lui notifient à l'issue de cette mesure, une convocation devant le tribunal de St Martin pour le 09 janvier 2013.

Le 27 décembre à 02h44, une tentative de vol avec effraction sur une habitation du lotissement Mont Vernon 3 est signalée à la gendarmerie. L'auteur des faits, mis en fuite par les occupants, est recherché sans résultat par une patrouille du peloton de surveillance et d'intervention de la gendarmerie de St Martin qui a été dépêchée sur les lieux. Après quelques instants, une autre personne résidant dans ce quartier signale qu'un individu tente de briser son volet et menace de mettre le feu à sa maison. La patrouille du peloton de surveillance et d'intervention se dirige immédiatement vers cette habitation et procède à l'interpellation. Le malfaiteur, sous l'emprise de l'alcool, est placé en garde à vue par les enquêteurs de la communauté de brigades de St Martin qui connaissent bien celui-ci puisqu'il avait déjà fait l'objet d'une mesure de garde à vue le 21 décembre 2013, suite à son intrusion dans une propriété privée.

Le 19 novembre 2013, un restaurant du front de mer de Marigot faisait l'objet d'un cambriolage. Les constatations effectués par les enquêteurs de la communauté de brigade de Marigot ont permis de relever des traces permettant d'identifier l'auteur des faits. Celui-ci a été interpellé et placé en garde à vue le 24 décembre 2013. A l'issue de cette mesure, une convocation au tribunal de St Martin lui a été notifiée le 09 janvier 2013.

Le 19 décembre 2013 vers 00h00, dans le cadre d'un différent conjugal, un individu tirait plusieurs coups de feu sur la voie publique, atteignant notamment le pare-brise de la voiture d'une personne avec laquelle il avait un différent. L'individu est rapidement identifié par les enquêteurs, il se présente à la brigade de gendarmerie de Quartier d'Orléans le 20 décembre 2013. Placé en garde à vue, il reconnaît les faits. La perquisition réalisée à son domicile permet de découvrir un fusil de calibre 22LR à crosse et canon sciés. A l'issue de sa garde à vue, il est convoqué devant le tribunal de St Martin le 09 janvier 2013 pour violences avec arme sans ITT et dégradation de bien.

Le 21 décembre 2013 vers 20 heures 50, la société assurant la télésurveillance d'une bijouterie de l'agglomération de Marigot informe la gendarmerie de l'intrusion d'un individu. Une patrouille de l'escadron de gendarmerie mobile de Dijon, immédiatement dépêchée sur les lieux, réalise l'interpellation de celui-ci. L'individu est placé en garde à vue à la brigade de gendarmerie de Marigot, au cours de son audition, il reconnaît sa participation à divers délits, notamment l'incendie le 28 juillet 2013 de l'immeuble dit « la plantation » situé dans le secteur d'Hope Estate. A l'issue de la mesure de garde à vue, il fait l'objet d'une convocation au tribunal de St Martin pour le 14 février 2013.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Congratulations to GEBE and the people of St. Maarten on the full ownership of the shares of the company.
Now that we are the sole owners of our utility company GEBE NV we need to eliminate a very dark page in the history of the company. For many years GEBE has made use of the services of a group of people, who are in the service of one or more so called temporary employment agencies.
I am sure that everyone understands that any labor relation (agreement) that has endured for decades can NOT be called a temporary situation any longer.
The time is now most appropriate for GEBE to do the right thing for these workers, who have physically worked in the trenches under the worst of conditions and in the administration, in some cases more than thirty years. These persons have been robbed over the years as they cannot obtain a loan from a bank to buy a piece of land, build a house or let alone planned properly for their future.
Registering them retroactively with the pension fund and putting them on the company's payroll in the correct scales would be a good place to start.
After working so long and hard for our utility company, why shouldn't these brothers and sisters be able to enjoy a decent salary and pension, as those who enjoy the protection of a union within the company?
When I decided to join the political arena, I did so with the conviction that I will join a political party that will want to do right for all those persons that are being treated unfairly in our society. We want to assure all those persons who are presently working under employment agencies that we will be forwarding a proposal to the Parliament of St. Maarten within short to curb the abuse that exist now within the functioning of these agencies in collaboration with various companies.

Click here to view the letter OSPP sent to GEBE.

Le Tribunal de Commerce de Lyon a désigné ce jour Alain de Krassny, accompagné par le fonds OpenGate Capital, comme repreneur de l'entreprise française de pétrochimie Kem One SAS, spécialiste de la transformation de l'éthylène et de la production de polychlorure de vinyle (PVC).

Cette reprise est le résultat d'un intense travail, conduit depuis la mise en redressement judiciaire en avril dernier, par l'Etat avec l'ensemble des partenaires de l'entreprise et les candidats repreneurs, en informant régulièrement les représentants du personnel. Un nouvel avenir s'offre ainsi à Kem One SAS et à ses 1300 salariés, mais également aux autres sites industriels situés dans la région lyonnaise et autour de l'Etang de Berre, dont l'activité est directement liée à celle de l'entreprise.

En liaison permanente avec le Premier ministre, qui a suivi de très près les discussions pour identifier une solution crédible pour l'entreprise, la mobilisation du Ministre du Redressement productif, Arnaud Montebourg, et de ses équipes, ainsi que celle du Préfet de la Région Rhône-Alpes et des principaux partenaires industriels de l'entreprise (Total, Arkéma, EDF), ont été déterminantes pour le succès de cette opération.

Kem One a traversé par le passé des épisodes douloureux. Le projet porté par Alain de Krassny et OpenGate Capital doit traduire un renouveau pour l'entreprise et l'ensemble de la filière. Il nécessitera un engagement de tous. Dans ce contexte, l'Etat, partenaire de ce projet, veillera étroitement à l'action responsable et durable des nouveaux actionnaires.

Jean-Marc Ayrault, Premier ministre, a déclaré : « Cette reprise est une nouvelle très importante pour l'ensemble de la filière pétrochimique française. Au total, elle concerne plus de 3000 salariés chez Kem One et ses principaux fournisseurs ou clients, dont l'emploi est directement lié à l'activité des sites de Kem One, et sans doute trois fois plus si l'on tient compte de tous les emplois indirects. Elle démontre, encore une fois, ce qu'il est possible de réussir par la mobilisation collective. »

Dans le cadre de lutte contre les cambriolages, la compagnie de gendarmerie de Saint-Martin et Saint-Barthélémy, renouvelle, pendant la durée des vacances de Noël la campagne « opération tranquillité vacances ».
Durant votre absence, les gendarmes peuvent, sur votre demande, surveiller votre domicile ou votre commerce au cours de leurs patrouilles et rondes quotidiennes.
Pour bénéficier de ce service, inscrivez-vous au plus tard 3 jours avant votre départ auprès d'une des brigades de gendarmerie de Marigot-Concordia ou Quartier d'Orléans.
Des conseils sur la sécurisation des lieux vous seront aussi prodigués.
En cas de retour inopiné ou de modification de la date et/ou de la durée de vos congés, n'oubliez pas de prévenir. Renseignements au 0 590 52 21 90 (Brigade de Marigot-Concordia) ou au 0 590 52 36 07 (Brigade de Quartier d'Orléans).

Le Comité de pilotage de la remise à plat de la fiscalité s'est réuni aujourd'hui à l'Hôtel de Matignon.
Le Comité de pilotage rassemble, autour du Premier ministre, le Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, le Ministre délégué au Budget, le Ministre du Travail, de l'Emploi, de la Formation professionnelle et du Dialogue social, la Ministre des Affaires sociales et de la Santé, la Ministre de la Réforme de l'Etat, de la Décentralisation et de la Fonction publique, le Ministre délégué chargé des relations avec le Parlement et les Rapporteurs généraux des Commissions des Finances de l'Assemblée nationale et du Sénat.
La remise à plat de la fiscalité s'inscrit dans la stratégie en faveur de la croissance, de l'emploi et de la justice menée par le gouvernement depuis 18 mois. A cet égard, les mesures prises depuis le début du quinquennat, ainsi que les dispositifs stabilisés dans le cadre du Pacte national pour la croissance, la compétitivité et l'emploi ne seront pas remis en cause. Ils constituent un socle sur lequel la réforme sera construite.
La remise à plat de la fiscalité est indissociable des efforts d'économies : le sentiment d'un impôt juste, lisible et stable doit aller de pair avec la conviction qu'un euro dépensé est un euro utile.
La remise à plat de la fiscalité poursuit dans ce contexte trois objectifs principaux :

  • Un système de prĂ©lèvements plus favorables Ă  la croissance, l'emploi et la compĂ©titivitĂ© de notre Ă©conomie ;
  • La simplification du système, pour une meilleure lisibilitĂ© au bĂ©nĂ©fice des mĂ©nages et des entreprises, et la stabilitĂ© dans la durĂ©e ;
  • La justice sociale.

Elle ne signifiera en aucun cas plus d'impôts. La remise à plat se fera dans la transparence, à la fois sur la réalité du système actuel et sur les implications des pistes envisagées.
Elle se fera progressivement. D'ici la fin du quinquennat, les efforts d'économies permettront une baisse des prélèvements obligatoires, qui dégagera les marges nécessaires à la montée en puissance de la réforme.
HĂ´tel de Matignon - 57, rue de Varenne - 75007 PARIS
Le Comité de pilotage a décidé de la mise en place de groupes de travail pour la fiscalité des ménages et celle des entreprises. Ces groupes de travail associent élus de la majorité comme de l'opposition, experts et partenaires sociaux. Ils commenceront leur travail dès le début 2014. Le mois de janvier sera consacré au partage transparent d'un diagnostic sur les imperfections et les complexités de notre système de prélèvements. Les éléments de diagnostic seront mis en ligne.
Par ailleurs, le Haut Conseil du Financement de la Protection Sociale a été saisi aujourd'hui pour travailler aux modalités de clarification, diversification et consolidation du financement de la protection sociale. Ses travaux devront être achevés à la fin du mois de mai 2014.
La fiscalité locale sera abordée dans le cadre des travaux sur la fiscalité des entreprises et des ménages, en associant le comité des finances locales (CFL). Les travaux engagés par le comité de la fiscalité écologique (CFE) se poursuivront.
L'objectif de cette remise à plat est de déboucher sur des décisions à l'horizon de juin 2014, pour permettre une mise en oeuvre de premières mesures dès la loi de finances et la loi de financement de la sécurité sociale pour 2015.

Au cours de la nuit du 19 au 20 septembre 2013, plusieurs individus s'introduisent dans l'enceinte de la gendarmerie de La Savane après avoir découpé le grillage et s'emparent dans une zone de la caserne de plusieurs cyclomoteurs immobilisés et saisis dans le cadre d'enquêtes administrative ou judiciaires. L'enquête est alors confiée à la communauté de brigades de Saint-Martin. Après plusieurs semaines d'investigations, les enquêteurs parviennent à identifier plusieurs individus ayant participé aux faits.
Quelques semaines plus tard, dans la nuit du 1er au 02 novembre 2013, au cours d'une opération de lutte contre la délinquance menée sur le secteur de Grand Case, les militaires du peloton de surveillance et d'intervention de la gendarmerie de Saint-Martin et de l'escadron de gendarmerie mobile 41/7 de Dijon, repèrent un véhicule suspect, signalé volé lors d'un cambriolage perpétré quelques temps auparavant. Immédiatement, un dispositif de contrôle est mis en place. À la vue des gendarmes, le conducteur n'obtempère pas aux injonctions et tente de passer en force en percutant le véhicule des militaires avant de prendre la fuite par les toits des habitations. Dans le véhicule volé, les militaires de la communauté de brigades de Saint-Martin saisissent un pistolet semi-automatique de calibre 45 (11,43 mm) et un téléphone portable dérobé en août 2013. Les opérations de police technique et scientifique menées à l'intérieur par les techniciens en identification criminelle permettent en outre de confondre l'auteur des faits grâce à des relevés d'empreintes digitales.
Une perquisition est alors effectuée à son domicile en son absence et permet la découverte incidemment d'une des motos volées dans l'enceinte de la gendarmerie de la Savane en septembre dernier.
Acculé et se sentant fortement recherché, l'auteur de ces multiples faits se livre à la brigade de gendarmerie de Marigot-Concordia le 09 décembre 2013 et est alors immédiatement placé en garde à vue.
Le mercredi 11 décembre, l'individu est déferré devant le magistrat du Parquet de Basse-Terre pour être jugé en comparution immédiate le vendredi 13 décembre 2013.
Lors de l'audience correctionnelle du vendredi 13 décembre 2013, le tribunal correctionnel de Basse-Terre décide finalement de renvoyer l'audience à une date ultérieure d'une part, et de la remise en liberté du mis en cause d'autre part avec placement sous contrôle judiciaire de ce dernier.

Le Premier ministre salue avec une grande satisfaction la conclusion du projet d'accord des partenaires sociaux sur la formation professionnelle.
Après l'accord du 11 janvier dernier sur la sécurisation de l'emploi, c'est une nouvelle étape prouvant que la démocratie sociale peut fonctionner dans notre pays.
Ce texte répond aux objectifs fixés par le gouvernement à cette négociation, en particulier celui de permettre davantage de formation pour ceux qui en ont le plus besoin - demandeurs d'emploi, salariés les moins qualifiés, salariés des petites entreprises- et celui visant à faire de la formation un véritable investissement pour les entreprises. Il donne vie au compte personnel de formation que toute personne conservera tout au long de sa vie.
Le Premier ministre salue l'ensemble des partenaires sociaux qui se sont impliqués dans cette négociation difficile.
Le projet d'accord sera soumis à la signature de chaque organisation et sera ensuite le fondement du projet de loi que le gouvernement présentera au Parlement en début d'année 2014.
Ce texte est une nouvelle preuve de ce que peut produire le dialogue social dans notre pays, en faveur des salariés, des demandeurs d'emploi et des entreprises, et au service de notre modèle social.
C'est un atout supplémentaire pour favoriser la compétitivité des entreprises, la croissance et l'emploi et permettre aux salariés de notre pays d'avoir les moyens d'une réelle promotion professionnelle et sociale.

Le Premier ministre a appris avec peine le décès, à l'âge de 83 ans, du romancier Michel Chaillou. Né à Nantes, il est toujours resté attaché à sa ville natale, alternant une riche production littéraire et une implication féconde dans l'enseignement et la transmission aux jeunes de l'histoire de la littérature. Membre de l'Académie de Bretagne, il avait eu la grande élégance de faire don, en avril dernier, des manuscrits de deux de ses livres - La croyance des voleurs et La fuite en Egypte - à la ville de Nantes.

L'écriture de Michel Chaillou invitait à un voyage, celui que proposait Montaigne, pour qui « il faut voyager pour frotter et limer sa cervelle contre celle d'autrui ».

Ecrivain pratiquant dans un même souffle l'art du souvenir et la ciselure des mots, Michel Chaillou incarnait, dans ses romans, l'aventure du romanesque. Il manquera beaucoup à la littérature française.

A sa famille, à ses proches, et à tous ses lecteurs, Jean-Marc Ayrault adresse ses plus sincères condoléances.

Le Premier ministre a reçu aujourd'hui le rapport relatif à la fiscalité du secteur non lucratif, établi par les députés Yves Blein, Laurent Grandguillaume, Jérôme Guedj et Régis Juanico, avec l'appui de l'inspection générale des finances (IGF) et de l'Inspection générale des affaires sociales (IGAS).

Au terme d'une analyse approfondie et d'une large consultation des acteurs du secteur non lucratif, dans différents secteurs d'activité, le rapport dresse un panorama nuancé des enjeux relatifs à la fiscalité des associations et des autres organismes sans but lucratif.

Le rapport formule vingt propositions, dont un grand nombre ne nécessitent pas d'évolution législative qui éclaireront les débats en cours ou à venir : examen en cours du projet de loi relatif à l'économie sociale et solidaire , actualisation de la charte des engagements réciproques entre l'Etat, les collectivités et le monde associatif, travaux en cours visant à sécuriser le cadre de contractualisation entre collectivités et associations, mise à jour de la doctrine fiscale et, pour ce qui concerne plus particulièrement le secteur médico-social, concertation dans le cadre des travaux en cours sur le projet de loi pour l'adaptation de la société au vieillissement.

Le rapport irriguera également les réflexions du Gouvernement dans sa démarche de remise à plat de la fiscalité engagée par le Premier ministre.

Dans le cadre de leurs attributions, le haut conseil de la vie associative et le conseil supérieur de l'économie sociale et solidaire seront saisis des propositions de réforme retenues par le Gouvernement.

L'île de Saint-Martin est touchée par une épidémie du virus chikungunya. Dans ce cadre, seule une action citoyenne de tous les habitants de l'île peut aider à enrayer ce phénomène.
Des mesures simples et de bon sens peuvent participer activement et efficacement à la non prolifération de cette épidémie et à terme à la destruction de ce fléau.

  • Chacun doit rechercher dans son environnement les lieux humides ou les concentrations d'eaux stagnantes vecteurs de propagation des larves de moustiques et les dĂ©truire.
  • L'utilisation de rĂ©pulsifs appliquĂ©s sur la peau est efficace et recommandĂ©e particulièrement pour les enfants, de mĂŞme que la pulvĂ©risation d'insecticides autour des portes et fenĂŞtres.
  • Porter dans la mesure du possible des vĂŞtements couvrant le corps au maximum et notamment les bras et les jambes.
  • Equiper les fenĂŞtres et les couchages de moustiquaires ci-possible imprĂ©gnĂ©es.

Toutes les mesures de bon sens visant à participer à lutte contre le vecteur de cette épidémie sont utiles et n'hésitez pas à encourager et motiver votre famille et votre entourage à participer à cette lutte contre le moustique.
Des actions de pulvérisation d'insecticides sont en cours se poursuivent et s'intensifient sur la totalité de l'île.
Lutter contre le moustique Aedes Aegypti c'est lutter contre la dengue et contre le chikungunya.


Le Premier ministre a appris avec une grande tristesse le décès de Jean-Louis Foulquier, à l'âge de 70 ans. Son parcours professionnel est indissociablement lié à Radio France et à France Inter. Pendant plus de 40 ans de collaboration avec la radio publique, Jean-Louis Foulquier fut un découvreur et un passeur incontournable et indispensable. Découvreur de talents, pour plusieurs générations d'auteurs, de compositeurs, d'interprètes. Passeur de passions, pour la variété française, pour les talents des jeunes artistes, pour la diversité de la création.

Jean-Louis Foulquier s'identifie aussi aux Francofolies de La Rochelle, festival qu'il a ancré dans sa ville natale et qui constitue aujourd'hui un des piliers de l'identité culturelle de cette grande ville historique et de sa région.

Jean-Louis Foulquier, c'est enfin une voix, chaude et chaleureuse, douce et entrainante, qui manque désormais à l'oreille d'une multitude d'auditeurs de France Inter. Elle manquera aussi à un très grand nombre d'artistes qui doivent beaucoup aux talents de Jean-Louis Foulquier.

La variété française est aujourd'hui orpheline. Jean-Marc Ayrault adresse à la famille et aux proches de Jean-Louis Foulquier ses condoléances attristées.

Le Pr Jean-François Girard, conseiller d'Etat, et M. Philippe Tourtelier, ancien député, ont remis le 10 décembre 2013 leur rapport de mission sur « Le développement des usages mobiles et le principe de sobriété » qu'ils ont réalisé avec l'appui de M. Stéphane Le Bouler, professeur agrégé.

Le gouvernement les remercie pour ce travail que leur a confié le Premier ministre le 2 mai 2013 aux fins d'élaborer des propositions sur les modalités d'une éventuelle inscription dans la loi d'un principe de sobriété en matière d'exposition aux ondes électromagnétiques.

Ce rapport est le fruit d'une concertation avec les parties prenantes (collectivités et associations de collectivités, associations de protection des consommateurs et de l'environnement, industriels de la filière, services de l'Etat, etc.) et d'un travail régulier avec un groupe de contact parlementaire.

La mission recommande d'inscrire dans la loi l'objectif de modération des expositions et les principes de l'information et de la concertation locale.

Dans la continuité des résultats des expérimentations du comité opérationnel sur les ondes de téléphonie mobile (COPIC), rendus public en août 2013, le rapport recommande d'améliorer la procédure d'installation des antennes relais de téléphonie mobile en renforçant l'information et la concertation au niveau local.

Le rapport invite par ailleurs les pouvoirs publics à anticiper le déploiement de nouvelles technologies tant en matière de recherche qu'en matière d'impact sur l'exposition.

Il préconise enfin une vigilance sanitaire renforcée en ce qui concerne l'exposition aux terminaux mobiles, en s'appuyant sur le rapport de l'ANSES d'octobre 2013.

Ces propositions contribueront à alimenter les travaux en cours, notamment l'examen par le Parlement de la proposition de loi relative à la sobriété, à la transparence et à la concertation en matière d'exposition aux ondes électromagnétiques déposée à l'Assemblée nationale le 7 décembre 2013.

Lundi 9 décembre 2013, le Préfet délégué auprès de la Représentante de l'Etat dans les collectivités de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin, la 1ère vice-présidente du conseil territorial de Saint-Barthélemy et le délégué territorial de l'ARS ont présidé le comité de gestion contre la dengue à Saint-Barthélemy.
A cette occasion, et malgré un nombre de cas hospitalisés supérieur aux mois précédents, il a été constaté une amélioration de la situation générale avec une diminution des cas cliniquement évocateurs de dengue et des cas probables et confirmés.
Pour autant, et au regard des épidémies de dengue et de chikungunya qui touchent l'île de Saint-Martin, il convient de redoubler la vigilance. Il est donc impérieux de poursuivre les actions de surveillance épidémiologique et entomologique et de lutte contre le moustique aedes aegypti, seul vecteur de ces virus.
En effet, seule une action volontariste permettra d'endiguer les phénomènes. Pour ce faire, la collectivité de Saint-Barthélemy et l'ARS mèneront des opérations de sensibilisation et de communication à destination des particuliers, des élèves et des socio-professionnels. Des actions de pulvérisation seront poursuivies.
La Délégation Territoriale de l'ARS se tient à disposition des entreprises, hôtels, gestionnaires d'immeubles, etc. pour les informer des mesures à prendre pour lutter contre le développement de moustiques.
Contact : Service de Lutte antivectorielle 0590 27 96 94 ou 0590 27 16 18

Le 02 décembre dernier, un homme âgé de 43 ans, résidant à Concordia, est interpellé à son domicile en raison d'un cambriolage commis au cours de la nuit dans une résidence de son quartier. Les investigations réalisées par les gendarmes de la communauté de brigades de St Martin permettent également de le soupçonner pour d'autres cambriolages commis le 23 octobre, le 06 novembre. A l'issue de sa garde à vue, l'individu fait l'objet d'une convocation au tribunal correctionnel pour le 09 janvier 2014.
Le 05 décembre dernier deux jeunes hommes âgés de 16 et de 17 ans, résidant à Quartier d'Orléans, sont placés en garde à vue par les gendarmes de la communauté de brigades de St Martin. Ils sont soupçonnés d'avoir commis plusieurs cambriolages et des dégradations dans leur propre quartier au cours des semaines précédentes. A l'issue de leur garde à vue, les individus font l'objet d'une convocation le 21 janvier 2014 devant le tribunal pour enfant. Lors de cette audience, le jeune homme âgé de 17 ans sera également jugé pour des menaces de mort qu'il a proféré à l'encontre d'un des militaires de la gendarmerie qui assurait son escorte.

Le Premier ministre a appris avec peine le décès d' Édouard Molinaro, survenu dans sa 86ème année. Réalisateur fécond, Édouard Molinaro a traversé la seconde partie du XXème siècle avec légèreté, constance, et gravité. Il sut varier les styles, de la comédie populaire au film historique, au cinéma mais aussi à la télévision.

Nombreux sont les acteurs qui lui doivent, comme Louis de Funès, une partie de leur notoriété.

C'est une page glorieuse du cinéma français qui se tourne aujourd'hui.

A sa famille, à ses proches, Jean-Marc Ayrault adresse ses condoléances attristées.

Face à la recrudescence, des homicides et tentatives d'homicides par arme à feu, le Préfet délégué auprès de la Représentante de l'Etat dans les collectivités de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin et le Vice-Procureur de la République détaché auprès du tribunal d'instance de Saint-Martin, avait pris l'initiative de lancer une campagne de lutte contre la détention illégale et la circulation des armes.
Ainsi, entre le 7 octobre et le 17 novembre 2013, toute personne en possession d'une arme pouvait venir la remettre, sans risque de poursuites judiciaires, à la brigade de gendarmerie de Marigot ou de Quartier d'Orléans.
Dans ce cadre, 6 armes ont été volontairement déposées.
Si le bilan de cette campagne inédite à Saint-Martin, paraît insuffisant au regard des faits de délinquance commis avec le recours d'une arme, pour autant, elle a permis, grâce notamment à l'action des acteurs locaux (collectivité, comités de quartiers, associations) que l'ensemble de la population de Saint-Martin prenne conscience du phénomène et agisse pour remédier à cette situation.
Enfin, et comme l'avait indiqué le vice-procureur de la République, à l'issue de cette période de prévention, une phase de répression va être engagée par le renforcement de contrôles dédiés à lutter contre la détention illégale et la circulation des armes et toute détention illégale donnera lieu à une comparution immédiate devant le tribunal correctionnel.

C'est avec émotion que le Premier ministre a appris le décès, à l'âge de 106 ans, de Pierre Aliker, personnalité marquante de la vie politique martiniquaise, et à laquelle les Martiniquais étaient très attachés.

Compagnon de route d'Aimé Césaire depuis 1945, avec lequel il avait fondé le parti progressiste martiniquais en 1958, Pierre Aliker a occupé la fonction de premier adjoint au maire de Fort-de-France de 1957 à 2001.

Il a également été conseiller général du canton 3 de Fort-de-France de 1958 à 1970.

Pour son action politique quotidienne ainsi que sa vision progressiste de l'avenir de la Martinique, Pierre Aliker restera une figure politique de référence pour ses concitoyens.

Le Premier ministre adresse ses condoléances attristées à la famille de Pierre Aliker, à ses proches ainsi qu'à tous les Martiniquais.

C'est avec une immense Ă©motion que j'ai appris la disparition de Nelson Mandela.

Tout au long de sa vie, il s'est battu avec courage pour la justice et contre l'abjection de l'apartheid. A force de ténacité, il a guidé son peuple vers la liberté et la dignité.

Premier président noir de l'Afrique du Sud, Nelson Mandela a gouverné avec sagesse et probité au rassemblement et à la réconciliation. Son combat contre le racisme et pour la liberté a dépassé les frontières de son pays pour acquérir une portée universelle.

C'est donc avec respect et humilité que je m'incline devant la mémoire de cet homme hors du commun, qui constituera longtemps une source d'inspiration pour l'humanité tout entière.

Monsieur le président,
Mesdames et Messieurs les députés,
Monsieur le député Thierry Benoit,

D'abord je voudrais vous remercier puisque que, comme vous vous y étiez engagé, vous avez avec tous ceux qui ont été très nombreux participé aux différents groupes de travail préparatoires à ce pacte.
Vous l'avez rappelé, pas moins de trente réunions ont eu lieu et qui ont mobilisé les responsables politiques régionaux, les parlementaires, les élus des départements et des agglomérations ainsi que tous les représentants professionnels, les partenaires sociaux, toutes les bonnes volontés qui ont bien voulu contribuer à définir ce projet.
Je n'en donnerai pas le détail. Vous le comprenez, ce sont les élus du territoire, de la région Bretagne qui vont en donner communication dans les prochaines heures mais je peux déjà évoquer cinq axes stratégiques : positionner la Bretagne comme grande région productive, conforter sa vocation de grande région maritime européenne, approfondir l'investissement de la Bretagne dans l'intelligence, la recherche et l'excellence. La 4ème priorité est d'affirmer son identité culturelle, et enfin, améliorer son accessibilité et soutenir les dynamiques de territoires.
Quant au volet agricole et agroalimentaire, il fait l'objet d'un plan d'action particulier qui a déjà été présenté à plusieurs reprises, mais qui doit s'inscrire dans une politique de mutation, d'anticipation, de transition, et qui fasse que, ce qui a déjà réussi en Bretagne, parce que il y a beaucoup de choses qui ont réussi en Bretagne, notamment dans l'agroalimentaire, si vous écoutez la radio, regardez la télévision vous avez vu que, il y a des filières qui sont parfaitement performantes, même à l'échelle mondiale dans l'agroalimentaire, qui ont joué la montée en gamme, la qualité, et qui sont l'avenir de ce secteur.
Il y a évidemment des secteurs qui souffrent et qui n'ont pas anticipé suffisamment. Je le regrette. Cela aurait pu être la responsabilité du Gouvernement précédent. C'est peut-être la responsabilité de certains professionnels, et c'est pour cela que nous avons décidé d'aider particulièrement ces entreprises, ce secteur à la mutation. Mais je vois que grâce à la mobilisation du ministre de l'Agriculture, du ministre de l'Agroalimentaire, nous arrivons à trouver des solutions.
Je prendrai un exemple concret : le groupe Doux. Si nous ne nous y étions pas depuis un an mobilisés avec force, il aurait disparu. Aujourd'hui, il est en train de repartir avec de nouveaux actionnaires, de nouvelles ambitions et beaucoup de qualités.
Enfin, je voudrais terminer pour vous dire que ce pacte n'est pas une fin, c'est un début. Il y aura le contrat de plan Etat-régions et puis vous avez mentionné quatre priorités, la simplification, je partage, c'est un chantier, ne dîtes pas que vous l'attendez puisque vous n'avez rien fait pendant 10 ans. Arrêtez de nous faire la leçon, l'incompétence et l'impuissance, ça suffit. Ce Gouvernement prend les problèmes à bras le corps et en a assez de l'invective et de l'insulte. Voilà, mesdames et messieurs les députés, simplification oui, compétitivité oui, mutualisation oui, mutation industrielle oui, expérimentation oui et je le dis puisque j'aurai avec madame Lebranchu l'occasion de présenter une nouvelle étape de la décentralisation, de nouvelles expérimentations, de nouvelles responsabilités, non seulement pour la région Bretagne mais pour toutes les régions de France. Alors, ce qui le veulent, les bonnes volontés, et elles sont majoritaires, très majoritaires, quelles qu'elles soient, quelles qu'aient été leurs expressions sont les bienvenues. C'est avec elle que la Bretagne rebondira avec toutes les autres régions de France.

Le mercredi 27 novembre 2013, les militaires de la brigade de recherche de la compagnie de Saint-Martin appuyés par le peloton d'intervention de l'EGM 41/7 de DIJON procèdent à l'interpellation et au placement en garde à vue de deux individus impliqués dans la commission de nombreux vols à main armée commis à Quartier d'Orléans entre le mois d'août et le mois de novembre 2013. Les investigations réalisées par les enquêteurs permettent de confondre ces deux individus quant à leur participation aux vols sous la menace d'une arme de poing, d'un scooter et de fonds de caisses provenant d'une épicerie et d'un snack.
Le vendredi 29 novembre 2013 à l'issue de leur garde à vue, les deux mis en cause sont déférés en Guadeloupe devant un magistrat du parquet de Basse-Terre puis placés sous contrôle judiciaire dans l'attente de leur jugement prévu en janvier 2013 devant le tribunal correctionnel de Basse-Terre.

sxmlionsclubdonatesfoodtolessfortunateonchristmasday30122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Lions Club recently served the community by their "Relieving Hunger project" when on Christmas Day itself the club went out and delivered warm meals, drinks, tarts, and gifts to many families all over the island. This volunteer activity occurred at St. Peters, South Reward, L.B. Scott road, Middle Region, Dutch Quarter, and French Quarter. Completion of the Lions club service project is a benefit to the community because it brought needed relieve on Christmas Day itself when many families on the island didn't have a meal to enjoy with their loved ones. The spirit of giving to mankind was especially uplifted when on Christmas Day itself we visited the families of those less fortunate in our midst.

According to Lion Claudio Buncamper, Club President of the St. Maarten Lions Club, "Money raised at our Christmas Bingo will allow Lions to meet pressing needs in our community including serving the needs of the many persons in need of vision care, educational needs, health needs and the development of young person's just to mention a few. Lion's members thank everyone who contributed to this important work. You are truly helping Lions make a difference in our community."

The St. Maarten Lions Club has 52 members and meets on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Lions Civic Center in Sucker Garden. Lions clubs are a group of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs.

Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. For more information about Lions Clubs International, visit the website at

mirandarichardsonandwallyhavertong30122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The general public of St. Maarten came out in large numbers to play and win prizes for the Christmas Season. "It seems that postponing this year's Lions Annual Christmas Bingo Spectacular from December 7th to 21st due to inclement weather was for the better," said Lion Past District Governor Lion Wally Havertong.

If one would go by the total number of 2000 chairs put out by the Lions which were all occupied and with some persons sitting on the various concrete benches it can easily be said that a record number of over 2000 persons played Bingo with the Lions this year.

Changing the venue using the Festival Village for the first time also proved to be a necessity and quite an improvement. And most of all the skies were blue and the rain stayed away for practically the entire night with only a brief rain which did not disturb the bingo players.

This year the Lions increased the number of overloaded baskets from 35 to 50 baskets with 40 consolation baskets containing a ham each. Airline tickets were donated by Winair to St. Kitts, Tortola, The Dominican Republic, and anywhere Winair flies. Tickets were also donated by Insel Air to the The Dominican Republic and a return ticket on Air France to anywhere in Europe also added to the excitement among the Bingo players. The main prize of Santa's Bag which was $1000 cash was won by local school teacher Miranda Richardson who of course was overwhelmed with her win.

The persons attending this year's bingo were satisfied with the new venue and the way the bingo games went. One obstacle which was an oversight by the Lions was insufficient lighting underneath the tents. This definitely will be looked at next year and the Lions apologize for that oversight and will look at ways of improving the bingo for next year.

The Lions would like to express their thanks to the various businesses, companies, airlines and individuals who made donations to make this year's Lions Bingo once again the success it turned out to be. The club would also like to thank the 2000 plus bingo players who played bingo and also contributed to this great success.

Lion President Claudio Buncamper said, "The St, Maarten Lions Club will now be able to finance several projects which they have in store to be carried out starting at the beginning of 2014. The club would also like to wish the community of Sint Maarten a Blessed, Prosperous and Healthy 2014," concluded Lion President Claudio Buncamper.

ORANJESTAD, St. Eustatius:--- Thieves broke into the FirstCaribbean Bank in St. Eustatius over the weekend but left empty handed when their attempts to break open the safe with the monies failed.

Communications Officer of the Police Department of the BES Islands Carol-Ann Soliano confirmed to SMN News that police is busy investigating the break in. Soliano said police were called to the scene Monday morning when personnel of the bank went to work and noticed that the bank was broken into sometime between Friday afternoon and Monday morning.

Soliano said the Forensic Department has gathered some information that may lead them to the culprits. She further confirmed that while the FirstCaribbean Bank was broken into, the thieves did not succeed in opening the safe. The investigation is ongoing.

Burglary bank

Over the weekend the FirstCaribbean Bank situated at the Adam de Veerweg has been burglarized. Unknowns broke into the bank through the roof. They did not manage to get into the vault of the bank. The bank was closed at the normal time on Friday and there was no security present during the weekend. Forensic investigation came up with some leads but the case is still under investigation.

Contact with the Dutch Caribbean Police Force

Useful telephone numbers, when do you call which number?
When every second counts emergency number 911 (free)
If you want to give a tip (anonymous): tipline (+ 599) 717 7251

The police station on your island, if there is no emergency:
Bonaire (+599) 715 8000 of 717 8000
Saba (+599) 416 3737
St. Eustatius (+599) 318 2333

KPCN Press Release

mjohnsonjmillsandjwoolford08052013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Court of Appeals overturned the verdicts the Court of First Instance pronounced on May 8th, 2013 in the Ocean murder trial and gave a new decision on December 30th, 2013. The proceeding was delayed for over one hour because the court translator did not show up for the session. Relatives of the victims who traveled from the USA and the relatives of the suspects seemed impatient as they waited on the translator who told the court when she was called to duty that she needed at least one hour to get dressed.

The main suspect Meyshane Kemar Johnson was found guilty on all six charges ranging from the robbery committed at Happy Star Restaurant on the night of September 19th, 2013 to the robbery and brutal murder of Michael and Thelma King and the laundering of the monies and goods stolen from the two places. The panel comprised of three judges also found that Johnson who is a former security guard guilty of the premeditated murder of both Michael and Thelma King. The court found the statements given by Johnson when he was questioned by police to be credible even though he claimed both in the Court of First Instance and during the appeal hearing that he cannot remember the events of that fatal night. They also found that even though Johnson might have some mental or other problems, he is fully responsible for the crimes he committed.

The Court of Appeals threw out the life sentence imposed on Johnson by the lower court and sentenced him to 30 years imprisonment for the gruesome crimes he committed considering that he is a first time offender and that he is just 30 years old. The time spent in pre-trial detention will also be deducted from the 30 year sentence imposed. When the verdict was given, the brother of the late Michael King's jaw dropped as he was surely disappointed with the decision of the court.

Meyshane Kemar Johnson has two weeks in which to file an appeal with the Supreme Court in the Netherlands if he is not in favor of the decision rendered on Monday. Relatives of Johnson who was present at the hearing indicated to SMN News that they will file an appeal as soon as possible because the prosecution made too many mistakes when handling the case.

The arguments presented by Attorney at Law Brenda Brooks during the appeal hearing were thrown out. Brooks had asked the court to deem the third summons delivered to her client null and void and to deem the prosecution's case inadmissible. The prosecution issued three summons to Meyshane Kemar Johnson for him to appear in court on January 10th and 17th 2013. The Court of Appeals already threw out the first summons when the first appeal was filed. Johnson was seen leaving the courtroom with a huge smile on his face as he seemed more than content with the court's decision to overturn the life sentence that was imposed by the lower courts.

Woolford Acquitted on Both Murders --- 18 years behind bars.

The Court of Appeals also threw out the decision handed down by the Court of First Instance for Jamal Jefferson Woolford. Woolford was sentenced to 22 years behind bars for robbing the Happy Star Chinese Restaurant on September 19th and robbing the Kings while they were asleep in their Cupecoy villa. He was also found guilty by the lower court as an accomplice in the murder of the Kings.

The Court of Appeals found that the prosecution did not prove their case when they charged Woolford as an accomplice or collaborator in the murder of the Kings, therefore they acquitted him on both murder charges. Woolford was found guilty of robbing the Happy Star Restaurant under the threat of a gun (BB gun), robbing the Kings, holding Thelma King under duress and kidnapping her when he assisted in blindfolding and tying her to a chair, and the laundering of the monies and goods stolen.

They court also considered Woolford responsible for leaving Johnson in the apartment with the two victims even though he saw Johnson had a weapon and had cut Michael King's throat. Woolford was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for the crimes he committed. The time Woolford spent in pretrial detention will be deducted from his sentence. He also have a period of two weeks to submit an appeal to the Supreme Court if he does not agree with the decision rendered on Monday. The court found that Woolford is anti-social and is dependent (addicted) to drugs and alcohol.

Jeremiah Chevon Mills shows arrogance while leaving the Court Room.

Jeremiah Chevon Mills, a troubled teenager who has had problems with the law prior to being convicted for the Kings murder, seems not to care and showed no respect to the court or to the family of the Kings who were in the court room on Monday. Mills who was on probation at the time of the Kings' murder slammed the door of the courtroom with his fist as he was led out of court. When the judge was reading the decision rendered by the Court of Appeals, twice he made remarks such as you mixed things up. At one point, the judge who was reading out the decision had to tell Mills she is reading what is written in the decision taken by the Court of Appeals.

The Court of Appeals acquitted Mills for the murder of Thelma King since both Johnson and Woolford told investigators while in pre-trial detention that Mills and Woolford had left the building when they finished tying Thelma King to a chair. The court found Mills guilty as an accomplice of the murder of Michael King since he was in close proximity of Johnson when he cut Michael's throat and he also gave Johnson the second knife that was used to stab Michael King multiple times.

They both told the court they tied and blindfolded Thelma King because wanted to escape from the scene easily. However, the Court of Appeals found Jeremiah Chevon Mills guilty of five of the six charges. He was found guilty as an accomplice to the murder of Michael King because he is the one that placed a fire extinguisher on chair to hit Michael King if it was necessary. Mills also assisted Johnson by giving him a second knife from the kitchen when the first knife broke in Michael's body. He was also found guilty of robbing the Kings, robbing Happy Star Restaurant under threat, holding Thelma King under duress and kidnapping her when he assisted in blindfolding her and tying her to a chair, and the laundering of the monies and goods stolen from both places.
He was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment, time spent in pre-trial detention will be deducted from his sentence. Mills has two weeks to submit an appeal to the Supreme Court if he is not in favor of the decision rendered on Monday. The Court of Appeals also took into consideration that Mills was convicted for theft and extortion prior to this crime, he is dependent (addicted) to drugs, ecstasy, and alcohol, and he also has an anti-social behavior based on the psychologist's report.

His mother already indicated that she will follow through and file an appeal with the Supreme Court because her son was a minor when he committed the crimes on September 19th, 2013.

While it appears as though these three suspects were given harsh punishment, both Johnson and Woolford could benefit from the one third deduction granted to foreigners that are convicted while they could also get reduced time from their sentences for good behavior and if they work while in prison.

tacostein11032013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Court of Appeals granted the prosecution their request to arrest Member of Parliament Patrick Illidge to question and if necessary prosecute him in the ORCA (Bada Bing) investigation. Attorney General of St. Maarten Taco Stein presented his arguments to the Court of Appeals on December 17th, 2013 in a closed door session.

Stein confirmed to SMN News on Monday that he received the decision from the Court of Appeals on Monday and that it was in favor of the prosecution. Stein did not divulge any more information on how the prosecution intends to proceed with the case. When asked if they intend to invite the Member of Parliament to their office and then place him under arrest as they did with Jaap van den Heuvel or if detectives will show up at Illidge's Pointe Blanche home and arrest him sometime soon. Stein said the media will know in due time but those details will be discussed with the team on December 31st, 2013.

SMN News learnt that some of the charges against MP Illidge are possession of an illegal firearm, money laundering, bribery, and being part of a criminal organization. This could not be confirmed by the Attorney General or the Prosecutor's Office.

It should be noted that when the investigators searched the home of MP Illidge they found an illegal firearm inside his house while another illegal firearm was found in an apartment he is renting out. It is further understood that while MP Illidge has the right as a former Minister of the Netherlands Antilles to be in possession of a firearm for up to four years after leaving office. The firearm found inside of Illidge's home was bought from someone that was bringing in firearms through the A.C. Wathey Harbour and not in Curacao as is laid down in the law.

SMN News learnt that MP Patrick Illidge is currently off island on holidays and is expected to be back on St. Maarten by mid January.

dpgeneralmembershipmeeting29122013To Hold Educational and Informative Sessions For Young Guard of the Party, Emphasizing Selfless Service to the People of St. Maarten

GREAT BAY:--- The Democratic Party of St. Maarten held various activities over the past months, rallying its support for a renewed and reinvigorated DP, which culminated in a General Membership Meeting held on Sunday, December 15th.

Close to two hundred members of the party, ranging from sixteen to eighty years old, held a boisterous and upbeat meeting at Sonesta Great Bay, where the vision for the DP moving into the 2014 Elections, was laid out. Various brainstorming sessions and exchanges were held, outlining the direction of the party and what its leadership, headed by Party leader, Sarah Wescot-Williams, will be championing as part of its vision for the people of St. Maarten.

During the workshop, brainstorming sessions were held on how to move the Party forward into a new era and how to effectively address the needs of our diverse nation.

External experts and those of the Party in areas of Party Philosophy, Economic and Social Agendas, Campaigning and Candidate Nomination, Party Organization and Membership, and Sustainable Development, held in-depth discussions, the results of which will form a central part of the DP's 2014 Party Program.

The leader of the Democratic Party, Prime Minister, Sarah Wescot-Williams during her remarks stated that the Party, which will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2014, needs to refocus and move away from the usual political rhetoric of campaign promises that cannot be fulfilled.

What do we mean with redefining and refining the Democratic Party of St. Maarten? Redefining means to look at certain things in a new and different way and refining means refining the stronger points that we traditionally have had and make them actual for today," stated the DP Leader.

She continued by stating the importance of where the Democratic Party currently stands. "Where we stand today as a political party and a country is extremely important because of the fact that 2014 is a pivotal year for the country and the party. 2014 will mark 60 years of the existence of the Democratic Party of St. Maarten, twenty of which I have been at its helm. 2014 will also see the elections for the second Parliament of the country of St. Maarten. The DP is poised to be the first one to move out of the "starting gates" going into 2014 with a clear vision.

The DP Leader commented that it is her wish to see the DP being the first political party to move out of the gate with new ideas and new approaches, "not only with regard to the election but also with regard to how we govern the country which we love so much. I want the Democratic Party to be the year-round party in tune with the people; one, which people will ask to be affiliated with. And for this to become a reality, a lot of serious work needs to be done," continued Sarah Wescot-Williams.

The DP Leader also mentioned that the Party went into the 2010 election with its share of challenges; "We had our challenges in the 2010 elections, but as far as I am concerned we have lamented enough. It is time to move on and to truly mean something for all of the people of St. Maarten.

For the next election we are not going for quantity but we are going for quality as we chart the way forward. Stability, knowledge, and a realistic hopefulness will be key themes." The general membership meeting has given the Party the mandate to amend the articles of incorporation to reflect these views of the party membership.

"We have also heard passionate presentations from the Party's young people to address the issues which they find important. Therefore I believe that we have to pick up the proposals of the young people and move forward to re-establish the Party's Political Youth Forum, to educate young people about politics and the political system, and also to encourage young people to vote in order to combat the global phenomenon of voters' apathy," concluded the DP Leader .

The Democratic Party will be holding various seminars on political topics including electoral reform, governance, as well as sustainable development and other topics geared towards especially the young guard of the party;

"Saying that you have young people on your list but not educating and informing them of the way forward in the interest of St. Maarten and its people will only result in seeing the same irresponsible actions that we have seen within and outside of political parties."

george21082009PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament George Pantophlet says that we should look towards the future with the highest of expectations. The recent past which is the year 2013 has been an extremely challenging one in all aspects and to go into details will turn this article into a book. What the Member of Parliament is encouraging us all to do in 2014 is to be consistent, committed, and dedicated to building this beautiful country of ours called St. Maarten in a constructive and united way. To earnestly work towards ensuring true equality and justice for all, he is calling on those who have come here and made this country their home not to see or treat St. Maarten as a transition place where you just come to make money and then leave but treat this beautiful country as your home. This will have a tremendous and positive impact on this country and its people. The pendulum has swung where you have outnumbered the indigenous people of this country and are impacting our culture in real and notable way. He is calling on the indigenous St. Maarten people to maintain the culture that has made us great, friendly, accommodating, hardworking, and ambitious. He is calling on the Netherlands the European part to let us in the Caribbean part truly experience what is mentioned in Article 1 of the Kingdom Charter which says the Kingdom of the Netherlands consists of the Netherlands, Aruba, Curacao, and St. Maarten. In other words the Kingdom is not just the Netherlands the European part but all the other three countries mentioned in the Charter namely, Aruba, Curacao, and St. Maarten. The future of this country St. Maarten, its development socially and economically should be determined by its people without outside interference unless it is cooperation that is requested and needed to make it a stronger country. 2014 should be a year of progress where we must ensure that there is proper planning. I take this quote from someone who says that proper planning prevents poor performance. If you fail to plan properly you are planning to fail. We are not allowed to fail in 2014 because too many of us depend on each one of us to take care of all of us. We should all benefit from this country called St. Maarten. This is a quote from the late great freedom fighter Nelson Mandela and I quote; "It was not lack of ability that limited my people but lack of opportunity" end of quote. In closing my wife Augustine and I want to wish the people of St. Maarten a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year filled with God's Blessings. And remember the future is as bright as the promises of God. Happy New Year!

kpsmcelebrateschristmaswithfosterkids29122013SIMPSON BAY:--- On Thursday December 26th, 2013 (Boxing Day), a Christmas fun day and lunch was organized by the Stand By Me Foundation (Police Force of Sint Maarten), Reclassering (Aftercare Services) represented by Merdith Concincion, and representatives of the four foster homes on the island, namely Debby Gibbs of the "I Can Foundation", Ava Williams of the "Crystal Home", Antonia Hodge of the "Hope Outreach", and Sally Benjamin of the "New Start for Children". The fun day was held at the Simpson Bay Community Center from 10:00am to 5:00pm.
This initiative was taken by the organizers to give these less fortunate children the opportunity to come together, to play games, to dance, to receive gifts, to have lunch and to celebrate Christmas to the fullest just like every child living in this society should. This day was surely very successful and full of enjoyment.
The Police Department was represented by: Officers Veta Euson, Fabiola Brown, Jacoline Dittewig, Celisha Arrundell, Bert Kremer, Sherwin Maccow, Felix Richards (C.P.O.), Rensley Henson (CPO), Alfred Leito, Janine Rijna Muller, and Inspector Ricardo Henson and assisted by Marquita Euson, Jiana Arthur, Sylvina Mathurin, Kamila Gumbs, Ashani Richardson, and Sophonie Emogene.
The organizing committee is sending sincere words of gratitude to the following sponsors:
Thelston Thomas (Front Line Barber Shop), Music Man, Radio Shack, Klass Electronics, Classic Electronics, Le Grande Marche, Pineapple Pete's, Prime Distributors, Danny's Electronics & Home Appliances, Super Plaza, Keep on Rolling Restaurant, Penny's Department Store, Halley's Aviation, Recherché Samenwerkings Team (RST), Public Prosecutor's Office, Royal Marechausse, Immigration and Princess Juliana International Airport employees, the management of the Simpson Bay Community Center, and the colleagues of the Korps Politie Sint Maarten.
The event would not have been possible without the sponsorship of the businesses and organizations.

KPSM Press Release

CUPECOY:--- On Friday December 27th, 2013 at approximately 11:50pm, a Simpson Bay police patrol was sent to an address in Porto Cupecoy to investigate a case where an infant had become seriously ill. On the scene the investigating officers encountered the Canadian parents of the victim who were busy with mouth to mouth reanimation of the infant. They stated that their five month old baby girl was suffering from a lung infection and had been prescribed medication. The infant was well throughout the day and evening. She was fed before she was put to bed earlier in the evening and everything was fine. A little later when the mother went to check on the child, she was not showing any signs of life. The police was immediately informed of the situation. The paramedics arrived shortly after and continued with the reanimation of the infant and transported her to the Sint Maarten Medical Center in an attempt to save her life. At the medical center the infant was attended to by three doctors but they were unsuccessful in saving the infant's life. The infant died as a result of her illness.
Deepest sympathy goes out on behalf of the Police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM) to the family of the victim.

KPSM Police Report

SIMPSON BAY:--- On Saturday December 28th, 2013 at approximately 7:35am, a report come into the Simpson Bay Police Station stating that a woman had committed suicide by hanging at an address on the Old Simpson Bay road. A police patrol was immediately sent to the scene where they located the lifeless body of a 33 year old Canadian lady hanging by her neck from a tree at the back of the yard at the address in question. According to two witnesses, the victim was having some emotional problems with her boyfriend. They suspected she had been drinking and had been using other drugs. The victim was last seen by the witnesses the evening before. They also suspected she had gone to work and had stayed out late. However, in the morning she was found in that condition. Personnel from the Detective Department and Forensic Department were on the scene collecting evidence. The investigation up to this point has shown that foul play is not a factor.

KPSM Police Report

mauricelake18082013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake says he is looking forward to the start in January 2014 of a new cruise development for the Down Street community in the vicinity of the Walter Plantz Tender Pier.

The new cruise development entails the construction of approximately six booths that will provide various types of products and services to cruise passengers who disembark the tenders at the Walter Plantz Pier. The center of the development will have a water fountain. There will be toilet facilities and the development will be accessible to seniors and the disabled.

Construction is scheduled to start in January and should take approximately two to three months.

The country's newly formed Down Street Business/Community Association met with Minister Lake and St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies early December where the plans were presented to the community organization.

The organization area of focus within their community is from L'Escargot to the old Paper Garden.

The community council's spokesperson at the meeting was June Peters, Vice President. Peters was also supported by Wilfred Evertz (board member of Christmas activities), Greg Arrindell (PR), and Miguel de Weever (liaison government matters).

During the early December meeting, Peters spoke about the challenges being faced by businesses and homeowners in the area; settlement of water from different buildings/businesses; boulders in the alleys; cleaning of the alleys; tree stomps that pose challenges for pedestrians; palm tree grills/mats; safety and security challenges.

In the meeting also included representatives of the Minister's Cabinet and Ministry VROMI, Mark Mingo, Chief Executive Officer of the St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies, Hector Peters, a representative from the Harbour Group.

"The new cruise development for Down Street will enhance the area and bring life to Down Street. We need to get back to basics and start showcasing the cultural heritage of our country, the food, drinks, arts and crafts and folkloric dance for residents and visitors to enjoy. This is also one of the reasons why tourists come to our island to learn about the heritage.

"The development by the harbor group of companies is part of the process to rehabilitate the area and bring life back into this part of Philipsburg where families can come out and enjoy our heritage. By putting a plan in place with the help of all stakeholders, the harbor group and the Down Street Business and Community Council, this will be a win-win for Down Street. This is a perfect way to start the New Year 2014," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Sunday.

Port of St. Maarten CEO Mark Mingo during the meeting stated that Philipsburg and surrounding environs are all part of the harbor community, and that it is in the interests of the port and the destination as a premier cruise mecca to help the Down Street community become the cultural heartbeat of the nation.

PHILIPSBURG:--- It is never easy to identify people and acknowledge them for the work they have done over the years in any society. This year (2013) it was even more difficult because it was a challenging year for St. Maarten, when the people of this great nation had to accept three cabinets in one governing period.

It was also the year when the Dutch decided to order the Governor to conduct an investigation on integrity within government. It's the year when a politician was seen taking monies from a strip club owner and that placed St. Maarten on the frontline in every part of the world. While all the topics above were in the news almost every day both on St. Maarten and the Netherlands, we at SMN News chose to recognize the people who have taken their time to provide assistance and awareness to the people of St. Maarten. This is what nation building is about. It's about the people that chose to come together and work for the good of their country.

While we have not changed the criteria for selecting people, we chose to focus on some positive things that have been happening on St. Maarten while the persons that are working behind the scenes are not usually recognized by anyone for their hard work. For 2013, two outstanding women of this country were selected and while it is coming as a surprise for the number one candidate, she deserves to be recognized because what she has been doing since 1996 is providing a home for less fortunate children.

Persons of the Year 2013.

cassandragibbs28122013The first candidate that was selected by SMN News for the persons of the year recognition is none other than Cassandra "Debby" Gibbs. We are sure that some politicians and children know Debby by name and nature and some know that she is the founder of the I CAN FOUNDATION situated in Dutch Quarter, yet they choose to give her a hard time even though she is providing shelter and care for the future generation of this country. When speaking to Debby on how she started I CAN Foundation and what motivated her, some would get chills or what we call "goose bumps". According to Debby, she decided to establish I CAN Foundation in 1996 "post Luis Hurricane" when she was informed by neighbors that a woman and a baby were living under a tree behind her house.

Debby said at the time she was a school bus driver and already her heart was aching in the mornings when she picked up children to take them to school. "The parents of many children did not realize how much their children were suffering after the passing of Hurricane Luis. These parents were focusing on their material loss and trying to rebuild their lives while they forgot that the children were also victims of the category five monster that swept through St. Maarten on September 5th, 1995. When I looked at the children I was taking to school I saw the disarray and I also saw they too were suffering."

However, when she saw the woman whom she said was addicted to drugs with a baby boy living under a tree because the wooden shack she was living in got destroyed by Hurricane Luis that is when it struck her and she felt that something needed to be done. Debby said she went to the woman and she told her that she could not live under a tree with a baby and the woman moved into a bathroom. "Can you imagine the woman went to live in a bathroom? So I took it on my own and went to the Court of Guardianship and informed them of the situation because the woman was not only living in a bathroom but she was addicted to crack. At that time there were no children's home on St. Maarten and children that are placed in protective custody were sent to Curacao. The people at the Court of Guardianship took my complaint and they listened to my concerns, they even visited the bathroom where the woman and her baby were staying and when I asked them what they were going to do for the woman, they told me it was bathroom but the place was kept clean. I insisted that something be done because, however you look at it the woman was living a bathroom with a baby. Instead of helping this family, the woman and her child were picked up by immigration and they deported her to her country."

Debby said that was too much for her so she established the I CAN FOUNDATION and informed the Court of Guardianship that St. Maarten now has a home. "The Court of Guardianship was happy that I created this home because it was costly for them to send children that were removed from their homes to Curacao. The Court of Guardianship then placed the first two children at the I CAN Home, which was her home that she turned to a home for displaced children. The first two children she said were a brother and sister and they were already teenagers. Over the years, Debby who is managing the I CAN FOUNDATION with the help of nine workers helped and sheltered many children on St. Maarten from both sides of the island. Debby further explained that while she cares for so many children through the "safe haven" she created she still has serious problems getting proper funding. She even explained that Queen Beatrix visited the I CAN Foundation shortly after the home burnt down and she rebuilt the home. "The Queen assured me that the Netherlands would assist and they did by providing Naf. 400,000.00 to furnish the home, but a former employee stole that money. Debby said to date she did not get back all the money from USONA or the company that got the monies for the furniture but she still has hope because the judicial system is involved in the case. Besides that, the Court of Guardianship provides subsidy for each child that is placed at the I CAN FOUNDATION.

Another painful aspect for Debby is when the children are removed from I CAN FOUNDATION and placed in other homes that were created after I CAN FOUNDATION. "Teenagers are being removed even though the Articles of Incorporation for I CAN FOUNDATION clearly states that the home can accommodate children from 0-18 years old. She said several children that left the I CAN end up in criminal activities, some get pregnant way before they are 18 and some just get lost. She said a few years ago a particular social worker was the decision maker when it came to moving children but a lot has improved in recent months. The SJIB and the Court of Guardianship have structured things much better, there are more social workers and the owners of the other homes are now working together in order to provide better care for under age children that are displaced on St. Maarten.

SMN News wants to commend Debby for her determination and the effort she has placed in children; the love and care she provides for them while they are in her care and we are also encouraging her to stay focused and not be discouraged by those that do not see the need to bond with the children they care for.

keomahamer28122013The second candidate that has been selected is a young woman who is doing the best she can to bring awareness to women on cervical cancer. When most people hear the word "cancer" they immediately start thinking about death instead of seeking the right type of treatment and to fight cancer stress free. However, Keoma Latoya Hamer who lost her mother to cervical cancer on October 2nd, 2011 decided to bring about a change in the way women think by creating the KeLaHa Projects Foundation. As you can see, the name of the foundation comes from her name in memory of her late mother. Her favorite quote is "You have the Power to create Change. Why wait for it?" Keoma is an employee of the FirstCaribbean International Bank "CIBC" where she works as a customer care officer, she was born in Guyana but has been living in St. Maarten since she was 9 years old.
Keoma Hamer, a former student of the Methodist Agogic Center (MAC) and St. Maarten Academy, decided that nothing will stop her from bringing about change and creating awareness on one of the most deadly diseases to women. In getting to know Keoma, one would realize that she has a lot to give thanks for as she herself got very sick at age 19 and had to undergo two major surgeries to save her own life. During that period of illness her right lung collapsed and she was placed on life support. Therefore she gives thanks to her relatives for who supported her through recovery and the experience has changed her views on life itself.

"Though for as long as I can remember I've had an extra interest in wanting to help people, my personal experience of being ill confirmed even more my need of wanting to assist in improving others lifestyle and creating positive change. Over the years I've noted various ideas and even initiated a few projects but unfortunately neither of them reached to the point of actual materialization. My mother was diagnosed with stage 3B Cervical Cancer on September 13th, 2010 at 47 years old. Six months after mommy's diagnosis, her cancer metastasized, another six months after she passed away at home on October 2, 2011 surrounded by her children, granddaughter, niece, and daughter-in-law. She was only 48 years old," Keoma said in an interview with SMN News.

Keoma said a few weeks after the passing of her mother she began researching cervical cancer; what causes it and the symptoms of this deadly disease. After gathering enough information, Keoma made a vow to share the information she got from her research in order to save other people from what she and her family went through after her mother was diagnosed and eventually died.

"Bearing in mind all that I wanted to do years before in terms of community work and now my current goal to bring about cervical cancer & HPV awareness, I drafted the objectives of the organization, recruited members for the board, and incorporated The KeLaHa Projects Foundation on March 28th, 2012.
The first and on-going project is the "Together We Fight-Together We Win" Cervical Cancer & HPV Awareness Program. One of the first things she wanted to do was to give insight into the lives of those who were affected by the disease. She wanted to highlight their and their families' initial reaction after being diagnosed along with the changes and challenges they faced and the way she thought this could have been best portrayed would have been through video. Through personal contacts. "I managed to gather a video production team in Guyana, Antigua, St. Maarten, and New York. In Antigua we found Camela Duncan who had survived Cervical Cancer, Rema Marks from St. Maarten who is currently in New York on treatment, and my mom who had passed. These women, their families and friends agreed to sit in front of our camera and shared their stories of hope, courage, and their battle with cervical cancer on our documentary "IN THEIR OWN WORDS". "IN THEIR OWN WORDS" was produced and directed by myself, the production team included Sunshade Media Productions of Antigua, Cani Films of St. Maarten, and Cally Speed and friends of New York; among many others Cally has worked as the Production Manager of Shed Media Group's Bravo's "The Real Housewives of New York City" and currently Production Manager at 51 Minds Entertainment Bravo's "Below Deck" Season Two (2)."

The goal Keoma and her team is aiming for is to end cervical cancer, which is a disease that affects women worldwide and is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths among women. Many of you may not know this but half a million women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year, of that; more than quarter of a million die worldwide. Every year approximately 31,700 women in Latin America and the Caribbean die from cervical cancer; this region also has the highest burden of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) in the Americas. So it's a cancer that can strike women everywhere and it strikes women during their most productive working years. This is the reason why people should be concerned about this type of cancer.

Keoma said from the moment they started the awareness program to the present, they have remained very fluid in the community with continued efforts to raise cervical cancer & HPV education and awareness. Though the organization has been funded by Keoma, several small community fundraising events have been held to assist in maintaining the programs as well as contributions from community members and corporate bodies. "We continue to host workshops throughout the year at various venues, such as youth groups, businesses, churches, as we believe awareness should be an ongoing process." They also supplement these events by conducting home and hospital visits to those who have reached out to them by making monetary or time donations, as well as other contributions in various areas of need.
KeLaHa has partnered with the Government of St. Maarten and The Healthy Caribbean Coalition a regional organization that focuses on chronic illness, as a participating NGO at the "Cancer and Aging, Collectively Improving Our Local Cancer Care and Responsibility" conference held in October, 2012 and the "Cervical Cancer Advocacy" workshop held in March 2013. Through these workshops they established relationships with various Caribbean Cancer organizations and have also become members of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition in Barbados, which is a civil society alliance to combat chronic diseases.

They have formed partnerships with various companies such as Sunshade Multi Media in Antigua, Cani Film, Gitridge Marketing, and Zamar Musical Productions all of St. Maarten. These companies have been working with us from inception and have fully dedicated their services to us thus far at absolutely no cost.

KeLaHa Projects is one of the supporting organizations of the first regional Cervical Cancer e-petition which aims to send a message to Caribbean Heads of Government to make Cervical Cancer screening more affordable for Caribbean women. They encourage readers to support them by signing the e-petition; connect to and help make cervical cancer screening more affordable for Caribbean women.

Through unrelenting efforts to bring awareness of Cervical Cancer & HPV to the community, KeLaHa has positively Influenced legislation as the local government launched the HPV Vaccine for nine (9) and ten (10) year old girls in September 2013. This is a major accomplishment as leaders are beginning to see and understand why they do what they are doing. The efforts and awareness created by KeLaHa has exposed the seriousness of cervical cancer and the burden it continues to place on families as women are dying at alarming rates from a disease that is preventable.

In August 2013, they launched KeLaHa YOUTHS with a total of six members with intentions to expand its membership. This platform allows youths to engage other youths not only in the awareness of HPV and cervical cancer but to also in other community and self-enrichment programs.

The most immediate goal for the organization is the establishment of an office space where they will be able to operate full time and be even more available to community members. This will allow them to freely expand more programs locally and to other territories throughout the region and also facilitate work with various regional and international organizations and individuals. They also intend to start a program where they would be able to raise funds to assist uninsured women in paying for PAP Smears and HPV tests as well as initiate a counseling and support group program for cancer patients and their families.

While Keoma has been recognized for the work she initiated on the awareness of cervical cancer and HPV by other organizations overseas and here on St. Maarten, SMN News thought it fitting to also recognize Keoma for her bravery, her dedication and the way she chose to keep the memories of her mother alive.

To the two women selected this year by SMN News, Cassandra Debby Gibbs and Keoma Hamer, we want to congratulate you on your achievements and mostly for catching our attention as a news organization on St. Martin/St. Maarten.

tzuchifundraiserforphilippinestyphoonvictims27122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Tzu Chi Foundation gave Christmas shoppers an opportunity to donate some of their spending money to assist victims of typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), which wreaked havoc in the Philippines in November.

A total of US $1,504 was raised in two collection efforts held days before Christmas. In addition to what was raised, Wing, the husband of Tzu Chi Commissioner Sandra Cheung, donated the US $348 he received as his birthday gift on December 20 to the Philippines relief bringing the total amount to go to the Yolanda victims to US $1,852.

On December 22, eight volunteers went on Front and Back Streets to solicit donations from shoppers and stores. The two and a half hour action (from 2:30pm to 5:00pm) netted US $1,062.

Shoppers, shop owners and staffers donated to the drive. Some shop owners said they had been waiting for Tzu Chi to visit them so that they can donate. Tzu Chi usually holds street collection drives to raise funds for disaster victims.

Some persons said they were happy to see Tzu Chi still trying to help one month after the devastating disaster. Tzu Chi also used the opportunity to hand out updated information about the disaster.

A similar drive was held outside Le Grand Marche supermarket on Bush Road on December 21. Nine volunteers participated in this fundraiser where US $442 was raised.

Tzu Chi Commissioner Sandra Cheung thanked volunteers and all who supported the effort with their compassionate donations.

eendrachtinmarigot27122013MARIGOT:--- The first Sail Training Vessels of the season have arrived and several are sailing already again in the Caribbean.
The "Corwith Cramer" came through the Islands and is already in Puerto Rico, the "Frederick Chopin" is in Antigua and will come to St. Martin soon, and the "Eendracht" was a few days in Marigot and is actually sailing to Paramaribo, the Cayman Islands and later to the Dominican Republic before coming back to St.Martin in February.
The Roald Amundsen is sailing across the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to Marigot and will arrive in the next weeks.
The Dutch sail training vessel Wylde Swan (the largest two mast topsail schooner in the world) has arrived in Dominica and will be in St.Martin on January 15th.
The Norwegian Tall Ship Christian Radich which was in Great Bay last season is coming back also and will this time come to Galisbay in Marigot as from December 28th.
The Caribbean Sail Training Association who coordinates the visits of many of the Sail Training Vessels in the Caribbean has several other ships on the scheduled list for this season.
The CSTA will again organize "Open Ship" days as in the past years with the continuing cooperation of the Maritime School of the West Indies and some other sponsors, to offer the opportunity for the general public to visit some of the vessels while they are here.
They will also invite youngsters again to sail on some of the vessels for a day and for a week or two on some others during the ship's visits in the Caribbean Islands.
More information will be posted in in the beginning of the New Year and exact dates and other useful info will also be published in the press.

rotaractsxmsunrisepresentingaboxoffoodgoodstostartfoundationfosterhome27122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise provided over 200 plates of food to the less fortunate citizens of St. Maarten on December 26th 2013. The members went around delivering meals to citizens in the Sucker Garden, A.T. Illidge Road, Pond Island, Dutch Quarter, Philipsburg, St. Peters, Cay Hill, Cay Bay, Marigot and Agreement Districts. Other than food and drinks, the members distributed cupcakes and toys to the young children as well. The members of Rotaract Sunrise also presented three foster homes with big boxes filled with food goods sponsored by Telem Group of Companies. The members of the Rotaract Club have been doing this event for years as they believe that around Christmas time we should not only receive but give with a kind heart to those that are in need. The club would like to thank Mr. Russell Bell of "Elle si Belle" bus services for providing us with transportation to carry out this initiative and Telem Group of Companies.

swescotwilliamspresentstokensofappreciationtoelderly27122013PM: "Thank you for all that you have done contributing to our country"

BELVEDERE:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams, supported by contributions from the Princess Juliana International Airport, presented gift vouchers to tenants at the Senior Citizen's Home in Belvedere on Christmas Eve. During her presentations the Prime Minister stated that it was her hope that the gifts, as tokens of appreciation for all the elderly have done for the country, will make the holiday season all the more special. "I try to make it especially to visit the elderly during the Christmas token. Although this is a small token of our appreciation I hope that it will contribute to making the Holiday Season a little more festive. Formally we would get together and celebrate but the feeling of gratitude to all of you, for the many years that you have put in for helping build St. Maarten, we are very grateful and we wish you God's blessing and all of the best for the upcoming year 2014," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

CUPE COY:--- The shopping experience in St. Maarten went up a few notches, with the recent official opening of the ultra-modern Blue Mall: touted as the largest shopping mall in St. Maarten and in the North-eastern Caribbean.

The exquisite Blue Mall features five spacious levels of commercial and business spaces and four levels containing 37 luxury one, two, and three-bedroom residential suites, most of which have already been sold.

Most of the stores in the first phase the project are already open and have been catering to shoppers for some months prior to the Mall's official gala opening on Saturday, December 14 witnessed by a cross section of the community including dignitaries from both sides of the island.

St. Maarten is renowned for its Duty free status and for being a shopping haven attracting consumers from neighbouring islands and all over the Caribbean. Blue Mall's expansive retail options with an eclectic mix of stores fit perfectly in the island's shopping status.

The wide selection of brands at the Mall, cater to every taste and suits just about any pocket. High end shoppers, for example, have a wide mix of options to choose from the list of world class brand on offer; while the economical bargain shopper would be able to select from the array of suitable treats in the facility. With a number of stores selling women, men's and children's apparel as well as items for the home – there is something for every member of the family at Blue Mall.

"The Mall caters to everyone and has something for everyone," says Luis Emilio Velutini, President of Fondo de Valores Immobiliarios (FVI), which runs Blue Mall. FVI was founded in 1992 in Caracas, Venezuela and specialises in the real estate and financial business – dedicated to invest, promote, and manage the rental of high-end commercial centers and office spaces.

Attractive brands at Blue Mall include Kiton, La Perla, Cortefiel, Bimba & Lola, Planeta Sports, Balu Accessories, Crocs, Swatch, Pylones, Villa Pizza, Yogen Fruz, Atypique, Nature's Best, Brioni, Opera (Salvatore Ferragamo, Dolce & Gabana, Borsalino, Hackett, Tumi, Cerruti, Coach, Fray, Lanvin, Adolfo Dominguez), Swarovski, Adidas, Zippy, Enjoy SXM, Bexclusive, Parrot's Deli Café, Wetzel's Pretzel's, Battlefield Sports, Bacchus, Paul and Shark, Dunhill, SuiteBlanco, Guess, Women's Secret, Desigual, Quiksilver, Everlast, Fashion & Chic, Avecolor, Shake n' Twist, Nature's Juice and the soon to be opened 7D Cinema.

The mix of brands, many of which are new to St. Maarten, also means that the scores of residents, who previously traveled off island to places such as Puerto Rico, Miami and New York to shop, can now do so a drive away, in the comfort of their homeland.

Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams and President of the Collectivité of French St. Martin Aline Hanson acknowledged and lauded this benefit in remarks at the gala opening ceremony. The Prime Minister said Blue Mall has shown a lot of confidence and hope in the country.

An added treat for shoppers this holiday season, are the many specials on offer at many of the stores throughout the mall just in time of the Christmas season. Shoppers can take advantage of attractive discounts on gifts and personal items for themselves or for family and friends.

In addition to the shopping attractions; Blue Mall is shaping up as a place to see and be seen - a trendy meeting place where the entire family, friends or groups can come and relax in the afternoons and on weekends. There are plenty of seating facilities around eateries for families to enjoy an afternoon treat and laughs together.

Velutini's hope is that Blue Mall, with its wide mix and array of brands, options and amenities, breathes new life to the island.

Walking around the facility is a treat in itself. The panoramic view of the therapeutic sea and surrounding areas from inside the Mall is breathtaking. From the inside you get a bird's eye view of the facility from upper floors.

It is always an interesting treat to see what eye-catching vehicle(s) is on display on the lower level. Displays are done in collaboration with Motorworld and Caribbean Auto.

With 18 commercial escalators between floors (plus two residential escalators) and elevators to move from floor to floor, manouvering around the mall is easy and trouble free for customers including the physically challenged. The three main entrances to the Mall also include access for wheelchair bound shoppers.

Safety and security is a top priority for the Mall, which has ample security measures including Closed Circuit Television CCTV system which records around the clock and a security room where activities in the complex are monitored. Security personnel are also on the premises around the clock.

Blue Mall is located at 162 Rhine Road, Cupe Coy and is easily accessible from French St. Martin via Terres Basses. In Dutch St. Maarten, it is a few minutes' drive from SXM Airport (Princess Juliana International Airport). Telephone: +721 545-1824.

Get the 411 on what's happening at Blue Mall and on special offers by logging on to their social media: Twitter account @sxmbluemall and on Facebook page: Blue Mall SXM, website: or their You Tube channel and Instagram.

mauricelakemeetswithcayhillcommunitycouncilboard27122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake prior to the holidays met with representatives of the Cay Hill Community Council.

Minister Lake said the meeting went well and that it was a follow-up meeting after the district walk-through that was done in November.

"I shared my vision and plan of action at a board meeting that I was invited to attend. The plans entail the upgrading and beautification of Cay Hill once the 2014 national budget is approved.

"The funds that have been allocated in the national budget include the repair of sidewalks and the drainage system. The plans include the upgrading of the basketball court for the young people in the district and to assist with the development of a community center in the district," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

Community council board members pointed to the necessity of bus stops on the main road in Cay Hill especially for seniors in the district.

Minister Lake whose back to basics includes the improvement in the quality of life for senior citizens says that the aforementioned matter he would discuss with his colleague Minister of Transportation Hon. Ted Richardson about the matter.

Lake and the reps also discussed brighter street lights and abandoned car wrecks in the district; and residents parking on the side of the road instead of in their yards. The latter the council plans on addressing with residents.

"I am looking forward for the New Year to start upgrading and beautifying Cay Hill for the residents and young people. I also challenge the Community Council to continue to do their part and to organize educational and social events for the youths and residents of Cay Hill.

"The districts are the cornerstones of country Sint Maarten. If you don't have strong and healthy districts, this then reflects upon your economy with all the negatives such as crime, neglect and no pride.

"My back to basics approach is all about community and district improvement and the quality of life of all our people. We have to start at the bottom and move up.

"I would like to take this opportunity to commend Community Police Officer Henson for doing a great job in his district where law and order is concerned and working closely with his community in order to accomplish positive things," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

Urges Community to Keep Those Affected in Prayers

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams expressed her support and condolences to the residents of St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Dominica who may have been affected by the deadly floods which struck those countries during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. To the residents of our Caribbean Neighbors and the victims, their friends and families I would like to extend my condolences and the support of the people of St. Maarten on the tragedy that you have faced over the last two days. In my Christmas address I urged for people to consider the less fortunate and I again would like to reiterate that we should all keep those affected and those who have lost during the storms in our thoughts and our prayers," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic & Telecommunication Hon. Ted Richardson has approved by decree of 20, December 2013, stores in the center of Philipsburg who cater to the tourism sector will be allowed to open on January 1st, 2014.

The temporary dispensation is given based on the National Ordinance related to store closure hours.

The stores in the center of Philipsburg will allowed to be open from January 1st at 6:00am to 7:30pm.

cdeweever19082012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Collective Prevention Services (CPS), an agency of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour confirms that the country has one confirmed case of Chikungunya, a 38-year old male residing in the district of Saunders. The case was confirmed on December 19, 2013 by the Center National de Reference des Arbovirus, Marsellie.

Residents are therefore urged to take extra efforts to eliminate mosquito breeding sites in and around their homes and businesses on a daily basis and to stop mosquitoes from feeding.

Chikungunya (CHIK) fever is an emerging, mosquito-borne disease caused by an alphavirus, Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). This disease is transmitted predominantly by Aedes aeqypti and Ae. Albopictus mosquitoes, the same species involved in the transmission of dengue.

Country Sint Maarten's Ministry of Public Health has been actively appealing to the public to reduce breeding sites and clean-up around their properties. Numerous press releases with the Minister of Public Health's 'Get Checked' campaign, and adverts in the Government Information Page (GIP) have been published along with public service announcements in the broadcast media over a period of months in relation to dengue fever/mosquito prevention measures.

Ministry of Public Health Vector Control Team have been visiting homes and other properties on a monthly basis appealing to residents to clean-up and also providing information about the two vector borne diseases.

You can call CPS if you desire more information on how to eliminate your mosquito breeding sites at 542-2078 or 542-3003.

Other interventions that have taken place are: fogging; training of vector control staff; placing physicians on alert and increasing public health surveillance for chikungunya; national, regional and international public health organizations appraised as part of reporting protocols; yard to yard inspections planned for Belvedere and Oyster Pond area; and alerting ports of entry and providing information flyers to visitors.

As Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever has said before, "One can only combat these vector borne diseases by everyone doing their share individually and collectively."

Health authorities from both sides of the island are currently working closely together to deal with the challenges of dengue and chikungunya.

rotarysxmsunrisereceivesvisitfromsabrinacharles25122013PHILIPSBURG:--- On Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Sabrina Denise Charles, a former GSE team member (Group Study Exchange) visited the Rotary club of St. Martin Sunrise and briefed the members about her experience as a GSE team member whilst in Devon, England, in 2011.
Miss Charles told members of the St. Martin Sunrise Rotary Club that the trip left a significant impact on her professional career, which led to her starting up her own Event Management business, which entails organizing weddings at the Grand Case Beach Hotel. She highly commended Devon Event Management for the experience, and the acquired knowledge achieved during her stay in England.
Group Study Exchange (GSE) provides opportunities for young professionals (non-Rotarians) between the ages of 25-40 to participate in a 4-week exchange visit to other Rotary District in different countries.
The Group Study Exchange (GSE) programme is a unique cultural and vocational exchange for young business and professional men and women in the initial years of their professional life. Rotary Districts in differ¬ent countries are committed to spending and receiving professional study groups of four to six non-Rotarian team members and one Rotarian team leader to travel for up to about four to six weeks. During such visits, they will stay in the homes of Rotarians when possible.
December is designated as Rotary family month, and as a result, Rotarians are encouraged to fellowship with among others, family members, Rotaractors, Interactors, GSE team members, Ambassadorial Scholars and Alumni, which allows them to build lifelong friendships, improves Rotary's public image, Strengthens clubs, while they continue in their quest to better serve the community. .
The Rotary Sunrise meets at Air Lekkerbek Restaurant every Tuesday mornings at 7:00am for fellowship and breakfast. For more information on Rotary Sunrise, please visit us at or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you can also visit our Facebook page: Rotary Club of Saint Martin Sunrise and Tweet us: @RotarySunSXM

george21082009PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament George Pantophlet says that the people of St. Maarten need a real New Year's gift where GEBE is concerned. The good news that the long awaited transfer to St. Maarten of all the shares of the Electricity Company is one thing but in how much this will be reflected in the pockets of the consumers is another. The Member of Parliament is just sending a reminder of the statements he had made on this fact that GEBE although subsidizing the two islands Saba and St Eustatius was reportedly making huge profits. Not to forget those who are probably stealing electricity but in spite of this GEBE still makes huge profits. What the Member of Parliament is reiterating is that the millions that are being disbursed to subsidize Saba and St. Eustatius should be used to reduce the tariffs or the fuel costs. Whichever is legal, logical and beneficial to the people of St. Maarten. The Member said that many arrears on St. Maarten looks like a country recovering from a devastating hurricane. There are barely any lights much less Christmas lights and decorations. And we all know some of the causes. People don't have the money to spend on these things. Another reason is the COLA is and in addition to that the fact that government did not pay their usual Christmas Bonus. Of course they will say no money. Well the Member of Parliament says he knows 100 million reasons why. Before continuing he must remind employers to as much as possible pay their employees before the Christmas Holidays. It should not be as the Member has often heard that some employers say that the employee might spend all his/her monies and then by New Year is broke. This is the responsibility of the employee not the employer. As a matter of fact the reality is that these monies will be spent in their business. Back to the GEBE issue, this process has been a lengthy discussion, I understood since 2005. But now that it has been finalized the Member of Parliament is looking forward to the people of St. Maarten benefiting from this transaction. What he hopes to see established if this has not already happened is the value of the assets on the two islands. According to reports, after a five year transition period the two islands will have to buy these back from GEBE Company which by then will be solely owned by St. Maarten. Finally the actual buyout cost for St. Maarten should be made known. So he hopes that the people of St. Maarten will receive a real New Year's gift for 2014. Happy Holidays.

swescotwilliamsatofficialpresentationoforderofmerittodaniellajeffry25122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined various dignitaries including Governor Eugene Holiday in the ceremony in which local historian, activist, writer and educator Daniela Jeffry was awarded the National Order of Merit of the French Republic. The Prime Minister congratulated Mrs. Jeffry and lauded her constant dedication to the development of St. Martin and its people.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

telemdonateschristmasgoodiestofamilies25122013Clients of Sister Basilia Center Surprised with Holiday Gifts

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten, as shareholder representative of the Telem Group of Companies, joined with staff of Telem and her Cabinet in presenting gifts to the clients of the Sister Basilia Center that live in Hope Estate. The Prime Minister commented that for four years gifts have been distributed to families throughout the island to ensure that their Holiday experience will be all the more special.

"I just want to take this opportunity to thank Telem for joining us in this gesture that we have been doing for the last four years. During the Christmas Season we have gotten together with various businesses on the island and have provided families in our community with some goodies that would help them celebrate their Holiday Season even better. And so, as we are here to present to the clients of the Sister Basilia Center who live here in Hope Estate, we are making the presentation to the families you see here. We have been making these gestures to families throughout the island but it is particularly good to be here to present these goodies. I do hope that this allows you to celebrate a nice Christmas with your fiends and family. Also many thanks to Telem and I am sure you have made a difference in the Holiday celebration in all those who are here this evening. Have a very blessed Christmas, Happy Holidays and may you enjoy this season," concluded the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

swescotwilliamsreceivespensionplanadvisefromserreps25122013PM to Pay Close Attention to Recommendations

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Social Economic Council (SER) submitted an unsolicited advice entitled "A mandatory pension for 
Sint Maarten - an attainable and robust pension for all employees in Sint Maarten" to Prime Minister 
Wescot-Williams last week. Currently more than half of all employees do not have a 
pension additional to AOV. The advice proposes a mandatory pension for all employees currently 
without a pension with existing pension arrangements not being affected.

The advice entails that both employees and employers are obligated to contribute to the pension plan 
during the careers of workers. The minimum contribution of both parties together is 6 of the wage 
sum but both are free to contribute more, provided that employers contribute at least half in all cases. 
Employees and employers can deduct their premiums from wage- and profit tax. These contributions 
are recorded in a pension agreement with an insurer or pension fund. Employees have a say in the 
choice of the insurer and the pension agreement. Essential to the SER advice is that the new pension 
plan travels with the employee from job to job, eliminating most pension transfer problems.

The SER further advises that all the costs insurers can charge to execute new pension agreements are 
regulated by decree. This is to protect employer and employee from high overhead costs due to 
insufficient competition in the insurance market. Insurance companies can compete with the rate of 
return they offer in pension agreements.

Moreover, the SER advises to increase the existing tax deductibility for contributions to private pensions 
(annuities not related to employment) from 1,000 to 12,000 ANG yearly. Therefore, employees, but also 
independent contractors, can deduct private pension premiums in their tax return. This provides 
another incentive for Sint Maarteners to start planning for their financial future and not depend only on 
AOV. The SER stipulates that workers will need to save for their pensions; it is not given to them. After 
the publication in the National Gazette the advice of the SER will be available for downloading at

The Prime Minister ha stated that the advice was well received and that close attention will be paid to it in the coming months.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

mauricelakestjohnsestateconnectedtosewageline25122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake is pleased to inform the residents of St. John's Estate that the stench of sewage that use to emanate in the area of the housing development is a thing of the past since the estate was hooked up to the L.B. Scott Road sewage system.

In a public private partnership between the Government of Sint Maarten (Ministry VROMI) and the St. John's Estate Homeowners Association, the necessary infrastructure aspects were jointly taken care of resulting in the connection.

Minister Lake says that the advice for the installation of safety guardrails along the trench has been signed and installation should begin in January. The guardrail will enhance safety for pedestrians (students, teachers and residents) who use the sidewalk on a daily basis.

"Residents can now sit outside in their yards and open their backdoors. The smell of sewage will no longer chase them indoors. The children in the nearby MAC Browlia Maillard Campus can also breathe a sigh of relief.

"Again, in going back to basics, this was a problem that could have been resolved more than a year ago under the previous administration, but it was not. My back to basics approach is all about finding solutions to the problems that impact the quality of life of our people.

"This is what makes a big difference, it's the little things that account and that the people look at. The public private partnership is an initiative that makes a big difference as well where government and the people come together to solve problems jointly. It's all about going back to basics, and it's all about the people of Sint Maarten," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake concluded.

adambrownstudyingbirds25122013PIC PARADIS:--- This Thursday, 26 December, EPIC will begin its 13th year of research studying the songbird populations of St. Maarten. Since 2001, researchers with EPIC have been monitoring bird populations on the island using bird bands to track individual birds. The team is following individual bird health, population trends of resident and migratory birds, as well as the relationship between birds and the habitats they live in.

EPIC staff will be studying the birds in the dry forests on the northern flanks of Pic Paradis. This same site has been used by the team during the entire 13-year period and is one of the longest studied sites in the insular Caribbean. Says Adam Brown, a Senior Biologist with EPIC, "Long-term studies such as these are critical to understanding how environmental and man-made factors affect bird populations."

The public is welcome to come watch the team work and learn more about the birds of the island. Says Brown, "We will have a number of birds in the hand as we are weighing and measuring them, and this is an excellent opportunity for folks to get a close up and personal view of the wonderful birds on the island." After data is collected on the birds, they are released unharmed. EPIC urges persons interested in visiting the site to contact the research team ahead of time either through Facebook or it's webpage at

EPIC Press Release

smmcendofyearstaffparty25122013OYSTER POND:--- On December 21st, 2013, the St. Maarten Medical Center had their end of year staff party at the Westin Resort. The director, Mr. Kees Klarenbeek addressed the employees with the end of year speech.
In his speech Kees reflected on the challenges and changes that took place during the year 2013. The employees were informed about the lifting of the supervision by the inspectorate of health and were informed as to the plans for the upcoming year. This end of year speech is copied below.

Kees Klarenbeek End of year speech 2013:
Firstly, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to everyone here tonight. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to share reflections of the past year and look to the future of our hospital together with you.
2013 has been a rough year with many challenges, changes and developments for us. There were several changes in the board of directors, there was a permanent tension between the hospital and the government, the inspectorate and the SZV.
In the beginning of the year, the hospital was still under intensified supervision by the inspectorate of health.
Although there was a formal collaboration set up between the healthcare foundations of Bonaire, Saba, Statia and Sint Maarten no formal steps for a follow up were taken.
Furthermore, we were aware about the fact that there is another hospital on the island at the French side who is delivering healthcare services. It was taken for granted that no formal collaboration between our hospital and the Louis-Constant Fleming Hospital was possible.
My term as chairman of the board of directors just started 4 and a half month ago. From the moment I started till this very moment, I feel very welcome in the Sint Maarten Medical Center and I want to thank you for that. But it is not about me. And it may sound strange but it is not about the hospital either. It is all about serving the healthcare needs of the population of Sint Maarten and surrounding islands. We as a hospital together with the government, the inspectorate, the SZV and all other health care providers have the responsibility to make this a reality.
For a hospital you need of course a building and medical equipment but first of all you need a dedicated staff. Our slogan "We care" is very suitable for expressing this position.
Walt Disney once said 'you can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful idea in the world, but it requires people to make the dream reality'. This is certainly the case for the Sint Maarten Medical Center. The reality is that without a great deal of commitment and support from all of us, we will not succeed in achieving our goals.
One of the most critical factors of any successful organization, in our case the hospital, the Sint Maarten Medical Center, is the people, the staff. The employees of the Sint Maarten Medical Center, supporting staff, nursing staff and medical, work together to best meet the needs of our patients. I am grateful for the time and energy you put into your work.
But, I also have a deep wish! There are still remaining areas where trust needs to be rebuilt. Yes I know, trust goes fast and comes slow. I ask every one, to lay aside long existing disputes and walk on together to a bright future for us as a hospital but most and for all for the best benefit of the people of Sint Maarten and surrounding islands.
I am convinced that a bright future lies ahead for the Sint Maarten Medical Center. Relationships with the government, parliament, inspectorate, SZV and the union have been improved already. We will continue doing so by accepting each role and respect each and every opinion. We as a hospital however will stand firm in our beliefs but also we will be aware of our position in the healthcare system of Sint Maarten and the East Caribbean.
We will also keep on working to take away the mentioned shortcomings in the inspectorate-report from 2012, doing so in collaboration with the inspectorate of health.
The elaboration of the existing agreement with the BES islands has been made for Saba and Statia and will be in effect in January 2014. A re-signing for extension of the collaboration is planned for mid next year of which the healthcare foundation of Bonaire will be then part of the collaboration as well.
Also in January a first step will be made in setting up a formal collaboration between the Louis-Constant Fleming hospital on the French side and the Sint Maarten Medical Center.
Together with the union we will set up a new Collective Labor Agreement whereby we understand each other's position and respect those positions.
We are on track for getting the expansion for the hospital realized which is very much needed for serving the medical needs of the population. I thank everyone who supports those efforts to get this job done. There will be also an extension of medical specialties and an increase of the number of medical specialist to give the needed healthcare on the island instead of giving this care abroad.
As you see, there are a lot of challenges and changes ahead. And change is already in progress. This truly can be a night of celebration! I am very proud to announce tonight that based on a team effort by all the employees of the Sint Maarten Medical Center the inspectorate of health has come to the conclusion that necessary improvements are made or are planned in a sufficient way to give quality care in the Sint Maarten Medical Center. The inspectorate informed the hospital yesterday that they lifted the intensified supervision per direct. Thank you all for your efforts to make this major result possible.
We care, we care as an individual, and we care as a team for the hospital as part of the healthcare system for the population of Sint Maarten. Therefore we have to change our slogan to make it even fit better in: "We care together".
I am proud to be part of the team of employees of the Sint Maarten Medical Center and wish you and your relatives and your friends the best Christmas ever and a happy and healthy new year!
May God bless you and may God bless the Sint Maarten Medical Center.

SMMC Press Release

SIMPSON BAY:--- The St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies announces that the Clearance Offices at the Great Bay Port and at the Simpson Bay Lagoon has adjusted its opening hours in connection with the Christmas and New Year's holidays.

Great Bay - Clearance/Billing Offices of St. Maarten Ports Authority

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2012 Open from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon

Wednesday, Dec 25, 2012 Closed

Thursday, Dec 26, 2012 Closed

Tuesday, Dec 31, 2012 Open from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon

Wednesday, Jan 1, 2013 Closed

Normal operating hours will resume from December 27 through 30, 2013 as well as of January 2, 2013.

All vessels requiring the assistance of these offices to depart St. Maarten are requested to contact our Clearance/ Billing offices before the closure dates and times.

In case of emergency please contact the following personnel:

Edmond Johnson (520-1867) Great Bay for Maritime Services

Roger Lawrence (520-5163) Great Bay for Cargo Handling Services

Sam Peterson (520-2059) SLAC for Bridge Assistance/liaison with SLAC Clearance/Billing staff

eugeneholiday24122013My Fellow Sint Maarteners,

I extend warm Christmas greetings to you and yours at home and abroad.

I do so in the spirit of the words of the apostle Paul which call for us to continue to honor our "...... Obligation To Love One Another" (Romans 13:8). Words that breathe the enduring gift of Christmas.

In our relationships with each other let us in the spirit of the season embrace these words. For while we can pay our debts as they come due, there is one debt you and I can never finish paying; it is the debt of love that we owe our neighbor and thus to our country.

As we celebrate Christmas and close off this year let us take time out to reflect on the favorable, not so favorable and unfavorable developments in our lives and society in 2013. And as we do so it is important to recognize that individually and as a nation we have been tested and at times fell short in fulfilling our obligation one to another and our nation. Grateful for the favorable developments and mindful that we will continue to be challenged it is essential that we renew our commitment towards our duty to fulfill our responsibility to our country. For every act of kindness to one another – be it to a foe, stranger, visitor, colleague, friend, brother or sister – is a response to our calling, as the friendly people of the friendly island, to comply with our obligations towards a more just Sint Maarten.

In celebrating Christmas amongst family and friends, we celebrate the presence of the highest form of love. I therefore encourage you to embrace the enduring love of the season now and into the new year and to project it to our country. For love is the enduring spring out of which all good, kind and lasting deeds flow. It is the spring that you and I must always keep open and flowing with the purpose of the perfecting of our society for the betterment of all.

It is in the spirit of our obligation to love one another that Marie-Louise and I, wish you and your family, joyous and safe holidays filled with the sustaining love and peace of Christmas!

God bless you and God bless Sint Maarten.

The Governor of Sint Maarten
Eugene B. Holiday

swescotwilliams24122013Dear Fellow Citizens of St. Maarten,

I again have the privilege to wish each and every one of you a blessed and joyous Christmas. I hope that you will be able to spend this holiday with your friends, families and loved ones and that you may be able to share in the joy which this season brings with it. At Christmas we remember firstly the birth of Christ that heralded the salvation of mankind. This is why we celebrate.

I hope that you will also take a moment to reflect during this festive season on those amongst us who are not as fortunate in being surrounded by friends and family; who due to whatever circumstances may not be able to spend this Christmas the way they would like to spend it. Those who are ill, lonely or destitute. I urge you in any way you can to exhibit a sense of compassion and community, not only this Christmas, but throughout the year.

Christmas is a season for merriment and cheer and I hope this is celebrated and enjoyed by all. We have a rich holiday culture here on St. Maarten and I encourage all to celebrate what makes Christmas special for us.

I would like to wish all a very Merry Christmas; may you spend it joyfully and safely, and let us join together in the spirit of Brotherhood, Peace and the Unity which exemplifies this most joyful of Holidays.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

ROME, Italy:--- Francesco Corallo was Ambassador of the Republic of Dominica at the FAO. This was determined by the magistrate of the court of Rome, who fully acquitted Corallo Francesco, because he did not make false statements on his "personal qualities" during the raid ordered by Milan prosecutors as part of investigation of the loans granted by the BPM at B Plus of Francesco Corallo.

At the time of the search, Corallo Francesco had exhibited a diplomatic passport issued by the Government of Dominica as a result of his appointment as ambassador to the FAO, but also had waived the benefit of the immunity order not to hinder the investigation. But the Milan prosecutor's office, following the request for information made ​​by the GdF to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to verify the veracity of accreditation as ambassador, accused Corallo Francesco of making false statements to the judicial police.

In the expedited case solicited by Corallo Francesco, the Rome magistrates has now determined that it was an unfounded accusation, as the diplomatic accreditation process was actually started even if not yet concluded, which means that the appointment of ambassador had already occurred.

sxmandaxasignmouonferryterminal24122013THE VALLEY, Anguilla (DCOMM):--- On Friday morning December 20th 2013, Minister of Justice, The Honorable Dennis Richardson and Minister of Tourism The Honorable Thadeus Richardson traveled to neighbouring Anguilla to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regulating the operations of the Ferry Terminal located in Simpson Bay near the SXM Airport (PJIAE).

At the Signing Ceremony Chief Minister of Anguilla Hubert Hughes and Minister of Home Affairs & Education Jerome Roberts signed the MOU on behalf of Anguilla. The MOU forms the basis of the Immigration operations of both islands and helps to facilitate the smooth flow of passengers that are transiting to Anguilla via the SXM Airport. Once the Ferry Terminal becomes operational, it is expected that the travel experience of guests to both islands will be greatly enhanced.

cdeweever19082012St. Maarten/St. Martin Remains Safe for Travelers

PHILIPSBURG:--- Precautionary measures have been initiated by the Dutch country of St. Maarten to mitigate the mosquito population on island as a result of several cases of the Chikungunya virus being reported in St. Martin.
The Health and Tourism Ministries are working closely with the French Side authorities of the island to eliminate the risk. Preventative measures have included emergency mosquito fogging both near the Dutch/French border and throughout the entire island. The Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever is also encouraging residents on island to take action by removing potential mosquito breeding spots around their premises on a daily basis.
Additional interventions include training of the Ministry of Public Health Vector Control Team, placing physicians on alert, increasing public health surveillance for Chikungunya, yard-to-yard inspections, daily public announcements are being made, cautionary banners and posters are being placed in public locations to notify the residents and visitors at large on the preventative measures to be taken.
The Government authorities are adhering to the guidelines and regulations of the WHO, PAHO, RIVM & CDC to prevent the spreading of this disease and protect the residents and visitors of this island.
Hon. Minister of Tourism and Transportation (with responsible for the airport and port) Mr. Ted Richardson has also join in the Chikungunya prevention campaign, by requesting the Tourism sector partners, especially both ports of entry to be vigilant and alert in protecting their employees and guests/visitors to the island.

tedrichardson24122013"We are asking all taxi/bus drivers, restaurants, properties, car rentals agencies, stores and attractions to have mosquito repellent readily available in their establishments for their guests, particularly during dawn & dusk" periods.

"It is safe to travel to St. Maarten/St. Martin and we do encourage our visitors to come to the island. While on the island, visitors can help protect themselves by using mosquito repellent on hands, face, feet (parts of the body that are exposed), wear long sleeves shirts and pants/skirts especially during the high risks times (dawn & dust). Preventative posters will be placed at both ports of entry and providing information to our visitors.
St. Maarten's Ministry of Public Health has been actively engaging with the public since 2012 to reduce the risk of these outbreaks with Hon. Cornelius de Weever's "Get Checked" campaign, which encourages residents and businesses to check in and around their establishments to reduce breeding sites.

Special pre-cautionary measures are undertaken in collaboration with French St. Martin, given the fact that they have been placed on a Level:1 Watch by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the lowest notice level by the agency, which advises travelers to the destination to follow usual insect precautions.
Chikungunya is an illness caused by a virus that spreads through mosquito bites. The most common symptoms of Chikungunya are fever and joint pain. Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling or rash.

governorscupwinnerandrewgordonreceivesprizefromeholiday24122013PHILIPSBURG:--- On December 7, 2013 the third round of the second Annual Governor's Cup Tournament ended with an unforeseen victory by Andrew Gordon, with second place going to Shemar Arindell, and third to Juvanni Bruney.
The tournament was opened by His Excellency Governor Holiday with words of encouragement. Before the tournament was kicked off with the Governor hitting the first ball, Choach Radjouki held a speech. During the speech, members of the Federation and audience were astonished by him mentioning that he will be retiring, and would like to hand over his professional racket "Suzie" to the Governor. Coach Radjouki said that "Suzie" is one of a kind and it would be an honor to have her stored at the Office of the Governor.
On December 20th all the table tennis player were invited to the Cabinet of the Governor, were His Excellency presented the winner of the Governor's Cup 2012, Rory Pantophlet, and the winner of the Governor's Cup 2013, Andrew Gordon, with a Monetary Award in support of their education, the Sint Maarten Table Tennis Federation and a charity foundation of their choice.

Recognizing the Governor's Cup Participants
Building character and strengthening important values through Sports

Message delivered
Eugene B. Holiday
The Governor of Sint Maarten

December 20, 2013

Members of the Board of the Sint Maarten Table Tennis Federation and
Participants in the 2012 and 2013 Governor's Table Tennis Cup
A pleasant good morning to all of you.
And welcome to the Office of the Governor, Falcon Drive 3.
It is my pleasure to have you here to congratulate the Board of the Table Tennis Federation on organizing the Governor's Cup and to recognize the players for their performances during the competitions as well as the parents present for supporting and encouraging the players. For me playing sports in general and table tennis in particular gives a great sense of enjoyment. But as I increase in years I have to reluctantly admit that it is easier to watch the game than to play. Just for the record, that does not mean that I have any doubt that I can hold my own against you guys.
This morning is we are here to highlight the accomplishments of the table tennis federation and the players through the Governor's Cup. I will like to do so

  • By first reemphasizing what I believe should be the objectives of the Tournament; and
  • Second, by recognizing the federation and the players who competed in the tournament

The tournament was organized for the first time in 2012 on initiative of the past President Ms. Rita Panthoplet and Coach Radjouki and I am pleased to support the initiative of the board of the federation. An initiative which the Current boar,d led by an ex-student and player under coach Radjouki namely the current president Mr. Alexander Gumbs, is carrying forward. As a lover of sports I am pleased to support the program but more so because of the positive impact of which sport have on the overall development of youngsters. I therefore see the objectives of the Governor's Cup as being the promotion of the overall development of our youth through table tennis. As a result I will like to use this moment to remind the players here this morning of the objectives of this Governor's Cup. I advise you to continue participating in this table tennis tournament because; sports as a result of its physical nature and tactical and strategic requirements contribute to a strong and sound body as well as to a strong and sound mind. As a person who have been very active in sports both competitively and recreationally I know that sports help to build character and strengthen important values for your further lives. In this regard I wish to stress the following six values:

  1. First, disciplined, sports reinforces self-control
  2. Second, reliability, sports foster greater promptness and team work
  3. Third, perseverance, sports builds determination
  4. Fourth, self-confidence, sports strengthens confidence
  5. Fifth, dedication, sports teaches the importance of hard work and preparation; and
  6. Sixth, ambition helps to strive to achieve greater things for our society

All values which are essential to succeed in life and to creating better citizens and a better society. In seeking to foster these values among you our youth I am pleased to be associated with and to support this tournament. As a result I wish to congratulate you the Board on this initiative and on keeping this program going. And to the players who competed in the tournament in 2012 and this year I please to say that ever since I had my first practice session with you I have seen the quality of your table tennis game and skills improve. In that regards I am happy to say that while only one person can win the tournament I see a increasing winners attitude among all of you. Thus to all of you I extend my congratulations for making the tournament interesting and of a high quality. Having said that I wish all of you success in the strengthening of the six values I outlines and continued success with your table tennis activities.
With that I will like to recognize all of you this morning in the following ways:

  1. First, I will like to ask all present to put your hands together for the board and all the participants in the Governor's Cup and for their sportsmanship throughout the 2012 and 2013 tournament.
  2. Second, I will like to invite the third place winner, Juvanni Bruney, and the second place winner, Shemar Arindell of the 2013 Governor's Cup to come forward so that I can award them with a Governors' pin.
  3. Third, I will like to call the Winner of the 2012 Governor's Cup, Rory Pantophlet, forward to recognize him with a Governors' pin as the winner of the first tournament.
  4. And Fourth, I herewith call on the Winner of the 2013 Governor's Cup Andrew Gordon to come forward to present him with a Governors' pin as the winner of the second tournament
  5. And finally I will like to invite Mr. Alexander Gumbs, as the president of the SMTTF, to come forward to join me as I present a special award to the two winners for their achievements.

The special award has a monetary value of NAf.450. I am pleased to award each of you a monetary prize worth NAf.450 for your accomplishments as winners of the 2012 and 2013 Governor's Cup, respectively. And in keeping with the objectives of the tournament the prize will go towards the following causes:

  1. Naf. 125 as a contribution to you school fees towards your further development and education
  2. NAf. 125 as a contribution to the SMTTF towards the further development of your sport
  3. NAf. 200 as a contribution to the Crystal Home Foundation reflecting your choice to contribute to a good cause in our community

Once again congratulations to the Board and the players.
Thank you.

gracitaarrindellholidayseasonoutingwithicanfoundation24122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Recently President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell took 24 children in the age range of two (2) to 16-years old and staff on a holiday season outing to the Butterfly Farm.

The kids enjoyed their time and sang Christmas carols and church songs while on the bus. Upon their return home, they were treated with baskets of toys.

President Arrindell would like to thank the management and staff of the Butterfly Farm for donating the tour which the children enjoyed immensely.

"I would also like to thank the I Can Foundation Manager Cassandra Gibbs and her volunteer staff who provide loving care to the kids at I Can, some of them who have known no other home, for the great job that they do on a daily basis," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Friday.

The President is making an appeal to the business community to donate several Christmas trees to the foundation so the children can enjoy the holiday season.

President Arrindell was accompanied by Member of Parliament (MP) Hon. Janchie Leonard, and Arrindell added that he did a wonderful job with the kids.

mauricelakemeetswithsmhdfboard24122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake met with the board of the St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF) on Wednesday regarding his vision for public housing for the country.

Minister Lake stated that his vision for public housing for the people is based on the recent Sint Maarten Housing Vision 2012-2020 Building Book that was presented by KAW Architects and Consultants recently to the minister.

The project commissioned by the Government of Sint Maarten and financed by USONA entailed a review of legislation relating to housing, and a review of the housing policy. The project objective is to increase the quality of life and living conditions of residents with low and middle incomes through policies and legislation relating to adequate and social housing.

"We need to get back to basics by building public housing for all the people, and this is well defined in the housing vision. We need housing for all. I want to see the SMDHF putting in place in a transparent manner the vision, and I want to see homes built for our seniors, disabled, low and middle income inhabitants, and beginners, homes that our local people can afford, and then I will give credit where credit is due, and not just to look in the newspaper.

"How can I congratulate when the real people who need houses are not getting the houses. I find SMDHF has left the values and principles behind when it was established. The board has to be more pro-active than reactive with the housing vision and make sure that management takes care and provides good service to the tenants.

"Perform for the people of this country by implementing the vision for housing for all instead of a selected few and we good to go where this is concerned," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

A number of other points were also discussed such as: filling supervisory board vacancies; SMHDF operational audit; financial audit; changing articles of incorporation of the St. Maarten Housing Financial Foundation and membership of its board; code of ethics with respect to the functioning of the foundation and its relationship with other entities; the board's plans to hold a Summit in January 2014 in connection with how SMHDF can enhance its services and operations taking into consideration of the housing vision; and a listing of project priorities of the Minister responsible for Public Housing.

The listing of priorities will be presented at the Summit 2014 and will include some of the following: construction of senior citizen homes; Upper Princess Quarter housing project; the sale of duplex homes in Belvedere; the building of low and middle income homes; the purchasing of private land to build more affordable homes for the people of Sint Maarten. Minister Lake added the focus needs to be placed on one housing vision instead of all kinds of personal vision by SMHDF.

"As Minister of Housing, I can promise the people one thing, in the middle of January 2014, we would start building affordable homes for the people of this country," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

sxmacademyprojecthope24122013~Brings Christmas Cheer to 30 Families through Project HOPE~

CUL DE SAC:--- The students and staff of St. Maarten Academy came together and donated grocery baskets with turkeys and ham to thirty families of the school through the annual charity drive, Project HOPE. The theme for this year was "Love in Action".
This is the twelfth year of this well-supported venture, the brainchild of Vice Principal Tallulah Baly-Vanterpool, who is also head of the Department of Student Care. For six weeks, the students, staff, parents, management and School Board were encouraged to bring in non-perishable food items and cash. Even the school's Student Government Association chipped in and raised $465 during its St. Maarten Day celebration, as well as another $200 during "Freaky" Tuesday with a Christmas Twist on December 10. These funds were used to purchase additional items for the baskets.
Donations also came from the school's principal, Mr. Shareed Hussain and the School Board, the latter of whom gave 20 turkeys and 10 hams. "We are ever so grateful to our School Board, who over the years has always ensured that with each basket donated there was either a large turkey or ham, which means a lot to the families," said Mrs. Baly-Vanterpool. The school's Interact Club, under the guidance of Science teacher Mrs. Peggy Illis-Bell; as well as Lisandra Havertong, coordinator of the Leo Club of St. Martin also gave generously.
"Project HOPE has become a true community effort. I am pleased to see that it has gone beyond the school," said Baly-Vanterpool.
Many students volunteered to sort the items and pack the baskets with much love and care. The distribution list, however, remains confidential. Many teachers gave their time in making deliveries to the homes of these families in several communities across the island – from St. Peters to Cole Bay/Cay Bay, Philipsburg, Dutch Quarter, French Quarter, and many places in between.
Special thanks are being extended to the drivers and delivery assistants, namely Mrs. Souad Meskini-Azbouni, Ms. Sharon Richards, Mr. Armand Teunis, Mrs. Iris Derrick, Mrs. Vandana Kotai, Ms. Keturah Thompson, Mrs. Kim Lucas-Felix, Mrs. Suja Pereppedan, Mr. Julian Mason, and Ms. Yvonne Johns, all of whom brought smiles and warm hugs to many grateful faces throughout the day on Wednesday.
According to Mrs. Lucas-Felix, Form 1 mentor and coordinator of the Student Government Association, "Here at the Academy, we don't only focus on the academics, but the development of the whole child. As such, we inculcate values such as compassion, kindness, generosity, and service, which were demonstrated through our students' donations and volunteerism during Project HOPE."
All St. Maarten is encouraged to show "Love in Action" in this and every season of the year.

Reminds that Giving of Gifts, Bribing or Coercing for Votes Already Established as Illegal Under the Penal Code

PHILIPSBURG:--- During her weekly radio program One on One with the Prime Minister, the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams gave clarity on her push for electoral reform. The Prime Minister commented on the program aired weekly on 98.1 Pearl FM that since the constitutional change of the tenth of October 2010 many issues had to be ironed out: "We had to have elections in 101010 for a new political system; a system that we never knew before; from an island council to a parliamentary system. We put everything in place to have that new constitutional system and what we have noticed is that, because of the frequent changes in the political landscape there is a need for reform in the system in order to put more emphasis on political stability. What we have seen is that in our young democracy there is a tension of two parts; persons are elected and get into Parliament depending on how many seats the party gets and not necessarily with regards to the amount of seats that person gets. Because of that you have had frequent changes in Government and in the minute you have a shift in the coalition position in parliament following the composition in 101010 you had a shift in the allegiance of Parliament thus effecting Government.

The Prime Minister emphasized that her focus with regards to electoral change is to ensure that there is stability in the system and clarity for the people who have elected their representatives, doing so on the basis of a clear program and vision of a particular political party, with the party then being able to execute their respective programs.

"Based on the frequent changes because of the shifting of alliances and allegiances in Parliament that is one of the matters in electoral reform that I have received advice on and there are various options to look at. I am now preparing a paper to submit to Parliament in order to have a discussion, a discussion devoid of politicking but in the interest of the people. There are various options with regards to electoral reform. For example within a Political Party itself or ultimately, which I believe should be the ultimate option, with changes to the constitution.

"It is also important to make the public aware of the dynamics of our politics and how important it is to elect persons who voters understand have a clear vision and clear objective. Tied into this is the issue of campaign reform, the change in the way we conduct politics. During the budget handling Parliament passed a motion on electoral reform. The content of the motion was to not bribe, pay or accept cash, give objects or give preferential treatment to influence the vote for or against a candidate. Also not to coerce persons to nominate or not to nominate a candidate. I indicated that much of these matters are already outlined in our laws, but it does require educating and informing Parliament and the people of St. Maarten. I therefore gave an overview where this is already mentioned in our law. Matters like bribing someone to vote are outlined in the penal code, specifically in article 2.14 that states that the person who bribes someone to vote in a particular through the giving of money or gifts or in any other way will be punished with incarceration for two years or fines as categorized by the law. The voter or a representative of a voter who allows his or herself to be bought will be punished in the same manner," commented the Prime Minister.

The PM stressed that, with regards to elections it is the duty of all responsible parties to adhere to the law, which clearly outlines what is and what is not allowed during National Elections. "Eventually, as our society becomes more complex and larger, you may have a situation where elections might be contested because things have not happened according to the law. The initiator of the Parliamentary Motion, MP Frans Richardson, may not have been aware of the law so I will be pointing this out in my reply to Parliament so that the necessary discussions will take place," concluded Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

rotarysxmsunrisechristmasbreakfastwithrubylabegaschool24122013RETREAT ESTATE:--- On Monday, December 16, 2013, the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise and community partner Sheriff Security shared Christmas breakfast with the students and teachers of Ruby Labega School.
In recognition for the services rendered by both entities, the students make and signed Christmas Cards with their photos and presented to both entities for their support over the years.
Seeing that December is Rotary family month, for Rotary Sunrise, welcomed the opportunity of fellowship with the students and teachers of the institution.
The Rotary Sunrise meets at Air Lekkerbek Restaurant every Tuesday mornings at 7:00am for fellowship and breakfast. For more information on Rotary Sunrise, please visit us at or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you can also visit our Facebook page: Rotary Club of Saint Martin Sunrise and Tweet us: @RotarySunSXM

smmcshfshcfreps24122013CAY HILL:--- The St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) is collaborating with Saba Healthcare Foundation and the St. Eustatius Health Care Foundation for continued and improved healthcare for the islands of Saba, St. Eustatius and St. Maarten. Representatives of the foundations met on Monday, December 16, 2013.

Over the last two months, the collaborating parties have agreed on key initiatives to better serve the populations of the islands. One of these initiatives is setting strategies for the hiring of medical professionals.

It is necessary, for the growing population, to increase the number of medical specialists working at the SMMC. As our resources grow in this area, the islands of Saba and St. Eustatius can too benefit from the medical services the specialists will provide.

Already, a gynecologist/obstetrician from the SMMC goes to Saba and Statia regularly to provide medical care to the women there. In January of the upcoming year, this overseas medical service will continue with an oncologist from the SMMC who will treat patients in Saba.

Sharing of personnel from either organization in this collaboration are not limited to medical specialists but also in other areas such as hygiene, quality care and maintenance of facilities and medical equipment.

Education resources are another element of this collaboration that will continue within the islands. The SMMC education department is currently doing a good job with accelerated courses for nursing assistants, licensed practical nurses and registered nurses on the three islands. Educational training for non-nursing staff will also be done together with Saba and Statia.

This collaboration between the foundations was already in place but was not implemented in some action areas. It is now named "We Care Together", stemming from the slogan of the SMMC, "We Care!" The SMMC recognizes its role as the primary center for support care for the residents of Saba and Statia. While the SMMC, Saba and Statia health care foundations are seeking to meet the basic health needs of their population, the agreement will open avenues and strengthen efforts to further develop plans for sustainable health care for the Dutch islands.

SMMC Press Release

COLE BAY:--- On Friday December 20th, 2013 at approximately 9:00pm, a police patrol during a routine control stopped a vehicle with license plate P-4003 and very dark tinted windows on the Welfare road in the vicinity of Bottle Tree Drive, where its known to police that drugs are regularly sold in that area. The driver and passenger jumped out of the car and when the driver was asked his name he took off running. He was chased by the officers but was not caught. The passenger who stayed on the spot was searched and a black bag containing an amount of marijuana and several small plastic packs of cocaine were found in his possession. These drugs were confiscated for further investigation. The 26 year old suspect was arrested on the spot and taken to the Philipsburg Police Station where he was handed over the Narcotic Department for further investigation.

KPSM Police Report

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Saturday December 22nd, 2013 at approximately 5:00am, several police patrols were directed to Star Ocean Supermarket to investigate a break-in. On the scene, the investigating officers saw several unknown men jump out a window located on the side of the building and take off in the darkness running through the bushes. During the investigation the officers discovered a grey colored caravan with the license plate M-3275 hidden in the bushes. The driver of that vehicle had also fled the scene on foot. The vehicle in question was parked with cases of Heineken beer and several other boxes filled with different types of alcoholic drinks. This vehicle was immediately confiscated for further investigation and taken to the Philipsburg Police Station. As the investigation continued on the inside of the building the officers noticed that the culprits had already prepared several boxes with merchandise to take from the store. Personnel from the Detective and Forensic Department arrived on the scene to search for evidence. A welding and burning torch, acetylene, oxygen bottles and other items that can be used to commit these type of acts were found and also confiscated for further investigation. No arrests were made.

KPSM Police Report

armedrobberyfillin13082012COLE BAY:--- On Friday December 20th, 2013 at approximately 6:50am, a Simpson Bay Police patrol was sent to the Texaco Gas Station of the Welfare road regarding an armed robbery. On the scene the investigating officers learnt that three masked and armed men came to the gas station in a grey colored car without any license plate. The driver stayed in the car while the other two entered the supermarket. One of the robbers pushed a client to the side and jumped over the counter and threatened the cashier with his gun. She was told to cooperate and struck in the head by the robber. A female client that was in the establishment during the robbery was robbed of her shoulder bag containing personal items and some cash. After committing this act the two robbers jumped back into the car and drove off. Detectives are investigating.

KPSM Police Report

telemdonatestobasiliacenterforholidayseason22122013POND ISLAND:--- TelEm Group's mobile provider, TelCell, played Santa to the residents of the Basilia Center Friday, delivering nine boxes of goodies, including non-perishable food and festive games.

The deliveries were made to the Basilia Center residents who are living in their own homes in Hope Estate. They were presented to the residents by TelEm Group Shareholder Representative, Prime Minister Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams.

The Prime Minister thanked TelEm Group for its kind gesture in joining other companies on St. Maarten who donate each year to the Basilia Center and its residents.

"We have been visiting at this time for the past four years and I always look forward to visiting. Today we have come with some wonderful gifts from TelEm, for which I am very grateful," said the Prime Minister.

Basilia Center Department Head, Mr. Carlson Richardson, also thanked TelEm Group on behalf of the residents and also thanked the company for some additional games for the center itself, which he said would be well utilized to keep the residents entertained and active.

According to TelEm Group Marketing Officer Marelva Felix-Jones and Sales and Marketing Officer, Cheryl Rismay, the gifts are the company's end of year gesture to a deserving group in keeping with the Christmas season.

"The boxes were well received and in turn we want to thank the Prime Minister and her staff for assisting us with the deliveries," said Mrs. Felix-Jones.

Telem Press Release

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Those who are planning for the upcoming holiday season has already been looking at their holiday meal shopping requirements. Cooking up a storm for this holiday season is one of the Christmas traditions.

Part of the excitement of the holidays is the traditional foods of the season. However, some of these foods can pose hazards that can ruin more than just a holiday meal – they can cause serious illness and even death.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever as part of his 'Get Checked' campaign, is calling on the community to check their food items carefully to make sure everything is in order for a safe holiday meal.

As part of Collective Prevention Services (CPS), Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour Safe Holiday Season calendar of observances, in collaboration with the Department of Communications (DCOMM), residents are advised to keep the season safe by following some tips on how to enjoy holiday meals safely.

To Make Sure Bacteria are not allowed to Grow:

  1. Use a thermometer. Be sure stuffing, turkey and any poultry dishes are cooked thoroughly to 165 degrees F; ground beef and ham must be cooked thoroughly to 155 degrees F. All other foods, including eggs should be cooked to 145 degrees F.
  2. Do not leave foods containing meat, milk, eggs, fish or poultry at room temperature for more than four hours. This includes pudding and custard-type pies that are popular during the holidays.
  3. Cool all leftovers to 41 degrees F within four hours after cooking.
  4. Do not thaw foods at room temperature. Plan ahead and thaw them in the refrigerator. If the food needs to be thawed quickly, use the microwave or cold running water and then cook promptly after it has thawed.
  5. If you are traveling with food, be sure to keep it cold 41. F. or hot 140 F or above while transporting.
  6. After the big meal, be sure to refrigerate any leftovers within 1 hour. Bacteria love room temperatures and grow quickly in amounts enough to make people ill.

To Prevent Food from Becoming Contaminated

  1. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water before food preparation and after coughing, sneezing, using the toilet, changing diapers, eating, drinking or smoking.
  2. Do not prepare or handle foods if you are ill; a cook's gastrointestinal illness could be spread to others sharing the meal.
  3. Thoroughly clean and sanitize knives, cutting boards and other utensils before and after preparing raw foods and foods that do not require further cooking. Sanitize with a solution of one tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water.
  4. Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables.

Contrary to popular belief, if you do become ill from contaminated food, it is not always the last meal you ate that's the culprit. Food-borne illness can occur anywhere from one hour to 72 hours and even longer after eating contaminated food.

Please help make this holiday season safer by paying attention to proper food preparation and handling techniques.

patricialourensreceivespresentationfromhaughtonmifflinharcourt22122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip recently received a presentation from education company Haughton Mifflin Harcourt about the integration of technology into the school system and curriculum. The Department of Public Education Services and school managers of public schools also attended the information session. Haughton Mifflin Harcourt came on their own account to make the presentation.

mangrovesinlittlebay22122013Improvement in Fresh Pond, Great Salt Pond Faced with Challenges Regarding Salinity and Oxygen Levels

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Nature Foundation carried out its bi-annual water quality tests on the 11th, 12th and 13th of December at seven sites surrounding St. Maarten. These tests are carried out in order to determine the levels of pollutants and other factors affecting wetlands and beaches on St. Maarten. Tests were carried out in order to determine Nitrates (which shows that the water is polluted), Phosphates (which shows the presence of Sewage), Nitrogen, Dissolved Oxygen, and the acidity of the water. Tests were carried out on seven sites; Cole Bay Lagoon, Simpson Bay Lagoon, Mullet Pond, Kim Sha Beach, Great Bay Beach, Belair Pond, Fresh Pond, and the Great Salt Pond. The sites of Great Bay Beach and Kim Sha Beach were particularly chosen to test the swimming quality of the beaches.

It was determined that the sites Cole Bay Lagoon, Kim-Sha Beach, Mullet Pond, and
Great Bay had low levels of both phosphates and nitrates in samples tested. Elevated levels of nitrates and phosphates show that there is a presence of various types of pollutants and sewage in wetlands and coastal areas. The highest level was recorded in the Great Salt Pond and indicates lower water quality. Taking this into consideration levels will continuously be monitored by the Nature Foundation.

It was further established that the sites Cole Bay Lagoon, Kim-Sha Beach, Mullet Pond, and Great Bay had low levels of Nitrogen in samples tested. Elevated levels of Nitrogen, caused by pollutants, can cause fish die-offs in wetlands and coastal areas. The highest level was recorded in the Great Salt Pond at .6 ppm, which is a relatively high number and indicates the presence of elevated nitrogen levels. The Nature Foundation will continuously monitor Nitrogen Levels at this site.

Almost all levels of oxygen recorded were at sufficient levels; however the lowest level was recorded in the Great Salt Pond. This site should be closely monitored for a further drop in oxygen levels which may result in fish kills and breeding of airborne insects (i.e. Midges). It must be noted that the water sampled at the Fresh Pond showed increased water quality after the repairing and placement of the Fountains by ROB/VROMI

Despite the fact that many sites showed Low to Medium readings, the Nature Foundation will follow up on a monthly basis during the upcoming months in order to carefully monitor for changes in the respective levels.

swescotwilliamsreceivescourtesycallfromchineseconsulgeneralchenqiman22122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams received a courtesy call from the Consul General of China to the Dutch Caribbean Chen Qiman at her Cabinet on Monday. Madam Chen, who took office in Willemstad in October, is the focal point of consular and diplomatic services for Chinese nationals living in the Dutch Caribbean. Madam Chen is the first Consul General of the People's Republic of China and has 24 years of international experience as a diplomat. Before her appointment in the Dutch Caribbean she was active as Consul General in Zanzibar. "During the introductory meeting madam Chen presented the PM with her credentials and exchanged information on the services she would provide to Chinese nationals living on St. Maarten.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

GREAT BAY:--- Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius de Weever has increased the financial assistance in an effort to enhance the purchasing power of the social aid recipients. The last increase was in 1996 when the ordinance was drafted; in 17 years there has never been an indexation.
"By categorizing the various groups of individuals that can qualify for financial assistance and streamlining the decision making process and ensuring that those who qualified receive it, my Ministry started reviewing the legislation to find a solution to increase the payments," said Minister De Weever.
The increase in financial assistance has been categorized in various groups, one such group being those between the ages of 58-60 years old who due to their specific circumstances can no longer be considered part of the labor market. Minister De Weever stated that this category has been created, because it is very difficult for these individuals to enter the job market at that age which is a global trend as well.
Minister de Weever managed to create a transparent system which reduces human error and is therefore conducive to the integrity of the system. Other groups, which have been recognized by the minister, are the AOV recipients and the disabled. The AOV recipients, have been sub-categorized into the single AOV entitled individuals 60 years and above and a family member 60 years and older AOV entitled.
Minister de Weever further stated that his aim is to empower these groups and create a sense of independence for them.
"We tried our best to ensure that the physically and mentally challenged will also have financial independence and be able to help themselves," said Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever. "So it was important to develop this category."
Whereas De Weever is in favor of empowering the physically challenged by creating a viable working environment for them, he recognizes that there where the disabled person cannot participate in the labor market they must be able to function as independent individuals within our society. Therefore a special category has been created for them as well.
The increase in the financial assistance is scheduled to go into effect the early part of 2014.

fransrichardsonwithuspboard22122013CUL DE SAC:--- Member of Parliament Frans Richardson and his supporters created a new atmosphere in the St. Peters area on Sunday afternoon when MP Richardson launched his political party that will be contesting the 2014 elections. The gathering which amounted to just over 350 people with lots of children began gathering just after 2pm on the De Weever's property where tents were set up for the Sunday afternoon event. MP Richardson wrote a new chapter in his political career on December 22nd, 2013 when he official branched off from the National Alliance where he began his political life and launched his own political party.

The US crew hired several bands for the launching of the new political party, some of which included Rohie Rhythm Band, Impact Band, Percy Rankin, Red Eye Crew, and Tripple Kay. Each of the bands played for 45 minutes prior to the official launching.

As the people gathered there were young men and women taking surveys from those that attended the launching, questions such as how they heard of the launching and what they believe should happen in the next governing term were some of the questions on the questionnaire. Besides the music and lots of beverages for the attendees, the UP crew came out with something more for their supporters. They distributed tickets to everyone that attended the event which allowed them to win food baskets for the Christmas holidays and kids tablets especially for the youths that won a prize.

MP Frans Richardson along with his family and friends arrived at the location around 3pm decked in a white t-shirt. Even his children and wife wore the white to show they came from the "white" party and are now moving to another level. Just after sunset MP Frans Richardson went on stage dressed in an aqua blue t-shirt with the words "Stand with US-P, United St. Maarten Party" where he introduced the members of the USP board.

Board members of the USP are: Cecil Rodolfo Dimitrio Nicolas (President), Rochelle Darlene Hodge (Vice President), Melissa Doncher (Treasurer), Althea Richardson (Secretary), Fernando Clark (Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Public Relations Officer,) Lloyd Paul (Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Public Relations Officer), Delphine Agnes Brooks-Mardenborough, and Patrick Delisle Braathwaite.

MP Richardson said in his opening remarks that there comes a time in one's life when they must react one way or the other especially towards development, issues concerns and questions which keep their minds busy especially when someone chose to serve their country and people by taking up public office.

He further stated that him being such a person for quite some time now , "this is the time that I along with others were forced to take a long and hard look at where we are as a people and where we want to go from here. It's the time we all had to look in the mirror and decide to correct the mistakes of the past by pooling our resources and committing ourselves to a new way of doing things."

The leader of the US party said that the founders of his party believed that the time is right and the time is now for them to take this initiative considering how much more needs to be achieved as a young country.

"With those things in mind the founders chose to name the new political party "United St. Maarten Party" (USP), which is in keeping with their core beliefs of building from the bottom to the top recognizing the resilience as a people and the many characteristics and shared history that binds "US" as a people."

The USP leader called on the people to stand with them and to join the US because the members of the board have a proven track record and they want to serve and not to be served.

"The USP recognizes the disappointments and disinterest among so many of you, after all, many promises were made and have not been lived up to while some situations only worsened."

The President of the USP also called on the people to join hands with them as they move towards a change for St. Maarten.

Click here to view more photos of USP launching on Sunday afternoon.

smmcimprovedimagingradiology20122013CAY HILL:--- The Radiology Department at the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) has been recently engaged in an educational training and upgrading course from radiologist Dr. Herman Schuttevaer and radiology technicians from the Rijnland Ziekenhuis (Rijnland) in the Netherlands. Dr. Schuttevaer has 25 years of work experience at Rijnland. He specialises in intervention radiology and mammography.

In February of this year, Dr. Schuttevaer came to the SMMC as a rotating specialist, maintaining the continuity of care while SMMC was still in search of a permanent specialist. He noticed that the CT scan machine used in SMMC was the same machine used in the Netherlands. The technology of this medical equipment is very good for any hospital but even more beneficial, is the knowledge and skills of the radiology technicians who use the machine.

Together, Rijnland and the SMMC arranged a bilateral education program with the objective to improve the knowledge and skills of SMMC radiology technicians to achieve the maximum level of quality service that can be provided with the technology at SMMC.

For a period of two weeks in October, two radiology technicians, Hans Pieterson and Kristen Hofkes, gave on the job training to our radiology technicians. Hans who specializes in CT scan and Kristen in mammography and bucky, both has over 13 years of experience as radiology technicians. The training continued in November with another two radiology technicians, Emily Limpens, CT specialist and Marianne Hoeven, mammography and bucky specialist.

Radiology technicians, especially in larger hospitals, specialize in one or two modalities; CT scan, mammography and bucky imaging to name a few. This makes them more experts in what they do. In a smaller hospital, where there is naturally a small staff, the technician does all three modalities. This is one of the challenges for this department at a small hospital as SMMC. Rather than looking at this limitation, the training focused on achieving the maximum level that is possible within the SMMC.

By the end of the trainings, Dr. Schuttevaer evaluated the progress and has summed up the improvements with three points. Firstly, all CT examinations will be standardized. This is a goal that is currently being worked on. Dr. Schuttevaer compares the radiology protocols to a cooking recipe. "There are several ways to cook one meal. We have chosen to use only a few, but they are more than sufficient to choose from." This is a big advantage because the radiologist can compare the information of one exam to another. The new protocols used for the CT exams are the same ones used in the Rijnland Ziekenhuis.

Secondly, patients already are having less exposure to radiation. During the training, the visiting technicians emphasised the importance of having the right positioning to minimise exposure to radiation. The technicians now use a questionnaire to ask the patient about their health to find more specific information of what they should examine.

Third, and most importantly, the radiology technicians have better knowledge of their work, to give improved imaging. They were very enthusiastic about learning and are already seeing positive changes.

The SMMC is seeking the optimal radiology imaging at our radiology department. Future plans may lead to more training for the technicians in Rijnland, where CT scans made a day is twice to three times more as made in the SMMC. This will facilitate faster learning with more hands on experience. Educational growth will remain a focal point within the radiology department and other departments of the SMMC. As new health technology and information is introduced our staff will be trained to provide quality service to our patients.

SMMC Press Release

sxmacademygraduation20122013CUL DE SAC:--- It was a night of pomp and ceremony, speeches and cultural performances, as St. Maarten Academy hosted its graduation ceremony Wednesday for all 55 students who successfully completed this year's Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations. The theme for the evening was "Dream, Believe, Plan, Act".
Graduating valedictorian was science major Devesh Laungani, while Aldair Petronilia copped the awards for first runner-up valedictorian and Most Outstanding Science Student, as well as the Parent Teachers Foundation award for being the only graduate who made the Honour Roll from first to fifth forms. Karen E. Feliz Urbaez received the award for second runner-up valedictorian. All three students received a special monetary gift from the School Board.
Some of the highlights of the evening included an awe-inspiring saxophone presentation by D'Arcy Duffis Duke, who graduated cum laude; and a surprise black light hand mime by some members of the Class of 2013.
The Principal's Prize for outstanding contribution to the school went to Charisse Gumbs, who served as president of the school's Student Government Association, as well as a member of the Interact Club. The Principal's Prize for outstanding academic performance was shared by cum laude graduates Vishnu Harnarine, Caroline Macdonna Nolasco, and Lilawatee Arjune, the latter of whom graduated in absentia.
Khailo Chance was awarded Most Outstanding Business student, while Shemar Bute and Keiren Franklyn, were given the awards for Most Athletic Male and Female students, respectively.
Former student Doran Joseph, who recently graduated from St. Thomas University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology, implored the graduates to take risks and face their fears of failure to become the type of citizens St. Maarten needs.
"Our young nation is being thrust into a new year of uncertainty. The wars and struggles of the world at large continue as usual but are drowned out by the more immediate cries of our own people for opportunities. Many of our leaders have lost the confidence of their people, our national treasury has been severely reduced, congestion and unemployment still plague our society and the eyes of our youth no longer seem to shine with hope as they once did generations ago," said Joseph who delivered the feature address.
"The time for your success story to begin is now. Do not wait until you are older or more educated to start thinking up the solutions to the problems that we face. The time for creativity and innovation is now," said Joseph. The same sentiments were echoed by Minister of Education Patricia Lourens-Philip who stressed that education is a marathon that must be run by all and as such, they should stay adaptable, flexible and be innovative.
Wednesday night was an especially proud moment for the school's principal, Mr. Shareed Hussain, who announced the imminent start of the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) at the school next academic year. School Board member, Mr. Roland Duncan noted that the school is always progressive.
"Throughout its history, the St. Maarten Academy has had a great reputation of dreaming and achieving excellence. The class of 2013 shared this belief [and] they maintained the tradition of excellence. This year we have excellent results as usual. Every student of the class of 2013 passed all subjects at one sitting in May-June examinations of 2013. This represents a passing rate of 100%. We salute the graduating class for this fantastic performance," Mr. Hussain said.
Fifteen students passed 11 subjects, 11 students passed 10 subjects, 12 were successful in nine subjects, nine copped passes in eight subjects, and three students passed seven subjects. Two students scored passes in five and six subjects. Most colleges and universities accept students who pass at least five subjects with Grades I, II and III at the CXC examinations.
Mr. Hussain encouraged the Class of 2013 to continue to dream for excellence, believe in themselves, plan carefully, act responsibly, and unleash their potential.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The SMMC has been under intensified supervision by the Inspectorate since September 8th 2012 after it was established in an audit and a final report in August 2012 that the quality of care and patient safety were not sufficiently ensured.
Since the establishment of the intensified supervision the Inspectorate has been working closely together with the Board of Directors (BoD) and management team to achieve improvements based on a plan of action that was agreed upon.
On December 17th the Inspectorate VSA had an end year evaluation meeting with the BoD and management of the SMMC. During this evaluation the status of the implementation of the action plan, of ongoing renovations, of planned new construction, collaboration with the Luis Constant Fleming Hospital and Saba and Statia were discussed amongst others.
The Inspectorate concluded that the governing structure has improved and has become stable, that matters are dealt with in a serious manner and many other improvements have been achieved. Many other actions to complete desired and necessary improvements are in the pipeline. To name a few, the organization of the ER has been re-structured and improved, the relationship with the medical staff is much better, new permanent specialists have been hired, a quality assurance manager will be hired on short term, the surgery theaters will be renovated in the first quarter of 2014.
At the same time the Inspectorate realizes that the time span in which some matters can be addressed can't be a short one all the time and a lot also depends on the available financial means. There are still some areas that raise concerns such as the hiring of a medical director, the financial position of the hospital due to stagnation of cash flow and failure in the materialization of new tariffs, hiring of more different specialists and the much needed new construction. All these matters may hamper the quality of care provided.
Based on a thorough evaluation it was decided to terminate the intensified supervision on the SMMC as of today.
The Inspectorate in closing, will continue to work closely together with the SMMC in completing all areas of the action plan to ensure that an adequate level of medical care is maintained and necessary improvements are achieved.

Press Release from Inspectorate of the Ministry of VSA

swescotwilliamsmeetswithandrethapedi20122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams held a meeting with Illinois 32nd District State Representative Andre Thapedi at her Cabinet on Monday to discuss, amongst various items, the possibilities of having more visitors from the Central Area of the United States visit the island. Mr. Thapedi is the State Representative for the South Side of Chicago.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

nagicosponsorsregionalsuper5020122013ST. JOHN'S, Antigua:--- The West Indies Cricket Board today announced a three-year sponsorship deal with NAGICO Insurances as the new title sponsor for the Regional Super50 One-Day cricket tournament.
The event is the WICB's marquee limited-overs event and will be known as the NAGICO Super50. The winning team will take home the Clive Lloyd Trophy – named in honour of the legendary former West Indies captain.
The 2014 event will feature eight teams and will be televised live throughout the Caribbean on ESPN. Matches will be played from January 30 to February 16 in Trinidad and Tobago and there will be day/night fixtures.
Michael Muirhead, CEO of the WICB, expressed great delight with the new partnership.
"The WICB is pleased to welcome NAGICO on board as a partner in West Indies cricket. Sponsorship is vital part of any sport and we applaud NAGICO for their commitment to the game of cricket," Muirhead said.
"We look forward to a long and fruitful association which will enhance the game in the Caribbean. This new commitment by NAGICO, we believe, will be a great benefit to West Indies cricket and the development of the game in the region."
Muirhead added: "NAGICO is a strong and respected brand and they have demonstrated their passion and love of the game by sponsoring this important event in the WICB calendar. The 2014 NAGICO Super50 will be crucial for the players as we look ahead to the 2015 ICC Cricket World Cup – a tournament we believe our team can win."
"We are very excited to partner with WICB in the NAGICO Super50 format and thus support West Indies cricket as we have been doing for many years on a smaller scale" said NAGICO Group CEO, Imran McSood Amjad. "Personally, I eat, drink and sleep cricket so to reach a sponsorship deal is even more satisfying. I look forward to an amazing tournament and will definitely be in Trinidad to hand out the Clive Lloyd Trophy to the winning team".
"Partnering with WICB was the next most logical step for us to take", explains Paul Dijkhoffz, NAGICO's Executive Marketing Manager. "As one of the fastest growing and the largest privately held insurance company in the Caribbean serving 19 territories regionally, NAGICO was looking for a suitable partner who could provide us with a platform to elevate our brand presence and market our first-rate products to a vast cricket loving audience throughout the Caribbean".
The tournament's host venue was allocated following a commitment from the government of Trinidad and Tobago through the Ministry of Tourism to play a major role in the execution of the tournament during the three-year period – 2014 to 2016.
The full list of schedule and fixtures for the NAGICO Super50 will be announced at a later date.

NAGICO Press Release

tedrichardsonreceivesmoussignedaticaoconferencefromlouishalley20122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunication Hon. Ted Richardson on Thursday received five Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) that were signed by Sint Maarten at the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Sixth International Air Services Negotiation Conference held in early December in Durban, South Africa.

Once the MOUs are finally concluded, airlines from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Brazil, Finland, Switzerland, and the Dominican Republic will be able to have direct scheduled air service to country Sint Maarten. Another MOU with Jamaica is pending and discussions still have to take place with Paraguay, Sweden and Trinidad & Tobago who have shown an interest in Sint Maarten.

Trinidad & Tobago has presently a very limited air service agreement that they would like to extend. One of the most interesting air service agreements is with the UAE which recently ordered – November - approximately US$100 billion in passenger aircraft during the Dubai Air Show.

Minister Ted Richardson at the handover on Thursday morning said a mandate was provided to Section Civil Aviation to start discussions with countries interested in having air links with country Sint Maarten.

At the Durban conference, approximately 400 delegates attended representing 73 countries. During the conference 500 meetings were held and 506 air service agreements were signed. The Kingdom of the Netherlands signed the most agreements.

Currently 30 million flights are flown annually and this will grow to 60 million over the next 16 years, while the total number of passengers served will rise to six (6) billion from today's three (3) billion.

Minister Richardson added that it was a great pleasure for him to be working professionals from the Civil Aviation Department and within his Cabinet which allows country Sint Maarten to move to the next step.

"The countries chosen to sign agreements with are part of the synergy with the Airport where it concerns the airlift development plan for the enhancement and the further promotion of tourism for the country.

"We have been working behind the scenes diligently and have carefully planned our steps in order to reap results. Airlift agreements with other countries are necessary in order to attract more visitors to our country which results in more business for everybody including the airport," Minister Hon. Ted Richardson said on Thursday.

The Sint Maarten delegation to the conference comprised of Louis Halley, Arsenio Rombley, Cheryl Shewpersad and Danae Daal, from the Department of Foreign Affairs.

The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) is a United Nations (UN) body that takes care of the standards to be maintained in the civil aviation industry. ICAO was formed in the year 1944.

ICAO takes care of the standards and safety measures to be followed for civil aviation industry in the world. ICAO services as the global forum for its 191 Member States.

eholiday14122012HARBOUR VIEW:--- On December 18, 2013, the Steering Committee Integrity Inquiry which was installed by Governor Holiday on December 4, 2013 held its first meeting. During the meeting, which took place via video conference, the Governor and the Committee members – Dr. Marten Oosting (chairman), Mr. Jaime Saleh and Mr. Miguel Alexander accompanied by the members of the secretariat – discussed various issues related to the content of the inquiry, the plans to invite an international accounting firm to conduct the inquiry and the planning. Today, December 20, 2013, Governor Holiday following extensive preparation sent invitations to tender to four New York based accounting firms, inviting them to participate in the tender which is to result in the engagement of one of international accounting firms to conduct the forensic inquiry investigation.
The purpose of the inquiry is threefold: to collect data and information for assessment based on integrity requirements in accordance with the rule of law in a democratic society, to report the findings from the assessment and finally to make recommendations that add value to the functioning of the public administration of Sint Maarten.
The accounting firm that will be selected to execute the inquiry will issue an interim progress report within three months and the final inquiry report of its findings and recommendations within six months of its engagement to the Governor. The process of the integrity inquiry will conclude with the presentation of the final report to the Kingdom Council of Ministers by Governor Holiday.
Further information and developments regarding the inquiry will be made public by the Governor through the Cabinet of the Governor.

From the Cabinet of the Governor of St. Maarten

mauricelakeholidayseasoninfrastructurepreps20122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake announced on Wednesday that, his back to basics approach for the holiday season will entail the placement of milled asphalt to level the sides of the roads leading into Philipsburg to create more parking. Motorists can also use the Ring Road for the holiday season.

Minister Lake also disclosed that milled asphalt will also be placed along sides of the road in Simpson Bay in the vicinity of Kim Sha Beach and the open lots near the Windward Islands Bank branch location in Simpson Bay.

"These little simple things make a difference in a community. Better parking improves parking overall where motorists won't have to navigate and park in a restricted area. It's all about making things easier and convenient for the people of our country and it's all about going back to basics," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

POINTE BLANCHE:--- Management of the Port of St. Maarten would like to thank all stakeholders for an incident free December 18 when eight cruise ships were in port.

The Port Authority is full of praise to the Police, Coast Guard and other Security Services for an exceptional job in providing their assistance on December 18. Police also provided escort for tour buses in certain cases of traffic congestion.

Port management is also full of praise for the Down Street Business and Community Council with respect to the street fair that was organized on Wednesday. Another street fair is planned for December 21.

Management would also like to thank port staff who did an excellent job as well to ensure that all logistics and other aspects of organization for December 18 would go smoothly.

More than 22,000 cruise passengers visited the island on Wednesday.

A number of activities were organized on Wednesday at the port that included holiday season caroling by various groups, music, dancing along with a live broadcast by Radio Station 104.3 FM.

The ships that were in port were: Carnival Dream 3652 cruise passengers; Celebrity Reflection 3030; Crystal Serenity 1096; Norwegian Gem 2466; Norwegian Sun 2250; Oasis of the Seas 5400; Ventura 3100; Westerdam 1848.

The last time that the Port of St. Maarten catered to such a large gathering of cruise passengers was back in 2005 with nine ships in port and over 18,000 cruise passengers.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a government agency under the Ministry of Public Health, is urgently appealing to garage owners and tire repair shops to take immediate measures to remove mosquito breeding sites from their establishments and to maintain on a daily basis control measures to eliminate any standing water on their premises.

Accumulation of rainwater in tires provides breeding space to mosquitoes that carry the dengue-causing virus that also spreads the chikungunya virus.

The Minister of Public Health, Social Development & Labour has stepped up measures to prevent mosquito breeding sites and the population as well as business establishment also have a very important role to play.

The design of tires makes them ideal breeding sites for several species of mosquitoes, some of which are very important vectors of disease. Since they are easily filled by rain and collect leaf litter, they provide an ideal incubator for mosquito larvae.

It has been reported by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency that of the mosquito problems associated with waste tires, it is probably safe to say that 20 per cent of the tires are responsible for 80 per cent of the problem.

If we can eliminate scrap tire dumps, we will eliminate a prolific mosquito habitat and the associated disease risks. When discarding tires, ensure that they cannot hold water by puncturing holes in them or cutting them up into pieces before throwing them away.

Dengue fever and chickungunya is transmitted by the female vector Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The Aedes Aegypti mosquito is distinguished by its markings. The body of the mosquito has alternate black and white horizontal stripes. The Aedes Aegypti mosquito lays her eggs in clear (clean) stagnant water. Within eight days the mosquito can complete its life cycle from egg, to larvae to pupae and to adult mosquito.

Even after you have cleaned-up your garage/tire repair shop and surroundings, it is recommended for persons to walk around their place on a weekly basis and after every rain event to eliminate all possible breeding sites.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever, "Get Checked" campaign, is in line with the urgent appeal for residents, and business owners, to check-in and around their homes, and businesses in order to reduce breeding sites of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, and making them mosquito-free zones.

An increase in the mosquito population puts all residents and businesses at risk. Call for information on the Aedes Aegypti mosquito breeding sites and respective preventive measures at 542-2078 or 542-3003 or visit the Facebook Collective Prevention Services or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Inform CPS about your challenges in eliminating mosquito breeding sites in and around your homes/establishments to collectively seek a solution to the identified challenge.

mauricelakeat1stagriculturalindustrialfair19122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), Hon. Maurice Lake would like to commend the efforts of Elwaldo Richardson and Wyatt of Memorial Agricultural Foundation and the other entities that collaborated on organizing the first Annual Agricultural Industrial Fair that took place over the past weekend at the Emilio Wilson Park.

"As I stated before, agriculture development is going back to basics. It's homegrown, chemical free and healthy for you to eat. We need to focus on this area, and individuals have the option to start their own backyard garden. Make the effort and reap what you sow. You will reap the benefits of healthy food and at the same time lowering your monthly food bill.

"On behalf of the Government of Sint Maarten, we would like to congratulate the organizers in organizing the fair as it is a step in the right direction of bringing more awareness to community about agriculture. I fully support the development of sustainable agriculture on our hillsides," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Tuesday.

patricialourensreceivescourtesyvisitfromchicagowhitesoxvpkennywilliams19122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip recently met Chicago White Sox Vice President and former MLB player Kenny Williams who paid a courtesy call to the Ministers Cabinet. Williams is visiting the destination on behalf of the St. Maarten Sports Tourism Council, a private non-governmental organization. During the visit to the Minister Cabinet, Williams presented members of the Sports Department with several successful sports related projects for the nation's youth.

pjl19122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Philipsburg Jubilee will be closed for a few days during the Holiday Season.

The Library's schedule during the Holiday Season will be as follows:
Christmas Eve Tuesday, December 24, 2013 9:00am-12:30pm
Christmas Day Wednesday, December 25, 2013 CLOSED
Boxing Day Thursday, December 26, 2013 CLOSED
Friday, December 27, 2013 CLOSED
Saturday, December 28, 2013 10:00am -1:00pm
New Years Eve Tuesday, December 31, 2013 9:00am-12:30pm
New Years Day Wednesday, January 1, 2014 CLOSED

Regular opening hours will resume on Thursday, January 2, 2013. The Library apologizes for any inconvenience our closure causes and wishes the public of St. Maarten on behalf of the board, management, and staff a Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Social Economic Council (SER) has taken note of the media coverage its advice "Monetary union in view of recent alarming balance of payments developments" has received on Sint Maarten as well as Curacao from the time the advice was made public by way of the National Gazette on November 22.

The current advice is a follow up to the previous SER advice 2013-001 "Sint Maarten stepping out of the monetary union" which was submitted to government on February 28 of this year.

With regards to Sint Maarten leaving the monetary union, the SER would like to re-emphasize that a well-prepared and organized transition process will probably take at least a full year. Furthermore, in the advice to government negative price effects on consumer goods, purchasing power, devaluation, our economy and the role of the Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten were taken into consideration. In the view of the SER, it is imperative for the debate on the future of the monetary union and the choice of our currency, to be conducted in a well-informed, factual and rational manner. In connection with this, the SER wishes to counter the ongoing local "dollarization scare" which in part has been caused by the lack of information available to the public, and is further aggravated by unsubstantiated and emotional statements.

The SER advice by no means intends to criticize the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten as an institution or its role in safeguarding our monetary union. The findings of the SER were based on information which was made available by the Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which was highlighted in their 2011 article IV consultation. The SER is aware that the mere mention of dissolution of the monetary union with Curaçao was not received well by several politicians in that country. However, the advice in no way was meant to create the impression that there is a problem between the governments of Curaçao and Sint Maarten. The fundamental problem between Sint Maarten and Curaçao is that our economies do not operate in the same manner, which in turn has created a problem with our balance of payments and our foreign exchange reserve.

The sole purpose of the advice is to advise and prepare the government of Sint Maarten of the consequences it will endure if the monetary union is kept intact. Discussions on possible solutions should be held in a responsible manner and decisions made based on facts, not emotions.

In closing the SER mentioned that it is evident that this topic needs the immediate attention of the decision makers, as we can no longer ignore the ongoing deterioration of the external situation of the monetary union.

The SER advice "Monetary union in view of recent alarming balance of payments developments" as well as the original advice "Sint Maarten stepping out of the monetary union" are available for download from

rotarysxmsunriseprovidechristmastreetohopeoutreachchildrenshome19122013ST. PETERS:--- The Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise along with the Sundial Interactors held a Christmas caroling and Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the Hope Outreach Children's Home in St. Peters on Saturday, December 14, 2013.
Members of Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise visited the Hope Outreach Children's Home in St. Peters and saw the need to assist; the business community was called upon whereby items were donated by UTS and Cake House.
In showing their appreciation, the children showcased their talents in singing and playing musical instruments, they were all filled with love and appreciation. The Sundial Interactors assisted the children with the decoration and lighting of the Christmas tree.
Rotary Sunrise would like to thank UTS and Cake House for their donation towards the children of the home.
If you are interested in donating gifts to the children of the Hope Outreach foster home, you can contact Rotary Sunrise; we meet at Air Lekkerbek Restaurant every Tuesday mornings at 7:00am for fellowship and breakfast.
For more information on Rotary Sunrise, please visit us at or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you can also visit our Facebook page: Rotary Club of Saint Martin Sunrise and Tweet us: @RotarySunSXM

LYON, France – INTERPOL is calling for the public's assistance in helping to track down international fugitives linked to organized crime networks and wanted for offences including murder and drug trafficking.
Operation Infra (International Fugitive Round Up and Arrest) Americas was launched in Costa Rica on 18 November, involving 46 countries and territories and targeting 266 fugitives. Members of the public are now being asked to provide information to help locate 15 individuals, including Rafael Caro-Quintero the former leader of the Guadalajara Cartel in Mexico.
The fugitives are believed to be hiding out in Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela or the Caribbean. They are all cases where no new leads were generated during the initial phase of Infra Americas or where there is no current intelligence on the potential location of these individuals.
Ervin Prenci, criminal intelligence officer with INTERPOL's Fugitive Investigative Unit, which is coordinating Operation Infra Americas, said the public could provide vital leads in helping to bring these fugitives to justice.
"Any piece of information, no matter how small or apparently insignificant could be the missing piece in the puzzle which will help locate these dangerous criminals," said Mr Prenci.
"The public have a valuable role to play in supporting law enforcement efforts but we would not encourage anyone to take action themselves, but instead to pass on any tips to their local or national police or INTERPOL," added Mr Prenci.
Information on the possible location of the targets of Operation Infra Americas or any internationally wanted persons can be sent to INTERPOL's Fugitive Investigative Support unit. Any leads will be passed on to the INTERPOL National Central Bureaus concerned for further action on the ground.
Information can also be given anonymously to any national Crime Stoppers programme.
Infra Americas builds on the success of previous similar operations including Infra-SA (South America) and Infra-SEA (Southeast Asia) and the global Infra-Red operations in 2010 and 2012. These operations have so far led to more than 500 arrests and positive locations worldwide.
Countries and territories taking part in Operation Infra Americas are: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Belgium, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Poland, Romania, Sint Maarten, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos, Ukraine, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Click here to view more information on INTERPOL's international wanted fugitives.

INTERPOL Press Release

gregoryhodge19122013MARIGOT:--- Two young St. Martin entrepreneurs namely Gregory Hodge and Jhony Henson are extremely upset and now seeking legal action and justice because they believe their business plan for EASTCAIR was stolen by three elected officials. Hodge and Henson contacted SMN News on Monday after we published the new routes WINAIR launched on Sunday claiming that the routes WINAIR launched came from their business plan that they gave to two parliamentarians they met in January 2013. Hodge provided SMN News with their business plan including the scheduled routes they had in the business plan. The schedule Hodge provided to SMN News has exactly the same routes (including time of day) that WINAIR released last Sunday to SMN News.

Hodge said in 2012 they needed some information to complete their project and they contacted Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIAE) for some information and PJIAE management requested information from them prior to releasing any information to them. Both men said they met with management of PJIAE and they cooperated with them by providing the information they wanted.

The two men said that Territorial Councilor Jules Charville arranged a meeting for them with Members of Parliament Frans Richardson and MP Patrick Illidge. "When we met these two Members of Parliament we discussed our ideas and how we intended to do business even after St. Maarten was downgraded. During the meeting both MPs told us they did not know what to do to revive WINAIR and they also did not know if it was possible to do anything after the island was downgraded. They asked us for copies of our business plan and we gave it to them in good faith. While we also met someone from WINAIR we did not give them our business plan, we discussed the ideas we had and the initiatives we are taking to launch our business. We also paid for a business license in order to begin operations such as training of employees and to date we have not received that business license. We heard from other people that the Dutch side officials were planning to steal our business plan but we did not take the information serious because at the time we had no proof of what was told to us. We however, found it strange that since the meeting with the two Members of Parliament in January 2013 we were not able to meet with them again because the purpose for that meeting was for them to speed up the process for us to get the business license. We tried reaching MP Richardson and Illidge by phone and they never returned our call."

Hodge said prior to meeting with the two MPs, they held meetings with the management of Windward Islands Bank who were following them and had even committed to invest in purchasing the aircrafts they needed in order to have real collateral in case something should go wrong.
"Since that meeting with the two MPs we are not even able to open a bank account in the name of our company. Today we are seeking justice, we want the people of St. Maarten to know that the routes that WINAIR just launched are part of our business plan and most importantly the routes to Guadeloupe and partnering with Air Antilles are also part of our plan that was stolen."

Hodge, an aviation worker who was employed at the L'Esperance Airport, said he left his job in 2010 and started a three year study in order to put together a business plan to open a new airline which would have partnerships with Air Antilles and WINAIR. The idea the young St. Martiners had was to open a local airline which would focus on regional flights.

He said that a group of them invested over $350,000.00 to conduct the study and to put together the business plan that was stolen from them. "We worked with experts from Europe and USA."

Both Hodge and Henson said they will do everything legally possible to obtain justice and to ensure that they get what is due to them.

swescotwilliams19122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams confirmed that no Christmas bonuses were paid out to civil servants this year. SMN News reporter asked the Prime Minister on Wednesday during the Council of Ministers' weekly press briefing if the Government of St. Maarten paid out any Christmas bonuses to civil servants and if the cleaners that work for government would get the turkey and ham like they got last year.

Wescot Williams said no bonuses were paid due to the budget constraints and this year her office did not make the necessary arrangements to give certain civil servants the turkey and ham like they did last year.

However, the Prime Minister of St. Maarten wished the people of St. Maarten a safe and blessed holiday season.

Causeway not Sinking --- Opening Scheduled for January.

The Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams said that she asked questions to the pertinent authorities regarding if there were any technical problems with the causeway and if it was sinking. Wescot Williams said that the persons she asked vehemently denied that the causeway was sinking but they did tell her that they too heard that rumor and they could not say who started the rumor about the bridge sinking.
When asked by SMN News when the causeway will officially open, Wescot Williams said the bridge was handed over to government during the second week of December and the opening should take place sometime in January. The Prime Minister could not say exactly why the opening was delayed but stated that she was informed that the causeway should open in January 2014.

Transparency International Searching for Researcher - PM.

When asked about Transparency International and the integrity investigation they are contracted to do for the Government of St. Maarten, the Prime Minister said that the last thing she heard was that Transparency International is looking for a researcher and that is the reason they are being held up. When asked if TI does not have such persons working for them, the Prime Minister said based on what she knows TI works with volunteers and she believes they already placed an advert looking for an expert.

Prime Minister Wescot Williams was then asked if Transparency International received a deposit since the contract was signed. Wescot Williams said she could not say for sure if that was done because she could not recall if the contract stated that they had to be paid some sort of deposit after the contract was signed. She said if that was the case she believes it was done but she could not say for sure.

Governor sent Resolution to Government.

Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams also confirmed to SMN News that the Governor of St. Maarten drs. Eugene Holiday already sent his resolution on the integrity investigation ordered by Kingdom Decree to the Government of St. Maarten. Wescot Williams said the resolution they received was to inform them of the three persons appointed by the governor (committee) that will advise him on how to proceed with the orders of the Kingdom.
When asked if the Governor indicated in his resolution that he will work with the Government of St. Maarten to conduct the integrity investigation he is mandated to carry out, the Prime Minister said something to that effect is in the resolution but that too she could not remember the exact words.

The Prime Minister also stated that she and the Minister of Justice met with Members of Parliament on Tuesday in a closed door meeting to further inform them on the integrity committee formed by the Government of St. Maarten. The Prime Minister further stated that she will be meeting with Parliament on Wednesday afternoon to continue the central committee meeting on integrity.

martinhassink19122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Finance Martin Hassink tried to outline the work that is being carried out by his Ministry to ensure that there are proper checks and balances within the Ministry of Finance. The Minister said he felt it was necessary to tell the people of St. Maarten exactly how his Ministry functions because of a certain newspaper article.
The Finance Minister outlined step by step the procedures that are being followed. He said one can only imagine the amount of transactions that are done on a daily basis, such as paying salaries, rents for government offices and cars, and also the contracts to the various vendors. These transactions have to be booked in a timely manner before it enters the government ledger.
While making the presentation Minister Hassink called on those in power not to fire him because he still has good health and would like to remain in office for the rest of the term.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Firstly we want to congratulate both Ms. Nzinga Lake and Mr. Anastasio Baker for being elected to the board of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce. We have confidence that together with the other board members you will do an excellent job for the business community of St. Maarten. The OSPP, as a political party is very much interested in the development of small businesses as these businesses are the backbone of every economy. Small businesses give young people an opportunity to become entrepreneurs; they create jobs and additional revenue for the already strapped coffers of the government of St. Maarten. A special congratulation also goes out to Ms. Giovanella de Weever and Mrs. Raquel Coupland for their interest shown in becoming members of the board of the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce. We do hope that the chamber organization will invite you to a meeting to share your vision on how to develop and sustain small businesses in St. Maarten. To the Minister of Telecommunication, Mr. Ted Richardson a job well done with the landing of the SSCS fiber cable landing at the Sitcoms beach manhole. We are looking forward to the reduction of the cost of voice and data as stated in your press release. You can imagine that every penny will help in these already difficult time with the cost of living and cost of doing business bursting out of it seam.

OSPP Press Release

swescotwilliamsreceivesndpupdate19122013Urges Community to Participate in National Development Plan: "This is about the Development of your country"

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams received an update on the status of the development of the National Development Plan (NDP) from representatives of the Directorate of Interior and Kingdom Relations BAK and of the UNDP.

Prime Minister Wescot-Williams has said earlier that she will be counting on the population for their input and participation in implementing the plan: "We will be putting considerable focus on the National Development Plan. In order to launch and implement the NDP we will need the involvement of all, of each and every St. Maartener whether you were born here or whether you belong here, to craft a vision for St. Maarten. We need the input from all to be able to implement the vision which we have in making this island one of the leaders of sound democratic and people oriented governance in the region. We need the input from all sectors of society to plot the course for our economic, social, cultural and environmental development. The development for a Country which we call home, one which we all should love and cherish."

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

telemharbourgroupcrewlounge19122013POINTE BLANCHE:--- TelEm Group and the Harbour Group of companies have joined forces to create the Caribbean's first high-tech crew lounge, offering cruise ship staff a purpose-built facility to relax in and make calls to their families and friends back home while browsing on the internet.

The new crew lounge is located upstairs in the Harbour's Cruise & Cargo building.

It offers high-speed internet, voice and data services and luxury seating for up to 60 crew members at a time in a comfortable environment with ambient lighting and cool colour tones.

The crew lounge was officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday morning by Prime Minister, and TelEm Group Shareholder Representative, Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams together with Minister responsible for Telecommunications, Harbour and Economic Affairs, Mr. Ted Richardson.

On behalf of TelEm Group, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mrs. Helma Etnel, said the company's history in working with the Harbour Group goes all the way back to the development of the facility into the model cruise and cargo facility it is today, when TelEm Group made major financial investments in exchange for office accommodation.

She said the company was very proud to continue with this close working relationship with the launch of the new crew lounge to once again profile the innovative and dynamic services St. Maarten has to offer to its visiting cruise ship passengers and crew.

She said TelEm Group has not only invested in its harbor store and now the new crew lounge, but also in the technology that is necessary to ensure that both services meet the demanding requirements of today's mobile voice and data users.

"We have installed a brand new state-of-the-art cell site at the Harbour facility which, in less than one month has become the 2nd busiest cell site in our entire mobile network," said Mrs. Etnel.

Mrs. Etnel said the installation will give much relief to visiting crew members and also to Harbour staff and resident business who have been complaining about poor signals and service in recent months.

"Unfortunately we were forced to change our mobile frequency because of interference to our mobile network from Anguilla earlier this year, and this caused an additional problem, by moving the interference to the Harbour area where new network interference, this time from St. Kitts, affected service here," explained Mrs. Etnel.

She said a decision was taken in collaboration with Harbour Group Managing Director, Mr. Mark Mingo, to install a new cell site at the harbor to deal with this interference and provide a permanent improvement in service to the Harbour Group and its customers.

TelEm Group Chief Commercial Officer Brian Mingo invited guests at the official opening to browse through the newly renovated TeleCom Boutique before visiting the new crew lounge and taking part in a welcoming toast.

He congratulated project coordinator and newly named TelEm Group Employee-of-the-Year Suraj Ramdas for seeing the project through and for creating a unique service in the Caribbean.

Managing Director of the Harbour Group of Companies, Mr. Mark Mingo is also delighted with the new crew lounge and with the level of cooperation that has taken place between the two government-owned companies.

He said crew members are seen as an important group that should also be catered to by the Harbour and the destination generally because this group of visitors also have a considerable spending power while in port.

Mr. Mingo wished TelEm Group much success with the facility and also thanked the company for the new cell site, which he said has greatly improved communication at the port facility.

Telem Press Release

POINTE BLANCHE:--- TelEm Group has upgraded network services in the Harbour Facility area, greatly improving the quality of service to residential and business clients, including customers at the Harbour facility.

The network upgrade includes installation of a brand new state-of-the-art cell site on the Harbour facility roof will be serve the entire harbor and surrounding areas.

The new installation is already recording a record amount of usage, making the upgraded cell site TelCell's 2nd busiest on the island since installation.

The upgrades became necessary in recent weeks due to deteriorating quality of service to residential and business customers in the Harbor Facility area due to radio frequency interference from a telecommunication operator in neighboring St. Kitts.

According to Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Mr. Eldert Louisa, the Harbor Facility upgrade is the first in a series of operations being carried out on the company's extensive mobile network to improve quality of service in a number of areas where, as at the harbor, voice and data services are poor and require improvement.

Mr. Louisa said the upgrading operations began months ago as a result of increasing demand for voice and broadband capacity on the network as users increasingly utilize the data features on their Smartphone and other mobile devices.

He said this problem has been compounded in other areas, including network interference from neighbouring Anguilla earlier in the year and more recently from neighbouring St. Kitts.

"With the assistance of RF experts from overseas we were able to correct the interference issue from Anguilla with the assistance of the Bureau of Telecommunication and Post St. Maarten and at the same time make use of several recommendations from the experts on how we could better optimize and fine tune our mobile network," said Mr. Louisa.

He said the company technicians and engineers are continuing to implement these recommendations of optimization and fine tuning of all the network cell sites on an on-going basis with much improvement in a number of areas resulting in less dropped calls and fewer missed calls.

One of the fine-tuning operations has been the so-called "down-tilting" of mobile antennas throughout the mobile network to improve signal coverage and reduce the number of customer dropped calls in some congested areas, including the Philipsburg area. Another operation awaiting implementation is the installation of mini-cell sites in shopping malls and other densely populated areas where congestion issues also exist.

"Another part of the implementation exercise includes upgrading hardware and software on the mobile network to enable better operation of the many different smartphones that can operate on the network with all their different features and this is a process that also takes time and is ongoing," continued, the CTO.

He said as well as the upgrading of various network elements, the company is in the process of adding new cell sites in several areas throughout St. Maarten to further improve the mobile coverage area generally.

Also included in the package of network improvements is a 360 degree turnaround in the quality of service for TelEm Group customers using their mobile phones on the French Side.

He said unfortunately, due to the upgrade of TelCell's French Side partner Dauphin Telecom to a new 3G network, it has taken longer than expected to synchronize the new network with the 3G network of TelCell so that customers can easily move from one network to the next seamlessly.

"The first stage of this synchronization has been completed with the voice service to TelCell's post-paid customers now fully restored. Our Post paid customers can now make and receive voice calls on the French Side as they could before while we are working on restoring their data usage via the Dauphin Telecom 3G network ," said Mr. Louisa.

He said technicians from both companies are now synchronizing their respective 3G networks so that TelCell's pre-paid customers can also enjoy the quality of service they were used to previously when making or receiving calls from the French Side.

"We operate a very dynamic voice and data mobile network that has to be handled very carefully so that we can make very complicated adjustments while maintaining at least an acceptable level of service," said the Chief Technical Officer, Mr. Louisa.

He said the adjustments take time since they have to be made, tested and if necessary corrected, before they are tested again.

"It is a tedious but necessary process which takes time and still have to be made while the company continues to battle with the problem of interference from nearby islands over which the company has little or no control," continued Mr. Louisa.

He says TelEm Group will continue to work with the local regulator to find permanent solutions with the cooperation of the overseas operators themselves who, according to Mr. Louisa, are causing the interference.

TelEm Group's Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mrs. Helma Etnel says the company is addressing many of the technical issues affecting its voice and data network on several fronts at the same time and no expense is being spared when it comes to solutions that can be provided by TelEm Group itself.

"It is a different matter when the solutions are out of your hands and your control, such as the interference and frequency issues, or when your partner on the French Side needs to stabilize their own voice and data network before they can make good on the one-island network we jointly subscribe to," said Mrs. Entel.

Both TelEm Group executives have appealed to customers to be patient and allow the network improvements to kick in once they have been implemented. Both are confident all upgrades and a much more efficiently operating mobile network will be fully functional at the start of the new year.

"The Pointe Blanche/Harbour facility upgrades are a start and shows we are working in the right direction," they said.

Telem Press Release

nagicoendofyearawardsdinner19122013OYSTER POND:--- Several Staff of the NAGICO Insurances Group were awarded at the company's annual End of Year Staff Awards & Dinner held on Saturday; December 14 at the Westin Dawn Beach Resort.
The event was clearly a 'Black Tie' affair attracting nearly 300 Employees, Agents and Brokers of the company, both local and regionally; dressed in Ballroom attire and accompanied by their spouses.
Categories of Awards presented included: Chairman's Award, Manager of the Year, Executive Manager of the Year, Rookie of the Year, Shooting Star, Employee of the Year (for all territories), as well as selected Special Recognition prizes. C.E.O of the NAGICO Insurances; Imran McSood Amjad presented the awards and lauded the awardees and the entire NAGICO Group for their continued hard work throughout the year 2013.
"I just want to sum up my thoughts about my staff in one word from one of my icons; Nelson Mandela; Ubuntu - which means; I am because we are. That term, that word, explains and personifies what NAGICO has here tonight. It is the interconnectedness that we all have with each other. Where our success and failures depend on each other, and we will not succeed unless we relate to each other," Mr. Amjad said. "NAGICO is because of you and I just want to take the time and say thank you to my staff, Thank you for putting in the hard work you do; some of you staying until late in the evening and coming in on weekends, you may not know it but I see it and I appreciate it. Thank you for simply showing up."
He invited six employees to the stage and presented each of them with awards for having a perfect attendance record for the entire year. They are as follows: John Shewdat, Mikaela Bowers, Tamisha Wigley, Sidson Sorton, Peta-Gaye Harriott and Colivere Philips. "These staff that stand before you have never had an absent day for the entire year, they always 'show up' and that I believe is remarkable," he said praising their dedication.
In addition four employees received Long Service Awards; Esmeralda Maria 10 years; Annette Robin 20 years and Magalie Romeo-Hodge and Eric Ellis 25 years. Master of Ceremony for the evening was Fernando Clarke who made the program a light and comedy filled one coupled with the excitement of several coveted giveaways. Finally the evening ended with a party on the dance floor where staff, management and their guests filled the dance floor as they rocked to the tunes from DJ Madskillz.

NAGICO Press Release

rotarysunrisefamilybreakfast17122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise held a successful Rotary Family breakfast on Saturday December 14, 2013 at Air Lekkerbek.
Rotary International has designated December as Family of Rotary Month, the idea is to have family members and friends understand the role of Rotarian and enlighten them on the many projects that is and continue to be executed in the community. This month also allows Rotary Sunrise the opportunity to celebrate the wonder of our own family our Rotaract, interact, youth exchange, ambassadorial scholar, GSE team members, and our Rotary friends from around the world.
The family breakfast saw about 82 family and friends in attendance which includes the President of Parliament Hon. Drs. Gracita Arrindell, Minister of VROMI, the Hon. Maurice Lake, Rotarians from all four clubs, (Rotary Sunrise, Mid-isle, SMN Nord, and St. Maarten) Rotaractors and our newly formed Sundial Interactors came together with family and friends to enjoy a family breakfast filled with togetherness and Fellowship.
As we approach Christmas and the New Year we are conscious on the focus of family, therefore, December is certainly a time to reflect on family values and how Rotary shapes those values. In Rotary we see our life utmost priorities as family, work and then Rotary, but preferably we should not segregate Rotary from our family life.
Rotary Sunrise would like to thank all families and friends who shared our breakfast on Saturday December 14, 2013.
Rotary sunrise is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with the business partners to assist with the needs of the community as they arise; we meet at Air Lekkerbek Restaurant every Tuesday mornings at 7:00am for fellowship and breakfast. For more information on Rotary Sunrise, please visit us at or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you can also visit our Facebook page: Rotary Club of Saint Martin Sunrise and Tweet us: @RotarySunSXM

policeacademyinstructorstraker19122013DUTCH QUARTER:--- A group of 13 customs officers that are currently training at the Police Academy in Dutch Quarter to become full fledged customs officers walked out of their classrooms Wednesday morning and stood at the side of the road in order to show a simple protest against the non-payment of their salaries. Instructor at the Police Academy Straker told SMN News that the Ministry of Justice is currently processing the payments for the customs officers but he is not sure if the workers would get their first salary in time for the Christmas Holidays.
Straker told SMN News in an interview that the workers started working since late October 2013. He said the custom officers worked through the month of November and they were supposed to get their first salary in December. Straker said that the workers could not be paid due to some delay in paper work that had to be taken care of by the Minister of Justice and other staff of the Ministry.
Straker further explained that he contacted the Minister of Justice on Wednesday morning when the customs officers walked out of their classrooms in order to make their concerns known and the Minister promised him that he was working on getting the necessary paperwork to the personnel and the Finance Department of government in order for them to pay the workers.
Straker said he understands the frustration of the customs officers because it's the holiday season and the workers also have bills to pay.
The academy instructor said even though he understood the workers' predicament he spoke to them and informed them that the Minister was busy working on getting their salaries paid. Straker said the workers only stood alongside the road for about 10 minutes and after he informed them that their actions could affect their training and career, they went back to their classrooms.
Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson said in an invited comment that he signed off on the workers' payment and sent it to the Ministry of Finance about midday on Wednesday. Minister Richardson said that he asked the Minister of Finance to do everything in his power to make the payments before the Christmas holidays even if it's an advance payment until their resolutions are finalized. Minister Richardson said the payments for the trainees were delayed due to some administrative hiccups.
During the weekly Council of Ministers' press briefing Minister of Finance Martin Hassink said that he was unaware of the silent protest and the non-payment of the customs trainees' salaries.

patrickillidge10032013PHILIPSBURG:--- The cries of the people of St. Maarten and the Dutch may soon come to an end if the Court of Appeals decides to grant the prosecution's request which was presented to them on Tuesday afternoon. The prosecution is seeking permission from the Court of Appeals to arrest Member of Parliament Patrick Illidge as they continue the Bada Bing Investigation.
The Court of Appeals session held at 4pm on Tuesday was a closed door session since the prosecution does not want the information they presented to the court to be made public. However, based on the constitution of St. Maarten the prosecutor has to approach the Court of Appeals for permission to arrest a Member of Parliament if he or she is suspected of any crime. SMN News learnt that some of the charges against MP Illidge are possession of an illegal firearm, money laundering, bribery, and being part of a criminal organization. This could not be confirmed by the Attorney General or the Prosecutor's Office.
Attorney General of St. Maarten Taco Stein presented some evidence and reasons to the Court of Appeals on Tuesday while asking them for permission to arrest Member of Parliament Patrick Illidge, the main suspect in the Bada Bing Investigation which started in March 2013 when a surveillance video was released showing MP Illidge taking what appears to be bribe from the owner of Bada Bing Strip club Jaap van den Heuvel.
The way this investigation is moving it's likely that Member of Parliament Patrick Illidge will be arrested just before the Christmas holidays and released on Christmas Eve like former Minister of Finance Hiro Shigemoto who was arrested last year in the Piranha investigation which is still not completed. So far none of the suspects in the Piranha investigation have gone before the court. While this might be the way the prosecution wants to go, the decision for the MP's arrest has to be given by the Court of Appeals.
The video tape which has circulated worldwide via the internet caught the attention of the Dutch Members of Parliament while MP Illidge was in the Netherlands. The Dutch MPs even asked MP Illidge to leave the Parliamentary meetings that were being held in the Netherlands at the time.
Detectives on St. Maarten, including those from the Landsrecherche searched the home of MP Illidge and his office at the House of Parliament before he returned to St. Maarten in March 2013 when they launched an investigation against him for corruption. During that house search the investigators found a firearm in the MP's house.
Upon his return to St. Maarten, MP Illidge told SMN News in an exclusive interview that the monies he was seen taking from the strip club owner was monies the businessman owed him and was paying back in parts. MP Illidge said he loaned the businessman monies when he was going through his divorce and the businessman was paying him back in parts.
MP Illidge also provided SMN News with email correspondence between him and van den Heuvel who claimed that the leader of the United People's Party Theodore Heyliger asked him to tape Illidge in an effort to blackmail him since the leader of the UP wanted to get back into government. According to MP Illidge in that interview supported by the email correspondence between Illidge and van den Heuvel, the UP leader Theodore Heyliger asked Jaap van den Heuvel to trap and tape Patrick Illidge while giving him the monies and ask him questions as if he wanted Illidge to secure a business license for him. Illidge said he knew van den Heuvel and Heyliger were friends but he and the businessman are also friends and he never thought the businessman would ever do that to him because he helped him at a time when he was in need.
Investigators arrested Jaap van den Heuvel on September 30th, 2013 when he returned to St. Maarten on their request. He was charged with forgery, tax fraud, and money laundering. The businessman spent eight days in pre-trial detention but was released by the judge of instruction even though the prosecution added another charge on the list in order to keep him behind bars.
Shortly after the release of the video with Patrick Illidge, the National Alliance, Democratic Party, and I-3 Government fell as Member of Parliament Romaine Laville pulled his support from the government. It is questionable for many people on St. Maarten that MP Illidge who said he was "set up" by the leader of the UP is currently supporting the Wescot Williams III Cabinet to which Heyliger has the most seats in Parliament.
Attorney General Taco Stein could not be reached on Tuesday afternoon for a comment on Tuesday's hearing.

mauricelakeprovidesaccessibleventureswithlongleaseland17122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Monday afternoon met with Accessible Ventures of Louis Jeffers and his Team in connection with a request that was made to the Government of Sint Maarten about a piece of long lease government land.

Minister Lake signed the relevant documents on Monday providing Accessible Ventures a plot of land in the Sucker Garden area that will be utilized by the company. The final act still has to be carried out at the Notary.

Jeffers established Accessible Ventures in 2005 after a personal family experience of the lack of service for individuals who have a physical disability. Jeffers decided he should do something about it after visiting the United States, and Accessible Ventures was born.

Jeffers said providing such a service hasn't been easy, but with a great team, he has persevered and Accessible Ventures now provides services to a number of entities when required: White & Yellow Cross; Sister Basilia Center; Helping Hands; Port of St. Maarten and Princess Juliana International Airport.

In relation to the airport, the company provides wheelchair services – by picking up the person from their home and taking them to the airport; checking them in at their respective airline; assisting them through immigration and security; and taking them to the ramp and putting them on the aircraft that they would be flying with. Upon the person's return to the island, Accessible Ventures is there at the airport to help the individual disembark the aircraft and take them straight to their home.

At the port, Accessible Ventures offers scooter wheel chairs for cruise passengers.

The plot of land that Accessible Ventures will receive will be used for the construction of an office; and serve as a parking depot for the company's vehicles, and it would also allow for the vehicles to be properly maintained.

The primary focus according to Louis Jeffers is the local market by helping the physically disabled and seniors getting around to their various appointments.

On Monday, Jeffers thanked Minister Lake for assisting the company and to keep up the good work by bringing things back to basics.

Minister Hon. Maurice Lake on Monday stated that the physically disabled people of the country and seniors were one of his priority areas in providing the necessities in order to provide them with a better quality of life.

"As a country we have much to be thankful to our seniors. At the same time, individuals who suffer with a physical disability, whether young or old, must also have a better quality of life. We have to take care of our people and my going back to basics approach has this as a cornerstone of nation building.

"Accessible Ventures provides necessary services for these individuals and I applaud Louis Jeffers and his team for the wonderful work that they are doing. I am proud to be a part of the process to facilitate where they can even expand their services in the future by providing them with a plot of land where they can continue to help and assist our local people who suffer from a physical disability as well as our seniors who need assistance to get from one place to the next," Minster Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday.

patricialourensaddressesnia17122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip congratulated all those who attended the National Institute of Arts (NIA) activity on Sunday which was the official presentation of the organization to the community of Sint Maarten. The NIA is headed by Clara Reyes and Arlene Halley.

Minister Lourens-Philip said the NIA marked the end of a journey and commended the two ladies at the top of the foundation for the good work that they have been doing to produce and train the young people of the country.

In case there is no adopted 2014 budget on January 16th

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Board of financial supervision (College financieel toezicht - Cft) advised yesterday, December 16th, the Kingdom Council of Ministers (Rijksministerraad - RMR) to give Sint Maarten an instruction in case there is no adopted 2014 budget by January 16th, 2014.

In its advice concerning the budget for 2013 the Cft already announced that it would advise the RMR to give an instruction, in case by December 15th there would not be a budget adopted by the Parliament.

In the meanwhile, the Government of Sint Maarten has submitted a written petition for prolongation of the submittal of an adopted budget till January 16th. The Board gives the Government of Sint Maarten the chance to adopt the budget for 2014 in the coming four weeks. However, the Board advised the RMR to give an instruction in order to realize an adopted budget for 2014 on short-term, if by January 16th there is no adopted budget for 2014.

CFT Press Release

swescotwilliamsopenswinairflighttosantodomingo17122013Congratulates Winair on Expansion

SIMPSON BAY:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams, as Shareholder Representative of Winair, cut the ribbon on the local airline's new St. Maarten to Santo Domingo at a Ceremony at the Airport on Monday.

At the ceremony the Prime Minister thanked the Supervisory Board, Management and Winair staff in making this achievement, and those of the last few days in adding the Curacao route, a possibility. "Let me take this opportunity to congratulate the Board, Management and Employees of Winair and all others who today are making it possible that we can celebrate this very special occasion. Over the past few years I know that there have been issues at Winair but I have come to realize that due to the dedication of the Board, Management and Staff there has always been a speedy resolution to those issues. I therefore know that any question on whether or not this airline will be moved forward has already been answered in the affirmative. I know a lot of hard work went in to what we have been celebrating and so, on behalf of the Government of St. Maarten I truly would like to again thank all of you, thank you for the risks you have taken and determining they are worth taking," commented the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister concluded by expressing her hope that the airline will grow and expand in the future and that it will remain to be a truly regional St. Maarten airline. "I hope that you will continue in this fashion to represent St. Maarten, Winair and the people of this country. Congratulations to all of you and I hope to see this expansion continue and I urge all of you to work together in order to make this happen. May God continue to bless this airline, this country and everyone who is a part of this endeavor," concluded the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

winairinauguralflightfromsantodomingo17122013SIMPSON BAY:--- WINAIR Flight 104 from Las Americas International Airport in Santo Domingo, was welcomed with the traditional water cannon salute as it touched down at the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM), Monday afternoon. The welcoming party included Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams, who is also Shareholder's Representative of the airline.
Speaking at the event, Managing Director of SXM Airport, Regina LaBega, said "Nothing makes us happier at the Princess Juliana International Airport than to witness an airline increase its service to our facility."

She stressed that SXM has "a special interest in WINAIR's success not only because it is considered our national flag bearer or carrier, but also, and perhaps more importantly, because what is good for WINAIR is at the same time good for Princess Juliana International Airport."

Noting that the airline brought in 11% of the total passenger movement to the airport in 2011, behind only American Airlines and US Airways, LaBega said the new direct service to Santo Domingo would allow WINAIR to substantially improve on that performance.

According to LaBega, WINAIR has operated out of SXM Airport throughout its more than 50 years' of existence. "The relationship between SXM Airport and WINAIR is by no means a shotgun marriage; it is a relationship that has stood the test of time, and will continue to do so," she said.

WINAIR's CEO, Michael Cleaver, thanked his Supervisory Board and Shareholders for their support of the airline's recent expansion, which began December 15, with new destinations Curacao, Tortola, and Anguilla in addition to Santo Domingo. Cleaver also thanked the management and staff of WINAIR for their tireless efforts and the passengers for choosing the airline. "We at WINAIR will continue to work diligently to provide outstanding service to our customers wherever your travel needs may take you," Cleaver said.

The ceremony concluded with LaBega, joined by Chairman of SXM Airport's Supervisory Board, Clarence Derby, presenting a plaque to WINAIR and tokens of appreciation to the Captain and crew of the inaugural flight, followed by a ribbon cutting.

WINAIR operates an ATR 42 aircraft on this flight with a capacity of 48 passengers. The new non-stop service to Santo Domingo will be available weekly on Monday, Thursday and Saturday.

cdeweever19082012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Collective Prevention Services (CPS), an agency of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour says Chikungunya was incorporated into its dengue response plans since the latter half of 2012 after a public health representative from CPS attended a workshop in Jamaica in May 2012.

Chikungunya (CHIK) fever is an emerging, mosquito-borne disease caused by an alphavirus, Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). This disease is transmitted predominantly by Aedes aeqypti and Ae. Albopictus mosquitoes, the same species involved in the transmission of dengue.

Country Sint Maarten's Ministry of Public Health has been actively appealing to the public to reduce breeding sites and clean-up around their properties. Numerous press releases with the Minister of Public Health's 'Get Checked' campaign, and adverts in the Government Information Page (GIP) have been published along with public service announcements in the broadcast media.

Ministry of Public Health Vector Control Team have been visiting homes and other properties on a monthly basis appealing to residents to clean-up and also providing information about the two vector borne diseases.

Other interventions that have taken place are: fogging; training of vector control staff; placing physicians on alert and increasing public health surveillance for Chikungunya; national, regional and international public health organizations appraised as part of reporting protocols; yard to yard inspections planned for Belvedere and Oyster Pond area; and alerting ports of entry and providing information flyers to visitors.

As Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever has said before, "One can only combat these vector borne diseases by everyone doing their share individually and collectively."

Health authorities from both sides of the island are currently working closely together to deal with the challenges of dengue and Chikungunya. Country Sint Maarten does not have any confirmed cases of Chikungunya while the North side of the island has confirmed 10 cases.

Caribbean health officials back in the summer of 2012 called on countries and territories to prepare for the introduction of CHIK) into the Region, and to review present dengue response plans and adjust them to incorporate the aforementioned virus, which is more active than dengue.

CHIKV epidemics have shown cyclical trends, with inter-epidemic periods ranging from four to 30 years. Since 2004, CHIKV has expanded its geographical range, causing sustained epidemics of unprecedented magnitude in Asia and Africa.

Although areas of in Asia and Africa are considered to be endemic for the disease, the virus produced outbreaks in many new territories in the Indian Ocean islands and in Italy. This recent re-emergence of CHIKV has heightened the world's public health awareness and concern about this virus.

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/World Health Organization (WHO), controlling the spread of anthropod-borne viruses in the Americas has not been very successful.

In 2012 it was said, although indigenous transmission of CHIKV does not occur in the Americas now, the risk for its introduction into local vector mosquito populations is likely higher than had previously been thought, especially in tropical and subtropical areas where Ae. Aegypti, of the main vectors of CHIKV, has a broad distribution.

Between 2006 and 2010, 106 laboratory-confirmed or probable cases of CHIKV were detected among travelers returning to the United States, compared to only three cases reported between 1995 and 2005. There have also been imported CHIK cases reported in the French territories in the Americas since 2006 in Martinique, in Guadeloupe, and Guyana.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- A fishing ban for the Red Hind has been implemented as of the 1st of December 2013 until 28th of February 2014, off the island of Saba, according to information received by the Inspection Department TEZVT - Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (LVV) from the Dutch Government.

A decree was issued by the Dutch State Secretary of Economic Affairs for the seasonal closure of fishing in the Red Hind Spawning Aggregation Area on the Saba Bank based on advice from the Fishery Commission of the BES Islands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius, and Saba).

The ban will allow the Red Hind and Queen Triggerfish to replenish fish stocks. The ban is related to a specific area on the Saba Bank.

The ban was initiated to protect the unique and rich biodiversity of the Saba Bank and to keep the effects of fishery activities on the marine ecosystems at a sustainable level.

For further information with respect to the fish ban off the island of Saba, you can visit the Inspection Department TEZVT-LVV at Cannegieter Street (next to the Sister Borgia School) in Philipsburg or call 520-7213 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Central Committee of the House of Parliament is scheduled to meet December 18 regarding integrity and the rules of order.

The public committee session is set for Wednesday at 2:00pm in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The first agenda point is the further discussion with the Minister of General Affairs Hon. Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Wiliams on the Royal Decree to instruct the Governor to perform an integrity research on the public administration of Sint Maarten.

The second agenda point is discussion on the revised Rules of Order.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

nineshipsinport16122013POINTE BLANCHE:--- The Port of St. Maarten is ready to welcome eight cruise ships on Wednesday, 18th December. It will be one of the highlights of the 2013-2014 cruise ship season, and the only day that will see more than 22,000 passengers in port at one time.

The Port of St. Maarten has been working with a number of stakeholders in order to make the one-day stay of cruise passengers and crew a memorable one.

A number of activities have been organized for Wednesday at the port that includes holiday season caroling by various groups, music, dancing along with a live broadcast by Radio Station 104.3 FM.

St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Mingo is appealing to the community to assist as they have always done in the past to provide a holiday season welcome to the country's cruise guests.

"Cruise tourism is what makes our country tick. It is a very important segment of our economy and we have to do everything to protect it and safeguard our visitors in order for them and the cruise lines to continue to visit our destination.

"It's the holiday season and it's going to be busy in Philipsburg, on our beaches, restaurants and wherever you go. Please be patient and courteous, and enjoy our guests and give them a grand St. Maarten welcome, so at the end of the day when they reflect and look back at the great time they had, they will say I will be coming back for the St. Maarten hospitality," CEO Mingo said on Monday.

Mingo would like to thank all involved in advance for their assistance and planning for this great day including the emergency and security services, adding that the safety and security of the cruise passengers and crew is a top priority for the destination in order to safeguard the livelihood of all those who are dependent on tourism.

Telecommunication provider Telem on that day will launch the cruise ship crew WIFI lounge where hi-speed internet service will be available. Crew members are seen as an important group that should also be catered too by the destination because they also have a considerable spending power while in port.

The ships that will be in port are: Carnival Dream 3652 cruise passengers; Celebrity Reflection 3030; Crystal Serenity 1096; Norwegian Gem 2466; Norwegian Sun 2250; Oasis of the Seas 5400; Ventura 3100; Westerdam 1848.

The last time that the Port of St. Maarten catered to such a large gathering of cruise passengers was back in 2005 with nine ships in port and over 18,000 cruise passengers.

swescotwilliamsatniaopening16122013BELAIR:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended the official opening of the National Institute of the Arts at the Belair Community Center on Saturday. The National Institute of Arts provides arts education for both amateurs and professionals focusing on national and international recognized interdisciplinary art education inspired by the principals of nation building.

"I would like to congratulate all of those involved in realizing this official opening of the National Institute of Arts. I have said previously and will reiterate that I believe the arts and the development of the arts play a key role in the building of this nation and this country. With this institution now in place there is a center for the professional development of art in not only our youth but for the whole community and I think, again, that this is central to any development of a nation," stated the PM.

The National Institute of the Arts is a merger between the Imbali and Motiance Dance schools and features four departments: The Department of Dance under the direction of Arlene Halley, the Department of Music under the direction of La-Vaune Henry, the Department of Drama under the direction of Loes Nauta and the Department of Musical Theatre under the direction of Clara Reyes.

"Again I would like to commend and congratulate the NIA on this very important achievement," concluded the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

tzuchidonatestophilipsburginmates16122013~Shares inspirational words with detainees~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Christmas came early for prison guards and inmates housed in the detention cells a the Philipsburg Police Station on Saturday, when the St. Maarten Tzu Chi Foundation donated 14 wall fans as well as Christmas gifts to inmates and guards.

The prison had asked the foundation to donate the fans during the sweltering summer months when the cells had been very hot and inmates had been complaining about the unbearable heat. The foundation responded positively to the request and handed over the donation during its visit.

In addition to the fans the foundation also donated gift bags containing items such as exercise books, reading material, pens, snacks, candies and polo-shirts. The prison will give the polo-shirts to the inmates when they are released. The idea of the gifts is for inmates to also feel the Christmas spirit even though they are incarcerated.

Tzu Chi Commissioner Sandra Cheung delivered some inspirational words to inmates by sharing her own story of how Tzu Chi changed her life for the better. She spoke about a number of issues such as maintaining a healthy body, the benefits of a good posture and the importance of giving and helping the unfortunate in the community. Cheung along with volunteer Mercedes De Windt shared information about vegetarianism and veganism to inmates.
Information on how Tzu Chi started was also shared with inmates, who were encouraged to join the foundation.

Tzu Chi is a non-governmental international Buddhist compassion relief organization that focuses on charitable and post disaster relief work around the world. Tzu Chi, which means compassionate relief in English, was founded on May, 14, 1966 by Taiwanese Buddhist nun Master Cheng Yen, who was touched by the widespread poverty and wanted to do something about it. Her charity work began with a group of 30 housewives who set aside NT 0.50 cents equivalent to US $0.02 cents of their grocery money each day to help needy families. Her dedication and continued commitment over the years has transformed Tzu Chi into one of the largest non-governmental organizations in the world.

The St. Maarten chapter continues the tradition of how the foundation began and uses funds donated by its volunteers and members in the local community to fund its activities.

The information provided was so touching for some inmates that one pledged to join the foundation in an effort to play his role to help the community when he is released.

The group of volunteers who accompanied Tzu Chi Commissioner on the visit also sang Merry Christmas for the inmates before departing.

Tzu Chi volunteers will also be making their annual visit to the Pointe Blanche Prison as well as the Simpson Bay prison later this month. Gifts will also be presented to all inmates as well as to all prison guards at the two facilities. Volunteers will also have a programme during their visit to entertain and keep the inmates positively engaged during their visit.

telemendofyearpresentations16122013GREAT BAY:--- TelEm Group management treated personnel to popcorn and a movie following the company's end of year General Meeting Thursday.
The unusual venue for this year's meeting was the Caribbean Cinemas in Simpson Bay, which was transformed into a giant meeting room, complete with PowerPoint projector and live audio.
Management chose the venue to put a bit of fun into the last meeting of the year, and also to launch a new TelCell commercial that will be playing at the movies under an exclusive contract signed between Caribbean Cinemas and TelEm Group mobile carrier, TelCell.
During her presentation to staff, CFO Mrs. Etnel said this was just one of the many achievements the company could be proud of during the current year, which has created an important commercial and business impact on the St. Maarten community.
Mrs. Etnel highlighted many of these gains which are being fueled by a new company vision, mission and core values, also introduced during the course of the current year.
She also thanked staff for their input and personal commitment to many of the projects organized by the company during the past year to attract public and community attention, including the Breakthrough talent search event, The Family Fun Park and a facelift to the company's visual presence in the St. Maarten community.
Mrs. Etnel said there are many positive signs that TelEm Group and its personnel will reap many benefits from the restructuring process that ended this year and that these benefits will return the company to a profit for the year 2013.
"Congratulations, we have done it again," concluded the CFO at the end of her presentation.
Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Mr. Eldert Louisa gave a brief presentation in which he outlined some of the technical difficulties his division has been experiencing this year with the company's mobile voice and data network. He attributed much of this to interference and frequency issues first from nearby Anguilla and later from St. Kitts. He explained in detail to staff what is causing the problem and how the company is structurally dealing with these problems in the interest of TelEm Group customers.
Mr. Louisa also informed staff about some of the technical plans for the coming year and assured that the technical division will be doing all it can to meet a number of challenges and projects ahead.
Chief Commercial Officer, Mr. Brain Mingo, gave an outline of the company's Commercial Road map and touched on some of the products and services TelEm Group would be introducing to keep ahead of the competition locally and also to deliver products and services in other markets outside of St. Maarten.
"We are following international trends by dropping in some areas and continuing to grow in other areas and I am confident we will meet our revenue targets for the coming year," said Mr. Mingo.
The highlight of the general meeting was the introduction of a TelEm Group Anthem that was sung to staff for the first time by vocalist Rosanna Castilla and the distribution of company pins to personnel.
The meeting was then followed with a gesture by the Management team who served popcorn, drinks and candy to personnel while they waited to watch the movie feature presentation, Last Angeles together.
Personnel said they appreciated the information from management and feel the company is going in the right direction considering the competition from other local carriers and outside technologies, such as Skype and Social Media, that are taking traditional revenues away from the company.
TelEm Group has meantime started its annual Christmas promotions with a 12 Day of Christmas Countdown, followed by a Christmas Village Fair on Saturday, upcoming.
The company is also planning a number of fun events with staff to see out the year and bring in the New Year.

Telem Press Release

tedrichardsonobserveslandingoftelecomcable16122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications Hon. Ted Richardson proudly witnessed on Friday morning the landing of the Saba, Statia Cable System (SSCS) telecommunications cable at the landing point operated by SMITCOMS (beach manhole) on the Great Bay Beach.

Minister of Telecommunications Hon. Ted Richardson said he was happy to experience the current developments with respect to this phase of the project after several months of negotiations.

"The benefits for Sint Maarten is that it now has a second fiber optic telecommunications cable system; it creates additional capacity and redundancy for the country along with the SMPR cable; and in term, voice and data costs will ultimately decrease for consumers," Minister of Telecommunications Hon. Ted Richardson said on Sunday.

From day one the Minister was insistent that all service providers on Sint Maarten would have access to the cable, and the objective of the Ministry is to increase the quality and infrastructure of telecommunications on Sint Maarten making it available and affordable for each citizen in the country, for consumers and businesses alike.

Back in mid-November the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between St. Maarten International Telecommunications Services (SMITCOMS) and the National Office for the Caribbean Netherlands (RCN) related to the Saba, Statia Cable System (SSCS) took place.

Minister Richardson and members of his Cabinet were very instrumental in facilitating the process in bringing the two signatory parties together reaching to the point of the signing of the MOA in mid-November.

An overview was carried out by the Minister and his Cabinet in August to ascertain what had been done in the past. Thereafter, all parties worked diligently leading to the successful signing of the MOA three months later, mid-November.

The SSCS will bring extra telecommunications capacity for St. Eustatius and Saba, and it will also benefit Sint Maarten.

In November the MOA was signed by SMITCOMS Managing Director E. Louisa while Sybren van Dam, signed on behalf of RCN as its Director.

swescotwilliamsatbluemallopening16122013CUPECOY:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams Attended the opening of the Blue Mall in Cupecoy this past Saturday. The PM, accompanied by the Honorable Member of Parliament Theo Heyliger, cut the ribbon to one of the premier shopping venues in the Caribbean Region at a gala opening on Saturday. "It is good to see continued investment and diversification in the economy and product of St. Maarten and to see this project come to final fruition just in time for the Holiday Festive Season. Congratulations to all involved and I am sure the community of St. Maarten as well as visitors will make good use of this venue," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

kpsmmeetswithstakeholdersforholidaycruiseseason16122013PHILIPSBURG:--- On Thursday December 12th, 2013 representatives of the Police Department held a meeting with partners and stakeholders such as, Department of VROMI, Department of Economic Affairs, the Harbor and Cruise Facilities, Coast Guard, and Down Street Business Community Council and Association at the Philipsburg Police Head Quarters. This meeting was in connection with the very busy Holiday Season and for the preparation of the arrival of the 8 cruise ships that will be in port on Wednesday December 18th, 2013 from 8:00am through 6:00pm.
On that day, Sint Maarten will be visited approximately 30,000 persons arriving by cruise ship.
There will be a lot of extra traffic on the roads and rerouting of traffic and road closures in the Philipsburg area. Front and Back street will be close for motor vehicle traffic. The alleys (stegen) in Philipsburg leading from the Boardwalk/Great Bay Beach to Back street will be cleared. No vehicles will be allowed to park in those alleys until Front and Back street are opened for motor vehicle traffic. This measure is to insure that emergency vehicles (in case of any emergency) can enter and exit the Philipsburg area without any difficulties. It is advised to use the Ring road for parking during this period.
The Coast Guard will visibly be patrolling all bays and territorial waters. There will be ships that will be anchored in the Harbor and their will be a lot of tenders trafficking in Great Bay Harbor. A lot of focus will also be on the Jet Ski users and Jet Ski Rental operators.
The Walter Plantz Pier will also be used by the tenders to drop off cruise passengers in that area where the Down Street Business Community Council and Association would have organized the area for reception of the visitors.
Police presence will also be seen in the Philipsburg area and beaches on the Dutch Side of the island and in the areas where large number tourists will be present.
A follow-up meeting is scheduled for Tuesday November 17th to finalize all preparations. The public is urged to pay very close attention to this information and to take all necessary precaution to avoid any unnecessary inconvenience.

KPSM Police Report

swescotwilliamsattripartitemeetingatthecollectivite16122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended the tripartite meetings between herself, the President of the Collectivite Aline Hanson and the Prefet Philippe Chopin. The Prime Minister, supported by her Cabinet and the Department of Foreign Relations, discussed various matters with regards to the continued cooperation between both sides of the island, including discussions on the planning of the EU Operational Program and greater cooperation on Chikungunya Disease that appeared on French St. Martin recently.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

beverlyatwork16122013GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- The shortlist of HNP's annual Made In St. Martin Gifts® is in. Attractively designed, quality content books published in St. Martin remain at the center of this near 20-year feature announced every December, said Jacqueline Sample, president of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).

The 2013 publishing list from HNP makes for an ideal gift pack of books but let's unwrap that idea and present the titles one by one. According to Sample, for children, ages 4 to 9, for the young at heart, and book collectors, there's the gift of the colorful, bestselling hardcover storybook, Lizzy Lizard by Robin Boasman.

For the multilingual buffs—and in St. Martin that ranges from roots culture to highbrow—the classy gift is Haïti et l'identité littéraire trans-caribéenne (Haiti and Trans-Caribbean Literary Identity) by Emilio Jorge Rodriguez. This fine collection of "missing link" essays on Haitian/Caribbean literature with connections to Latin America also has an earlier English/Spanish edition from HNP.

The gift prize for the budding thinker or revolutionary activist in your family, among your friends and co-workers, and for "you self," is Maroon Lives – Tribute to Maurice Bishop & Grenadian Freedom Fighters by Lasana M. Sekou; Revolution As Poetic Inspiration: Grenada in 'Maroon Lives' by Fabian Adekunle Badejo. P.S., Don't underestimate the value of the Jason deCaires Taylor undersea sculptures that illustrate this book of poetry by Sekou, with an extensive critical essay by Badejo.

Okay, what's for the writer you've been telling to publish his or her own book? HNP suggests, Where I See The Sun – Contemporary Poetry in St. Martin. The new collection includes 25 mostly young poets from both parts of the island.

The books on the holiday gift list are available at Van Dorp, Arnia's,,, and other bookstores.

Art is a recurring favorite of the Made In St. Martin Gifts® list, said Sample, who is also a curator that has collaborated with the New York State Museum. The very recent exhibit of paintings by Max Phelipa is the treasure trove to raid for high-end gifts of St. Martin art for holiday giving, art investment, and decor. Phelipa's "Art in the Garden Gallery" is on Frontstreet.

How about Made In St. Martin Gifts® as fashion accessories, especially for the hugely popular New Year's Eve? Ask for the handcrafted necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and anklets at Beverly's Fashion Jewelry. "Beverly's creations range from stylishly casual to museum-like quality fashion and costume jewelry that you might find at a Bloomingdale's store," said Sample. Beverly can be seen making her jewelry at kiosk #15-A, Philipsburg Marketplace, Backstreet, where she also has a select costume jewelry repair service.

The "Made in St. Martin Gifts" long list can be heard on Conscious Lyrics, SOS radio, 95.9 FM, Saturday, December 21, at 12 noon, said program host Shujah Reiph.

swescotwilliamsatbackinthedaydocumentary16122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended the screening of the Documentary Back in the Day by local filmmaker Laura Bijnsdorp at the Philipsburg Jubilee Library on Thursday evening. The Prime Minister, accompanied by His Excellency the Governor, expressed her congratulations at the young filmmaker documenting St. Maarten's past and encouraged the population to take their time and watch the important documentary. "In order for us to fully realize our potential as a country we must of course know our history and where we have come from as a nation and keeping this in mind I would like to thank Laura for making this possible," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

wallyhavertongatlionsbingo16122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The rescheduled date for annual Lions Christmas Bingo Spectacular at the Festival Village is this Saturday December 21st. Taking into account the increase in demand by the general public to partake in this major fundraising activity – where proceeds are used to fund numerous community projects on the island, the decision was taken to move to a larger venue to accommodate the increase of participants over the past years.
Club President Lion Claudio Buncamper said: "The bingo was set for December 7th but had to be rescheduled due to inclement weather and there was a number of factors that had to be dealt with in order to announce as new date. The weather was real bad on December 7th and we could not have public come out under those conditions. We do hope that all skies will be all clear on December 21st as we wanted to conclude the bingo before Christmas with 50 games," concluded the Club President.
Lion Sunil Khatnani Committee Chairman stated: "Preparations for the Annual Lions Christmas Bingo Spectacular rescheduled date is going well and bingo tickets can be purchased from any of our fellow Lion Members or at the Lions Civic Center in Sucker Garden. The price per ticket has remained the same: $10.- or ANG 20.- and it entitles you to one bingo card. There will be numerous chances to win prizes, including: Overloaded Christmas Baskets, Hams, Airline Tickets to Europe and the Caribbean, Dinners for two at participating restaurants, and a grand door prize Santa's Bag as well. For all those who enjoy hearing Lion Wally Havertong sound-off the numbers while asking if anybody bingo, we encourage you to purchase your tickets on time and arrive early as the bingo games are slated to begin December 21st at 8pm sharp at the Festival Village".
The Dow's Musical Foundation youth section will entertain the public from 7pm-8pm with Steel Band Christmas music.

telememployeeoftheyearsurajramdas15122013GREAT BAY:--- TelEm Group Lead Customer Service Representative, Suraj Ramdas, crowned a sparkling year by being named TelEm Group, Employee-of-the-Year during the company's annual Christmas dinner Friday.
The honors where showered on Mr. Ramdas by Commercial Department head, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Mr. Brian Mingo, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mrs. Helma Etnel at the Rock House Restaurant, Port de Plaisance, where this year's festive gathering was held.
According to Mr. Mingo, Suraj has almost single-handedly transformed the look and internet business now provided by TelEm Group at the Harbour facility. He also spearheaded a hugely successful Summer promotion campaign and has demonstrated all of the attributes of a model employee who embraces the company's new vision, mission and core values.
Mr. Etnel said she was very grateful to Suraj for all the work he has done this year on behalf of TelEm Group and most of all for the wonderful attitude he has shown. "I am especially glad that the choice came from his own colleagues and not from management alone, because it demonstrates that they too have recognized the contribution he made this year," said Mrs. Etnel.
The CFO encouraged other members of staff to follow Suraj's lead and make it their own mission to be next year's winner of the company's highest award.
Mrs. Etnel was joined by her Executive Colleagues, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Mr. Eldert Louisa and Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Mr. Brian Mingo in wishing the rest of the TelEm Group staff the best for the Christmas season, along with their spouses and partners who were also present for the occasion.
The dinner was organized by TelEm Group's Personnel Association, who said the event went without a hitch and was very well attended this year with many positive signs for the future.
A number of raffle prizes were given out on the night but the star prize was a trip for two to the Dominican Republic, won by Human Resources and Development Administrative Clerk, Carmita Brooks.

Telem Press Release

By Roland S Tuitt, MBA, CPA

During my tenure as Minister of Finance, I noticed that the government of St. Maarten was operating without a proper functioning internal control department. Thus I made an agreement with the SOAB (internal auditors of government) to get a professional on loan for 2 years. That person had the task to document internal control procedures, help evaluate employees, implement the internal control procedures and manage the department for a period of two years.
This was done to comply with:

  1. The task of the Minister of Finance who is responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control and the fair presentation of financial statements
  2. The PEFA (Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability) 5 year improvement plan agreed with the CFT
  3. The pending evaluation of the Kingdom government that will take place in 2015.

However, the present Minister of Finance, in one of his first actions after being sworn in, broke the contract with SOAB and closed down the internal control department.
The consequences of his actions will lead to what in accountancy terms is called "an imposed scope limitation," which will cause the auditors to question the integrity of the Minister. It will also lead to an adverse opinion by the auditors which states that the obtained audit evidence is inadequate or inaccurate.

Control Mechanisms
As Internal Auditors of Government the SOAB should write a letter to Parliament informing Parliament about this matter. They can do this during their interim review of 2013, but it should be done immediately.
The Governor of St. Maarten who has a control function should have informed Parliament and The Kingdom Ministry of this deliberate imposed scope limitation by the Minister of Finance.
The CFT should have informed the Council of Ministers, Parliament, and the Kingdom Ministry of the deliberate imposed scope limitation by the current Minister of Finance. They probably will do this in their bi-annual report but that is too late.
The Audit Chamber can only act when they do the audit of 2013.
Based on the above it can be concluded that the control functions of various institutions did not function optimally.

Because of the scope limitation imposed by the Minister of Finance, the PEFA improvement plan cannot be carried out as agreed upon with the CFT.
The evaluation by the Kingdom Government in 2015 will be negatively influenced by the Minister's actions. This will prolong the existence of the CFT after 2015.
The internal auditors SOAB will have to issue a disclaimer of an audit opinion or withdraw from the engagement of auditing the financial statements of 2013.
Since auditors base their audit on the strength of the internal control, the auditor will have no basis to rely on, which will cause them to resort to alternative procedures and make the audit much more expensive.
If an executive did what the current Minister of Finance did in the private sector he or she would be fired immediately. If this action had taken place in any other country, the Minister of Finance would have to resign. That is based on the fact that he has imposed a hindrance on the organization that has a negative effect on the task that has been given to him as Minister to design, implement and maintain adequate internal control.
"International Standards on Auditing 705" (ISA 705) states that the auditor should disclaim an opinion on the financial statements if there is a scope limitation imposed by management and the auditor should consider withdrawing from the audit.
Since the Minister of Finance is responsible for the fair presentation of the financial statements of the Government of St. Maarten, his actions have made it impossible to present those financials in a fair and timely manner.
The actions of the Minister of Finance (coming from an audit background) will have a negative influence on the entire Council of Ministers because their integrity will also be questioned.

winairdelegationintortola15122013AIRPORT:--- The Windward Islands Airways (WINAIR) made three inaugural flights on Sunday. The new routes added on December 15th, 2013 were St. Maarten to Tortola, St. Maarten to Curacao, and St. Maarten to Anguilla. The fourth route WINAIR has added to its schedule is St. Maarten to the Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo). The Santo Domingo inaugural flight is set for Monday December 16th, 2013.

CEO and President of WINAIR Michael Cleaver along with founder of WINAIR Georges Greaux accompanied reporters from St. Maarten to Tortola for its first inaugural flight on Sunday December 15th. WINAIR pilot Michael Jeffry took off from the Princess Juliana International Airport at 11am and landed at the BVI Airport 35 minutes later. At the airport there were two fire trucks in place to spray water on the aircraft as it made its way to the parking area, this is customary for all new aircrafts that make their inaugural flight to any destination.

The delegation from St. Maarten were greeted by the Managing Director of BVI Airport Authority who is also the President of the BVI Tourist Board Denniston Fraser.

Cleaver told reporters that December 15th was a great day for WINAIR since the airline added three new destinations to its schedule the same day.

The local airline is placing strong focus on Tortola since the demand for another airline traveling from St. Maarten to Tortola is greatly needed. Cleaver said WINAIR will be making two daily flights to Tortola and in the very near future they will overnight in Tortola in order to service passengers that have early connecting flights in St. Maarten. One of the greatest advantages with the flights to Tortola is that passengers traveling from the Caribbean islands, Europe, and the United States can now have two connecting flights the same day to Tortola if that is their final destination. The flights to the BVI are also a great opportunity for BVI residents that love to shop on St. Maarten, also it gives stay over tourists on St. Maarten a good opportunity to travel to the BVI to enjoy the Baths in Virgin Gorda, the beaches and great scenery in Tortola and the other neighboring islands.

Reporters that traveled to Tortola on Sunday were treated to lunch after that a mini tour of the island. Tortola is one of the British Islands that is well kept with a crime rate of below 4%. Residents of Tortola said much of the 4% are crimes committed through domestic violence. The island maintains its rich culture and the people there are also very friendly. Passengers traveling to Tortola will be taken there with WINAIR's Twin Otter, while the flight to Santo Domingo uses the ATR 42 which was recently added to WINAIR's fleet of aircrafts. The ATR has a passenger capacity of 48 passengers.

The Management of WINAIR plans to add two other destinations in February 2014 to their schedule that is roundtrips from St. Maarten to Puerto Rico and St. Maarten to Republic of Dominica. Plans are in place to take passengers from Dominica to Guadeloupe, Curacao, and to Santo Domingo.

Cleaver said that management of WINAIR has lots of plans for WINAIR which they expect to kick off in 2014, including the possibility to fly from St. Maarten to Haiti. Passengers that are interested in WINAIR low fare flights to the each of their destinations can book their tickets online at or at an airline of their choice since all airlines now have WINAIR flights in their systems.

Below is WINAIR's current flight schedule:

SXM-EIS Departs 11:35 AM Arrives 12:20, DHC-600

EIS-SXM Departs 12:40 PM Arrives 13:30, DHC-600

SXM-EIS Departs 16:55 PM Arrives 17:40, DHC-600

EIS-SXM Departs 18:00 PM Arrives 18:50, DHC-600

SXM-SDQ Departs 14:30 PM Arrives 16:30, ATR on Monday Thursday and Saturday

SDQ-SXM Departs 12:00 PM Arrives 14:00, ATR on Monday Thursday and Saturday

SXM-AXA Departs 12:10 PM Arrives 12:20, DHC-600

AXA-SXM Departs 12:35 PM Arrives 12:45, DHC-600

SXM-AXA Departs 16:00 PM Arrives 16:10, DHC-600

AXA-SXM Departs 16:25 PM Arrives 16:35, DHC-600

SDQ-CUR Departs 12:00 PM Arrives 14:00, ATR on Sunday and Wednesday

CUR-SDQ Departs 14:30 PM Arrives 16:30, ATR on Sunday and Wednesday

By February 15th, 2014 WINAIR will be servicing the destinations of Dominica, Guadeloupe, and Puerto Rico via Anguilla. The schedule being as follows:

New Services Effective February 15, 2014,

PTP-SXM Departs 08:00 AM Arrives 10:00, ATR

SXM-PTP Departs 15:50 PM Arrives 17:50, ATR

PTP-DOM Departs 08:00 AM Arrives 08:30, ATR

DOM-PTP Departs 17:20 PM Arrives 17:50, ATR

SXM-DOM Departs 15:50 PM Arrives 16:50, ATR

DOM-SXM Departs 09:00 AM Arrives 10:00, ATR

SXM-AXA Departs 10:50 AM Arrives 11:00, ATR

AXA-SJU Departs 11:30 AM Arrives 12:30, ATR

SJU-AXA Departs 13:30 PM Arrives 14:30, ATR

AXA-SXM Departs 15:00 PM Arrives 15:10, ATR

Click here to view more photos of WINAIR's inaugural flight to Tortola on Sunday.

garrindellandjleonardpresentbaskettosmmcstaff15122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Last week Friday President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell led a delegation of Members of Parliament (MPs) to the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) who visited patients and staff spreading the holiday season cheer.

MPs delivered fruit baskets to the various sections of SMMC that included the children's ward, adults, emergency ward as well as the staff at the reception desks.

"The dedicated nurses and other support staff were very happy of the visit. While everyone very much appreciated the baskets, what counted the most was the presence of the people's representatives from the House Parliament.

"On behalf of the House of Parliament of country Sint Maarten, I am delighted to take this opportunity to bring you the Christmas greetings of all Members and staff of the honourable House.

"The holiday season is a time to be enjoyed with those close to us: family, friends and our loved ones. To all Sint Maarteners, wherever you are, and, whatever your plans, have a peaceful, and happy Christmas," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Sunday.

Staff from the House of Parliament also accompanied the President and MPs.

niaculturalandartsparade15122013BELAIR:--- The National Institute of Art held its First Annual Festival of Arts & Culture on Saturday, December 14th, 2013 at the Belair Community Center. The Festival Officially launched the National Institute of Arts to the community to St. Maarten, starting with a cultural and arts parade at the Raoul Illidge Sport Complex, and followed by performances the Belair Community Center. The opening remarks were by Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams and Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Patricia Lourens-Philip and the Master of Ceremonies was Silveria Jacobs, who has previously danced with Motiance Dance School and Imbali.

The Cultural Parade showcased students from the National Instituted of Arts (NIA), as well as students from the various in-school, after-school programs, community centers as well as the Charlotte Brookson Academy of Performance Arts. Students from the after school programs also made various one meter by one meter floats with different aspects of St. Maarten culture. The Sr. Regina Primary School students worked hard on a creating a float of fishermen, as Simpson Bay is historically known as a fishing village. Other floats were and old lady with a coal pot, a miniature old St. Maarten style house and a mannequin with traditional St. Maarten dress, as well as a St. Maarten Village from the Star After School program. The parade was accompanied with drumming from the Generation New Status Drum Group of St. Maarten under the direction of Urmain Dormoy.

After arriving at the Belair Community Center, the students changed into their NIA Dress Code for a series of performances. These included some acts that were performed for the Royal Performance for His Majesty King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima during their visit on November 13th, 2013. Other performances were called "The Artist Prepares" and showed the development of artists from as young a baby, with the Parent and Baby dance, and demonstrated the artist developing, from kids through adults. The show opened with a Hip Hop performance of the Song "Welcome to St. Maarten", which had the audience swinging and clapping. The performances showed the broadening of what NIA offers, from not only dance performances, but also physical comedy in The Art of Laughter, a Musical Theater performance of "I Enjoy Being a Girl", a Choir vocal performance by Teacher LaVaune Henry, as well as Drama performances, featuring The Best Story Telling of St. Maarten in one minute. The performances were unique, in that the NIA mixed various classes and produced performances with students ranging from all age groups in one performance.

A special thanks to the following funding agencies: the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour / INDP Project, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth & Sport Affairs, USONA and the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.

For more Information about the National Institute of Arts as well as pictures of the event, please visit our Facebook page

NIA Press Release

swescotwilliamsmeetswithrobwijnen15122013PM: "My vision is to make the Government apparatus on St. Maarten greener and more sustainable"

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams has initiated an investigation into getting the majority of the buildings that fall within her Ministry of General Affairs connected to sustainable energy.

"One of the things we have been looking at within the Ministry of General Affairs is to move the buildings of Government, which falls under the auspices of the Ministry of General Affairs, to a more sustainable energy platform, including the new Government Administration Building. Last week I met with Sustainable Energy Expert from the Netherlands Rob Wijnen and discussed the possibilities with regards to Government being less dependent on fossil fuels and moving closer to sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar energy.

"My vision is to make the Government apparatus on St. Maarten greener and more sustainable and I have therefore called for research into what it would take to get the buildings of Government more dependent on green energy. I have also been in contact with my counterparts in Aruba and have discussed with them the steps they have taken to realize the same. I hope that within short we can rely more and more on sustainable energy than on fossil fuels, making us not only better for the environment but after an initial investment save money as well with regards to our energy costs," concluded the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

swescotwilliamsopenstissotboutiqueonfrontstreet15122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten opened up the new Tissot Luxury Watch Boutique in Philipsburg on Thursday, adding to the retail value of Frontstreet. The Boutique is the only of its kind in the Latin American and Caribbean region. The Boutique, which falls under the Joe's Jewelry International Umbrella, offers the Luxury Watch brand that has been in existence for 160 years to St. Maarten. "I am very proud to have this luxurious watch brand come to St. Maarten and offering a diversification of products for the luxury jewelry landscape on St. Maarten. I thank the Tissot Brand for showing their confidence in St. Maarten and investing in the only store in the Latin American and Caribbean Region right here on St. Maarten. I thank the brand and of course Joe's Jewelry International for believing in our economy. So on behalf of the Government and People of St. Maarten I would like to express my thanks," commented the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams congratulated the Baker Family on their achievement of opening their new establishment Baker's Suites, which officially opened its doors on Sunday, December 15, in the Pelican area.

"I want to sincerely congratulate the Baker family on having the vision to invest in the country. It is good to see a local family invest in the future of St. Maarten and its economy.

"During my recent visit to meet with other members of the Overseas Countries and Territories of the European Union one of the main discussions was centered on the encouraging of Small and Medium Enterprises, and the project just completed by Mr. Baker and his family fits perfectly within this scope.

The Baker Suites, located opposite of Atrium Resort, is a locally invested all-suite accommodation venue that reflects an upwards of one million dollar investment in the island's economy. "It is good to see not only the family diversifying the St. Maarten tourism product but having the confidence in investing s significant amount funds in the economy of our country," stated Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

sxmacademychristmasshowtheyorks15122013~ School Board Gives Free Lunch to All ~

CUL DE SAC:--- St. Maarten Academy's academic campus was a hub of Christmas spirit Friday afternoon (December 13, 2013), as students and teachers alike showcased their talent in singing, modeling, dancing and poetry.
The day kicked off with Principal Shareed Hussain announcing that as part of giving back, the school will provide all students with free lunch, which made many students happy. According to first former, Dawud Chapman, "The food was very delicious. They [Interact] also had chocolate cake, vanilla cake, cupcakes, croissants, and cookies." He said many of the students to whom he spoke described the gesture by the school as "doing something to improve the fame and fortune of our school."
Mr. Hussain told the student body that they deserved the treat for working assiduously during Term 1. This year's show was particularly special, since the school's Student Care Department decided to incorporate cultural presentations as part of the Guidance grade for first form students. Students were given the option of participating as a performer or an organizer at any one of the many shows hosted at the school during the course of the academic year.
As such, Masters of Ceremony Alipha Tatem and Philana Thomas, under the guidance of their homeroom teacher, Mr. Olatunde Dalrymple, led a well-organised programme. They were assisted by other first form Stage Managers, Jian Ling Nie and Shadira Jermin. Other first form students worked behind the scenes by assisting the school's Student Government Association with the planning.
Fifth form student, Alin Urighre, kicked off the celebrations with the poem, 'Twas a Night Before Christmas', followed by Ika St. Pierre and Jahvaughny Ayee performing Band Aid's 'Do They Know It's Christmas'. Head of the Expressive Arts Department, Dennis Tjon, too, wowed the audience with a medley of songs done on the piano with St. Dominic High student, Atul Pereppadan.
Tjon was not the only teacher to hit the stage. Two of the school's English teachers, Sharon Layne and Doreen Edwards, accompanied by Social Studies teacher Anansa Payne, harmonized beautifully with the reggae version of 'Santa Claus (do you ever come to the ghetto?)'.
More talent emerged with the York cousins, Cherrianne Dangleben-York, Jabari York, and Edwin Derweer, on the steel pan. The versatile Snatra Bauld did not disappoint with her soulful rendition of 'Oh Holy Night', and her mimed dance to 'Bleed for Love'.
Over the years, St. Maarten Academy has been known for having very talented students, and according to Vice Principal Tallulah Baly-Vanterpool, Friday's programme allowed for the opportunity to groom new talent. This was underscored with an original rap, 'Christmas', by first former, Serge Huggins, whose personality shone through as he led the student body through the chorus.
Potential was also recognized in the singing group, Santa Babies, which included Ryana Anthony, Emyka Pinthiere, Chadalina Edwards and Kishanna Hodge, performing their name-sake song. Other performances included 'Mistletoe' by Daynyeal Trim, Jamella Williams, Philana Thomas, Shanika Blagrove, and Sandira Anglin; 'Silent Night' by Jasmin Leblanc; 'This Christmas' done by Anisha Durand, and a medley by Supral Jadz (Jacinth Hunkins, Denise Andrew, Ashana Bontiff, and Suze Cobyte).
As was expected, upcoming soprano, Vincia Nelson blew the audience away with her rendition of 'All I want for Christmas is You'. One student commented that "her voice was that of an angel."
Dawud Chapman, too, stepped up to the plate with a Christmas poem; while Esther Dede and Naomi Warsop, performed individual dances to 'Jesus, Born on This Day' and 'Set it on Fire', respectively. But the two modeling segments with clothing sponsored by clothing store, House of Seduction, rocked the house with exquisite fashion. The groups – one comprising of first formers (Eight Days of Christmas) and the second, of upper school students (Santa's Helpers) – got standing ovation.
The Christmas show was the last production of the outgoing student council and its president Learie Hall.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- In order to protect the country's borders from the invasion of diseases and pests that could negatively affect the animal population, the Inspection Department TEZVT - Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (LVV) informs that increased control and enforcement activities in relation to the import of animals are being taken at the ports of entry.

Airline companies and locally established veterinary practices have been notified that there are existing laws and regulations in place that govern the importation of animals or persons traveling with pets.

A permit is required for all animals entering the country for a temporary visit, animals in transit through Sint Maarten on their way to another destination, and for animals entering the country permanently. The permit documentation includes the presentation of a health certificate issued by the national veterinary authority of the exporting country.

Together with the Customs Department, TEZVT-LVV has increased controls and enforcement of the existing country laws in this area and seeks the cooperation of all concerned in order to mitigate risks associated with animal diseases that can be transmitted to humans and local animal populations.

The Department is aware that a lot of animals are imported on a weekly basis by air, and the existing laws of the land establishes requirements for all animals entering Sint Maarten including domestic pets.

According to national laws, responsibility is placed on airlines where quarantine and repatriation is concerned with all associated costs borne by the carrier.

TEZVT-LVV has also been in contact with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the trade association for the world's airlines in connection with the country's requirements regarding this subject.

TEZVT-LVV has received positive feedback from visitors who travel with their pets to the country with what is required by the Department in order to facilitate such a visit. Compliance from this group has been very positive.

The Inspection Department TEZVT is the Government agency responsible for supervising veterinary practices in the country. A reporting system has been put in place between the entities concerned and is working well. The Department was informed that due to lack of controls and or application of the relevant laws years ago Canine Distemper, a viral disease that affects animals was able to enter the island.

For further information and to request permits, you can visit The Inspection Department TEZVT-LVV at Cannegieter Street (next to the Sister Borgia School) in Philipsburg or call 520-7213 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Many homes on the inside and outside have been decorated with Christmas lights, stockings, banners, wreaths and the most popular of these decorations is the Christmas tree.

As part of Ministry of Public Health's Collective Prevention Services (CPS) Safe Holiday Season Observances, in collaboration with the Department of Communication, residents are advised to keep the season safe by following a few helpful tips.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever as part of his 'Get Checked' campaign, is calling on the community to check their Christmas tree lighting to make sure everything is in order in order to avoid any hazards this holiday season.

These are some life-saving steps you can take to ensure a safe and happy holiday:

Preventing Holiday Tree Fires

* Holiday tree fire hazards

Special fire safety precautions need to be taken when keeping a live tree in the house. A burning tree can rapidly fill a room with fire and deadly gases.

* Selecting a Tree for the Holiday

Needles on fresh trees should be green and hard to pull back from the branches, and the needle should not break if the tree has been freshly cut. The trunk should be sticky to the touch. Old trees can be identified by bouncing the tree trunk on the ground. If many needles fall off, the tree has been cut too long, has probably dried out, and is a fire hazard.

* Caring for Your Tree

Do not place your tree close to a heat source. The heat will dry out the tree, causing it to be more easily ignited by heat, flame or sparks. Be careful not to drop or flick cigarette ashes near a tree. Do not put your live tree up too early or leave it up for longer than two weeks. Keep the tree stand filled with water at all times.

* Disposing of Your Tree

When the tree becomes dry, discard it promptly. The best way to dispose of your tree is by having it hauled away by the waste disposal service.

Holiday Lights

* Maintain Your Holiday Lights

Inspect holiday lights each year for frayed wires, bare spots, gaps in the insulation, broken or cracked sockets, and excessive kinking or wear before putting them up.

* Do Not Overload Electrical Outlets

Do not link more than three light strands, unless the directions indicate it is safe. Connect strings of lights to an extension cord before plugging the cord into the outlet. Make sure to periodically check the wires - they should not be warm to the touch.

* Do Not Leave Holiday Lights on Unattended

Holiday Decorations

* Use Only Nonflammable Decorations

All decorations should be nonflammable or flame-retardant.

* Never Put Wrapping Paper near an open flame

It can throw off dangerous sparks and produce a chemical buildup in the home that could cause an explosion.

* Artificial Holiday Trees

If you are using a metallic or artificial tree, make sure it is flame retardant.

Candle Care

* Avoid Using Lit Candles

If you do use them, make sure they are in stable holders and place them where they cannot be easily knocked down. Never leave the house with candles burning.

* Never Put Lit Candles on a Tree

Do not go near a holiday tree with an open flame - candles, lighters or matches.

By following precautionary tips, families can greatly reduce their chances of becoming a holiday fire casualty.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Parents with girls aged nine and 10-years are invited by the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour, Youth Health Care, to an information session about the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine on Tuesday, 17th December.

Parents with girls in the aforementioned age range attending the following primary school should attend: Leonald Connor, Charles Leopold Bell, CIA, Montessori, Sister Regina, and Seventh Day Adventists School.

The information session is being held at the Seventh Day Adventists School in Cole Bay which is located near the Orange Grove Shopping Plaza or across from Prime Distributors from 7:15pm to 8:15pm on Tuesday.

Youth Health Care falls under the Collective Prevention Services (CPS) and is responsible for the National Vaccination Program. The program is designed to prevent the country's children and population from vaccine preventable diseases.

In September the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour introduced the HPV vaccine.

HPV causes cervical cancer which is the second most common cancer in women worldwide. In 2008, there were an estimated 529,000 new cases and 274,000 deaths due to cervical cancer. HPV viruses are common throughout the world.

The primary target group in most of the countries recommending HPV vaccination according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is young adolescent girls.

Data from clinical trials conducted in several continents show that the vaccines to be safe according to the WHO.

For additional information you can call Youth Health Care at: 543-2070 or 543-2071.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Permanent Committee for Justice of the House of Parliament is scheduled to meet December 17 regarding integrity.

The closed door committee session is set for Tuesday at 2:00pm in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The agenda point is a discussion about the Committee Integrity Public Administration.

The Minister of General Affairs Hon. Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Wiliams and Minister of Justice Hon. Dennis Richardson.

patricialourenscuttingribbonatsdaschool13122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip along with Prime Minister Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the newly completed Gymnasium and two classrooms at the Seventh Day Adventist School in Cole Bay. The project was funded by USONA and the Government of Sint Maarten.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Police Department is requesting assistance from the public in connection with a break-in, that took place on the night of December 11th and 12th, 2013 at "Money for Gold" situated on the Fr. Tjong Si Fat Road in Cole Bay. During this robbery an amount gold jewelry was stolen from the establishment. The Detective Department is asking anyone who may have information that could lead to the arrest of the possible suspect(s), to call the police tip line 9300 or the Detective Department at 54-22222 ext 222-224 and give this information.

KPSM Press Release

swescotwilliamsandpchopintourcauseway13122013PM: "This project is an example in the region in terms of planning and execution and I am sure that the whole community of both sides of our island will look forward to the official grand opening"

SIMPSON BAY:--- Upon the request of the Prime Minister Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams, The Harbor Group of Companies organized an information session regarding the Simpson Bay Causeway project. Present for the St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies was the Supervisory Board of Directors Renald Williams, Humphrey Mezas and Jason Rogers; Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Mingo along with other members of management and staff and the contractor Volker Stevin Caribbean NV.

The Prime Minister was joined by the Prefet of St. Maarten M. Philippe Chopin in receiving a tour of the Simpson Bay Causeway by Harbor CEO Mr. Mark Mingo and support staff. The informational tour started with a presentation by Mr. Mingo regarding the state of affairs of the Causeway and the management of the Simpson Bay Lagoon. During the presentation the Prime Minister specifically asked CEO of the Harbor Group of companies Mark Mingo if there were any structural issues with the bridge as has been alleged in the media or any issues that would delay the opening of the bridge. Mr. Mingo stated that any large construction project goes through a period of settling and there are no issues with regards to the bridge. The Prime Minister thanked the clarification given by Mister Mingo, who stressed that there are continuous meetings with engineers and contractors and all of the stakeholders.

A walking tour of the bridge was given and the Prime Minister had the opportunity to open the swing bridge in the bridge operating room. Presentations were also given with regards to the environmental measures taken during and after the building of the causeway and the environmental management of the Simpson Bay Lagoon.

The Prime Minister stated that St. Maarten, both sides of the island, should be proud to be able to have a successfully completed project of this size and thank the Harbor, SLAC and all stakeholders for bringing the project to a successful completion. "I would like to express my thanks at seeing the project being brought to a successful conclusion and the opening of the causeway to happen within very short. This project is an example in the region in terms of planning and execution and I am sure that the whole community of both sides of our island will look forward to the official grand opening," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

rotarysxminductstwo13122013John Caputo and Vrisha Motwani join Rotary

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday, December 11, 2013, the Rotary Club of St. Maarten inducted two new members. John Caputo and Vrisha Motwani were two latest members of the business community to add the title of "Rotarian" to their resumes.

John Caputo and Virsha Motwani are not strangers to the business community and to the notion of service above self. Mr. Caputo is a 20-plus year veteran of St. Maarten and the owner of Domino's Pizza. Ms. Motwani is the Manager at Vibrant Jewelers on Front Street in Philipsburg.

Maria Buncamper-Molanus, President of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten inducted both Caputo and Motwani at the regular meeting of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at the Divi Little Bay Beach Resort. Mrs. Buncamper, with the assistance of fellow Rotarians, Pierre DeCelles, Jim Ferris, Robert Judd, Henna Budhrani and Jeffrey Sochrin, reminded the new inductees of their duties and responsibilities as Rotarians and welcomed them to the Global Rotary Family.

For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website

mediacoachtrainingparticipants13122013PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday 6th December, 2013, 20 persons from different departments within Government along with representatives from Government subsidized primary and secondary, members of the Library, the St. Maarten Family Guardianship Division and the Community Police Officers, received their media coach certificates and Pin as official Media Coaches.
The participants were trained by trainers Mr. Bamber Delver and Ms. Liesbeth Hop, from the National Academy for Media & Society located in The Netherlands.
The participants followed an intensive 2 weeks training that was held earlier this year in April and then again in June, 2013. During the International Media Coach training participants were able to develop different types of competences, which the training then focused on translating into measurable and effective media literacy projects aimed at improving media literacy among the youth, parents, teachers, other professionals and citizens in general.
Some of the topics addressed during the training were: Digital Citizenship and Democracy, Digital Bullying, Online Privacy, Information and Technology Literacy, trends of the future, Sexualization of the media, Journalism and Ethics, The Role of Social Media in Education, Innovation of Education.
In the meantime a second group of persons have started with the 2nd Media Coach training last week and will continue in February 2014.
The Honorable Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Ms. Patricia Lourens – Philip, was on hand to congratulate the group of Media Coaches and to present them with their certificates. The Minister also encouraged the new Media Coaches to share their knowledge within their work and/or organization, seeing the importance of the Social Media in the lives of children, young people and the community in general.
Also present at the certification ceremony were the USONA representative, Ms. Angela Dekker, the Acting Head of the Division of Education and Innovation, Ms. Oralie Boirard and support staff.
The Social Media Coach training is one of the Innovation in Education Projects organized by the Division for Educational Innovation and funded through USONA.

kpsmreceivesplaquefromkingfamily13122013PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday December 13th, 2013, the entire King family, who are on the island to attend the King Murder Trial, visited the Police Head Quarters. During their visit a plaque was presented to the Chief of Police Peter de Witte on behalf of the King family expressing their gratitude for the great job the entire Sint Maarten Police Department had done to investigate this case and to bring the culprits responsible for this terrible crime to justice. Police Chief de Witte accepted the plaque on behalf of the entire police force and thanked the family for having great confidence in the Sint Maarten Police Force. The plaque reads as follows:

In memory of Michael and Thelma King
We wish to thank the Police Department of Sint Maarten for their professionalism, dedication and perseverance in bringing justice and peace to their families and friends.
We are forever grateful.

KPSM Press Release

mauricelakepresentedwithsxmhousingvisionbook13122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Wednesday afternoon received a copy of the Sint Maarten Housing Vision 2012-2020 Building Book that was presented by KAW Architects and Consultants.

The project commissioned by the Government of Sint Maarten and financed by USONA entailed a review of legislation relating to housing, and a review of the housing policy. The project objective is to increase the quality of life and living conditions of residents with low and middle incomes through policies and legislation relating to adequate and social housing.

The Building Book outlines what needs to be built; where to build; a definition of the different types of locations and (im)possibilities for realizing social housing; how to realize social housing; legislation, process per land ownership, role of government and finances; when, planning and prioritization.

The Building Book was compiled based on a broad overview of the island. This information was compiled by interviews, excursions, project teams and workshops on different issues which were widely discussed.

"The previous housing vision under the structure of Island Territory dated back to 2003. We are now 10-years later and a new vision was called for, and the Building Book presents a vision which now has to be acted upon.

"I would like to commend the work group and thank them and the consultants for their efforts, as well as USONA, the latter which provided the funding for this project. Housing is a basic human rights need and is anchored down into international treaties. In my going back to basics approach, housing is essential for the people of this country.

"My ministry has already been exploring possibilities on how we can finance the construction of hundreds of homes per year in order to meet the demand of those wanting their own home. We will do what has to be done in order to realize the vision.

"We need to provide homes for our senior citizens/physically challenged, homes for low and middle income families, as well as homes for those who live in so-called 'shanty town' areas," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

A project work group was established to assist with the compilation of the report and this included representatives from various entities, Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Department, Domain Affairs, St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation, Civil Registry Department, Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour, Department of Statistics, Rent Committee, and the Department of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations.

The project was one outlined in the Implementation Plan Social Economic Initiatives (SEI) 2007-2010 which was financed by USONA, was developed to ensure a proper financial and economic foundation is laid for a sustainable Sint Maarten. The program had eight policy areas.

usgfcompletesparliamentaryprocedurestraining13122013SOUTH REWARD:--- The United Student Government Front (USGF) on Wednesday (December 4, 2013) completed another round of Parliamentary Procedures training with students from several high schools on the island.

The organization presented certificates to a total of 19 students from St. Dominic High, St. Maarten Academy, and St. Maarten Vocational Training School. Thereafter, the participants, as well as the Student Government boards and mentors of the participating schools, closed off the calendar year with a sumptuous dinner. Also in attendance were Sundial's newly-formed student council and mentor.

The venue was St. Dominic High School.

Parliamentary Procedures training is conducted every year to teach high school students how to conduct meetings within their respective student councils.

There were three workshops this year, starting on August 26 at the St. Maarten Academy academic campus. The second workshop was held at St. Maarten Vocational and Training School on October 2.

This year, the workshops were conducted by veteran Toastmaster Sinatra Rouse, who is also the current Area Governor of Area 23 and mentor of the St. Dominic High student council.

According to Rouse, the main aim of the sessions was to equip students with the skills necessary to run their own meetings. They were guided on how to present, move, and vote on motions; and how to prepare agendas for their meetings. The participants also learned parliamentary terminologies to ensure the smooth execution of their conferences.

USGF, which mainly aims at building leadership skills among high school students, will also host an interscholastic board games competition in January 2014. All high schools are encouraged to participate.

robertheyliger13122013MARIGOT:--- Robert Heyliger, the father of missing French soldier Rodrique Heyliger who went missing in Gabon, South Africa is outraged at the French Government regarding the disappearance of his son who served the French Army for almost 23 years. The elderly Heyliger told SMN News that his family was notified by the Gendarmes that his son Rodrique went missing while on duty in Africa on November 1st, 2013 but since then they are not getting any information as to the investigation and possible recovery of his son's body. "The Gendarmes notified us on November 1st, 2013 but up to now we do not know when he went missing and how it happened. We believe that the French Government is hiding something because they have to know the last day he was on duty." Heyliger said he needs written documents, for example his son's schedule so he could know exactly when his son went missing, where and how. He said some news reports state that his son went missing while fishing in Gabon, other reports state he went missing while at sea in a helicopter. "I have nothing and information on the whereabouts of my son is not given to us (his relatives). My son was single when he went missing, he was married but got divorced 8 years ago, so the people that have to get information on the whereabouts of Rodrique Heyliger are his parents both of whom are alive and living in St. Maarten. My son was due to return home on December 7th to celebrate his 40th birthday on December 31st. He wanted to come back home to be with his mother for a few months and then he would have gone back and complete 25 years in the French army before retiring to return home where he had intended to start his own business.

rodriqueheyliger13122013At the time the elderly Heyliger was speaking to SMN News he was crying non-stop saying that he has 15 children, and he is very happy that his son chose to serve his country and not be on the side of the road smoking but today it's unbearable to see that the government has chosen not to respect his parents. "Some days ago two "white" soldiers were deployed to Africa and I saw the President Francois Hollande going to the army base and sharing his sympathy and condolences on the loss of the two young soldiers. When I saw this it tore my heart open, I asked myself if it's because my son is a black man his family is not given respect. My son served his country for over 22 years and yet no one cares." Heyliger said his other children did everything possible to get information from the French army but they are not getting any information. Heyliger said the only thing he wants is to get the body of his son, so he could lay him to rest and begin healing. "My wife is very sick and all of us including his brothers and sisters need closure. We want to know that Rodrique is really dead. This is not easy for us because Christmas is approaching and the only thing my children talk about is the disappearance of their brother." Heyliger said the family has not seen his son for about ten years because he travels a lot. "Even though we are not seeing him he calls home quite often." Heyliger said he never envisioned that he would have to bury his child and even that he is not able to do because there is no news on the recovery of his body."

Heyliger who is supported by his other children and extended relatives said that one moment they were told that the body of his son was recovered. This information he said was on Facebook. Later they learnt that the body that was recovered is not the remains of his son because the dental records of his son did not match that of the corpse. Heyliger said a female friend of his late son went to Africa and identified his son through the clothing he was wearing but that person had to leave Africa and go back to Italy.

manuelgonzalezriverowithsviicamerasystem13122013Nature Foundation Assists in Caribbean-wide Coral Reef Study

PHILIPSBURG:--- An international coral reef research project, sponsored by international insurer Catlin Group Limited, was just in St. Maarten to assess the state of coral reefs over larger scales and in more precise detail than ever before possible. The Catlin Seaview Survey used a unique underwater scooter-assisted SVII camera system to conduct reef surveys within the Natural Reserve of Saint Martin and the Man of War Shoal Marine Park assisted by Nature Foundation staff.

Led by Dr. Manuel Gonzalez-Rivero from the University of Queensland in Australia, the project will establish a vital scientific baseline to study the potential factors driving change in the health of global coral reefs. Working closely with the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance, the Nature Foundation of St. Maarten and RĂ©serve Naturelle Nationale de Saint-Martin, the Catlin Seaview Survey will use the data collected to provide informed scientific advice to local reef conservation agencies and management authorities.

Caribbean reefs have, over the last fifty years, been devastated by coastal development, overfishing and pollution. 80% of corals in the Caribbean have disappeared and reefs are also threatened by invasive species, climate change and ocean acidification. Coral reefs are acutely sensitive to environmental change; they are a vital gauge for monitoring the current and future impacts of human activities. With guidance from local researchers, NGOs and government agencies, the Catlin Seaview Survey surveyed key local reef sites and captured the current condition of the reef.

This pioneering scientific project uses cameras mounted on custom-designed diver propulsion vehicles (underwater scooters) to cover large stretches of reef. Underwater scooters allow a dramatic increase in the amount of reef that can be surveyed and in the level of accuracy in detecting the health of the coral ecosystem.

The data is captured by three digital SLR cameras positioned at angles to record unique 360° panoramic images. The high-definition pictures are stitched together and tagged with accurate GPS coordinates. This will facilitate a solid and comparable baseline of information, allowing for a comparison of reef health over time.

St. Maarten completes a year-long Caribbean campaign for the Catlin Seaview Survey. Throughout this year, the project has visited more than 13 Caribbean countries (including Bonaire, Curaçao, and St. Eustatius) to create a comprehensive and standardized, region-wide survey. By studying the state of these reefs, the Catlin Seaview Survey aims to provide insights into the future prospects for coral reefs in other regions of the world.

The scientific data collected by the Catlin Seaview Survey will be available to all in a free online research tool called the Catlin Global Reef Record ( The tool aims to encourage global collaboration between scientists, local and international management authorities and the general public.

"The Catlin Global Reef Record serves as an analytical tool that scientists and reef managers around the world now have at their fingertips," said Dr Gonzalez-Rivero. Images in the record are scanned for coral species and combined with regional coral bleaching data to allow for advanced analysis of worldwide reef health.

The data is important for the future conservation and management of coral reefs both in the Caribbean and worldwide.

markmingoatstatiaoilterminal12122013POINTE BLANCHE:--- The St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies has retained the services of the Caribbean Branch Office TNO (based on Aruba) to develop a fuel strategy roadmap.

The objective of this study is to assess the current energy situation and prepare a roadmap that informs future investments.

Earlier in the week Harbour Group of Companies Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mark Mingo led a team to St. Eustatius where they had discussion with officials from Nu Star Energy Oil Storage Terminal.

The oil terminal has a capacity of storage of sum 13 million barrels and is also a transhipment facility. This facility is capable of handling a range of petroleum products, including crude oil and refined products.

"The Harbour Group of Companies takes a strategic look at the country's long-term development, and at the same time being innovative in our planning and outlook. The alternative fuel study is just another area and a step ahead that must be researched.

"The global fuel market is price sensitive. Political uncertainty can push crude oil prices up which we have seen before and this influences the cost of living and the cost of doing business on our island. Apart from geopolitical events, gas markets and prices are also being driven by longer-term demand and supply dynamic.

"At the port we carefully monitor and study trends in the maritime sector. The maritime industry is responding to call to adopt environmentally-friendly solutions for fuel; Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) has the potential to be a cleaner alternative to marine diesel.

"Like any professional company, the harbour group continue to keep a keen eye on market trends. We need to study what is coming ahead so we can continue to chart our future moving forward as a port and as an industry," St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies CEO Mark Mingo said.

The Port of St. Maarten is an important regional player in fuel distribution. New developments such as a shift from heavy fuel oil to LNG for shipping and power production are expected to have impacts on future needs. In addition, increased production of renewable energy such as from wind, solar and possibly geo-thermal could change fuel demands.

This study aims to establish a foundation for informed decision making concerning future fuel storage and distribution infrastructure. The first phase of the study will focus on an assessment of the current fuel situation on St. Maarten (including the French side) and regional and international developments.

Part of this effort will include identifying and involving key stakeholders. Following this initial assessment a strategy will be developed to meet future energy needs and position the Port to continue to play its regional role.

This study is carried out with the support of both the St. Maarten and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. TNO and the St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies aim to develop a long-term working relationship in which TNO will bring expertise and help build capacity in a variety of technical areas.

TNO, with over 3800 scientists, is the largest applied research institute in the Netherlands and third largest in Europe. In 2011 TNO opened a branch office on the island of Aruba.

A key focus of this office is to work on integral island strategies aimed at amongst other developing more sustainable, reliable and affordable energy systems. TNO brings a wide range of expertise to this effort including renewable energy systems, LNG transport and distribution as well as business and strategic advice concerning fuel infrastructure investments.

motorworldandcaribbeanautochristmascarshow12122013Hello Christmas shoppers! Christmas has come early this year! Motorworld and Caribbean Auto will be having our annual Christmas Car Show at Motorworld in Colebay this Saturday, December 14th where we will be slashing prices and giving away free gifts! You can receive up to $3500 off selected models from Hyundai, Ford, Lincoln, Volkswagen, Honda, Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge, OR take your pick from a FREE Flat Screen TV, OR Apple iPad OR Laptop OR Blackberry Z-10 OR Samsung Galaxy S3 at our Christmas Car Show this Saturday December 14th!! RBC Bank, First Caribbean International Bank and Windward Island's Bank will be providing ON THE SPOT Bank Financing ALL DAY!

Also at our car show, buy 3 of our exclusive Kumho or GT Radial Tires and get 1 FREE, WITH free installation INCLUDED! Also come to experience how to protect, clean and detail your car with our Meguiar's Car Care Clinic!

The stunning all new 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee has just arrived! Come and check it out as well as all our other latest models! We'll also have free snacks, drinks and live music ALL DAY!

So come on down with your family and friends to our Christmas Car Show All Day Event at Motorworld in Colebay this Saturday December 14th, 2013!!!

ministryteattretreat12122013PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- The Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic & Telecommunication held their retreat at the Divi Little Bay Hotel conference room. According to acting Secretary General Miguel de Weever, the ministry reviewed each department's goals, performances, challenges, solutions and plans for 2014 and beyond. The retreat included department Heads, Section Heads, and Key Policy Advisors to ensure that agreements made can be filtered and communicated throughout the department and Ministry.

Present were:

  1. Makini Hickinson, Head of Statistical Department
  2. Valya Lake-Pantophlet, Head of Business License Department
  3. Justine Webster, Senior Policy Advisor at the Business License Department
  4. Lucy Richardson, Head of Economy, Transportation & Telecom Department (EVT)
  5. Erika Radjouki & Jude Houston, Senior Policy Advisors at EVT
  6. Martha Thewet, Section Head at the Inspection TEZVT Department
  7. Joseph Isaac, Head of Meteorology Department
  8. Gus Priest, Section Head, Product Development & Visitor Services, Tourist Bureau
  9. Marla Chemont, Section Marketing, Tourist Bureau,
  10. Jaap van Duinkerken (Sr. Policy Advisor), Carmen Webb (Financial Assistant) & Abegail Richardson (Executive Assistant) all from the Staff Bureau

swescotwilliamsmeetswithrussellkopke12122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister Wescot-Williams met with RBC Regional Vice President of Business Banking of the Royal Bank of the Caribbean Russell Kopke at her Cabinet on Tuesday. Mr. Kopke is the Area Vice President for Sint Maarten and Saba and is responsible for all aspects of business development, human resources, team development, client acquisition and service and company services. The Prime Minister and Mr. Kopke discussed various items of importance to the country including recent issues.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

safeboard12122013PHILIPSBURG:--- St. Maarten/St. Martin Alliance For Equality (SAFE) Foundation was officially established on Tuesday, December 10, which is recognized by the United Nations as International Human Rights Day.
The premise of the newly establish foundation is to promote the human rights of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgendered people on the island. The formation of the group came out a need felt by members to organize the local lgbt community and their allies and provide persons with a safe place and space in which to discuss matters relevant to them, while also learning more about their human rights and responsibilities.
"In general, the island of St. Maarten/St. Martin, and even the other islands of the former Netherlands Antilles, has been tolerant to lgbt persons, but that does not mean that there are not still stigmas and taboos associated with people who self-identify or are even perceived of as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgendered. As lgbt people and allies we think that it is time we start addressing these attitudes amongst ourselves and also with people of the wider St. Maarten/St. Martin community," the board of SAFE said in a press release.
"There are those on St. Maarten/St. Martin who have preconceived ideas about a so called gay agenda, even on the island, when in fact there is no gay agenda that we rally around. It is human rights which grounds our platform. As far as we know, LGBT people on St. Maarten/St. Martin do not want any rights that are not extended to heterosexuals or that are not in line with those enjoyed by straight people. LGBT people, therefore, do not want "special" rights or recognition, but want human rights and recognition. That is the grounding from which SAFE wishes, and plans, to grow."
The board of the foundation is comprised of representatives from across the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered and ally spectrum. The initial board, which was elected in early October and charged with setting up the foundation is made up of Lysanne Charles, President; Nadjesca Gumbs, Treasurer; Arman Hodge, Secretary, and board members Mylene Engel, Gerard van Osch, Nigel Lalman and Laurent Drouin-Le May.
The date of incorporation was not happenstance; all involved worked assiduously to ensure that all paperwork was completed for a Human Rights Day signing.
"We look forward to engaging in productive discussions within the lgbt community and also with the larger island community. Even in 2013 there are still a lot of misconceptions about lgbt people and we believe that the only way to overcome those misjudgements is through open dialogue grounded in respect for all as human beings."

mjohnsonjmillsandjwoolford08052013PHILIPSBURG:--- The tribune of the Court of Appeals was packed to its capacity with relatives of the late Michael and Thelma King who were murdered in their villa at Ocean Club Cupe Coy on September 19th, 2012. Also in the court room were the mothers of the two young suspects Jeremiah Chevon Mills and Jamal Jefferson Woolford. Both single parents sat way behind and they followed the entire appeal procedures held on Thursday. While most of the trial was conducted in the Dutch language, a translator was present to translate most of the proceedings so that the relatives who traveled from the United States could understand the proceedings.

The panel comprised of three judges questioned each of the suspects on their role in the crimes they committed at both Happy Star Restaurant and at the home of the Kings.

The main suspect Meyshane Kemar Johnson maintained his position just like he did during the trial in the Court of First Instance claiming that he does not remember anything regarding the crimes he committed on September 19th, 2012 at the Happy Star Restaurant and at the home of the Kings. The President of the Court of Appeals pleaded with Johnson as they question him on what he told police while he was in pre-trial detention compared to what he was telling the Court of Appeals on Thursday. The judges asked Johnson if he remembered when he appeared in the Court of First Instance in April 2013 and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Johnson told the court that even that he does not remember and it's only when he returned to the prison he was told by the other inmates that he got a life sentence. When he was asked to tell the court why he filed the appeal, Johnson could hardly say the exact reasons for filing the appeal. He said that he did not waive his rights and he was not in agreement with the decision rendered by the Court of First Instance. The judges tried to go over the statements Johnson gave police hoping that they would refresh his memory but he told them that they want a story and he has no story to tell. Johnson was sent to Curacao for an analysis to be conducted on his mental condition. He returned to the island on Wednesday after spending two months in Curacao to undergo psychiatric and psychological testing. When the judges told Johnson that both specialists determined that nothing is wrong with him and that he could be held fully responsible for his actions and the crimes he committed, he told the court that while he went to Curacao to conduct these tests he only saw the specialists twice. "I wanted to know what is going on in my head and instead of those people doing some kind of scan to see what is wrong with me they saw me twice. The same thing you want to know I also want to know because I cannot remember anything."

Attorney at law Brenda Brooks remained sharp in her defense. She told the court that she is not contesting the charges against her client because she understands the seriousness of the crimes he committed and the impact it has on the island. Attorney Brooks told the court that the prosecution made several blunders in the case and instead of telling the lower court and the defense the truth they hid information from them and tried to cover up their mistakes. Brooks said that she appealed the decision of the first summons and the judge deemed both the first and second summons null and void, but for the third summons they said they were not in a position to rule on it. "Today I am asking this court to apply the law as it is laid down and also deem the third summons null and void. I am also asking this court to also deem the prosecution's case inadmissible. I discussed these summons in the previous hearing and I am discussing them again with you because we are at the right place to discuss these errors. At one point I closed my eyes when the prosecution made their first mistake because the law allows them to correct those mistakes but instead of correcting the mistakes they made more and more. In this case which is a serious case the prosecution committed three fatal errors, and if your court allows them to get away with this then this court will be setting the wrong precedence."

Brooks further told the court that the prosecution has rules and regulations to follow just like defense lawyers. She went as far as telling the court that if a defendant filed his appeal one day late, the appeal court would not even look at his file they would deem it inadmissible because he was late in submitting his appeal and for them late is late, therefore I am reminding this court that when the prosecution makes mistakes there are consequences for those mistakes. During the trial in the Court of First Instance Prosecutor Dounia Bennamar apologized to the King families and she admitted to them that the prosecution made mistakes.

Brooks also told the court that her client was mistreated by police when they arrested him. She said police beat her client so much that he ended up in the St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) for treatment. "At first my client did not tell me this because he thought it was normal for police to use excessive violence when arresting people. The prosecution said my client resisted arrest and that was the reason excessive force was used. They also said an officer was injured but nowhere in the file there is evidence of that," Brooks told the court. She further asked the court to respect the decision of the European Union Courts with regards to life sentences because the Supreme Court just recently deemed the life sentences imposed on the Regatta suspects inadmissible and they were sentenced to 30 years imprisonment. That decision will be handed down on December 17th, 2013. She further told the court that the Constitutional Court of St. Maarten nullified lifetime sentences citing that it is not in conformity with the constitution. "I am asking this court to apply the rule of law. Just in case your court decides to uphold the third summons where my client was tricked, I am asking you to reduce the sentencing as allowed by the European Courts and St. Maarten." In addressing the psychiatric and psychological evaluation Brooks told the court that it was extremely hard for her as a defense lawyer because she could not get anything out of her client. "This was so hard for me because I cannot defend him properly if I don't know what really happened on the night Michael and Thelma King was killed. I heard from someone that my client has a terrible past regarding his father and that was the reason I asked for the analysis to be conducted in Curacao. When I saw the report and it stated that Johnson's father was killed in an armed robbery I felt the specialists needed to ask more questions on this but they did not. It turned out that robbers slashed Johnson's father throat during a robbery in Jamaica when he was younger."

Attorney General Taco Stein went to court with a 45 page argument as he pleaded with the Court of Appeals to uphold the decision rendered by the Court of First Instance. The Court of First Instance sentenced Johnson to life imprisonment, Jeremiah Chevon Mills to 28 years imprisonment, and Jamal Jefferson Woolford to 22 years.

Stein took up a lot of the court's time to explain the court why the prosecution believes that the life sentence for Johnson should be upheld despite the Constitutional Court's ruling which is still not yet law on St. Maarten. St. Maarten's Attorney General also gave several reasons why he believes that the European Court's decision should not be respected.

Stein said that Johnson gave detailed statements to the police when he was in pre-trial detention and suddenly he cannot remember anything, he said even one of the judges found it strange based on their questioning.

As for the other two suspects, Jeremiah Chevon Mills who was convicted twice before and was on probation when he committed the crimes on September 19th, 2012. When the judges questioned Mills it was clear that he changed his entire story. Mills admitted to robbing the Happy Star Restaurant with Jamal Jefferson Woolford. They both told the court they used "BB" guns to commit the crimes while Johnson drove the car they used to commit the crime. At the home of the Kings the two younger suspects told the court that Mills was the first to enter the home, after that Johnson went to Michael King who was sleeping on a sofa downstairs and held him in a head lock while Mills hit Michael King with the gun on his jaw. Mills told the court when Michael woke up he was in shock to see two men with guns in his face while one had him in a headlock. He said Woolford asked him where was the money and Michael responded by asking which money. At that point Woolford dealt Micheal a strong blow in his stomach. After that Woolford and Mills went upstairs where they met Thelma King sleeping naked. They instructed her to put on clothes and she turned over their monies and jewelry to them. Mills told the court that they also found drugs in the safe of the Kings but Attorney General Taco Stein dispelled that saying that an ION scan was conducted and the results came back negative. He said the only person that claimed drugs were in the home of the Kings is Jeremiah Mills. Mills further told the court that after they got their loot they brought Thelma King downstairs but before they did that they blindfolded her. While downstairs they placed her on a chair and tied her up. Mills said he did that because he wanted to escape without the long arms of the law getting to them. "All of us in this court room knows what people would do for their loved ones. Johnson had Michael King in a headlock and we did not want Thelma King to call the police or do anything that would made us get caught."

Based on the charges, Stein said Mills and Woolford are accomplices to the murder of the Kings because Mills is the one that gave Johnson a second knife when the first one broke. He also used a fire extinguisher to hit Michael. However, Attorney at Law Shaira Bommel told the court that the reason her client filed an appeal was because he is not in agreement with the decision rendered by the lower court. Bommel said her client knows that he committed crimes and he has to be punished for them. Bommel further explained the court that her client Jeremiah Chevon Mills cooperated with the investigation, he told the investigators what he did and what he did not do. It should be noted that Mills changed his story quite a bit, for example he said he did not see Johnson with a knife, he did not give him a second knife and that he and Woolford did not plan to kill or hurt anyone. Bommel told the court that Woolford and Mills left the home together and Johnson remained in the house for seven minutes with the victims and in her opinion a lot could have taken place when Johnson was alone in the house with the victims. Bommel said her client even promised Thelma King that they would not hurt her and they only learnt of the killings when they read it in the newspapers. She said that based on the law the prosecution did not prove her client was an accomplice to the killing of Michael or Thelma King. Therefore she asked the court to acquit her client on those two charges.

Stein told the court that the prosecution believed that they had enough to request a lifetime sentence for Mills but they considered his age when he committed the crime. Stein further stated that even the three judges that presided over the case on Thursday realized that the two suspects namely Woolford and Mills changed their stories and the story they told on Thursday is not matching. The statements they gave police while in pretrial detention and the Court of First Instance made more sense and it matched what Johnson told the investigators.

In the case of Jamal Jefferson Woolford he told the court he did not see Johnson with a knife, instead he said he saw Johnson with a shiny object in his hands, Woolford said he could not remember when he saw the shiny object but he knew he saw and object. He told the court that he did not know if it was a spoon or fork but for him it could have been anything. He told the court that when he went to the home of the Kings he went to get valuables and they got that from Thelma King when they woke her up from her sleep. "I was there to get monies and valuables and as soon as we got that we tied up Thelma King on a chair and left the building." During the trial in the Court of First Instance, Woolford told the court and the investigators that he saw when Johnson slashed Michael's throat and he yelled out at him and told him not to do it. On Thursday he changed his story saying he did not see any of that and that when he left the home with the loot both Michael and Thelma were alive. His lawyer Sharafina Ibrahim also tried to convince the court that her client did not kill anyone. He admitted to the crimes he committed and he should be punished for the crimes he admitted to not the ones the prosecution believed he committed. Attorney Ibrahim also asked the court to acquit Woolford on the accomplice charges in the slaying of Michael and Thelma King. The Court will hand down its decision on December 30th, 2013.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that Chin Cherry Road in Point Blanche will be closed Friday afternoon, December 13 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

This road closure is in connection with the pouring of concrete of a house in the area.

At the juncture of the L.B. Scott Road and St. Peters Road, this section of the road will be closed to motorized traffic on Saturday, December 14 from 6:00am to 12:00pm.

The closure is related to the application of asphalt at the juncture. Asphalt will also be applied to the entrance of St. John's Estate Road on December 14 during the aforementioned hours.

Motorists are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

GREAT BAY:--- Minister of Public Health, Cornelius De Weever on Monday, December 9, 2013 attended a one-day high level Consultation Meeting on reducing adolescent pregnancy held in Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago.
Minister De Weever stated that in order for us to combat adolescent pregnancy we have to collaborate our efforts and partner together. Minister De Weever further believes that we should have a structured approach to sex education with counseling services, and access to information that is culturally sensitive.
According to UNFPA it is estimated that 20 percent of adolescents in the Caribbean have had at least one child by the age of 19, with a considerable percentage of adolescent girls giving birth before the age of 15. Each day in developing countries 20,000 girls below the age of 18 give birth and each year 7.3 million girls give birth below the age of 18. Out of this number two million are under the age of 14, according to the latest report on the state of the world population compiled by UNFPA. The rates of adolescent pregnancy in the Caribbean are among the highest in the world.
Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) at the session pleaded with participants to act urgently to eliminate this social ill. The director further noted that the extent of the problem varies from country to country, and stressed what everyone needs to do, which is why they were all there to provide information.
The high level consultation organized by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and UNFPA, with support from the government of Trinidad and Tobago, sought to raise political commitment for the reduction of adolescent pregnancy in the region. Those in attendance comprised of 10 Ministers of Governments from across the region, other government officials, representatives from civil society, the private sector, youth organizations, the United Nations System and other international development partners.

GREAT BAY:--- Minister of Public Health, Cornelius De Weever thus far has granted a total of 65 permits to medical professionals based on the advice of the Department of Public Health. The permits provided were pertaining to various disciplines in the medical field, and are granted based on the policy "Health Care Services Sint Maarten."
"It is my priority to facilitate all healthcare professionals and institutions to improve the overall quality of care to our population," said Minister De Weever.
The policy "Health Care Services Sint Maarten," states that the admission of medical professionals is based on the need of care which is defined in the established manpower planning. This in turn regulates the distribution of medical practitioners on St. Maarten. The permits granted are what has been given up to November 2013.
It is important to note that the processing of establishment permits for medical professionals is a collaboration with the Inspectorate of Public Health, the Ministry of Education(Exams Division) and CIBG, which is the agency responsible for certification and registration of medical professionals in the Netherlands.
Below is a listing of the various disciplines and the amounts that were granted.
Surgeons 2; Internist 1; Pediatrician 1; Eye Specialist 1; Anesthetist 1; Radiologist 1; Emergency Room Doctor 3; General Practitioners 2; Aviation Medical Doctor 1; Insurance control doctor 1; Dentist 1; Pharmacist 1; Psychologists 3; Speech Therapists 2; Occupational Health Therapists 2; Physical Therapists 3; Dietician 2.

In addition, in accordance with the ordinance regulating the practice of medical professionals, the Minister of Public Health may issue permits due to acute shortages to guarantee the continuity of the specialized care. Based on this the following medical professionals were granted temporary admittance.
Cardiologist 3; Radiologist 16; Gynecologists 2; Surgeons 3; Internist 1; Pediatrician 8; Physical Therapists 1.
For additional information on establishment procedures, please contact the Department of Public Health on telephone numbers 721 542-2078/721 542-3003/721 542-3553.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that a section of Back Street will be closed Thursday evening, December 12 from 10:00pm to 1:00am.

The section of the road closure will take place between St. Simon and St. Jude Anglican Church and Angelo Boutique.

The closure is in connection with the pouring of concrete.

Motorists are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

swescotwilliams11122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams gave the media of St. Maarten an overview of the meetings she attended in Brussels last week. Those meetings were with the Overseas Countries and Territories Association (OCTA) and the European Union Forum. Wescot Williams said that the forum consisted of three parts namely the OCT which was the meeting of all Overseas Countries and Territories within the European Union. This also included the Caribbean Region who also formed a council called the Caribbean OCT council. Wescot Williams said in the Caribbean OCT, projects and programs including EU funding for these projects are being discussed. The other session she said was between the European Union particularly the European commissions and the OCTs.

Wescot Williams said the most recent meeting held last week was very important especially for the OCTs who would form a political resolution. In this resolution, the OCTs would call on the EU to partner with the OCTs in pursuing programs and projects related to innovations and competitiveness. The OCT council asked the European Union for more simplified procedures related to the European Development Funds. OCT council also asked for closer cooperation between the EU and the OCTA in the implementation of the 11th European Development Funds (EDF) in the area of regional allocations.

In the previously mentioned resolution, the OCT council called on the EU to communicate its trade negotiations with third countries, to assist with the implementation of registered exporter schemes, recognize OCT achievements to comply with global standards of tax transparency and regulations and facilitate access to horizontal programs.

The OCT council of the Caribbean also called on the European Union to make known to the OCTs students' rights to European Union tuition fees.

Wescot Williams said other areas that were highlighted in the resolution are climate change, environment, and disaster risk reduction.
The Prime Minister of St. Maarten also explained that while in Brussels she signed off on the funding that will be provided for district development. This project she said started in the 9th OCTA/EU Forum. She said St. Maarten had until the end of December 2013 to sign off on acquiring the 4.3 million Euros for the project. Wescot Williams said this was achievable because of the letter USONA wrote regarding the management of the EU funds that is now disputed in courts.

littlebaypond11122013Development of Birding and Eco Tourism Industry Has Multi-Million Dollar Potential for St. Maarten

PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Nature Foundation urges all stakeholders on St. Maarten to call for the protection and sustainable development of the Little Bay Pond as a conservation area, important wetland and an untapped resource in terms of eco-tourism and bird watching potential.

The Little Bay Pond area is recognized as an IBA, or Important Bird Area. An IBA is an internationally recognized designation of an area recognizing its importance to birds and an area recognized as being globally important habitat for the conservation of bird populations. Currently there are about 10,000 IBAs worldwide. The program was developed and sites are identified by BirdLife International. These sites are small enough to be entirely conserved and differ in their character, habitat or ornithological importance from the surrounding habitat. In the United States the Program is administered by the National Audubon Society. The IBA designation for the Little Bay Pond is AN001 and is an important migratory bird area as well as home to local populations of the St. Maarten National Bird the Brown Pelican and numerous other wetland and terrestrial species including the Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Lesser Antillean Bullfinch and Pearly Eyed Thrasher.

Environmental and conservation organizations on St. Maarten have been doing numerous conservation activities at Little Bay Pond including mangrove reforestation, educational tours and school visits, water quality management and bird counts. Additionally the Little Bay Pond acts as a catchment basin for runoff during periods of heavy rainfall, particularly during heavy flooding events preventing the Belair and cay Hill area from experiencing significant residential flooding.

St. Maarten has also seen an increase in the number of birding visitors, or visitors coming to St. Maarten to specifically look for and photograph rare bird species. Birding is a multi-million dollar worldwide industry and areas like Mullet Pond prove to be an immense untapped resource for St. Maarten in terms of untapped tourism revenue and tourism product diversification for the island. A recent United States Fish and Wildlife report states that birders spent an estimated 12 billion American dollars on birding and birding related expenses in the United States alone and that it is a significantly growing industry.

In the framework of sustainable development and destination diversification Little Bay Pond can be a crucial element in strengthening the 'green economy' of St. Maarten. The Nature Foundation will continue its wide scale lobby to protect the Little Bay Pond and additional wetlands on St. Maarten.

toastmasterschristmasdinner11122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Toastmasters on St. Maarten and Anguilla ended the year with a bang last Saturday night (December 7, 2013) during a celebration dinner at Sheer Restaurant on Front Street.
Emphasizing the theme, "Where Leaders are Made", members from all five Toastmasters Clubs on St. Maarten and the Anguilla Club enjoyed a fun-filled evening of toasts, storytelling, and a speech presentation.
Presidents of the Philipsburg and Achievers Clubs Georges Richardson and Arlene Chittick, respectively, welcomed the gathering before turning the evening over to Mistress of Ceremonies Joy Arnell, who led a lively show.
Among those in attendance were Area Governors of Areas 23 and 24 (District 81), Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG) and Competent Leader (CL) Sinatra Rouse, and Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB), CL Malcolm Jacques, respectively; as well as Distinguished Toastmasters (DTM) Rolande Tobias, Valerie Brazier, John Hodge and Annette Berkel. The presidents of Evolutions, Disciples, and Soualiga Corporate Clubs, Vernicia Brooks, Ingrid Holaman, and Linette Gibs, respectively, were also present.
Toastmasters Catherine Conner and Kim Lucas-Felix led the quiz segments, which had members and guests, alike, vying for one of the many coveted prizes; while Claudine Bide captivated the audience with her storytelling skills.
But the evening was not complete without a speech presentation, which was done by TM Tavia Nelson-Connor of the Anguilla Club, as well as a special honour for DTM Tobias. AG Rouse extended warm holiday greetings to one and all as clubs on the island begin to close off their meetings for the calendar year. Meetings will resume in January 2014.
Persons are being encouraged to visit and join any of the five clubs on both sides of the island. Philipsburg Toastmasters Club meets every first and third Thursday, with the fifth Thursday as advanced night. Meetings are held at Philipsburg Jubilee Library from 7:15 pm.
Anguilla Toastmasters Club meets every second and fourth Saturday at La Vue Boutique Hotel from 6:45 pm, while the St. Maarten Achievers Club meets every second and fourth Thursday (also at the Library) from 7:15 pm.
The Disciples Toastmasters Club meets every second and fourth Sunday at St. Maarten Academy's academic campus from 4:45pm, while Soualiga Corporate Toastmasters Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday at the Government Administration Building from 5:00pm. Saint Martin Evolution Club meets every first and third Tuesday in Marigot from 7:15 pm.
The mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills. This, in turn, fosters self-confidence and personal growth.

MAHO:--- The MACHC is a Regional Hydrographic Commission (RHC) that supports the activities of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) on a regional basis. The basic activities of the MACHC are conducted by the three primary MACHC Committees, namely:

  • MACHC Integrated Chart Committee (MICC)
  • Marine Economic Infrastructure Programme (MEIP)
  • Capacity Building Committee (CBC)

From the 9th till the 13th of December 2013, the 14th Meeting of the Meso American & Caribbean Sea Hydrographic Commission (MACHC) is taking place in St. Maarten at the Sonesta Maho Beach Resort & Casino.
At the opening ceremony of the 14th MACHC meeting on the 9th of December 2013, the delegates from the Meso America and Caribbean region were welcomed by the Chair of the MACHC, Mr. M. Amafo LL.M. A special welcome was dedicated to the various regional and international organizations, the industry and stakeholders represented in the meeting. The Chair underlined the importance of Public Private Partnerships in ensuring the sustainability and reliability of surveying and charting in the region. The Chair also emphasized the commitment from the Region to provide adequate hydrographic services for ships navigating in the Caribbean region. On behalf of the IHO, Mr. Robert Ward, President International Hydrographic Bureau, (IHB) in his remarks noted the importance and the purpose of the Regional Hydrographic Commissions who are responsible for the surveying and charting of the navigable waters of the sea. He emphasized that there is a need to improve the in country capabilities across the region. He further noted the importance of capacity building and awareness raising.
In the keynote address the Governor of St. Maarten, H.E. Mr. Eugene B. Holiday, underscored the importance of Hydrography for sustainable development of the region. He also noted the importance of hydrography for the cruise ship industry and the development of the Blue Economy taking into account existing commitments for protection of the environment.
After his keynote address the Governor declared the meeting for open.

interactleadershiptrainingparticipants11122013PHILIPSBURG:--- On Saturday, December 7, 2014 more than 50 young leaders from the Interact Clubs across St. Maarten and Anguilla assembled on St. Maarten at Learning Unlimited Preparatory School for a fun-filled day of activities all geared to boost their leadership skills and knowledge.

In attendance were students from St. Maarten Academy, St. Dominic High School, Milton Peters College, the Sundial School and Learning Unlimited Preparatory School all representing St. Maarten, as well as three members of the Interact Club from Anguilla. All participated in a full day's worth activities that began at 8:30 AM and lasted until 5:00 PM.

The event was organized by the Rotary Club of St Maarten and was sponsored by CIBC First Caribbean Bank, Office 1 Superstore, Domino's Pizza, Le Grand Marche, Prime Distributors, Cost U Les, the University of St. Maarten, Sheriff Security and the Administration of the Learning Unlimited Preparatory School. Rotary Club of St. Maarten President Maria Buncamper-Molanus said, "We are thrilled and overwhelmed with the turnout, participation and enthusiasm for this Interact leadership training event. Each of the Interactors who attended participated to the fullest extent. I want to thank each participant for their energy and participation". Mrs. Buncamper went on to say, "A special thank you goes out each sponsor and Rotarian that helped make the day a reality. I also want to thank each of the speakers for the day because it was their expertise that kept everyone engaged for the entire day. Speakers included Rotary Assistant Governor Rebecca Low speaking on Rotary, SHTA Intern Naomi Zaloumis speaking on how to prepare a project, Rotarian Dr. Soc (Jeffrey Sochrin) speaking on Meeting Skills and Public Relations, Accountant Candia Joseph speaking on Budgeting, Rotarian David McGregor speaking on Presentation Skills".

Immediate Past Rotary President Robert Judd then addressed the group and invited them back on Saturday, January 11, 2014 at the University of St. Maarten. Each Interact Club will have the opportunity to use the skills they acquired during the December 7th session and to present a formal project to fellow Interactors, Potential Sponsors and the Media.

An initial evaluation of the workshop by President Maria Buncamper, Past President Pierre DeCelles, Past President Robert Judd and Dr. Soc revealed that more time could have been spent on Interact Members interacting with each other in an effort to become better acquainted with each other and increase participation in activities.

Dr. Soc, who served as the Moderator for the December 7th event jumped in and said, "After the event was over, I had the opportunity to speak to many of the participants and I asked them what we could have done differently to make the day better. Overwhelmingly, the response was 'we wished the day was longer and that we had more time together; when can we do this again?' ".

For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website

ndpbelairbeachcleanupvolunteers11122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- December 5th was International Volunteer Day (IVD). IVD is designated by the United Nations as a day to commemorate the facilitation, promotion, networking and recognition of volunteerism globally.

Here in St. Maarten, under the auspices of the National Development Program, Department of the Interior & Kingdom Relations, Ministry of General Affairs in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), an event was hosted on Saturday December 7th from 8:00-12:00 at the Belair public beach. The event combined a beach clean-up that was complimented with a BBQ and award of certificates.

The theme this year on ecological protection and the overall benefits of environmental protection allowed the volunteers to share experiences on the importance of keeping the beach areas clean, safe and secure.

Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake recognized the Democratic Dialogue Champions for their committed and hard work contributed towards designing the first stages of the National Development Plan (NDP) process.

Minister Lake applauded the dedication and passion of the Democratic Dialogue members stating that "This is the beginning of building Nation St. Maarten," and that he was keen on seeing BAK, the responsible Department to establish more collaborative efforts hereon with grass roots representatives and important environmental organizations such as Pride Foundation and the Nature Foundation to "strengthen the outcomes of similar events and initiatives."

The environment, being our most important natural resource in St. Maarten, every member of the community must be empowered and local efforts to preserve the environment encouraged and recognized.

Regardless of the bad weather, several NDP volunteers showed up to support the clean-up event. The NDP program has been building the capacity of several community leaders in the process to develop St. Maarten's first National Development Plan. The trained volunteers are now preparing themselves to start the dialogue consultations in January 2014. The result of the national dialogues will provide input for drafting St. Maarten's first NDP.

The International Volunteer Day commemoration brought together twenty of the NDP volunteers who participated in the clean-up and were recognized for their contribution to the community.

In her welcome remarks, Drs. Okama Ekpe Brook, the event organizer was especially proud to observe the motivation and dedication of the people who showed up on an early Saturday morning to participate in this exercise even with the raging storm.

Brook added that St. Maarten has a large section of its population that is committed to the spirit of volunteering but is often not recognized. Opportunities have to be identified to enable volunteers to be matched with needs on the ground, to network with each other and a conducive environment created to facilitate the promotion of more volunteering activities.

Brook concluded with a thank you note to the Minister of VROMI, the key note speaker and all the volunteers who turned up today and others often unseen.

Brook presented each member with a customized International Volunteers Day pen from NDP St. Maarten with the assistance of Minister Lake. Mrs Brook later honoured the presence and support of the Minister by presenting him with his own pen and encouraging further unfired efforts.

The energized group of Democratic Dialogue Members were not distorted by the inclement weather conditions, proceeding to clean up Belair Beach and serve their duty for IVD. Members collected a great amount of waste not immediately recognizable by frequenters. Various amounts of plastic and glass bottles as well as plastic bags, and contraceptives were collected and disposed of.

Similar to the Multiannual Policy Plan of previous years, the National Development Plan will provide a strategic vision for Sint Maarten, a "shared national vision" and a document outlining future national priorities that will concentrate on development areas that will improve and advance the social, economic, cultural and environmental situation.

Next steps include presentation of the NDP strategy and scheduling of community dialogues to kick off the data collection process via residents and district representatives.

For more information on the National Development Plan contact the NDP Program at the Interior and Kingdom relations office (BAK) by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

PHILIPSBURG:--- Information circulating throughout the community of St. Maarten about the causeway sinking was diffused by Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams on Wednesday. SMN News reporter asked the Prime Minister if she had any information that the opening of the causeway has been delayed because the bridge is sinking due to technical errors committed by the contractors. Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams said she was informed that the grand opening which was scheduled to take place either on the 13th or 15th of December has been delayed for a few days but she was not informed that the causeway was sinking or had any other problems.

The Prime Minister and the Prefet of French St. Martin Philippe Chopin took a tour across the causeway Wednesday afternoon. Information provided to SMN News some days ago states that the contractors made some sort of mistake when pouring concrete under the bridge causing the bridge to begin sinking because there is no play at the joints. However, the persons who said this happened did not say how and where they got the information from because so far there is no known studies done on the causeway to determine if it is fact sinking. "One contractor said that he is not a politician and accidents do happen."

SMN News tried to reach the CEO of the Harbor Group of Companies Mark Mingo since last week for clarification on this information but Mingo could not be reached by phone. An employee of the Harbor Group of Companies also diffused the rumor saying they have been hearing this too but based on what he knows the opening is still going ahead as planned.
A supporter and close ally to the United People's Party Leader Theodore Heyliger told SMN News that the bridge itself is not sinking. He said that someone placed such a comment on Facebook claiming that the bridge sank by 6 meters already. "If the bridge was sinking it would have been visible. It seems to me that people don't know how many feet is 6 meters." The UP supporter and advisor said many persons did not like the idea of opening the bridge on Friday the 13th of December because there is always something about Friday 13th of any month. He further stated that there will be soft opening on Sunday and the causeway will then be open for public use thereon.
The UP advisor said that they (the contractors and government) know that the area that was filled in to build the round-a-bout at the foot of the bridge will sink in a few years because it could not be properly filled in now because of the excessive costs, therefore the roundabout will have to be upgraded in another few years.

PM: "Everyone knows St. Maarten is the best place on earth and so, keeping this in mind, I urge the community to cast their vote"

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams on Monday urged the community to vote for St. Maarten in the USA Today ten best readers choice travel awards. "I urge the community of St. Maarten and indeed all those here and abroad who hold St. Maarten dear to vote for the island in the USA Today reader's Choice Travel Awards. St. Maarten has been selected as one of the nominations and as everyone knows St. Maarten is the best place on earth and so, keeping this in mind, I urge the community to cast their vote," urged the Prime Minister.

According to the USA Today website St. Maarten is one of the nominees in the latest 10Best Readers' Choice travel award contest. An expert panel selected St Martin / Sint Maarten as a contender for the Best Caribbean Island category, which was recently launched. The contest, which is being promoted by USA TODAY, gives voters four weeks to vote for the candidate of their choice at A person can vote once a day for the run of the contest. Voting ends Monday, January 6th, 2014 at 11:59am EST and the winners will be announced on 10Best on Wednesday, January 8th, 2014 at 11:59am EST, then later on USA TODAY.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake says everything is in place and would like to remind residents and stakeholders about the second public consultation related to the drafting of development plans for Over the Pond and Sucker Garden areas that will be held on Thursday, December 12.

The public consultation will take place Thursday, December 12 at 7:00pm at University of St. Martin, Philipsburg.

The process of the preparation of zoning plans in the format of public consultations is cardinal for the preparation of the aforementioned that meet the needs and expectations of the community of Sint Maarten, and specifically those of the important stakeholders such as the neighborhood community councils, home owners associations and other entities that serve a role in voicing the concerns of residents within the neighborhoods.

"This is a follow-up public consultation and the input of the community is considered paramount in this process and in order for the right choices to be made. The people have to have a say by giving their views with respect to the spatial development of the country," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

martinhassink11122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The 2014 budget which must be presented to the Parliament of St. Maarten by December 15th, 2013 has been delayed for a few days, announced Minister of Finance Martin Hassink at the Council of Ministers' press briefing on Wednesday.

The Minister of Finance told reporters that his Ministry cannot meet the deadline of December 15th, 2013 but said that if possible the presentation can be done on December 19th and 20th. The Finance Minister further explained that if those dates are not available then the presentation would be made on January 13th and 14th, 2014. Hassink said he already informed the CFT about the delay and according to him the CFT understands the situation.

Minister Hassink said the 2014 budget stands at 427 million guilders, seven million more than what the CFT advised government to have for the 2014 budget. When asked by SMN News reporter if the CFT is in agreement with the excess figures, Minister Hassink said the 420 million that was suggested by the CFT was just an estimate and the CFT is asking government to provide proof to show that the Government of St. Maarten has more income.

The Finance Minister said the bad news on the 2014 budget is that the various ministries would have to do more in cutting their costs, while several projects cannot be executed because they are not budgeted. One of the projects that fell through the cracks is the "Justice Park" that the former Minister of Justice was busy putting together. Minister Hassink said that there is no money budgeted for the justice park so for sure that project is shelved for now. When asked by SMN News which of the seven Ministry came up with the Naf. 300,000.00 for the integrity committee installed by the Government of St. Maarten, the Minister of Finance said that monies were taken from all seven Ministries for the integrity investigation commissioned by the Government of St. Maarten to take place. He said part of the monies came from the 2013 budget and another part from the 2014 budget. Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams clarified that the Naf. 300,000.00 is just a figure that was budgeted for the project and that is not the final figure.

The Minister of Finance explained that currently the operational cost is set at 319 million guilders, there is 2 million guilder deficit. He also stated that St. Maarten is hindered because the country is not allowed to borrow monies. Personnel costs he said stands at 135 million, social expenses 33 million, subsidies 58 million while the liquidity for 2011 stands at 84 million.

Controls Done to Collect Road Tax for 2013.

The Minister of Finance confirmed that currently road controls are being conducted by the police and the controllers at CIB to fine drivers who are in default with their 2013 road tax payment. Minister Hassink said in response to a question posed by SMN News reporter that it is disappointing for government because he does not believe that the Government of St. Maarten would be able to collect the full 1.3 million in road tax fees that is still outstanding. He also confirmed the necessary legislation to impose a Naf. 350 fine for persons that did not pay their road tax on time is already in place.

BES Islands Still wants TOT Elimination in order for them to work with St. Maarten.

The Finance Minister also announced that he asked the Netherlands and the BES islands to assist St. Maarten in upgrading the Tax Office on St. Maarten. Minister Hassink said that the person he met with agreed to give St. Maarten the assistance they need but they applied conditions. The main condition is for St. Maarten to remove the Turn Over Tax (TOT) that is levied on goods and items sold on St. Maarten and taken to the BES Islands. Minister Hassink said he informed his counterparts that St. Maarten will look into that possibility and if it is possible that will be done. "We have to see how much this will hurt St. Maarten financially and if it's too much then we would have to forget the idea of assistance from the Dutch to upgrade the tax system on St. Maarten.

smiarepswithnotary11122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Sint Maarten Insurance Association officially signed their articles of incorporation on Monday December 9th 2013 in the presence of Notary Marlene Mingo at her office.
This means all local Insurance companies (Life and Non-life) namely; NAGICO Insurances, Ennia Insurance, Guardian Life, Gulf Insurance, ICW Insurance (ICWI), NC Wathey Insurances, Sagicor and Capital Life are members of this new association.
The objective of SMIA, is to promote the general interest of the Insurance business and its members on St. Maarten. Furthermore the association will seek to advance and uphold the good reputation and conduct of the insurance industry on the island.
Chairman of the SMIA; Eric Ellis explained that, "The association has been active and fully functional for several years, we even contracted the service of C.A.R.S., the accident administration service in 2008 and most recently the Insurance Association signed the agreement with the Medical Doctor's Association on their cost of living adjustment."
Now that SMIA is officially incorporated we are confident that we will have continued growth and development of the insurance industry on St. Maarten.

patricialourenschristensmaxphelipabook10122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip visited Artist Max Phelipa who celebrated recently 25-years in the arts.

Minister Lourens-Philip stated: "As a private citizen that has had the opportunity to experience Philepa's development as an artist over the years, it gives me great pleasure to extend sincere congratulations on this milestone of achieving 25 years of excellent art. We look forward to 25 more years, improving like fine wine as the years go by.

"To you Phelipa and to your family we can only say congratulations and may God continue to keep your hand strong and your eyes keen and your colours strong and vibrant as you move into your next 25 years of art."

oysterpondanddawnbeachroadsrepaired10122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), Hon. Maurice Lake received a report on Monday afternoon that road works at Cherry Hill Estate in Oyster Pond and Melford Hazel in Dawn Beach have been repaired with milled asphalt and cement.

"It's all going back to basics. The milled asphalt is being used for what it was intended for, helping our communities by improving the standard of living. The repair of roads and streets are essential in every district. Everybody needs the basic infrastructure and we are busy with that," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Tuesday December 10th, 2013 the Police Department received several phone calls informing them of several Spanish speaking persons (possibly Latin Americans) using the old version (blue model) of the Sint Maarten Identification Card as a source identification along with false credit cards in an attempt to make very expensive purchases. The names that are on these identification cards do not correspond with the persons making the purchase. All businesses should exercise caution when making these expensive sales or transactions.

KPSM Police Report

wallyhavertongwithsantabag10122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Due to inclement weather on Saturday, the Sint Maarten Lions Club was forced to postpone their Annual Christmas Bingo Spectacular which was scheduled to be held at the Festival Village on Saturday December 7th, 2013.
This is the first time the Lions had to postpone their Bingo Drive in 40 years.

President of the Sint Maarten Lions Club Lion Claudio Buncamper said: "The Lions are presently deliberating and will within short announce the new date for the Christmas Bingo, via newspapers, radio announcements and Facebook".

Bingo fans who are in possession of bingo tickets are advised to hold on to their tickets as these will be valid for the bingo whenever it is held. For those who have not yet purchased a ticket, now there is time to do so.

kooymanshoppingnight10122013CAY HILL:--- Last Friday Kooyman organized for the first time a special Christmas Shopping Night and welcomed many customers for an evening of Christmas shopping, fun and games for the entire family. The event featured several partners (such as Fun Miles, L'Oreal, Funtopia, Kidsworld among others), who all teamed up with Kooyman to make the shopping night a success, with product giveaways free product trials and raffles and more.
Customers were encouraged to benefit from the special deals available and have fun with the family while doing so. Kids were treated with a special appearance from Sponge Bob Square Pants who brought a smile to their faces as well as a dance performance from Funtopia's dancing statues which was a crowd favorite.
The shoppers participated in a number of raffles as well as Kooyman MegaStore's own version of the popular TV- Game show "Minute to win It", where shoppers were asked to successfully flip 3 keys into glasses within a minute. Shoppers were also invited to play the Guessing Game and to take a Spin on the Fun Miles Fun Wheel for great prizes.
Kooyman was happy to bring some holiday cheer to the many customers in attendance throughout the Shopping Night. And as per the popularity of this event, it's sure that this will be an annual event for Kooyman.
Our special thanks to our partners: L'Oreal, Fun Miles, Indulgence by The Sea, Funtopia, DLG Design & DĂ©cor, Kidsworld, Manrique Capriles, Caribbean Liquors and KFC, Pizza Hut. For more information on this special evening and ongoing product promotions visit our website

PHILIPSBURG:--- We have been following with keen attention the 2014 budget discussions and have suggested some weeks ago that the 2014 draft budget after sending it to the Parliament of St. Maarten should be placed on the government webpage. This would allow the entire nation to have an input in the debate of one of the most important policy documents of the government of St. Maarten. It would also allow many businesses and other institutions to plan to participate in future government projects, social and infrastructural.
But just recently we have forwarded a letter to our Minister of Finance, Mr. Martin Hassink asking him to allocate some two million guilders (Naf. 2,000,000.00) in the 2014 budget to set up a loan guarantee fund. This loan guarantee fund will be used to assist many young people who are interested in going into business but lack the collateral to obtain those loans from our lending institutions. Of course we are also requesting our lending institutions to provide those young entrepreneurs who qualify for this loan guarantee program to acquire some attractive terms. One such term would be an interest rate lower than the present prime rate. We have also forwarded letters to the various business institutions such as the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce, the Small Business Development Organizations for training, the Bankers Association, and to the Parliament of St. Maarten.
Unemployment amongst our young people is alarmingly high and this seems to be a trend throughout the world. We can combat this unemployment to some degree by offering these young people with great business ideas an opportunity to go into business and hereby create job opportunities for themselves and for others.
A couple of weeks ago we attended an event organized by the Foundation InfoBizz entitled Black & Gold Power Hour. During this event we spoke with many young people who are interested in going into business but lack the funds to start up their businesses. This loan guarantee funds will assist them to realize their St. Maarten dream to be in business and become our future business leaders.
We strongly believe that this loan guarantee fund is the right thing do in order to stimulate our economy, create jobs for our young people and to provide the government coffers with some much needed revenue. "Small businesses are the back bone of every economy and St. Maarten economy is no exception", says Lenny Priest and the government can play a very important role in making this a reality. This fund will be a win, win, win situation for the entire nation.

Click here to view the letter sent by OSPP to Minister of Finance Martin Hassink.

OSPP Press Release

swescotwilliamswithoctareps10122013Attends Various Meetings with the European Union, EU Member States and Overseas Countries and Territories of the European Union

PHILIPSBURG:--- During her working visit to Belgium and the Netherlands last week the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended a meeting hosted by members of the European Parliament centered on the sustainable development of overseas countries and territories of the European Union. "Overseas Countries and Territories have organized themselves into the OCTA, which organization has become the representative body of all the countries and territories that make up the Overseas Countries and Territories of the European Union. A governance structure of the OCTA is in place to ensure participation and communication with all OCTs and matters such as election of the Executive Committee, financial reports and budgets are handled during the annual meetings of the OCTA. Political decisions by the OCTA are formulated as resolutions that are signed by all OCTs and present the views and positions of the OCTs for the coming year.

"Since 2012, the Caribbean OCTs have also organized themselves under the umbrella of the OCTA in the Caribbean OCT Council. The latter forum is especially conducive to discussing regional programs and agreeing to regional program themes and projects.

An important feature during my visit to the European Headquarters in Brussels was centered on a meetings hosted by Members of the European Parliament focusing on both the new vision for EU-OCTs relations and the central theme of sustainable development for the countries. In the margin of these meetings, trilateral meetings were held with the European Union, Member States and the Overseas Countries and Territories as well as regional trilateral meetings," explained the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

henrylynchdeliversaddress10122013Congratulates new Homeowners

PHILIPSBURG:--- With the completion of the St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation homes in Ebenezer recently the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams commended the organization for working tirelessly to provide affordable housing for St. Maarten citizens.

"I would like to commend the SMHDF for doing the necessary to provide affordable housing development for the community. The SMHDF, under the management of a young professional in the person of Managing Director Mr. Henry Lynch, has provided the opportunity to numerous families to own their own homes. In that same vein I would like to congratulate the homeowners on owning their own home. The community of St. Maarten can rest assured that Government will do all that is necessary to provide the necessary housing to the citizens of St. Maarten," commented the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

patricialourensatrightsofthechildevent10122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip was present for the final event for the Convention on the Rights of the Child activities for 2013 that took place at the Belair Community Center on Friday.

The panel discussion on the topic of Teenage Pregnancy was organized by Voice of Our Children Foundation (VOOC). Main speakers at the event were Minister Lourens-Philip, Member of Parliament (MP) Hon. Romain Laville, MP Hon. Dr. Lloyd Richardson, Sharmain Rolan, OBGYN Nurse, and Dr. Josien van Wijk.

markmingoatkingoceanserviceslaunchparty10122013POINTE BLANCHE:--- Last Friday King Ocean Services, family of companies that specializes in cargo transportation throughout the Western Hemisphere, officially launched their services in St. Maarten at a launch party held at Divi Little Bay Resort.

Jose Da Costa Gomez from King Ocean Services, was presented with a framed photo of one of the harbour's cranes lifting one of King Ocean's containers from a vessel with the engraving, "On behalf of the Supervisory Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer Mark Mingo, Management and Staff at the Harbour Group of Companies, we would like to welcome King Ocean to St. Maarten. Looking forward to a fruitful partnership for the years to come."

King Ocean Services offers an array of maritime transport services between ports in Florida, U.S.A. and more than a dozen of ports throughout South, Central America and the Caribbean.

The company has more than 30-years of experience with specialty in various types of cargo containerized and general including, but not limited to raw materials, food (dry goods), refrigerated cargo, vehicles and parts, construction machinery, building materials, jewelry, and clothing accessories.

"King Ocean Services serving the country and the Port of St. Maarten will be an asset in the area of cargo movements. We welcome this new stakeholder, and this once again demonstrates and testifies to the strategic planning of the Harbour Group of Companies in connection with attracting new business for the harbor.

"King Ocean realizes the potential of country St. Maarten and its cargo port facility and has confidence in the aforementioned as well as in our economy. King Ocean has recognized us for our efficient and effective cargo handling standards and the professionalism of our hardworking staff. Congratulations to King Ocean management for selecting St. Maarten and we look forward to working with them," CEO Mark Mingo said on Monday.

King Ocean vessels make weekly connections from the Port of Jacksonville, Miami and Port Everglades in the South of Florida, with Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire, and with the Eastern Caribbean. Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador in Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, are all part of the companies weekly callings.

The company has a network of 20 offices that it has opened over the 30-year period in business and is a proud participant in the CTPAT program with the United States Customs and Border Protection.

King Ocean Services was founded in 1982 by the Da Costa Gomez family.

The opening of Le Pavillon by the Sea fuels talk that Oyster Pond is again becoming a top destination on the island.

OYSTER POND:--- On Sunday, December 15th, at long last, the once-bustling pavilion on the northeastern seashore of Oyster Pond will again welcome guests from Saint Martin and beyond with the opening of a compelling new restaurant. Le Pavillon by the Sea will serve French-influenced, Pan-Caribbean cuisine crafted by the chef and owner of well regarded Provence boutique hotel and restaurant Au Velo Fleuri.

Like the community in which it sits, Le Pavillon by the Sea is a coming together of cultures, as embodied in the owners, Elaine Dammeyer and Christian Jego. An American chef and her French husband and general manager, their cultural and culinary experiences gleaned while living and working in New York, DC, Miami, France, throughout Europe and in the Caribbean will provide the inspiration for Le Pavillon's menu.

Expect the unexpected: Creative takes on familiar dishes, delightfully successful flavor combinations, refined plates at surprisingly reasonable prices, and ingredients that are locally and artisanally sourced whenever possible -- all delivered with a focus on sustainability. Much attention will be paid to pairing the food with a well-rounded list of wines chosen to speak to both the season and the menu.

"We want our dishes to be as enchanting and unique as this part of the island," says Dammeyer. "Sophisticated and surprising, but, just as importantly, down to earth.

Nestled in a tranquil location amongst the greenery of Oyster Pond's nature preserves, the 30-seat restaurant sits in an open-air pavilion welcoming in the sea breeze and enticing patrons with enchanting views of St. Barth and Tintamarre Islands that have always been the pride of the area.

As this neighborhood has grown, we've tried to maintain a human touch and a local identity," says SunCiti real estate developer Jean-Baptiste Lugger. "Oyster Pond is like a village and when I met Elaine and Christian, I could tell they understood this, they love this place and want to be a part of its history."

With these echoes of Oyster Pond's past and devotion to a promising future, Le Pavillon sets out to offer the well traveled a one-of–a-kind setting in which to feel at home for the evening.

Le Pavillon by the Sea is located at 110 Rue de L'Escale in Oyster Pond, and will be open for lunch and dinner service from Monday to Saturday and dinner service on Sunday.

Prices are as follows: appetizers from 13 euro, main courses from 27 euro, Express Lunch (including one glass of wine, beer or soft drink) at 19 euro, 3-course prix fixe at 44 euro.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary session of Parliament is scheduled for December 12. The Ministers of Finance and Education have been requested to attend the public session of the House.

The public plenary session is set for Thursday at 2:00pm in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The first agenda point is a discussion surrounding the 100 million guilder write off/tax break given or extended to the American Medical University of the Caribbean (AUC).

The second agenda point is medical scholarships for students from Sint Maarten wanting to pursue a career in the medical field.

This meeting has been requested by the National Alliance (NA) faction Member of Parliament (MP) Hon. George Pantophlet, Independent MP Hon. Patrick Illidge, and Independent MP Hon. Romain Laville in a letter dated December 03, 2013.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

cdeweever19082012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a government agency under the Ministry of Public Health, hereby announces that emergency mosquito fogging throughout the country will commence on Thursday, December 12 in Dutch Quarter, A.Th. Illidge Road, Madame Estate, Zoo Area, Sucker Garden, Defiance Road, and Middle Region.

Residents are however strongly advised to continue to step up measures at homes and businesses to mitigate the rise in dengue fever caused by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito and now the emergence of Chikungunya, a dengue-like sickness which has been confirmed on the North side of the island.

The health authorities of both sides of the island have executed a joint campaign of public awareness and vector control activities in order to eliminate mosquito breeding sites.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever, "Get Checked" campaign, is in line with the urgent appeal for residents, and business owners, to check-in and around their homes, and businesses in order to reduce breeding sites of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, and making them mosquito-free zones.

Minister De Weever is also calling on residents to encourage and ensure that their neighbor (s) clean their yard too in order to be more effective in eliminating breeding sites.

Residents must bear in mind that fogging is not a total solution to eliminate mosquitoes. Fogging activity is kept to a minimum in order to prevent the mosquito population from developing immunity to the chemicals that are deployed.

Fogging is one intervention of several, and the main measure is for every household and business to take action by removing potential mosquito breeding spots in and around their premises on a daily basis.

Residents must bear in mind that rain events can disrupt mosquito fogging activities, therefore the district schedule will be adjusted accordingly and this will be communicated to the community in a timely manner.

The vector control fogging schedule will be published in the Government Information Page (GIP) in both daily newspapers on Thursday, December 12.

The schedule shows the date, time and neighborhood where the mosquito fogging will be carried out.

Homeowners during the time of the spraying should open all doors and windows. Dishes, bowls, pots and pans, fish tanks and bird cages should be covered. Stay away from open windows and doors during the spraying.

The schedule here covers the period from December 12 to 18.

  • December 12th 5:00 a.m. – 7:00a.m. Dutch Quarter, A.Th. Illidge Road
    5:00 pm – 7:00 pm A.Th. Illidge Road, Madame Estate, Zoo Area, Sucker Garden, Defiance Road, Middle Region
  • December 13th 5:00 a.m. -7:00 a.m. The Keys Guana Bay, Hope Estate, Pond Island, Over the Bank, Point Blanche, Philipsburg,
    5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Fort Willem, Belair Divi Little Bay, Belair Cay Hill, Cay Hill, AJC Brouwers Road
  • December 14th 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. AJC Brouwers Road, LB Scott Road, Crocus Road, LB Scot Road,
    5:00p.m. - 7:00 p.m. AJC Brouwers, Road Link 2, Welfare Road, Round-about, Cole Bay Hill, Round-about, Link 1
  • December 15th 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. Welfare Road, Pelican, Simpson Yacht Club Bay, Simpson Bay Bridge
    5:00p.m. -7:00p.m. AJC Brouwers Road, Cul-de-Sac, Jose Lake Ball Field, L.B. Scot Road, Mary Fancy, Saunders
  • December 16th 5:00a.m. – 7:00a.m. South Reward, St. Peters, Retreat Estate, Emilio Wilson Park to Jose Lake Ball field, Coralita road
    5:00p.m. -7:00 p.m. Coralita Road, Zagersgut Road, Bush Road Blyden's Drive
  • December 17th 5:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. St. John's Estate, L.B. Scot Road, Betty's Estate, Waymonth Hill, Ebenezer
    5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Harold Jack, Welfare Road, Windsor, Road, Cole Bay, Cape Bay west of the Cemetery
  • December 18th 5:00 a.m. -7:00 a.m. Cape Bay East, Welfare Road, Windsor, Road, Cole Bay, Cape Bay west of the Cemetery
    5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Simpson Bay, Beacon Hill, Maho, Blue Mall, Sapphire, Low Lands, Welfare Road

An increase in the mosquito population puts all residents and businesses at risk. Call for information on the Aedes Aegypti mosquito breeding sites and respective preventive measures at 542-2078 or 542-3003 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A.T. ILLIDGE ROAD:--- On Friday December 6th, 2013 at approximately 12:35am, a Philipsburg Police patrol, while patrolling on the A.Th. Illidge road saw a grey colored Kia Picanto with license plate M-4492 and darkly tinted windows driving towards Dutch Quarter. The patrol decided to control this vehicle, but when the driver of the vehicle noticed that he was being followed by the police he increased his speed and headed towards the border in French Quarter via the Middle Region road and Bishop Hill. The patrol stopped their pursuit after this vehicle crossed the border. The Central Police Dispatch and other patrol were informed of the incident. Shortly after, a second police patrol informed the Central Dispatch that the vehicle in question attempted to cross back to the Dutch side at the Belvedere Border Point, but when sighting the police vehicle turned back to the French side. Shortly after and while on patrol in the vicinity of Oyster Bay a police patrol saw a man walking and crossing the border from the French side to the Dutch side. The man in question with initials M.P. (22) is a person known by police for stealing cars. This man was approached by police and could not give an acceptable explanation of what he was doing in the area. The investigating officers walked across the border and located the grey vehicle with license plate M-4492 that escaped from the police earlier. It turned out that this car was stolen. The suspect was arrested on the spot. The French authorities arrived on the scene shortly after and were informed by police of the situation. The car was confiscated by the French authorities. The suspect was taken to the Police Station and handed to the Detective Department for further investigation.

KPSM Police Report

PHILIPSBURG:--- Known as the gastronomic capital of the Caribbean, it's no wonder that L'Estaminet and La Villa Restaurant in Dutch/French St. Maarten/St. Martin ( have been chosen as two of the top three fine dining restaurants in the Caribbean by in the Travelers' Choice Awards 2013.Both restaurants are located in Grand Case, an area known for its high concentration of award-winning dining establishments.

L'Estaminet, listed as number two in TripAdvisor's Travelers' Favorite Fine Dining Restaurants - Caribbean 2013, opened in October 2006 in a traditional Creole cottage on the quiet side of Grand Case. Quickly making a name for itself, L'Estaminet received a Bronze medal at the 2007 Taste of St. Martin competition. An evening at L'Estaminet is a culinary highlight, combining warm and impeccable service with first-class French-styled cuisine and blending long-established French culinary traditions with Chef Urfalino's personal twists and innovations.

Named number three on TripAdvisor's Travelers' Favorite Fine Dining Restaurants - Caribbean 2013, La Villa Restaurant was opened by Christopher and Florence Hubler in September 2009 in the heart of Grand Case village. Despite the surrounding long-established, award-winning restaurants, visitors continually flock to La Villa Restaurant for the friendly management, varied French-Caribbean cuisine and fun location in the middle of Grand Case.

With the widest variety of dining experiences of any other island in the world, the Dutch nation of St. Maarten and the French overseas collectivity of St. Martin offer a wide range of worldwide cuisine with 365 restaurants - one for every day of the year. It is also the only Caribbean island with more than one establishment ranked on the TripAdvisor list, defining the destination as a stand-out culinary experience for visitors and reinforcing its reputation as the gastronomic capital of the Caribbean.

patricialourensandswescotwilliamsmeetswithusesomreps09122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Monday 9th December 2013, the representatives of the new management of the University of St. Eustatius School of Medicine formally requested a meeting with Prime Minister the Honorable Mrs. Sarah Wescot Williams and the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports the Honorable Mrs. Patricia D. Lourens – Philip. Due to the fact that the main representative of the group indicated that he was scheduled to leave the island on Tuesday morning, an emergency meeting was convened by the Ministers and included members of the Prime minister's cabinet and the Secretary General of General Affairs.
The main purpose of this meeting was to review their request for a charter for USESOM (University of St. Eustatius School of Medicine) by the Legal Department of General Affairs. It was agreed that the Legal Department would review the situation and give an advice on the matters related to the request within a week's time.

flashmobdancersatpjiae09122013SIMPSON BAY:--- For the second time this year, young dancers performed the flash mob dance, this time as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM), which had kicked off on December 3, with the Anniversary Symposium at the Westin Dawn Beach Resort & Spa.

If the first flash mob dance took arriving passengers by surprise, last Saturday's performance grabbed the attention of departing passengers and airport workers, although quite a number of visitors who had just arrived were seen dragging their luggage toward the Departure Hall where the dance took place, drawn by the music and the milling crowd.

"I'd almost forgotten I had a plane to catch; I was so enthralled by the dancers," said one passenger. "It was really very exciting; a nice cap to a wonderful vacation."

Michelle Knotteck, another departing passenger, sent the following handwritten note to SXM Airport's Managing Director, Regina LaBega: "St. Maarten is a beautiful place and the send off at the airport with the flash mob made it all a better experience even with my plane being delayed 2 hours. Everyone was amazing and it was a great experience. Thank you."

But it was not visitors alone that enjoyed the performance and received branded gift items as well as drinks and snacks; many people of St. Maarten/St. Martin – some who came to welcome or see off friends and family, and employees at various establishments at the airport – said they were pleasantly surprised and impressed.

"Although it was raining and kind of cold outside, this was a very warm and beautiful contrast," said one employee.

"Our aim was to create a festive mood and offer an entertaining atmosphere for all users of the airport," noted LaBega, obviously satisfied at the public response to the event. "It is our way of saying 'Thank You' to everyone for making SXM Airport what it is today.

PHILIPSBURG:--- There is still some work to do on Sint Maarten when it comes to 'Ensuring Environmental Sustainability', goal nr. 7 of the eight Millennium Development Goals. This Goal applies to Sint Maarten, due to the signing of the Millennium Declaration in 2000, whereby 189 countries of the United Nations (UN) have agreed upon to better the situation in the world as per 2015 on crucial issues around Poverty Alleviation, Health, Education, Gender Equality, Global partnership and Environmental Sustainability. They have established the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The countries would measure every year their progress and establish rules therefor. Sint Maarten has published a Millennium Development Goals report in 2011. The conclusion is that for MDG nr. 7, which is 'Environmental Sustainability' Sint Maarten is lagging behind. Right now BAK, the department of the Interior and Kingdom Relations in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is putting a program together to make sure that Sint Maarten gets on track with this MDG.

How do we ensure a sustainable environment and where do we begin? This question has kept several Caribbean countries busy for at least the last 10 years. There are several items falling under this MDG-Goal, such as: Access to improved (drinking) water sources; more people having their own dwelling; improvement of sanitation facilities; a halt to environmental threats; reverse the loss of environmental resources/biodiversity; protection of coral reefs and the use of sustainable energy.

The latter is one of the priorities of the minister of VROMI (Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure), the Honorable Maurice Lake, who is working closely together with the established Energy Commission (wherein GEBE has seat) to come up with a sustainable Energy Plan for Sint Maarten. Departure point and basis of the Energy Policy Plan will be the Trias Energetica concept. This concept of Reduce, Re-use and Recycle is very clear. Firstly, St. Maarten needs to limit our energy demand through energy saving. Secondly, we need to use more renewable sources to meet the remaining energy demand. Only then should fossil fuels be used, and as efficiently and cleanly as possible. At the end it boils down to the principle of 'Energy savings come first on the path to environmental protection'.

The need of taking a good look at the energy use of the population and to come up with the right solutions is being taken seriously in other Caribbean countries (CARICOM) as well. Grenada, Guyana, Montserrat, St. Vincent & the Grenadines and St. Lucia have approved their energy policy plan already. Haiti, St Kitts, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Dominica, The Bahamas and Barbados have a draft policy plan. Within the Dutch Caribbean Islands Aruba is paving its way to ensure Environmental Sustainability via its Energy Policy Plan as well, with the ultimate goal to be self-supporting when it comes to energy use with wind and solar energy, and with a waste to energy facility, in order to reach their goal to be 100% Sustainable thru Renewable Energy as per 2020.

In Sint Maarten we are starting to realize more and more that every dollar spent on energy efficiency can return 3 dollars in energy savings. This can be done on several levels, from applying energy and water saving measures within the building sector to measures within the Tourism and transportation sector, the government and households.

If we take the Millennium Development targets into account, we will integrate the principles of sustainable development into our country policy plans and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources.

Although we have already made steps to ensure the protection of our resources, namely the establishment of the Man of War Shoal Marine Protected Area, further legislation should be put in place to protect and conserve our wetland and terrestrial ecosystems.

'We will need input from all relevant stakeholders to make our National Energy Plan, which will be focusing on practical solutions and recommendations. Let's start step by step with taking small measures likes the use of LED and energy saving light bulbs, dusk to dawn lighting with motion detectors, energy saving AC and appliances, the use of electric cars charged by solar panels, insulate our roofs and use sustainable building materials, install solar panels, install water saving devices, closing of windows and doors when using air conditioning, and turning off lights in rooms that are unoccupied (occupancy sensors in offices), etc., we can reduce our energy use for a great percentage. Using our energy resources wisely works on several levels and will benefit us all in the end. We will hold more money in our pockets, reduce our extremely high carbon footprint and protect our environment at the same time. Thus, we are keeping the island beautiful for our people as well as for the tourists. It's a win-win situation for all of us and for our environment. That is what we are striving for,' is the conclusion of the minister of VROMI.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a government agency under the Ministry of Public Health, hereby announces that emergency mosquito fogging will be carried out on Tuesday, December 10 at the immediate border area section Belvedere, Oyster Pond and Dawn Beach. Cole Bay will be done at a later date.

The fogging exercise is a joint effort by the Governments of both sides in fighting Dengue and now Chikungunya, a dengue-like sickness, whereby there are two confirmed cases on the Northern side of the island.

French authorities will be carrying out fogging activities on the North side of the island and have included the aforementioned immediate border areas of the South side of the island. The fogging will be carried out 5.30am in the morning and 5.15pm in the afternoon.

Residents are however strongly advised to continue to step up measures at homes and businesses to mitigate the rise in dengue fever caused by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever, "Get Checked" campaign, is in line with the urgent appeal for residents, and business owners, to check-in and around their homes, and businesses in order to reduce breeding sites of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, and making them mosquito-free zones.

Fogging is one intervention of several, and the main measure is for every household and business to take action by removing potential mosquito breeding spots in and around their premises on a daily basis.

Homeowners during the time of the spraying should open all doors and windows. Dishes, bowls, pots and pans, fish tanks and bird cages should be covered. Stay away from open windows and doors during the spraying.

An increase in the mosquito population puts all residents and businesses at risk. Call for information on the Aedes Aegypti mosquito breeding sites and respective preventive measures at 542-2078 or 542-3003 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

GREAT BAY:--- The honourable Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labour, Mr. Cornelius de Weever is proud to announce the start of the DQ Residents Rights & Responsibilities training program on December 10, 2013.
The objective of the DQ Residents Rights & Responsibilities program is to equip residents with relevant legal and civic information, transmit values and knowledge to actively participate in the community and larger society. The training is initiated by the Department of Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs (C.D.F.H.A.) and will be offered at the Community Help Desk in Dutch Quarter from 6.30pm -8.30pm. It consists of 12 weekly workshops/lectures targeting the various ethnic groups on the island, namely, English, Creole, and Spanish and is facilitated by Bureau Educa RRR.
The modules include: "Introduction to St. Maarten's culture"; "Laws of the land"; "Human Rights and Human Trafficking"; "Citizenship and Civil Registration"; "Government Institutions"; "Tax Administration"; "Insurance; "Educational System"; "Environmental Awareness"; "Motivational session and discussion". Certificates will be awarded at the end of the program.
Participants are required to pay a $5 monthly fee.
For further information interested persons can contact the Community Help Desk in Dutch Quarter at 547457 or the department of Community Development at 5421122/5429925.

gracitaarrindell17112013PHILIPSBURG:--- Members of Parliament will travel to the North side of the island on Tuesday afternoon to meet with the Territorial Council of French St. Martin.

The meeting is scheduled for 2:30pm at the Government Building of St. Martin Hotel de la Collectivite.

The agenda for the meeting is: European Union funding; Safety & Security of Sint Maarten/St. Martin; Promotion of Tourism; Social issues dealing with addiction; and Pension issues.

President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell stated that following the meeting back in August, it was agreed that a next meeting would be held this year.

The meeting would also deal with some issues of concern to the residents from the North and South.

"I have taken note of the content of the letter from Collectivite President Hon. Aline Hanson for the people's representatives to meet before year end. We also agreed during the national celebrations on November 11 to continue with the meeting.

"The New Year must be greeted with some firm follow-up actions in the aforementioned areas and other matters tabled during the meeting from MPs or members of the Collectivite.

"Unrelated to the agenda however, a matter that can arise is the recent ruling of the constitutional court of the Dominican Republic of 13th September regarding the citizenship status of millions of people in that country.

"Both the North as well as the Southern side of our country are home to thousands of persons with family ties to both countries Haiti and the Dominican Republic. This matter deserves the necessary attention," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Monday.

touristkilledinaccidentaruba09122013ORANJESTAD, Aruba:--- A female tourist was crushed to death on Monday by a police motorcycle. According to 24 Hours News in Aruba, the accident occurred just in front of the Customs Office on L.G. Smith Boulevard. 24 Hours News also has a large number of photos of the accident scene on their website. The officer that crushed the female tourist to death while she was crossing the street was removed from the scene by ambulance personnel. It appears as though the victim's brother was also on the scene as an older male tourist was seen sitting on the sidewalk as persons at the scene tried to comfort him while police officers were taking information from him. Other tourists that were in the immediate area seemed devastated by the deadly accident. The officer is also said to be in serious medical condition.

Translated article from 24 Hours News Aruba...
Monday afternoon reports came in of a very serious accident in front of the customs office on LG Smith Blvd. in which an officer of the motorized brigade was involved.  An ambulance was sent out urgently. It turned out that a pick-up had stopped to allow a female tourist to cross and at the same time the officer of the motorized brigade was on his way to an emergency but the woman did not notice. Her brother noticed and stopped but she continued and the officer tried to avoid her but hit a car on the side, then the victim and other cars. The impact was fatal for the woman and the officer also was hurt. The woman was a German tourist visiting the island on the cruise ship Aida Luna sailing under the German flag.  All the competent authorities were informed of the case and went to the site.

Prison Taken Over by Prisoners.

Also in Aruba the prisoners at the prison in Aruba managed to take over the prison operations in Aruba for about one hour on Monday. According to information SMN News received, the prisoners took over when the prison guards held a walk out protesting against certain working conditions. SMN News further learnt that a fight broke out inside the Aruba prison when the prisoners took over. Up to press time it was not clear how many prisoners and or other persons were hurt at the prison in Aruba.

MARIGOT:--- The owner of Bikini Beach and Kontiki Beach along with the investigators and Vice Prosecutor Flavien Noailles can breathe a sigh of relief now that the Prosecutor General has submitted an appeal for the (Authorization for Temporary Occupation) AOT case which the prosecution lost on November 28th, 2013. The Criminal Court on St. Martin acquitted the three suspects first Vice President Guillaume Arnell, Jose Carti, and Norbert Luftman for the lack of evidence and prosecutorial errors. The court also gave the prosecution ten days in which they could submit an appeal of the verdict rendered on November 28th, 2013.

The three suspects first Vice President Guillaume Arnell, Jose Carti, and Norbert Luftman of Sindextour will have to appear in court again in the near future.

SMN News further learnt that the Gendarmerie will be installing a special brigade to handle cases that involve finances. It is not clear if that brigade will be in place to review the AOT investigation which has been appealed by the prosecution. SMN News made several attempts to confirm the information we received with the Prosecutor General in Guadeloupe but he could not be reached. However, sources close to the prosecution said the appeal was submitted last week.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of the St. Maarten Integrity Committee Judge Bob Wit dispatched a letter to the President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell asking her to report to him on what measures she has taken as Chairlady of Parliament to combat possible corrupt practices for which she is administratively responsible and also as a civil servant. Judge Wit also dispatched a similar letter to the seven Ministers, the Ombudsman, the council of advice and other bodies.

The Government of St. Maarten formed this committee which is chaired by Judge Bob Wit to counter the Kingdom Decree sent to the Governor of St. Maarten to conduct an integrity investigation on the integrity of the Government of St. Maarten.

Governor Eugene Holiday also formed a committee to start the integrity investigation as ordered by the Kingdom. Transparency International was also hired by the Government of St. Maarten to conduct an integrity assessment. The Government of St. Maarten has to pay Transparency International 200,000.00 Euros while they set aside Naf. 300,000.00 for the committee that is headed by Judge Bob Wit.

gerritschotte09122013WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- A team of investigators comprising of officers from the Landsreacherche, the RST, and the local police conducted an early morning raid on Monday at the home of former Prime Minister of Curacao Gerrit Schotte. Schotte is now serving as Member of Parliament in Curacao.
According to information provided to SMN News, the raid started around 6am Monday morning, the home of the former Prime Minister was the first location that was searched where documents and computers were seized.
The investigators then searched the office of Schotte which is located at the House of Parliament in Curacao after that they moved to the main postal branch in Curacao where they searched Schotte's safe and postal box. SMN News learnt that the investigators even searched the head office of Schotte's political party where they seized documents and computers. While several places of the former Prime Minister were searched by a number of detectives the Prosecutor's office in Curacao remain tightlipped on the ongoing investigation and the motive for the searches. SMN News tried to reach the spokesman for the prosecutor and Attorney General Norman Serphos for a comment on Monday but was told that Serphos was on vacation.
The investigators also searched the home of the father of Schotte's girlfriend Mr. Van der Deijs. SMN News learnt that Schotte is suspected of being involved in some sort of fraud, while the investigators believe that he may be linked to the suspects that shot Curacao's MP Helmin Wiels to death earlier this year.
So far, the Prosecutor's Office in Curacao has not made any comments on the searches they conducted on Monday morning. When SMN News contacted Curacao's Prosecutor's Office they said they will get someone to call back SMN News with some information but up to the time this publication was made no one returned the phone call.

sarahwescotwilliams08122013GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- St. Martin author Lasana M. Sekou has called on Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams and President Aline Hanson, to "officially and publicly condemn the Dominican Republic Constitutional Court decision of September 13, 2013 (Sentencia TC/0168/13), which threatens to strip the citizenship status from at least a quarter of a million of its citizens, leaving them stateless based on the color of their skin—as Black men, women, and children—and their heritage origins."

In the letter of November 22 to the government leader in both capitals of St. Martin, Sekou wrote that the "Court judgment is racist and will lead to gross human rights violation in the Dominican Republic (DR) against the affected citizens: theft of their property, destruction of homes, loss of jobs, small business ownerships and bank accounts with the life savings of families, denial of educational opportunities, and the perpetuation of a range of violence, including rape, abuse of children, the elderly and the sick, police brutality, military detention, and the mass murder that historically stems from such abhorrent laws—genocide."

According to Sekou, the tribunal sentence has absolutely nothing to do with immigration and much more with ethnic cleansing. "The racist ruling will invariably affect DR citizens of St. Martin heritage that have been part of Dominican society, certainly since 1929, and thought to number at least 40,000 people," wrote Sekou. The Court ruling has a retroactive feature from 1929.

Mostly DR citizens of Haitian origin are among those affected by the ruling, which, wrote Sekou, "is not acceptable to any civilized nation that abides by established norms of the international community and the principles and practices of humanity."

Prime Minister Wescot-Williams and President Hanson "must condemn this infection of apartheid in the Caribbean," wrote Sekou, and "take a leadership role in the solidarity call for immediate, practical, and just corrective measures to be taken in the Dominican Republic."

alinehanson08122013Sekou wrote that objection to the "racist ruling" should also be made in regional and international fora "where the adjusted autonomy" of 2010 and 2007 allows both St. Martin territories to do so. The Southern and Northern parts of St. Martin are territories of the Netherlands and France respectively. Wescot-Williams is the prime minister in the Dutch territory and Hanson is the president of the French territory. Sekou is an advocate for the Independence and eventual unification of St. Martin.

Considered one of the prolific Caribbean poets of his generation, Sekou said that "the designated channels of communication" that allow the governments in Philipsburg and Marigot "to request and if necessary to demand that the Netherlands and France denounce the racist ruling ... must also be promptly employed." He noted that calls for the boycott of DR trade goods and tourism are already being sounded.

Sekou said this week that "the early, clear and strong statements to the DR president and government by the prime minister of St. Vincent and The Grenadines and protesting groups in Trinidad and Puerto Rico among other places are admirable. Their positions represent the best of a history of solidarity and victory over oppression among Caribbean peoples and support for oppressed peoples in the region and around the world."

He also said that the support for the ruling among significant sectors of DR society, including Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez, has not deterred or stopped the growing concerns, findings, and mounting protests by other government leaders; regional and international bodies such as CARICOM, OCHR, UNHCR, Amnesty, OECS, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; human rights groups such as; and individuals inside and outside of the Dominican Republic. Former DR president Hipolito Mejia recently called the ruling "a shame."

Concluding his letter to Prime Minister Wescot-Williams and President Hanson, Sekou quoted Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent & The Grenadines in his letter to President Danilo Medina of the Dominican Republic -- against the September 13 decision: "The fig-leaf of sovereignty cannot be invoked when time-honoured and universal principles of citizenship and human decency are trampled upon."

mauricelakewithdownstreetbusinesscommunitycouncilandharbourgroupreps08122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake commends the Down Street Business/Community Association on their planned Street Fair for December 18 and 21.

Eight cruise vessels will be in port on Thursday, December 18, and the Down Street Business and Community Council decided one of their first projects would be a Street Fair that would highlight a traditional Sint Maarten Christmas of local goodies for sale.

Those interested in having a stall at the Street Fair should contact Joyce Williams (Cell 523-8602). All organizations and vendors outside the Down Street area are also welcome to display their goods on the two days, December 18 and 21.

Vice President of the Community Council June Peters told Minister Hon. Maurice Lake and port officials in a meeting on Wednesday that the Down Street Business and Community Council would like to bring back activities to that particular part of Philipsburg.

The Council would like to see more cruise tourist activity in the Down Street area especially with the Walter Plantz Tender Pier right next door.

For the planned street fair, the Down Street Community representatives made their wishes known to the Minister and other stakeholders present, that they would like to have Front Street blocked off from L'Escargot down towards the direction of the old Paper Garden.

The community council's spokesperson at the meeting was June Peters, Vice President who was also supported by Wilfred Evertz (board member of Christmas activities), Greg Arrindell (PR), and Miguel de Weever (liaison government matters).

Mark Mingo, Chief Executive Officer of the St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies, Hector Peters, a representative from the Harbour Group, were also present during the meeting.

Mingo told the community representatives that the Harbour Group of Companies are ready and willing to help the Down Street Community and to assist with the logistics related to December 18 and 21 Street Fair in connection with the tender pier.

"I commend the Down Street Business and Community group for taking the proactive approach of bringing Christmas and Culture back to Philipsburg. This is a start. I am a going back to basics person, and the promotion of our traditions, culture and heritage is definitely going back to basics, and the group wholeheartedly has my and my Ministry's full support.

"We need to bring back the Christmas spirit. I would like to see the Philipsburg business community coming together and putting up one or more large Christmas trees in Philipsburg. Get onboard and support a long-term sustainable cause of bringing back Christmas to our main town for the people and visitors to enjoy.

"The Philipsburg business community benefits from the thousands of cruise ship passengers that come to our shores annually. The time is here to give back to your community in a big and sustainable way. Let it not be a one-time contribution, but a sustainable annual tradition. The ball is now in your court," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Friday.

plourensdistributesgiftstostudentsfromcruiseline08122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip would like to thank the Tourist Office and Disney Cruise Lines for providing gifts for pupils of the Asha Stevens Campus, Cay Hill of the Hillside Christian Schools.

swescotwilliamssignsedfdqupgradeagreement08122013PM: "This is indeed very important news for the development of the Dutch Quarter District specifically and St. Maarten in general"

BRUSSELS, Belgium:--- During her working visit to the Netherlands and Belgium the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams signed into effect the tenth European Development Fund (EDF) project for the wide scale infrastructural upgrading of the Dutch Quarter District in Brussels on Friday. The Prime Minister, as Territorial Authorizing Officer, has been engaged in wide scale negotiations with the European Union to fund the improvement of the Dutch Quarter District, which will greatly enhance the infrastructure and social upgrading of the area. The European Union will provide 4.750.000 Euro for the project. "After lengthy negotiations and discussions we have successfully managed to sign the funding agreement with the European Union for the upgrading of the Dutch Quarter District. The focus on last Thursday and Friday's meetings where the Overseas Countries and Territories of the EU including St. Maarten, the EU member states, and the EU were represented were crucial as it was expected that the 10th European Development Fund financing agreement would be signed off in addition to the starting of discussions regarding the 11th EDF program themes and the new Overseas Association Decision (OAD) which goes into effect as per January 2014 which will govern the relationship between the EU and its OCTs for the coming years.

"With the signing of the European Development Fund agreement St. Maarten will be expected to manage its own 10th EDF execution with as mentioned the designated project being the upgrading of Dutch Quarter.

The management structure that will be put in place is a critical component to ensure that the project is executed within the parameters and guidelines of European funding," stated a much-relieved Wescot-Williams.

The Prime Minister, as Minister for General Affairs and as Territorial Authorizing Officer (TAO) responsible for the proper execution of the EDF programs and projects on St. Maarten, was the chief negotiator for the funding which will see large scale multi-million Euro infrastructural upgrades to one of the more challenged districts in the country. "There is still much work to be done before the actual work on the project for Dutch Quarter can begin, but securing the funding before the end of 2013 is a major accomplishment, especially given the difficulties which have previously existed between (U)SONA and the European Union. This is indeed very important news for the development of the Dutch Quarter District Specifically and St. Maarten in general," stated the Prime Minister.

Upon learning of the coming upgrades to their district, residents of the Dutch Quarter area reacted with great satisfaction. "We would like to thank the Prime Minister and Government for negotiating with the European Union so that our district will receive the necessary upgrades. It is good to see that our district, which is seen as one of the most challenged ones on St. Maarten, will see the necessary infrastructural upgrades we so very much need," commented a Dutch Quarter Community Representative upon learning of the signing.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that there will be a road closure at the Melford Hazel Road, Oyster Pond on Monday, December 09.

There will be no through traffic on Monday from 7:00am to 3:00pm.

The closure is related to the laying of asphalt on the aforementioned road.

Motorists are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association, the largest private sector representative on the island, believes that the Business License Department has made a step in the right direction whereby elected officials delegate the procedural aspects of permitting to qualified civil servants allowing politicians to focus on the establishment of policies and procedures to prevent abuse of authority.
This new direction aligns itself with the suggestions the SHTA made in its previous article in encouraging Government to look at possible solutions by establishing a clear means/needs tested policy on who should get taxi/bus permits and licenses as well as a clear policy on the control thereof. Another suggested solution was public disclosure of the licensing and application procedure to be featured on the government website and the local online and printed media.
By establishing clear and transparent guidelines, the ability to issue licenses and permits to be used as currency to purchase political support would be reduced or possibly even eliminated. If our elected officials focus on the establishment of clear and transparent policies this would eliminate the ability to issue licenses and permits to be used as currency to purchase political support. This same approach could easily be applied to all other discretionary permits such as land grants, work permits, building permits, business licenses etc.
The decision by the Honorable Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunication – Ted Richardson is an example of setting and sticking to policy. The mandate issued to the head of the business license department to provide faster and more efficient services by being able to sign off on several of the licenses issued at this department, is a positive move towards clear policy and regulation.
SHTA, the largest business representative on the island, is dedicated to bringing quality to all aspects of life on St. Maarten by promoting sustainable economic development for its members in cooperation with the social partners and the creation of a fair marketplace. For more information, please contact the SHTA office: 542-0108, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our website

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake would like to remind residents and stakeholders about the second public consultation related to the drafting of development plans for Over the Pond and Sucker Garden areas that will be held on December 12.

The public consultation will take place Thursday, December 12 at 7:00pm at University of St. Martin, Philipsburg.

The process of the preparation of zoning plans in the format of public consultations is cardinal for the preparation of the aforementioned that meet the needs and expectations of the community of Sint Maarten, and specifically those of the important stakeholders such as the neighborhood community councils, home owners associations and other entities that serve a role in voicing the concerns of residents within the neighborhoods.

"This is a follow-up public consultation and the input of the community is considered paramount in this process and in order for the right choices to be made. The people have to have a say by giving their views with respect to the spatial development of the country," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday.

The aforementioned plans will guide the future spatial development of the country where it relates to government and private land.

The town hall meeting process is part of process of drafting of development plans/ "zoning plans" for country Sint Maarten which was initially started back in the first quarter of 2012 under former Minister of VROMI Theo Heyliger.

PHILIPSBURG:--- President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell will be representing the Parliament of Sint Maarten at official Saba Day festivities on Friday, 6 December in Saba.

The Sint Maarten parliament delegation also includes Member of Parliament (MP) Hon. Theo Heyliger whose grandmother is from Saba, the late Irene Heyliger.

President Arrindell would like to congratulate the people and Government of Saba on their national day on behalf of the people and Parliament of Sint Maarten.

Saba Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday of December.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that there have been changes to the parking situation on the Pondfill parking lot across from the Police Station in Philipsburg.

Effective Friday, 6th December, a section of the parking lot has been reserved for the country's Police Force. Any other non-law enforcement vehicle parked in the designated area will be towed.

Motorists are also requested to use the new exit which is indicated by traffic signs.

unityflaghalfmastfornelsonmandela06122013MARIGOT/GREAT BAY:--- "As a mark of respect for Nelson 'Madiba' Rolihlahla Mandela, the Unity Flag of St. Martin (North and South) is being flown at half-mast" near the Bellevue/Cole Bay frontier monument, said Shujah Reiph, president of the Conscious Lyrics Foundation.

Mandela was born on July 18, 1918. On December 5, 2013 he died peacefully at his home in Johannesburg, surrounded by his family. He was 95.

The St. Martin tribute to the anti-apartheid champion, revolutionary, and former president of South Africa (1994-99), will continue this weekend with a Conscious Lyrics radio program on the largely eventful life and times of Mandela.

The Mandela special will include interviews recorded in South Africa with people who knew Mandela personally and were imprisoned with him on Robben Island, said Reiph. Reiph is the host of the popular long-running program, which will air on SOS Radio 95.9 FM, Saturday, December 7, at 12 noon.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that there will be a road closure oat St. John's Estate Road on Saturday, December 07.

The road will be partially closed on Saturday from 7:00am to 4:00pm.

The closure is related to the sewage connection of St. John's Estate.

On Sunday, 8th December, there will be no through traffic on the roads in the Cherry Hill Estate, Oyster Pond from 7:00am to 12:00pm.

This road closure is in connection with milled asphalt repairs.

Motorists are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

ukconsularmanagerspaycourtesycalltosxmhouse06122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister Plenipotentiary Hon. Mathias Voges received a courtesy call from on 3rd December from Ann-Marie Pietersz-Powell, United Kingdom (UK) Consular Manager for the Dutch and French West Indies based in Willemstad, Curacao, and Georgina Matheson, Consular Regional Operations Manager Western Europe.

Pietersz's main focus of work is crisis preparedness and outreach with key contacts in the area and providing support for British nationals in the region. The reps also provide consular advice to four honorary consuls in the Dutch/French Caribbean. One of the reasons for their visit is to clarify the changed nature of her role which is now regional, Dutch and French Caribbean.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday December 6th, 2013, the RST and KPSM conducted some house searches as they continue with the Bromelia Investigation. Press Prosecutor Tineke Kamps stated in a press release that five houses and three buildings on St. Maarten were searched while one house on the French side was also searched with the help of the Gendarmerie.

The house searches took place in Pointe Blanche, Cole Bay, Sucker Garden, amongst others areas.

The house searches were led by the judge of instruction in presence of the public prosecutor. The house searches had place in a criminal money laundering investigation, called "Bromelia". The press release further stated that the Recherche Samenwerkingsteam (RST) KPSM and the Gendarmes conducted the searches.

The investigators were looking for goods, administrative documents, data carriers all of which were confiscated as the investigation continues. Police also seized five cars, and a truck. One male identified as O.D. was arrested for the possession of a firearm.

The vague press release further stated that in September 2013, six persons were arrested for the possession of firearms, narcotics, and the suspects were found with a significant amount of monies. Currently four persons are still in pretrial detention. Prosecutor Kamps said that after the arrests made in September 2013, the Bromelia investigation began. The Prosecutor's Office will not release any further information on the ongoing investigation at this time.

On September 17th, 2013, the police spokesperson for KPSM said via a press release that they arrested six persons during a routine control. The release that was published back in September states that the Police Special Task Force (Zero Tolerance) were in the Keys area when they spotted three vehicles that were suspiciously parked on the side of the street. The officers also saw several men sitting in these vehicles and they smelled a very strong scent of marijuana coming from the direction of the vehicles in question. The officers approached the vehicles in order to have them checked for illegal drugs and the occupants identified. During the investigation, a considerable amount of cocaine and cash were found. In connection with this case five young men between the ages of 23 and 33 were arrested and taken to the Philipsburg Police Head Quarters where they are being held for questioning. The drugs, cash, and vehicles in question were all confiscated for further investigation.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that there will be a partial closure of the Prins Bernhard Bridge on Sunday, December 08.

On Sunday from 9:00am to 3:00pm, the Prins Bernhard Bridge will be closed on one side of the street from Bush Road, and emergency vehicles will only be allowed to pass.

Motorists are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs.

The work is related to the re-installation of the lighting system – poles – on the bridge.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

mjohnsonjmillsandjwoolford08052013PHILIPSBURG:--- The three young men that were convicted of slaughtering Michael and Thelma King in their Cupe Coy villa will appear before the Appeals Court on Thursday December 12th, 2013 to contest the decision taken by the lower court on May 08th, 2013.

The Court of First Instance sentenced the main suspect Meyshane Kemar Johnson to life imprisonment, the other two suspects Jeremiah Chevon Mills (Johnson's first cousin) was sentenced to 28 years imprisonment while the third suspect Jamal Jefferson Woolford was sentenced to 24 years imprisonment.

The three suspects admitted to entering the home of the Kings on the night of September 19th, 2012 with the intention to rob them but before leaving the premises they killed Michael and his wife Thelma who were on the island to open a rum factory.

The Kings murder sent shock waves throughout St. Maarten while the police department did an exceptional job by capturing the first suspect three days after the bodies of Michael and Thelma King were found. The main suspect confessed to police while in pre-trail detention which led them to the other two suspects, Jeremiah Chevon Mills and Jamal Jefferson Woolford. Woolford was captured in St. Thomas as he tried to escape from St. Maarten when he learnt that Johnson had confessed to the killings. Prior to robbing and killing the Kings, the trio robbed the Happy Star Chinese Restaurant.

Attorney at law Brenda Brooks had asked the lower court to deem the prosecutor's case inadmissible because the prosecutor made numerous blunders when they served the main suspect Meyshane Kemar Johnson with the summons to appear in court. However, the judge refused the defense's argument claiming that the rights of the suspect were not violated when he was served two summons on the same day. "While the court ruled in favor of the prosecutor on May 8th, 2013, the Prosecutor's Office took immediate measures against the prosecutor that committed the errors by sending him back to the Netherlands.

In the Court of Appeals, it is expected that the Attorney General of St. Maarten would contest the disbanding of Life Imprisonment which the Constitutional Courts threw out some months ago. It is also expected that the Attorney for Johnson, Brenda Brooks will again contest the errors made by the Prosecutor who was eventually sent back to the Netherlands.

SMN News will bring you the full coverage of the Kings murder convicts appeal hearing. It is expected that the relatives of the late Michael and Thelma King would be on the island for the hearing.

"We Have Lost a Global Citizen, a True Father of Democracy"

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten, the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined leaders from around the world in expressing her sadness on behalf of the Government and people of St. Maarten on the death of former South African Leader, Statesman and Civil Rights Icon Nelson Mandela, who died at his home in Johannesburg, South Africa on Thursday.

"Despite his long illness and valiant fight, it is still a sad and profound moment when we learned of the passing of an icon for all of us, the late, and indeed great, Nelson Mandela.

"It is a moment for us to stand still and reflect on the life of a man who stood up for his convictions and what he believed in, despite being imprisoned by the perpetrators of Apartheid. His brave stance was deeply rooted in his vision on reconciliation and his conviction of equality of all mankind and the good thereof for humankind in general.

"On behalf of the people and Government of St. Maarten, I would like to express my profound condolences to the Mandela Family, the People of South Africa and the international community, for it is in fact a global citizen, a true father of democracy, which we have lost. In the native tongue of the late Nelson Mandela, the Xhosa Language, I would like to say 'Enkosi Tata Madiba...Thank you Nelson Mandela," stated the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

tedrichardson26092013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister Ted Richardson would like to wish all those working in the civil aviation sector a happy International Civil Aviation Day, Saturday, December 07.

The theme for the internationally observed day is "Evolving to Meet the Challenges of 21st Century Air Transport."

The theme recognizes the significant re-evaluations which the entire air transport sector is undertaking. The global air transport network is presently projected to double in size by 2030.

Currently 30 million flights are flown annually and this will grow to 60 million over the next 16 years, while the total number of passengers served will rise to six (6) billion from today's three (3) billion.

"I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all those working in civil aviation, control tower, airport, airlines, other aviation oriented companies, and the Department of Civil Aviation, Shipping & Maritime Affairs for their professionalism and dedication to the sector. Our country's tourism sector is dependent on civil aviation, and for each role that the stakeholders play.

"Our airport, the Princess Juliana International Airport is celebrating its 70th anniversary. That is a milestone. We can be proud that our airport serves as a hub for the North Eastern part of the Caribbean, connecting the world with five territories in this.

"We have WINAIR, more than 90 per cent owned by the country spreading its wings within the Caribbean Basin. The aviation sector of our country is well and alive.

"Each and every person working in the aviation sector, from the airport to the companies that provide services to the airport, the civil aviation department, to airlines and other aspects of civil aviation, you all have done a great job and continue to do so on a daily basis. Thank you for a job well done," Minister Hon. Ted Richardson said on Friday.

The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) is a United Nations (UN) body that takes care of the standards to be maintained in the civil aviation industry. ICAO was formed in the year 1944. The first civil aviation day was observed in the year 1994 on 7th December as a mark of 50+ years since the founding.

ICAO takes care of the standards and safety measures to be followed for civil aviation industry in the world. ICAO services as the global forum for its 191 Member States.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Holiday shoppers are busy buying Christmas trees and lights to adorn their home this holiday season. As the day gets closer, families are bustling around to have everything in place for Christmas Eve.

As part of the Minister of Public Health's 'Get Checked,' campaign, parents and family members should keep in mind some holiday safety tips where it concerns decorations and the Christmas tree. The season is all about family togetherness and we would like everyone to have a safe holiday season incident free.

Every year the Collective Prevention Services (CPS), an agency of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour as part of its calendar of observances highlights and creates awareness where it concerns safe holidays.

Check this list of holiday season safety tips:


  • When purchasing an artificial tree, look for the label "Fire Resistant." Although this label does not mean the tree won't catch fire, it does indicate the tree will resist burning and should extinguish quickly.
  • When purchasing a live tree, check for freshness. A fresh tree is green, needles are hard to pull from branches and do not break when bent between your fingers. The trunk butt of a fresh tree is sticky with resin, and when tapped on the ground, the tree should not lose many needles.
  • When setting up a tree at home, be sure to keep the stand filled with water. Place the tree out of the way of traffic and do not block doorways.


  • Indoors or outside, use only lights that have been tested for safety by a recognized testing laboratory, which indicates conformance with safety standards. Use only lights that have fused plugs.
  • Check each set of lights, new or old, for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections, and throw out damaged sets. Always replace burned-out bulbs promptly with the same wattage bulbs.
  • Use no more than three standard-size sets of lights per single extension cord. Make sure the extension cord is rated for the intended use.
  • Never use electric lights on a metallic tree. The tree can become charged with electricity from faulty lights, and a person touching a branch could be electrocuted.
  • Before using lights outdoors, check labels to be sure they have been certified for outdoor use.
  • Stay away from power or feeder lines leading from utility poles into older homes.
  • Fasten outdoor lights securely to trees, house walls, or other firm supports to protect the lights from wind damage. Use only insulated staples to hold strings in place, not nails or tacks. Or, run strings of lights through hooks (available at hardware stores).
  • Turn off all holiday lights when you go to bed or leave the house. The lights could short out and start a fire.
  • Use caution when removing outdoor holiday lights. Never pull or tug on lights - they could unravel and inadvertently wrap around power lines.
  • Outdoor electric lights and decorations should be plugged into circuits protected by ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs). Portable outdoor GFCIs can be purchased where electrical supplies are sold. GFCIs can be installed permanently to household circuits by a qualified electrician.


  • Use only non-combustible or flame-resistant materials to trim a tree. Choose tinsel or artificial icicles of plastic or nonleaded metals. Leaded materials are hazardous if ingested by children.
  • Never use lighted candles on a tree or near other evergreens. Always use non-flammable holders, and place candles where they will not be knocked down.
  • In homes with small children, take special care to avoid decorations that are sharp or breakable, keep trimmings with small removable parts out of the reach of children to avoid the child swallowing or inhaling small pieces, and avoid trimmings that resemble candy or food that may tempt a child to eat them.
  • Wear gloves to avoid eye and skin irritation while decorating with spun glass "angel hair."
  • Follow container directions carefully to avoid lung irritation while decorating with artificial snow sprays.

rubylabegaschoolteachers06122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Teachers at the Ruby Labega School in St. John's decided to hold a 'sit out' until the Ministry of Education deals with the ongoing violence against teachers at the school. The teachers told SMN News on Friday morning that they were forced to take action because a 12 year male student of the school threatened one of the teachers on Wednesday. They said the student went as far as threatening to burn the school down and to set a bomb in the teacher's car and scooter. "This student cursed the teacher, he then said he knew how to make a particular bomb and he will place it in the gasoline tank of the teacher's vehicle so that it could explode." The teacher that was threatened was not present during the "sit out" when SMN News visited the school on Friday.

Teacher Marlin, a third grade teacher at the school said that the incident occurred on Wednesday and this is the "straw that broke the camel's back" causing them to resort to the kind of action they are taking now. Marlin said that on Wednesday the student was escorted from the school by police when he made the threats. "We called the police when this incident occurred and that student was escorted out of the school by police but we do not know what happened from there, because he is in school today."

Later that evening (Wednesday) at 6pm the principal of the school sent an email to the Head of the Department of Public Education Glenderlin Davis-Holiday and the Inspectorate informing them of the situation. "The principal sent the email the moment she had time because she had other matters to deal with, the following morning she sent the documents to support the complaint she filed with the department in order for the Department of Education to take action but instead of taking the necessary actions such as suspending the student, the department informed the principal that the student could not be suspended because the information was sent to them one day too late. The teachers said that the Inspectorate and the Department Head Davis-Holiday told them that the information "the letter and documents" had to be sent during working hours on the day of the incident. However, the teachers said they have 24 hours in which to report complaints. "We want to make clear this is only one incident, teachers at this school are being threatened every day, we are being insulted and the students know they can do what they want because they get away with it. Even when we send them to the office they know going to the office has no repercussions because only children have rights, not teachers."

The teachers further explained that the student returned to school and was in school on Friday while they conducted their "sit out" in the staff room and he made comments such as him being untouchable. When asked by SMN News if the parents of the student were convoked to the school, they said they called in the parents several times and the parents are telling them that they don't know what else to do and they do not even know how the child became the way he is. "His parents told us to spank him but that is against the law, we are not allowed to beat students, we cannot even put them out of the classroom since the compulsory education policy was implemented. The teachers who are obviously at their wits ends said that they know that children coming from the British countries cannot do what they are doing on St. Maarten in their own country. "We do not want this to become a topic of nationality because the intolerable behavior is coming from students across the board. However, we know that some countries do not allow neither accept this kind of behavior."

Marlin and the other teachers that were present said that they are being called names such as "bitch", students are even hitting the teachers, and they are using foul language at them. "This trend has been taking place months now and they did everything legally to get the department to take the necessary actions but to no avail. The principal is doing everything in her power to get those in authority to take the necessary actions.

The teachers said when they got the information that the student will not be suspended they decided to start the sit out. They said they are concerned about the safety of the school and the other students that attend the school because they have over 250 students in attendance. "We have students as young as four years old at this school and here is a situation where a student is threatening to burn down the school and authorities are telling us that the information from the school was sent to them too late."

The teachers further explained that when Davis-Holiday heard that they were in a "sit out", she visited the school and informed them that the student will be suspended for three days and they should get back to their classrooms. "Davis-Holiday came here this morning and she told us she is not answering our questions neither would she be listening to our concerns. Her only purpose for the visit was to tell us that the student will be suspended for three days and we should go back to work. We are not satisfied with the decision taken by the Department Head, therefore we are writing a letter to the Minister of Education while we continue to sit out until proper actions are taken.
The teachers said they already informed the President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) Claire Elshot who is currently in Anguilla attending a conference. They said Elshot promised them that she would address the matter with the Minister of Education when she returns to the island. SMN News could not reach the Head of the Department of Public Education Mrs. Glenderlin Davis-Holiday on Friday for a comment.

mauricelakemeetswithdownstreetbusinesscommunityassociation05122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Wednesday met with representatives from the country's newly formed Down Street Business/Community Association.

The organization area of focus within their community is from L'Escargot to the old Paper Garden.

The community council's spokesperson at the meeting was June Peters, Vice President who summarized the issues within the Down Street community. Peters was also supported by Wilfred Evertz (board member of Christmas activities), Greg Arrindell (PR), and Miguel de Weever (liaison government matters).

Peters spoke about the challenges being faced by businesses and homeowners in the area; settlement of water from different buildings/businesses; boulders in the alleys; cleaning of the alleys; tree stomps that pose challenges for pedestrians; palm tree grills/mats; safety and security challenges.

In the meeting also included representatives of the Minister's Cabinet and Ministry VROMI, Mark Mingo, Chief Executive Officer of the St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies, Hector Peters, a representative from the Harbour Group.

"I am ready, and my Ministry is ready to address the issues and concerns of the Down Street community. Other issues that do not fall within the responsibility of my Ministry, I will bring these forward to my colleague Ministers such as Justice and Economic Affairs.

"I am very pleased to learn that the young people of Down Street have taken a serious interest in their community and have already assisted in a number of ways since the community council was started. It is great to hear that those on the bloc are onboard and ready and willing to work. I can understand their frustrations and I encourage them to always think positive, do positive and reach for the stars," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

Port of St. Maarten CEO Mark Mingo during the meeting stated that Philipsburg and surrounding environs are all part of the harbor community, and that it is in the interests of the port and the destination as a premier cruise mecca to help the Down Street community become the cultural heartbeat of the nation.

The Minister is looking forward to the walkthrough on Tuesday afternoon, 10 December which would also include representatives from the Down Street council, Ministry of VROMI officials, Community Police Officer, among other stakeholders.

The Down Street community council has established six committees that will deal with fundraising, marketing, cleanup, decorations, social and transportation.

mpcandsxmacademyvisitrotarysxm05122013PHILIPSBURG:--- During the month of November and in celebration of Interact Week, officers and members of the various Interact Clubs on the island were invited to attend a meeting with the Rotary Club of St. Maarten. During the meeting Interact Leaders Rholdyn Lake and Marian Felix from St. Maarten Academy, Jo-Anne Galva and Janna Philip of Milton Peters College, and Dipti Budhrani and Breanna Barrie from Learning Unlimited each had an opportunity to chair and facilitate the Rotary Club of St. Maarten's regular weekly meeting.

Maria Buncamper-Molanus, President of the Rotary Club St. Maarten, commented, "Our young Interact Leaders did an exemplary job during their Rotary Club visits. I look forward to their continuing contributions as Interactors and future Rotarians for many years to come".

President Rholdyn Lake and Secretary Marian Felix of St. Maarten Academy, Jo-Anne Galva and Janna Philip of Milton Peters College and Secretary Breanna Barrie and Sergeant at Arms Dipti Budhrani all commented on the various activities of their respective clubs to help the community. All the leaders talked about the effort to help the victims of the recent Cole Bay fire and the food and clothing drives held at each of their schools. "St. Maarten Academy Interact Club" drive was so successful that collection boxes had to be emptied at the end of each school day to make room for future donations", according to Academy Interact President Rholdyn Lake.

The Club representatives used the opportunity to provide an overview of the activities planned for the balance of the Interact year. These projects include, for the MPC and Academy, breakfast programs in their respective schools. St. Maarten Academy started their Chess Project which includes classes and games with the possibility of expanding beyond the school grounds and hosting interscholastic Chess games. President Jo-Anne Galva of MPC Interact Club spoke of the flea market and a car wash among other activities to raise funds for their community service activities. The Learning Unlimited Interact Club was the first of the clubs to provide relief to the Cole Bay fire victims through the Red Cross and is currently preparing its community service plans.
The three Interact Clubs that are sponsored by the Rotary Club of St. Maarten operate independently guided by Rotary and faculty advisers.

For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website

y2x10yearanniversarygalaposter05122013PHILIPSBURG:--- In a world where emphasis is sometimes placed on the negative manifestations of youthful energy, Y2X, Youth to Xtreme, the youth wing of Victorious Living has embarked on changing this image to a positive one. Y2X, an interdenominational youth group of young people primarily between the ages of 13-35 focuses on taking their youthful passion, commitment to Christ and desire for positive change in our community to an extreme.

chancesforcaribbeanyoungsterssxmteam05122013PHILIPSBURG:--- To enhance the chances of youngsters between the ages of 12 and 25 the funding agency Cooperating Foundations of the Dutch Caribbean decided to do more than short term funding of youth activities and projects and initiated a special program with the duration of four years. The main objective is to prevent youngsters from dropping out of schools and help those that have dropped out already. The funding agency searched for 20 projects on the six islands of the Dutch Kingdom that would aim to reach this goal, preferably in an innovative way and strengthening existing projects with the same target group.

Seven foundations on St. Maarten were among the 47 foundations that took up this challenge and sent in their project dossiers. After two selection moments, one in July and one in September, three of the St. Maarten project proposals met all criteria and were selected to participate. In total 18 projects were selected: 9 from Curacao, 3 from Aruba, 1 from St. Eustatius, 2 from Bonaire and 3 from St. Maarten. All 18 organizations went to Aruba for a kick off meeting on November the 21st, where they had a chance to explain their projects to King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima, who opened the program officially. The participating projects for St. Maarten are:

"Build your Future" of Kids at Sea Foundation
Kids at sea wants to draw more St. Maarten youngsters into an important business sector of the island: the marine sector. Although St Maarten used to be number 1 in boat building in the region in the old days, nowadays a lot of kids cannot swim and sailing –the most important skill for anyone in the maritime sector- is considered a rich man's hobby. Students of MPC and Sundial, that have been identified to need a boost in motivation, will get intensive sailing lessons and three teams per year will build their own boats. Participation in regatta's and facilitating youngsters to get jobs in the maritime sector are other important features of this plan.

"Students teaching students" of Participant Foundation
Participant Foundation wants to tap into the largest teaching resource at schools that normally is overlooked: the students themselves. The students will form a club in which high performing students will help those that are struggling but are willing to make an effort. They will do this by providing extra tutor classes, repeating the lesson material in their own way. Furthermore students will be trained in counseling fellow students, to help avoiding that small conflicts will end up in suspension or expulsion. Participating schools are Sundial, MPC and St. Maarten Academy. The organization can take pride in having a very driven youth board, consisting of students that participated in Participants' previous initiative of secondary school students teaching pupils of the primary schools.

"St. Maarten Youth Rangers" of Voice of the Youth St. Maarten
Workers in youth care on St. Maarten decided to join forces and initiate new projects for the youngsters in their care. The St. Maarten Youth Rangers is one of their projects; it aims to form a youth VKS group of vulnerable youngsters to regain self esteem, sense of responsibility and purpose in life. The group will meet twice per week and hiking, camping, kayaking, volunteering, and leadership trainings can form part of the program.

The Cooperating Foundations has been established to support social initiatives on the islands of the former Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. It consists of five Dutch Funding agencies, namely Stichting Kinderpostzegels, Oranje Fonds, Innovatiefonds Zorgverzekeraars, Skanfonds and Fonds Sluyterman van Loo.
On St. Maarten an advisory council meets every three weeks to discuss funding requests that foundations on St Maarten send in. The advisory council would like to congratulate the three selected NGO's and encourage other NGO's with projects for youths, elderly or vulnerable groups in our society to hand in project requests for our regular funding possibilities.

raouldusseljee05122013CAY HILL:--- The St. Maarten Medical Center is pleased to inform the general public of two new medical specialists joining the medical team at our hospital.

Dr. Raoul Dusseljee has been employed as a radiologist as of November 18, 2013 and Dr. Samay Nadery as of December 1, 2013.

Dr. Dusseljee will work together with the radiology team to provide diagnosis and treatment to our patients who require radiology imaging; x-rays, mammograms, CT Scans and ultrasounds. Dr. Dusseljee studied at the Erasmus Medical Center of Rotterdam and did his Residency in Radiology at the Medical Center Alkmaar and the VU University Amsterdam.

Internist Dr. Nadery will treat adult patients with internal ailments in our clinic. Dr. Nadery, born in Afghanistan, has lived in the Netherlands since 1999. He has worked in Pakistan, the United States and the Netherlands. He is a graduate of the University of Amsterdam, Leiden University and Yale University School of Medicine.

samaynadery05122013The Radiology department is open at the SMMC from Monday to Friday between 7:30am and 4:30pm. Patients needing X-rays do not require an appointment. For other radiology imaging, patients are required to make an appointment in person or by calling our Radiology department at 543-1111 ext 1360. For all procedures SZV patients require a request/referral letter from their general practitioner.

Referral letters are required for SZV patients who need to visit the internist. Patients must too make an appointment for consultations which can be made at ext. 1300, Mondays-Fridays between 8:00am and 4:30pm.

We trust that the services of Dr. Dusseljee and Dr. Nadery will further contribute to giving quality care to our patients. This is a step towards broadening our services by bringing up to par the number of specialists at SMMC, to meet the needs our population.

The St. Maarten Table Tennis Federation will be holding the final round of the Governor's Cup for Saturday, December 7th at the "L.B Scot Sports Auditorium" from 10-3 pm. Coach Radjouki and the board hereby invite the parents and public to come and support the young talent as they prepare for various regional tournaments next year.

Young Josiah will have to battle against the other players to remain as Champion of the cup. The board also explained that there will be a barbeque sale whereby the proceedings will go to new equipment for the team.

swescotwilliamswithsxmdelegationatoctmeeting05122013European Development Funds, Innovation, Small and Medium Enterprises Some of the Items Discussed

BRUSSELS, Belgium:--- On December 2nd 2013, Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams met with Leaders of the Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories Council (COCTC) in Brussels, Belgium at their 2nd Extra Ordinary Meeting. Points addressed during the meeting were: proposal on the principles of operation of the Council, the new EU Overseas Association Decision that will go into effect January 1st, 2014, regional projects under the 11th EDF, Territorial Strategies for Innovation Project and status update on the Small and Medium Enterprise regional program under the 10th EDF.

The Council elected for the period of 2013-2014 a new executive body consisting of: Chief Minister of Montserrat, Reuben Meade serving as Chairman and Prime Minister of Curacao serving as Vice Chair.

The Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories Council (COCTC) was established on April 27th, 2012 based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the all Caribbean OCTs during the first meeting held in Curacao. The MOU sets the basis for regional cooperation between Council members. The Executive body for the period of 2012 -2013 consisted of Curacao as Chair and Cayman Islands as Vice Chair.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

gracitaarrindell17112013PHILIPSBURG:--- President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell on Thursday afternoon during a session of the Youth Parliament of Sint Maarten in the legislative House, called for a moment of silence in connection with the passing of South Africa's first black president and anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela (95).

Mandela led South Africa's transition from white-minority rule in the 1990s, after 27 years in prison. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and was elected first black president in 1994. He stepped down in 1999 and retired from public life in 2004.

President Arrindell on Thursday afternoon expressed her heartfelt sympathy on behalf of the people of Sint Maarten and the House of Parliament on the loss of Nelson Rolihlahla 'Madiba' Mandela.

"President Mandela was a great leader of the century. His legacy will inspire generations to come. He was a prisoner of conscience and an inspiration for all mankind.

"I shared with the members of the youth parliament, while studying in the Netherlands back in the 1990s, I had the privilege to see him when he visited Holland back then after he was released from prison.

"I wanted to make that connection with our youth, because they will be the ones to live his legacy. Mandela was a great man for the world, South Africa and mankind," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Thursday on the passing of world icon Nelson Mandela.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a government agency under the Ministry of Public Health, says the country remains in a dengue epidemic phase, and residents are advised to continually be active in taking measures to mitigate the mosquito population.

For the month of October, there were a total of 29 confirmed dengue cases while 102 lab requests were made. The number of confirmed cases for the previous two months were September 53 cases; August 68.

From January to October 2013 the cumulative number of confirmed dengue cases stands at 255. The type of dengue circulating throughout the country is DENV4 (Dengue Virus Type 4).

Vector control activities continue to be executed by the Ministry with respect to a prompt response to search indoors, yards and gardens for mosquito breeding sites.

Residents with dengue fever symptoms are requested to consult with their family physician who can then refer them to the lab for a laboratory test that would confirm if they have dengue or not, and to give the proper advice to ensure a healthy recovery avoiding other health risks.

Dengue symptoms include high fever, severe headache, backache, joint and eye pain, nausea and vomiting, and rash. Once a person has developed a fever, the infectious period lasts for about a week. Most people recover without any complications, using pain relievers, liquid intake (preferably water or juice) and bed rest. Avoid self-medication and consult your physician.

CPS is calling on the populace to take daily actions to eliminate mosquito breeding opportunities around their home and workplace. On a daily basis check containers such as buckets and water tanks for larvae and eliminate the breeding source. Water tanks should be properly secured and screened to prevent mosquito's from entering. If there aren't any containers with water for mosquitoes to lay the larvae there won't be any adult mosquitoes.

Dengue Fever is transmitted by the female vector Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The Aedes Aegypti mosquito is distinguished by its markings. The body of the mosquito has alternate black and white horizontal stripes. The Aedes Aegypti mosquito lays her eggs in clear (clean) stagnant water. Within eight days the mosquito can complete its life cycle from egg, to larvae to pupae and to adult mosquito.

Even after you have cleaned-up your yard and surroundings, it is recommended for persons to walk around their surroundings on a weekly basis and after every rain event to eliminate all possible breeding sites.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever, "Get Checked" campaign, is in line with the urgent appeal for residents, and business owners, to check-in and around their homes, and businesses in order to reduce breeding sites of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, and making them mosquito-free zones.

CPS is urgently calling on the community especially homeowners to be proactive in implementing mosquito preventive measures on their own property in order to prevent vector borne diseases. Persons are urgently recommended to keep their homes, yards, neighborhoods, open lots and work environment free from mosquito breeding sites.

Mobilize family, friends, neighbors and colleagues to collectively take actions to eliminate mosquito breeding sources.

Homeowners can reduce the number of areas where adult mosquitoes can find shelter by cutting down weeds adjacent to the house foundation and in their yards, and mowing the lawn regularly.

On a daily basis check plants in your yard for mosquito breeding sites, keep vegetation properly trim, and avoid overgrown vegetation.

Check around construction sites or do-it-yourself improvements to ensure that proper backfilling and grading is realized to prevent drainage problems which can be a source for standing water.

When out during dusk and dawn hours, use mosquito repellent or wear proper clothing to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

An increase in the mosquito population puts all residents and businesses at risk. Call for information on the Aedes Aegypti mosquito breeding sites and respective preventive measures at 542-2078 or 542-3003 or visit the Facebook Collective Prevention Services or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Inform CPS about your challenges in eliminating mosquito breeding sites in and around your homes/establishments.

seaviewhoteldonatestomhf05122013CAY HILL:--- The Mental Health Foundation is the leading secondary Mental Health care provider on the Dutch side of St. Maarten and has been operational since 2006. MHF currently has 7 care products (Clinic Care, Crisis Management, Psychiatric Home Health Care, Faraja Centre, Guided Living Facility, Admission Ward, and Information and Prevention) and a team of administrators that work diligently for the Mental Health concerns of our community.

The Foundation has been very low on inventory lately and there was an urgent need for especially pillows, pillow cases, bed linen, towels, bathmats etc. Facilities intern Ruben Post from Holland (who is doing his internship at MHF for 5 months) came with the brilliant idea to send out a letter to all of the hotels and resorts on the island, explaining the current situation and asking if the hotels were in possession of items that could no longer be used for hotel guests, but can be of great use at the Foundation.

As a result of this letter, multiple reactions from almost all of the hotels came within days, and donations were picked up from the Belair Beach Resort, the Sea View Hotel, the Turquoise Shell Inn, and L'Esperance Hotel. Reactions from hotels also included that many already donated to the Red Cross, and items that MHF was not able to use, were also brought to the Red Cross. The Foundation would like to thank these hotels in particular for their generous donations and the donations provided helped us in providing healthcare and therefore improving the life of our patients.

As a message during the Thanksgiving weekend MHF would like to express their gratitude towards the people that help and support the Foundation and everyone is encouraged to, before throwing away any items, consider the option of donating things to parties or organizations that might still be able to make use of these things for a long time!

scalybreastedthrasher04122013GRAND CASE:--- Residents and visitors of all ages are invited to celebrate the wildlife of the island this Saturday at Birds & Bugs 2013. The event will take place on December 7th from 9am to noon at Loterie Farm on Pic Paradis. Birds & Bugs is a free, public Wildlife Discovery Event, created by Les Fruits de Mer for locals and tourists alike to get to know the captivating creatures and birds that make their home in the forest.

The event will offer a full array of activities designed and lead by naturalists, ecologists, and other wildlife aficionados. "It's a great opportunity to learn about local wildlife from experts," says Les Fruits de Mer President Jennifer Yerkes. "We'd like to welcome everyone to come out and enjoy the day, and explore one of the island's most beautiful and significant habitats!"

Bird specialists will lead birding tours of the forest, where event-goers can discover how to look and listen for resident and migratory bird species, practice bird-watching skills to use on future outings, and learn about the unique broadleaf forest environment. Tours will be guided by Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) Senior Biologist Adam Brown, professional birding guide Binkie van Es, and Ronald Pieters, the SXM administrator for the bird-spotting site Tours will leave regularly throughout the event and will be available in French, English, and Dutch. Attendees who plan to go on a birding tour are recommended to bring sturdy shoes, a water bottle and their own pair of binoculars if they have one. There will be some binoculars available for sharing on the tours.

Guests can find out about the birds of the broadleaf forest at the Bird Education Station hosted by Natalia Collier, President of EPIC. Since EPIC biologists have partnered with Loterie Farm for over a decade to study the health and diversity of birds in this rare habitat, these experts have a lot to share about the amazing little avians that live in this forest. Visitors can learn to recognize birds by their song at the bird-call listening station. Young birders can pick up a Junior Birdwatcher journal and activity book as well as free bird stickers and tattoos, thanks to support from the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance and BirdsCaribbean. Bird identification cards and t-shirts will be available for a donation to support conservation efforts.

The Bug Discovery Station will give adults and kids an unforgettable opportunity to get up-close and personal with a variety of the island's insects, spiders and other invertebrates. Live insects will be on display and guests will learn about their life cycles and other fascinating facts about these small animals and their role in the local ecosystem. The Bug Discovery Station will be hosted by Mark Yokoyama, Les Fruits de Mer co-founder and author of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of Saint Martin. Attendees can even get an ID on a mystery insect at the Bug Discovery Station's Bring Your Bug activity. "If you've got bugs or bug photos," says Yokoyama, "bring them along for identification at the Station!"

People of all ages can participate in the creative activities inspired by local wildlife and led by eco-artist Stephen Winkel, including coloring, sketching, and a craft. Younger kids will enjoy coloring and activity pages designed by local artists featuring island animals. Older children and adults can paint birdfeeders made from calabashes, which they can take home to attract birds throughout the year.

Birds & Bugs 2013 is made possible by the hard work and talent of over 40 volunteers, and the generous sponsorship of Calmos Café, Delta Petroleum, Island Global Yachting, Lagoon Marina and L'Esplanade Hotel.

Birds & Bugs 2013 is a co-production of the Les Fruits de Mer Association, EPIC, and Loterie Farm.

EPIC was founded in 2000 with the mission to protect the Caribbean environment through research and community-based action, and has conducted long-term studies on the birds of the island while working to raise awareness of bird conservation issues. EPIC biologists have partnered with Loterie Farm for over a decade to study the health and diversity of birds in this rare habitat.

Loterie Farm is a private nature reserve. The 54-hectare property includes broadleaf forest as well as the remains of historical buildings dating back to the 18th century. Loterie Farm safeguards the history and the environment while also sharing this unique site with the public. It is one of the most ecologically significant places on St. Martin, and has hosted a great deal of biological research, including ongoing studies of birds and other animals. Loterie Farm offers hiking and zip-lining as well as a gourmet restaurant, lounge, and spring-fed swimming pool.

Les Fruits de Mer is a non-profit association based in St. Martin whose core mission is to raise awareness about nature, culture, and sport. The organization carries out this mission through publications, an education program, and special public outreach events that entertain, inspire, and inform. The Association is currently accepting new member applications on its website,

For more information about Birds & Bugs 2013, visit or, and visit to learn more about EPIC.

cdeweeverwithaidsfoundationrepsandhivaidsprogrammemanagementteam04122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The HIV/AIDS Programme Management Team along with Minister of Health Cornelius De Weever announced on Wednesday that they have kicked off a joint awareness campaign starting on Wednesday to motivate and encourage persons living on the island to participate in free HIV testing.

Marhjie Troost, member of the HIV/AIDS Programme Management Team told reporters that St. Maarten was selected to be part of the PANCAP Improving Service Awareness Program. Troost said the project is a joint project between the French and Dutch side of the island. She said that one of the reasons St. Maarten was selected is because of the amount of people of different nationalities living on St. Maarten/St. Martin. The awareness campaign will be done in three languages which are English, Spanish, and Creole.
While the project kicked off last Friday, the organizers told reporters that there is no end date as to when the campaign will end. They said that the awareness project was sponsored by the German Corporation project funds. Troost refused to divulge how much monies St. Maarten/St. Martin obtained for the awareness which will take place throughout the island. Troost said HIV/AIDS has no borders and they felt the need to work hand in hand with the French side in order to make this campaign successful.

The HIV/AIDS Programme Management Team issued a strong call to the people of St. Maarten to do the HIV test since HIV/AIDS has no borders.

Angelique Pottier representative of the French St. Martin HIV group said that are more than happy to work for the first time with the Dutch side to tackle and bring awareness to the people of St. Maarten/St. Martin on HIV/AIDS.

Banners, posters, jingles, websites and other form of advertising will be used to enhance the awareness.

cdeweeversignsmouwithsheriffsecurity04122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Labor Cornelius De Weever along with representatives of the Department of Labor and the Management of Sheriff Security signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Wednesday where Sheriff Security would train persons between the ages of 18 to 35 to become security officers.

Minister De Weever said that his Ministry noticed that security companies are the ones that are requesting a large number of work permits. He said in order to eliminate this trend his Ministry has decided to start a pilot project where they will encourage Dutch citizens to train for a period of three months before they are given a job at Sheriff Security. Minister De Weever said only Tuesday night he was asked what his Ministry is doing to create jobs because the unemployment rate among the youths is very high. He said his Ministry has other projects running and while Sheriff Security is the first company to sign such an MOU with government, the intention is to do the same with other security companies and businesses.

Persons that are qualified after screening will obtain financial assistance from the Department of Social Affairs as they participate in the training at Sheriff Security. After the training period the trainees will be employed by Sheriff Security. Their first contract will be for a period of one year. During that first year security workers will start off with the minimum wage, Marketing Manager of Sheriff Security Peter Gittens told reporters.

Nicoma Groenenveldt Hickensen, policy advisor of the labor department said that registration will take place at the department of labor for the project but she could not say exactly when the registration would begin. Groeneveldt said that one of the main reasons the department of labor chose to do this project is to see how many locals or youths on St. Maarten are interested in becoming security officers.

Vensia Mathew HR Administrator of Sheriff Security said the company could hire as much as fifty new workers now but that is not their limit because Sheriff Security is a growing company and there is always need for more workers.

When asked if the intention is to weed out immigrant workers that are working for these security companies both the Minister and management of Sheriff Security said that they do not intend to lay off workers, instead they will not be requesting working permits for other immigrant workers. Minister De Weever explained that there is a policy in place to guide the work permit processing. He said persons that obtain working permits can only have that permit for a period three years, during that period of time the companies are supposed to be able to find local workers to fill the vacancy.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Inspection Department TEZVT - Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (LVV) that falls under the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications, which has to ensure that imported Christmas Trees – even though they may appear to be harmless, are free from insects and pests that could harm trees and vegetation on the island, is very pleased with the compliance by wholesalers who imports trees for the holiday season.

The Inspection Department reported on Tuesday that they have had total compliance from the business community along with their response to pre-sale inspection of the containers.

The inspection of containers has been better when compared to previous years. The department thanks the business community for their adherence and looks forward to their continued cooperation.

There are ordinances that regulate the importation of goods, and a permit is required in order to import Christmas Trees.

Wholesalers and retailers for each consignment must provide a phytosanitary certificate from the exporting country showing that the trees have been treated before they leave the exporting country.

To secure the permit, companies are required to submit an application for import along with a copy of the original pro forma invoice. When the trees arrive, the wholesaler/retailer has to notify the Department; and should present the original phytosanitary certificate and proof that the trees were treated with pesticide.

These various aspects have been successfully complied with and the department is very pleased. Prior to 10-10-10 this process was a responsibility of the former Netherlands Antilles Government.

The Inspection Department of TEZVT- Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (LVV) office is located in Tamarinde Steeg nr. 16 C, Philipsburg, in the Yellow Building. The office can be reached by calling 542-4509 or 542-4511 for further information.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), says the junction in the vicinity of the Cadastre and GEBE Distribution Building was to be open to the regular flow of traffic on Tuesday, according to information provided to the Minister by the contractor.

The junction between the Pondfill and the two GEBE buildings and Cannegieter Street remains closed for a few more days to allow the contractor to re-enforce that section of the road with concrete. This section should be open on Friday if the weather does not hinder the works in the meantime.

With respect to parents picking up their kids at the Oranje School, a Police Officer from the Philipsburg Bike Patrol is assisting with opening the section of the road between Oranje School and L'Escargot from 11:30am to 1:30pm to allow parents to pick up their kids at the school when the street is closed.

Front Street in the vicinity of L'Escargot is closed to vehicular traffic when there are several cruise ships in port.

migueldeweeveranddepartmentofeconomicaffairsstaff04122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Department of Economic Affairs has extended the opening hours for some businesses effective immediately. Gas stations on St. Maarten can open 24/7 effective immediately while barber shops and beauty parlors have until 11pm before closing their doors for business. Secretary General for the Department of Economic Affairs Miguel De Weever along with Head of the Department of Economic Affairs Lucy Gibbs Richardson told reporters on Wednesday that the department was asked to review their policy and in doing so they have decided to allow the above mentioned businesses to open for the extended hours. Gibbs Richardson said after a period of one year an evaluation will be conducted and if feasible then other businesses would get the same opportunity. Other businesses such as stores could also open for extended hours but they would have to submit a request at the Department of Economic Affairs for an exemption from the regular policy and if they are allowed to open they will be required to pay a small fee of Naf. 150.00 per year for the extended opening hours.

However, the Department of Economic Affairs announced that during the month of December all businesses on St. Maarten will be allowed to open until 11pm. This they said is to allow shoppers and visitors to do their extra shopping for the upcoming holiday season.

Another announcement that was made by the Head of the Business License Department Valya Pantophlet Lake is that the Minister of Economic Affairs just recently signed off on a policy which allows the head of the department to sign off on certain licenses. At the press conference on Wednesday, Pantophlet Lake signed off on the permit that would allow the Lions Club to hold their annual bingo. She said permits for events, vendors, and a few other licenses can be signed off by her, applicants have to submit their request 21 days before the event in order for the department to process their request. In the near future the Department of Economic Affairs will begin accepting applications for such licenses online.

HARBOUR VIEW:--- The Governor of Sint Maarten, His Excellency drs. Eugene. B. Holiday, today December 4, 2013, based on the Kingdom Decree of September 30, 2013, installed a steering committee to advise him on and oversee the execution of an independent inquiry into the integrity and proper functioning of the Government of Sint Maarten as required in a democratic state, governed by the rule of law. The aim of the inquiry is to, based on the findings from the assessment, make recommendations that add value to the functioning of the public administration.
The steering committee integrity inquiry, supported by a professional secretariat, has been established to ensure an independent, impartial and effective process. The committee members have extensive backgrounds and careers in law, public policy and good governance assessments across the Kingdom. The steering committee integrity inquiry is comprised of three members: Dr. Marten Oosting as chairman, Mr. Jaime Saleh and Mr. Miguel Alexander. Dr. M. Oosting is among others a former member of the Council of State of the Kingdom, former National Ombudsman in the Netherlands and a former professor in administrative law and public administration at the University of Groningen. Mr. J.M. Saleh is among others a former professor in constitutional law at the University of Utrecht, former Governor of the Netherlands Antilles and former Chief Justice of the Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. Finally, Mr. M. Alexander is among others a former Civil Law Notary in Curacao and a former member of the Council of Advice of the Netherlands Antilles. The secretariat is comprised of two secretaries, Mr. Peter Benschop and drs. Sidney Ricardo RA, with expertise in law, accountancy and public administration.
The steering committee integrity inquiry will advise Governor Holiday on the terms of reference for the integrity investigation, the selection of an independent organization that will execute the inquiry and on the findings and recommendations of the inquiry. Following Governor Holiday's engagement of an organization to conduct the inquiry, the steering committee integrity inquiry will be responsible for overseeing and directing the organization conducting the inquiry. In this regard it should be noted that it is the intention to engage an international accounting firm with experience and expertise in conducting integrity inquiries.
The purpose of the inquiry is threefold: to collect data and information for assessment based on integrity requirements in accordance with the rule of law in a democratic society, to report the findings from the assessment and finally to make recommendations that add value to the functioning of the public administration of Sint Maarten.
The scope of the inquiry, in keeping with the provisions of the Kingdom Decree of September 30, 2013, covers the government and includes ministers, the civil servants in the ministries and state owned companies. It focusses on vulnerable sectors such as prostitution, gambling and immigration as well as vulnerable activities such as permits for and the execution of infrastructural works and (other) large tenders. The organization executing the inquiry will handle all documents and information obtained during the inquiry prudently and confidentially, that includes taking all measures necessary to ensure the anonymity of the government officials and employees and all persons involved in the inquiry.
For completeness sake it should be noted that the inquiry is an integrity investigation and not a penal investigation. The inquiry is as such separate from any penal investigation being carried out by the Office of the Public Prosecutor.
The organization executing the inquiry will issue an interim progress report within three months and the final inquiry report of its findings and recommendations within six months of its engagement to the Governor. The process of the integrity inquiry will conclude with the presentation of the final report to the Kingdom Council of Ministers by Governor Holiday.
Further information and developments regarding the inquiry will be made public by the Governor through the Cabinet of the Governor.

Click here to view the Dutch Version of the Press Release

Press Release from the Cabinet of the Governor of St. Maarten

gracitaarrindellmeetswithabroekersknol03122013PHILIPSBURG:--- President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell last Thursday met with the President of the Dutch First Chamber of Parliament Hon. A. Broekers-Knol at her office in The Hague, the Netherlands.

President Arrindell and Chairlady Hon. Broekers-Knol discussed a number of issues related to developments on Sint Maarten as well as about the process that will take place on Tuesday, 3rd December in a meeting of the Dutch Parliament with respect to the appointment of Her Majesty Queen Maxima as Regent.

President Arrindell added that other issues were also discussed. It was also an introductory meeting between the two chairladies and Arrindell described the meeting as very pleasant and extended a meeting to her to visit Sint Maarten.

The First Chamber of the Dutch Parliament also referred to as the Senate has 75 members who are elected by the members of the twelve Provincial Councils. These elections are indirect where the voters elect the members of the Provincial Councils, who in turn elect the members of the Senate.

The Senate's main duties are in the legislative field, but it also plays a role in scrutinizing the actions of the Government. Formally the Senate can only reject or accept legislation.

Broekers-Knol has been Chairlady of the First Chamber since 2nd July 2013. From 2nd October 2001, the Chairlady has been a member of the First Chamber representing the Liberal Faction VVD.

Prior to that Broekers-Knol was director of the section Moot Court of the Judicial Faculty of the University of Leiden; a member of the Municipal Council of Bloemendaal; and was Chairlady of the Permanent Committee for Safety and Justice.

tzuchimeatlessfundraiser03122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Several persons pledged to reconsider consuming meat during the two Meatless Day events hosted by the St. Maarten Tzu Chi Foundation on November 24.

A total of 60 volunteers participated in the two fundraising events, which were held in commemoration of 'International Meatless Day' observed the following day on November 25. Both activities featured palate pleasing healthy meatless delicacies and were intended to show the public that meatless is magnificent in the hope that more persons go meatless.

The first event was a fundraising Meatless Day Take Away Food Sale held at the ACE School Building early in the day; while the second event was a Meatless Day Buffet and Informative Programme held at the St. Maarten Tzu Chi Foundation office in the evening hours. The St. Maarten Diabetes Foundation was on hand for the latter event to conduct free blood glucose and blood pressure testing prior to the start of the event.

There were some 50 guests at the informative programme, which featured a health awareness presentation, cooking demonstration, food tasting and buffet with an array vegetarian delicacies.

"Guests were very attentive and impressed with the message we wanted to bring across about going meatless," Tzu Chi Commissioner Sandra Cheung said about the informative programme.

Several persons pledged to go meatless on particular days while some pledged to refrain from consuming meat entirely.

"It was a pleasure to join the Tzu Chi team... It was a joy and the positive energy was everywhere," said Mercedes De Windt, a new Tzu Chi volunteer and long-time vegan, who also shared some of her special vegan treats at both events.

De Windt was particular happy to hear a young boy tell his parent that instead of turkey, he wanted vegan dishes for Christmas. "That was a nice heart warming compliment to us all," she noted.

"I believe we succeeded in getting the message across that eating meat is unhealthy and we have options," added volunteer Asha Yee-Fong. "The audience was very attentive and quiet when the information was being relayed and you could see from their reaction that they were eager to learn more."

In 1986, it was proposed that November 25, be celebrated as an International Meatless Day. The campaign has met with considerable success in that millions of individuals have pledged to go meatless on this day.

The Tzu Chi Foundation believes in the principles of eating meatless.

Tzu Chi Press Release

PHILIPSBURG:--- The high season has started. The many large cruise ships, mega yachts, and constant scheduled flights come to Sint Maarten at a greater extent this time of year. Based on experiences in the months of November to December of each year and the months of January/February of the following year, the Police Force of Sint Maarten again faces a new challenge, to mainly provide and ensure safety for the tourists and also the community of this country. The police has put a plan of action together regarding how to deal with this situation in the best manner possible.

The image of Sint Maarten in regard to the crime situation has the fullest attention of the police force. Cases involving criminal activities such as robberies, burglaries, break-ins, theft from cars, and violent crimes against tourists and citizens may occur and we will do our utmost to prevent this type of criminal acts from happening. The police department has identified several 'hotspots' and other known locations where tourists frequently visit and more focus will be put on these locations as a source of prevention. Also our focus will also be put on the shoplifters, pickpockets, hair braiders, and so-called 'chain snatchers'.

For the police this is every reason to have constant police presence and visibility. This situation calls for special attention and in our opinion, particularly during the final weeks of each year and the first weeks of the New Year. Tourism is the main source of income for country Sint Maarten and together we have to protect that. Along and in consultation with other partners in the justice chain such as Immigration and Naturalization Department (IND), the Voluntary Corps Sint Maarten (VKS), Customs Department, Coast Guard and Public Prosecutor's Office this plan of action will be executed.

In the overall approach by the police, special attention will be given to the gypsy taxi drivers who are providing illegal transportation for tourists and citizens as well. This point has been discussed with the Public Prosecutor's Office on how to best handle this situation.
The Head of Traffic, Inspector Benjamin Gout has been in talks with the different public transportation organizations exchanging information and making agreements in how to minimize traffic congestion during the very busy holiday season.

During this period, which is usually from November 15, 2013 through the early part of 2014, additional capacity (manpower) will be necessary to carry out this plan.

  • At all activities the focus will be on monitoring situations, enforcement of the laws and conducting of investigations;
  • Efforts will be maximized when cruise ships are in port and during the evening and night hours at locations where activities are planned;

The purpose of this plan of action is to:

  • Reduce the number of (robbery) robberies against tourists and the number of robberies general;
  • Reducing the number of 'chain snatching', shoplifting, loitering, and harassment, pickpockets, especially during the shopping nights;
  • Additional monitoring at hotels, restaurants and cafĂ©s;
  • Additional monitoring at stores in and outside the Philipsburg area;
  • The visible presence of the police;
  • Collecting information on a possible offender or group of offenders;
  • Tight maintenance of public order (reinforced controls on hotspot);

During these weeks of action, each day will be monitored by the management team to evaluate the current state of affairs and whether it is necessary to adjust the schedule or the approach. When there are more than two cruise ships in port Front Street and Back Street will be closed for motor vehicle traffic. All diversions and rerouting of traffic will be announced to the public in advance.
We are asking the general public to cooperate with the police department to make this Holiday Season a very safe one and to make good use of the Holiday Safety Tips provided by the Police Public Relation Department.


As part of the continuing efforts to provide a safe environment for holiday shoppers the Police Force of Sint Maarten has commenced their annual Holiday Task Force initiative and is without any doubt doing its utmost, to protect you, your family and your property, in combating crime and criminals. The Public Relations Office of the Sint Maarten Police Force is therefore offering the entire community, the following safety tips, to help them prepare against crime.
Remember the 3 A's of Crime Prevention:

  1. Be Aware of your surroundings at all times.
  2. Be Alert to suspicious people and vehicles.
  3. Avoid dangerous situations.

If you are out for the evening:

  • Turn on lights, radio or television so that it looks like someone is at home.
  • Lock all doors and windows well, even if you are just leaving for a few minutes.
  • Don't display items where they can be seen from the outside.
  • Don't Shop Alone. It's important to shop with a buddy; an extra pair of eyes helps.
  • Park your car in a well-lit area and make sure all windows, sunroof and doors are locked. If using an SUV Cover your gifts in your vehicle with a blanket.
  • Avoid carrying a large amount of cash. Don't flash cash around and carry it in a safe place on you.
  • If you have to use the ATM-machine, pay close attention to suspicious persons hanging around the machine. If that's the case pass up that machine and find another.
  • Carry all wallets in the front pockets and carry purses close to your body.
  • Keep your children close to you while attending any activities and don't let them get separated from you.
  • Pay attention to persons walking in front and behind you (especially in crowded places favorable for pickpockets).
  • When returning to your vehicle or your home, have your keys in your hands ready to open the door.
  • Before entering your vehicle, check front and rear and seats for any one that may be hiding there. Lock doors immediately after entering.
  •  Ask your neighbor to keep a watchful eye out for you.
  • Drinking and driving is a danger to everyone. Remember that the risks of drinking and driving are not worth it. If you choose to drink, don't drive. Make use of a designated driver or public transportation. (taxi or bus)
  • Make sure that you know where your kids are at all times and that they are safe.

Most of all on behalf of the Police force of Sint Maarten, through the Public Relations Office, "We wish the entire community of Sint Maarten and its visitors a very safe and meaningful Holiday Season."

KPSM Police Report

kidzatseamiltonpeterscollegesundialschoolsignmou03122013PHILIPSBURG:--- On November 27th, 2013, the General Director of Milton Peters College (MPC) and Sundial School, Mr. Wim de Visser and the Kidz at Sea Foundation, represented by Mr. Garth Steyn, signed a strategic Memorandum of Understanding to implement Build Your Future for 2014. The agreement outlines their collaboration on the Build Your Future Program to be implemented in both schools in 2014.

The Build Your Future Project started as a joint initiative of St. Maarten Marine Trades Association (SMMTA) and St. Maarten Sailing School. In 2013, Build Your Future was introduced in a limited scale "As part of the Work Experience Program (WEP) at MPC. During its first year, some of the 4th formers of Milton Peters College VSBO-PKL/PBL, Division Carpentry participated in building a small Norwegian-style boat known as a Skerry. The completed vessel was then showcased to the Netherlands Royal Couple during their recent visit to MPC on November 13th. Kidz at Sea Foundation, was then formally established to oversee and grow youth sailing programs on St. Maarten and with help of a generous grant from the SAMENWERKENDE FONDSEN they will be able to do just that.

The MOU states that a minimum of 3 vessels of the Skerry design will be built on the school campuses as part of the offered extracurricular activities; numerous students from each school will be trained as certified crew; and a select group of students will participate in the Heineken Regatta every year. The students will also participate in interscholastic competitions and sailing days in the lagoon on the Skerry vessels that they have built.
These projects have many goals, such as to improve the student's self-confidence, to teach practical team work and problem solving via project based learning; and to expose them to materials and techniques used in the marine industry and the job opportunities that are available there. The projects also teach them a sport that hopefully will become a part of their enjoyment for many years to come. In all aspects, the staff of both schools and Kidz at Sea will work together intensively in order to make it a big success.
Therefore MPC and Sundial thank Mr. Garth Steyn and Mrs. Lorraine Talmi, the directors of Kids at sea, for this great educational opportunity and the schools are looking forward to make these projects integral parts in education.

szvnotice28022011PHILIPSBURG:--- Recently there has been speculation that SZV has been changing the policy on medications and forcing its clients to accept these changes.
The laws relevant to the importation and distribution of medication are the "Landsverordening op de geneesmiddelenvoorziening (AB 2013, GT no. 749)"; the "Landsbesluit HAM ter uitvoering van art. 32 van de Landsverordening op de geneesmiddelenvoorziening (AB 2013, GT no. 225)"; the "Landsbesluit verpakte geneesmiddelen (AB 2013, GT no. 98)" and the "Landsbesluit HAM vergoeding kosten geneesmiddelen (AB 2013, GT no. 536)". These laws have been in place since 1960 with various adaptations taking place over the years during the time of the Netherlands Antilles and were executed by the then SVB. Since 10-10-10 these laws were adopted by Country St. Maarten and as such SZV is executing these laws accordingly. It should be noted that SZV does not create laws, this is the jurisdiction of Government. SZV only executes the law as established by Government.
In short, the Inspectorate of Public Health of country St. Maarten has a registration committee for pharmaceuticals in place that evaluate efficacy, quality and safety of all medications. By law all medications are supposed to be registered and persons need to have licenses and registration before they are able to import any medication. This means that all approved medications are safe for use by patients.
Once a medication is registered and available on the island, SZV covers the generic version of that medication. As was stated before, this system has always been in place and has not changed. The name brand versions of the (generic) medications will then no longer be covered by SZV - unless a valid medical indication is submitted by a health care provider that the client should receive the name brand medication.
A generic medication is drug product that is comparable to brand/reference listed drug product in dosage form, strength, route of administration, quality and performance characteristics, and intended use. These medications are mostly marketed under its chemical name without advertising. Generic medications are subject to the regulations of the governments of countries where they are dispensed. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), generic medications are identical or within an acceptable bioequivalent (= a value indicating the rate at which a substance enters the bloodstream and becomes available to the body) range to the brand-name counterpart with respect to pharmacokinetic (what the body does to the medication) and pharmacodynamics (what the medication does to the body) properties. Therefore, generics are considered (by the FDA) identical in dose, strength, route of administration, safety, efficacy, and intended use.

The SZV urges clients to execute their rights and inquire with their family Physician and/ or Pharmacists when in doubt about medications or any other form of treatment. An informative pamphlet will soon be available to all SZV clients at the medical windows, explaining in detail what are generic and brand medications.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Board of the Windward Islands Teachers Union (WITU) and the Board of the Anguilla Teachers Union (ATU) have joined forces and will be hosting the Caribbean Union of Teachers (CUT) Executive Meeting on December 5 at Maho Resort in St. Maarten and on December 6, 2013 in The Valley, Anguilla.

You are cordially invited to the opening at 9:00am on December 5, at Maho Resort.
The Caribbean Union of Teachers is over 75 years old. The CUT views teachers as an integral part of the working people who constitute the majority of Caribbean society. As such, it recognizes the need for teachers and teachers' organizations. It further recognizes teachers as professionals who must work relentlessly to improve professional standards and who must show commitment to students, community and education.
In 1999, the CUT and Education International (EI) entered into an agreement, under which the CUT became an autonomous body within the structure of EI. The CUT is thus the recognized representative body for teachers in the Caribbean. Both organizations have collaborated on a number of programmes and projects in the region which have benefited teachers and their representative organizations.
The CUT is one of the finest examples of regional integration in the Caribbean. It has managed to harness the collective wisdom from a membership that extends from Bermuda in the north to Suriname in the south and Belize in the west. The CUT has been striving to create a united voice on teachers' issues across the Caribbean.

Teachers' unions/organizations from the following countries are members of CUT:

  • Anguilla
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Bermuda
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Dominica
  • Grenada
  • Guadeloupe
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Jamaica
  • Martinique
  • Montserrat
  • Nevis
  • St. Croix
  • St. Kitts
  • St. Lucia
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Suriname
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • St. Maarten

randallfriday03122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Detective Department is working overtime to try and find the culprit that shot Dr. Randall Friday as he was walking towards his medical clinic at the Yogesh Building last Wednesday.

Dr. Friday is currently receiving medical care at a hospital in Miami where is health is improving. Father of the shooting victim Leo Friday told SMN News on Tuesday that his son is doing much better medically. He said Dr. Friday is still in the intensive care unit where he is receiving the best possible care. The elderly Friday said when the shooting occurred he was off island and his first priority was to get his son off island in order for him to get the medical attention he needs.

As for the investigation, Leo Friday said that despite the fact that several persons were at the scene of the shooting police is nowhere close to finding the culprit that shot Dr. Friday twice from behind. Leo Friday said that the police is working extremely hard to solve the case but one of the things that is hindering the investigation is that people who saw the shooting are not coming forward to assist the police with information. Leo Friday said the shooting was captured on tape, however, the police is guarding that tape close to their chest. Friday said that at some point the police would have to release the tape so that the people of St. Maarten could identify the culprit whom he said was well dressed.

Chief of Police Peter de Witte also confirmed that the police is working hard on finding the person that shot Dr. Randall Friday. De Witte said his men are interviewing people all the time and each time they get a tip they work on the information they got. The shooting of Dr. Randall Friday is given full priority and the men in blue are doing all they can to find the shooter. De Witte also issued an appeal to the public especially those persons that were at Yogesh Building last Wednesday when the shooting took place to come forward with whatever information they have so that the suspect can be captured. The top cop said he is very hopeful that this case will soon be solved because the police are working hard on finding the culprit.

mauricelakeandstakeholdersatlittlebaydiviintersection03122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake has already discussed with stakeholders such as the Traffic Department and Ministry VROMI to come up with solutions related to the Little Bay road intersection leading to Divi Little Bay Resort, which has been the scene of two accidents within a short space of time with one leading to a death.

Minister Lake along with traffic department officers, Ministry VROMI representatives and management from Divi Little Bay Resort paid a site visit on Monday morning to the Little Bay/Divi intersection to review the draft plans that were developed such as a temporary plan of action leading to a public/private partnership to make the intersection safer for motorists.

Some of the actions to be taken are: traffic stop signs to be installed; no left turn signage along with text and road marking lines while coming out of Divi Little Bay Resort unto the main road; no right turn from direction Belair to Divi Little Bay Resort; placement of speed reduction traffic signs, are some of the immediate measures to be taken. Hotel guests will be asked to drive down to Sonesta Great Bay Resort and turn around in that area and make the track back to Divi Little Bay Resort.

The long-term public/private partnership between the Government and Divi Little Bay Resort will be of an infrastructure nature to be worked on during the off season which entails the construction of a bypass details of which have to be further worked out.

"I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the family and friends of the road traffic fatality that took place on November 19 at the Little Bay/Divi intersection in connection with their loss. I also wish a speedy recovery to the driver of a scooter that had an accident on November 29 at the same intersection," Minister Lake said on Monday.

The Minister is also urging all motorists to drive with caution and to adhere to traffic signs and speed limits within the borders of the country.

Worldwide, an estimated 1.2 million people are killed in road crashes each year and as many as 50 million are injured. Projections indicate that these figures will increase by about 65 per cent over the next 20-years unless there is a new commitment to prevention.

"Every day around the world, more than 3000 people die from road traffic injury. Men, women, children, walking or biking, riding to school or work, will never return home leaving behind sadness within families and communities.

"I am appealing to all motorists this holiday season to pay keen attention to traffic signs/speed limits and observe these according to the traffic rules of the country. Pay keen attention to other motorists, the time to act is now.

"Road safety is no accident, watch out for bikers, scooter riders and those jogging. Don't rush to get to your destination, take your time and you will get there in a safe manner," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake appealed to motorists on Monday.

Road traffic injuries are a growing public health issue. Road traffic crashes and injuries are preventable according to a joint World Health Organization (WHO)/World Bank report entitled "World report on road traffic injury and prevention," that was compiled with the assistance of over 100 experts, from all continents and different sectors – including transport, engineering, health, police, education and civil society.

An established set of interventions have contributed to significant reductions in the incidence and impact of road traffic injuries. These include the enforcement of legislation to control speed and alcohol consumption, mandating the use of seatbelts and crash helmets, and the safer design and use of roads and vehicles, according to the aforementioned report.

A reduction in road traffic injuries can contribute to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) that aim to halve extreme poverty and significantly reduce child mortality.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake as shareholder representative of GEBE utility company would like to congratulate the 37 employees of the company on the three islands that GEBE provides service too on completing their training.

"You must give Jack his jacket. Congratulations to the GEBE employees on behalf of the Council of Ministers who have successfully completed training for high tension and low tension.

"I am strongly behind the upgrading of the skills of our people. Human resources are the key components to any business operation. If those are not well kept the business won't succeed. One can compare a business to a car engine. If the parts (employees) are not taken care of, the car will break down.

"The same analogy can be applied to a business. I commend GEBE management for organizing the course for their staff and to continue to develop the company's human resources. This also applies to other business operations on the island as well.

"As country Sint Maarten, our most important resource is the workers, and we must continue to upgrade our employees and compensate them well in order to achieve improved productivity. As a company grows the employees should also grow as well," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday.

The course entailed Electrical Operating Procedures and the employees received an Electrical Certification card.

Minister Lake added that he understands the importance of safety on the job and deems it necessary for technical personnel to get training in this specific area.

"We need to train and develop our own and provide them with the skills for them to execute their job in a safe and efficient manner, and the National Institute of Professional Advancement will play a key role in bringing this forth," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake concluded on Monday.

martinwilson03122013MARIGOT:--- Professor Martin Wilson was inducted simultaneously into Kappa Delta Pi and Golden Key International Honor societies for his accomplishments. Kappa Delta Pi and Golden Key International societies are ranking organizations that recognize excellence among peers in Education. Professor Wilson just recently obtained his doctorate degree in Education, officially giving Professor Wilson the title of Dr. Martin E. Wilson, a teacher at the Collège on French Saint Martin Dr. Wilson also taught French at the University of Saint Martin for a period of six years. Dr. Martin Wilson is the youngest son of Mrs. Marie Germaine Hodge of French Quarter and the late Raphael Wilson of St. Peters.

Memberships of Kappa Delta Pi and Golden Key International societies are open only to the top 15 percent of those entering the education field worldwide. Kappa Delta Pi is the most prestigious honor society in the education field and Golden Key is the world's largest collegiate honor society. Dr. Wilson studied in France and in the United States and obtained his Doctorate degree with highest distinction. His Doctoral Dissertation is entitled "Les relations entre la maîtrise du Français et la réussite scolaire des élèves de Saint Martin" or The Relationship between Proficiency in French and Academic Achievement for Students in Saint Martin. His research study employed a quantitative, correlational design with hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis.
martinwilsonbooks03122013An in-depth analysis of Education on the French side of Saint Martin was conducted. Dr. Wilson analyzed the influence of languages used in the performance of students, holistic education, language conflicts and educational policies in the French overseas territories. His study made a significant contribution to the understanding of the influence of proficiency in French on the academic achievement of students in Saint Martin, an area that is not well-represented in literature. This knowledge should enable educators to better assess and meet the language learning needs of students and help schools in assisting students to graduate. His work also helped to determine if there was a causal relationship between multilingualism and high or low student achievement. The examination of multilingualism and academic achievement was based on student records, psycholinguistics studies, neurolinguistics research, and cognitive language theory and research. Dr. Wilson is the first Saint Martiner to conduct such studies. His published dissertation will be available on Saint Martin in February 2014.

SMN News extends hearty congratulations to Doctor Martin E. Wilson on his recent achievement.

tzuchifoundationvisitsseniors02122013ST. JOHNS:--- Fifteen volunteers of the St. Maarten Tzu Chi Foundation spread some early Christmas cheer to clients of the St. Martin's Home in St. Johns with a visit to pamper and entertain the elderly on Sunday, December 1.

Outfitted in their Tzu Chi jackets and uniforms, the volunteers, nine of whom are new to the foundation, visited the home mid-afternoon Sunday and showered the clients with a "royal treatment" of a therapeutic and relaxing massage, a fresh coat of nail polish (for the ladies) and entertaining performances.

A group of volunteers performed a special Indian dance to attentive clients. There was also a sign language performance and a simple exercise session to get clients moving and fit. The elderly seemed very happy and appreciative of the visit and the special early Christmas treat.

Sunday's event was part of the Foundation's monthly visit to the Home to pamper and spend quality time with the senior citizens, who have already toiled to pave the way for the current generation. Tzu Chi believes in giving back to the community and volunteers are always grateful for the opportunity to show love and affection to the elderly. Volunteers look forward to each visit.

The next visit will be on January 1, 2014, when an extensive programme will be delivered and New Year's gifts presented to the residents. This too is an annual exercise for the foundation to usher in the New Year by spending time with the elderly.

Tzu Chi Press Release

POINTE BLANCHE:--- At approximately 6:00am on Monday December 2nd, 2013, a Philipsburg police patrol was sent to the Tamarind Hotel in Pointe Blanche to investigate a case of an injured man lying on the ground on the premises of that hotel. On the scene the investigating officers noticed that the man in question was a security guard from Rangers Security working the night shift at that establishment. The officers also noticed that he was bleeding from several severe wounds to his head and he was not responding when the officers tried get his attention by calling out to him. Two witnesses stated that they found the security guard on the parking lot when they were leaving the hotel, however had not seen what happened. The area was immediately sealed of and treated as a crime scene. The Detective, Forensic Department and paramedics were immediately informed of the incident. The victim was treated on the scene by paramedics and then transported to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for further treatment. The Detectives and Forensic Department are busy questioning witnesses and collecting evidence to be able to determine what happened and who the possible suspect or suspects are. The victim has not given a statement as yet due to his medical condition. The investigation is ongoing.

KPSM Police Report

PHILIPSBURG:--- In connection with the ongoing investigation regarding the shooting of Dr. R. Friday which took place on Wednesday November 27th, 2013 around 9:00am on the premises of the Yogesh Building on the A.J.C. Brouwers road, the Detective Department is asking the general public for their assistance. The Detective Department is asking anyone who was in the vicinity of that building between the hours of 8:45am and 9:20am and who around that time may have seen a vehicle leaving the parking lot of that building or a vehicle leaving the immediate area at high speed to call the Detective Department at 54-22222 ext. 222-224 or call the tip line 9300. This information is very important to the investigation.

KPSM Police Report

GREAT BAY:--- Minister of Public Health, Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever has approved the indexation of the minimum wage as of January 1, 2014. In keeping with his Decent Work Policy, Minister De Weever believes that a balanced approach is needed when dealing with issues of the labour market.
This is the second time during his tenure that Minister De Weever has indexed the minimum wage. The minimum wages were indexed as per January this year with 4.7% to become Naf. 8.33 per hour for all workers 21 years and older based on a 40 hour workweek.
As of January 2014 the hourly minimum wage will be indexed with 2.8% and will thus become Naf. 8.56 per hour for all workers 21 years and older based on a 40 hour workweek.
The present decision of the Minister to once more index the minimum wages is based on the minimum wage legislation which call for an annual indexation of the minimum wage unless special circumstances dictate otherwise. The Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor has the authority to index the minimum wage based on article 13, paragraph 1 of the Landsverordening minimumlonen. In accordance with this provision, the minister may, if the statistics provided by the Bureau of Statistics (STAT) indicate that the consumer price index (CPI) figure for August of the current year, compared with the figure for August of the preceding year has changed, establish a new minimum hourly wage.
This is not an increase in, but an adjustment to the minimum hourly wage, based on the increase in the consumer price index (CPI). Minister De Weever points out that prior to his efforts to help maintain or at least prevent the purchasing power of the working man and woman minimum wage earner from decreasing, no indexation has taken place since 2008.
Minister De Weever consulted with the Social Partners in the Tripartite committee prior to have taken this decision.

wallyhavertongchecksabingocard02122013PHILIPSBURG:--- This year the Lions Club of St. Maarten will break from its traditional venue Celebration Palace to host the annual Christmas Bingo at the Festival Village this Saturday December 7th. Taking into account the increase in demand by the general public to partake in this major fundraising activity – where proceeds are used to fund numerous community projects on the island, the decision was taken to move to a larger venue to accommodate the increase of participants over the past years.

Lion Sunil Khatnani Committee Chairman Stated: "Preparations for the Annual Lions Christmas Bingo Spectacular are well underway and bingo tickets can be purchased from any of our fellow Lion Members or at the Lions Civic Center in Sucker Garden. The price per ticket has remained the same: $10.- or ANG 20.- and it entitles you to one bingo card. There will be numerous chances to win prizes, including: Overloaded Christmas Baskets, Airline Tickets to Europe and the Caribbean, Dinners for two at participating restaurants, and the grand door prize of Santa's Bag as well.
For all those who enjoy hearing Lion Wally Havertong sound-off the numbers while asking if anybody bingo, we encourage you to purchase your tickets on time and arrive on time as the bingo games are slated to begin at 8pm sharp at the Festival Village. The Dow's Musical Foundation youth section will entertain the public from 7pm-8pm with Steelband Christmas music," concluded Lion Sunny.

The Lions Club of St. Maarten admits that this is one of the most loved signature projects that the club holds on annual basis. The Lions Bingo is not only a fun game for the entire family and close friends, it also offers opportunities to win prizes which are in tune with what a winner would need during the Christmas Season, and even more so, it is the most dear project to the club because the proceeds are used to touch so many in our community that require assistance throughout the Lionistic year. The community at large is welcome and the club is in full gear to ensure that this event is enjoyed by all this Saturday at the Festival Village.

bobwit02122013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Honorable Mr. Justice Jacob Wit, who is President of the Constitutional Court of Sint Maarten and a Member of the Caribbean Court of Justice in Port-of-Spain, will preside over the independent Public Administration Integrity Committee, which was established by the Sint Maarten Government earlier this month. Deputy Chairperson of the Committee will be Mrs. Rieke Samson-Geerlings, a former Procurator-General of the Netherlands.

The Committee, furthermore consisting of Mr. Ronald Bandell (former Lord Mayor of Dordrecht), Mr. Jan Beaujon (member of the Council of Advice of Sint Maarten and a former banker), Mr. Richard Gibson sr. (a senior lawyer and former Minister of the Netherlands Antilles) and retired Lieutenant-General Mr. Dick van Putten (former Commander of the 'Koninklijke Marechaussee'), has already commenced preparatory work and will hold its first meetings in Sint Maarten from Monday 16 December until Friday 20 December, 2013.

riekesamsongeerlings02122013This week the President of Parliament, the Members of the Council of Ministers and a number of governmental bodies will receive a letter in which they will be asked to name a senior contact person for the Secretary of the Committee and to inform the Committee in writing of all measures taken by them since October 2010 to promote integrity in general and more specifically in their own organization or to indicate which integrity issues they have encountered so far in the course of their activities. This information will form a starting point for the December meetings.

During its first meeting on Sint Maarten the Committee will also decide on how to involve the general public. The idea of a confidential hotline where citizens can give their views and can report alleged integrity problems is one of the options being studied now.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake acknowledges Tuesday, 3rd December as International Day of Persons with Disabilities under the theme, "Break Barriers, Open Doors: for an inclusive society and development for all."

Over one billion people, or approximately 15 per cent of the world's population, live with some form of disability. Around the world, persons with disabilities face physical, social, economic and attitudinal barriers that exclude them from participating fully and effectively as equal members of society.

"On this day we should celebrate the contributions made by persons with disabilities as agents of change and development in the communities wherever they live.

"We recently hosted the Physically Challenged & Wheelchair Tennis Tournament initiated by Top Promotion Foundation and executed by Top Promotion Committee Be Able. At the same time they created awareness in order to break barriers and open doors. My Ministry is working to implement disability-sensitive policies.

"I am a proponent for removing all types of barriers, and to realize the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in society and shape the future of development for all, both as beneficiaries and agents," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday, on the eve of the international day.

Minister Lake has instructed his Ministry VROMI to review the building code and draft regulations that would lead to future projects having facilities and access that are 'disable friendly' to persons with a disability.

"I would like to see an accessibility audit carried out with respect to the infrastructure of government facilities, semi-government companies, organizations and institutions. We need to start somewhere and government must start from within and play a leading role by making our buildings more accessible for the physically disabled and senior citizens.

"As a man of action, I have already informed my Ministry to start advising any new developer of large buildings or new infrastructure to start putting in their plan accessories for the disabled and senior citizens," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake pointed out on Monday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake announces that the second public consultation related to the drafting of development plans for Over the Pond and Sucker Garden areas will be held on December 12.

The public consultation will take place Thursday, December 12 at 7:00pm at University of St. Martin, Philipsburg.

The process of the preparation of zoning plans in the format of public consultations is cardinal for the preparation of the aforementioned that meet the needs and expectations of the community of Sint Maarten, and specifically those of the important stakeholders such as the neighborhood community councils, home owners associations and other entities that serve a role in voicing the concerns of residents within the neighborhoods.

"This is a follow-up public consultation and the input of the community is considered paramount in this process and in order for the right choices to be made. The people have to have a say by giving their views with respect to the spatial development of the country," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday.

The aforementioned plans will guide the future spatial development of the country where it relates to government and private land.

The town hall meeting process is part of process of drafting of development plans/ "zoning plans" for country Sint Maarten which was initially started back in the first quarter of 2012 under former Minister of VROMI Theo Heyliger.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that the upcoming road closures at the Simpson Bay Causeway Round-a-bouts on the Airport side (West) and the Round-a-bout (East) along the Union Road, Cole Bay near the border, is related to the application of thermoplast road markings and installation of the concrete centre guardrail.

The main road (Airport Road) leading to the airport and Maho Reef and to Simpson Bay from the aforementioned, and from Cole Bay to Marigot and vice versa, will be CLOSED for approximately eight (8) hours to facilitate the application of road markings on the main roads that connect to the round-a-bouts.

Road Closure: Cole Bay-Marigot/Marigot-Cole Bay

There will be no through-traffic on the Union Road from the entrance to Port de Plaisance to Marigot and vice versa.

Tuesday, December 03-Wednesday, December 04, 10:00pm to 6:00am.

The road will be re-opened at 6:00am on Wednesday, December 04 for motorized traffic. Motorized traffic will be able to use part of the round-a-bout.

Road Closure: Simpson Bay-Airport/Airport-Simpson Bay

There will be no through-traffic from the juncture of Airport Road and Patientia Road to the Princess Juliana International Airport and vice versa.

Wednesday, December 04-Thursday, December 05, 10:00pm to 6:00am

The road will be re-opened at 6:00am on Thursday, December 05 for motorized traffic. Motorized traffic will be able to use part of the round-a-bout.

Motorists are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Baby Wellness Clinic will be closed on Friday, 06th December.

The closure of the clinic is in connection with customer service training.

The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

For additional information you can call: 543-2070 or 543-2071.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), says that he is working on some traffic relief measures to ease holiday season congestion in and around Philipsburg especially during the afternoon hours.

Minister Lake on Monday said that he will work with his colleague Minister of Justice Hon. Dennis Richardson with respect to having police officers assist with the traffic flow in Philipsburg.

Minister Lake will also contact GEBE and Windward Roads Infrastructure to speed up civil works at the junction by the GEBE Distribution Building and at the Cadastre Office and have it completed by Thursday, 5th December.

The Minister is also looking at opening up the ring road for traffic from the area of the former RIMA now Blue Point down to the former Van Dorp location which is now a Chinese grocery store.

Parking on the ring road is already available and the Minister is encouraging motorists to utilize this area while they go about their holiday shopping.

annualthanksgivingandlightingceremony01122013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip turned on the lights at the Government Administration Building on Sunday afternoon during the Annual Thanksgiving and Lighting Ceremony that took place at the Clem Labega Square under the theme "In Everything Give Thanks" that took place at 5:00pm. The event was organized in collaboration with St. Maarten Christian Council, the St. Maarten United Ministerial Foundation and the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Sports Tourism Council (STC) St. Maarten will welcome the Executive Vice President of the Chicago White Sox Kenny Williams to St. Maarten on 12 December to explore sports tourism opportunities for the destination. This is seen as a significant development by the STC.

A very important person's (VIP) reception is being planned for the arrival of Williams which is to include invitees from government and the private sector. Williams is representing the Chicago White Sox Major League Baseball Organization. The owner of Chicago White Sox Club also owns the Chicago Bulls franchise.

STC St. Maarten according to Board Secretary Reggie Plaisir has a detailed itinerary in place for Williams and his fiancé which includes a VIP dinner, a tour of the country's sports facilities among other venues The itinerary also includes a talent workout at the John Cooper Jose Lake Ballpark on December 14. Plaisir says only top prospects will be allowed to participate from Aruba, Dominican Republic, Florida, and St. Maarten.

Sports Tourism Consultant and Executive Board Member of STC Reggie Plaisir met Kenny Williams last August at the Annual MLB Civil Rights Game held in Chicago. At the luncheon Plaisir extended an invitation to Kenny Williams to visit the Friendly Island.

Williams will stay at Sonesta Maho Reef Hotel & Casino for five nights complimentary by the aforementioned hotel.

Kenny Williams is a former outfielder in Major League Baseball. He was selected by the White Sox in the 3rd round of the 1982 amateur draft. Williams made his debut in 1986. In November 1992, Williams rejoined the White Sox organization as a scout. He became the team's director of minor league operations in 1995. In 1997, he was named Vice President of player development, a position in which he remained until 2000.

On October 26, 2012, Kenny Williams was promoted to Executive Vice President of the Chicago White Sox.

The Sports Tourism Council (STC) Sint Maarten Foundation has been structured to attract annual sports events to the island and to stimulate economic development. STC Sint Maarten seeks to develop triathlon event, marathon, cycling tour, youth basketball tournaments, softball tournaments, indoor slot model car racing, a kickboxing event, celebrity games, cricket tournaments, baseball tournaments, soccer tournament and other sports related events.

For those requiring additional information about the Sports Tourism Council, you can call 522-2828 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Parents with girls aged nine and 10-years are invited by the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour, Youth Health Care, to an information session about the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine.

Parents with girls in the aforementioned age range attending the following primary school should attend: Hillside Christian School, St. Dominic Primary, Prins Willem Alexander, Ruby Labega, Sister Magda, Learning Unlimited, ACE, and Victory Christian Academy.

The information session is being held at the St. Dominic's High School in South Reward from 7:15pm to 8:15pm on Tuesday, December 3.

Youth Health Care falls under the Collective Prevention Services (CPS) and is responsible for the National Vaccination Program. The program is designed to prevent the country's children and population from vaccine preventable diseases.

In September the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour introduced the HPV vaccine.

HPV causes cervical cancer which is the second most common cancer in women worldwide. In 2008, there were an estimated 529,000 new cases and 274,000 deaths due to cervical cancer. HPV viruses are common throughout the world.

Although most infections with HPV cause no symptoms, persistent genital HPV infections can cause cervical cancer in women. Two HPV vaccines are now being marketed in many countries throughout the world.

Both vaccines are highly efficacious in preventing infection and are also highly efficacious in preventing pre-cancerous cervical lesions caused by the viruses. The primary target group in most of the countries recommending HPV vaccination according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is young adolescent girls.

Data from clinical trials conducted in several continents show that the vaccines to be safe according to the WHO.

For additional information you can call Youth Health Care at: 543-2070 or 543-2071.

gracitaarrindellmeetswithanouchkavanmiltenburg01122013PHILIPSBURG:--- President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell last Thursday met with the President of the Dutch Second Chamber of Parliament Hon. Anouchka van Miltenburg at her office in The Hague, the Netherlands.

President Arrindell described the meeting as pleasant where a number of issues were discussed since the country achieved its status on 10-10-10. Arrindell also signed the guestbook of the Second Chamber and presented a gift on behalf of the Parliament of Sint Maarten.

"I stressed during our meeting on the importance of communication via telephone, video conferencing and in person especially in particular during times of misunderstandings which places a strain on relations. At the moment many comments are made via the media.

"We need to discuss and find solutions to the issues we are faced with as representatives of our respective constituents," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Sunday.

Second Chamber of Parliament President Hon. A. van Miltenburg has never visited Sint Maarten and President Arrindell has extended an invitation to her to visit as soon as she is able to.

President Van Miltenburg became chairperson of the Dutch Second Chamber on 25 September, 2012, and has been a Member of the Dutch Parliament since 2003.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary session of Parliament is scheduled for December 03 regarding the minimum wage on Sint Maarten.

The public plenary session is set for Tuesday at 2:00pm in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The first agenda point is incoming documents; followed by the second agenda point about the minimum wage.

This meeting was requested by the National Alliance (NA) faction in parliament, namely Member of Parliament Hon. Dr. Lloyd Richardson, MP Hon. Hyacinth Richardson, MP Hon. Louie Laveist, MP Hon. William Marlin, MP Hon. George Pantophlet, and Independent MP Hon. Frans Richardson.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

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