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PHILIPSBURG:--- Based on ongoing dry and hot weather the island has been experiencing and based on water quality sampling conducted by the St. Maarten Nature Foundation it has been decided to issue an alert concerning the medium to high potential for a Tilapia fish die off in the Great Salt Pond.

The Nature Foundation has tested the water quality in the Great Salt Pond and has measured a decrease in oxygen levels and an increase in salinity due to the ongoing weather conditions. These factors coupled with the large amount of introduced and invasive tilapia in the Great Salt Pond have made conditions favorable for a tilapia die-off event.
The Nature Foundation has sent its recommendations to the necessary governmental departments and will continue to monitor the situation as it develops. As of Tuesday, April 29th there have been no dead or dying tilapia recorded.
The Nature Foundation will issue updates as the situation develops.

PHILIPSBURG:--- During this carnival period the Prosecutors Service acts firmly against people who misbehave. The two men (18 and 21 years old), who were arrested with a machete during Jouvert Morning Jump Up have spent a number of days in pretrial detention and will have to appear in Court on June 19, 2014. Further, a man who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, was arrested for destruction of a window of a parked car. This man was taken into pretrial detention as well and is also summoned for the so called carnival-court hearing on June 19, 2014.
Usually the date of the court hearing lies further away from the day of arrest. Given the importance of a festive carnival, the Prosecutors Service created space in the court hearings schedule to make it possible to prosecute suspects of crimes committed during carnival sooner.
The Prosecution emphasizes that it is an offense to carry a knife or other weapon, especially on public roads. During a crowded carnival this is a major safety risk. The Prosecutors Service will continue a strict policy the coming week.

Press Release from the Public Prosecutors Office

As of the 1st April, pensioners are now being charged USD45 to view their favorite television programs supplied by Statia Cable TV. For the last few years, this provider has maintained fees at USD30 for local residents over the age of 65. But such a spike in the cost of viewing has not been welcomed by the Island's increasing number of senior citizens.
I am one such pensioner who thinks that the television cable provider has gone too far. It is pure profiteering. The cable company thinks it has a monopoly like Winair to jack-up fees when it wants for its customers. My pension has only risen by three percent this year but the new owners of the cable company have hiked up their charges by 50 per cent. So much for their community spirit! They put profit before pensioners. They are cashing-in by exploiting those who are often the poorest and most vulnerable members of our island society.
But for many of these retired people, television is often the main source of enjoyment. This move for money is not only greedy but also amounts to age discrimination. Typically, the elderly do not have the skills to switch over to internet based alternatives. Statia Cable TV has not taken into account the law of diminishing returns. When I complained about the new charge at the TV cable office, I was greeted with dismissive arrogance and loud rudeness. This is how they reward long standing and thus loyal customers.
Switch-off and switch-over
I understand that Eutel is planning to launch an alternative and cheaper television service next year. If that is the case, many households including pensioners will switch-off and switch-over. You can use your television remote control to choose the channel but common sense controls where you shop for your signal. Many television screens on Statia will go out as the poorest section of the Island's society dumps the costly fable cable. From now on, I shall refuse to pay the TV fee and I will use my PC for news and views.
Owners of the cable company are Saba Communications N.V. However, viewers on Saba are only charged USD 30. Nevertheless, the cable provider is 'shooting itself in the foot'.
Consumers on Saba are also not satisfied with the same cable company on that island. Many households have replaced their local cable provider through the purchase of a dish and decoder. The general consensus is that the cable service leaves much to be desired. To date there seems to have been no significant change: blocks still pop-up on the screen asking for the consumer to pay his or her bill, while the consumer is paid up!
Many folks on the island of Saba have been criticizing the cable TV management and rightly so. The service is less than acceptable and immediate improvement is required or many more will turn their back on the local cable service provider. They will seek an alternative to view their favorite programs and to remain up-to-date with world and regional news!
Searching questions about the cable TV and their concession are expected to be asked at the next open public Central Committee Meeting on St. Eustatius.

James Russell

Dear Editor,

The timing of the 26 March UNESCO CARIBE WAVE/LANTEX 2014 third earthquake/tsunami exercise was held a week before Chile's 8.2 earthquake that triggered a six foot tsunami. 24 hours later a 7.6 magnitude earthquake was reported. The first earthquake/tsunami left six people dead, destroyed 2,600 houses and led to mass evacuations of coastal areas. Nearly one million people were evacuated across Chile after a tsunami warning was issued.

In 1960 an area of Chile was hit by a 9.5 magnitude quake which caused over 1600 deaths and a tsunami that traveled across the Pacific Ocean all the way to Hawaii and Japan.

Country Sint Maarten is also at risk for a tsunami caused by an earthquake or underwater volcanic eruption, and hence, the country should be prepared for such an eventuality including the continuity of governance in such a natural disaster event which could even be worse than the 1995 hurricane Luis.

Training exercises are very important and at the same time, preparing the nation for such an eventuality. Today's thinking is not when it will happen, it's how prepared are we? Are we planning for such an eventuality?

The level of participation in the tsunami warning exercise on March 26 in the Caribbean was unprecedented compared with similar exercises in 2011 and 2013. It reflects the commitment of the countries concerned and a growing awareness of the tsunami threat in the region.

A total of 31 Member States (UNESCO) and 16 of the territories in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions participated. In addition, 230,000 people participated in the test, a 75 per cent increase compared to 2011 and 300 per cent more than in 2013.

Two scenarios were developed for the exercise this year. The first simulated a tsunami generated by an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.5 on the Richter scale originating 270 km in the South West of Portugal in the Atlantic Ocean. This scenario was modeled after an actual earthquake and tsunami that occurred on 1 November 1755. This tsunami devastated Lisbon, Portugal and also affected the coasts of Spain, North Africa, and the Caribbean. It took nine hours for the tsunami to reach the Caribbean (Antigua).

The second scenario simulated a tsunami generated by an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 which triggered a submarine landslide in the Gulf of Mexico.

According to UNCESCO Director General, Irina Bokova, the success of this year's tsunami warning exercise demonstrates the maturity of the Tsunami Early Warning System implemented in the region in 2005, adding that cooperation between States and specialized institutions, and the preparation of local populations is crucial, to address tsunami-related risks, mitigate their impact and save lives.

The goal of CARIBE WAVE/LANTEX 2014 third earthquake/tsunami exercise was to test the readiness of the countries in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions to respond to a distant tsunami. Over the last 500 years, 75 tsunamis have occurred in the Caribbean and this figure represents about 10 per cent of the entire number of oceanic tsunamis in the world during that period. More than 3,500 people were killed in the region since the mid-19th century.

Contingency planning is a component of a much broader emergency preparedness process that includes items such as business practices, operational continuity, and disaster recovery planning. Preparing for such an event often involves implementing policies and processes at an organizational level and may require numerous plans to properly prepare for, respond to, recover from, and continue activities if impacted by an event.

As part of a comprehensive risk management approach, contingency planning would identify potential vulnerabilities and threats and then implement approaches to deal with the potential impact. Contingency plans must also be maintained as living documents requiring regular updates to reflect changes based on socio-economic-national development factors.

The existence and sustainability of the country is at stake and every resident and business has a stake in the aforementioned, hence why country contingency planning is so important.

Roddy Heyliger

Dear Editor,

United Nations (UN) Secretary General (SG) Ban Ki-moon recently visited Greenland where he got first-hand opportunity to see the impacts of climate change, where the melting of ice sheets is accelerating and expressed deep concern at fast-moving glaciers which can raise sea levels, affecting the entire international community of nation's environmental systems.

He further added, "It's not only Greenland's people – it's the people of the whole world (who) are threatened because of this rapidly changing climate change." The people of the world also include the people of Sint Maarten/St. Martin.

As a country, we have to take on this issue, especially when we talk about sustainable development, and the National Development Plan (NDP).

The UN SG adds I quote: "There may be still many studies to make, the nature and the impact of the climate change, but (there is) one, simple plain fact: climate change is happening much, much faster than we might think."

Country Sint Maarten has two opportunities at hand to elevate this issue to the Kingdom level and at the highest political level.

The Kingdom Conference in Aruba that starts on April 2nd would have been the opportune time for the countries within the Kingdom to address the climate change issue. It would have also been an opportunity for country Sint Maarten to bring forward the issue as an agenda point.

I commend Aruba for taking the initiative for adding an additional point to the agenda of the Kingdom Conference, SIDS (Small Island Developing States) issues. Small countries face big challenges that restrict sustainable development of the islands. One of the key issues for country Sint Maarten today is sustainable development, and we must use our position as a country in the Kingdom to capitalize on the matter and the opportunities that exist that will also benefit our socio-economic development in the mid to long-term.

The second opportunity is the planned parliamentary tri-partite meeting that will take place from April 7 to 9 involving representatives from the parliaments of Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten.

Climate change touches upon the very issues that will be discussed at the Kingdom Conference starting on Wednesday and these include children's rights; economic cooperation within the Kingdom; and reports from four workgroups in the areas of cooperation, practical bottlenecks and differences in interpretation in the Kingdom, dispute resolution, and the movement of persons and goods between countries in the Kingdom.

Caribbean countries are forging a united front according to St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, chairman of the 15-member Caribbean Community (CARICOM) where he says that the promises of money by the biggest polluters in the world for small island developing states like his to adapt to climate change are mostly a mirage. Dr. Gonsalves said the region will be playing a leading role in getting the Caribbean Basin to coordinate a united front on climate finance.

According to the latest report entitled, "Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability," and just released, the effects of climate change are already occurring in all continents and across the oceans, and the world, for the most part, is ill-prepared for the risks.

Sint Maarten needs to decide because climate change poses the biggest threat to our livelihoods and our sustainability as a country. Green planning is the future and the way to move forward where country Sint Maarten becomes climate-resilient. The UN SG concludes: "We cannot negotiate with nature. A lot of disasters, natural disasters, have happened."

"We have to take action now. The time is now,..." and the same can be said for country SInt Maarten. Building a climate resilient country entails opportunity and sustainable development for the society that we have today and for generations to come. What is started today will continue by generations to come, but at least today's generation recognized the importance of taking action now.

Roddy Heyliger

Winair's decision to increase its airfares for a round trip to Statia literally flies in the face of sound business practice. It is a work of fiction and fantasy. This government owned company could have chosen a better day than April 1st to announce their hike. Still, the people of Statia are being fooled by this not so 'dependable airline'. Economy airfares to and from the Island will genuinely increase by USD 6.66 as per 15th April.
Companies throughout the world know that a decrease in demand for a product can be turned around by dropping the price. This holds true for bread, chocolate, Coca Cola and air tickets. It explains why airlines like Spirit and Jet Blue have carved out a profitable business for themselves by offering cheap tickets to put bums on seats. But not Winair. This fly-by-night enterprise has decided to turn demand theory on its head and parachute its ignorance into the wallets of hard-pressed consumers on Statia.

How can they do this? They can because Winair operates a virtual monopoly. Jet fuel prices are not rocketing but the airline thinks it can get away with hiking public transportation costs. Major shareholders are the St. Maarten as well as the Dutch kingdom Governments. Their overpaid politicians could not care a moment for a local island that is dependent on a sole airlift supplier. Their snouts are far too busy sniffing out the next business deal or offshore commission account. Nobody uses a Quill anymore to vote!
But instead of spreading their costs over all Winair routes, the company knows that it can get away with slamming the traveling public on its bread and butter route to Statia. It does so even in the knowledge that air ticket prices are on the decline throughout the world.
Other means of transport such as the Waterman ferry or swimming are either not predictable or not safe. But statements from the airline and airport sharks are more worrisome.
Let us examine some of the truths and lies behind these statements.
The company says that traffic plummeted by 3,567 passengers in 2013 compared to 2012. This is absolutely true. 50 years of safe flying has resulted in a crashing of passenger numbers over the last eight years. Since 2006, the airlift has lost about a third of its traffic. But as we have seen, loss of demand should lead to a drop in prices, not a hike.
So what is happening? The total cost of an air ticket has been made unaffordable. That is why passenger numbers have been plummeting. The flight from SXM to EUX must be the shortest yet most expensive flight in the Caribbean. Even compared to other Winair routes, the cost of this eighteen minute hop is out of this world. Also out of this world are the airport taxes that have increased above the rate of inflation over the last eight years. Last year and despite a budget surplus, Commissioner Sneek slapped a 50 per cent increase on airport tax for Statia's EUX. This was not helpful.
But the most horrendous tax hikes have come from Regina LaBega and her airport chums. As of 15th April, a single flight to the Historical Gem will cost USD 125. A third of this price is made up of St Maarten Airport below-the-belt screening fee (USD 10.91), over-the-top departure tax (USD 22) and laughable improvement fee (USD 5). It is nonsense that passengers to Statia are forced to pay more a less the same fees as those passengers boarding a large Jumbo Jet to Amsterdam or to wherever.
LaBega was a political appointee and has earned a reputation for fiddling with outrageous figures. Her latest figures include monstrous and costly USD 3 million pelican sculptures and multicolored flags. In addition to signing the right checks for the right marketing and construction companies, she has presided over a mass desertion of executive private jets to more friendly neighboring islands and a jet fuel shortage that was predictable but not unavoidable. Her expensive annual report is full of blah-blah and airport receipts from supposedly tax-free retail outlets have dwindled. Her improvement fee is a farce as witnessed by the Disneyland flight monitors that have born no resemblance to actual Winair flight arrival and departure times for the last three years. Even Colombus had more vision and direction.
How the airport managed to obtain a development bond for USD 120 million from the Central Bank for what and for whom, is anybody's guess. But I am sure Theo Heyliger has the answer. He appointed her...

It is therefore extremely ironical that Winair that was originally set up specifically to relieve the isolation of Saba and Statia has now achieved the opposite. Their airline community spirit was demonstrated a few years ago by dumping the airlift between Saba and Statia. That lengthy round trip via the SXM hub will now cost more than a cheap return from SXM to JFK.
Claiming that the population of the islands has become more overweight, Winair has reduced the maximum passenger capacity of its aircraft. But then the oversized label applies to Winair itself too. With five de Haviland twin otters, one state of the art ATR aircraft, a long list of failed routes and a CEO who earns a high-flying annual salary of USD 290,000, perhaps it is time for downsizing. Why not start at the top?
Winair has clearly not won me over. The airline assures us that it had communicated beforehand with Carlyle Tearr, the Island's commissioner for airport and transportation affairs. It will be remembered that Carlyle Tearr was also appointed. He has a budget but was not elected.
His leadership skills were only illustrated recently after discussions with a representative from Eutel on the subject of the Saba Statia Cable Company. Both companies are 100 percent government owned. Both companies have failed persistently to publish annual accounts as required by law (very much like Winair!) Furthermore, millions of dollars of public money have disappeared from this cable company now registered from a beach hotel bedroom in Bonaire. "Not for public consumption" said Tearr referring to the content of his discussions with Eutel.
I guess not but if it is not for public consumption by a public company, the suspicion lingers that it was for private enrichment...
So any solution in terms of an alternative airlift or routing from Tearr will therefore be as elusive as the whereabouts of flight MH370.
I know it is easier to voice criticism and to whine than propose positive solutions. However, the situation now demands public action to advance practical and decisive alternatives. However, inaction from Tearr will result in only further price hikes later and disappointed voters sooner. Winair is clearly in danger of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. The Dutch Government must also respond decisively. But will it?

James Russell

Dear Mr. Editor,

You brilliantly made up not one, but TWO April Fools' Day stories in your April 1st, 2014 edition.

  1. The front page story about Tintamarre being sold and
  2. The page 4 story of the UP being concerned about election fraud reports.

Both stories are very credibly written. BRAVO!
Surprisingly enough the editors of the TODAY for their April Fools' Day prank concocted ‎almost verbatim the same story regarding the election fraud!
I take it "Great Editors think alike"?!

Michael J. Ferrier

PEMBROKE PINES, FL:--- The Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) is proud to announce its selection of the Westin Dawn Beach Resort & Spa as the official hotel for the 2014 Conference & Trade Show, taking place in St. Maarten from October 6-10.

Nestled in a lush hillside and facing Dawn Beach, the Westin will host the Conference & Trade Show's events while providing attendees with beautiful views, beach access and numerous amenities to help balance business and pleasure, such as complimentary high speed Internet access, a business center, a fitness center, spa facilities, a casino and more.

"We are proud to partner with St. Maarten's top hotel," told Michele Paige, FCCA president. "The Westin's comfort, convenience and amenities will help attendees have a productive and enjoyable trip, leading to a successful event for all."

Attendees are urged to reserve rooms as quickly as possible due to the property's limited availability. Bookings with the event's special rates are available directly online (, telephone(1-800-937-8461, SET#432544 for property 1770) or by contacting Matt Karam (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The FCCA Conference & Trade Show-the largest cruise conference in the Caribbean-will gather over 1,000 stakeholders from all sectors the cruise tourism industry, along with over 100 FCCA Member Line cruise executives, presidents and CEOs. Attendees will have access to these key decision makers during a four-day series of business sessions and networking opportunities, including one-on-one meetings, workshops and social functions.

To register for and/or learn more about the Conference & Trade Show, please visit

FCCA Press Release

Le mardi 29 avril 2014, une opération de contrôle était conjointement mise en oeuvre par la gendarmerie nationale et la police territoriale, aux divers accès du lycée des îles du Nord et du collège du Mont des Accords, dans le quartier de Concordia.
8 peignes "afro", un ciseau pointu, un tournevis et un couteau multifonctions; objets interdits par les règlements intérieurs des établissements scolaires de St Martin, ont été confisqués et remis aux directions d'établissements. Cette action, ayant pour objet de prévenir les comportements violents, a été réalisée dans le cadre des directives et réquisitions transmises par les autorités administratives et judiciaires de St Martin.
S'inscrivant dans le cadre du plan de lutte contre la délinquance établi par M. le Préfet délégué de St Barthélemy et de St Martin, ce contrôle fait par ailleurs partie des diverses mesures mises en oeuvre par les services de l'État et de la collectivité de St Martin afin de renforcer la sécurité du « Fish Day », le 4 mai prochain.

Manuel VALLS, Premier ministre, a engagé aujourd'hui, en présence de Marylise Lebranchu, ministre de la Décentralisation, de la Réforme de l'État et de la Fonction publique, et André Vallini, secrétaire d'Etat à la Réforme territoriale, une série de rencontres avec les associations d'élus sur la réforme de l'organisation territoriale annoncée lors de sa déclaration de politique générale du 8 avril dernier. Il a reçu ce jour des délégations de l'Assemblée des départements de France (ADF) et de l'Association des régions de France (ARF) et recevra dans les prochains jours les associations représentant les villes et les intercommunalités.

Le Premier ministre leur a rappelé le cadre de cette réforme nécessaire pour la France : regroupements de régions, engagement d'un débat sur l'avenir des conseils départementaux dans la perspective de leur suppression, nouvelle carte des intercommunalités. Il a ainsi rappelé que « nos institutions doivent pouvoir évoluer pour s'adapter à la diversité des territoires et des besoins des populations ».

A l'issue de ces premiers échanges, le Premier ministre a proposé la mise en place immédiate d'un groupe de travail sur l'évolution de la carte des conseils régionaux et départementaux et l'organisation territoriale de l'Etat associant les principales associations d'élus, des représentants du Sénat et de l'Assemblée nationale et le Gouvernement.

Le Premier ministre, entouré de Marisol TOURAINE, ministre des Affaires sociales et de la Santé, François REBSAMEN, ministre du Travail, de l'Emploi et du Dialogue social, Marylise LEBRANCHU, ministre de la Décentralisation, de la Réforme de l'Etat et de la Fonction publique et Stéphane LE FOLL, ministre de l'Agriculture, de l'Agro-alimentaire et de la Forêt a poursuivi, aujourd'hui, ses rencontres avec les organisations syndicales (UNSA, FSU et Solidaires) et les organisations patronales (FNSEA, UNAPL et UDES).

Ces entretiens ont permis de poursuivre les discussions autour de la mise en œuvre du pacte de responsabilité et de solidarité.

Le Premier ministre a rappelé la nécessaire mobilisation de l'ensemble des partenaires sociaux et des pouvoirs publics pour qu'à tous les niveaux, dans les entreprises, les branches et les territoires, s'engage une dynamique de dialogue et de négociation pour soutenir les entreprises, renforcer notre économie et créer de l'emploi. Les échanges, marqués par un esprit de responsabilité et de gravité au regard des efforts qui sont demandés aux français, ont également permis d'engager la préparation de la prochaine Grande conférence sociale, qui se tiendra à l'été.

C'est cette semaine que Sareena Carti de l'Avenir Sportif Club de Saint Martin s'envolera avec la Ligue de la Guadeloupe pour sa 4ème participation aux Carifta Games qui se déroulent en Martinique du 18 au 21 avril 2014. Elle s'alignera sur le 400m, sa distance fétiche, dont elle détient le record de France catégorie cadette, et le titre de championne de France 2013 et 2014. Elle prendra aussi le départ du 4x100m et du 4x400m. Lors de ses participations précédentes aux Carifta Games, Sareena avait obtenu le bronze et une 4ème place. Cette année encore, elle rivalisera avec les meilleures athlètes de la Caraïbe, et vise l'or.

C'est avec une profonde tristesse que Manuel VALLS a appris le décès de Dominique BAUDIS.
Journaliste de terrain, grand reporter, Dominique BAUDIS a couvert au début de sa carrière l'actualité du Proche-Orient, avant d'être dans les années 80, en tant que présentateur du journal télévisé, notamment sur le service public, un visage et une voix appréciés des Français.
Sa connaissance fine du monde des médias l'a conduit à la tête du Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel. Le lancement de la Télévision numérique terrestre a alors été son principal cheval de bataille.
Président de l'Institut du Monde Arabe en 2007, Dominique BAUDIS a toujours conservé pour cette région du monde un regard d'expert et de passionné. Homme de lettres, il y a consacré plusieurs de ses ouvrages.
Dominique BAUDIS s'est également impliqué très jeune dans la vie politique. Maire de Toulouse, ville si chère à son coeur, il s'est aussi investi dans les mandats locaux, en Haute-Garonne et Midi-Pyrénées. Elu et réélu député, européen convaincu, Dominique BAUDIS a également siégé à Bruxelles.
Le 22 juin 2011, Dominique BAUDIS avait démissionné de tous ses mandats pour occuper la fonction nouvellement créée de Défenseur des droits. Très attaché à la laïcité, à l'accès de tous à la justice, il a su faire de cette institution un outil au service de ceux qui souffrent.
Combattant de toutes les discriminations, intègre et courageux, Dominique BAUDIS était un homme de dialogue, ce qui ne l'empêchait pas d'avoir des convictions.
La France perd une voix qui comptait, un défenseur engagé au service de la République. Manuel VALLS tient à adresser à sa femme, à ses enfants et à ses proches ses sincères condoléances.

Le lundi 31 mars 2014, entre 21 heures 15 et 23 heures 00, une opération de lutte contre la délinquance était menée par la Gendarmerie au travers de la mise en place de plusieurs postes de contrôle sur l'axe routier entre Marigot et le quartier de Sandy-Ground.
Au total, 29 véhicules et 35 personnes faisaient l'objet d'un contrôle sur ce dispositif ayant mobilisé 17 militaires de l'escadron de gendarmerie mobile 12/5 de Sathonay-Camp et du P.S.I.G de Saint-Martin.
Les infractions suivantes étaient relevées :

  • 02 saisies de produits stupéfiants (5 grammes et 1,5 grammes d'herbe de cannabis) ;
  • 01 refus d'obtempérer ayant nécessité un usage de herse (conducteur en défaut de permis de conduire et détenteur de produits stupéfiants) ;
  • 01 défaut de permis de conduire ;
  • 01 défaut d'assurance (deux-roues) ;
  • 02 immobilisations (dont un deux-roues, retiré de la circulation).

endemicanimalfestival29042014GRAND CASE, St. Martin:--- Over 200 people came out to Seaside Nature Park in Cay Bay for a sunny day of wildlife discovery, fun and learning at the first annual Endemic Animal Festival this past Sunday. The first-ever event of its kind on the island, the Festival was established to celebrate the most unique part of St. Martin's natural heritage–its extraordinary local and regional endemics, which are the animals that live only on our island or only in our region. The free, public event was created for both residents and tourists by the Les Fruits de Mer Association, and is the second of four Wildlife Discovery Events the Association will host in 2014.

"We're absolutely thrilled that so many people came to have fun and find out about the wildlife that makes this island so special," said Les Fruits de Mer President Jenn Yerkes, "And we certainly had a gorgeous day for it!" Most of the Festival activities took place in the shade of the Park's breezy event space. Individual posters of over 30 species endemic to this area transformed it into an open-air exhibition, which showcased some of the many locally endemic species and told the story of why there are so many animals that are unique to our island and the region.

People of all ages crowded around the Endemic Animal Discovery Station hosted by naturalist Mark Yokoyama to marvel at live displays of endemic animals including Bearded Anoles, Walking Sticks, and many others. "The Dwarf Geckos were definitely a big hit, especially one carrying a large egg that you could see through its skin!" reported Yokoyama, Les Fruits de Mer co-founder and author of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of Saint Martin. Yokoyama gave short mini-presentations about island endemics and their role in history as well as showing visitors the various captivating creatures on display. Fascinated guests also took turns letting a friendly stick insect walk on their hands and arms.

Festival-goers flocked to special exhibits that were part of BirdsCaribbean's Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival as well, including a video spotlighting our island's vibrant birdlife. Adults and kids alike discovered how the jobs done by regionally endemic birds–as pollinators, seed spreaders, cleaners and more–help both humans and nature.

Attendees had a unique opportunity to learn about endemic wildlife on the go during the event's Guided Nature Walks, which brought them face-to-face with regionally endemic birds and lizards found only on St. Martin. Participants found out how to spot these special species on future outings, and enjoyed some of the spectacular sea views offered by Seaside Nature Park's trails. The Walks were led by professional birding guide Binkie van Es and local wildlife enthusiast Dr. Jovan Halley from the Healthy Iguana veterinary practice.

The tables at the Festival's Art Activity Station were constantly buzzing with children busy taking part in wildlife-themed creative activities led by eco-artist Stephen Winkel and a team of Les Fruits de Mer volunteers, including coloring and imagination pages featuring endemic animals. Over 40 kids created festive reptilian masks during the event's Endemic Lizard Mask-making Workshop, designed to link learning about local wildlife with the cultural tradition of Carnival. "Art and culture can make the best path for some kids to connect with nature and ecologic concepts," explained Winkel. "For example, here we have fun making a mask for Carnival, but it is also a way to talk about what is endemic, learn which lizards live only on this island, and look at their different coloration." Young festival-goers also enjoyed the on-site playground, seeing the horses, and interacting with the ducks and other small animals at Seaside Nature Park.

Guests cooled off with free Fiji Water, Steaz iced tea, and Vita Coco coconut water at the Festival's Hydration Station, sponsored by International Liquor and Tobacco Trading, and gift certificates to thank volunteers were donated by The Scuba Shop.

"We're happy that so many people came out to enjoy the first Endemic Animal Festival–and I'd like to congratulate all our fantastic volunteers for making it such a success. This couldn't have happened without their dedication!" said Yerkes. The 2014 Endemic Animal Festival was made possible by the hard work and talent of 20 volunteers; the support of Les Fruits de Mer's event partner, Seaside Nature Park; and the generous sponsorship of Hotel L'Esplanade, Delta Petroleum, Island Water World, Aquatec Shop, Healthy Iguana, TelEm Group, Caribbean Paddling and AquaMania Adventures, with in-kind contributions from International Liquor and Tobacco Trading and The Scuba Shop. The Endemic Animal Festival is a proud participant in BirdsCaribbean's Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival, which includes events throughout the Caribbean.

nustarrecentexpansion29042014ORANJESTAD, St. Eustatius:--- The judge of the Court of First Instance Bonaire, St. Eustatius, Saba ruled in favor of the Executive Council of St. Eustatius and the Statia Safe & Sound Foundation (SSS) in the injunction case filed by oil storage company NuStar against parts of the new permit for their terminal, by upholding the requirement in the new permit to carry out a 'baseline survey' of the ground on which their current terminal is built. This 'baseline survey' establishes the current chemical composition of the soil. This is required to be able to determine if any contamination of the soil has occurred - and if so how much – in the event NuStar leaves the island. The permit obliges NuStar to clean up any contamination that is the result of their activities so in order to measure this, the 'baseline situation' needs to be known. NuStar objects to this baseline requirement.

The injunction was filed by NuStar against the Executive Council as issuer of the permit. Statia Safe & Sound Foundation were part of the case as an interested party because of their appeal against certain elements of the same permit in a different court case.

NuStar operating without permit
NuStar has been operating their oil terminal on St. Eustatius without a permit since 4 February 2002 when their permit expired. An extension of the then existing one or a new permit were never requested. When this came to light, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment was asked by the Island Government to put together a new permit. The new permit includes a recent expansion of the plant with new tanks (the 70 series). In the meantime, NuStar applied for a temporary waiver. Since the previous permit was issued on 4 February 1997 and since then no permits were extended, updated or renewed and technology and environmental demands have progressed since then, the new permit contains a host of new or stricter requirements for NuStar in order to meet the environmental and safety demands of today.

Because of this high number of conditions that NuStar's current plant does not meet, the permit grants NuStar time to comply. Statia Safe & Sound filed an appeal against parts of the permit because it finds certain terms far too long and the removal of certain obligations unjustified. NuStar has filed an appeal against elements of the same permit because it finds certain terms too short and the inclusion of certain obligations unjustified. The injunction case discussed here is in conjunction with this appeal of NuStar.

Terms granted to NuStar to comply with regulations in the new permit go up to 7 ½ years, 15 years and even 20 years. Also, the obligation to install vapor extraction units to prevent harmful substances being emitted into the air has been dropped.

Lower level of protection for St. Eustatius
SSS is of the opinion that NuStar's complaint that there are now too many new or stricter regulations to meet is the result of their own doing since they have been operating outside of government control for over ten years and thereby avoided the requirement to invest in meeting updated safety and environmental conditions. In fact, SSS argues, this means that during those years the company was able to make more than regular profits on the island which in turn should mean they now have more than regular funds at their disposal to update their facility. Granting NuStar the extended terms of the permit comes down to rewarding the company for operating without a permit for over ten years, SSS concludes. It also means that an unwanted situation that has existed for twelve years now is allowed to continue even much longer. "There have already been three known oil spills within seven months' time from June 2013. How many more need to happen before the government wakes up? And this includes the Dutch Ministry who should have learnt from the recent dramatic events at Odfjell in Rotterdam and Chemie-Pack in Moerdijk – both of which occurred because of being lax and too lenient."

SSS also objects to the use of "the location specific aspects of the island" as an argument to justify longer terms than apply in the other parts of the Dutch Kingdom. SSS: "Basically they are saying that the environment and people's lives on St. Eustatius do not deserve as much protection as those in the other parts of the Kingdom. The reasoning is not balanced and disproportionately favors NuStar over the island and its people. If the situation on St. Eustatius is so different, then the conclusion should be that NuStar has to invest more in securing the safety of the environment and people instead of the latter having to tolerate a higher degree of unsafety than elsewhere."

Statia Safe & Sound declared admissible
NuStar tried to declare SSS inadmissible in the case but the judge threw this out since NuStar themselves informed the Court that SSS was a third interested party and the Court agreed.

The judge did grant NuStar suspension of the permit regulations that are subject of its appeal case until a decision in this case is taken. A decision about this appeal and SSS's appeal are expected in June.

The island was represented by Mr. B.G. Hofman of Bermon Law Office in St. Maarten and NuStar by Mr. T.L.H. Peeters of VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne Lawyers in Bonaire. Representing Statia Safe & Sound Foundation was its chairman, St. Eustatius Monuments Director Walter Hellebrand.

On behalf of AGA Nation, I would like to thank St. Maarten for great visit! Between the beautiful weather, island hospitality and Heineken Regatta, our group could not have asked for a better getaway. Part of our trip was for relaxation and escaping the cold weather. Being from the State of Michigan, Winter 2014 was not the friendliest to Northern parts of the United States.

AGA Nation's promotes action sports. So naturally we wanted to look at possible site locations for our signature 'Bikes, Boards n Beaches' festival. In addition to producing signature extreme sporting events, we also promote nationwide youth programs such as Bring Your 'A Game' to School, clinics and more.

As we traveled throughout SXM and spoke with residents and other businesses, the one common theme was creating a safe and active area for St. Maarten's youth.

In addition to events and performances, our team builds action sports zones, including skateboard/BMX parks. Skate/BMX parks provide havens for young adults who don't participate in team sports. Our ramps are built by riders for riders. The set-ups encourages creativity, support others and stay active on their own.

Action sports promotes individual activity - go outdoors, be creative, use their muscles, enhance their skill level. Over 20 million action sports athletes enjoy 'bikes and board sports' in America, both recreationally and competitively. These numbers continue to grow not only because of the popularity but because most communities want a place for their kids that does not include taking over downtown business stairs and steps! Any kind of action sports park, skateboard, wakeboard, BMX, even the more challenging ones, are far safer than kids in busy intersections.

In addition a unique permanent park. or, mobile ramp set-up can provide alternative outlets for today's youth, particularly at-risk kids in action sports. It's a big reason why AGA Nation was started. Action sports areas provide a place for young riders to socialize, find friends, and most importantly....exercise. Providing recreational opportunities to young children develops long term, healthy, active lifestyles. Young adults looking for something to do, on their own time, at their own skill pace.

Youth in low-income areas are particularly prone to health issues due to the expense of equipment and travel, or lack of leisure time. Often a skate park in a local community invites any and all skill levels the chance to stay active, healthy and out of trouble all in an organic way.

In addition to building an action sports park for local youth, kids traveling with their parents on a cruise, vacation and more can enjoy the park as well. Also neighboring Caribbean residents looking for a different place to ride. This can lead to tourism, shopping, dining, hotel rooms and more! Action sports riders travel to find the best place to ride and hang-out. Also, in most cases, any under utilized space can re-charge an otherwise underutilized area.

A true action sports destination area in St. Maarten can offer high visibility, community interaction and healthy active areas that can last a lifetime. We at AGA Nation are excited to see how we can help bring more active, youth friendly programs to your great country. If there is any way we can help grow action sports including 'bikes and board' activities, feel free to visit or contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you and happy riding!

sxmlionsclubdonatestomoms29042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Lions Club made a donation of $2,500 to "MOMS" to assist them in organizing a Carnival Float for the Grand Carnival Parade on Wednesday April 30th.

"MOMS" are a group friends & family members who came together and decided to make a difference in this year's 45th Carnival Celebration. "MOMS" knew of the presence of floats in the Carnival Parade in the past while growing up and seeing the presence of floats during the parade is now a rarity, the group decided to present to the public "Nemo & Friends, A Spectacular Children's Float".

Seeing that emphasis was specifically placed on youth in the club's 2013-2014 year program, the St. Maarten Lions Club felt the need to assist "MOMS" in bringing back this forgotten tradition while also having our youth be exposed to St. Maarten's Carnival Culture.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA), the largest business representative on the island, has announced today that it has entered into a new publishing partnership with North South Net (NSN), a custom publishing company specializing in print, digital and mobile platforms.
North South Net will produce and distribute Visit St. Maarten, an in-room travel guide to our island. Visit St. Maarten will be exclusively distributed in all SHTA member hotels, guesthouses, and villas. Additionally, there will be individual stand-alone publications of the Dining and Shopping sections of Visit St. Maarten and a fold-out map featuring publication advertisers and SHTA members.
"We are delighted to be working with North South Net. Their staff brings a great deal of creativity, experience and local knowledge to this project", said Karen Hana, Executive Director for the SHTA." "More importantly, one of the most compelling aspects of the SHTA/NSN relationship is the print, digital, mobile and broadcast added value programs created for SHTA." "The SHTA will receive significant exposure in US cold weather markets including opportunities for SHTA members and publication advertisers to participate in contests and promotions." "In addition, NSN will be redesigning and adding significant content to the SHTA's website, The website will be updated on a regular basis, will include a digital version of the publication and will be promoted through all added value components." "North South Net has developed a program that includes multiple touchpoints for consumers in reaching millions of potential visitors." This is a significant contribution to exposing St. Maarten as a destination through a wide variety of media channels."
NSN has a team of individuals with years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. They have worked in advertising, marketing, public relations, promotions as well as digital and social media and, as a result, have developed programs that reach consumers in a variety of very targeted and effective ways. The print and radio exposure coupled with the online and mobile presence will clearly have a tremendous impact on creating awareness of the St. Maarten product resulting in additional visitors to the island through a powerful and custom tailored integrated marketing and communications program.
North South Net's highly experienced team has produced hundreds of guides, planners, brochures, magazines, websites and mobile apps for a wide variety of travel and tourism clients.

PHILIPSBURG:--- For years we have been fighting the buying of votes and the Dutch are basically legalizing it by allowing the voters to take a picture of the ballot indicating who they have voted for. Many years ago people were paid with blocks, cement and zinc to vote for the party that has governed St. Maarten for over forty years. The parties that didn't have access to the government coffers didn't have a chance to be elected. Some voters were given half of a hundred dollar bill and the other half after they have voted. Today with modern technology a person goes into vote, takes a picture with his phone and "viola" here is the proof that I have voted for you". Pay me my money for voting for you and I am on my sweet way. We are still awaiting the court verdict of two possible modern day vote buying that allegedly took place during the 2010 elections and now the Dutch wants to set a dangerous precedent.

Rules have been set here on St. Maarten that a voter is not allowed to enter the voting booth with a phone (any recording device) to avoid persons from taking pictures to confirm that they have voted for a person or a party. This rule we hope to continue to enforce during the election that is scheduled to take place on Friday, August 29, 2014. Low and behold our Dutch Minister of Interior Affairs has stated and made it possible for persons to enter the voting booth in the recently held municipal election and take pictures of their vote. This photo can also be placed on face book or twitter. What is good for the Netherlands is not necessarily good for St. Maarten. And this is definitely not good for St. Maarten. We don't want to go backwards and legalize the buying of votes with the help of taking photos of the voter ballot indicating who they have voted for. We take strong offense to this decision of our Dutch Minister of Interior Affaires, Mr. Ronald Plasterk. Shame on you Mr. Plasterk, there are certain things that we just shouldn't tolerate and this is one of them; in our opinion the democracy in the Dutch Kingdom will be at stake based on this decision of Mr. Plasterk.
"It is for this reason, says Lenny Priest that the OSPP strongly supports the Dutch Foundation for Civil rights Protection as they have decided to take the Dutch government to court on Thursday May 1, 2014. This foundation is of the opinion that taking and publishing of a picture (selfies) with a completed voter ballot is contrary to the voting secret (kiesgeheim) and should be banned.

Related link(s) to copy to browser:

OSPP Press Release

ryanbowey28042014MULLET BAY:--- Ryan Bowey from Anguilla was able to break the continued dominance of Howard Hobgood to win his 1st St. Maarten Open title during the 22nd annual St. Maarten Open Golf Tournament.

Bowey was previously a runner up in 2012, but this year was determined to take home the Championship trophy. After leading the first day by 1 stroke after shooting a score of 74, Hobgood came back on the front nine on Sunday to level the score at the turn. Up to the 17th hole both Bowey and Hobgood made no mistakes and kept the shared lead. It was on this hole that Bowey took the lead by himself after Hobgood dropped a shot by making a bogey. Bowey kept his cool and closed the deal on the final hole to win the 22nd annual St. Maarten Open Golf Tournament by one stroke and end up with a total score of 149 Low Gross.

The prize for Tournament Overall Low Net was won by Keith Graham with a total Low Net score of 132.

During the 2 day 36 holes tournament that took place over the weekend at the Mullet Bay Golf Course,
a record amount of 101 players from both St. Maarten and St. Martin, joined by a large group of golfers from Anguilla, Curacao, Guadeloupe and other neighboring islands as well as from Canada, USA, Great Britain and Holland, got underway on Saturday morning for their first round.

The St. Maarten Golf Association SMGA was able to organize this top ranked tournament due to the great partnership with Mullet Bay Resort & Golf Course, Clarence Derby and the relentless efforts from its members, volunteers as well as the tremendous support it received from both the local and international business community. Proceeds from the event will benefit pre-selected community organizations like the 'No Kidding with our Kids Foundation', the 'LAB Sports Academy' from Les Brown and the Junior Golf Foundation of St. Maarten.

The tournament was played under ideal conditions with a mild breeze and sunny weather that, combined with a course that was in perfect shape due to the relentless efforts of the Mullet Bay Golf Course grounds crew led by Howard Hobgood, created perfect scoring opportunities.

In the Champions category, the prize of 1st Low net was won by William Rosa from St. Martin with a score of 139 Low Net, Maki Kobayashi from Anguilla won 2nd Low Net with a score of 156.

In the category Men's 1st flight for players with a handicap between 11 and 16, junior golfer Pierre Garcia from St. Martin came out on top with a score of 167 Low Gross, Kenny Patterson took first Low Net with a score of 148. In the Men's 2nd Flight for players with a handicap between 17 and 36, first Low Gross was won by Ivan Havertong from St. Maarten 187, first Low Net went to junior golfer T.J. Lake with a score of 142.

In a strong field with a total amount of 13 female players that joined the tournament this year, the prize for Low Gross in the Ladies category went to Alizée Vidal from Guadeloupe with a score of 180. Low Net was won by Nathalie Le Senechal from Anguilla with a score of 148.

Philippe Thevenet from St. Martin shot 164 to win Low Gross in the category Seniors for players over 50 years old, while Marius Arrindell took 1st Low Net with a score of 136.

This year again there were a large amount of players participating in the category Super Seniors for golfers over 60 years old. Therefor this category was split up for players with a handicap lower than 18 and a category with handicaps from 19 to 36. In the 'Super Senior's 1st Flight' Richard St. Peter from the USA won Low Gross with a score of 157 and Low Net was won by Keith Graham with a score of 132. The category 'Super Seniors 2nd Flight' was won by Francois Anton from St. Martin with a score of 184 Low Gross, Rolf Lans from The Netherlands won Low Net in this category with a 150.

The SMGA is a non-profit organization of avid golfers that promotes the practice of the game of golf and to foster community sense. The SMGA organizes golf matches and tournaments for its members and non-members and donates most of its proceeds that are made through membership fees and during these events like the St. Maarten Open to multiple community organizations on the island.

nildaarduin28042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The International Ombudsman Institute in its news bulletin 16/2014 informed its members of the recognition of Ombudsman work in South Africa by Time Magazine which underscores the importance of the Ombudsman institution in a democracy. Ms. Thuli Madonsela has participated twice as a speaker in Conferences on Curaçao, at which time the Ombudsman of Sint Maarten, Dr. Nilda Arduin, was privileged to meet her. Dr. Arduin was inspired to learn firsthand from her best practices and her achievements.
Congratulating the Ombudsman of South Africa on this achievement and placing Ombudsman work in the spotlight, Dr. Nilda Arduin, cares to draw the attention of our young government to this important milestone, and be once more alerted of the potential of the Ombudsman institution as a partner in promoting good governance, thus strengthening constitutional democracy.

PHILIPSBURG:--- At approximately 9:30pm on Sunday April 27th, 2014, a Philipsburg police patrol was directed to a home the vicinity of Star Mart on the L.B. Scot road to investigate a report of gunshots being fired at the home in question. On the scene the patrol spoke to the female resident of that home who stated that while she and the children were inside she heard several gun shots fired. She immediately looked outside and saw an unknown man quickly walking towards the gas station and suspected that this man was responsible for the shooting. On the scene the police saw that several of these shots hit a car in the drive way and the walls of the house. Luckily no-one was injured. The Detective Department and Forensic Department are busy investigating to find out who is responsible for the shooting and why.

KPSM Police Report

PHILIPSBURG:--- Travelers seeking to get away this summer should look no further than the fun and exciting Caribbean island of St. Maarten ( With resorts and hotels providing reduced rates of up to 35% off, along with other travel incentives and discounted activities, St. Maarten is the perfect vacation destination for families and friends.
The Summit Resort celebrates its 40th anniversary on St. Maarten with its "40/40" deal. The resort is offering a special rate of $40 per guest, per night, which includes a free upgrade to the next highest room category, based on availability at check-in. There is a two-guest minimum per room and up to two children under 12 years of age can stay free of charge. The special is valid for travel July 1 - Oct. 31, 2014 and tax and service charges are additional. To book, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (721) 545-2150 or (718) 775-3250.
The Holland House Beach Hotel is offering summer savings for travel from May 2 - Oct. 23, 2014. The hotel is providing up to 35% off rates, with four-, five- and seven-night packages including perks such as free night stays. Rates start at $615 for a four-night stay excluding service charge and government tax, inclusive of the discount. For reservations, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (721) 542-2572.
Oyster Bay Beach Resort is luring travelers with a variety of discounted rates throughout the summer season. Guests will enjoy 30% off standard rates when traveling through May 31 and will benefit from 20% off standard rates for travel June 1 - Oct. 31, 2014. Oyster Bay Beach Resort is perched on a coral reef overlooking the Caribbean Sea and Oyster Pond Marina, and provides breathtaking ocean views, a white sandy beach and countless amenities. For reservations, visit
Princess Heights Luxury Boutique Condo Hotel is providing vacationers with a free rental car when reserving directly with the hotel from May 1 - Dec. 18, 2014. Travelers will have free use of a Hyundai I10 to explore the island. Princess Heights is located in a quiet and exclusive neighborhood with a multitude of activities including watersports, spas, casinos and restaurants only a few minutes away. Rates start at $139 per room, per night. Visit, call (800) 881-1744 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book.
Sonesta Maho Beach Resort & Casino is offering vacationers its Spring Fun in the Sun special, providing a third night free, plus $200 in resort credits, when paying in full by May 31, 2014 for travel through June 30, 2014. This all-inclusive St. Maarten resort is a spectacular destination within a destination, offering endless activities for travelers' enjoyment and relaxation. To book the Spring Fun in the Sun special, visit and use promo code SP50AI.
Sonesta Great Bay Beach Resort Casino & Spa is affording travelers extra value with its Spring Fun in the Sun special, offering a fourth night free plus $300 in resort credits when paid in full by May 31, 2014 for travel through June 30, 2014. Sonesta Great Bay Beach Resort, Casino & Spa is a serene Caribbean haven and St. Maarten's premier, limitless all-inclusive, adults-only resort. To book the Spring Fun in the Sun special, visit and use promo code SP50AI.
Baker's Suites is offering vacationers daily and weekly summer specials for travel June 1 - Aug. 1, 2014. The resort's daily specials provide vacationers with a discounted third night, based on double occupancy. Travelers staying in the Hibiscus Suites will receive the third night at a $30 discount and vacationers booking either the Serene or Sunset Suites will enjoy $25 off their third night. Use booking code SUM3BS when booking online via
Guests of Baker's Suites booking weekly get a free island tour on Da Party Bus, consisting of complimentary drinks throughout the tour and stops at Coralita Look Out Point, Orient Bay Beach and the Sunset Beach Bar. Rates start at $1,008 per week, based on double occupancy. Travelers can book the deal with the promo code SUM7BS at
Aqua Mania Adventures is providing travelers summer specials on its island hopping day trips. Vacationers can spend the day in sunny St. Bart's on Saturdays for $50 per person, plus a $15 port fee, June 1 - Oct. 31, 2014. Travelers that enjoy hiking can experience a two-day getaway to Saba for $260 per person with ferry passage and accommodations to take in breathtaking views from Mt. Scenery from Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 2014. The adventure tour company also offers a Prickly Pear day sail on Lambada to the deserted and pristine Prickly Pear Cay for $75 per person plus port fees, inclusive of lunch, drinks, snacks and snorkel gear, valid every Thursday from Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 2014. As an added incentive, travelers buying any two island hopping day trips will receive a sunset sail for $15 per person. Visit or call (721) 544-2640 for more information.
Sint Maarten Marry-Me by Artemia, a comprehensive destination wedding planning company that provides complete consulting and planning services, is offering couples a complimentary upgrade on all floral arrangements or complimentary VIP airport roundtrip transportation for the bride and groom. This offer is valid for bookings made by Aug. 15, 2014 and cannot be combined with any other promotions. The special is not valid for existing reservations. For more information visit
Caribbean Concierge Services by Artemia (CCS) is providing travelers with 10% off airport roundtrip transportation when booking with the destination management company. From corporate retreats, meetings and incentives and sales meetings to meet and greet services, ground handling transportation, group excursions, dine around programs and team building activities, CCS provides it all. For more information or to make a reservation, visit or call (954) 889-6135.
For more information on St. Maarten, visit the official site of the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau at

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Police Traffic Department is busy investigating several traffic accidents, some with victims suffering serious or minor injuries, many "hit and run" accidents and other minor accidents caused by not obeying the traffic rules.

KPSM Police Report

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Police Department (KPSM) is reporting a very successful Jouvert Jump Up for the 2014 Carnival Season. This Jump Up which took place on Saturday April 26th, 2014 was one of the largest ever. It started on time (4:00am) and arrived back at the Festival Village at approximately 10:00am. There were thousands of revelers jumping behind the bands and DJs and thousands of onlookers along the route. During the Jump-Up and when it arrived at the Festival Village a few minor fights started which were quickly broken up by the police. During the parade two young men (18 and 21 years old) were arrested for the possession of a machete. The machetes were confiscated and both suspects were taken to the Philipsburg Police Station for further investigation. One other man was also arrested for being involved in a fight. All suspects will remain in custody until after the Carnival season and will be charged with illegal weapon possession. Three other persons that were brought in for questioning were released on the decision of the Public Prosecutor.

KPSM Police Report

tedrichardsonmeetswithmaartencamps28042014"Establishment of E-Zone and Bureau Intellectual Property discussed"

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson met with Secretary General (SG) Maarten Camps from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs during a working visit to the Netherlands.

Minister Richardson informed Camps about his Ministry TEATT's plans for country Sint Maarten including areas in the economic arena that overlap between the country, the Netherlands and Caribbean Netherlands (Saba and St. Eustatius).

The meeting was originally scheduled with the Dutch State Secretary, however due to unforeseen circumstances the meeting took place with Camps and his delegation.

Camps was very pleased with Minister Richardson's animated film of the Sint Maarten Economic Road Map where he emphasized the importance of the establishment of the E-Zone and the multiple benefits that come with the establishment of the Bureau Intellectual Property in Sint Maarten to cope with the demand of trademark registration.

Minister Ted Richardson elucidated on the final agreement reach with Curacao's Bureau of Intellectual Property (BIP) on the dividing ratio pertaining to the payments of the registration fees for patents.

Camps and his team expressed satisfaction about the agreement reached between Curacao and Sint Maarten with respect to BIP, and they were also pleased of the country's choice to conclude collaboration with the Benelux Office of Intellectual Property which the Netherlands utilizes with respect to the Caribbean Netherlands territories (Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius).

At the end of the meeting both delegations exchanged tokens of appreciation.

The Minister's delegation comprised of Chef de Cabinet and Personal Advisor Ludwig Ouenniche and Jaap van Duinkerken from Ministry TEATT.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Thursday, May 1st, 2014 is Labour Day and the Minister of Labour, The Honorable Cornelius de Weever is commemorating this day with several items. Firstly, by hosting a breakfast ceremony at the Divi Little Bay Resort to be attended by several Employer and Union representatives in addition to other invited guests. This ceremony is meant to honour three labour stalwarts for their contributions to the labour movement on Sint Maarten, namely; Prudence Hodge, Arnel Brown and Reynold Groeneveldt.
After which the Minister will be laying a wreath at the statues commemorating the salt pickers who are the forefathers of the working man on Sint Maarten.

Lastly, a Labour Day themed float and special Labour Day booklet meant to be disbursed have been commissioned and will be a part of the Labour Day Parade to be held that afternoon.
The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (VSA) and more specifically the Department of Labour would like to remind the general public that Thursday, May 1st, 2014 is a Public Holiday, thus entitling all workers to the benefits and rights granted to such days. This finds its legal basis in article 23 of the "LANDSVERORDENING, houdende vaststelling van regels inzake arbeidsduur, arbeidstijden en overwerk".

"Earplugs to be distributed at children's parade"

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, Collective Preventive Services (CPS) is appealing to parents/guardians and children's parade group participants to protect their children's ears from overexposure to loud noises coming from the Carnival parades and other events on a regular basis.

Earplugs will be distributed to the children who are participating in the children's parade on April 30, and parents/guardians are encouraged to acquire earplugs by following the aforementioned example.

Earplugs should be used, as this will ensure that the child's hearing will be well protected. Encourage children to adopt healthy habits that will help children protect their hearing for life.

Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour Hon. Cornelius de Weever as part of his 'Get Checked' campaign is calling on parents/guardians to take action because hearing loss is preventable.

The ear is an advanced and very sensitive organ of the human body. The more you listen to loud sounds, the more likely you are to damage your hearing. A continuous noise level of 85 decibels will result in hearing damage.

An ear plug is a device that is meant to be inserted in the ear canal to protect the user's ears from loud noises or the intrusion of water, foreign bodies, dust, or excessive wind.

Your distance from the source of the sound and the length of time you are exposed to the sound are also important factors in protecting your hearing. A good rule of thumb is to avoid noises that are too loud, too close, or last too long or protect your ears by using earplugs.

The following instructions should be followed with respect to the ear plug:

  1. With clean hands, roll ear plug between thumb and fingers until plug diameter is as small as possible.
  2. Reach over your head with the opposite hand pull top of ear canal. Push rolled end of plug into ear, leaving enough of ear plug outside the ear canal to allow removal.
  3. Hold finger on the end of ear plug until the plug expands to seal the ear (about 10 seconds).
  4. Here is the ear plug correctly inserted in the ear canal. For best fit, at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the ear plug should be inside your ear canal.

Checking the Fit:

  1. Always fit ear plugs so that they seal the ear closed.
  2. When plugs are correctly inserted, your own voice should sound hollow and sounds around you should not sound as loud as before.
  3. Gently pull on the ear plug: it should not move easily. If the plug moves easily, remove it and carefully re-insert it deeper into the ear canal.
  4. Re-check the fit often during the time that you wear them. If earplugs become loose, you may lose your protection from the noise.

The Minister Hon. Cornelius de Weever and the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour wishes the community a safe and happy Carnival celebration.

mauricelake18082013Each has contributed towards the community

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake would like to congratulate the six recipients of Royal Decorations who were inducted in the first King's Day celebration at Fort Amsterdam last week Friday.

The recipients are: Jan Beaujon, Maria Henry, Brunilda Francis-Illidge, Arlene Halley-Newhouse, Angela Richards-Huggins, and Christina Hodge.

"These honorees are truly unsung heroes who go beyond the call of duty to serve their community without any fanfare. I had the opportunity to know and work with some of the recipients and they are true role models who display a positive attitude for our next generation to follow.

"I've worked with former First Lady Angela Richards, on the board of Help our Children Foundation for more than 10-years serving the children of the country.

"I've also had the pleasure working with Christina Hodge, who is like a second mother to me who goes beyond the call of duty in serving our community.

"As Minister I am very happy to know that these recipients deserve the recognition for being team players and serving the community of Sint Maarten. Keep up the good works, because your contributions to society are there to see and have made a difference," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday.

cdeweever19082012GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister Hon. Cornelius de Weever of Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, commends workers and employers on the occasion of World Day for Safety and Health at Work observed internationally on 28 April.

"Safety and health in the use of chemicals at work," is the theme for the 2014 World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

An International Labour Organization (ILO) report shows that while chemicals can be useful, necessary steps should be taken and control potential risks for workers, work places, communities and the environment.

Minister De Weever of Public Health in his 'Get Checked' campaign is appealing to employers, especially those that utilize chemicals in their daily operations, to review safety and health in the use of chemicals at work.

Chemicals are key to healthy living and modern convenience. They range from pesticides that improve the extent and quality of food production, to pharmaceuticals that cure illnesses, and cleaning products that help establish hygienic living conditions. Chemicals are also critical in many industrial processes for developing products important to global standards of living.

Chemicals pose a broad range of potential adverse effects, from health hazards such as cancers and physical hazards like flammability, to environmental hazards such as widespread contamination and toxicity to aquatic life. Many fires, explosions, and other disasters result from inadequate control of chemicals' physical hazards.

Significant progress has been made concerning the regulation and management of chemicals in the field of occupational safety and health but more needs to be done. Serious incidents continue to happen and there are still negative impacts on both human and health and the environment in different parts of the world.

Workers who are directly exposed to hazardous substances should have the right to work in a safe and healthy environment and be properly informed, trained and protected, and this is the route that business in the country should continue to maintain and further improve upon, Minister Hon. Cornelius de Weever said on Monday.

eholidayatkingsdayreception27042014Esteemed Guests,

Good evening and welcome to this first King's Day Reception in honor and celebration of the Birthday of King Willem-Alexander, which is on Sunday, April 27th. This King's Day Celebration is the first following 123 years of Queen's Birthday Celebrations. It is also the fifth time that the Kingdom of the Netherlands has a King and a Queen. Hence the theme for this King's Day reception: Kings and Queens.
The theme Kings and Queens also come from my observations during the recent visit of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima in November of last year. I can still see the enthusiasm of the people in general and of our kids in particular. As I observed I wondered what our people were thinking. And as I wondered, it was clear that the King and Queen bonded with and bonded the people. And in doing so King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima brought out the best in our people. The response of the people to the presence of the King and Queen reinforced my conviction of the importance of unity and shared values.
Our gathering tonight at Fort Amsterdam to celebrate the first King's Day is a moment to reflect on and renew our commitment to the factors that has the potential to strengthen our unity and shared values. In that regard we can think of factors which through their preservation and longevity represent the spirit of Sint Maarten such as – the Oranje school, the Methodist Church, and the Court House - as displayed during the monument walk of the King and Queen through Front Street. It is in this light that I encourage and applaud initiatives to establish national parks and national museums to conserve and preserve our heritage for everyone to experience as truly Sint Maarten places; as places that represent the spirit of Sint Maarten.
While such places are critical to strengthening unity and national values, they are not enough. It is equally important to continue to make investments towards the nurturing and development of the significant talent of our youth. Talent that embodies the beauty and potential of our nation as displayed at the youth manifestation in the festival village during the visit of the King and Queen. As I enjoyed the spectacular performances of our youngsters, I thought if ever there was proof that we need a modern National Center for the Performing Arts as I had stated in January of 2012, it was that evening. I say this because I believe that the investment in and focused deployment of programs such as a modern National Center for the Performing Arts or the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex have the potential to inspire our people. And in doing so they motivate our people to strive to realize our full potential as a nation. The realization of which fosters national pride and unity.
Ladies and gentlemen, in short to strengthen unity and shared values it is imperative that we increase our investments in the creation of national vehicles of unity and shared values, such as national parks, a national museum, a national center for the performing arts and national sports programs.
It is wonderful to see and know that several persons in our community are making significant contributions towards the realization of these national vehicles. Some of these persons have been invited here tonight to showcase their work and others to be honored for their work.
Having mentioned the performing arts and recognizing the Charlotte Brookson Academy of the Performing arts ongoing investments in that important area, I have requested them to organize the artistic part of this evening. Their artistic performance, as you will see shortly, is in keeping with the theme of this evening: Kings and Queens.
Moreover, as is customary during the Sovereign's Birthday Celebrations, Royal Decorations are bestowed on persons for their prolonged outstanding service to the community. Receiving a Royal Decoration is a special honor. As I said at the beginning of my remarks, this is the first King's Day celebration in 123 years. As a result the six persons selected to be awarded a Royal Decoration here this evening are part of a special group, namely of the first group of persons to receive a Royal Decoration Decree signed by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander. Together they make up the Royal Decoration Class of 2014. A class of six persons who will be decorated as Knight in the Order of Oranje Nassau or as member in the Order of Oranje Nassau. These six persons have distinguished themselves in diverse fields ranging from:

  • nature and monuments preservation,
  • economic development,
  • health care and nursing,
  • working with and counseling of our youth,
  • the development of the performing arts,
  • the spiritual development of our youth,
  • care for underprivileged youths, for homeless persons and for the elderly, and
  • working with the physically and mentally challenged in our community.

This overview is but a summary of the variety of fields in which these individuals standout and do not fully do justice to their contributions. Contributions towards the strengthening of our unity and of our shared values. They have over a prolonged number of years dedicated a significant part of their life and talents towards the improvement and development of the lives of others and our community. The further development of St. Maarten is dependent on such giving, commitment and community involvement and serves as an inspiration for all of us. An inspiration to aim for and apply ourselves to bring about a more community focused and as a result a more unified, stronger and more sustainable Sint Maarten community.
I therefore extend my appreciation to each of you, who in a few moments will receive Royal Decorations for your exemplary service to our community. It is an honor and special distinction to be awarded a Royal Decoration. I thus hereby – in advance – convey my congratulations to each of the awardees individually and to your family and friends.
Moreover in closing, I express special words of appreciation to my staff for their work to make this evening possible.
Esteemed Guests, as we Honor His Majesty King Willem-Alexander with his first King's Day Celebration, I extend a warm welcome to you and I wish you an enjoyable evening.

Thank you and God bless Sint Maarten

PHILIPSBURG:--- The OSPP is of the opinion that over the years we have seen to many of our workers bite the dust because of poor negotiation and the lack of leadership in mergers and the sale of companies in particular in the private sector. One such case is the Pelican saga, that was led by a sitting member of parliament of St. Maarten and to date many of the workers of that company are still suffering. "Companies are closed down and it seems as if the workers are always the one receiving the worst end of the stick," says Lenny Priest Political Leader of the OSPP. Time and time again the workers suffer and we vouched never to allow this to happen to our people as long as we can prevent it.
Recently there has been much talk in the media regarding the possible merger of Telem N.V. and UTS. It was also stated that a letter of intent was signed between Telem N.V. and UTS. The St. Maarten Communication Union has indicated their displeasure in terms of how things were going with this merger and that they felt that as a union they were kept in the dark. Many unanswered questions remain and neither the Supervisory Board of Telem NV nor management have been coming forth with answers to the many questions and uncertainties that exist in this possible merger, leaving the workers feeling that once again they are going to be the ones left holding the wrong end of the stick.
In order to avoid the workers being victimized the OSPP has forwarded a letter to the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams, Shareholder Representative of Telem N.V. asking her to shed some light on this letter of intent of a possible merger between Telem N.V. and UTS. We have also asked her to provide the general public with the amount of companies that had shown interest in merging with Telem N.V. a company that is 100% owned by the people of St. Maarten. It is also important to know why our honorable prime minister believes that a merger is necessary. What were the procedures used to select UTS as a partner and if she is aware that according to media reports UTS was in the process of laying off workers in Curacao? The OSPP believes that the Prime Minister should also indicate who the members of the negotiation team are and how were they selected? How much experience do these members have in negotiating mergers with communication companies?
The OSPP has also questioned the Prime Minister about a report that the St. Maarten government is negotiating to acquire its' 12% of the shares in UTS by taking over the UTS Eastern Caribbean. Who are the members of the St. Maarten team negotiating to acquire the shares of UTS and if St. Maarten has a member on the Supervisory Board of UTS?
"It is very ironic, according to Lenny Priest, political leader of the OSPP that an issue like this with so much uncertainties that could affect the lively hood of the workers of Telem N.V. and none of the members of parliament have seen it fitting to call the Prime Minister to parliament in order for her to explain to the people of St. Maarten and the workers of Telem N.V. in particular what is happening at Telem N.V. and a possible merge with UTS. The OSPP is demanding that members of parliament call the Prime Minister to parliament for her to explain what is taking place right now within Telem N.V. and a possible merge with UTS and to acquire information regarding the shares that St. Maarten owns in UTS. Anything less than that would be an indication that parliament has no interest in the workers of Telem N.V. We can then conclude that Pelican, RBC and other workers are still suffering because of the lack of leadership within the government and the parliament of St. Maarten. A change must come and it must come now.

Click here to view the letter OSPP sent to Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams concerning the TELEM and UTS merger.

OSPP Press Release

hasaniellis27042014Party President Highlights Pragmatic, Realistic and Inclusive Approach to Politics in Moving Country Forward

PHILIPSBURG:--- "Historically the Democratic Party has provided transparent and accountable governance on St. Maarten for the better part of the Last 60 years. Our party's' center left and center right policies have stimulated economic growth while protecting the sovereignty of the people. I am therefore confident in our Economic Hub development strategy that bridges the social and economic interests of Europe and the Caribbean for the better half of the last century," were the words of the New President of the Board of the Democratic Party Hasani Brendan Ellis, the young and dynamic St. Maartener who is quickly becoming a rising star in the political landscape of St. Maarten. Hasani, born August 17th 1985 at the St. Rose Hospital, grew up between French Quarter and Upper Prince's Quarter. In 2003, while attending St. Dominic High School, his lecturer posed a profound question which remained with him as he explored his future; Acknowledging the imminent recession and its effects on small Caribbean states, the lecturer asked; "Are you confident in St. Maarten & Saint Martin development strategies?" This profound question led Hasani to explore his future career and his dedication to the development of St. Maarten.

In 2005, with a CXC high school diploma in his hand, Hasani was accepted at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences where he pursued his BA in International Business and Management. Within this dynamic and international environment, he first learned to interact with people from different cultures. Soon his lecturers recognized his inherent abilities to be resourceful and think critically. Hasani received excellent grades and was given the opportunities to conduct internships at Philips Supply Management in the Netherlands and at the Department of Economic Policy and Research in St. Maarten. He later confidently completed his BA in 2009 and returned home.

Acknowledging the measures taken by country St. Maarten on 10-10-10 to further fortify its unique economic hub position in the North-East Caribbean, Hasani returned the Netherlands in August 2010 to pursue his MA in European law and Policy at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. During his intensive tenure as a Student in the globally recognized city of International law, he visited multiple sites of governance such as the European Parliament, the European Commission and participated in an exchange program with the University of Portsmouth in the U.K. During his time there Hasani has written academic papers on external relations to the European Union (EU), Governing Europe, Policy making in the EU, Judicial Protection, Migration and Asylum Law, and European Community Competition Law. Here he fashioned his intuition to incorporate pertinent debates on St. Maarten such as the proposed Waste to Energy Plant, the disputed benefits of the open border of St. Maarten, and the benefits of establishing a Competition Authority all based on the application of International Treaties and European Legislation.

According to Hasani his success in his studies and his professional life thus far was based in his personal strength and dedication; "the studies I pursued were carefully identified after I discovered my personal strengths. It did not happen overnight, it was a long soul-searching process that took me down many long, narrow, and meandering roads. I had to develop a tough skin to never give up, when one door closed another had to open and I always made the best of any situation. For example when returning to the Netherlands I choose to work as a part time postman although I had a Bachelors in Business Administration. With country St. Maarten in mind, I was not able to dedicate the time to a full time job while waiting to start school. I studied European Law and Policy as it sets the European standard for good governance and commerce, which gives me the opportunity to compare, analyze, and defend St. Maarten laws and policy."

Regarding his source of his motivation Hasani stated; "I have always been told that I am restless. I always needed to be doing something fascinating. Apart from the last three years where I spent a significant amount of time hidden away in some of Europe's best libraries, I always needed to interact with people and have grown into an exceptional observer. Besides my keen interests in motorsports and my experimentations in many of the arts, I also became a rugged outdoorsman; I enjoy diving for conch, spotting turtles, and being chased around my favorite reef by eagle rays. Like many other young people on St. Maarten I participate in activities that improve my community and was the Community Service Director of the St. Maarten Sunrise Rotaract Club. We organized food drives for the Red Cross, distributed hot lunches to the less fortunate, and held fundraisers to bring the Rotaract 7020 District conference to St. Maarten.

Currently Hasani works on EU Relations filling a new function at the Department for the Interior and Kingdom Relations. The function mostly involves coordinating the identification, and implementation of EU funded programs on St. Maarten. Within his functions as policy worker Hasani says; "I am confident in both St. Maarten & Saint Martin's development strategies. An expedition into St. Maarten and St. Martin's development would identify that more self-determination in decision-making originates from arguments that the Dutch and French Antilles structures had deficits in democracy such as sovereignty, transparency, and accountability. In 2007 and 2010 a unique Mid-Atlantic Europe-aid case study emerged within our 37 square mile territory that bridges the social and economic interests of Europe and the Caribbean for the better half of the last century. Here the governments of St. Martin and St. Maarten aimed to overcome the threats to liberal institutional democracy by leaving the central government structures of Guadeloupe and Curacao to pursue further self-determination within internal decision-making. This status created a new association with the European member state and has given both territories a better representation at the EU to pursue their future development. The benefits of this new representation are already illustrated, where for example the 4.9 million Euros allocated to the 10th EDF have been significantly increased in the 11th EDF to 7 million Euros. Between 2014 and 2020 St. Maarten may have the opportunity to tap into a EU envelope of 20 to 30 million Euros. The availability of these funds will be based on whether tapping into these funds will benefit the development of St. Maarten, and our ability to efficiently cut through EU red tape before deadlines," stated the DP Board President.

Elections are right around the corner, as President of the Democratic Party what motivated you to become a Member and President.

As far as his motivation to become the President of the Board of the Democratic Party, Hasani says that, with elections being right around the corner, significant focus should be placed on the National Development Plan; "Throughout the next four year governance period it would be detrimental to the island if incumbent leaders choose to divert from our National Development Plan. This would illustrate that as a country, St. Maarten does not have the vision to represent itself internationally. All efforts made by our current leaders and civil servants to build professional capacity would be lost, and would stagnate economic, social and environmental growth.

"As President of the Democratic Party I will remind constituents that parties pursuing purely opportunistic agendas exist, and should be identified by monitoring what transpired when they are in office. These parties and their policies will destroy our local and foreign currency bonds rating of Baa1. Radical leaders illustrate no long-term vision for a young country St. Maarten and have already been detrimental to the country by agitating the people with propaganda, short-lived schemes, and false promises. Based on St. Maarten's unique position in the northeast Caribbean with one foot in Europe and one foot in the Caribbean, we need to maintain center left and center right policies that respectfully protects the sovereignty of the people and provides equal rules for commerce that fosters local and foreign investment. The Democratic Party will put God and Country first, and will pursue quality representation for the Nation, rather than Quantity," stated the young leader.

When asked what advice he has for the people of St. Maarten, especially the young people that are pursuing dreams of starting their career, Hasani stated that; "I would advise the young people of St. Maarten to individually decide your own fate. Never settle for the nonchalant status quo found between peers and gangs respect your island and always put the greater good of your community first. You are never too old to learn, I like to remind myself that the day I believe I know it all is the day I am no longer part of this world. One virtue I try to practice every day is Humility and I believe it would go a long way in our dynamic fast moving society that sometimes seems to have lost its modest and respectful charm. To our leaders, young adults and children learn by example and if we illustrate Nonchalant, Hostile, and Anarchist attitudes we are bound to live in a conceited society. We are living in interesting times, as a young country we can be progressive and learn from the mistakes of others that have gained their independence in the past. I would advise the young people to do same and learn from the success and mistakes of those that came before us," emphasizes Ellis.

DP Press Release

mauricelakeatfortwillembridge27042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Over the weekend Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake inspected the Fort Willem Bridge where a new guard rail was installed. "Residents alerted me about the situation in their neighborhood about how the lack of a guard rail was resulting in cars falling into the trench. This was a very dangerous situation and action was taken to install a guard rail that improves safety for drivers as well as pedestrians. It's the little things that make a big difference in the community," Hon. Minister Maurice Lake said on Sunday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On behalf of Team National Alliance we would like to thank everyone for attending the National Alliance Congress on Sunday April 13th, 2014 at the Belair Community Center. We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate a number of persons namely: our Honorable leader Mr. William Marlin for remaining at the helm of the Party, Ms. Silveria Jacobs on being elected as the Deputy Vice President of the Party and a number of key strategic appointments to the newly established Executive Board, audit committee, strategic advisory committee and Youth Wing made up of competent, talented, committed and ambitious persons eager to make a lasting and worthwhile contribution to St. Maarten. We are also pleased to note that the passionate speeches, your overwhelming support, applause and cheers created an atmosphere of optimism, hope and much enthusiasm throughout the entire Congress. More importantly, we are thankful to all the emails, calls and text messages expressing your ardent support towards the National Alliance Party. Furthermore, it is our distinct pleasure and honor to welcome our newest members and supporters that made the informed decision to place their unwavering confidence in the leadership of the National Alliance Faction. Good conscience will not allow us to forget our longtime members and supporters that play a vital role in strengthening the Party and have remained committed to its principles and vision over the years. Words cannot express our intense appreciation and admiration to the hundreds of persons that answered the call to "follow the white line down di road" during this important election race and beyond! A big thank you to the Mighty Dow for his beautiful rendition of our national song on his steel pan, Ms. Cassilda Van Der Neut for her moving and passionate prayer. Moreover, the highlight of the Congress, namely the key note address, presented by our very own and former student of the Sundial School Mr. Riegnald "Bakari" Arrindell focused on the importance of "Rebuilding from within". After paying reverence to the elders in the audience by humbly asking for their permission to speak, Mr. Arrindell provided the audience with a youthful perspective on the island's developments since 2010 and underscored prospects and considerations to strengthen the Party and its grass roots supporters in the upcoming 2014 elections and beyond. His message was by far an impressive blend of empowerment, nationalism and rooted in strong spiritual values and most of all reminded e urgent need to develop a caliber of statesmen and states women that is not solely focused on the next election but rather the next generation. The speech offered a thoughtful reminder to everyone that the act of rebuilding is a natural process and spiritual act and should not be considered as a sign of weakness. More importantly he challenged Candidates to guard against jealousy, individualism, subtle intrigues, opportunism and greed! Candidate were advised to "not only measure your victory in terms of votes casts in your favor and seats acquired in this election but also by the tangible results that you render to the next two generations. This according to Mr. Arrindell is the call of the NEW St. Maarten Statesmen and Stateswomen! He encouraged supporters to remain dedicated, passionate, energetic, informed and ready to submerge their personal interests to that of the Party's' Principles and Program. Therefore, we join the leader of the National Alliance Party, Mr. William Marlin in expressing our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Riegnald "Bakari" Arrindell. Based on the many positive responses and standing ovation, it can be said with much certainty that "Bakari's" speech is to some extent reminiscent of the impact the then Senator Barak Obama made on the Democratic Party Convention in 2008. We wholeheartedly agree with the view that "with young people such as Riegnald Arrindell taking on the challenge to help rebuild the National Alliance Youth Wing, the future of the National Alliance and the future of St. Maarten are in good hands. We look forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming district meetings and high profile events during the coming weeks! Thank you for your positive engagement! Forward Together!

Team National Alliance

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake says he is very pleased with the dialogue sessions that have taken place between the Simpson Bay Community Council board and the management of the Harbour Group of Companies over the past weeks.

"I fully and totally believe in transparency and openness, and community engagement. This is my back to basics approach, from the ground up. The draft Simpson Bay development plans are what it is, a draft, and changes can still be made.

"After the last public meeting regarding the draft plans, I found it very important to bring together the stakeholders as further discussion and dialogue was needed. I met with the Simpson Bay Community Council and I organized a dialogue session between them and the Harbour Group of Companies.

"Urban planners draft plans for community discussion. That is their role with respect to drafting preliminary plans on what is possible for the respective districts. The proposed pier at the entrance to the Simpson Bay Bridge was a major discussion point and I am glad that more clarity and information was provided to the Simpson Bay Community Council.

"The Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority has a regulatory responsibility for the lagoon area, and I thought it imperative for them to share their vision with the community council of the district. You cannot move forward if you don't have the support of the people, and I wanted to open the avenue for the dialogue to begin and for a relationship to develop," Hon. Minister Maurice Lake said on Sunday.

Minister Lake is also very pleased with the social initiative taken by the harbour group of companies including that of the Simpson Bay Lagoon Authority, a subsidiary, to help the Simpson Bay Community Council with respect to the painting of the cemetery. Eight individuals from the community came together and painted the outside and inside walls, columns and gates.

"A great job was done with the painting of the cemetery where the harbour group donated the paint. The community banded together for the beautification and preservation of the village, and this is indeed a role model for other communities, and also for those living within their own district. We have to all work together," Hon. Minister Maurice Lake said on Sunday.

Click here to view before and after photos of the Simpson Bay Cemetery.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The application process for Mobility Passes for the 2014 Hurricane Season which starts from June 1 to November 30, starts as of April 28 only for the business sector and vital organizations.

The pass allows the aforementioned to assess possible damage to their property in the event that a hurricane can caused damage to parts of the country.

Potential applicants have until May 23 to present all relevant information related to the process of requesting a Mobility Pass.

For the 2014 season, the application form as well as information sheet can be downloaded from the Fire Department's website under the tab link "Hurricane Information" followed by the "Hurricane Passes" tab.

Passes are issued to the following categories: government personnel, personnel of essential companies or organizations, (sub) contractors for the Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), transportation passes for hotel staff, business owners and members of vital organizations to assess possible damage to their property.

The hurricane pass application procedure is only intended for businesses and vital organizations with respect to their key personnel receiving an exemption to a curfew.

The Office of Disaster Management is handling the application process for the passes on behalf of the Prime Minister.

The hurricane mobility pass system is a mechanism to maintain public order during emergency situations. The Prime Minister assesses the damage after a disaster has occurred and can impose a curfew if the extent of the damage poses a threat to the safety and security of the community.

After a disaster has struck, and a curfew has been imposed, the public roads can only be accessed by emergency crews. The Prime Minister will ensure that the curfew is limited to the essential time that is needed to execute emergency and disaster relief and recovery efforts.

The application form has to be completed and submitted to the offices of the Fire Department & Disaster Management, to the attention of the secretary located at Jackal Road 5, Cay Hill before May 23, 2014, with all necessary documents attached.

Applicants will be informed by email or telephone when to pick up the pass at the aforementioned address between office hours, Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

utscarnivalcombopackages26042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Chippie has teamed up with the promoters of various carnival events and activities to bring their customers savings when buying tickets to these events. The promoters collaborating are Riddimbox Entertainment, with their Main Event show of Saturday, April 26. This show is also presented by title sponsor, Chippie. Other promoters also collaborating are NBA with the Pink Edition of their annual J'ouvert group on April 26, Daybreak Breakfast Fete Foundation with their second annual breakfast fete on Sunday, April 27 and Where The Flex with the Fully Loaded Reggae show on May 2. "The intention is to really show our customers that there is an added advantage to being a Chippie customer," said UTS marketing and Communication officer, Ivy Lambert. "A customer buying our combined package for all these events would have a significant savings, especially when comparing to gate prices. The cumulative value of the extras and discounts can add up to $60 when buying the full package. We also encourage our customers that may have missed out on buying their package on Friday to come to our extra opening of our Philipsburg store on Saturday. We will be opening from 11am to 2 pm for the convenience of those customers that were not able to make it to our stores sooner." The various packages are available at UTS store locations only, which are open from 7:30 am to 4pm. The Philipsburg location will have an extra opening on Saturday from 11am to 2pm, following J'ouvert.

UTS Press Release

sxmlionsclubsupportssxmvolleyballassociation26042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Lions Club recently served the community by donating to the St. Maarten Volleyball Association a total sum of US$ 1050,- for the sponsorship of the annual Secondary school tournament. The tournament commenced since January of this year and every week there where 3 games being played. This year the teams from Milton Peters College, St. Maarten Academy, The Sundial school and the Learning unlimited preparatory school all fielded a male and female team.
The St. Maarten Academy PSVE only fielded a female team while the St. Maarten Vocational Training school only fielded a male team.
After 3 months of tough battle the championship was played at the end of March at the Melford hazel Sport Facility where we saw in the girls division the Milton Peters College take first place followed in 2nd place by PSVE and in 3rd place the Academy.

According to Lion president Claudio Buncamper and chairperson of the Youth committee PDG Lion Claudius Buncamper of the St. Maarten Lions Club whom both have played recreational volleyball when they were younger, one must recognize and award youngster when they partake in sports or any other event. The magnitude of the award isn't the issue at hand but the recognizing of good is extremely important. As president this year Lion Claudio made the empowerment of young people his primary goal and this time with the help of the St. Maarten Volleyball association and its members whom have continuously stepped up to the plate and truly showed their community spirit by working in the interest of the youths of this country was able to empower the winners whom we consider to every player that partook or those that came and cheered for their team..
The St. Maarten Lions Club is proud to once again be associated with the St. Maarten Volleyball Association and be given the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the youngsters on the island.

The St. Maarten Lions Club has 52 members and meets on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Lions Civic Center at 7.00 pm. Lions clubs are a group of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs. For more information or to get involved with the St. Maarten Lions Club, please contact Lion Claudio Buncamper at 5200250.

Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. For more information about Lions Clubs International, visit the website at

mauricelakemeetswithsmmta25042014"Says concerns to be brought forward during official public review period"

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Wednesday met with representatives from the St. Maarten Marine Trades Association (SMMTA) with respect to the draft development plans for the Simpson Bay area.

"It was a pleasure for me to meet with the SMMTA and to hear about their concerns related to the preliminary draft development plans for the Simpson Bay area. The SMMTA also stated that they met with other Simpson Bay stakeholders which are very important for me.

"The representatives also enlightened me about the challenges the marine sector is experiencing and have been having for a number of years. I informed them that I will speak with other entities with respect to their areas of concern.

"I told them that it is very important that you have to get to know your community. This is part of my back to basics approach. You work from the ground up and not the other way around. It's the people that you have to communicate with in an open and transparent manner in order to deal with their issues. We had a very productive two-hour discussion," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

Some of the concerns brought forward by the SMMTA were about the filling of part of the lagoon for the airport expansion; the proposed pier at the old BBW property; as well as a proposed boardwalk along the lagoon in Simpson Bay; the lack of parking in Simpson Bay; and environmental matters.

Minister Lake informed the SMMTA reps that he will be contacting the management of the airport to get information about their plans.

SMMTA brought forward their concerns about the lack of sidewalks and proper lighting in certain areas frequented by residents and tourists.

Minister Lake said that these he will address where possible in his capital investment budget and will discuss further with other stakeholders to see what role they can play.

"I need to sit down with several stakeholders to draft a plan of action based on a public-private partnership approach. When we talk about the lack of proper street lighting, what comes into play is a lack of security and safety for residents and visitors, and this has to be addressed, and I will be looking into this post haste," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

The Head of the Department VROMI Hans Sellink was also present for the meeting, and he elucidated on the public review process for the Simpson Bay area draft development plans which will start in May.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson met with Nico Mulder, Manager of the Consumer Marketing Foundation during his working visit to the Netherlands in March.

Minister Richardson received a presentation of the marketing concept and techniques used for the Metropolitan Area of Amsterdam.

Mulder whose foundation works with the City of Amsterdam Marketing Organization, are working to continue to promote the city as one of the five most attractive in Europe for residents, visitors, businesses and influencers.

Under the brand name, "I Amsterdam," is a profile of the metropolis as a dynamic living and working area, an attractive travel destination and a testing ground for innovations.

Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are the three core values of Amsterdam. They have been described as the DNA of the city and symbolize its unique character and its relevance to the past, present and future.

One of the objectives of the marketing campaign is the integrated activity, where the focus is on national and international residents, businesses, visitors and influencers.

The integrated activity of the City of Amsterdam marketing strengthens the city's economic position that affects positively the image of the city to outsiders and residents, and it enhances the sense of pride and appreciation.

To achieve the aforementioned, the City of Amsterdam, works closely with public and private organizations, cultural institutions and universities.

The Minister's delegation comprised of Chef de Cabinet and Personal Advisor Ludwig Ouenniche and Jaap van Duinkerken from Ministry TEATT.

benjaminandparkercertifiedtaxadministratorsandefficiencyauditors24042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday evening April 16, 2014 Benjamin & Parker Corporation held a certification ceremony at PCMI. The ceremony was conducted by Regional Marketing Associate from the company drs Raymond Jessurun, Regional Director of Benjamin & Parker Mr. Terence Jandroep CRA and Mr Robert Budike of PCMI a Sint Maarten associate of Benjamin & Parker. Nine (9) Sint Maarten students were certified as Tax Administrator. Their names are: Caisha Evans, Loduvina Carty, Sixto Peters, Nisha Khatnani, Robyn Gijzen, Marcelita (Masso) Fleming, Louis Bute, Elfrieda Lake and Elisabeth Cochrane. For the first time on that same evening two Sint Maarten students Ms Maria Buncamper-Molanus and Ms. Lydia Carty were certified as Efficiency Auditors, By taking the Online Efficiency Auditing Course these two participants got a thorough practical training and had to present a thesis on improvement of an assigned National Ordinance to become certified.

Providing these online courses Benjamin & Parker Corporation wants to prepare qualified professionals with proficiency in real life business situations, who are community oriented and who want to enhance and guarantee quality of business operations and services in the Sint Maarten society. A new 21st century Science of Auditing was introduced by Benjamin & Parker to Sint Maarten, using Latin American standards with emphasis on Cost Savings, Security Management and Intentional Damage Control, enhancing the current approach to another level of Efficiency concepts. There are at the moment 7 other Sint Maarten professionals looking forward to get their certification as Efficiency Auditor in June. These students are now preparing their thesis on how to improve Foreign Medical Services in Sint Maarten. The final results will be compiled by Benjamin & Parker and will be presented to the St. Maarten Government as a guideline to improve current working methods.
The online Tax Administration courses of Benjamin & Parker are also an innovative, direct and easy way to help students to acquire proficiency in the Tax works mechanism. Companies and individuals can now get independent professional advise in their fiscal affairs so that they can get to pay for fair assessments. Until now Benjamin & Parker has certified students from different background in the Sint Maarten society: political celebrities, employees from consultancy firms, government entities and from the General Audit Chamber, foundations, banks, corporations, bookkeepers. This proves the acceptance of the high standard of the education provided by Benjamin & Parker.
Both the certified Tax Administrators and Efficiency Auditors with direct online support from Benjamin & Parker will secure quality and precision in the service rendered to the clients in Sint Maarten.

Companies or individuals in Sint Maarten who want to make use of the tax administration services or efficiency auditing services of Benjamin & Parker and its certified associates, or anyone interested in the online Tax Administration or Efficiency Auditing courses from Benjamin & Parker, for more information can call Mr. Raymond Jessurun, Regional Marketing Associate of Benjamin & Parker, at +1-721-5220925 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

tacostein11032013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- On April 17th, Solicitor-General of the Windward Islands, Taco Stein provided the Council of Ministers with a presentation regarding the new Code of Criminal Proceedings.

He presented in a nutshell the differences between the old and the new Code of Criminal Proceedings.

The new Code of Criminal Proceedings is modernized and more practical in approach and application. The numbering and division of the different articles has remained the same as in the old Code of Criminal Proceedings, which makes it easier for law enforcement to adjust to the changes.

The Council of Ministers appreciated the presentation by Stein and the real-world examples which were used to illustrate the changes and the necessity for those changes.

The writing of the new Code of Criminal Proceedings has been a long process, which has been years in the making. The Council of Ministers has approved the draft of the new Code of Criminal Proceedings. The Council of Advice is next to take a look at the draft within the decision-making process, before it will be sent to Parliament for approval.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Police Department (KPSM) is informing the general public that all the carnival events for 2014 thus far have been very successful. There has been very little criminal activity reported which is related to carnival. There are still many events that have to take place for this carnival season and the main one is the Jouvert Jump-Up. This Jump-up promises to be one of the largest ever, consisting of many more bands and DJs than in the prior years.
The Jouvert Jump-Up will start on time (at 4:00am) on Saturday morning with the bands and DJs lining up on the Walter Nisbeth road (Pondfill road) and the Soualiga Boulevard. The Jump-Up will head in the direction of the Freedom Fighters round-a-bout and turn left into the direction of Sucker Garden and then via the Arch road around the Salt Pond and back to the Festival Village in Philipsburg. The Police Department is urging all drivers of motor vehicles not to park their vehicle in the Arch road during the passing of the Jump-Up. This measure is for security and safety reasons and mainly for emergency vehicles to have easier access in and out of that area when and if necessary.
Parents are advised to supervise or/and to talk to there children about their conduct, their use of alcohol and illegal drugs before they leave home to take part in the Jump-Up. The carrying of backpacks containing glass bottles, weapons, drugs and other illegal items will not be tolerated. A zero tolerance policy is in effect and not adhering to the policy may lead to your arrest. Once you are arrested, you will remain custody for the remainder of the carnival season and you will be charged with the criminal act you have been arrested for.
Before leaving your home make sure you have taken all necessary measures to prevent becoming a victim of a home break-in. Think about the SAFETY TIPS for the season. Have a very safe and joyful Jouvert Morning Jump-Up.

KPSM Press Release

PHILIPSBURG:--- Deadline for Team VSA's Youth Vybz Video Contest which officially launched on Monday April 7th has been extended until FRIDAY MAY 9th. All persons residing on the Dutch side of St. Maarten between the ages of 13-25 are eligible to enter the contest. Participants can choose to make a video on their own or to work in teams with a maximum of four members. To enter visit YOUTH VYBZ on Facebook, fill out the Entry Form, choose your category/topic/ and question(s), create video and submit video via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Make sure your video is in accordance to the rules and regulations. More information can be found on the YOUTH VYBZ Facebook Page. Deadline for submission has been extended to Friday May 9th.
The list of topics are centered around Bullying/Hating, Eating Healthy, Work Ethics, Environment and Hygiene, No Sex/Safe sex –HIV/AIDS/STIs, Relationships, Abuse, and the list goes on. "Over the Carnival Break I encourage all parents to sit with your kids and help them brainstorm about ideas for a video, help them develop a powerful message. This is a great opportunity for the youth and parents to begin discussing these issues. For those who are not comfortable discussing these topics with your parents, form teams and discuss it with your friends. These topics have become dominant in our everyday lives, and it is time to hear from the voice of the youth on these issues" said Youth Vybz member, Natalie Richardson.

wibdonatestoscdf24042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On April 23, 2014, the Windward Islands Bank Ltd. (WIB) was very pleased to provide a generous donation to assist the Sint Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) with hosting of the 45th annual carnival celebrations. The cheque was presented by WIB's Managing Director, Mr. Derek Downes to SCDF Marketing Consultant Mr. Rolando Brison, who was very appreciative of the donation. WIB has long been an SCDF contributor and continues to provide support to St. Maarten's Carnival. WIB realizes the positive impact Carnival has on the economy, community and culture of the island and wants to make sure that St. Maarten continues to enjoy the development of its Carnival.

WIB also encouraged the general public to join them for the WIB Block Party on April 25th, 2014 from 5:30PM until 12AM, which will be held in front their Main Office branch in Philipsburg. There will be live entertainment, food and drinks and lots of fun.
It's always more fun with your partner in progress.

WIB Press Release

PHILIPSBURG:--- Members of Parliament representing the National Alliance presented a motion of no confidence against Minister of VROMI Maurice Lake after showing that the Minister lied to Parliament on several occasions when discussing the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate.

Leader of the National Alliance William Marlin was stopped by the Chairlady of Parliament Gracita Arrindell just when Marlin was about to read the motion citing that the Member of Parliament ran out of his speakers time in the second round. Marlin in his address questioned the answers the Minister submitted to parliament on a plain sheet of paper. MP Marlin said the written answers were not even on the Ministry's letterhead and neither was it signed. During the meeting of parliament the Minister submitted the corrected format to the Members of Parliament. Marlin also complained about the time in which they received the documents which was during lunch hour on Thursday when the meeting adjourned. He said Members of Parliament were not able to read the documents sent to them. Marlin said even though he got those documents late he saw where the Minister again lied to parliament in other instances. Marlin asked Minister Lake to provide proof that Millenium and Corsia started court cases against government. MP Marlin said that it's unacceptable for Ministers to tell blatant lies to parliament and get away with it. Marlin labelled Minister Lake as pathological liar because he said the Minister lied on several occasions to Parliament.

The motion was read and submitted to Parliament by Member of Parliament Louis Laveist. Laveist also called Minister Maurice Lake a pathological liar. MP Laveist said that on March 6th, 2014 during a Central Committee Meeting of Parliament Minister Lake lied when he said that the letter of intent signed by former Minister of VROMI William Marlin was not booked in. Further, Laveist said that the motion was in order because Minister Lake lied to parliament when he stated that at least two companies took government to court. Laveist challenged the Minister by telling him that if he is not lying about the letter published in one of the daily newspapers that is signed by Henri Brookson then he should take Mr. Brookson to court because Brookson does not have immunity like MPs have while on the floor of parliament. He said that the leader of the United People's Party got a whopping from the Prime Minister for saying his party was ready for elections. "Mama took out her belt and she gave the UP leader a whopping bringing him back on his knees, today he crawled back in with the DP who got exactly what they wanted, reason why they (DP) did not support the motion."

Independent Member of Parliament Frans Richardson also lambasted the Minister for lying to parliament in earlier meetings. MP Richardson said that he asked the Minister if the Minister and other persons including the CEO of the Harbor Group of Companies Mark Mingo and MP Theodore Heyliger attended a meeting at the Emilio Wilson Estate where they tried to cut a deal with Henri Brookson and offered to purchase the estate for $24 million. MP Richardson said when he asked that question the Minister denied attending any such meeting but a letter printed in one of the local newspapers again proved that Minister Maurice Lake lied to parliament. MP Richardson called on Minister Lake to come clean and tell Parliament who exactly is lying because he asked about the meeting held and the deal that was offered of $22 or $24 million to Henri Brookson.

MP Frans Richardson further stated that he knew that Members of the Democratic Party were in cahoots with other Members of Parliament to vote a motion of no confidence against Minister Lake but from the way it looked the DP MPs are backing out because they got what they wanted which is to hold election on August 29th, 2014.

MP Johan Janchi Leonard in his remarks said he will not support the motion presented by the National Alliance but if a motion is submitted against MPs that are convicted and sitting in parliament he will support it. MP Leonard said the convicted MP was convicted by a court of law yet he has the biggest mouth. He called on Members of Parliament to get over the EWE issue and let them work for the people of St. Maarten.

Minister Lake in responding to Parliament when the meeting opened on Thursday said that the letter signed by former Minister William Marlin was booked in but it was not booked in under VROMI. Minister Lake also read a letter to parliament that he said was written by a civil servant who explained that the letter in question was submitted to DIV just before 5pm on a Friday afternoon and she probably did not follow proper procedures out of haste.

Minister Lake in his response said that he was not in parliament to beg for any job, he further stated that the only thing he has is his name and he does not play with his name. He asked the Members of Parliament what type of message they are sending to the people of St. Maarten regarding persons that work hard. The Minister of VROMI said ever since he took office he has been working very hard for the people of St. Maarten.

Member of Parliament Romain Laville in motivating his vote on the motion presented by the MPs of the National Alliance said he was blamed twice for throwing down the government, but this time around he voted against the motion because he will not take the blame for sending home a Minister for other people's political agenda. MP Roy Marlin cautioned the Minister by informing him that he should do proper research prior to coming to Parliament before voting against the motion. MP Petrus Leroy De Weever asked the MPs that presented the motion to withdraw the motion since he believed that the Minister was chastised enough. MP De Weever then voted against the motion. Of the 15 votes casts, four voted for the motion while 10 voted against the motion, MP Frans Richardson abstained from voting.

PEMBROKE PINES, FL:--- The 2014 FCCA Conference & Trade Show, taking place in St. Maarten from October 6-10, offers ample opportunities to meet with, learn from and pitch products to about 100 of the cruise lines' key decision makers-FCCA Member Line executives that decide where cruise ships go and what is sold onboard.

The focus is on developing business, relationships and knowledge during the event's four-day series meetings, workshops and social functions, and one of the best occasions for this is during the numerous one-on-one meetings. Attendees have up to three meetings with their selected cruise executives, who represent the various departments of their cruise line(s), including operations, purchasing, marketing, shore excursions and government relations.

Each one-on-one meeting allots 15 minutes for attendees to privately discuss with and receive personalized input from a cruise executive that can positively impact their business in many ways-from selling a product or shore excursion onboard or increasing cruise ship calls to tailor-making an excursion/product or developing infrastructure that the cruise lines and destinations need.

This is just one of the many ways Conference & Trade Show attendees receive individual attention from these cruise executives, along with FCCA Member Line presidents and CEOs, who will also attend and participate in the event's specialized workshops, as well as social functions that foster interaction in a laid-back, engaging atmosphere.

And St. Maarten certainly plans to engage the attendees, as the Port of St. Maarten has partnered with the government and local businesses to show its exciting setting, activities and WOW factor through some of the same experiences and venues that cruise passengers see and do.

So St. Maarten is the place to be for anyone looking to establish or grow cruise tourism business.

To register and/or learn more, please visit

FCCA Press Release

PHILIPSBURG:--- Several months ago the Leader of the UP stated that St. Maarten needs a state of the art center for the Performing Arts and that certain persons within the community were already selected to hold discussions about this center. The OSPP was and still is of the opinion that we must invest in our community centers in the various districts to upgrade them to the level to accommodate the performing of the arts. Most of these centers are underutilized, they lack programs and our youth from within the various communities would be better served if they can begin performing in their own communities. Our upgraded community centers must form the basis to encourage these youngsters to perform and to have the aspiration to want to perform at the Philipsburg Community Center which by the way is also underutilized. It is all nice and well to talk about constructing such a center but those in power have not acted thus far in the interest of our artists. Time and date, our Harbour Group of Companies on an annual basis pays approximately $ 15,000.00 to bring in a foreign artist at the end of the year. That same $ 15,000.00 can be divided amongst five (5) local bands that can line up the entire board walk on New Years' Eve. These funds would assist our local bands to purchase the necessary equipment to perform at a higher level in our carnival annually.
Today another member of the same UP party is talking about finding a home for our library, a home that will serve for the performing arts, library, museum and she forgot a convention center. However, it is very ironic that recently our leader had a discussion with a renowned citizen who stated that the UP had plans to relocate the Sundial School to the former Upper Princesses Quarter Hotel in Sucker Garden. It was in a far reaching stage and fortunately enough that the UP led government were thrown out of government otherwise the Sundial School would have been relocated to the Upper Princesses Quarter Hotel.
The board of the OSPP is very concerned after learning about the previous plans of the UP led government and the recent statement by a high ranking member of the party. Are the plans of the UP to relocate the Sundial School and the Philipsburg Library in order to accommodate the construction of this new structure in that same location?
Do we actually need a center of that magnitude now and to date none of the facilities including the Festival Village are being fully utilized? We must remember that the cost of these ventures will be paid by the citizens of this young nation and we are up to our ears with the high cost of living. Let's develop our communities and everything will fall in place. A change must come and it must come now.

OSPP Press Release

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- A U.S. National Park Service (NPS) team traveled to Aruba March 24 – 29 to provide technical advice on the management of Aruba's Arikok National Park and a proposed system of more than a dozen smaller protected areas. NPS Chief of Planning Patrick Gregerson, Superintendent Pat Kenney with the Cape Lookout National Seashore, and Jon Putnam of the Office of International Affairs met with high-level Aruban governmental officials and management and board of Arikok National Park Foundation (FNPA) during their visit. NPS is preparing initial recommendations for FNPA, and there are plans for a follow-up workshop to help Arikok staff develop a management planning document.
The park receives approximately 100,000 visitors yearly, the majority of which are tourists. Arikok employs over 40 personnel, including entrance cashiers, administrative staff, and rangers that guide visitors, work with school groups and maintain the park's trails and facilities.
In 2000, Marc Koenigs, then Superintendent of Gateway National Recreation Area, visited Aruba and Arikok National Park. His recommendations at the time included seeking NPS assistance in interpretation, cave lighting and other topics. In 2009, a Government of Aruba delegation, including Minister of Environment Michelle Hooyboer, visited the NPS Office of International Affairs (OIA) to discuss a long-term partnership between NPS and Aruba. In 2011, NPS and FNPA conferred via teleconference regarding possible assistance to the Arikok National Park's new visitor center. In a December 2013 meeting of NPS OIA, FNPA Chair Greg Peterson, and Park Director Diego Marquez, FPNA offered to pay for the NPS team's current visit to Aruba.
More information on Arikok National Park can be found at the following website: and on their Facebook page here:

new5guildercirculationcoins24042014WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- On the occasion of the first King's Day on April 27, 2014, the Centrale Bank van Curacao en Sint Maarten (CBCS) will launch a special 5 guilder circulation coin on April 25th. The obverse of
this coin shows the double portrait of His Royal Highness King Willem Alexander and Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix. 10,000 of the 20,000 coins that have been struck for Curaçao and Sint Maarten feature a color image of the Curaçao flag and the remaining 10,000 feature a color image of the Sint Maarten flag. The reverse of the coin is equal to the regular 5 guilder coin and shows the coat of arms of the Netherlands Antilles, the nominal value, the words 'Nederlandse Antillen', the year, and the Mint mark. The coin will be brought into circulation in Curaçao and Sint Maarten and will be made available to the public by distribution through the commercial banks, as is customary. The coin could serve as a unique collectible because of its limited mintage.

Commemorative coins
commemorativecoins24042014In addition to these circulation coins, the CBCS also has two commemorative coins – a 5 guilder silver coin and a 10 guilder gold coin – available for sale. The obverse of these coins contains the profile portrait of His Royal Highness King Willem Alexander facing to the right, which is in line with the tradition of successive monarchs reversing direction on the coin. The reverse shows the silhouette of the Dutch royal crown that was seen on the credence table during the inauguration ceremony in the Nieuwe Kerk. This crown has been in use since the investiture of King Willem II in 1840. Within the silhouette of the crown, the coat of arms of the Netherlands is portrayed, with the coat of arms of Curacao on the left and on the right the coat of arms of Sint Maarten. This represents the relationship between Curacao and Sint Maarten on the one hand and the Netherlands
on the other. This way, the royal crown not only refers to the inauguration, but also symbolizes the continuing relationship between Curaçao, Sint Maarten, and the Netherlands. The text 'Inhuldiging 30
april 2013' marks the occasion of the issuance. The year 2013 is also the year of issue of these coins.
The commemorative coins are available directly at the CBCS. The selling price is NAf. 100,00 for the silver coin and NAf. 475,00 for the gold coin.


swescotwilliamsmeetswithwilbertstolte23042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams received a courtesy visit from outgoing Dutch Government Representative to the BES Islands Wilbert Stolte, who will be officially leaving office on the 1st of May. The Representative of the National Government forms an administrative link between the National Government and the Public Entities of Saba, Statia and Bonaire. He promotes cooperation between the National Government and the governments of the Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba and has various legal tasks with regards to higher supervision. He is tasked with reviewing decisions of the Public Entities in view of good governance. Also some island ordinances must be approved by the Representative of the National Government before these can go into effect.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Kingdom Youth Parliament will be held on St. Maarten from 20 to 22 May. Five teams of ten 16 to 23 year-olds will debate issues including education, culture, sustainable development and the rights of children – and give their views on the Kingdom today and in the future. The teams will come from the Netherlands, Curaçao, Aruba and St. Maarten, plus a combined team from Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (Caribbean Netherlands). The Kingdom Youth Parliament is the National Committee 200 Years Kingdom's third national event and is jointly organized with the Kingdom Relations Committee.

The Kingdom Youth Parliament will be opened by Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix on 20 May. Her Royal Highness will attend several sessions and receptions as part of the Youth Parliament and will meet with a number of team members.

Around 150 potential team candidates applied – by video – in 2013. Selection criteria included enthusiasm, persuasiveness and consistency. The broadest possible coverage of aspects relevant to the Kingdom was also a priority. The 50 successful finalists formed five teams.

Every team was allocated a coach with a long track record in politics and administration: for the Netherlands Marijke Linthorst, member of the Upper House of Parliament; Curaçao - former Antilles premier Suzy Römer; Aruba - minister Michelle Winklaar; St. Maarten - former Lt. Governor Franklyn Richards; and for the CN team, former state secretary of the Antilles Nora Sneek. The debates will be chaired by Roderik van Grieken and Else van Nieuwkerk of the Netherlands Debating Institute.

History booklet
The National Committee has published a historical timeline booklet to mark the celebrations around 200 Years Kingdom. "Unity and Diversity - 200 years Kingdom, key historical dates for the Netherlands and the six Caribbean islands" will be distributed to junior/senior high school students on the six islands. For teachers the booklet offers interesting links and openings around their island's history. On 21 May, in the presence of Princess Beatrix, National Committee chair Ank Bijleveld-Schouten will present the first copy to students of the St. Maarten Academy.

Web magazine
Starting today the web magazine on will focus on the Kingdom in the Caribbean. Coverage includes interviews with young people involved in the Kingdom Youth Parliament – and with Cuco Martina (FC Twente), Olympian swimmer Enith Brigitha, and National Committee member Izaline Calister makes a musical appeal.

National Committee 200 Years Kingdom
The Kingdom Youth Parliament is the committee's third national event since the start of celebrations on 30 November 2013 and the Constitution Festival on 29 March 2014. The programme will highlight our shared past, present and future – and democracy – plus universal rights and obligations. Three more events are scheduled after St. Maarten: 30 August 2014 in Maastricht, 18 April 2015 in Zwolle and 26 September 2015 in Amsterdam.

The main programme of the Kingdom Youth Parliament includes:

Monday 19 May – Teams meet together and make the acquaintance of National Committee members
Tuesday 20 May – Official opening/debates start
Wednesday 21 May – Workshops and dinner
Thursday 22 May – Drafting of closing statement and farewell party
Friday 23 May – Farewell and departure

Press Release by the National Committee 200 Years Kingdom

vaccinationweekofamericaspresentation23042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The committee that put together the program for the celebration of Vaccination Week of the Americas presented their program to the Minister of Health, Labor and Social Affairs Cornelius de Weever on Wednesday. St. Maarten has been celebrating this occasion for the past 12 years. The theme for this year the committee told members of the media on Wednesday is "Your Best Shot".

The campaign focuses on encouraging all citizens of the region to protect themselves against vaccine preventable diseases while utilizing the images of soccer and football as the international travel surrounding the 2014 World Cup that will be held in Brazil. Activities for this year celebration which starts on April 26th thru May 3rd includes a bike-a-ton for all primary schools especially for students between the ages of 10 to 12. Students attending secondary schools between the ages of 15 to 16 could participate in a slogan competition. The last event will be an open house where the winner of the slogan competition will be made known.

Minister De Weever encouraged the team for their commitment in promoting vaccination week.

swescotwilliams23042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams gave members of the media a complete run down on the discussions surrounding the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate dating back to 2009 at the Council of Ministers' weekly press briefing on Wednesday.

Wescot Williams brought forward the information on Wednesday because the Minister of VROMI made it publicly known via a press release that he sent a letter to the Prime Minister requesting information on the purchase of the Emilio Wilson Estate which is now being discussed in the house of Parliament. Wescot Williams said Minister Lake sent a letter to the Department of Information Management on March 24th, 2014 and he was given a copy of the complete dossier. Further, Minister Lake sent a letter to the Prime Minister on April 14th, 2014 asking for information and assistance. Wescot Williams said her Secretary General dealt with the Minister's request and he was even advised to check with the Secretary General of Government who also has a complete dossier of all the transactions on the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate which he could peruse.

When asked by SMN News if the Minister made the request after the first meeting of Parliament when he told Parliament that the letter of intent that was signed by former Minister of VROMI William Marlin was not booked in at DIV, Wescot Williams said in the Minister's letter to her he did mention the meeting of Parliament which has been adjourned. That meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday.

Wescot Williams said in the beginning former commissioner and now Member of Parliament Theodore Heyliger had involved Carnival Cruise and Rainforest Adventure whose plan was to develop part of the estate to accommodate cruise passengers.
Wescot Williams said that the first draft letter of intent was prepared by former Minister Franklin Meyers and it was rejected by the owners of the Estate. She further explained that in 2012 the Government of St. Maarten decided to go ahead and took a decision to purchase a large part of the estate (some 370 square meters of the property) even though they were awaiting an advice as to how they would get the financing for the purchase. Wescot Williams further explained that when this was made known, Carnival Cruise objected to the decision the Government of St. Maarten took claiming they were not informed.

Wescot Williams said that government will develop a part of the property when it is purchased, but further stated that no decision has been taken on how much of the people's patrimony will be developed or not developed. Wescot Williams further explained that while government has taken a decision to purchase the property and they have decided to comply with the decision of the court, the Government of St. Maarten still has to take several decisions regarding the property which includes developing parts of the estate. She also made clear that government did not decide if the harbor will be investing in the development. When asked by SMN News if the Government of St. Maarten has ruled out Rainforest Adventure or Carnival Cruise in the investment plan of the Emilio Wilson Estate, Wescot Williams said that such decisions have not been taken and no one has been ruled out. On the issue of appealing the decision that was rendered by the Court of Instance, Wescot Williams said that government has decided to appeal the verdict even though they have agreed to purchase the property. When asked to further explain why would government appeal the decision or which parts would be appealed, Wescot Williams said that some parts of the decision are technical and furthermore they felt some of the concerns of the government were not considered.

MP Laville's MOU Presented to Council of Ministers.

Prime Minister confirmed that the Minister of TEATT Ted Richardson presented the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that was discussed by Member of Parliament Romain Laville with the Prime Minister of Dominica. Wescot Williams said that even though the Minister presented the MOU to the Council of Ministers they cannot take a decision on it immediately. Wescot Williams said the MOU was given to the various Ministers whose Ministry will be affected by the MOU in order for them to study it and to return to the Council of Ministers with an advice as to how they should proceed with the draft MOU.

Unions Objecting to TELEM Merging with UTS.

The St. Maarten Telecommunication and Post Union presented a letter to the Prime Minister asking for information on the merging of TELEM with UTS. Wescot Williams said she did receive a letter from the union and in their letter they indicated that they are not in agreement with the merging with UTS. Furthermore, the union also indicated that they do not have any confidence in the negotiating team. Wescot Williams said that the union also indicated that they wanted to be involved in the negotiation process. She said that the committee that has been negotiating was appointed prior to 2010 when St. Maarten obtained its separate status. She said even though she is the shareholder representative she made it a point to stay out of the partnering process because she did not want any type of semblance of political influence. Wescot Williams further explained that some seven companies showed interest in partnering with TELEM.

She said she is informed periodically but the details she does not have. The Prime Minister said that she heard that a letter of intent has been signed between UTS and TELEM but she does not have that letter as yet. She said she was informed by TELEM that they were close to signing an agreement. She called on everyone not confuse the two issues with UTS since the Government of St. Maarten is a minority shareholder of UTS. She said it was proposed that St. Maarten be paid out it shares but that too came with another option that St. Maarten becomes the owner of the operations of UTS St. Maarten. That she said was not accepted by UTS but St. Maarten did table that option.
She said due to the restructuring process TELEM incurred a huge debt because of the social package.

"Road paving projects a priority"

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake announced on Wednesday that has capital expenditures budget has been approved.

The Minister's priority after the Carnival holidays will be road paving in several districts.

"At the end of the road paving projects I will be known as the Minister of Roads. More people in the districts will get work during the execution of these works. A lot of dirt roads will also be paved with the remaining milled asphalt from the airport.

"In my back to basics approach, we have to create as much opportunity for those in our districts despite the limited resources that we have.

"Other infrastructural improvements will be street lighting and sidewalks. It's the little things that count and make a big difference in the quality of life of our people.

"I will remain focused in what I am doing for the people of the country. I work in an open and transparent manner, and will be going back to the various community councils to review district improvements," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

smspameetswithcom23042014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- On April 17th, the St. Maarten Seniors and Pensioners Association (SMSPA) discussed the organization's concerns and observations regarding the standard of living of seniors on St. Maarten with the Council of Ministers (COM).

SMSPA's presentation was titled 'What seniors need to have a Happy New Year 365 days of the year'. In the presentation SMSPA's President, Patricia Flanders, touched upon the issues regarding Health, Pension, Cost of Living, Transportation and Housing relating to seniors' experiences in their daily lives.

In the second half of the presentation Raymond Jessurun, 1st Vice-President of SMSPA, discussed the 'Right to adequate standard of living' and the 'Right to non-discrimination' as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how these rights are applicable to the elderly. The SMSPA states that the Kingdom of the Netherlands is responsible for attaining equality throughout the Kingdom, not only for the children as discussed at the last Kingdom Conference, but also for the elderly in ensuring that the basic human rights are guaranteed.

SMSPA announced that they have taken the initiative to form a Consumers Coalition. The main objectives of the Consumer Coalition are to improve the health and well-being of consumers in St. Maarten; to promote quality and affordability of all products and services in St. Maarten; to increase the purchasing power of consumers and to defend the rights of consumers in St. Maarten (both residents and visitors alike).

SMSPA stated that they are contacting all social organizations in St. Maarten, requesting them to become part of the Consumers Coalition.

The COM applauds SMSPA's initiative and is willing to assist the organization. The Council encourages SMSPA to coordinate its efforts with the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications.

The COM, represented by the Prime Minister/ Minister of General Affairs Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development & Labor Hon Cornelius de Weever and the Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Infrastructure & Environment Hon. Maurice Lake, took note of all the concerns and possible solutions proposed by the SMSPA.

Some of the issues mentioned were already looked into by the Government, stated the Council. The other issues are taken note of and will be addressed.

The COM said that input and feedback by the seniors is important and necessary in order to realize structural lasting solutions in order to address the issues at hand. Both parties agreed that quick fixes would only result in short term relief.

The results of the elderly survey, which was conducted in 2013 on behalf of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, is used to base the new plans and policies on.

The Council strongly believes that it is necessary to base the new plans and policies as much as possible on factual data and not on assumptions. The SMSPA was assured that the Government is working hard to accomplish actual relief and assistance for the seniors of St. Maarten.

PHILIPSBURG:--- In her press briefing of Wednesday, April 23rd, the Prime Minster and Shareholder Representative for the Telem Group the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams acknowledged receipt of a letter delivered to the Government by the union representing Telem's personnel. In their letter, the union representatives were very critical of the ongoing discussions between UTS and Telem.

The Prime Minister reiterated that there are at least 2 separate issues regarding the Telem and UTS companies.

One being the discussions with UTS to see if an agreement can be arrived at for a partnership arrangement between the 2 companies. This determination is yet to be made and is by no means a foregone conclusion.

In addition to that aspect, there is also the expressed desire of Government to acquire the St. Maarten UTS operation in "exchange" for its minority shareholding in the UTS Company.

Here too, there is no agreement in place yet. Let alone a decision as to what would happen if this request of the Government of St. Maarten would be honored by the majority UTS shareholder, the government of Curacao.

The recently announced LOI between UTS and Telem is not a final agreement for partnering between the two, but rather an agreement on what the next steps are to come to such a decision or conclusion. Other potential options for Telem have therefore not (yet) been discarded.

An important development for Telem in moving forward has been the "instruction" by the Prime Minister in her capacity as shareholder rep to Telem to negotiate a MOU with GEBE. Letter of the Prime Minister did this to Telem dated September 21, 2012.

In February 2013, such a MOU was signed between the 2 St. Maarten government-owned companies. In fact, this collaboration between the 2 companies can now be further solidified in a cooperation agreement and Telem's shareholder is looking forward to this happening in the near future.

This partnership with GEBE is an important instrument for Telem's FTTH (Fiber to the Home) project, which is to be launched shortly and could be initiated independently of any decision regarding partnering with another telecom company, UTS or other.

The Prime Minister, like she has done in the past, reiterated that UTS operations are of interest to the government of St. Maarten, not only as a minority shareholder, but even more so as a company on St. Maarten, with employees, whose well-being must also be taken into account.

As far as Telem is concerned, the proverbial bullet was bitten when the government and the company agreed to a restructuring plan provided a generous payout plan and today Telem and its workers are reaping the benefits of this decision.

Notwithstanding the competitive nature of its business, Telem has been able to turn things around compared to several years ago.

Nevertheless, the Prime Minister, aware of the effects of recent allegations regarding the company on the morale of Telem employees has made her intention known to meet with the workers of Telem to assure them that "this Shareholder Representative has no other agenda than to ensure that decisions made with respect to the company are in the interest of the company, its workers and telecommunications on St. Maarten in general."

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

MULLET BAY:--- The St Maarten Golf Association SMGA will host its 22nd annual St. Maarten Open Golf Tournament on Saturday and Sunday April 26 and 27, 2014 at the Mullet Bay Golf Course. Net proceeds from the event will benefit multiple pre-selected local community organizations like the:

  • No Kidding with Our Kids Foundation
  • LAB Sports Academy
  • Generation New Status STM Band
  • Junior Golf Foundation of St. Maarten

The festivities will begin with registration on Friday April 25th at the Golf Course followed by an opening reception for all participants, sponsors, media and invited guests from 7:00PM – 10:00PM at PRIVÉ Hookah Bar & Lounge in Simpson Bay. At this venue the tournament will be officially opened by the honorable Minister of Tourism Mr. Ted Richardson. Guests will have a chance to mix and mingle and greet many long-time friends from other islands as well as meeting new ones.

So far the SMGA received a record amount of 94 registered golfers. Including a large contingent of local players from St. Maarten and St. Martin, there will be some of the most talented and highly competitive golfers from our neighboring islands like St. Lucia, Anguilla, Curacao and Guadeloupe as well as players from Canada, United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

This 36 holes stroke play tournament will kick off with the first round of 18 holes on Saturday morning April 26th at 7:00AM. The second round will be played on Sunday April 27th. Following the tournament, an awards and recognition party will be held at SKY BEACH Rooftop Beach & Lounge in Maho for participants, sponsors, media and invited guests between 6:00PM – 9:00PM.

The SMGA wants to mention the tremendous support it received from both the local and international business community in assisting with the organization and realization of this tournament.

A special thanks goes out to:

  • St. Maarten Tourist Office
  • Coca-Cola

Our PLATINUM sponsors:

  • Anderson Fabrics
  • Avis/Budget Car Rental
  • Bank of Nova Scotia
  • ICWI
  • Sol Antilles
  • PJIA

Our GOLD sponsors:

  • Atlantis World Group
  • BZSE Law
  • Cariburo
  • Caribtrans
  • Central Mix Concrete
  • Electec
  • Générali Assurance
  • Global Purchasing
  • Golden Boat Lifts
  • Holland House Beach Hotel
  • Intergraph
  • Navy League
  • N.C. Wathey Insurances
  • Oyster Bay Beach Resort
  • Pineapple Pete
  • Privé Hookah Bar & Lounge
  • Seymour Menzies Solicitors
  • S.H.T.A.
  • Sky Beach Rooftop Lounge
  • Sonesta Great Bay Beach Resort
  • SXM Timeshare Association
  • The Daily Herald
  • Tropics Frozen mixes
  • US Laundry
  • Winair Airlines
  • Windward Islands Bank

And a large amount of other sponsors and contributors:
too numerous to mention that contributed in different ways through cash donations, hotel stays, dinner vouchers, gift vouchers, certificates, tickets etc.

During all tournament days great prizes will be raffled and auctioned off with all net proceeds going to the selected community organizations. Next to that all amateur competitors are eligible for the hole in one prize where they can win a Hyundai i30 for an ace on hole number 11.

The SMGA is a non-profit organization of avid golfers that promotes the practice of the game of golf and to foster community sense. The SMGA organizes golf matches and tournaments for its members and non-members and donates most of its proceeds that are made through membership fees and during these events like the St. Maarten Open to multiple community organizations on the island.

serrepsattendscesalc23042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On April 10 and 11th 2014, the Social Economic Council (SER) took part in the yearly meeting of the Network of Economic and Social Councils in Latin America and the Caribbean (CESALC), which was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. CESALC is a regional network representing 22 Economic and Social Councils (ESC's) from 9 different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Chairman of the SER of the city of Buenos Aires, Mr. Sergio Abrevaya, welcomed all the representatives of the ESC's from Latin America and the Caribbean. The purpose of the meeting was to debate the issue of poverty, to establish the governing principles of CESALC, and to decide on the activities of the network for the next two years.
Representatives from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), European Economic and Social Committee (EU) were present to give lectures on poverty. Different ESC's of Latin America and the Caribbean shared their best practices regarding the topic of poverty.
SER Sint Maarten participation in the CESALC meeting, serves as another example that international organizations continue to recognize Sint Maarten as an autonomous country and Sint Maarten is ready to fulfill its responsibility on an international level.
The Sint Maarten delegation consisted of SER chairman Arthur Bute, SER board member Eveline Henriquez – Dijkhoffz and policy advisor Bas Peters.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Since its establishment at the end of January, the Electoral Council has been very active and has held regular meetings on a weekly basis to be prepared for the registration of political parties for the upcoming elections on August 29th, 2014. In addition, the Electoral Council met with several third parties, including the President of Parliament, the Minister of General Affairs, the Secretary General of General Affairs, the Committee on Integrity Public Administration, and other stakeholders.

The Electoral Council also attended five congresses and general meetings of political parties and embarked on an information campaign which included a very well attended information session at the University of St. Martin and a meeting with the Central Committee of Parliament.
The information campaign will continue after the Carnival festivities.

Last Thursday, on April 17, 2014, the Electoral Council invited the first two political parties to its office to inform them that the Electoral Council has approved their registration enabling them to participate in the upcoming Parliamentary elections as well as the reference that is to be placed above their slate of candidates. A copy of the letter submitted to the political parties was sent to the Central Voting Bureau. The official decision by the Electoral Council on both the registration and the reference of the two parties will be published in the National Gazette and in the local newspapers.

Currently, the application of a third political party is under review and a representative of another party recently visited the office requesting information on the application for registration of the party.

The Electoral Council calls on the political parties that have not yet applied for registration and have an interest in participating in the upcoming parliamentary elections to do so at their earliest convenience. The last day to apply for registration is six weeks before postulation date. Consequently, any application for registration submitted after aforementioned date, will not be taken into consideration.

Political parties and their candidates are reminded to review the National Ordinance on Registration and Political parties which can be found on the government website in Dutch and in English. All candidates in the upcoming elections are also urged to keep a financial overview of their revenue and expenditures that is to be submitted to the Electoral Council within one month after the elections.

An office for the Electoral Council has been secured where parties can drop in for information on the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of Political Parties and the functions of the Electoral Council. The office is located on Back Street No. 145 B. Opening hours are on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 13:30 to 17:30 hours and on Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 to 13:00 hours. Telephone no. : 543 9888. Fax no.: 543 9887. The office will be closed on the official holidays.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Two public plenary sessions of the House of Parliament is scheduled for April 25 regarding the Bureau of Unusual Financial Transactions (MOT) and the Princess Juliana International Airport.

The first public plenary meeting is set for Friday at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg with agenda point related to changes to the National Ordinance that governs MOT and the Egmont Group.

Several ministers have been invited to the session namely the Minister of Justice, Minister of Finance and Minister of General Affairs.

The second public plenary session is for Friday afternoon at 2:00pm, and the agenda point is developments at the Princess Juliana International Airport. The meeting regarding this agenda point was adjourned on March 25, 2014 and is being reconvened for Friday afternoon.

This meeting was requested by Members of Parliament (MP) Hon. William Marlin, MP Hon. George Pantophlet, MP Hon. Hyacinth Richardson, and MP Hon. Louie Laveist.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and via

PM: "Carnival is an integral part of our culture and therefore I encourage all to be a part of this festive season"

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Democratic Party of St. Maarten wishes the community of St. Maarten a Happy and Safe Carnival 2014. Party Leader of the Democratic Party the Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams said that she encouraged all to participate in the activities and to remember the pioneers of carnival that are still with us and have passed during the past years; "I would like to take this opportunity to wish the population of St. Maarten a happy and safe Carnival 2014. Carnival is an integral part of our culture and therefore I encourage all to be a part of this festive season. Enjoy the Carnival Village, the shows and of course the parades and realize that this is part of our culture. Also recognize those that came before in strengthening the festival and in particular those that we have lost during the last few years," commented the Prime Minister.

The Democratic Party also took the opportunity to thank the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation for organizing an exciting and impressive carnival lineup. "The Democratic Party would like to commend and thank the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation for organizing an excellent and exciting Carnival 2014. Additionally we would like to thank the business community for their support of this most important item on our cultural agenda," continued President of the Democratic Party Board Hasani Ellis.

"I would like to stress that even as we celebrate carnival, we do so in a safe and respectful manner. As usual safety is priority number one. Once this is observed the good times and celebrations that come with the carnival season can freely flow. So having said that, "enjoy the celebrations, the food, the music, the costumes and the revelry". Have a safe and excellent Carnival 2013.

DP Press Release

djoutkastatpowerhour22042014POWER HOUR attracts a variety of Entrepreneurs and Professionals

GREAT BAY:--- POWER HOUR, a networking event for entrepreneurs and professionals, created by Foundation INFOBIZZ turned out to be a success on April 16, 2014. DJ Outkast inspired and motivated the participants by telling them not only of his successes but also of his challenges. "I live by these three words every single day", he said in his introduction, "NEVER GIVE UP!" He also explained that as he developed as a successful DJ he had to learn the business side of being an international DJ and that also included making sure that he had good management. DJ Outkast impressed on the importance of staying committed to the realization of one's dreams.
Amanda Steadman, best-selling author and international trainer, focused on giving concrete tips to sales. She also gave her personal story of going from being an entrepreneur with a six-figure income to owing thousands of dollars in debt due to the financial crises. She also explained how she rebounded and now has a best-selling book, "Connect to Authentic Success". Her tips were simple to remember. "There are three keys to selling", she emphasized. These are 1) Having an end result in mind, 2) clear communicating what these results are, and 3) call to action.
Hostess for the evening, founder and director of the Foundation INFOBIZZ Ife Badejo stated, "Our [Foundation INFOBIZZ] mission is to develop successful entrepreneurs and part of that is helping them build a valuable network and giving them the information that can transform their businesses. This information is not strictly for entrepreneurs it is for anyone who wants more out of life. More than anything it has to do with a changed mindset." She also mentioned that there are other activities in store, including a business bootcamp that will be held later in the year.
The POWER HOUR- Networking for Movers and Shakers is an ideal event for those who are starting their business or already in business and interested in new opportunities. It provides not only an opportunity to meet new people and expand one's network but also provides top level information from experts and successful entrepreneurs. The next POWER HOUR is scheduled for June 18, 2014. For more information and/or to support Foundation INFOBIZZ, contact +1-721-523-1842 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


PHILIPSBURG:--- The Rotary Club of St. Maarten invites you to a wonderful evening of poker, bingo and excitement on Saturday, April 26, 2014 at the Hollywood Casino. According to Rotary Club of St. Maarten President Maria Buncamper-Molanus, "The evening is guaranteed to be one of fun and good friendship, all while helping the Rotary Club of St. Maarten raise funds to continue its annual food hamper project during the holidays".

Buncamper continued, "Registration for the poker and bingo tournament begins at 6:30 pm, along with poker lessons, light snacks and cocktails. A $100 donation gets you $2,000 in poker chips or 5 bingo cards, along with an Italian buffet dinner during the breaks. The first place winner in poker will win a minimum cash prize of $1,500 and the bingo minimum cash is $2,000, not to mention many other prizes. Of course, we must thank the Hollywood Casino for their support of this event and the Rotary Club. We encourage everyone to come out and join the fun".

According to Rotarian John Caputo, organizer of the tournament, "We are very excited about this new and fun idea for fundraising. Texas Hold'em Poker has grown so much in popularity around the world and we look forward to hosting a great evening along with Hollywood Casino all for a great cause! Our goal is to have everyone leave a winner; especially the community projects that the raised funds go towards."

Additional information can be found by visiting the Rotary Club of St. Maarten on Facebook. For tickets, please call 520-3030, contact any member of the Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, or send us a message on Facebook.

For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website

theextramileinmadameestate22042014PHILIPSBURG:--- As the only Computer Based Exam (CBE) Lab for the globally accredited ACCA and FIA examinations in the Northern Caribbean, The Extra Mile N.V has unveiled an exciting suite of courses that will increase the literacy level on St. Maarten.

The Accounting and Business School that is located in Rembrantsplein, Madame's Estate has become one of the most recognized names in the Region. It is St. Maarten's premier career school focusing on Accounting, Bookkeeping, Business Management and Office Administration programs.

"Our programs are designed to be completed in a short period of time so our graduates can find a job, get a promotion or start their own businesses as quickly as possible. We were founded in 2004 and have been helping our students enhance their careers or return to the workforce ever since. Our core programs provide real-world, hands-on training in accounting and bookkeeping. For many, it is an effective alternative to a 2-year or 4-year degree. The Program can be completed in 3 to 5 months and positions the graduate for today's job market at a fraction of the cost of the 2-year or 4-year degree. Our strength comes from our instructors, who all have real-world experience as practicing accountants, bookkeepers, and controllers," school director Allison van Dam explained.

The school is currently offering an early bird special for people desirous of writing the 2015 sitting of the CSEC (former CXC) examinations.

"We have started a 6 to 9 months proprietary program targeting prospective students CSEC students.
Instead of placing them in the program hastily, we nurture them with the fundamentals before administering the CSEC/CXC. Hence they will be stronger and more confident which obviously translates into a higher pass rate," van Dam added.

She assured that local students are offered the best prices on all courses and those on a shoe string budget also enjoy payment plans interest free. Students have the added convenience of enrolling in morning, afternoon or evening classes.

Van Dam said that she was lucky to secure a partnership with the American Management Association (AMA) and Nelson Thornes so that students are provided with AMA and CSEC text books and possess globally recognized accreditation.

Apart from offering the global Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) accreditation, The Extra Mile also has on its roster Foundations In Accountancy Program, Administrative Professional Certificate in General Management , Certificate in Human Resource Management , Corporate Training, Payroll Administration Course, Secretarial Program, Manual Accounts Levels 1, 2 & 3, Microsoft Office Programs, QuickBooks Pro and Peachtree Accounting, CSEC/C.X.C & G.E.D classes.

"I have no regrets about joining the private education system because we are all about changing lives by helping people attain the career they want and deserve. We provide each student with the training that builds knowledge and confidence.
Our courses are short in duration and designed to develop the skills needed in today's job market ... without spending time on electives or general courses. We also provide career services, job placement assistance, resume writing and interviewing help, professional financial services to large and small businesses," van Dam concluded.

From now until August 31, 2014, The Extra Mile N.V is all encouraging prospective students to walk along with a copy of this newspaper article and also receive a discounted price on their tuition. For further information The Extra Mile Accounting and Business School can be contacted via email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or on telephone number 721-542-1192.

wibblockpartyflyer22042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Windward Islands Bank Ltd. (WIB) will be making waves for the 45th carnival celebration with none other than the Youth Waves Band and DjSlY. The Block Party will be from 5:30pm until 12:00am in front of WIB's main office on Friday April 25th, 2014. Join us for the best live local entertainment. Food and drinks will be on sale.

WIB's carnival t-shirts have also arrived. The carnival themed t-shirts highlight our new Main Office building with details of our Swipe & Win 4,500 ANG campaign, with purchases made of $30/NAF. 54 and higher with WIB debit cards on WIB POS terminals. The campaign promotion runs until May 31st.

So come on down to the WIB main office in Philipsburg and celebrate with us. Have a safe and happy carnival.

It's always more fun with your Partner in Progress.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Revelers are seldom shy about having their picture taken, and now it can win them no less than 45,000 Fun Miles. All they need to do is look for the Fun Team at the Carnival Village, get them to take their picture in the special Fun Frame, find the image on the Fun Miles Facebook page, and tag themselves and their friends. The picture that receives the most likes will win forty-five thousand Fun Miles. For those who do not yet have a Fun Miles card, now is the perfect time to do so. Anyone who purchases a Fun Miles card at the Fun Miles booth #79 in the village will receive a free pair of fabulous Fun Miles sunglasses (while supplies last).

Fun Miles has a long-standing tradition of fun Carnival campaigns. Now that our biggest national celebration is turning 45, Fun Miles deemed it appropriate to give away the spectacular prize of no less than 45.000 Fun Miles. To give an indication of how much this is: the prize of 45.000 Fun Miles will enable the winner to go on a trip, redecorate the porch, go on a shopping spree, or do many other fun things.

The Fun Miles frame is a huge picture frame that can contain as many as four or five revelers at a time. Those who get their picture taken in it will have a lasting memory of a fun Carnival moment with their friends, even if they do not win a prize. All the pictures can be found at and shared freely.

Great news for music lovers who have a Fun Miles card: they will be able to redeem their saved Fun Miles for tickets to the International Carnival Shows that take place from April 25 – 2 May. These highly anticipated events will feature the top artists in almost every musical genre: Soca, Reggae, Zouk, Latin, Antillean and R&B. The line-up includes greats like Cache, Nelly, ASA Banton, Raulin Rodriguez, Freddie Mc Gregor, and many more. Cardholders can obtain their tickets at the Fun Miles office or at the booth #79 , for either Fun Miles or a combination of Miles & Money.

This year's International Carnival Nights are bigger and better than ever, and Fun Miles is proud to be in the heart of the action. The line-up for the concerts is downright spectacular. Things will kick off with the Night of the HitMakers on April 25, featuring Control Band, Cache Royale from Curacao, Claudius Philips, The Dragonaires and Krosfyah from Barbados. On 26 April, the Main Event will set hips in motion with performers like Nelly, Luciano , Mr. Killa aka Rolly Polly and Bunji & Fay-Ann.On April 27,after the Main event you can walk right into the Daybreak , Breakfast Fete with performers such as ASA Banton, REC , Claudette Peters , DJ Outkast, Exodus HD and Triple Kay. On April 29, the one and only Raulin Rodriguez, Alex Matos and Fernandito Villalona for Sabor Latino II will take the stage. On the Reggea night on the May 2, Freddie McGregor, Taurus Riley,QQ, Demarcoand MC Twins of twins will provide a sizzling spectacle. Tickets for all these nights are expected to sell like hotcakes, so cardholders are recommended to drop by the Fun Miles office at Welgelegen Road (Cay Hill) at the earliest opportunity.

utsdonatestomoms22042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Chippie has pledged its support in the amount of $1,000 towards the MOMs group, which is organizing participation in the Children's carnival parade with its Nemo and Friends Children's Float. The float is the initiative of a group of mothers that recall the presence of floats in the carnival parades while growing up. For the 45 anniversary of St. Maarten Carnival this group of parents has decided to make a difference and bring back the decorated floats to the Children's parade, with their float themed: Nemo and Friends. "We are very pleased to be able to support these ladies in their endeavor to bring back a staple which has disappeared over the years in St. Maarten Carnival and we commend them for choosing the 45th anniversary celebration to bring the traditional float back to carnival," says UTS Marketing & Communication Officer, Ivy Lambert. "Floats are a much-loved part of carnival parades for children and adults alike and we are proud to be able to do our part in bringing a wholesome and beautiful attraction to the children's parade. On behalf of Chippie, UTS and CaribServe we wish everyone a safe and enjoyable children's parade and carnival season," Lambert continued. Contrary to other years, the Children's Parade will be held on Wednesday, April 30, 2014, simultaneously with the Grand carnival parade for adults.

UTS Press Release

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Police Department is reporting that the opening Jump-up for Carnival 2014 was a success. The Jump-up which started at 8:00pm in Reward and finished in front of the Festival Village at approximately 11:45pm, was well attended by revelers and onlookers along the route. What was very noticeable was the amount of teenagers and young children that were taking part in this event without guidance or the presence of their parents. There were no other arrests made with the exception of one teenage boy who was severely intoxicated, that he had to be taken to the police station to sleep it off. The parents of this young man will be spoken to about this incident.

KPSM Police Report

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Police Department has experienced a relatively quiet Easter Weekend. There were a few minor traffic accidents reported at several locations on the island and two serious ones. One accident, which took place on the Middle Region road on Easter Monday at approximately 8:10pm, according to witnesses involved a motorcycle and scooter rider. Both vehicles collided head-on at high speed causing both riders to be thrown from their vehicles. As a result of the impact, one of the riders severed one of his arms and ended up quite a distance away from where the vehicles impacted. The Police and paramedics arrived on the scene shortly after. Both victims were treated on the scene and then transported to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for further treatment. Unknown friends or acquaintances of both victims removed both vehicles from the scene before the arrival of the police. This case is still under investigation by the Police Traffic Department. The second accident took place on the Sucker Garden road in the vicinity of Gas King when a vehicle was overtaking another ran off the road and struck a light pole slightly injuring one of the passengers. The victim was taken to the Sint Maarten Medical Center for treatment. This accident is also under investigation by the Traffic Department.

KPSM Police Report

patricialourensphilip20082013"Minister Lourens: Take time out to read to your children"

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Wednesday, 23rd April is World Book and Copyright Day. It was first proclaimed on that day back in 1995 by the United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and it has been celebrated by various countries across the globe since its launch.

Minister of Education Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip says the day is an opportunity for all who love reading to reflect.

The day will be observed by millions of people from various organizations, schools, public bodies, professional groups and private sector businesses throughout the world.

By reflecting on the day, many around the globe have come to discover and make the most of and explore in greater depth a multitude of aspects of the publishing world: books as vectors of values and knowledge, and depositories of the intangible heritage; books as windows onto the diversity of cultures and as tools for dialogue; books as sources of material of wealth and copyright-protected works of creative artists.

Since 2000, World Book and Copyright Day has inspired another initiative of professional organizations which receives the assistance of UNESCO and backing from States: World Book Capital City.

Each year a city is chosen which undertakes to maintain, through its own initiatives, the impetus of the Day's celebrations until 23 April of the following year. Almost all the regions of the world, in turn, have already been involved in this process, which thus transforms the celebration of books and copyright into a recurrent activity, extending still further the geographical and cultural influence of books.

For 2014, Port Harcourt in Nigeria has been named World Book Capital City. The city was chosen on account of the quality of its programme, in particular its focus on youth and the impact it will have on improving Nigeria's culture of books, reading, writing and publishing to improve literacy rates.

"I call on teachers, parents and guardians, to take time out on World Book and Copyright Day to read with pupils and children in recognition of this special day. Let's rally around books and all the local writers who have published works and commend them for their efforts and to continue with this embodiment of human creativity," Minister of Education Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip said on Tuesday.

mauricelake18082013"Moving towards sustainable development in the energy field"

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake says the Council of Ministers (COM) has approved the national Energy Policy, and has mandated him to sign the original policy.

"This is a very important achievement and was long in the making. The development of the policy involved several stakeholders and government personnel. We can all be proud of what we have been able to accomplish.

"I would like to thank the Minister of Economic Affairs Hon. Ted Richardson and his team within Ministry TEATT (Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications) for making this a reality for the people of the country. This was without a doubt a team effort, and now we can plan ahead and looking into alternative energy and bringing relief to the people and businesses," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Tuesday.

On a global scale the availability of fossil fuels are diminishing. There is a worldwide trend in moving away from the aforementioned and looking and investing into opportunities in alternative sources of energy and renewable energy sources.

Sint Maarten faces the challenge that it is totally dependent on fossil fuels and action needed to be taken in developing a policy with respect to the way forward for the country.

An Energy Committee, represented by the Ministries VROMI, TEATT and NV GEBE worked on the Energy Policy, and have also drafted an Action and Implementation Plan for the country.

The policy contains a list of measures and procedures necessary to mitigate the impact of energy usage on the environment while offering lower tariffs for consumers.

The goals of the of the plan are to contribute towards sustainable development; to reduce the country's dependency on imported fuels by stimulating renewable energy via solar and wind power; enable consumers and independent power producers to feed renewable energy back into the grid; and ensure a sustainable, affordable and environmental friendly energy future for country Sint Maarten.

"Our country's National Energy Policy just comes in time as the world observed 'International Mother Earth Day,' on April 22. The World has been called upon to promote greater efforts towards sustainable development and use of renewable energy sources.

"I am very proud that we have reached this stage. We are moving upward and forward in lowering our country's carbon foot print on mother Earth and will also be bringing relief to all consumers. In my back to basics approach, you have to have a plan of action. You have to do your homework before you move upward and forward. You have to work with a plan and now the country has a National Energy Policy," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Tuesday.

cruisevesselsdockedsafelyatportofsxm22042014Destination must remain safe, secure and hospitable

POINTE BLANCHE:--- Chief Executive Officer of the St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies Mark Mingo said on Tuesday that the country as a cruise destination must continue on the track of being a safe, secure and hospitable port of call for the cruise industry in order to continue to reap the fruits from the sector.

Jim Walker's "Cruise Law News," a breaking news and legal commentary regarding cruise ship passengers and crew members around the world, in a posting of April 21, 2014, listed the "Top 10 Most Dangerous Cruise Destinations in the World."

The posting states the following: "The last thing that a family going on vacation wants to think of is being victims of crime. Cruise lines spend literally hundreds of millions of dollars a year creating idyllic illusions of tropical vacations on beautiful Caribbean beaches. But behind that slick marketing façade lies danger.

"The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime recently released a Global Study on Homicide 2013. The Huffington Post posted an article based on the study entitled the 10 Countries With The World's Highest Murder Rates.

"The most dangerous countries mentioned in the study read like a cruise line itinerary: Honduras (No.1), Venezuela (No.2), Belize (No.3), El Salvador (No.4), Guatemala (No.5), Jamaica (No.6), St. Kitts & Nevis (No.8), and Colombia (No.10). The UN executive summary says that Caribbean countries are home to 8.5% of the world's population, but they account for about 27 percent of world crime.

"I have made my own list of the most dangerous countries you can cruise to. No, it's not scientific in nature based on empirical evidence. It's anecdotal in nature based on information we receive from cruise passengers who contact us and complain about being victim in a port of call.

"99% of the people who contact us, both passengers and crew, are victims of crime in the Caribbean countries. A few people complained of being pick-pocketed in Italy. But we have received no reports of guns or knives from people visiting European or African ports ever. Of course, ports in Australia and New Zealand are fabulously safe. We have also never received a complaint about crime in the Asian ports."

Jim Walker's "Cruise Law News," list are St. Lucia (10), El Salvador (9), United States Virgin Islands, St. Thomas (8), Antigua (7), St. Kitts & Nevis (6), Mexico (5), Guatemala (4), Venezuela (3), Honduras (2), and The Bahamas (1).

Jim Walker is a maritime lawyer in Miami, Florida who has attended more than a half dozen United States Congressional hearings about cruise ship crime and passenger safety. He has also been involved in cruise ship law and maritime litigation since 1983. Jim Walker represents passengers and crew members injured or assaulted on cruise ships around the world, and are considered the go-to cruise law attorney who has been featured in over 150 television, cable news, radio, documentary, magazine and newspaper articles and programs about cruise ship accidents.

"Country St. Maarten has to protect its cruise sector at all costs from challenges that could negatively impact the sector. Other destinations within the region have seen cruise lines pull out their ships because their customers, cruise passengers feel unsafe. A cruise line will not continue to take its customers to a destination where they feel unsafe," CEO Mingo pointed out.

During the 2011/2012 cruise year (12-month period running from May 2011 through April 2012), cruise tourism generated significant economic benefits to the 21 participating destinations. Nearly two billion US dollars in direct expenditures was generated, employing 45,225 persons and generating US$728 million in employee wages among the 21 destinations included in the study.

Five destinations had direct cruise tourism expenditures of US$100 million or more, and country St. Maarten is one of the top five; nine destinations had direct expenditures between US$25 million and US$100 million while seven had direct expenditures less than US$25 million.

The Port of St. Maarten was second in the top five destinations with US$356.2 million in expenditures by passengers and crew. The top five destinations have US$1.43 billion in direct expenditures, accounting for 72 per cent of the total cruise tourism expenditures among the 21 destinations.

"The cruise sector is a key strategic economic pillar of the country's economy, generating a total of 8,123 jobs with a wage income of US$160 million. All residents have a role to play in protecting our cruise sector from any negative challenges. We have done a great job so far, and we must continue to make sure our cruise passengers and crew feel safe and continue to enjoy the St. Maarten hospitality," CEO Mark Mingo concluded on Tuesday.

The Port of St. Maarten in 2013 received 1,785,670 cruise passengers, 32,455 passengers more than in 2012. Cruise passengers arrived on 631 vessel calls for 2013. Overall for 2012, the destination received 622 ship calls with 1,753,215 cruise passengers.

In 1980 the destination only received 105,000 cruise passengers for the entire year. This grew to 564,251 in 1995 and to 1,055,040 eight years later in 2002.

The Port of St. Maarten maintains a prime position in Caribbean Cruise tourism.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary public session of the House of Parliament is scheduled for April 24th regarding the Emilio Wilson Estate. Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Hon. Maurice Lake has been invited for the session.

The plenary session is set for Thursday at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The agenda point is number three brought forward from the adjourned public plenary session held on April 11. The agenda point, the decision of the government to purchase Emilio Wilson Estate, is reconvened in the Thursday session of the House.

The meeting was requested by MP Hon. Frans Richardson, MP George Pantophlet, and MP Louie Laveist.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via and

PHILIPSBURG:--- The long awaited Piranha investigation involving former Minister of Finance Hiro Shigemoto will be going before a judge in the Court of First Instance this Thursday. The hearing this Thursday is to allow the defense to indicate whether or not they want to hear more witnesses and determine how both the prosecution and defense should proceed with the actual court case.

The owner of Global Advisory Roberto Gibbs was arrested in 2013 when the Piranha investigation started, he spent some eight days in pretrial detention. In December 2013, former Minister of Finance Hiro Shigemoto was also arrested but he was released on Christmas Eve day. It is alleged that Global Advisory billed the Government of St. Maarten twice for the services they provide to government. It is also alleged that the former Minister of Finance who was appointed by the United People's Party was fully aware of the double billing by Global Advisory, therefore he is charged as an accomplice to the crime committed by Global Advisory. Below is a press release from Prosecutor Tineke Kamps regarding the Piranha court proceedings that will take place on Thursday.

On April 24, 2014 starting 9:00am the investigation named "Piranha" will be presented to the Court in Sint Maarten. The investigation relates to possible fraudulent transactions that may have cost the country Sint Maarten over 235,000 guilders. The Landsrecherche completed the investigation on June 23, 2013.
Summoned for the court hearing is Mr. R.A.G., who is suspected that his company Global Advisory Services NV wrongly submitted bills of the said amount. In addition, former Finance Minister H. S. is summoned. He would have made it possible that R.A.G. could favor himself with money of public funding.
The court hearing of April 24, 2014 will be a so-called "regiezitting". During that hearing the defense can request further investigation actions. The Public Prosecutors Service expects an actual court hearing at the end of this year.

 Press Release from the Public Prosecutor's Office

cdeweeveratpbwatertank2site21042014POINTE BLANCHE:--- Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever with responsibility for water quality, production and distribution was on site at the location in Pointe Blanche where the second 3000 m3 water tank will be built. Preparation work has already begun with the retaining walls already completed, and excavation work for the ring foundation has begun. This week the contractor will be completing the excavation for the ring foundation. Minister De Weever is very pleased with the work being carried out.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The OSPP board is somewhat shock after learning that the Telem workers marched to the government administration building to deliver a letter to the government voicing their concerns about a possible merger with UTS. The Board of the OSPP would like to advise the government of St. Maarten in particular the Prime Minister as Shareholder Representative of Telem N.V. to meet with the workers of Telem NV and to address their concerns. It is only normal that with such a drastic move that the workers want more information. The OSPP was under the impression that the government had sat with the workers of Telem N.V. and informed them of their plans and secondly to have allowed them to appoint a representative on the negotiating team. After all, the lively hood of the workers of Telem N.V. with any possible merger is at stake and the government ought to take that into consideration. Sometimes the government must lead by example in order to show the private sector that there is a good way to do things in these modern times and that all will benefit from a win, win, win situation.
The Board of the OSPP is very surprised that the government is shutting out the workers of Telem NV in this manner and we strongly condemn this way of doing business. The workers in our opinion have a right to be concerned and you and I would be too if we were in their position. As a new political party we are looking forward to meeting with the board of the telecommunication union to address this serious issue about the possible merger between Telem NV and UTS. A change must come and it must come now.

OSPP Press Release

PHILIPSBURG:--- The United People's Party (UP) leader and board would like to take this opportunity to congratulate High Council of State Ombudsman Hon. Dr. Nilda Arduin-Lynch for being named Woman of Great Esteem by the Board of Directors of the Woman of Great Esteem Organization.

Ombudsman Hon. Dr. Nilda Arduin-Lynch will be honoured on May 3rd in New York City at the 18th Annual Edition of the Women of Great Esteem Emerald Awards ceremony.

The award is given to women who develop and advance their communities without regard for race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religiosity, gender, age or national origin.

"Ombudsman Hon. Dr. Nilda Arduin-Lynch is the country's first ombudsman and the third woman from the country to be honoured by the Woman of Great Esteem Organization.

"The UP family is very pleased that another Sint Maartener has been recognized and honoured for the work that they do within the country's society. Ombudsman Hon. Dr. Nilda Arduin-Lynch is very well known for her work as a scholar and lawyer. We join the Sint Maarten community in congratulating her," UP Party leader and board said on Monday.

UP President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell was also named Woman of Great Esteem a few years ago as well as Prime Minister Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams.

United People's (UP) Party Board

PHILIPSBURG:--- A Central Committee meeting of the House of Parliament is scheduled for April 23 regarding the Bureau of Unusual Financial Transactions (MOT).

The public central committee meeting is set for Wednesday at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The agenda point is changes to the National Ordinance that governs MOT related to the Egmont Group.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and via

Library plays important role in society

PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell would like to congratulate the Philipsburg Jubilee Library and Digikidz with respect to the opening of a media lab.

The Digikidz media lab is a new area that has been established in the library's reading room, equipped with modern Information Communication Technology (ICT) equipment.

"Libraries have always played a role in societies. Despite the wired world we live in today, libraries still have an important role in nation building. The Philipsburg Jubilee Library will continue to develop our people's knowledge and interests.

"The library has embraced ICT because it knows the role it plays in today's world. I encourage members of society to make use of the new media lab which can only further enrich our society.

"I commend Digikidz for embracing our national library, an institution that provides knowledge which allows our society to continue to grow. The digital age has so much to offer and the new media lab will further enhance and cultivate library visitors.

"I am also very much aware of the need to find a new home for our national library. One that is modern and fully equipped to enhance the knowledge based society. A multi-functional center for the performing arts, library and museum are needed soonest," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Monday.

Digikidz is a project of Foresee Foundation. The media lab in an initiative of Foundation Kultuurkameleon.

In the library media lab, course members learn how to use the Internet, create movies, videos and games, and make presentations, flyers, posters, interactive quizzes, animations and films using innovative presentation and storytelling programmes.

Classes are available for schoolchildren and anyone interested in learning about the use of modern Internet technologies and multi-media.

The courses are free for students between the ages of nine and 18, as well as for teachers. Persons 18 years and older must pay a small contribution fee.

Interested persons can call tel. 542-2970 or register online at

walterhellebrandhandingmonumentsfoundationssuggestiontowilbertsolte20042014ORANJESTAD, St. Eustatius:--- At the farewell reception organized on St. Eustatius for Dutch Kingdom Representative for the Caribbean Netherlands Wilbert Stolte, the St. Eustatius Monuments Foundation (SEMF) handed him a suggestion to leave a tangible positive legacy on the island. Monuments Director Walter Hellebrand reminded Stolte how in 2012 he emphatically stated that Dutch construction company NMO Vervat would pay for the damage that they caused to an 18th century wall and outhouse that the company seriously damaged when laying the water distribution pipes in the center of historical Oranjestad, the capital of St. Eustatius. The suggestion of the SEMF is that Stolte sticks to his assurance made at the time of the visit to St. Eustatius of then caretaker vice-prime minister of the Netherlands, Maxime Verhagen, and arranges for the historical structure to be repaired.

The wall that NMO Vervat caused to collapse is part of a historical compound within the Urban Conservation Area of Oranjestad and doubles as one of the walls of an 18th century brick outhouse, one of only four remaining on the island. It lies, still fallen and broken, on the route of the touristic historical walking tour through the town's historic core.

The project for the water distribution network on St. Eustatius was financed with European funds handled through USONA (Foundation for the Development of the Netherlands Antilles). Stolte was treasurer of USONA between 2008 and 2011.

Hellebrand: "It would really be a positive gesture and lasting legacy if Stolte would arrange for the damage to be repaired – as he assured would happen back in 2012. This very special example of 18th century domestic culture on St. Eustatius has so far been left broken. We hope the same does not apply to his promise."

St. Eustatius Monuments Foundation Press Release

artassxmdonatestosrbasiliacenter20042014CAY HILL:--- A Bundle of Goodies donation was made to the St. Martins Home & the Sr. Basilia Center in St Johns Estate in honor of the Easter weekend celebrations from the Management & Staff of ARTAS St. Maarten Services.

ARTAS St. Maarten Services is a locally owned service company providing a variety of services to the people of St. Maarten and beyond. Services include Tax preparation, Accounting services, Immigration services, Overseas Documentation services, Recruiting & Staffing, General Administration services, Photo copy & courier service & Translations.

We are located in Welgelegen Road Cay Hill in the Sea Breeze building Unit 210. Our contact # 526-2136 / 587-4223.

daniellaengelhardtwithvkvsxmteam20042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Daniëlla Engelhardt, admitted to the Sint Maarten bar on 28 March 2014, is the newest addition to VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne's expanding St. Maarten team.

Daniëlla grew up in Curacao and started her legal studies in the Netherlands in 2007. She had a clear goal: to return home to the Caribbean, and work at an internationally oriented law firm. Her drive was unmistakable throughout her studies, when she, amongst other things, interned at a Curacao law firm, worked as a paralegal at a Dutch law firm and clerked at the Haarlem Court.

Esther Jansen, office director of VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne, explains why the firm is thrilled with this newest addition to the team: "The Dutch Caribbean needs ambitious professionals who understand the local market. But local talent often opts for a career abroad after graduating. Returning home is sometimes (indefinitely) delayed, because local talent incorrectly assumes that local opportunities and career prospects, are limited. Our firm offers a dynamic and challenging career. We serve international and local clients at the highest end of the market, allowing for ample opportunity for growth, development, and training of our lawyers, in an incomparable Caribbean atmosphere. Daniëlla is an example a young talented professional, who has considered her options carefully and who chose to come home, tangibly helping our community reverse the brain drain it faces."

Daniëlla says: "I have been preparing for my career as a lawyer for a long time. It was a conscious choice to realize my ambitions at home, surrounded by my loved ones. Working as a lawyer on a small, but extremely international and culturally diverse island like St. Maarten, provides unparalleled opportunities that I am very grateful for. Moreover, I am doing what I love, at a firm that works in five jurisdictions and that assists international clients at the highest end of the market. I could not wish for anything more, and now that I have been admitted to the bar, the real work can begin!"

nildaarduin03102013BROOKLYN, New York:--- The Board of Directors of the distinguished Woman of Great Esteem (WGE) Organization is pleased to announce that the 18th annual staging of the prestigious Women of Great Esteem Emerald Awards happens at 7pm on Saturday, May 3rd at the New York Ritz Carlton, Battery Park, 2 West Street in New York City.
The Woman of Great Esteem 2014 EMERALD Honorees represent women who develop and advance their communities without regard for race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religiosity, gender, age or national origin.
The 2014 Honorees include the newly appointed Director of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization, Dominican native, Dr. Clarissa Etienne who resides in Washington D.C. Dr. Etienne will be honored for her outstanding work in the field of medicine as it relates to global research and policy around primary health care, HIV/AIDS.

US Virgin Island's Dr. Suzette Graham will be honored in the field of medicine for her exemplary work as a Cardiologist and Professor at Downstate SUNY and Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn.

Sint Maarten's first Ombudsman, Dr. Rachnilda Lynch-Arduin is known as the "Guardian of the Constitution" on the Sint Maarten. She will be honored in the field of politics for her pioneering work as a scholar and lawyer, whose dedication to making the Constitution understandable and accessible to the general public has been highly regarded. She is also a well known television host who was born on Curacao.

Native New Yorker and attorney, Yolande Nicholdson, will be honored in the field of law for her unprecedented work in preserving home ownership and promoting community stabilization through her work as a foreclosure advocate. Through her work at Chase Manhattan Bank, Attorney Nicholdson has implemented the "Turnaround Plan" for communities targeted by foreclosure.

New York resident by way of Kingston, Jamaica, Sharon Gordon, will be honored in the field of arts and entertainment for her work as a media specialist and as co-founder and Chair of the Coalition to Preserve Reggae Music, Inc. She's a seasoned journalist, publicist, broadcaster, event coordinator, promoter and event host. Sharon's work as a cultural activist for more than twenty years has made her a well respected figure on the New York Jamaican cultural scene.
The Women of Great Esteem Emerald Award was founded in 1995 by Brooklyn based, Bishop Sylveta Hamilton - Gonzales, who had a vision to recognize the increasing contribution of women who have excelled beyond normal expectations in a multi-cultural society. Bishop Gonzales points out that, "The Emerald Award is a vehicle used for the empowerment of women, honoring them for their relentless efforts to nurture and serve their communities." To date, the organization has honored over 150 women from twenty-seven countries from North America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Bermuda, the Caribbean and Central America.
The annual event is a fundraiser for MACADEMY, School of Science and Technology in Brooklyn. For further information on the 2014 Woman of Great Esteem Emerald Awards at the New York Ritz Carlton Hotel on Saturday, May 3rd, please call 718.221.5566 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Ombudsman is proud to accept the nomination, and will be traveling to NY to be present at the event. She will be accompanied by her sister Mrs. Hilli Arduin residing in the Netherlands, Mrs. Mavis Brooks-Salmon, and Mrs. Oldine Bryson-Pantophlet.
Dr. Arduin is the third woman of Sint Maarten, to be an Honoree for the prestigious Women of Great Esteem Emerald Awards. Previous nominees were the present President of Parliament Drs. Gracita Arrindell and the Prime Minister of Sint Maarten, Mrs. Sarah Wescot- Williams.

nagicosponsorsrotarysxmfundraiser20042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Rotary Club will be hosting a fundraiser that NAGICO Insurances made a contribution towards in efforts to raise funds for their ongoing community projects such as "No Child Goes to Bed Hungry Tonight" Food Hampers, Literacy Programs and hospital equipments.
"Our Holiday Food Hamper program is designed for families that live below the poverty line," said Ms. Maria Buncamper, President of The St. Maarten Rotary Club.
The event that The Rotary Club will be hosting is their first ever Texas Hold'em Poker and BINGO Tournament which will be held at Hollywood Casino on Saturday; April, 26th.
NAGICO Insurances continues to be actively supportive within the community of St. Maarten.

briandeherwithnicoledeweever20042014~Art Saves Lives accepting donations for Summer Intensive~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Local Award winning dancer Nicole C. De Weever of Art Saves Lives received a donation Mr. Brian Deher, Director, Marina Operations and Planning in support of Art Saves Lives 2014 Summer Intensive Program. The upcoming Art Saves Lives summer intensive program will feature 19 artists from the United States who in addition to teaching classes will perform community service as part of their contribution to St. Maarten.
Ms. De Weever, founder and President of Art Saves Lives Foundation thanked Mr. Deher for the donation and looks forward to providing more programs in the future for the children of St. Maarten.
ASLP continues to raise funds to bring this project to fruition to serve local youth who are interested in a career in the arts and strengthen the performing arts on St. Maarten. Persons or businesses wishing to support the foundation's efforts are encouraged to contact Art Saves Lives at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

ASL Press Release

gracitaarrindellreceivesreportfromgac18042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell on Wednesday received the final Baseline Study on Institutional Integrity Management Report from the High Council of State the General Audit Chamber Chairman Ronald Halman.

The baseline study report provides an overview with regards to laws and regulations related to integrity.

The study was started in the latter half of 2013 and completed in March 2014. The General Audit Chamber is authorized to conduct investigations on integrity.

President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell welcomed the General Audit Chamber exercising its constitutional rights of carrying out the study with respect to integrity since it's a major point of discussion within the country for almost a year.

President Arrindell also feels that the study will be a good tool for Members of Parliament to have and utilize in further strengthening the democratic institutions of the country especially in the area of integrity, thereby further enhancing parliamentary democracy that the country has today.

More than 250 cases since January 1st

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Collective Prevention Services of the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour, is calling on the community to take preventive measures to prevent getting gastroenteritis, a very infectious germ that causes diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea, fever and headache.

The Ministry of Public Health is monitoring the situation, and is calling on all sectors within the economy that are in the food preparation business to take measures.

Since January 1st more than 250 cases have been clinically diagnosed. 84 cases have been reported under five-year olds and 167 cases reported for those five and older. In 2013 there were 67 cases; 2012 had 43 cases and 2011 with 14 cases.

Gastroenteritis is an infection of the stomach and bowel (large intestine). The most common symptoms are vomiting and repeated episodes of diarrhea (three or more episodes within 24 hours). The causes and treatment of gastroenteritis can differ between children and adults.

The most common causes of gastroenteritis in adults are the norovirus and food poisoning. It is self-limiting.

The infection can spread when bacteria found in faeces are transferred to your mouth. Bacteria can be transferred through poor hygiene.

For example, if someone does not wash their hands after going to the toilet, any viruses or bacteria on their hands will be transferred to whatever they touch, such as glass, kitchen utensil or food.

Minister of Public Health Hon. Cornelius de Weever, "Get Checked" campaign, is in line with the preventive measures that should be taken to ensure that you don't get gastroenteritis and pass it on to others.

To prevent the spread of the infection, wash your hands thoroughly after going to the toilet and before eating or preparing food; clean the toilet, including the seat and handle, with disinfectant after each bout of vomiting or diarrhea; don't share towels, cutlery and utensils with other household members; and don't return to work until 48 hours have passed since your last bout of vomiting or diarrhea.

Consult your family physician if you have the vomiting/diarrhea so you can be referred to the lab to get a confirmation on the diagnosis and the virus type.

Practicing good food hygiene will help you avoid getting gastroenteritis from food poisoning. You should regularly wash your hands, surfaces and utensils with hot, soapy water; never store raw food and cooked foods together; avoid cross contamination of foods; make sure that food is properly refrigerated; always cook your food thoroughly; and never eat food that is past its sell by date.

If symptoms persist for a prolonged period of time, the family doctor may consider blood and stool tests to determine the cause of the vomiting and diarrhea.

For more information call 542-2078, 542-3003 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

smmtalogo17042014SIMPSON BAY:--- The Sint Maarten Marine Trades (SMMTA) has taken note of the zoning plans for Simpson Bay and the Simpson Bay Lagoon presented by Government at the public hearing of February 25th 2014 in which major changes to the area are projected. This plan addresses the physical heartland of the yachting industry which in turn constitutes approximately 15% of the economy of Country Sint Maarten. While the SMMTA understands that this is a Zoning Plan and not a Development Plan, we feel strongly that the St. Maarten Government needs to slow down this process to better understand and take into account the needs and concerns of the Simpson Bay community and all other stakeholders, including the marine industry, before moving forward.
The SMMTA wishes to point out that this zoning concept is being developed in the absence of any short or long term plan for the yachting industry. There is much concern as to why an industrial development like a cruise facility and pier for fueling mega yachts would be proposed in what is predominantly a residential area; especially when the Simpson Bay community has strongly voiced their opposition to the development concept proposed.
Sint Maarten is fortunate to have a significant yachting industry that in many respects is the envy of competing islands and countries; however, this volatile industry, in which high quality employment and extensive economic impact is presently being gained, is complicated and diverse and has specific needs that are often overlooked. The future of the yachting industry on St. Maarten is highly dependent on how Country St. Maarten cultivates and protects the island's natural resources and competitive advantages. Physical planning options must be closely tied to the type of future that is envisaged for the industry; the SMMTA is of the opinion that at this time there is no plan in existence with a specific mandate for safeguarding and fostering the yachting industry. The SMMTA strongly advocates that a plan for the yachting industry be created with input from all relevant stakeholders prior to Government finalizing the development plan for Simpson Bay.

SMMTA Press Release

utsdonatestofoundationforlimitlesscooperation17042014PHILIPSBURG:--- UTS has pledged its support to the International Track and Field Meet which will be held at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex in Cay Hill on May 3rd. The event is being hosted by the Government of St. Maarten, the Speedy Plus Club and the Foundation for Limitless Cooperation. The event will be held at the newly renovated complex and will attract track and field athletes of international caliber and also showcase the athletic skills of local athletes. UTS' contribution will assist the club with prize monies for the competing athletes. "We are happy to support this event, as it is one that will bring international talent and attention to the island and also provide our local athletes with a platform to show what they are capable of," said UTS Marketing & Communication Officer, Ivy Lambert. "As a company we try to support government and local foundations in their endeavor to promote active and wholesome activities in the community. The benefits of developing these activities on a larger level are exponential to the local population and economy. We wish all athletes that will be competing much success," Lambert continued.

UTS Press Release

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday April 14, 2014, the Police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM) launched their crime prevention flyer. The flyer is a project that was done by Community Police Officer Arcella Leonard.
The flyer contains several safety tips on crime prevention. A photo of all the Community Police Officers, the community they represent, their contact phone number and email address is also on the flyer. These flyers will be available island wide.

Click here to view KPSM's Crime Prevention Flyer.

POND ISLAND:--- TelEm Group Personnel Association is hosting a regional domino torurnament on company premises during the Easter weekend – with an open invitation to lovers of the sport to pass by.
According to Personnel Association President, Mr. Stanley Faneyte, top domino teams from Dominica, Aruba, Anguilla and Curacao will be competing for bragging rights on Saturday and Sunday.
An opening ceremony was held Friday night to welcome the players in a meet and greet session.
"We agreed to host the tournament as our way of supporting the sport," said the Personnel Association president.
He said although TelEm Group will not be competing officially, the company has put together a formidable team to warm up the players before competition begins.
"There will be some fierce competition and we are inviting domino players all over the island to drop by and see these top players in action," said Stanley.

TELEM Press Release

Registration now open to students and businesses

GREAT BAY:--- The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth & Sports, the Honorable Mrs. Patricia Lourens through the Department of Youth Affairs is excited to announce that application forms for the Business Outreach and Placement Program (BOPP) 2014 have been made available to students at the various High Schools on St. Maarten.

The primary objective of this program is to offer students the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge into a practical workplace experience for a four- week period during the month of July. The applicants eligible for this program must adhere to the criteria of being a pre-exam or exam students aged 16 and older of secondary schools and tertiary level education.

As part of the program, all participating students will be offered training to enhance their overall skills and competences which will be necessary for the workplace. While this will benefit both the students and placement companies alike, the emphasis is placed however on ensuring that the student obtains a practical training experience based on their future career ambition.
Training workshops will be given on office etiquette, work ethics, business skills and a motivational session to teach students the importance of pursuing their highest goals. Upon successful completion of this training, certificates of participation will be issued to all students. Subsequently, once the students have been placed, the department will monitor each student's progress by reviewing weekly performance evaluations from their supervisors and by conducting site visits to see how they are coping in the program.

This year, the BOPP program will mark its 16th anniversary in existence and the program is scheduled to run from July 7th through August 1st, 2014. The Government is pleased with the way in which the program has developed over the years. Companies acknowledged for their committed annual support are the Sonesta Great Bay Beach Resort, Bank of Nova Scotia, St. Maarten Cable TV and NAPA who have participated in the BOPP for many consecutive years. Last year, there were also some new companies joining the program such as Dijtham Paints, Algemeen Pensioenfonds St. Maarten (APS), Nature's Discount, Versant Accounting and, Simpson Bay Resort Marina. This demonstrates that the private sector is slowly but surely responding to the program. It is anticipated that more companies will join the program this year as several new commitments from local businessmen have been made already to provide more placement opportunities for the youth".

The Minister of Youth Affairs urges business owners to participate in the program and support the youth as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility to the community. Businesses that are willing to participate or seek more information can contact the department of Youth Affairs for further information at telephone number: 542-2056/ 5423873 or via fax: 54-20643 or send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Students wishing to apply in this work experience program can do so by visiting their school guidance counselor's office for an application form or pass by the Department of Youth Affairs. All student application forms must be submitted to the Department of Youth Affairs located in the Vlaun Building, across from the Post Office no later than Wednesday, June 4th, 2014.

BERLIN, Germany:--- Transparency International representatives visited St. Maarten at the end of March 2014 to meet with the research team and various experts and citizens groups from the principal institutions involved in the National Integrity System assessment. All discussions were constructive and placed a high importance on dialogue. Preliminary findings will be presented to all key stakeholders for feedback in September, with a view to publication and an official on-island launch at the end of this year.

Transparency International wishes to thank everyone who took the time to meet with us. We appreciate to have been given the opportunity to present information in person about the work we do at Transparency International in general, and the National Integrity System assessment in particular.

We feel that the conversations we had on the island were helpful to the work we are facilitating. We were heartened by the collaborative spirit and openness we experienced in meetings throughout the week and are especially grateful for all the valuable insights and expertise that were shared with us.

It is our hope and belief that the National Integrity System assessment in St. Maarten, through its consultative approach, will be a critical step towards improving integrity on the island assisting citizens to work together towards positive change.

Transparency International and the research team are currently moving forward with the assessment with the generous input and guidance of local stakeholders. For further information on the St. Maarten National Integrity System assessment, including videos and timeline, please see Transparency International's website at The webpage will be updated continuously as the assessment progresses.

Transparency International Press Release

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- The Dutch Council of Ministers today agreed to the proposal of the Minister of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations to nominate Mr. Hyden Gittens by the King as a member on behalf of the public entity Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba in the Board of financial supervision (College financieel toezicht - Cft) Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.

Mr. Gittens will replace Mr. Max Pandt thereby, who has been member of the Cft since March 12th, 2008 upon recommendation of the former island territories. Cft Dutch Caribbean consists further of Chairman Prof. Age Bakker and member Sybilla Dekker, upon recommendation of the Netherlands.

Mr. Hyden Gittens has more than thirty years of experience as an accountant, in both the private and the public sector. In addition was Mr. Gittens the governor of the former island territory Sint Eustatius for six years. In that capacity, Mr. Gittens stood at the cradle of the transition from the island territory to the public entity in 2010.

CFT Press Release

mauricelakesupportingyoungpotentialathletes17042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake says he supports the St. Maarten Amateur Athletic Association fundraising drive which will be participating in the 43rd Annual Carifta Games 2014.

Athlete Shakeba Pink, will be one of the participants.

This event will take place in Martinique from April 18 to 22. The selection for the country consists of eight athletes and three delegate leaders.

"I would like to thank Prime Distributors for their sponsorship and promoting our young people. These donations also help our youths to move upward," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

tedrichardson26092013"Medical tourism seen as area of opportunity"

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson met with drs. Ton Jonker from the Amsterdam Economic Board during a recent working visit to the Netherlands. The meeting was facilitated by Director of the Sint Maarten House Perry Geerlings.

The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area has all of the key assets to be an innovative and economically strong region. Due to strong clusters, the Amsterdam Area can play a pioneering role both nationally (within the Netherlands) and internationally.

In order to fully exploit this potential, collaboration between governmental agencies, research institutes and the trade and industry sector is essential.

Under the umbrella of the Amsterdam Economic Board, representatives from governmental agencies, research institutes and the business world have jointly taken responsibility to work towards strengthening the economy of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. The Board strives to stimulate and support sustainable collaboration, innovation and growth in the region, and strengthen international competitiveness.

Minister Richardson presented his Road Map plans of his ministry in an animated film, and out of the discussion with Jonker, some areas of overlap and cooperation were discussed, in particular Tourism and Conferences. The Board rep also indicated medical tourism as an opportunity for possible cooperation.

The Cabinet of the Sint Maarten Minister Plenipotentiary will follow-up on the medical tourism potential.

In order to give shape to Amsterdam's regions, eight main economic clusters were designated for the area with sustainability, Europe and Talent being significant themes evident in all of them.

The clusters are: Creative Industries; ICT/e-Science; Life Sciences & Health; Financial & Business Services; Logistics; Flowers & Food; Tourism & Conferences; and High Tech Materials.

The Minister's delegation comprised of Chef de Cabinet and Personal Advisor Ludwig Ouenniche and Jaap van Duinkerken from Ministry TEATT.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson met with representatives from the Dutch Consumer Authority and Competition Authority (NMa) as well as the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority (OPTA)during a recent working visit to the Netherlands.

The Dutch Consumer and Competition Authority as well as OPTA back in April 2013 joined forces as a new independent regulator, the Consumer & Market Authority (ACM) that looks out for the interests of consumers and businesses.

Minister Richardson informed the reps that he is working on the establishment of a Consumer Protection and Competition Authority. A feasibility study report and a policy report have been drafted and Ministry TEATT is now at the stage of drafting legislation.

Sint Maarten is contemplating the use of Bureau Telecommunication and Post (BTP), the independent regulatory authority, to implement and enforce the Competition Authority and Consumer Protection, once established.

ACM indicated during the discussions with Minister Richardson and his delegation, how they are also in charge of similar tasks for the BES Islands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba).

ACM is willing to assist Sint Maarten with the legislation for the Consumer Protection and Competition Authority by reviewing the feasibility report, policy and draft laws governing the aforementioned.

ACM indicated its willingness to visit the country in the near future to continue with consultative meetings on further enhancing collaboration, especially where it concerns the relationship between Sint Maarten and Saba/St. Eustatius.

The Minister's delegation comprised of Chef de Cabinet and Personal Advisor Ludwig Ouenniche and Jaap van Duinkerken from Ministry TEATT.

gacpresentsbaselinestudyoninstitutionalintegritymanagement17042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The final report "Baseline Study on Institutional Integrity Management" was presented to the president of Parliament, drs. Gractia Arrindell, on Wednesday April 16th 2014 by the chairman of the General Audit Chamber, Mr. Ronald Halman. The Baseline Study provides the state of affairs with regard to laws and regulations related to (aspects of) integrity.
The General Audit Chamber decided to conduct the baseline study in order to provide a contribution to the topic of integrity and to draw attention for the creation of a preventative integrity policy, along with the development of a thorough system of integrity management. The study was started late in 2013 and completed in March 2014. The General Audit Chamber is authorized to conduct investigations on integrity on the basis of article 33 of the National Ordinance General Audit Chamber.
According to the report, "Integrity is a prerequisite for confidence in government". The General Audit Chamber considers integrity, along with effectiveness, efficiency and a customer orientation, to be essential prerequisites for good governance. Together, these factors determine the quality of the government organization.
With the Baseline Study, the General Audit Chamber sought to answer a number of questions among which, the extent of compliance with article 101 of the Constitution. This constitutional stipulation calls for additional regulations relating to the management of integrity. Furthermore, the baseline study seeks to determine the extent to which government complies with the requirements (as stipulated by law) to further develop certain aspects of integrity, to develop (integrity) norms in national decrees containing general measures, and to issue ministerial regulations etc. The General Audit Chamber also reviewed whether the rules and regulations related to integrity are actually executed and enforced.
As a framework, the General Audit Chamber developed an inventory of all published laws (national ordinances) related to (aspects) of integrity since October 10, 2010. The inventory was developed per institution of government (Parliament, Council of Ministers, Ministries, Police, and High Councils of State). As part of the research, the General Audit Chamber surveyed and interviewed representatives of the various institutions.
A main finding of the study is that the basic "infrastructure" of organic legislation related to integrity management is in order. However, few, if any formal regulations in the area of integrity are being implemented. Moreover, almost none of the additional rules and regulations containing specific norms that are required (in the form of ordinances) exist.
The report also contains findings specific to the various institutions studied. For example, mention is made of a backlog in the number of civil servants that have not yet taken the oath of office. In addition, the frequent exceptions to public tendering of works and projects was reviewed.
The General Audit Chamber recommends among others, "fast tracking" the execution of all ordinances related to integrity, for example, by means of a technical task force assigned the job of drafting legislation.
Furthermore, the General Audit Chamber suggests that Codes of Conduct should be developed for both Parliament and Government. The Code of Conduct for Civil Servants needs to be reviewed and provided with a "status", for example, by enacting the Code by means of a Ministerial Decree or a National Decree.
A campaign is recommended to eliminate the backlog of civil servants who have not yet taken the oath of office. The Audit Chamber also recommends prioritizing the development of the additional rules for public bidding (tendering) given the vulnerability related to granting of contracts for works and services.
The report is extensive and outlines many other aspects of integrity, and provides additional findings related to the existence and enforcement of integrity rules. Recommendations are issued as part of the report as well.
The Baseline Study is published in both English and Dutch and is available on the website of the General Audit Chamber (

usmpresentsserstaffwithcertificatesofcompletion17042014HARBOR VIEW:--- On Monday, the University of St. Martin presented to the Management and staff of the Social Economic Council (SER) certificates of completion for participating in a tailor-made Advance Policy Writing (APW) course.

This APW course was a joint project between USM and SER after meeting several times and determining what the SER wanted and what the USM could provide.

Through the many instructors, the Dean of Academic of the University of St. Martin Francio Guadeloupe said, we can tailor-make courses, classes, and workshops to Government, Business sector and the general Public. This course is one of many specialized certificates that USM offers in areas as diverse as business, languages, hospitality, and education. These specialized certificates are part of the new USM's vision plan to contribute to the process of upgrading Sint Maarteners who are already part of the existing workforce. This is about combining lifelong learning with the broadening of the social awareness of the entire population. It is about education as enabling conscientious citizenship on all levels.

For one month, twice a week, SER management and staff sat through the course which dealt with improvement of writing skills, critical thinking, rhetorical aspects, policy and composition.
In sessions stretching from Monday and Thursday, valuable information was exchanged and experiences were discussed. The staff of the SER was represented by Secretary-general, Gerard Richardson, legal advisor, Daniëlle Choennie-Babel, office manager Ursela Salomon and Policy worker, Bas Peters.

rotarysxmlaunchestourismawarenesscampaign16042014TOURISM IS OUR BUSINESS

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Thursday the Rotary Club of St. Maarten announced a multi year public awareness campaign, Tourism is Our Business, in an effort build a greater understanding amongst all members of our community of what makes our economic engine work. According to Maria Buncamper-Molanus, President of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, "Depending on which study you look at, somewhere between 80% and 90% of every dollar spent on St. Maarten comes from the tourism industry. That means everyone who lives and works here relies on tourism to earn a living. So, who needs tourists? We do! Remember, wherever you work, wherever you play, wherever you go to school, tourism is our business".

This multi year campaign was launched at the Rotary Club of St. Maarten's weekly luncheon meeting at Divi Little Bay Resort, with an address from St. Maarten's Minister of Tourism and Economic Affairs, the Honorable Ted Richardson. Mr. Richardson, told the members of the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, "We are all St. Maarten, we all need tourists. I love Sint Maarten and we all need to let our visitors know they are important and we want them to come back and visit our island year round. You said it best with your campaign, tourism is our business."

Mrs. Buncamper went on to explain, "I am pleased to kick off this multi year campaign. This might just be one of the most important projects ever taken on by this Rotary Club. So, be prepared to be reminded about the importance of tourism everywhere you turn. I also want to thank MNO, our primary sponsor, for this all important awareness campaign. With out their support, none of this would be possible, so on behalf of our club, please accept a big thank you from all of us".

For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website

kimfundashian16042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday April 16th, Princess Juliana International Airport was abuzz with reporters, photographers and TV-crew's for the arrival of mysterious megastar and socialite 'Kim Fundashian'. Her glamorously staged appearance signaled the kickoff of Fun Miles biggest campaign yet: 'Fun Miles Millionaire'. This campaign, which will run until December 1st, offers new and existing cardholders the chance to win no less than one million Fun Miles, thereby becoming an instant Fun Miles Millionaire. Kim Fundashian is the campaign's spokeswoman. She exemplifies the 'rich & famous' Fun Miles Millionaire lifestyle and will be involved in many exciting activities, events and surprises during the campaign. Thanks to this campaign, there has never been a more attractive moment to become a Fun Miles cardholder.

Who will become St. Maarten first Fun Miles Millionaire?
Participating couldn't be easier. Anyone who actively uses a Fun Miles card will automatically participate in the raffle of 1,000,000 Fun Miles that will take place in December 2014. The more a cardholder swipes, the more his or her chances of winning will increase.

A highly desirable prize
The grand prize of 1,000,000 Fun Miles is highly desirable. It will enable the winner to truly live like a Fun Miles Millionaire by going on luxurious trips, doing some lavish home improvement, going on wild shopping sprees, and doing a myriad of other fun things offered by Fun Miles' partners, which are St. Maarten leading companies.

But wait, there's more
The Fun Miles Millionaire campaign will feature activities, additional prizes and all-out fun throughout the year. Special bumper and card stickers will be distributed, and cardholders spotted with these stickers will be able to win prizes on the spot. A Fun Miles Millionaire Crew will cruise around the island with Kim Fundashian and a camera crew to play fun games with instant prizes. There will be radio call-in games, Facebook contests, and more. Kim Fundashian will represent Fun Miles at major events, coming up you can meet her during the Carnival International Show and of course not forgetting the Fun Expo: the successful annual gathering that celebrates all things of Fun Miles has to offer for you.

Now is the time to become a Fun Miles cardholder
Joining Fun Miles has never been more attractive, and is incredibly easy. A welcome package, which includes the card plus clear and simple instructions, is available at all Fun Miles partners and at the Fun Miles offices in Cay Hill for only $6. Note that this is a one-time administration fee. Beyond those $6, Fun Miles will never charge cardholders for anything else. Saving, redeeming and enjoying Fun Miles is completely free.

utsdonatestostpeterscommunitycouncil16042014PHILIPSBURG:--- UTS has put its full support behind the St. Peters Community Council in its endeavor to hold an Easter Party on Saturday, April 19. The event is being held for the children of the St. Peters neighborhood as well as those living in a children's home in the district. With its support, UTS is contributing with a monetary donation, which will cover the entire budget for the event. "We are happy to support this initiative, as it promises to entertain and delight the children of St. Peters. We want to do our part in bringing a wholesome and safe activity to children over the long Easter weekend. UTS wishes everyone a pleasant and peaceful Easter weekend," said UTS Marketing & Communication Officer, Ivy Lambert. The Easter party will be held at the Rupert Maynard Community Center on Saturday, April 19.

UTS Press Release

swescotwilliamsu2canmove16042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams will be hosting a special commemorated 'walkercize' in memory of the late 'Calypso' Barbara Althea Nesbitt. The Prime Minister stated that the walk is being held in order to remember Calypso Barbara's positive energy during many of the U 2 Can Move Fitness campaigns; "This is not just a regular walk, or a walk-a-thon as such, but this is a walkercize rather that is dedicated to the memory of Calypso Barbara. The late Calypso Barbara was a member of the U 2 Can Move family and until she got ill she was an avid supporter and participant in especially our Zumba events. That is why on Saturday morning starting at six at the Grand Marche we will be having a walkercize/Zumba walk accompanied by the Generation New Status Drum Band in dedicated to Calypso Barbara. The Route of the walk will start at the Grand Marche down the Bush Road to the Longwall Road, Front Street, Emma Plein, Juancho Yrausquin Boulevard to the Walther Nisbeth Road to the Government Building where a nice breakfast will be served. I encourage the whole community to take part in this event specially dedicated to the memory of Calypso Barbara," stressed Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

janeanddonjonespresentsbooktopjl16042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Philipsburg Jubilee Library will be hosting its weekly, Saturday, story time at 11:00am on Saturday, April 19.
Every Saturday, the library conducts story time sessions for visiting children. Both Joseanne Peterson and Lysandra William are the coordinators for the Saturday story times sessions and have been volunteering their time for this project since January.
Storyteller and writer, Don Jones, a visitor to the island, will be reading from his children's books consisting of three short stories called "The Adventure of the Wizard & His Friends". "My wife, Jane and I have been coming to St. Maarten for 10 years and asked our friend, Richard, where we could do a reading for local children. We sent an e-mail to the library and it went from there. It is our goal in life to give back as much as we can and help the children understand the effects of global warming and other destructive habits of the human race", remarked Jones.
This Saturday's story will show how the Wizards and his friends are faced with some of the problems facing the environment and what needs to be done to save it.
The next story time session will be in May.

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, and Telecommunication herewith makes the following known:

Friday, April 18, 2014, Good Friday, is an official holiday.

In keeping with the Law on Shop closure, all places of business must be closed on the aforementioned. In accordance with Article 3 of the Law on Shop Closure, the aforementioned is not applicable to the following businesses:

  • Pharmacies, as far as it concerns the sale of medicine and medical products;
  • Bars and restaurants;
  • Hotels and guest houses;
  • Stores located in hotels and on airport and harbor premises;
  • Funeral parlors;
  • Gas stations;
  • Bakeries selling pastries, milk, and milk products.

No dispensation will be granted for stores to be opened on Good Friday, April 18, 2014.

govtwebsitescreenshot16042014PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- The Honorable Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams congratulated the Department of Communication on the revamping and redesign of the Official Government of Sint Maarten website The Prime Minister stated that the new website is another example of Government's commitment to openness and the possibilities the internet offers to do so. The Prime Minister also stated that Government is always striving to stay up to date with the relevant advances in technology and how this relates to the dissemination of information to the general public; "Government strives to be on the cutting edge and therefore needs to constantly revisit how it provides information to the public. In terms of content, we again note the translated laws, which go a long way in empowering our citizens," commented Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

Acting Head of DCOMM Rodney Richardson stated that the Government website was first launched during the month of June 2010 in preparation of the transition to Country Sint Maarten. Since then, the Department of Communication has taken a number steps to improve the user experience while visiting the website. After many complaints and discussions a final decision was taken in 2013 to proceed with the revamp and redesign of the website. Leading the redesign project were Webmaster Jeanelle Mardembrough, Policy Worker Marsha Gumbs Beauperthuy and technology consultant Ricardo Eights of CompuTech. On April 3rd the redesigned website was uploaded and made available to the general public.

The main goals of the redesign were:

  1. Improve the overall look and feel of website.
  2. Improve the navigation experience by bringing frequently requested information forward.
  3. Improve the delivery of information with new methods and features within the website.

The front page of the website has added features such as a new alert scroll that announces road closures and other emergency notices of all Government Departments. The latest press releases are featured prominently with access to video on demand and a photo gallery of the Council of Ministers, Ministries and Government related activities. To improve navigation there is a colorful carousel of 12 tabs that include Council of Ministers, Laws, Services & Forms, Health Updates, Civil Registry and Immigration Services.

The Prime Minister encourages the general public to explore the website, of special interest to the Prime Minister is the Tab on Laws where the Constitution of Sint Maarten can be found in English and Dutch along with the recently translated laws. Another important feature to the website that has been worked on for some time now is the availability of the National Gazette, which is also available online for perusal.

garbagebinsonmulletbaybeach19022013PHILIPSBURG:--- While residents and visitors enjoy Sint Maarten's beaches in large numbers through-out the year, Christmas, Holy Week, Good Friday and the Easter holidays are undoubtedly the days when the island's beaches are visited the most. In recent years there has been a trend whereby many of the island's beaches are left covered in garbage in particular after the major holidays mentioned above. The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau, Environmental Protection In the Caribbean and Pride Foundation are therefore urging residents, visitors and organizations to dispose of their garbage responsibly during and after all beach visits.

Last year eighteen garbage bins were placed on Mullet Bay Beach and four on Kim Sha Beach in partnership with the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau, Environmental Protection In the Caribbean (EPIC), St. Maarten Pride Foundation, St. Maarten Timeshare Association and The Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Development, Environment and Infrastructure.
Preparations are currently being made to place garbage bins on other beaches in cooperation with relevant community councils.

The Tourist Bureau and the Environmental Foundations are calling on the general public to please make proper use of the garbage bins on the island's beaches. Small waste items from beach parties, barbecues etc. should be disposed of in the nearest garbage bin which isn't yet full or put in the large garbage containers such as the one placed on the Mullet Bay Beach parking-lot.

Odd-sized, large garbage items and full garbage bags should not be placed, in, on, next to or around the small garbage bins nor anywhere else on the beach. These items should be disposed of in the aforementioned large garbage containers or taken back home if no containers are available in the immediate area.

The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau, Environmental Protection In the Caribbean and Pride Foundation wish everyone a blessed and safe Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter weekend.

Thanks for helping us keep Sint Maarten clean!

The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau,
Environmental Protection In the Caribbean
Sint Maarten Pride Foundation

mauricelake18082013PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Monday sent a letter to the Prime Minister/Minister of General Affairs Hon. Sarah Wescot-Williams seeking her ministries cooperation in sorting out the Emilio Wilson Estate affair.

The Minister of General Affairs has confirmed receipt of Minister Lake's letter.

Minister Lake informed the Minister of General Affairs about the public meeting of Friday, April 11 in the House of Parliament, where questions were posed about his integrity in supplying Parliament with erroneous answers in the Central Committee meeting of March 6, 2014.

Minister Lake further states in his letter that the information passed on to the House of Parliament was obtained from a member of staff of Department of Records and Information Management (DIV) one day earlier, on March 5, 2014.

Since DIV does not fall under the responsibility of Ministry VROMI, Minister Lake is seeking the Minister of General Affairs cooperation in getting the necessary information.

The matter in question surrounds the registration at DIV of a document carrying the DIV number 1114A/2010 of July 20, 2012. This letter was written on the letterhead of the Prime Minister and signed by the Deputy Prime Minister of Sint Maarten.

The Minister further outlines in his letter to the Prime Minister/Minister of General Affairs, a meeting has been planned tentatively for Thursday, April 17, 2014, whereby it is expected for me, as Minister responsible for VROMI to give the answers to the questions posed by members of Parliament.

"I am expected to answer truthfully and therefore I am imploring you to have your Ministry provide you with the proper answers in this regard, so that I can present them to Parliament," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake stated in his letter.

pjl19122013PHILIPSBURG:--- Philipsburg Jubilee Library will be closed for a few days during the Easter holidays.

The library will be closed on Good Friday, April 18 and on Easter Monday, April 21. The library will be open on Saturday, April 19, from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Regular opening hours will resume on Tuesday, April 22, 2014.

The library apologizes for any inconvenience and wishes the public of St. Maarten on behalf of the board, management and staff a happy Easter Holiday.

swescotwilliams16042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams confirmed on Wednesday during the Council of Ministers' weekly press briefing that the letter of intent signed by former Deputy Prime Minister William Marlin was booked in at the Department of General Affairs. Wescot Williams also confirmed that the Council of Ministers did take a decision on the purchase of the Emilio Wilson estate prior to the letter of intent being signed.

Minister of VROMI Maurice Lake will soon be facing a motion of no confidence whenever the chairlady of parliament reconvenes the continuation of the meeting called by the National Alliance. That meeting was tentatively set for Thursday but so far the chairlady of parliament has not convoked the Members of Parliament on the continuation of the meeting.

Minister Lake told Members of Parliament that the "letter of intent" was not booked in when he first met with parliament to discuss the purchase of the estate. While Minister Lake had the letter of intent with the DIV number and was waving it in parliament to show he is transparent, he did not submit the letter he was waiving when he realized that the letter had on its booking number. Minister Lake even went as far as saying he found documents in an envelope that were left behind by the former Minister to be burnt.
In such cases one would expect Minister Lake to call in the public prosecutor to conduct an investigation but none of that was done. It should be noted that Minister Lake only came out with the story of him finding an envelope with documents left behind to be burnt when the court of first instance rendered a decision in favor of Henri Brookson and forced government to live up to the letter of intent they signed on the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate.

Former SER Member Takes Government to Court citing Age Discrimination --- To be Appointed to GEBE Board.

The former chairman of the SER board who had to resign because he reached the age limit has filed a court case against government citing age discrimination. Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams confirmed this on Wednesday when she was asked about the matter by SMN News. Wescot Williams said it will be interesting to see how that case will go because the law governing the SER has an age limit which has to be respected.

Furthermore, SMN News asked the Prime Minister if she was aware that the Minister of VROMI nominated two persons, both of whom are pensioners to be placed on the Supervisory Board of GEBE. Wescot Williams confirmed that two names were presented to the Council of Ministers and they have to be sent to the Governor for signing off. When asked how it is possible for government to appoint members to boards of government owned companies when the Corporate Governance Council is now defunct and cannot advise government on these matters, Wescot Williams said it is a concern for government, but they are working on having the Corporate Governance Council in place.

PM and Minister of VROMI to meet to Finalize Joint Projects to Obtain EU funding.

Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams announced on Wednesday that she will be meeting with the Minister of VROMI on Wednesday afternoon to finalize the joint projects that they need to submit to the French authorities in order to obtain EU funding.

Wescot Williams said the Dutch and French government met and they agreed to submit three projects which will be funded by the EU, those projects she said are a sewage plant, a study and subsequent clean-up of Simpson Bay Lagoon and a radar. Wescot Williams further explained that she has to discuss the Simpson Bay Lagoon project with Minister Lake in order for the Dutch to submit the projects they want to work on jointly with the French side by April 28th, 2014.

martinhassink16042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Government of St. Maarten collected some 8.1 million guilders in road tax payments so far for the year 2014 said Minister of Finance Martin Hassink in an invited comment. Minister Hassink told SMN News that for the same period in 2013 government collected 5.8 million guilders.

The Finance Minister said based on figures he has, government still has to collect about half a million guilders more. "Government will collect about Naf. 75,000.00 as of April and that amount will decrease because most people already paid their road taxes for 2014."

In 2013, government collected some 7.2 million guilders in total. Therefore, government collected almost one million guilders more than that amount in the first quarter of 2014. During the same period in 2012 government collected 7.8 million guilders and 8.5 million guilders for that entire year.

SIMPSON BAY:--- Two men are now in police custody for beating up an employee of the Electrical and Mechanical Department of the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIAE). According to information provided to SMN News, the victim identified as Roberto Hennis better known as "T" was busy working in the parking lot when two men attacked and beat him because he told them they could not park where he was working. Workers who witnessed the incident said the two men are of Guyanese decent and are supposedly living on the French side.
"When "T" told them they could not park where they parked they jumped out of their vehicle and started to use obscene language then they began beating him. "T" had to be transported to the St. Maarten Medical Center where is currently receiving treatment, it appeared as though he suffered a broken nose and other injuries." Workers and other bystanders who witnessed the attack called police who managed to capture the two men in the vicinity of the Causeway as they were trying to escape to the French side. SMN News tried to reach Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson for a comment but he could not be reached. SMN News will bring you more information on this incident as soon as it becomes available.

williammarlin28122012Tries to break coalition multiple times, now committed

PHILIPSBURG:--- National Alliance Leader William Marlin says statements made by United People's Party Leader Theo Heyliger about keeping the coalition together, while Heyliger himself has blatantly attempted to break the coalition multiple times in recent weeks, is not just laughable, but a vein attempt to fool the people yet again.

Marlin said it is no secret that Heyliger has been trying for several weeks and months now to break the coalition to force early elections.

It was Heyliger who first said he said he was prepared to break the coalition if members of the Central Bank board were removed. When this did not work, he then said he wanted early elections because of the hurricane season. When this too failed, it was the same Heyliger, who for a third time said he was prepared to break the coalition - this time after the UP congress, saying that the congress gave him a resounding mandate to break the government and go for early elections.

He even started using a "We ready" campaign, as an clear indication that he is ready to break the government.

Marlin said Heyliger's childish rants show the immaturity that some will resort to for their own personal interests and gains - interests that do not involve the well-being and welfare of the people of this country. It is actions like these, where personal interests are put above that of the country that St. Maarten can do without at this stage in its development.

Marlin also alluded to statements made in an opinion letter of a local newspaper that suggests that t‎here is a plan to remove VROMI Minister Maurice Lake to bring "Marlin" in as Minister. But this is absolutely not so, Marlin said adding that he has no desire to become minister ahead of the upcoming election, where the people of St. Maarten will speak loud and clear at the polls.

The National Alliance has requested a meeting to deal with the purchase of the Emilio Wilson Estate and will table a motion against Minister Maurice Lake who has repeatedly been lying to Parliament.

Marlin said seemingly the UP leader has gotten wind that his coalition partner the Democratic Party DP intends to support the motion and he suddenly is now committed to stability in government and loyalty to the coalition, after his public repeated attempts to break the coalition for his personal interests.

Marlin said Heyliger's latest statements about keeping the coalition together was only made to appease his coalition partners in the face of a motion of no confidence against his minister of VROMI Maurice Lake who continues to concoct stories to feed the country's highest legislative body and by extension the people of this country.

Marlin said that whenever the parliament meeting is re-convened, the National Alliance will table its motion against Minister Maurice Lake. It is unacceptable that a minister makes a habit to lie to Parliament and nothing is done about it. "The people of this country deserves better," Marlin said.

National Alliance Press Release

nildaarduin15042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On April 1, 2014, the National Ordinance (AB 5, 2014) regarding the establishment of a Report Centre Child Abuse came into force. In accordance with this National Ordinance the Court of Guardianship will serve as the Report Centre for Child Abuse. Eradication of Child Abuse is one of the many rights protected by the United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child. A child has the right to be treated fairly which means that laws and practices that are unfair towards children need to be changed as such the mentioned National Ordinance is an important step in the right direction on Sint Maarten. Too often people do not know who to turn to when child abuse takes place or for various reasons are reluctant to report child abuse. The National Ordinance protects the identity of persons reporting child abuse. The Ombudsman is hopeful that this triggers people to be willing to report child abuse in case one suspect that child abuse is taking place.
The National Ordinance defines child abuse as any form of threatening or violent interaction of physical, psychological or sexual nature to a minor in care or dependent on parents or other persons to whom the minor is in a relationship, (active or passive) which causes serious damage, or is likely to be caused to the child in the form of physical or psychological injury. It must be clear that child abuse has and will have a devastating effect on our Country. Children should not be silenced, but should be able to enjoy their rights.
The definition of child abuse in the National Ordinance Report Centre Child Abuse suggests that corporal punishment, which is still not wiped out for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a child, or to deter attitudes or behavior deemed unacceptable. Corporal punishment is defined by the United Nation Committee on the Rights of the Child as: "any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light." This approach that forbids corporal punishment, is strengthened by the recent change to article 247 of the Civil Code that now provides that caring for and raising the child includes care and responsibility for the mental and physical well-being and safety of the child and the development of his or her personality. The explanation that the Sint Maarten Parliament gave to the last mentioned article provides; in the care and upbringing of the child, the parents will not use mental or physical violence or any other degrading treatment." As such the Ombudsman also applauds the government for reaching the objective of the Caribbean Coalition for the Abolition of Corporal Punishment of Children.
Corporal punishment or any other form of child abuse should stop now; citizens are encouraged to report child abuse at the Court of Guardianship immediately. The Ombudsman will guard the promises made and agreement signed by government in the Kingdom Conference that took place in Aruba on April 2, 2014, to improve children's rights and protect same through policies.

Press Release from Bureau Ombudsman

antilleancrestedhummingbird15042014PHILIPSBURG:--- "Who pays the birds?" is the theme for this year's Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF). At dozens of events throughout the region, participants will learn about the many beneficial services provided by birds, from pollination and pest control to leading fishermen to fish and attracting tourists. Although these services often go unnoticed and unappreciated, they are very important to both the ecology and economic prosperity of the Caribbean.

The festival, now in its 13th year, is led by BirdsCaribbean, the largest organization devoted to wildlife conservation in the Caribbean. The month-long festival includes Caribbean-wide activities beginning today - Earth Day (April 22), through to International Biodiversity Day (May 22), in more than twenty countries. The event celebrates the 150 bird species that are found only in the Caribbean, known as endemics. The highly successful program attracts over 80,000 participants and volunteers each year. On St. Martin/St. Maarten, Les Fruits de Mer are hosting a free Endemic Animal Festival on Sunday, April 27th from 9am to noon at Seaside Nature Park in Cay Bay.

"Birds have always been an enjoyable part of Caribbean life, but few people understand the work they do behind the scenes," explained Leo Douglas, President of BirdsCaribbean. BirdsCaribbean recently identified ten ways in which birds help both man and nature in the Caribbean. Pollinating flowers and dispersing seeds are valuable to natural ecosystems, while controlling insect pests and enriching soils can be highly beneficial to agriculture. Their role as garbage collectors—consuming animal carcasses and other waste—helps keep islands beautiful, but also benefits public health by disposing of materials that could cause pollution or spread disease.

In a region where economies are closely tied to the tourism industry, birdwatching tourism is increasingly important. "The birding market is much bigger than most people realize, and many people will travel to the Caribbean to see endemic species that they literally cannot see anywhere else in the world," commented Lisa Sorenson, who is leading BirdsCaribbean's regional bird tourism project called the Caribbean Birding Trail. The United States Fish & Wildlife Service found that birding and wildlife watching are worth US$32 billion per year in the United States alone, much of that spent on travel. "By helping islands cater to visitors interested in natural history, we hope to create job opportunities and encourage sustainable use of natural areas, protecting what remains of irreplaceable habitats."

The goal of the month-long Festival over its 13-year history has always been to increase public awareness of the region's exceptionally rich and threatened bird life, using the Caribbean's celebrated endemic birds as flagships of conservation. Festival activities include a diverse array of public events including bird-watching excursions, lectures, seminars, photographic exhibitions, school-based art and costume competitions, church services, media campaigns, and theatrical productions all in recognition of the region's rich bird life, natural heritage, and interconnectedness of regional habitats to global events. After a humble beginning, the Festival has grown to consistently include in excess of 80,000 participants in recent years. The Festival has been described as an unprecedented initiative of regional unification for heightening environmental education and awareness by leading international conservation organizations.

Les Fruits de Mer's annual Endemic Animal Festival is a free event, open to tourists and residents of all ages, that promotes St. Martin/St. Maarten's unique wildlife and natural heritage. The Endemic Animal Festival is a fantastic opportunity to learn about local wildlife, important ecosystems, and history from experts–and a celebration of the fascinating natural world of this island. The event will feature wildlife tours guided by experts, an Endemic Animal Discovery Station, and local wildlife-themed art activities for children. The 2014 Endemic Animal Festival will take place at Seaside Nature Park in Cole Bay on Sunday, April 27th from 9am to noon. The event is brought to you by Les Fruits de Mer and Seaside Nature Park.

The 2014 Endemic Animal Festival is made possible by the hard work and talent of many volunteers, the support of our partner, Seaside Nature Park and the generous sponsorship of Hotel L'Esplanade, Delta Petroleum, Island Water World, Aquatec Shop, Healthy Iguana Veterinary Service and Aqua Mania Adventures.

usmsignsunicaribagreement15042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The University of St. Martin (USM), University of Curaçao Dr. Moises da Costa Gomez (UoC), the University of Aruba (UA) and the Pedagogical Institution Aruba (IPA) signed an framework agreement for cooperation of the universities in the Dutch Caribbean known as the UniCarib Agreement.
According to the framework agreement, parties will cooperate to strengthen education and research in the broadest possible meaning, this mutual cooperation will bring them closer to realizing this goal.

The three universities and the pedagogical institute will amongst others explore possibilities to offer new educational programs, carry out academic exchanges and start collaborative research programs. In addition, parties will seek substantial cooperation in high-level personnel and student training, transformation of scientific and technological achievements regarding IT, E-learning and library functionalities. Each form of specific cooperation will be laid down in a service level agreement that will elaborate on the details. The agreement is set for a period of two years which intentionally will automatically be renewed after evaluation.

For partners within UniCarib, Maestro Kompas will be the first project of desired mutual cooperation. Maestro Kompas is a project initiated and monitored by the Dutch Ministry of Education (OCW), it has the assignment to ensure the structural development and maintenance of the quality of the educational level in the Dutch Caribbean. This development program entails all kinds of educational activities, ranging from (further) professionalizing of teachers in the region, as to explore on new modes for offering educational programs. Among other things all parties involved within UniCarib have primarily expressed their intention to establish, in cooperation with Maestro Kompas, a digital platform which will enable students in the Dutch Caribbean to follow an accredited bachelor teacher program in all kinds of different subjects (math, biology, languages and more). Programs will be offered in both Dutch and English. Salient detail of this project is that the bachelor teaching programs will be offered in a 'blended way', which will make it possible that students can study in the region and do not have to leave their island. Each partner within UniCarib will take the responsibility for the execution of (one or more) program(s).

"International and regional funding sources discussed"

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson met with Director Koen Davidse from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs during a recent working visit to the Netherlands.

Minister Richardson addressed the challenges Sint Maarten is experiencing in qualifying for programs that are funded by international agencies such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) or any other regional or international facility where the country is not a member.

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated its willingness to address the funding issue with IDB.

Minister Hon. Ted Richardson gave an example where entities that Sint Maarten is a member of and pays its annual dues, receives funds from the very same organizations that the country is not able to access direct funds.

Entities such as the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), the Caribbean Hotel Association (CHA), and the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO) receive funding from international financial institutions.

Sint Maarten is considering discontinuing its membership with organizations that cannot have the country as part of its qualifying members. The Minister explains that this could have negative consequences for the country's tourism and telecommunication sectors.

Minister Richardson points out currently, funding for several social, educational and environmental programs are passing the country by – not qualifying – even in cases where the Kingdom of the Netherlands is a member such as with the IDB.

The Minister also addressed the issue where locally established companies such as Ballast Nedam, Windward Roads or MNO, are not able to qualify for bids in the case of international tenders while infrastructure projects are carried out in the Caribbean Region.

The Kingdom is well known for its participation financially in assisting developing countries and the minister stressed that all businesses in the four countries of the Kingdom should be considered to participate.

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated it could not find any reason why Sint Maarten companies could not participate and qualify to bid in international tenders.

Minister Richardson presented his road map and elucidated on developments regarding the sub hub function of the country to Panama.

The Minister also informed the ministry of his efforts in creating an airlift from China to Sint Maarten via the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE has indicated to be interested in an air traffic agreement with Sint Maarten.

The last point raised was the state of affairs concerning the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) and the representation of Sint Maarten.

The Minister's delegation comprised of Chef de Cabinet and Personal Advisor Ludwig Ouenniche and Jaap van Duinkerken from Ministry TEATT.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday, April 14, 2014 with total astonishment St. Maarten was able to hear our members of parliament confirm to the general public that they are not worthy of their salaries. How is it possible that members of our parliament passed a law "the Law on the establishment of the electoral council" while they were part of the Island Council of St. Maarten and don't seems to have the slightest idea what the law entails.
"Half of the members of our parliament were members of the Island Council of St. Maarten when this law on the establishment of the Electoral Council was passed, says Lenny Priest Leader of the OSPP and the other half received a full package of all the laws that were passed when they were sworn in as members of Parliament. It is no excuse to hear the Leader of the UP stated that if you had disagreed with this law on the electoral council or any law as a matter of fact during the preparation of St. Maarten becoming a country within the Kingdom it would seem as if you were against separate status for St. Maarten. That statement is certainly bull crap and he must tell the people the truth, namely that he was not aware of what his function is as a member of parliament.
Wouldn't you say that you didn't do your home work while you were members of the Island Council passing several laws but not fully understanding them and after having enjoying the cockpit of opportunities in parliament for three years and a half you have bluntly refused to work in the interest of the people of St. Maarten. The impression that these members of parliament want the public to believe is that this electoral law was passed by somebody else and not them. Even though they were not part of the Island Council of St. Maarten when they were passed they had ample time to study them and not come on the eve of the election to make all kind of ridiculous excuses. This action of these members of parliament warrants nothing less than a vote of non-confidence against them. What more do these members of parliament have to display to the public; that they were not up to the task then and now even worst. Some of them will be knocking on your doors for re-election after their lackluster performance in parliament. Can you imagine that they have created a law that is making it even difficult for them as established party to register, let alone the new comers who don't have the machinery and capital at their disposal? A change must come and it must come fast.

OSPP Press Release

swescotwilliamsattendsopeningofsdacommunitykitchen15042014COLE BAY:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams was joined by the Honorable Minister of Health, Labor and Social Affairs Cornelius De Weever in opening the Seventh Day Adventist Community Kitchen during a Ceremony at the SDA Church in Cole Bay. During the opening Ceremony Prime Minister Wescot-Williams praised the members of the Cole Bay Community for their dedication to the Cole Bay Community and their focus on service. The Prime Minister and Minister De Weever toured the facilities and were able to hold meetings with many of the parishioners.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

MARIGOT:--- This week, Sareena Carti of Avenir Sportif Club of Saint Martin will travel with the League of Guadeloupe for her 4th participation in the Carifta Games which will take place in Martinique from 18 to 21 April, 2014. She will run the 400m, her favorite distance, of which she holds the record of France cadettee category, and champion's title of France 2013 and 2014. She will also take the departure of the 4x100m and the 4x400m. During her previous participations in Carifta Games, Sareena obtained the bronze medal and 4th place. This year, she will compete again with the best athletes of the Caribbean and aims for the gold medal this time.

dennisrichardsonreceivescourtesyvisitfromaardlettink15042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Thursday April 10, 2014, a very brief courtesy visit was paid to the Minister of Justice the Honorable Dennis Richardson by the new Lieutenant Colonel (L.Col) for the Koningklijke Marechausee (KMar); Commander Aard Lettink, he was introduced to the Minster by the former KMar commander brigade; L.Col Willy Mennen, also present at the brief visit was the KMar Sint Maarten Chief of Operations; Captian Ewout van der Heiden.

PHILIPSBURG:--- In Support of the Nature Foundation Snorkel Club, The Scuba Shop, Divi Little Bay Beach Resort and Dive Adventures have teamed up with the business community in organizing an Underwater Easter Egg Hunt on Monday April 21st at Divi Little Bay starting at ten in the morning. Proceeds from the Easter Egg Hunt will go towards the Nature Foundation Snorkel Club.
The Nature Foundation, in a continued effort to educate and stress the important role the youth play in the future of nature conservation on this island, established the Snorkel Club program with the aim of educating local youth in snorkeling skills and marine conservation.
The Easter Egg Hunt will feature Easter Eggs placed at various depths. Anyone can take part from the youngest Easter Egg hunter to accomplished swimmers and free divers. During the event various prizes can be won including the grand prize a weekend's stay at Divi Resorts. Parking for the event will be free.
Those interested can contact the Scuba Shop at +1 721 5453213, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the Nature Foundation at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 5444267.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Travel industry partners, including suppliers, buyers and media advertisers as well as wholesale travel agents, are gearing up for the 13th annual St. Maarten Annual Regional Trade Show (SMART 2014), taking place May 14 - 16, 2014 at the Radisson Blu Resort on French St. Martin.

L'Association des Hoteliers de St. Martin and the St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association in conjunction with L'Office du Tourisme de St. Martin and the St. Maarten Tourist Bureau expect numerous tour operators, travel agents, travel writers and event planners from across the U.S., Canada, Europe and Latin America to return to the island for SMART 2014, which provides a unique opportunity for local and regional hoteliers and activity providers to present their product, network and negotiate prospective business opportunities.

SMART 2014 kicks-off on Wednesday May 14, 2014 when delegates have the opportunity to meet and mingle with their peers at the Welcome Reception hosted at the Radisson Blu Resort. Business appointments will take place on May 15, followed by a farewell party that evening.

After years of success and progress, and with islands attending this event such as Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Saba, St. Barth's, Statia, St. Kitts & Nevis and Barbados, SMART has become a significant event for the entire region.

More information on SMART 2014, including registration forms, can be found at or by contacting the St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
For more information on St. Maarten, visit

commeetingdeptoffiscalaffairs15042014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- On Thursday, April 10th, representatives of the Department of Fiscal Affairs, Janio Chayadi and Mercedez James, presented to the Council of Ministers (COM) information regarding the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).

The FATCA is a provision of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act of 2010 (HIRE Act) in the United States of America (U.S.A.), and the legislation was passed to target non-compliance of U.S. taxpayers using foreign accounts.

The FATCA generally requires foreign financial institutions to report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the U.S. with information regarding accounts held by U.S. taxpayers or by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers have substantial ownership interests. Foreign financial institutions have to comply or otherwise face penalties.

The Council of Ministers was informed about the different methods of implementation regarding the FATCA and advised about which method would work the best, since Sint Maarten only has a small number of financial institutions that need to comply. The Council of Ministers appreciated the in-depth presentation by the Department of Fiscal Affairs.

laurabush15042014GREAT BAY:--- May 9, 2014 promises to be another historic day on St. Maarten when leaders from a wide cross section of the St. Maarten/St. Martin community and beyond will gather at the Sonesta Great Bay Hotel to further hone their leadership skills.
Leadercast is a one-day leadership event broadcast LIVE from Atlanta, GA to over one hundred and twenty thousand people around the world. For the second consecutive year, St. Maarten makes history in being part of this historic event.
In light of the many despotic forms of leadership world-wide, and the challenges that leaders face locally and globally, Victorious Living Foundation, the host of Leadercast on St. Maarten, fully endorses and embraces Leadercast's noble vision and mission to positively change the way the world thinks about leaders and create leaders worth following.
Visionary and President of Victorious Living, Erna Mae Francis-Cotton, MA, DD, encourages leaders in every sphere of our community to take advantage of this powerful conference which features global leaders such as:

  • Bishop Desmond Tutu, live from Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Leadership Author and Communicator, Andy Stanley;
  • Laura Schroff, a former advertising executive who helped launch three of the most successful start-ups in Time Inc. history: InStyle, Teen PEOPLE, and PEOPLE StyleWatch;
  • Laura Bush, first Lady of the United States (2001-2009) who championed key issues in the fields of education, health care, and human rights;
  • Malcolm Gladwell award-winning journalist and best-selling Author of David & Goliath, Outliers and The Tipping Point; in 2005 he was named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People.
  • Bill McDermott, Co-CEO of SAP, the world's leading provider of business software; an over $80 billion company with more than $17 billion in revenue in 2011; and more.

The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce, which aims to improve the economic, social and moral fabric of St. Maarten has partnered with Victorious Living as a Gold partner for Leadercast. A limited number of students and business owners who desire to attend Leadercast will have the opportunity to do so through the Chamber's partnership.
Companies such as Telem, NAGICO, Motor World, Dollar Car Rental, The David Company, media houses such as PJD2 YR 92.5 FM; SOS Radio; WTN- TV; MSR- Cable and more are excited about the opportunity and have registered their managers or have decided to contribute in-kind to Leadercast 2014
Overseas registrants also have an opportunity to register for Leadercast and receive great discounts from Winair just for registering for the event.

dpannualmembershipmeeting14042014DP Congress Celebrating 60th Anniversary Still To Come

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Board of the Democratic Party would like to rectify the information that was erroneously reported in the media regarding the Democratic Party event held last Saturday the 12th of April. The DP event held on April 12th was not the Congress of the Democratic Party. This was a General Membership meeting held in order to elect the party's board.

The party's congress will be held later this year and will take on an added dimension given the party's 60th anniversary of serving the community of St. Maarten. An organizing committee is presently working on the preparations for this grand celebration and we look forward to updating you with exciting information regarding this congress as the date nears. The Democratic Party would again like to take this opportunity to congratulate the new board. This is a true demonstration of young persons "walking the walk".

pjlmovietraderworkshop14042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Philipsburg Jubilee Library will officially open their Digikidz Medialab room on Thursday, April 17, at 7pm.

"The Digikidz Medialab is a newly built space in the library's reading room, equipped with modern Information Communication Technology (ICT) equipment. This program was designed especially for courses in digital multimedia.

The medialab project is an initiative from Foundation Kultuurkameleon. The first medialab was realized in Curacao. In St Maarten, The Digikidz project was made possible through funding from the Windsong Foundation and the Kultura fund. Digikidz is a project from the Foresee foundation.

In the Medialab at the Library, course enrollees will learn how to use the internet, create movies, videos, games, make presentations, flyers, posters, interactive quizzes, animations and films, using innovative presentation and storytelling programs.

Last week, Ilse Godtschalk from Foundation Cultuurkameleon traveled from the Netherlands and conducted workshops on Movie Trader in the new medialab at the library. Participants in this workshop learned to search YouTube for relevant videos and learned to work with Movietrader software in order to make the movies interactive, using questions and answers. Participants were encouraged to come up with relevant questions and answers by using Google or Wikipedia. Godtschalk remarked that, "I am pleased to see how enthusiastic people are about this project. My Friday class was completely full and I was happy to see how eager everyone was to learn more about creating interactive movies."

Classes are available for schoolchildren and anyone that is interested in learning about the use of modern internet technologies and multimedia. The courses are free to students between 9 to 18 years of age, as well as Teachers. Persons 18 and older pay a contribution of $ 5 at the start of the workshop. Interested persons can call the library at 542-2970 and contact Annelies Starreveld or Joy Lambert for more information or register online at

All are invited to come and share in the celebration of the Library's new, innovative Digikidz Medialab room in the library on, Thursday, April 17th at 7:00 pm.

funmilesforcarnivalshowtickets14042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Great news for music lovers who have a Fun Miles card: they will be able to redeem their saved Fun Miles for tickets to the International Carnival Shows that take place from April 25 – 2 May. These highly anticipated events will feature the top artists in almost every musical genre: Soca, Reggae, Zouk, Latin, Antillean and R&B. The line-up includes greats like Cache, Nelly, ASA Banton, Raulin Rodriguez, Freddie Mc Gregor, and many more. Cardholders can obtain their tickets at the Fun Miles office or at the booth #79 , for either Fun Miles or a combination of Miles & Money. (While supplies last.)

This year's International Carnival Nights are bigger and better than ever, and Fun Miles is proud to be in the heart of the action. The line-up for the concerts is downright spectacular. Things will kick off with the Night of the HitMakers on April 25, featuring Control Band, Cache Royale from Curacao, Claudius Philips, The Dragonaires and Krosfyah from Barbados. On 26 April, the Main Event will set hips in motion with performers like Nelly, Luciano, Mr. Killa aka Rolly Polly and Bunji & Fay-Ann.On April 27, after the Main event you can walk right into the Daybreak, Breakfast Fete with performers such as ASA Banton, REC, Claudette Peters, DJ Outkast, Exodus HD and Triple Kay. On April 29, the one and only Raulin Rodriguez, Alex Matos and Fernandito Villalona for Sabor Latino II will take the stage. On the Reggae night on the May 2, Freddie McGregor , Taurus Riley, QQ, DeMarco and MC Twins of twins will provide a sizzling spectacle. Tickets for all these nights are expected to sell like hotcakes, so cardholders are recommended to drop by the Fun Miles office at Welgelegen Road (Cay Hill) at the earliest opportunity.

cpsandsafprovidecondomstoredcross14042014PHILIPSBURG:--- A total of 3000 Durex condoms were given to Red Cross from the Collective Prevention Services (CPS) and the St. Maarten AIDS Foundation for free distribution during the upcoming Carnival Season. Red Eye Crew (REC) will also be assisting the Red Cross with the distribution of the condoms throughout J'ouvert Morning. "During this time of the year it is important to increase access to condoms among those participating in the festivities and making it easy to obtain them removes barriers to safe sex," said Kimberley Meijers, Community Projects Coordinator for the AIDS Foundation. "We thank the Red Cross and REC for helping with the distribution. I encourage all members of the community to be safe and to jam fully protected this Carnival Season," said Minister Cornelius De Weever.

tedrichardsonronaldplasterkmathiasvoges14042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson during a recent working visit to the Netherlands met with Dutch Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk. Also present during the meeting was Sint Maarten's Minister Plenipotentiary Hon. Mathias Voges.

Minister Hon. Ronald Plasterk commended Minister Richardson for resolving the RCN Cable issue between Sint Maarten and Dutch State Service Caribbean Netherlands which was done in a timely manner.

Minister Plasterk indicated that a solution was still needed with the Turn Over Tax (TOT) between Sint Maarten and the BES islands of Saba and St. Eustatius. Minister Richardson said he would speak with his colleague Minister of Finance Martin Hassink.

Minister Richardson emphasized that from an administrative perspective, it would be very challenging to let retailers make specific distinctions between consumers from Saba and St. Eustatius and other consumers. Minister Plasterk agreed with the fact that it's a complex situation, especially in cases of individual shoppers.

Minister Richardson told Plasterk that a possible solution could be the establishment of a "Transit Depot" where goods to Saba and St. Eustatius can transit through. Minister Plasterk appreciates the willingness to address this issue with Minister Hassink in continuing to seek a possible solution.

The Minister gave an explanation about his Road Map in an animated film and how Sint Maarten is in the process of expanding its hub function within the Caribbean similar to the Netherlands serving as a hub within Europe.

Minister Plasterk was very impressed with the content of the presentation and added it held great potential for areas of cooperation between Sint Maarten and the Netherlands (Saba and St. Eustatius).

Minister Hon. Ted Richardson also highlighted the country's process to set-up a Consumer Protection and Competition Authority, and it had now reached the stage of establishing the legislation.

The Minister's delegation comprised of Chef de Cabinet and Personal Advisor Ludwig Ouenniche and Jaap van Duinkerken from Ministry TEATT.

swescotwilliamsopensadministratorsmeetingwithbesislands14042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams opened up an administrative meeting including officials of the BES islands at Sheer Restaurant. The meeting involved Government representatives from Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire discussing various matters of mutual importance.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

tedrichardsonsignsagreementwithbeneluxbureauofintellectualproperty14042014Agreement to lead to first ever fully automated BIP in the Caribbean

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson during a recent working visit to the Netherlands signed an agreement with Benelux Bureau for Intellectual Property (BOIP) for the establishment of the Sint Maarten BIP.

The Sint Maarten BIP will be the first ever fully automated bureau in the Caribbean.

Intellectual property is the collective term for rights to intellectual creations such as books, music, trademarks, designs, inventions, software, texts and photographs.

A single creation may be protected by multiple rights at the same time. The best known intellectual property rights are trademark, copyrights and patent rights.

The Benelux BOIP is the official body for the registration of trademarks and designs in the Benelux (Belguim, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg), in addition, the bureau offers the possibility to formally record the existence of ideas, concepts, designs prototypes and the like.

Benelux BOIP is headed by its Director General Edmond Simon who signed the agreement with Minister Richardson. After the signing, tokens of appreciation were exchanged followed by the presentation on the registration of Trademarks which were made in the presence of many executives of Benelux BOIP, including Paul van Beukering, who is in charge of BES (Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius) islands bureau within the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

During a presentation, emphasis was made on how everything would be digital and how future registrations could take place via a website and completed within a few days, compared to the existing manual procedure that presently exist in Curacao, Antigua or elsewhere in the region.

Sint Maarten BIP holds a lot of potential for the country where the I-Envelope, a much less costly procedure for small crafters and artists are able to utilize to protect their creative work. This system could be of great value to local and regional small entrepreneurs.

The presentation also included a detailed breakdown of the fees to be paid that could be done in phases. The fees include the establishment of a working website and the training of future employees of Sint Maarten BIP.

Minister Hon. Ted Richardson during the historic meeting and agreement signing expressed his willingness to have Sint Maarten BIP once established, to assist in the execution of the absolute assessments for the Dutch Caribbean Netherlands islands of Saba and St. Eustatius, if needed. Benelux BOIP and Van Beikering were very appreciative of the gesture.

Minister Hon. Ted Richardson was very appreciative of the diligent work carried out by his Cabinet with the assistance of a designated consultant Rene Mazel.

The Minister's delegation comprised of Chef de Cabinet and Personal Advisor Ludwig Ouenniche and Jaap van Duinkerken from Ministry TEATT.

swescotwilliamsinauguratesbocceballcourt14042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams together with the Honorable Minister of Health, Labor and Social Development inaugurated the St. Maarten Senior Citizens Recreational Foundation Bocce Ball Court at Hope Estate. Bocce is a type of lawn bowling game that is very popular around the globe.

During her address the Prime Minister expressed her excitement at the newest addition to the activities for the seniors and encouraged them to make use of the court as much as possible; "I am very excited for this newest addition to your activities. This is a very important development and I therefore thank the Foundations that have worked together in making this a reality. It is important that we constantly look for new ways to keep you as involved and active as you can be. Some of you are going to be more proficient that others but it is not about winning; it is about doing it together and being able to have fun and in doing all of that to keep a little movement going. As I encourage those of us of all ages it is important to keep our bodies going and our heart rate at a certain level. So this gives you the opportunity to act, to move, to interact and to be part of the wonderful group of people that all of you are. I am very happy with this newest addition as Government looks for ways and means in keeping active and healthy. Enjoy it and keep one another motivated," stressed Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

comreceivespresentationfromsoab14042014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- On Thursday, April 10th, the Council of Ministers (COM) met with representatives of the Stichting Overheidsaccountantsbureau (SOAB).

The SOAB delegation included G.A.G. Martes, Managing Director SOAB, S.E. Ricardo, Senior Audit Manager SOAB Sint Maarten, C. Joseph, Senior Audit Manager SOAB Sint Maarten and L.J.H. Hiemstra, Audit Manager SOAB Sint Maarten.

SOAB presented the results of the brainstorm session, which took place with the collaboration of the Ministry of Finance. The topics debated in the brainstorm session were finding income generating and cost saving measures and to determine which of the proposed measures could be accomplished in the short term to supplement the budget.

Based on the results of the brainstorm session SOAB developed a project plan of approach. The project plan of approach deals with the execution of the suggested measures and how to come to the desired result.

The Council of Ministers appreciated the clear presentation and applauded the good initiative. The Council is supportive of the recommendations and will look into the feasibility of the presented plans.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A Central Committee meeting of the House of Parliament is scheduled for April 16 regarding a two point agenda related to European Union Sanctions and the Old Age Pension.

The public central committee meeting is set for Wednesday at 2:00pm in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The first agenda point is related to a National Ordinance regarding Sanctions of the European Union.

This is followed by changes to the National Ordinance governing pensions with respect to increases in pensions and increasing the pensionable age.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

moneyinballotbox29012013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Masbangu (Vote Buying) case involving the United People's Party has been suspended until Monday August 4th, 2014.
Judge Koen Luijks granted Attorney at Law Eldon "Peppie" Sulvaran his request to have detective Lucy Gachette questioned by the judge of instruction before they proceed with the case. Sulvaran told the court he wants to know why his client Roy Heyliger was questioned by detective Gachette and detective Lake before the Attorney General Dick Piar gave the prosecution the go ahead to investigate the case.

Judge Luijks said that he will suspend the case until detective Gachette is heard but he denied the request for detective Lake to be heard since detective Lake made clear to Roy Heyliger that he was being questioned in a criminal investigation, further he (Heyliger) has the right to remain silent and not answer any of the questions posed to him. Based on that, the judge said Heyliger's rights were not infringed upon.

Prosecutor Maarten Noordzij in his opening remarks on Monday told the court that the prosecution needed more time based on the judge's order during the first hearing on February 17th, 2014 to question at least three witnesses. Prosecutor Noordzij said he wanted these witnesses be heard by the judge of instruction if the court agrees. Those witnesses are the leader of the United People's Party Theodore Heyliger, Herbal Gumbs and Ludwig Ouenniche. Prosecutor Noordzij said the prosecution does not need to hear these witnesses but since the judge felt it was needed they were ready to comply. Lawyers for the defense all objected to the hearing of the three witnesses. After a pause, Judge Luijks said that he will accept what the prosecution has to say about hearing the additional witnesses which he believes would have brought more clarity as to their affiliation with the United People's Party and Roy Heyliger. "Since the prosecution does not think they need to hear these witnesses I will deny the request."

Judge Luijks also agreed to allow the prosecution to change the indictment because the alleged crime was committed when St. Maarten was under the umbrella of the Netherlands Antilles but today the Prosecution wants to change that to officers of KPSM. In court on Monday was Glenda Patricia Webster, Ashwin Wilfred Martina, Officer Carolina, and Robert Charles Henry James. Roy Heyliger did not attend Monday's hearing but was represented by Attorney at Law Eldon Sulvaran.

One of the questions Judge Luijks ask the prosecution to explain was why they took this long to bring the Masbangu case to court. Prosecutor Noordzij told the court on Monday that he included in the file he presented to the Judge on Monday as well as to the defense the reasons the case took so long. One of the attorneys told SMN News that the prosecution laid the blame squarely on the lack of staff.

patricialourenswithguadeloupeapprentices13042014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Eighteen apprentices, ranging in ages of nineteen through twenty-four, and three teachers from the Apprentice Training Centre Agricole Guadeloupe, visited the six Public Elementary Schools during the week of March 31 through April 4, 2014.

Three apprentices were placed in each school and they rotated throughout the various classes during the week. The purpose of their visit was to be immersed in classes where English is the language of instruction.

The visit culminated on Friday, April 4th with a closing ceremony hosted by Public Education in which the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens Philip greeted the visitors and shared some words of encouragement.

Public Education Head, G. Davis-Holiday also addressed the group of the Apprentice Training Centre Agricole Guadeloupe and expressed that she looked forward to continuing these educational exchanges.

"I appreciate very much that we were able to offer the apprenticeship and we look forward to being able to do it again. Sint Maarten is well known for being a hub in the aviation area as well as in maritime affairs. Education is another area where we could become a hub as well," Minister of Education Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip said on Sunday.

garrindellatparlatinoboardofdirectorsmeeting13042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell led a delegation to Panama in connection with the board of directors meeting of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino) where a number of issues were discussed.

One of the main issues deliberated upon was the situation in Venezuela. Delegates to the meeting were pleased to hear that the Permanent Bureau for International Peace is engaged and efforts are being made to work together to come to a solution.

"International organizations such as the United Nations as well as the Holy See, His Holiness, Pope Francis have also joined in welcoming the dialogue that has begun aimed at finding common ground with respect to the current challenges that Venezuela faces.

"We are wishing much success with the efforts of the Union of South American Nations which is supporting the process of bringing all sides to the table to find a solution," President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell said on Sunday.

President Arrindell also informed the delegates during the agenda point calendar of meetings that Sint Maarten was looking forward to hosting the committee meetings that will be taking place in May.

Parlatino member countries also expressed solidarity with Chile and the people in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami that struck killing approximately 16 persons.

Proposals to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Latin American Parliament were discussed such as a meeting of female parliamentarians in the 21st century; meeting of youth in politics; poster contest; commemorative coins or postal stamps etc.

The main goal is to promote the participation of all countries. Each member country needs to set up a committee to coordinate activities in their own country to celebrate the 50th anniversary.

Another issue that was handled was television and social media (Twitter, Facebook) in order to bring Parlatino closer to the people in Latin America and the Caribbean.

With respect to monitoring and implementation of resolutions adopted at the XXIX Ordinary Meeting of Parlatino, Panama, October 2013, Parlatino Secretary General reminded the representatives present to make sure the resolutions are brought to the attention of their respective parliaments.

The proposal to have Parlatino framework laws adopted in the political agenda of their respective countries was tabled and approved.

The issue of Climate Change was also discussed and delegates were informed about two international documents related to the subject dating back to 1992 (summary paper on actions taken on climate change) and one from 1998 (Protocol of Kyoto).

The meeting of parliamentary delegates concluded with a visit and tour of the Panama Canal expansion project.

The Parlatino Executive Board of Directors meeting took place at the headquarters of the Latin American Parliament during the first week of April.

swescotwilliamstourselectoralcounciloffices13042014Discusses Various Items Related to Electoral Council and Upcoming Elections

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams toured the new offices of the Electoral Council during an official visit last week. The Prime Minister visited the new offices and held a brief meeting regarding the Electoral Council and the upcoming elections.

The Prime Minister has previously stressed that the electoral council is in place and functioning and that numerous considerations need to be taken into account prior to the upcoming elections: "The electoral council is one of the important bodies that has been created by law as part of the entire electoral process. The electoral council, which is chaired by attorney Bert Hoffman, is the body to which political parties submit their request for registration. Over the last couple of weeks on our sister island of Curacao there have also been issues with regards to political parties registering etc. On St. Maarten political parties need to be an association and this is not yet the case on Curacao. A political party on Curacao is suggesting now that political parties need to be an association so in that respect St. Maarten is a step ahead," commented Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

Members of the Electoral Council are Bert Hoffman, Celia Richardson, and Linda Richardson.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

swescotwilliamsmeetswithcentralbankreps13042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams held a meeting with representatives of the Central Bank of Curacao and St. Maarten at her Cabinet on Friday. The Prime Minister stated earlier in the week that St. Maarten has called for a clear position on the Central Bank which will entail government posing a position and submitting it to Parliament for a decision to be taken, which may include pursuing dollarization; "Out of the meeting it was clear that there would be a joint working together between Curacao and ST. Maarten for a solution to the current situation and we will continue with that trajectory. With will also be awaiting the outcome of the PWC report on the Central Bank and decide what decisions we would want to take with regards to that report," stated Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

dpcongress13042014PHILIPSBURG:--- A packed Cultural Center on Saturday last witnessed the election of a new board of the Democratic Party of St. Maarten against the backdrop of the party's new logo and to the music of the party's songs, adaptations of the popular tunes Blurred Lines and Get Lucky.

The executive board positions will be filled by 3 young professionals, with their roots well planted in the Democratic Party.

The charismatic Hasani Ellis contested the president's position unopposed, as did Stephan Richardson and Giselle York for the position of Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

Much praised was showered on the outgoing board under the leadership of its president, Mr. Michael Ferrier. This board, besides the President, made up of Treasurer Roy Marlin, act. Secretary Richelda Emmanuel-Rodriquez, Members Leopold York, Lourdes Brooks and Margaret Williams served the party since 2009 and in the words of the party leader: "were there for the party during some of it most trying times, but remained steadfast".

Eight members vied for the position of board members, from whom were elected: Margaret Williams, Mario Gumbs, Armand Meda, John Rosheuvel and Antonio Rogers.

Amongst other things, outgoing president, Michael Ferrier in his report to the membership, highlighted the "Red Thread" symbol of the Party, a symbol of progress, connectivity and continuity.

Both the Party leader and Minister of Health, Cornelius de Weever emphasized the consistency of the Democratic Party's representation in government since 2010. Most achievements in government can be credited to this continuity.

The Party leader, for her part, reminded the membership of their important role in the party's organization and reflected on the party's ideology as enshrined in its new charter. An ideology based on Christian and social-democratic values, the constitutional state, social cohesion and patriotism, and advancement for all.

The chairperson for the meeting was Mrs. Richelda Emmanuel-Rodriquez, while a 3-person election committee was responsible for the voting proceedings.

DP parliamentary faction leader, Roy Marlin also gave some insights on the current political arena.

Words like loyalty, pride and voluntarism in party matters were common themes in the different discourses.

The leader of the party that will be celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, made it clear that another focus of hers will be the grooming of a young breed to take over the leadership of the illustrious party, after her 20 years at the helm of the political institution that is credited for St. Maarten's unequaled economic growth, from obscurity to a player to be reckoned with. The party leader's own mark however will be on the attainment of country status in 2010 after years of denial and disappointments.

In her advice to the new board, the leader reminded the members that they have to hit the ground running, but that they can rely on her guidance and that of others within the party structure.

The DP leader also expounded on the matter of the election date and explained that given the historic connotations of the September 5th date, namely the anniversary of the devastating hurricane Luis, it would still be within the boundaries of the law to move the date ahead with one week, namely AUGUST 29TH 2014! This will be her recommendation in her capacity as Minister of General Affairs and responsible for elections.

Giving the evening an even more exciting twist was the mention of several candidates who will be contesting the election on the slate of the Democratic Party as well as nominations for such coming from the floor.

The Democratic Party is presently in the process of screening potential candidates, as well as ensuring that we have a broad representation of the wider population and of different sectors.

Click here to read Michael J. Ferrier's Outgoing Speech.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The scheduled match between FC Soualiga women's soccer team and Oualichi was declared a win for FC Soualiga by French Referee Aime Delval, after Oualichi women's soccer team informed the President of the Coupe De L'Alliance tournament, that they were unable to play the game. Didianka Peterson scored the official goal to legitimize the forfeit.

FC Soualiga women's soccer team is now 2-0 in the Coupe De L'Alliance tournament. Once again it was left up to the FC Soualiga women'soccer team to entertain the crowd. FC Soualiga played an 11-aside exhibition game between themselves. The Blue FC Soualiga women's team beat the White FC Soualiga team 4-3. Kandice Franklyn scored 3 goals for the White Soualiga team. The Blue team had 4 goals: an on goal, and goals scored by Lucciana Peters, Michelle Spruit and Odessa Ashby.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The United People's Party (UP) board extends its congratulations to the newly formed boards of the Democratic Party (DP) and the National Alliance (NA) over the past weekend.

The UP Board would also like to congratulate the Social Reform Party (SRP) and the One St. Maarten People Party (OSPP) which also had board elections and elections for their party leadership.

"We extend our congratulations to individuals who form part of these respective boards for joining the political society of our country," stated the UP Board on Sunday evening.

"We look forward to our counterparts embracing nonpartisan issues with us such as the call for ongoing free and fair elections as our country moves upward," the UP board added.

"Congratulations once again to the respective political parties as we gear up for the approaching election campaign and our readiness for it," concluded the UP board.

United People's (UP) Party Board

nacongressattendants13042014BELAIR:--- The Belair Community Center was packed to its capacity Sunday afternoon as scores of National Alliance supporters turned out to the party's congress as they prepare for the 2014 parliamentary elections.

Keynote speaker for the event Riegnald Arrindell kept the gathering alive with his address as he impressed on the members of the National Alliance that they have to start building from within in order to develop St. Maarten. Arrindell reminded the gathering that the people of St. Maarten are capable of doing what they need to do when they have to do it. He said on September 5th, 1995 when the island was devastated by Hurricane Luis many countries sent private planes for their citizens and said St. Maarten was doomed. Arrindell said the people of St. Maarten showed their strength then and they rebuilt their country from within and brought the island back to what it is today. "The same strategy has to apply now because some politicians are not working for the interest of St. Maarten, most of them are enriching themselves. Therefore the membership of the National Alliance and its candidates have to build from within, do some soul searching in order to regain control of their country. Our people do best when their backs are placed against the wall."

Arrindell, a young student who returned from the Netherlands, shared his experience when he returned home. He said he had to sell mauby, clean yards and do other odd jobs before he could have found decent employment. Arrindell further stated that candidates have to make it their duty to keep the people informed while they also have to make financial contributions that will be beneficial to St. Maarten. Arrindell chided some media houses for writing biased news. He said soon the National Alliance would have to get their own newspaper going in order to properly inform its people of their day to day workings.

nadeputyleaderelection13042014Several committees such as the youth wing, the audit committee, and the advisory committee were all installed. Cedric James was elected president of the board along with the other six members that have been serving as interim members these past months. Among them is Dr. Randall Friday. The National Alliance honored 95 year old Mabel Scot with their lifetime award. Scot was unable to attend the congress on Sunday since she is currently hospitalized. Marlin presented the award to Scot's daughter, in presenting the award Marlin said Mabel Scot is a staunch supporter of the National Alliance for years. He said Scot never missed a meeting of the National Alliance whenever they are campaigning. He described her as a dedicated member and one that worked hard for the party.

Two of the National Alliance candidates vied for the deputy leader seat, they are Silveria Jacobs and Member of Parliament George Pantophlet. The delegates from the 16 districts cast their ballots for the election of the deputy leader. Of the 91 votes casts, Jacobs received 57 votes while Pantophlet 33 votes. William Marlin, long time leader of the National Alliance, was re-elected unanimously by the membership of the National Alliance. Apart from redesigning their logo, the National Alliance also did a remix of their theme song which was played live at the end of the congress.

Marlin in his address told the membership that the list he will present for the 2014 parliamentary elections will be much stronger than the one presented in 2010. He said that during the last four years there was some cleansing within the party, meaning that those persons that had to leave left, while those that jumped ship are still trying to swim ashore. Marlin said the National Alliance had a strong list in 2010 leading them to win the election but they lost the government because the two other parties teamed up and formed the government. "This time around our people have to work harder, we need to win at least 8 to 10 seats in order to have a stable government for the next governing period."

Marlin apologized to the many persons who could not enter the Belair Community Center because there was no space and to those who could not find parking. He said the last time when the general membership meeting was held at Westin some of the members complained because of the distance, this time around he tried to accommodate them but it turned out that the place was too small.

Marlin also held a moment of silence for the late Calypso Barbara who passed away last week prior to closing off the congress.

Click here to read the keynote speech given by Riegnald Arrindell.

Click here to view more photos.

humpbackwhaleandcalf13042014Public Urged to Follow Whale Migration Live

PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Nature Foundation joined La Reserve Naturelle de St. Martin and its Marine Conservation partners recently placed satellite-tracking tags and took DNA biopsies of some eight whales in the waters surrounding St. Maarten/ St. Martin/ St. Barths and Anguilla. In late March and early April the St. Maarten Nature Foundation partnered with La Reserve Naturelle de St. Martin, the Megara Foundation and marine conservation organizations of the surrounding islands in order to place Argos satellite tracking tags and to take biopsies of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangilae) in our local waters. The main aim of the project was in order to determine the migration patterns of local humpback whales when they leave St. Maarten breeding areas for feeding areas northern climates. Until now there is no real data on where our local humpback whales migrate to although there is some speculation within the scientific community that local whales either migrate to Greenland or the coast of Norway.

The Argos satellite tracking tags were placed by whale expert Mikkel Villem Jensen and biopsies were taken with a crossbow by Biopsy Shooters Tadzio Bervoets, Frank Roncuzzi, Nicolas Maslach and Steeve Ruillet. The biopsy samples were also an important component of the expedition in order to conduct DNA study of the whales. Biopsy samples were shipped to the University of Groningen for study. Whales have a thick layer of blubber and both the satellite tag and the biopsy for DNA analyses caused no discomfort to the animal

The project also includes an exciting educational component; the satellite tags placed in the whales transmit directly to satellites in space which sends a signal to a specialized website. The public can follow in real time the tracking of the whales by logging on to The Nature Foundation will also be having a naming competition whereby it will be asking the public to name one of the whales, a mother with her calf, that were tagged.

With the information the Nature Foundation and its partners will lobby for a whale sanctuary to be established in local waters. The research also suggests that whale-watching activities with the proper guidelines in place to protect the animals and observers may be a financially beneficial activity to the economy of St. Maarten.

Track the tagged whales live on The tags for St. Maarten were generously made available by the St. Maarten Harbour Group of companies

Pictures courtesy of MEGARA and participants. Special thanks to Nils Bertrand. A YouTube video of some of the activities can be found on the St. Maarten Nature Foundation YouTube page, with additional pictures on the Nature Foundation Facebook page.

frenchanddutchjointcontrols13042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday April 11th, 2014, a general joint control between the French Gendarmes, the Police Force (KPSM) assisted by the V.K.S, Customs Department and the Immigration and Naturalization was held. These controls took place from 6:00pm until 11:00pm at the borders between Belvedere and French Quarter, Cole Bay and Bellevue and Cupecoy and Low Lands. During these controls a total of 437 vehicles were stopped and checked. A total 103 fines were given. Five persons who were not in the possession of legal documents to reside on the island were arrested and one man was arrested for driving a stolen vehicle. Six vehicles were towed by a towing company. The controls were very successful and more of these joint controls will be scheduled in the future.

KPSM Police Report

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Police Department congratulates the organizers of Rio Productions Lighted Parade which was held on Saturday April 12th, 2014 for a job well done. The parade, which was attended by many revelers and onlookers, started at 8:00pm at the Grand Marche in Cul-De-Sac and ended on the TELEM parking-lot just after midnight. During the parade three persons were taken to the police station to be reprimanded for their misconduct. They were later released, with a very stern warning, after the parade was finished. There were no other incidents.

KPSM Police Report

amandasteadman13042014Amanda Steadman gives mini-workshop to entrepreneurs/professionals

GREAT BAY:--- Foundation INFOBIZZ will be hosting a networking event for entrepreneurs and professionals called the POWER HOUR on April 16, 2014. In addition to having the most internationally acclaimed St. Maarten DJ, DJ OUTKAST, as one of the speakers for the event, best-selling author and international trainer, Amanda Steadman will give a mini-workshop at the POWER HOUR.
This networking event is designed to help entrepreneurs and professionals to expand their network, provide a platform for successful entrepreneurs to share their personal tips with those aspiring to become successful entrepreneurs, and to give practical information that can assist them on their entrepreneurial journey in just 2 hours.
As an international trainer and best-selling author, Amanda Steadman's life's passion is to give information to help others succeed. Her book, "Connect to Authentic Success" was released last year and within months became a best-seller. As a serial entrepreneur and trainer for over 15 years all over the world, Amanda personally understands the challenges and rewards of starting your own business and how to take individuals and companies to the next level on their journey of success.
At the POWER HOUR on April 16, 2014, Amanda Steadman will give a mini-workshop on how to sell your ideas to potential investors and clients. This highly interactive mini-workshop can be beneficial to any entrepreneur/professional at any stage of their entrepreneurial journey since this skill is a crucial to the success of any business.
POWER HOUR: Networking for Movers & Shakers will take place on April 16, 2014 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM (doors open at 6:00PM) at Dan's Chocolate Factory.
Tickets cost $25 ($30 at the door) and are available at Van Dorp and Family Bookstore. For more information, please contact Ife Badejo, founder of Foundation INFOBIZZ at +1-721-523-1842 (Whatsapp) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

PHILIPSBURG:--- The women's soccer match between FC Soualiga and Oualichi which was planned for Sunday, April 13th, has been postponed. A press release was sent out on Friday, April 11th, by Oualichi, stating that the planned match was postponed due to the FC Soualiga 1 year anniversary soccer event. However, neither FC Soualiga nor the organization of the Coupe De L'Alliance were made aware of this postponement.The postponement of the scheduled match and the associated press release were the sole initiative of the Oualichi women's soccer team. FC Soualiga was and as a matter of fact still is fully prepared to play the scheduled match. FC Soualiga believes Oualichi had ulterior motives in postponing the match without any consultation. According to the official rules of the Coupe De L'Alliance, not showing up for a game or changing the schedule without notification at least one week in advance, the non-complying team is considered to have forfeited the game. Nevertheless, in the best interest of the tournament and women's soccer in general, FC Soualiga has agreed to still go ahead with the match and have it postponed to a later date. This was decided after discussions with the Comite Territorial de Football de Saint-Barthelemy.

Coincidentally, the planned match happened to be scheduled on the day FC Soualiga would be celebrating their 1 year anniversary. As with every match, FC Soualiga invited their sponsors and supporters to come out and enjoy the game. This specific game was no different, except for the fact that FC Soualiga planned to hand out cake and drinks to their players and supporters after the game. This was never portrayed as a separate anniversary event.

Due to the fact that, for the first time in a very long time, two local women's soccer teams were competing against each other in an international tournament, certain dignitaries were invited to the game as well.

To accommodate the supporters and soccer-enthusiasts already planning to attend the game, as the postponement was such late notice, FC Soualiga decided to go ahead with a slightly altered game. FC Soualiga will thereby be entertaining the crowd with an exhibition match to be ended with a thank you to all the persons coming out and supporting local women's soccer.

FC Soualiga respectfully requests the media to verify any press releases issued regarding FC Soualiga with the team's management before publishing to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings. The team sincerely regrets that Oualichi has opted to purposefully mislead the media and the general public.

mauricelakeandstakeholdersunveilnewtouristsignage11042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake and Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications Hon. Ted Richardson along with representatives of the St. Maarten Timeshare Association and St. Maarten Harbour Group of Companies unveiled a tourist directional sign in Cole Bay on Union Road, one of 90 to be erected throughout the country within the next two months.

"This is a significant improvement for product development. We need to make it easier for our visitors to be able to get around the island without a hassle. The signs will benefit stay-over and cruise visitors. I would like to thank all stakeholders who played a role in making this happen.

"Product development is a key area and a primary focus of my Ministry in order to further enhance our tourist destination and the visitor experience. Tourism is our business, is everybody's business and we have to work together in a partnership to move things forward, and the public-private initiative has been able to make this happen in an efficient and productive manner," Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs Hon. Ted Richardson said on Thursday.

"The signage is very important for our visitors. Tourism is a service industry, and the signage is part of the service as well. We are facilitating our visitors to be able to find their way around the country, and signage plays a role in this. It's also all over the world as well. I am very pleased that Ministry VROMI could assist with this project," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

Chairman of the St. Maarten Timeshare Association (SMTA) Marcel Javois stated: "When Jules James was Chairman of SMTA he had a vision that the organization should sponsor a comprehensive directional sign project for our tourists.

"The project has taken some years to plan and initiate, but today we can mark the launch of the project with the unveiling of the first of about 90 signs," Javois said on Thursday.

The St. Maarten Tourism Bureau (STB) product development team put this project as an important focal point for the country to continue to grow its tourism economy. The SMTA joined STB and approached Minister of TEATT Hon. Ted Richardson and Minister of VROMI Hon. Maurice Lake for their support.

"This support was enthusiastic to say the least. We do hold regular discussions with other key tourism partners on the island and when the Harbour Group learned we would be going ahead signed on as a joint financial partner for the SMTA due to the impact that this would have on helping cruise tourism as well.

"Timeshare owners that the SMTA is responsible to for their contribution to the $-a-day program, will benefit from a more pleasant tourism experience that new visitors will have as a result, which will keep the value of their investment in St. Maarten tourism valuable," SMTA Chairman Marcel Javois said on Thursday.

All stakeholders were thankful for the assistance they provided during the entire project process, namely, St. Maarten Tourist Bureau, Public Works and the Traffic Department of the Police Force, who worked in harmony to make it happen.

Materials for the sign selected were of the highest quality available. They meet or exceed Florida Highway standards for thickness, reflectivity and salt environment resistance.

The signs are made of aluminum with a thickness of .125 inches and have the highest quality reflective diamond coating for maximum visibility for both day and night even without special lighting.

The signs have an additional UV protective coating to give a 15-year guarantee with an expected life span well over that. The letter sizing is also in accordance with US standards for the speed of the traffic for safe visibility and readability. This is an important improvement over unsafe letter sizing used in the past for directional signs.

winairsmartspecialfairs11042014PHILIPSBURG:--- WINAIR is proud to announce its partnership with SMART 2014. WINAIR is offering special fares for the delegates that are attending SMART and is trying to encourage the surrounding islands to take advantage of this offer so business can be conducted amongst the Eastern Caribbean Islands and its stakeholders. The fares start from US$ 49.00 to the highest fare being US$ 99.00 round trip per person.
Bookings can be made by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and has to include the following information:

  • Dates of Travel
  • Name
  • Contact Information
  • Copy of Registration from SMART

''By WINAIR being the airline partner of SMART 2014, we are able to offer the delegates from surrounding islands affordable fares to come to SMART and do business, as well as give tour operators and travel agents the opportunity to visit other islands on Pre or Post Tours" says Mr. Michael Cleaver, President and CEO of WINAIR. WINAIR will also offer free pre and post tours upon request by the tourism boards or hoteliers.

ministersofplenipotentiary11042014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister Plenipotentiary Hon. Mathias Voges extended an invitation to his colleague Ministers Plenipotentiary of Aruba Hon. J. Alfonso Boekhoudt and Minister Plenipotentiary from Curacao Hon. Marvelyne Wiels to discuss several matters concerning cooperation between the three entities in The Hague.

Some of the issues discussed was the so-called Bosman Law; the process of receiving documents about the country's to be tabled in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament; and possible collaboration with respect to European Union projects.

tedrichardsonandmathiasvogesexchangetokensofappreciation11042014PHILIPSBURG:--- During a recent working visit to the Netherlands, Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunications Hon. Ted Richardson exchanged tokens of appreciation with Minister Plenipotentiary Hon. Mathias Voges at the Sint Maarten House in The Hague. During the meeting, Minister Voges was briefed about the plans of Ministry TEATT and was shown an animated film about the road map for the country.

nicoledeweeveratfundraiser11042014~Nicole De Weever enlightens an elated gathering at Fundraising mixer benefiting ASL~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Local Award winning dancer Nicole C. De Weever of Art Saves Lives Foundation personally thanked several persons who attended a fundraising mixer hosted by Mr. Fred J. Grigsby and Ms. Carol Pope in support of Art Saves Lives 2014 Summer Intensive Program several weeks ago. Nicole was able to give the attendees insight on Art Saves Lives and its mission to provide children on the island with the opportunity to express themselves creatively and introduce them to renowned artists who provide them with the creative arts, entertainment and education they need to excel in the performing arts. Future activities and the upcoming Summer Intensive were also discussed. Attendees were able to view highlights of ASL 2013 on the commemorative CD currently on sale.

Donations were received from the following persons:

Fred J. Grisby, Carol Pope, Dave & Ellen Brown, John Lemacks, Dale Dawson, Philip & Charlotte Foster, Frank & Karen Yocca, Gail Gant, Conni Weissman, Tom & Rita Saliba, Jim & Judy Stalder, Dick & Dottie Botnick, Bill & Wendy Prange, Michael & Linda Blumenfeld, Claret Connor, Emilia Thomas, Bob Gluck (Heritage Real Estate), Kim Kline, Alexandria Saravia, Cynthia Rhett, Carol & Noel Leary and Elena Prokupets.

The upcoming Art Saves Lives summer intensive program will feature 19 artists from the United States who in addition to teaching classes will perform community service as part of their contribution to St. Maarten.

Ms. De Weever, founder and President of Art Saves Lives Foundation (ASL) is grateful for the donations and looks forward to providing more programs in the future for the children of St. Maarten. ASL continues to raise funds to bring this project to fruition to serve local youth who are interested in a career in the arts and strengthen the performing arts on St. Maarten. Persons or businesses wishing to support the foundation's efforts, purchase a commemorative CD of last year's summer intensive or to get more information on ASL 2014 are encouraged to contact Art Saves Lives at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

roycottonjr11042014CONCORDIA:--- Devoted listeners and the general public at large will be pleased to know that the sensational and inspiring Sunday afternoon show, Love & Inspiration returns to the airwaves this Sunday April 13th from 2:00pm-4:00pm on Youth Radio 92.5FM.

Roy Cotton Jr. the host of Love & Inspiration, and The Vibes, stated in a press release, "I would like to thank all my listeners and well-wishers for all their support and commitment towards both my radio shows, The Vibes and Love & Inspiration since their premiere in August 2011 to date. It has been my pleasure in presenting to you only top quality radio shows during the past three years on St. Martin."

Both The Vibes and Love & Inspiration radio shows have been receiving great reviews and extensive exposure; with local, regional and international listenership.

Both radio shows have a listenership as far as Russia, the UK and Mauritius. Host Roy Cotton, Jr. states, "My listeners also hail from: Barbados, St. Kitts, USA, India, Nigeria, Hong Kong, Holland, France, and Canada. Their demographics include: persons aged 20 to over 65 who range from bargain hunters to serious investors; the adventurous to the tranquility seekers."

Love & Inspiration focuses on various topics of interest and in particular topics which enable the listener to experience more meaningful relationships in their lives; friendships, family, love and work relationships. Devoted listeners hear music of excellence; are inspired through exclusive interviews with VIP guests; listen to inspiring love & life changing stories; ask questions on relationship matters; win awesome prizes such as spa treatments; various gift certificates; dinners and more.

Roy Cotton Jr. is ready to take Love & Inspiration to another dimension. Therefore committed listeners and first time listeners are sure to be in for an awesome treat with his re-launch.

Love & Inspiration will also be introducing short new segments such as Fine Dining a short segment on the show that highlights the uniqueness of our restaurants; features their special offers; delicious cuisines and special amenities especially for those couples who are seeking the ideal restaurant to have a romantic dinner.

Committed partners for both The Vibes and Love & Inspiration include A & F Catering, and Negril Cuisine. Roy Cotton Jr. is thankful to these committed partners and welcomes his new partners, Island Team Real Estate, Johnny B. Under the Tree or Jack Fish Restaurant, Tutta Pasta, Zamar Musical Productions and Premiere Gardening and Lawn Care.

Roy Cotton Jr. encourages his committed listeners and lovers of smooth love grooves and inspirational hits, to tune into Love and Inspiration this Sunday from 2-4 p.m. on YR 92.5 FM. For more information or to be featured in an exclusive interview, contact Roy Cotton, Jr. at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; on Facebook: The Vibes Show; Love & Inspiration Show and Studio Tel: +11(590) 590 52 22.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The plenary public session of the House of Parliament related to the Rules of Order is scheduled for April 14th. The meeting was adjourned March 27 to be reconvened.

The public plenary meeting is reconvened for Monday at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The only agenda point is the Rules of Order of the House.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of VROMI Maurice Lake was left alone with members of his staff on Friday when he appeared before Parliament to answer questions pertaining to the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate. At the opening of the parliamentary session Vice Chairman of Parliament Romaine Laville told parliament that he got notice of absence from all Members of Parliament representing the United People's Party. MP Laville said notice of absence was sent in by MPs Theodore Heyliger, Silvia Meyers, Jules James, and Johan Janchi Leonard. The announcement made by the chairman prompted MP Leroy de Weever to ask the chair if he got notification of absence from the entire UP faction with whom the DP has a coalition. Laville then read a letter signed by MP Silvia Meyers that was sent to Parliament Friday morning indicating that the Members of the UP faction was not going to attend the meeting called on Friday. As the meeting began three members of the UP Faction MP Theodore Heyliger, MP Johan Janchi Leonard and MP Jules James walked in to Parliament and took their seats.

Minister Maurice Lake came under fire on Friday during the continuation meeting for allegedly lying to Parliament when he told them that the agreement signed by former Minister of VROMI William Marlin was not booked in as required by law. Even though Minister Lake read the letter in its entirety he refused to give Members of Parliament a copy of the agreement which had the booking number on it.

Member of Parliament William Marlin outlined the events that took place during the first session of the meeting. Marlin said while Minister Lake told Parliament the agreement was not booked in Leader of the UP Theodore Heyliger was caught in the press room of Parliament showing some members of the media the agreement that had the booking number on it. MP Marlin said when he saw that he showed the UP leader the booking number and at that point MP Heyliger instructed his Minister not to submit the letter to Parliament. Marlin said MP George Pantophlet asked twice for that agreement "letter of intent" and up to Friday they did not get any of the documentation they asked for or the answers to the questions they asked a month ago. Marlin indicated during his address to parliament that the National Alliance Faction will present a motion during the second round. It was widely rumored that several Members of Parliament will vote a motion of no confidence against Minister Lake, well placed sources indicated to SMN News that Minister Lake inquired about the rumor last Tuesday during the Council of Ministers meeting.

Several of the Members of Parliament including Member of Parliament Louis Laveist and MP Hyacinth Richardson chided Minister Lake for lying to Parliament with regards to the agreement signed by former Minister William Marlin. Most MPs asked the Minister to provide them with all the agreements signed by government regarding the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate, they also asked for the verdict delivered by the Court of First Instance. Furthermore, they wanted to know if the harbor was going to purchase the estate and if government or the harbor has any intention to sell or lease the people's patrimony to Rainforest Adventure.

MP Laveist did not mingle with words when he told Minister Lake that he allowed a judge from The Hague to order him to do what is right for the people of St. Maarten while National Alliance set everything in motion for the purchase of the estate for the people of St. Maarten. Laveist said most of the people's patrimony was peddled off to friends and families of certain politicians. The ring road which is not yet completed was also given to friends and families of politicians, he assured Minister Lake that while all of that happened he can rest assure that they will not get to do the same with the Emilio Wilson Estate "I can assure you that will not happen to this Guava crop because the people of St. Maarten will rise to the occasion and claim what is theirs." He also wanted to know if government submitted an appeal and if the agreement they signed was to stall the process.

MP Roy Marlin indicated that the Ministers seems to forget that Parliament is supposed to overlook government. He told the Minister that they needed to start respecting Parliament and bring matters to them for discussion prior to committing government to agreements. MP Roy Marlin also asked for all documentation in order for the Democratic Party to take a decision on the Emilio Wilson Estate.

When given the opportunity to answer the questions posed by the Member of Parliament, Minister Lake asked for time since he needed time to gather information for parliament. Members of Parliament mostly from the National Alliance Faction did not take that easily, they said the Minister had one month to submit answers some of which he submitted after the meeting started. MP Pantophlet said he wanted the four letters, meaning the letter of intent signed by former Minister Marlin which Minister Lake said was not booked and the agreement signed after the court verdict.

The chairman of Parliament decided to adjourn the continuation of the meeting to Thursday next week where Minister Lake will have to provide parliament with the necessary documentation and answers to the questions posed to him on Friday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Friday in a statement addressed his back to basics approach where it concerns the Emilio Wilson Estate.

"At the time of the Parliament meeting on Thursday, March 6, 2014, I stated that the letter with registration number 1114/10 was not registered. MP, Mr. William Marlin refuted this statement which brought about a long deliberation.

"As a representative of the people and the one mandated by the present Council of Ministers to execute certain decisions pertaining to the Emilio Wilson Estate, I took it upon myself to investigate the matter pertaining to the letter with registration number 1114/10.

"The Department of Records and Information Management (DIV) was contacted and asked to submit a report on the procedural course of the letter in question. The report submitted by the DIV Department is self-explanatory and clearly explains why at the time of my statement the letter in question could not be viewed by me or the Cabinet of the Minister of VROMI.

"Simply put, the document was not registered under the Minister of VROMI at the time because it was a decision taken by the Council of Ministers and executed (signed) by the then Minister William Marlin in the capacity of Acting Prime Minister; this is the reason why I could not find nor view the document at the time I made the statement.

"Why was it signed at the time by Minister Marlin on the letterhead of the Prime Minister I do not know; maybe MP Marlin can provide some clarity on the matter and explain to the people why he signed the letter and not the Prime Minister. I on the other hand have no further explanation to give about the registration of the letter in question because as I said the report is self-explanatory.

"Besides that the decision was taken in a Council of Minister meeting back in 2012. At that time the present Prime Minister and the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (VSA) were part of the coalition government which approved the purchase of the Emilio Wilson Estate. I Minister Maurice Lake accepted the position of Minister of VROIMI in 2013.

"For your perusal, I hereby submit a copy of the report to the Members of Parliament. This report was also discussed in the Council of Ministers meeting and with the support of the Council of Ministers I will be seeking the assistance of the SOAB agency to further investigate if proper procedures were followed with regards to the process for the intent to purchase the Emilio Wilson Estate and execution of the Council of Ministers decision dated July 6, 2012; MR060712 agenda point: 4.

"In closing on this matter I would however like to state the following: God is good, all is well. What I have noticed over the past weeks is that politics is being played with the intelligence of the people of Sint Maarten. I just want the people to stay focused.

"It's not really about the registration of the letter. It's about the procedures that we as representatives of the people follow; the decisions we make and the execution of these decisions, which if we are careless in our actions can put this country in very serious financial predicaments.

"In the case of the purchase of Emilio Wilson Estate, it is my responsibility as the present Minister of VROMI to ensure that all the facts are in place before I commit government to such an enormous capital expenditure. I have addressed this issue to the Members of Parliament and the people of Sint Maarten in an open and transparent manner.

"Mr. Chairman, Government is continuous, and once a new Minister comes in office, all facts should be in place to continue the people's work. I am still trying to put the facts together. Yes, it was approved by the previous government and yes, this present government is bound to uphold the decision, but nevertheless I cannot be careless with the people's money!

"I do not take my position and the mandate given to me by the people of this country lightly. And, although the previous government made certain binding decisions which I am expected to execute, I reiterate, that I will not do so before I have all the facts straight and I am convinced that proper procedures were followed.

"Therefore it is my duty as a representative of the people to obtain a clear and objective overview of the process concerning the intent to purchase the Emilio Wilson Estate. I have been given a mandate by the Council of Ministers to execute matters pertaining to the Emilio Wilson Estate and I am committed to do so with all diligence, transparency and integrity," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Friday.

fourcontrollerssworninasextraordinarypoliceofficers10042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday April 9, 2014, a brief swearing in ceremony was held at the Ministry of Justice's offices at A.Th. Illidge road, to officially recognize four controllers as extra-ordinary police officers at various departments within the Ministry of Public Health, Social development and Labor (Volkgezondheid, Sociale ontwikkeling en Arbeid (VSA), namely; officer Ms. Tamisha Priest, officer Mr. Leoudson Gijsbertha, the head of Health Dr. Earl Best, and SZV Inspector Parveen Boertje-Marhe. The officers recently successfully completed their extra-ordinary police training at the Sint Maarten Justice Academy.

The Minister of Justice the Honorable Dennis Richardson congratulated the newly sworn in officers on their achievements and admonished them to embrace their new roles as extra-ordinary police officers in their functions as controllers. Also present at the ceremony was the Minister of Public Health, Social development and Labor Affairs the Honorable Dr. Cornelius De Weever including a member of his staff, staff of Ministers' cabinets and other colleagues of the newly sworn in officers.

george21082009PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament George Pantophlet took note of the remarks made by the Minister of General Affairs Sarah Wescot-Williams during Wednesday's press briefing on the cleaning up of the civil register. He hopes that the specific questions that were posed by his person are answered as soon as possible. This should not be difficult since according to the Minister the laws are already in place. Some might be saying leave this matter alone until after the Lenten season or the carnival. But for the young man who was 3 years old when he received the Dutch Nationality and now at the age of about 23 was told that he has no rights to it, time is of essence. To the person who after having the passport for some 27 years and is now being told that a mistake was made by the civil registrar because they were acknowledged at 19 instead of 18 and therefore has no rights to the Dutch nationality is being told to apply for residency permit time is of essence. Because of this their child who is a minor their passport was taken back. To these persons time is of essence. This person has already spent thousands of dollars seeking legal advice. And this is a fact. What is very harsh but apparently legal is that when mistakes are made in this case at the Census office by civil servants or a civil servant the person requesting the document albeit a passport may it be wrong birth date misspelling of a name and so on or whatever suffers the consequences thereof. This procedure must be looked at. The lives of these persons have been disrupted and will never be the same.

bpwregionalcoordinatorvisitssxmaffiliate11042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Business and Professional Women (BPW) Regional Coordinator Bessie Hironimus visited with the St. Maarten affiliate. Ms. Hironimus coordinated a training session for current members and was the guest speaker at an open house for potential members and friends of the local club.

Ms. Hironimus schooled members on new and old programs that BPW has available to help bolster its mission on the empowerment of women and advocating for equality in the workplace. She updated members on the BPW International Leadership Summit she just attended in New York, the BPW Regional Congress that took place in nearby Puerto Rico and the BPW International Conference which is taking place in Jeju, South Korea, May 23-27, 2014. Ms. Hironimus was very proud to report the growth of clubs in the region, namely our sister affiliates in Tortola and St. Kitts, with whom she visited previous to coming to St. Maarten.

Potential members and friends also got to meet with the regional coordinator at an open house this past Saturday where she shared what BPW was doing worldwide as they continue in their mission to advocate for equality in the workplace. One such activity that has caught steam is Equal Pay Day, whereby women adorn red bags to showcase the disparity in pay with male counterparts.

BPW St. Maarten President Natasha Ortega is enthusiastic for the upcoming year for the association. "BPW have asked the public to come to us in the past, this year we plan on coming to them. We also hope to partner with other associations who advocate for women and girls", Ms. Ortega stated. BPW has come to be known for their Breakfast Sessions, where they dole out information on everything from the legalities of starting a business to coping with depression. Ms. Ortega promises that this will continue. "We will continue to give information we hope will empower women and by in the large our community", she said. "BPW is very pleased with Ms. Hironimus visit, it's great to hear firsthand the impact that BPW is having worldwide and having our club associated with such phenomenal women is inspiring and aspiring", she continued.

You can find out more about BPW at or find us on Facebook BPW St. Maarten.

pahorepsmakepresentationtocom10042014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Last week Thursday representatives of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) met with the Council of Ministers.

Sint Maarten was admitted as a new PAHO Associate Member on September 17, 2012, together with Aruba and Curaçao. This category of membership enables the three countries to participate directly in PAHO activities.

The PAHO delegation leader, Dr. Celia Riera, gave a presentation to the Council regarding the PAHO/WHO Technical Cooperation in Sint Maarten and the creation of a Country Cooperation Strategy for Sint Maarten. The Country Cooperation Strategy is a 'strategic agreement framework' that serves as a reference to synchronize the technical cooperation and all the work of PAHO/WHO with and within a country.

The PAHO delegation will work closely with the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor and other stakeholders to identify Sint Maarten's health challenges and to establish the Country Cooperation Strategy for Sint Maarten.

Minister Cornelius de Weever stated in his opening address: "Tourism is the fundamental economic activity in Sint Maarten and it will remain being so in the near future.

"However, we have the responsibility to safeguard our economy by focusing on health in general. Health will be able to contribute to the economic and social development as a fundamental investment of the entire society in our future. Health is not an expense; it is an investment for development," Minister Hon. Cornelius de Weever stated.

The PAHO presentation showed how health is connected to all aspects of society and how it can be broken down into three different scopes: a Productive scope, a Health Sector scope and a Governmental scope.

Dr. Reira stated that health should be viewed as "an intrinsic dimension of the economic process: Healthy people are productive people."

The Council of Ministers appreciated meeting with the PAHO delegation. The Council is a proponent for closer cooperation with the region and Sint Maarten's associated membership of PAHO is a good example of closer cooperation.

As a young country it is important to cooperate with others. The Council assured the PAHO delegation that Sint Maarten values the cooperation now and in the future and the Council is grateful of what already has been accomplished with PAHO's assistance.

sxmzoopresentsfamilymembershiptothomasfamily11042014MADAME ESTATE:--- Representatives of the St. Maarten Zoo recently presented a yearly family membership to Annette Thomas and her three children. This membership was possible through the generous donation of Mrs. Vicki Remoundous Jerlinski. Mrs. Jerlinski is a timeshare owner and a frequent visitor to the island. She saw on Facebook that the Zoo was selling yearly memberships and she offered to make a donation so that a family could receive a membership. The Zoo very much appreciates Mrs. Jerlinski's donation and we were pleased to offer the membership to Ms. Thomas and her family.
If you are interested in a membership to the Zoo or in making a donation so someone else can enjoy a membership, please call the zoo at 543-2030 or visit our web site You can also find the Zoo on Facebook at We congratulate Ms. Thomas on her membership and we hope she and her children will enjoy visiting the Zoo, thanks to Ms. Jerlinski's donation.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that there will be an interruption in the traffic flow on the A.T. Illidge Road (Dutch Quarter) on Saturday morning.

The area to be closed to motorized traffic will be in the vicinity of Doctor Bryson Clinic on April 12 from 5:30am to 10:30am.

Motorists coming from French Quarter and Belvedere will have to utilize the Bishop Road and Sucker Garden Road. Residents of Nazareth Road and Union Farm will use the A.T. Illidge Road via Mount William Hill.

The road closure is in connection with repairs to the sewage pump in the pit which is located on the street.

Motorists and pedestrians are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs indicating what works are underway in the respective area.

Motorists and pedestrians are also advised that it is against the law for tampering or removing a traffic barricade or any other piece of government property that is being used to make motorists and pedestrians aware of road work activities, and is punishable by law.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

napressconference10042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Several members of the National Alliance joined the party leader William Marlin on Thursday afternoon at a press conference held at Holland House where the National Alliance unveiled their redesigned logo. National Alliance member and former Minister of Education Silveria Jacobs said the redesigning of the logo was necessary even though the colors of the new logo is the same, it has a new twist which she said signals innovation, movement and growing of the National Alliance. She said National Alliance had a rainbow but the new logo symbolizes movement and it's modern. One of the main reasons Jacobs said the party decided to redesign its logo is for the public to see what the National Alliance is all about both by the party's actions and its symbols.

Marlin said the National Alliance chose to redesign their logo in order to accommodate the younger generation. However, he made clear that the reason the National Alliance chose to have a rainbow with the map of St. Maarten in the past is because they believe as a party the interest of St. Maarten does not represent one color. The new logo Marlin said was designed by a local whose identity he did not release.

Marlin called on all members of the National Alliance to attend the party's congress which is scheduled for this Sunday at the Belair Community Center. The event he said will start at 2pm. Marlin did not give details on the program the National Alliance has in store for Sunday's event. He said most of it will be a surprise for the members of the National Alliance. On Sunday the board members of the National Alliance will be elected, the leader and deputy leader, members of the 16 district councils and the campaign committee will also be installed. Marlin said the National Alliance will recognize one of its members on Sunday but that too he said is a surprise. A speaker whose name he did not release and the theme for the congress will be made known on Sunday.

PM was Vague in her Reasons for wanting Outside Supervision for 2014 Elections.

In response to a question posed by SMN News as to what is the opinion of the National Alliance with regards to the call made by the Democratic Party (Prime Minister) to bring in outside forces to monitor the 2014 elections. Marlin said that he does not have all the details surrounding the Prime Minister's call but he believes that she supposedly has fundamental reasons for making such a call. Marlin further stated that everyone knows that people spend lots of monies during the campaign and people are given monies and other things for their vote. He said this is clear because some police officers are now before the courts for selling their votes during the 2010 elections.

The Member of Parliament said that it is quite disturbing that the justice system took four years to take the case before the courts but even though it took that long it shows that St. Maarten has what it needs to curb any type of illegalities during elections. "If nothing was done about this then there would have been reasons to say that anything could happen on St. Maarten and nothing is done, but that is not the case."

Marlin said in 2010 they heard stories that persons used dummy ballots and cameras to take photos to show politicians who they voted for. He believes that removing the curtains for the voting booths would address that problem. Marlin said that the Prime Minister has to be clearer and she needs to tell the people of St. Maarten why there is need to bring in the United Nations or Transparency International to monitor the 2014 parliamentary elections.

He said that for the first time the legislations regarding campaign spending will apply. However, he believes that something has to be done to create a balance with air time on the various talk shows both on television and radio. "Right now the party that has the most money buys all the airtime out from all the shows and that leaves the other political parties that does not have as much money in a peculiar situation."

Member of Parliament Louis Laviest also shared the same sentiments stating that everyone knows what took place in 2010 in Pointe Blanche. He said everyone knows that certain politicians pay for votes but he too feels that the Prime Minister needs to ensure that the legislations that are in place are enforced for the 2014 parliamentary election. Laveist also expressed disappointment with the Public Prosecutor's Office who took almost four years to prosecute those that were caught buying or selling their votes in 2010.

statinterviewerwithairportstaff10042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Department of Statistics (STAT), was on location last week at the Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM), to give Airport personnel the opportunity to be interviewed for the household survey, especially for those where no contact had been made during the first eight weeks of the data-collection.

Department Head of STAT, Makini Hickinson said she appreciated that SXM Airport management had agreed to the initiative and as a result, STAT was able to reach an additional 40 households through their employer.

STAT conducted interviews at the airport's air traffic control tower, rescue & firefighting department, security department, and the airport's training room for general staff. STAT believes that its coverage throughout the various neighborhoods on Sint Maarten has been quite comprehensive, and as such in theory most Sint Maarten employees would have already participated in the survey.

Nonetheless, given that STAT is aware that it is difficult to catch some persons at home, the department has approached a number of large employers on the island, with the possibility to collect data from their employees via personal interviews or via the department's Email and paper forms.

SXM Airport was the first such business STAT approached and Managing Director, Regina LaBega, was very willing to accommodate the STAT team. "I think it's an excellent idea" LaBega noted when she was approached by STAT about the initiative.

SXM Airport's Corporate Communications Specialist, Kalifa Hickinson, also helped to encourage staff to take part in the brief survey.

"SXM Airport is very pleased to have assisted the Government of Sint Maarten with its data collection efforts by partnering with STAT to have interviews conducted on site. As a result of this partnership, 40 additional households were counted," Kalifa Hickinson said.

Over the next week and a half, STAT and its 25 interviewers will continue with the unfinished streets within neighborhoods and will be returning to addresses where they could not find anyone.

STAT informs all residents who have not yet participated in the household listing survey visit to download and complete the questionnaire online.

STAT falls under the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunication.

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) is also part and parcel of the national development process that includes public health.

This week the world including the country observed World Health Day under the theme, vector-borne diseases, warning that a "small bite can carry a big threat."

The international community of nations has been requested to back a global health agenda that gives higher priority to controlling the spread of vector-borne diseases, a step towards ensuring that no one in the 21st century would die from the bite of a mosquito or a tick.

Every year more than one million people die from diseases carried by mosquitoes, flies and other insects.

Vector-borne diseases are a serious impediment to poverty reduction and sustainable development, and it is recognized by the United Nations (UN), that in order for nations to achieve the MDGs and define a post-2015 development agenda, they must recognize that investing in vector control and disease prevention is both wise and necessary.

The UN MDGs are eight goals that all 191 UN members states have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The UN Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000 commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women.

Country Sint Maarten has its own MDG workgroup, guided by the Department of the Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations (BAK), and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

For more information, regarding the MDG process, interested institutions and others can call Drs. L.R. Morales at 542-0896 or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

tedrichardson26092013Deadline approaching, April 15

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism and Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications (MinTEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson, is reminding young people and other interested persons that the deadline to apply to the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Scholarship Foundation for a study grant is fast approaching, and not to miss out on the opportunity offered.

The process for accepting applications for scholarships and study grants from Caribbean nationals in CTO member countries is open until April 15, 2014.

The main aim of the CTO Foundation is to provide opportunities for Caribbean nationals to pursue studies in the areas of tourism, hospitality and language training.

"I believe this is a very good opportunity for our people to upgrade themselves or pursue a study in this area, and the door to apply is closing within a week. Tourism is our main business and if opportunities are presented you should jump up at it," Minister of Tourism & Economic Affairs Hon. Ted Richardson said on Wednesday.

The foundation selects individuals who demonstrate high levels of achievement and leadership both within and outside the classroom and who express a strong interest in making a positive contribution to Caribbean tourism.

The foundation offers four types of scholarships, up to US$12,000 to study tourism or hospitality at the Master's level; study grants of up to US$2,500 for tourism/hospitality studies at the certificate, diploma, associate degree; a scholarship of up to US$7,500 offered in the name of the late Audrey Palmer Hawks; and one of up to US$2,500 in the name of CTO's former Director of Research and Information Management.

Studies can be pursued both within and outside of the region. All application forms are available on the CTO website,

Since 1998 the CTO Foundation has provided 89 major scholarships and 124 study grants to deserving Caribbean nations, amounting to just over US$813,000.

Major foundation sponsors include American Express, American Airlines, Interval International, the CTO chapters worldwide and numerous allied members.

hnlmszeelandopenhouseposter09042014WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- Netherlands navy ship Zeeland will visit St. Maarten from Thursday the 10th of April until the Sunday the 13th of April. The Governor of St. Maarten will welcome the ship from Fort Amsterdam.

Traditional salute
From 08:45 am to 09:15 am the patrol vessel will enter the harbor of Philipsburg and will pass Fort Amsterdam. The ship will fire the traditional salute to the Flag of The Kingdom of the Netherlands and to the Governor of Sint Maarten.

HNLMS Zeeland is the guard ship for the Royal Netherlands Navy and the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard. On her arrival in the Caribbean Sea the crew of HNLMS Zeeland conducted the rescue of 7 people nearby the coast of Miami.

Open House
During the port visit, there is a possibility for the public to visit this state of the art ship of the Royal Netherlands Navy. HNLMS Zeeland will have Open House on the 12th of April from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the Cruise terminal Philipsburg.

ethelwoldusjosephaattendsadvancedcptedcourse09042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The National Institute of Crime Prevention (NICP) has announced the completion of the Review, Exam, and Assessment (REA) Course held at the Hubbell Lighting Corporate Headquarters in Greenville, SC. Attending this training were representatives from a variety of law enforcement agencies, both local and federal, along with representatives from private sector corporations.
Completing the training was Ethelwoldus Josepha from the Korps Politie St. Maarten who left Sint Maarten on March 31st and returned on April 05, 2014. He is the first member of the Korps Politie Sint Maarten to successfully complete this course. St. Maarten's Police Force has set the standard for CPTED Training in the Caribbean, being the first agency to have several of its officers and staff members earn the internationally recognized CPTED Professional Designation (CPD). The training, which is 64 hours, includes two exams and a graded field assessment. The CPTED premise is "The proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime and an improvement in quality of life."
The St. Maarten Police Force has supported and encouraged the application of CPTED concepts and design strategies throughout the island. The police force has done this through training programs and by working with the public on community initiatives to improve the overall quality of life for all of the citizens of St. Maarten.

KPSM Press Release

anole09042014GRAND CASE:--- Naturalists, birdwatchers, artists, and other volunteers all over the island are working together to organize the first annual Endemic Animal Festival, a special day celebrating the amazing animals that live only on this island or in our region. The Endemic Animal Festival is a free, public Wildlife Discovery Event created by Les Fruits de Mer, where tourists and residents of all ages are invited to discover and learn about this most unique part of St. Martin's natural heritage. The event will feature wildlife tours guided by experts, an Endemic Animal Discovery Station, and local wildlife-themed art activities for children. The 2014 Endemic Animal Festival will take place at Seaside Nature Park in Cay Bay on Sunday, April 27th from 9am to noon.

The word "endemic" is used to refer to animals that only live within a specific range. On St. Martin, that includes animals that only live on St. Martin, as well as regional endemics that only live on a few islands or only live in the Caribbean. So what are the endemic animals on St. Martin? This island is home to a variety of locally and regionally endemic animals. The Bearded Anole and Spotted Woodslave are two lizard species that are found nowhere else in the world. Many of our other lizards are found on just a handful of islands, and many familiar birds, like the Antillean Crested Hummingbird and the Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, live only in the Caribbean.

"Endemic animals are important because they literally can't be seen anywhere else on the planet. They're a living reminder of our unique heritage, and we're also responsible for making sure they can survive and thrive. If there's any group of animals that residents and visitors should know about, our endemics are at the top of the list." said Mark Yokoyama, Les Fruits de Mer co-founder and author of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of St. Martin. Yokoyama will be hosting the Endemic Animal Discovery Station, which will showcase a captivating array of live locally and regionally endemic animals, including lizards and insects.

"This Festival is a fantastic opportunity to learn about local wildlife, important ecosystems, and history from experts," said Les Fruits de Mer President Jenn Yerkes. "We'd like to invite everyone to come out and have a great day celebrating the fascinating natural world of this island!"

The Les Fruits de Mer Association is currently seeking additional volunteers to help out at the event, and sponsorship for event materials including art supplies for the kids' activities, t-shirts, display supplies and drinking water. People interested in being involved can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The 2014 Endemic Animal Festival is brought to you by Les Fruits de Mer and Seaside Nature Park.

sarahwescotwilliams09042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The points raised by the President of the Windward Islands Chamber of Labor Unions Derie Leonard on the policy government put in place about the use of government vehicles are valid, says Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams.

Wescot Williams said she does not think government had to go through the GOA when they were drafting the policy but she does believe that the points raised by the unions are valid and government would have to revisit the policy. Wescot Williams said she did not want to jump ahead and say whether or not government was going to amend the policy to exclude emergency workers such as the police, fire department and the ambulance personnel from the policy on the use of government vehicles.

Last week the WICLU told members of the media that they believe that government should have more control on the use of government vehicles but to have emergency workers pay for damages caused to vehicles while they are on duty was over the limit.

Leonard said civil servants such as Secretary Generals should park up government vehicles after 5pm and use their own vehicles. The WICLU believes that government will save monies this way and they would not need to buy as much vehicles. The President of WICLU said that she saw government vehicles parked up on the French side at nights, while personnel of the finance department got a low score because they did not have government vehicles to execute their duties.

patricialourensphilip11082013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens Philip on Tuesday expressed sadness at the passing of Calypso Barbara, describing her as a cultural icon.

Calypso Barbara Nesbitt passed away on Monday morning.

"I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family, friends, and calypso artists with this great loss to the nation. A calypso icon of the country has passed on.

"During this time of bereavement, let us reflect upon the contributions that this great artist made to the national calypso scene in teaching music, singing, song writing and her participation in the Senior Calypso Competitions.

"Our prayers are with the family, friends and the nation during this period of mourning," Minister of Education Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip said on Wednesday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- A plenary public session of the House of Parliament is scheduled for April 11th regarding the Emilio Wilson Estate. Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Hon. Maurice Lake is expected to be present during the session.

The plenary session is set for Friday at 10:00am in the General Assembly Chamber of the House at Wilhelmina Straat #1 in Philipsburg.

The first and second agenda points are related to incoming documents; and the establishment of the decision list related to public plenary sessions.

The third agenda point is for Members of Parliament (MPs) to be informed about the decision to purchase the Emilio Wilson Estate.

The meeting was requested by MP Hon. Frans Richardson, MP George Pantophlet, and MP Louie Laveist.

Members of the public are invited to the House of Parliament to attend parliamentary deliberations.

The House of Parliament is located across from the Court House in Philipsburg.

The parliamentary session will be carried live on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 120, via Pearl Radio FM 98.1, the audio via the Internet, and also via and

PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister of St. Maarten Sarah Wescot Williams gave members of the media an outline of the topics that were discussed during the Kingdom Conference held in Aruba earlier this month. However, one of the topics the Netherlands (Dutch Government) wanted to discuss is the movement of people but that did not take place because the countries within the Kingdom made it clear that was not the place for such a discussion.

Furthermore, the Netherlands did not provide the countries with the basis for such a discussion and what are the issues with the movement of persons they wanted to discuss. Wescot Williams said since the Dutch did not provide that information the topic was not touched. She said another point that stuck was the dispute regulation which is still not in place. Wescot Williams said she does not believe that St. Maarten should wait until the next Kingdom conference to discuss this matter. St. Maarten's Prime Minister believes that St. Maarten has to discuss article 12 of the charter as soon as possible. She said St. Maarten is currently brain storming on how they could bring up the matter for discussion.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of TEATT Ted Richardson has not yet submitted the MOU Member of Parliament Romaine Laville and him unleashed to the media some two weeks ago. Responding to questions posed to Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams on Wednesday, Wescot Williams said she saw the MOU but to date the Minister of TEATT has not submitted it to the council for its approval. When asked if she was in favor of the MOU, Wescot Williams said that whenever that MOU is presented to the Council of Ministers they would first have to seek advice from the various Ministries while she herself would have to get advice from the Department of Foreign Affairs since the agreement deals with countries outside of the Kingdom.

Some two weeks ago, Minister Ted Richardson and Romaine Laville told reporters they made an agreement with the Prime Minister of Dominica to provide five scholarship to students from St. Maarten in order for St. Maarten students to pursue higher education in Dominica. Laville also said he made agreements for St. Maarten to purchase LPG gas at a lower cost through an agreement Dominica has with Venezuela. While the Member of Parliament said he had several discussions with the Prime Minister of Dominica and Venezuela's Ambassador, the Government of St. Maarten was not involved in the negotiations.

PHILIPSBURG:--- During the Council of Ministers weekly press briefing on Wednesday, Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams was asked to give explanations about the recent activities and concerns raised by Member of Parliament George Pantophlet regarding persons residing in the United States. Wescot Williams said that MP Pantophlet sent her a letter with a number of questions regarding the issue and she is yet to respond. She said she already asked the personnel of the Civil Registry to provide her with information so that she could respond to the Member of Parliament.

However, Wescot Williams said she is aware that the Civil Registry is busy cleaning up in order to have accurate figures as to the amount of people living on the island. She said that whatever the Civil Registry is doing is in accordance with the laws and policies in place. Wescot Williams made clear that no particular group of people is being targeted but she gave an example where she said that some persons are asked to verify their documents that are in the files at the civil registry when they ask for their passports to be extended. As for the request for new birth certificates when naturalized Dutch citizens need their passports extended, the Prime Minister said that too has to do with what is in the person's file.

PHILIPSBURG:--- In responding to questions posed by SMN News regarding the policy government has in place for subsidies given to foundations. Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams confirmed during the weekly Council of Ministers press briefing on Wednesday that the donation the St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation (SCDF) gave to the Simpson Bay Community Council raised several questions.
SCDF reported that they made a donation to the Simpson Bay Community Council due to the jump up that was held in the Simpson Bay area. Wescot Williams said based on what she read in the newspapers several questions came to her mind because she wants to know if SCDF will give donations to the other community councils where carnival jump ups are held.

SCDF has been complaining and also met with parliament when they learnt that their budget for the 2014 carnival celebrations had to be cut due to the country's budget woes. SCDF also murmured about the fact that UTS did not give the foundation any donation this year because of the agreement government has with TELEM for Festival Village. Last year TELEM and SCDF were at loggerheads because SCDF refused to fully comply with the agreement the Government of St. Maarten has with TELEM since that company invested their monies to build the stage inside of Festival Village. It is indeed strange that SCDF lost about $150,000 in funding this year yet they are able to give donations to community councils.

fcsoualiga08042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Sunday April 6th, the women of FC Soualiga played their first game during the Coupe De L'Alliance des Iles du Nord at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex, against Les Diablesses Rouges, a women's soccer team from St. Barth's. Both teams put up a good fight which resulted in a very exciting game for the spectators. The conditions were definitely not easy as the game was scheduled at 2 pm, in the heat of the day, and a strong wind to be taken into account, but both teams stood their ground. FC Soualiga had a very strong start and after only 30 minutes, the scoreboard showed a score of 2-0 in favor of the home team. During the second half, St. Barth's made a comeback and put up a good fight until the end. During the last minutes of the game, the victory was secured by a beautiful defensive sliding tackle by FC Soualiga's Michelle Spruit guaranteeing a win for the home team. The result after 90 minutes was 4-3 in favor of FC Soualiga. The goals for FC Soualiga were scored by captain Kandice Franklyn (2) and Dayana Mallarino (2).

The Coupe De L'Alliance des Iles dus Nord is an international tournament hosted by the Comité Territorial de Football de Saint-Barthélemy, of which the female competition includes teams originating from Sint Maarten, Anguilla and St. Barth's. The main objective of the tournament is to increase interest and development of soccer on the participating islands.

During the next game, FC Soualiga will face another women's team from Sint Maarten, Oualichi, on Sunday, April 13th at 3pm at the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex. FC Soualiga encourages everyone to come out and support the event and the participating teams.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The OSPP has read with great interest the article from the leadership of the Democratic Party of St. Maarten to invite external observers to observe our upcoming 2014 election. "This call came as a total surprise to the nation from our Honorable Prime Minister Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams as she has not provided any form of proof of fraudulent acts from the last election in 2010 or any prior election", says Lenny Priest Leader of the OSPP.
We have heard of "vote buying" in previous elections and that measures are being taken to control that. But above and beyond that we are not aware of any other serious infringements in our electoral systems that may tilt the election in the direction of any one of the political parties. We have therefore sent a letter to the honorable Prime Minister, Mrs. Wescot-Williams asking her to bare it all to the nation. Let us know what you know and if you truly have some facts of fraudulent acts that have taken place in the past and may occur again in the upcoming election. And if you want all the politicians, members of parliament and the general public to support your call then reveal what you know to the people. Anything short of that, we will call your request for external observers a bluff and that you were only looking for political mileage at the expense of the people, a very serious development.
We would then hold you accountable for all damages that you have caused to the good name of St. Maarten as it pertains to holding elections. We are the envy of the region and would not allow you to make such a statement without facts.
As a nation we already have to endure all the bad publicity regarding alleged corruption and other wrong doings within our government. We are going through various integrity investigations and if that is not enough to have to deal with alleged fraudulent electoral acts because of your call for external observers for our election.
We have also asked our honorable Prime Minister if she has discussed this plan to bring in external observers with her coalition partner the United People Party and what is their take on it.
"This is the first time that the OSPP will be contesting an election", says Lenny Priest "and we would hate to believe that our first election will be clouded with various types of allegations of fraud". The nation has the right to know of any plans to sabotage our 2014 elections or of any actual election fraud that took place in the past that may have tilted the election in the hands of one of the political parties that have contested the election in the past. A change must come and now is the time for the change.

Click here to view the letter sent by OSPP to PM Sarah Wescot Williams regarding the article concerning external observers for 2014 elections.

OSPP Press Release

deyanidafaneyte18032014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Tuesday March 18th, 2014, the Police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM) was notified by the French Police (Gendarmerie) that a young lady had died in the hospital on the French side as a result of a wound she sustained during a shooting. The name of the victim is Deynaida Feyenete, born 10th December 1993. The French Police started an investigation later that day. The following day the KPSM received information from the French Police that the victim was shot in the morning of March 18th in Dutch Quarter on the Dutch side of Sint Maarten. Based on that information the KPSM started an investigation as well on March 19th, 2014. This investigation is called "Zucchini".

As the case is still being investigated, the KPSM and the Public Prosecutors Service would like to have more information from the public. Anyone who has more information regarding this shooting in Dutch Quarter or information regarding the circumstances that lead to this shooting are requested to inform the detective department of KPSM. For a successful prosecution it is very important that statements are given in person to the detectives. On various internet sites information about the shooting was posted. Two names were also mentioned on the internet, namely: Alexis Roberts and Brent Berry.

Our investigation has shown that these persons are "suspects" in this case and the police making an appeal to them to turn themselves in and report to the Detective Department for questioning. The police will also like to inform the general public that assisting a person sought by police as a "suspect" in any criminal case is punishable by law.

KPSM Police Report

dennisrichardsonopenskickoffofjusticechainintegritytrainingproject08042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Friday April 4th, 2014, the Minister of Justice the Honorable Dennis Richardson officially opens KICK-OFF of a Justice Wide Integrity Training scheduled to take place for the next 6 months.

The Minister expressed his gratitude for having been able to realize this project which was started before his time. He continued to emphasize his position and view when it comes to the development and promotion of our country which abides by and has Integrity as a pillar. The project was in the making since 2011 and was approved and financed by the Dutch Development funding through USONA on October 19th, 2012. He mentioned that he was happy with the decision taken by USONA to have the project extended until September 30th, 2014. The Minister then toke the opportunity to officially welcome the facilitators for the training, namely Price Waterhouse Cooper of Aruba, who has been allotted the contract through bidding process to carry out the training program. Their bid submitted proved to be in line with the vision of the Justice Ministry.

The Minister further explained that: these fine persons are not to be confused with Price Waterhouse Cooper New York carrying out the integrity trajectory initiated on Kingdom level. To be exact, this project was in the making and was approved, prior to the Kingdom of the Netherlands taking their decision to start their inquiry.
The relevance of this project then and even now is to promote and encourage ethical behavior within the justice chain as service providers to the community at large.

As he continued he explained that; Integrity is the word most commonly mentioned on all levels within the community at present. All stakeholders are looking at this issue. The Government of Sint Maarten has been propagating this since 10-10-10 and just recently we were able to participate and witness the celebration of Integrity Day for Government. We are about to embark on a process of not only speaking on the subject of integrity on the work floor but in effect actively participating, for each department individualized approach to bring into action that which we profess.
He explained that; through these training sessions which will be interactive, the participants will be challenged to look closely at their behavior on and off the work floor and by doing so improve, and enhance existing work ethics and patterns, thus benefiting the participants and the ministry in particular and the community at large in general. The approach which will be used during the training of an individualistic nature, where dilemma's faced by the different justice departments will be jointly looked at. This will be done in two forms. On a managerial level as well as on the level of the work floor. It is expected that a general CODE of Conduct for the Ministry of justice will be developed jointly, with each participant giving their input into the creation of such. By means of this approach, those having to abide by the developed code of conduct for the Justice chain will have a sense of ownership and will be expected to carry out their work in accordance with this code. This entire process will last Six months. Though intensive, I am of the opinion that the lessons learned will benefit all in which we all have our own significant roles to play.
The Minister indicated that; the Kick-Off which involved all heads of Departments will serve as an introductory session. In total a number of 75 persons selected by the various department heads will be trained and they will also actively contribute in the creation of the Code of Conduct. These persons will be selected from every level of the various departments.

The Minister of Justice concluded his opening address as follows; I wish to leave you with my own thoughts being; Integrity starts with you and I, it's not just a word but rather it is a way of life, a belief put into action. So let us all actively contribute in making this training a memorable and effective one which will benefit all.

swescotwilliamsattendsdqcommunitydialoguesession08042014Dutch Quarter Residents Lay Forth Their Vision for their District to Form Part of the NDP

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined the people of Dutch Quarter at the Dutch Quarter Community Center where she actively engaged in the community dialogue sessions which will eventually form part of the National Development Plan. Prime Minister Wescot-Williams attended the session until close to eleven at night where she was able to listen and participate in the workshops and sessions in which the residents of Dutch Quarter laid forth their vision for the development of their district. The Prime Minister thanked the almost eighty participants for attending and ensured the crowd that their vision and suggestions will be included in the National Development Plan; "I want to thank you for your participation and I want you to realize that this is not just an exercise. It is not just another coming to Dutch Quarter to get your opinion. This is about coming here and getting your vision for what you want for your district and for all of the districts of St. Maarten. This is an intense process and we are extremely grateful to all of you who have spent the time here until late this evening. This project is about developing, about building a nation and thus we need to ask ourselves how we can build a nation without involving the people; the people that pick up the nation.

"Again I want to thank those of you who will be a part of the process, the process of heading into the community in order to create the dialogue necessary to ensure the building of our nation, to ensure that the aspirations of the St. Maarten people are included in the plan. You will be challenged going forward as well; too often we like to see things to soon but this is a process we should be careful and steadfast in. This is not just another plan but one for the people and by the people. It is a pleasure knowing the challenges that we are facing but we know that we will get it right. We can celebrate what we have achieved and we should look forward to moving forward," commented Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

Some of the notable wishes of the community for the development of the district were centered around an increase in green spaces, areas for agriculture, eliminating of running sewage in the roads, an increase in security and street lights and sports and recreational activities for the young people of the district. The community dialogue sessions will continue to occur within the districts of St. Maarten, enabling all to contribute to the National Development Plan.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- As part of its calendar of events for this year, the United Volleyball Academy (UVA) is organizing a sports conference for May 10, 2014, said coordinator Dr. Rhoda Arrindell.

"The theme of the symposium is 'Creating better students and athletes' through the interplay of sports and education,'" said Dr. Arrindell.

Educational workshops will include subjects such as the essential and practical relationship between sports and academic success, and time management for students, teachers, and parents involved with sports.

The sports workshops will focus on areas such as nutrition, and key differences between male and female athletes, said Dr. Arrindell.

The target groups are secondary school pupils, sports educators, PE instructors, coaches, trainers, and parents. "The workshops will be conducted by local and international presenters," said Dr. Arrindell, an active sports woman and volleyball organizer for over 20 years.

After a successful presentation and reception at the Eastern Caribbean Volleyball Association congress in Antigua in February, the UVA concept was presented to the Hon. Patricia Lourens, Minster of Education, Culture and Sports in Philipburg, and Mr. Alain Gros-Desmormeaux, sports commissioner of the Collectivity and Mr. Charles Henri Palvair, sports affairs coordinator in Marigot. The government representatives expressed their support for the United Academy, said Dr. Arrindell.

The UVA is a collaboration between the United Volleyball Club, Thierry Stephan, president of the Ligue de Volleyball des Iles du Nord in Marigot, and Patricio Bridgewater, FIVB level III certified trainer. All partners were present at the various presentations.

sirelliotbelgravereceivingeugeneholiday08042014HARBOUR VIEW:--- His Excellency Governor Eugene B. Holiday paid a two-day official visit to Barbados during which he met various officials on April 3nd and 4th, 2014. The visit focused on bilateral and regional relations.
Governor Holiday was received by the Governor-General of Barbados, His Excellency Sir Elliot Belgrave, for a meeting at "Government House" the official residence and office of the Governor-General in Bridgetown. The audience with the Governor-General of Barbados was the first meeting between the two officials.
Following the audience, Governor Holiday met with and attended a lunch hosted by Barbados' Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Honorable Mrs. Maxine McClean, and discussed matters of mutual interest for Barbados and Sint Maarten, such as the application of Sint Maarten for associate membership of CARICOM.
He also held talks with the Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, the Honorable Ronald Jones, and with the Minister of Culture, Sports and Youth, the Honorable Stephen Lashley. Governor Holiday's discussions with the members of the Barbados' government centered on topics as Caribbean relations, developments in education, opportunities for sustainable development, experiences with disaster management, stimulating the culture industry and other important governance issues.
Besides his meetings with Barbadian Ministers Governor Holiday visited a number of Barbados institutions. He visited the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, where Director Allissandra Cummins and her staff gave a presentation regarding the activities of the museum in heritage preservation, followed by a tour of the UNESCO heritage site of Barbados, the Bridgetown Garrison. He furthermore, met with the Governor of the Central Bank of Barbados, Dr. Delisle Worrel, at his official residence "the Newlands" and exchanged views regarding, among others, economic developments, public management and monetary policy. Governor Holiday also met with the Public Service Commission (PSC), an independent non-political body responsible for the appointment of civil servants in Barbados. Governor Holiday was informed about the system of civil service appointments via the PSC and compared it with the process of appointments in Sint Maarten.
Exploring developments in regional relations Governor Holiday met with officials of regional organizations located in Barbados. He visited the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) and was briefed by Director Resource Management and Administration Division, Dr. Elvis Nurse and staff about the Comprehensive Disaster Management approach of this regional intergovernmental agency for disaster management in the framework of CARICOM. Governor Holiday provided some background on Sint Maarten experiences with disaster management and emphasized the importance of integrating disaster management into the sustainable development agenda of our countries. Stressing the importance of regional relations Governor Holiday also paid a visit to the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill Campus, where he was hosted by and discussed the universities vision and programs with the Deputy Principal, Prof. Eudine Barriteau. There he was greeted by various students and had a talk with two students from Sint Maarten. That was followed by a lively and stimulating session with the academic staff of the Department of Economics regarding policy challenges in the region.
During his visit the Governor was accompanied by Her Excellency the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Barbados, Mrs. Lucita Moenir Alam.

From the Cabinet of the Governor of Sint Maarten

swescotwilliamsmeetswithcommitteetoestablishunescobiospherereserveonsxm08042014Man of War Shoal Marine Park, Mullet Pond to form Part of Submission for St. Maarten

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams met with the Man and Biosphere Committee tasked with establishing a Biosphere Reserve for St. Maarten. Prime Minister Wescot-Williams met with Committee Chairperson and Secretary General for UNESCO St. Maarten Marcelia Henry and Committee Members Fleur Hermanides, Claire Hooft-Graafland and Tadzio Bervoets in order to discuss the way forward in establishing a Man and Biosphere Reserve for St. Maarten. Also part of the committee but unable to attend was Rueben Thompson.

The Man And Biosphere Program develops the basis within the natural and social sciences for the rational and sustainable use and conservation of the resources of the country and for the improvement of the overall relationship between people and their environment. It predicts the consequences of today's actions on tomorrow's world and thereby increases the community's ability to efficiently manage natural resources for the well-being of both human populations and the environment.

By focusing on sites internationally recognized within the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, the MAB Program strives to identify and assess the changes in the biosphere resulting from human and natural activities and the effects of these changes on humans and the environment, in particular in the context of climate change; study and compare the dynamic interrelationships between natural/near-natural ecosystems and socio-economic processes, in particular in the context of accelerated loss of biological and cultural diversity with unexpected consequences that impact the ability of ecosystems to continue to provide services critical for human well-being; ensure basic human welfare and a livable environment in the context of rapid urbanization and energy consumption as drivers of environmental change; and promote the exchange and transfer of knowledge on environmental problems and solutions, and to foster environmental education for sustainable development.

During the discussions it was decided to focus on the listing of the Man of War Shoal Marine Protected Area and Mullet Pond for a proposal to be listed with perhaps also Fort Amsterdam being part of the submission. The areas were chosen based on the existing commitment from Government to protect the areas and the ongoing management activities thereof. The committee will be presenting the Man and Biosphere Project to the Council of Ministers within short.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

mauricelake18082013May her soul rest in peace

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake expresses deepest sympathy to the family of Calypso Barbara Nesbitt who passed away on Monday.

"Calypso Barbara has not only contributed to Sint Maarten, but also to the youngsters of St. Peters including myself. She taught us how to dream and bring out our talents as youngsters in the St. Peters community.

"In reflecting back to basics, I always remember where I came from as a child and the principles I was brought up with by our seniors within the St. Peters/Marigot Hill community.

"Our seniors always instilled in us pride, respect for each other and together as a community. That is also the message that Calypso Barbara brought across in her teachings to us as youngsters. May her soul rest in peace, and her legacy continues to live on in our community," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Tuesday.

swescotwilliamsfitnessprograms07042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams continued her U2 Can Move health and fitness campaign over the last few weeks with various activities, including when she led some fifty Civil Servants and Citizens on a fitness walk accompanied by the New Status Generation Drumband early on Saturday morning. The PM reiterated the Importance of a healthy lifestyle to those present; "The health of the St. Maarten Community, and that of the civil servants in particular, is a matter of great concern to me. During the course of 2012 and 2013 I have organized several events related to physical fitness and exercise and I would like to continue with these events in 2014 as well. I urge each citizen to be physically active; especially considering that many of us lead a sedentary lifestyle so therefore movement is key along with a proper diet. What matters is that every attempt to exercise or to live a healthy life style by making the correct nutrition, care and movement choices, counts or rather adds up," continued Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

The PM emphasized that every individual's competitor should be him or herself. "You need to be able to evaluate yourself based on what you were able to do before starting an exercise program and what you are now able to do. You never compare yourself with others. Max Ehrmann in his poem the Desiderata says that if you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, or always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans," concluded the PM.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

babyleatherbackseaturtle07042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Nature Foundation would like to remind the community of St. Maarten that Sea Turtle Nesting Season is once again here. Each year between March and November, female sea turtles return to lay their eggs on the major nesting beaches of Simpson Bay, Guana Bay, and Gibbs Bay. There are three sea turtles which nest on St. Maarten beaches, including the Green Sea Turtle and the largest sea turtle species, the Leatherback.

Sea turtles have existed for well over 180 million years, even before the dinosaurs. St. Maarten is one of the few places in the region that has a nesting population of sea turtles, so we should do all that we can to protect their nesting areas.

Sea turtle population numbers have plummeted to dangerously low numbers throughout the past century due to human impacts, bringing many species close to extinction and causing them to be listed as critically endangered. In order to reverse this trend, all sea turtle species are now protected by international laws and treaties as well as local laws. Based on ARTICLE 16 and 17 of the Nature Conservation Ordinance St. Maarten it is illegal to kill, wound, capture or pick-up sea turtles. It is also illegal to directly or indirectly disturb their environment resulting in a physical threat or damage or to commit other acts which result in disturbance of the animal. It is also forbidden to disturb, damage or destroy sea turtle nests, lairs, or breeding places. Also, it is forbidden to pick-up or to destroy the eggs of any species of sea turtle.

The St. Maarten Nature Foundation actively manages the sea turtle population on St. Maarten, particularly during the nesting season. The Foundation conducts various activities with regards to nesting females including beach surveys, nest excavations, tagging activities, and nest success research. The Foundation also relies heavily on volunteers to assist it in its Sea Turtle activities and welcomes any volunteers who would be interested in working with sea turtles. Beach communities in particular are in the best position to help ensure that females nest safely, that nests are left undisturbed and that hatchlings make it safely to the sea. This year the Nature Foundation also urges restaurants and beach bars along the major nesting beaches to refrain or limit the use of beach bonfires and artificial lighting which can seriously reduce the survival rate of sea-turtles. The Nature Foundation asks that people also do not drive on the nesting beaches and that they walk their dog on a leash. To report nesting activity or illegal activity, please call the Sea Turtle Hotline 9229 or call the Nature Foundation office at 5444267 or email the Foundation at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Barbara is our Cultural Icon

PHILIPSBURG:--- The board of the United People's Party (UP) expresses its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Barbara Nisbeth.

"We are still trying to grasp onto the reality that Calypso Barbara passed away early Monday morning," stated the UP board.

"Calypso Barbara" as she was popularly known as undoubtedly made her unconditional contribution to culture on our island.

"We are calling on the community at large to take a personal moment of silence during this time of bereavement as we remember a cultural icon," the UP board stated.

Let us reflect on the significance Calypso Barbara has played in our community with a rich cultural legacy and a passion for the growth of Calypso music, especially among our young people.

"Our thoughts and heartfelt prayers are with the family and friends of the late Barbara," concluded the UP board.

cdeweeveratcreativethinktanksession07042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Team VSA's Youth Vybz Video Contest officially launched on Monday April 7th. All persons residing on the Dutch side of St. Maarten between the ages of 13-25 are eligible to enter the contest. Participants can choose to make a video on their own or to work in teams with a maximum of four members. To enter visit YOUTH VYBZ on Facebook, fill out the Entry Form, choose your category/topic/ and question(s), create video and submit video on FB via a message or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Make sure your video is in accordance to the rules and regulations. For more information, visit YOUTH VYBZ on Facebook. Deadline for submission is April 18th at midnight.
This initiative was developed for the youth by the youth in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA). Team VSA Youth Vybz is a group of talented youths from the various secondary schools on the Dutch side of the island who have been working closely with the Ministry as a think tank to develop and execute educational projects for their peers.
The initial project idea was to develop a TV Show about Healthy Lifestyles however this concept has evolved into a video contest followed by a Youth Night where the winners of the Video Contest will be announced. The objective of the contest is to stimulate discussions about various health, social and labor issues that the youths are experiencing.
"We have conducted surveys amongst our peers and have had numerous open discussions. From these discussions a list of topics was developed along with questions that we found to be prevalent in the minds of our peers on St. Maarten", said Youth Vybz member Jeffeny Fidel. Some of the most popular topics were bullying, teenage pregnancy, depression, and eating healthy, among others. Video submissions must be based on this list of topics. The winning videos will then be used as Public Service Announcements.
"The youth remain a vulnerable group in our society and giving them a voice is important to better understand their needs", said Minister Cornelius de Weever. He further expressed his gratitude to the Youth Vybz members and teachers who have worked really hard to make this project come to life. "Many of the members are in their last year and have been extremely busy with exams, however they still managed to come up with this great project. Everyone is excited and I cannot wait to see the videos that get submitted."

Click here to view Team VSA's Youth Vybz Video Contest List of Topics.

patricialourensphilip11082013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens Philip would like to express her best wishes to all the exam students from the primary schools who will be sitting their Foundation Based Education (FBE) exams on Tuesday.

Approximately 618 students across the nation will be sitting their exams.

"I would like to wish the students much success on Tuesday morning as they sit down to do their exams. I know they have worked hard throughout the year and the final moment has arrived for them.

"Their parents without a doubt are nervous, but I am very confident that they will do well after having been prepared by teachers over the school year.

"My best wishes to all the exam students, and their parents and the teachers who have been involved in preparing them for this very important day," Minister of Education Hon. Patricia Lourens-Philip said on Monday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell is currently in Aruba for the parliamentary tri-partite meeting of parliamentary representatives from Aruba, Curacao as well as Sint Maarten.

The tri-partite started on Monday, April 7 and continues on to Wednesday, April 9 when it concludes.


Dear colleagues from Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten,

Good morning, Bon Dia y Bon Siman,

On behalf of our delegation from Sint Maarten it is a pleasure to be here in Aruba again. Let me introduce the Mps from Sint Maarten: Roy Marlin, Frans Richardson, Johan Leonard, Patrick Ilidge, Romain Laville, Mr. Ralph Richardson and Griffier Jossy Semeleer.

When the invitation reached us we did not doubt in accepting the invitation. As part of the Caribbean part of the Kingdom we should be meeting each other on a more regular basis than waiting till the next IPKO to sit with each other at a table to discuss important matters affecting our respective people.

As sister islands we have more than constitutional ties with each other; we are family, we are related, we have a common history that goes way back. We have a common past that gives us the necessary instruments to face the future jointly in an ever globalizing world. Together we can come up for our common interest.

Even though we all have our separate status/autonomy as countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, we are still tied to each other as I said before.

Today being together in this first Tripartite in Aruba not only expresses and defines the importance that we give to continue strengthening our ties, but also shows the importance of dialogue with each other and the importance to discuss matters that are of common interest for our people. In this part of the world, being so far from the Netherlands and so close to the South American mainland, we have our feet in two major continents; each with their own characteristics. Being at this juncture gives us the unique opportunity to be the bridge between these two, Europe the Old World and South America and Central America which are the emerging countries which have a promising future. We as bridge-island between these two continents want to be an integral part of this future. We are member of Parlatino where we just attended a meeting. We all know how Panama is growing economically. This means that we, more than ever will have to work together to be on his band wagon.

As we go over the agenda, there are very important points to discuss. One of the first that pops up is the creation of joint Legislative Academy. Legislative lawyers being scarce in our countries and even in the Netherlands. Which makes this endeavor even more important. With this Academy we could pool our best jurist to get legislative products of high quality at a cost effective rate.

The Central Testament Registry in Curacao which is important to all of us. We are aware that its functioning leave much to be desired. By putting it on the agenda we will find a viable and finding a solution for the Registry will make the job of our notaries easier when searching for information for their clients. We hope to find a solution soonest for the decentralization thereof.

The UNICEF-rapport has been discussed in Sint Maarten and we are not overly happy with the picture this report paint of our youth. By discussing it we can come to a joint document wording our point of view and subsequently have this send to our governments.

Appeal in tax matters, or rather the impossibility for that, is an important issue that touches us all. We know that the way appeal works right now is not sufficient and not to the satisfaction of our people. We are looking forward to a solution concerning that as well.

The economic opportunities within the Kingdom have to be expanded and used more intensively. The Kingdom has so much to offer. Let's roll up our sleeves and create jobs for our people.

These are a few of the agenda point that we will discussing. We look forward to fruitful outcome. As we look at the President, Mrs. Marisol Lopez-Tromp, we have to congratulate her for being the second woman to occupy this important function in the political constellation of Aruba. We would like to wish her strength and wisdom in guiding these meetings. I congratulate her for this.

Awe cu nos ta hunto akinan na Aruba, Dushi Aruba, manera cariñosamente e ta wordo yama, pa e prome reunion Tripartite entre Aruba, Corsow y Sint Maarten, e ta pa nos un orguyo y satisfaccion pa te cu coleganan den un ambiente puramente local y caribense. Manera mi a bisa anteriormente nos tin masha hopi en comun y hopi lazonan cu ta mara nos na otro. Cu esey den mente mi ta premira un reunion fructifero na unda nos lo sa di yega na palabracionnan den interes di nos paisnan.

Once more I wish you all a good discussion and thank you for having us here in Aruba.,

Masha danki.

drs. Gracita R. Arrindell

Oranjestad, 7 april 2014

djoutkast07042014DJ OutKast will speak as an entrepreneur at POWER HOUR

GREAT BAY:--- Preparations for the POWER HOUR on April 16, 2014, organized by Foundation INFOBIZZ, are well on their way. Confirmed to be one of the speakers for the evening is none other than The Cutcreator DJ Outkast himself. An unlikely choice in the minds of most people, DJ Outkast is ideal for POWER HOUR since he could not have gained the kind of local and international success without his extraordinary entrepreneurial skills.
Though the tipping point of his career as a DJ happened ten years ago when he won the Green Synergy DJ Competition hosted by Heineken, DJ Outkast has made some incredible international strides in the past 4 years. Some of these highlights include playing for BET's 106 & Park as a guest DJ, created a syndicated radio show called "Back At It Radio" that airs in the US, Europe, and the Caribbean, and being approached to start "Shadyville Caribbean", a branch of the world famous Shadyville DJ Fraternity, which boasts some of the Caribbean's most elite DJ's.
On April 16, 2014 DJ OutKast, will give some tips on how he achieved his own success and describe how to how an entrepreneurial mindset helped to propel him to international level of success. In addition, there will be an international trainer who will do a mini-workshop at the POWER HOUR.
Each POWER HOUR focuses on some aspect on entrepreneurship. All entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial professionals are invited to come out and expand their network while getting tips and tricks to assist them on their entrepreneurial journey of success on April 16, 2014 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM at Dan's Chocolate Factory.
Tickets cost $25 and include a welcome drink, finger foods, the mini-workshop, and all materials. For more information, please contact Ife Badejo, founder of Foundation INFOBIZZ at +1-721-523-1842 (Whatsapp) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Deadline to register is approaching, April 10

PHILIPSBURG:--- The President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell is reminding residents to register this week, or before Thursday, April 10 if they want to participate in European Union (EU) Parliamentary elections.

Elections are on May 22 for the 751 member chamber of the European Parliament. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) represent 503.7 million people in the European Union.

Registration forms must be turned over to the Office of Dutch Representation on Front Street #26 before April 10 in order for one to be able to participate in the May 22 elections of members to the EU parliament.

The registration forms are available at the Office of Dutch Representation, but can also be downloaded from As soon as the voting forms are available, the Representation will invite those who have registered by e-mail, in order to pick them up or have them sent to their home address. People can fill in their form and deliver it in a sealed envelope to the Representation's Office at the latest May 22nd, 2014 at 3 p.m.

President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell is calling on all inhabitants of Sint Maarten over 18 and holding the Dutch nationality, who wants to use their right to vote to register at the Office of Dutch Representation.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Lately, the Electoral Council has been receiving applications from several political parties at its office on Back Street 145B. Parties are currently submitting their applications to be registered by the Electoral Council for the upcoming elections. Lack of registration could mean the exclusion from participating in the elections.

The process for registration is as follows:
Upon receipt of the application for registration and the accompanying documents, the Electoral Council carefully reviews the documents to ensure that all legally stipulated requirements are met. Within three weeks after receipt of an application, the Electoral Council may invite the political party applying for registration to the Electoral Council office for clarification on the documents received. If a political party submits all the required documents and ensures that all required provisions for the establishment of the party are contained in its Articles of Incorporation, the Electoral Council will communicate its decision for the party to be registered to the party and to the Central Voting Bureau in writing. However, in the event a party fails to comply with the regulations laid down in the National Ordinance for Registration and Finances of Political Parties, the party will receive a written notification that its application needs to be corrected or rectified and will be given a week after the Electoral Council notification to rectify or correct any omission or default.
After receiving the corrected documents, the Electoral Council has to take a decision within 3 weeks. In the event the decision taken by the Electoral Council is negative because the party fails to comply with the legal requirements, the party may file an appeal against the Electoral Council decision at the Court of First Instance. The ruling of the Court of First Instance is final and cannot be appealed.

In view of the serious consequences for a party if it fails to comply with the National Ordinance on Registration and Finances of political parties, all political parties are urged to seriously study this Ordinance, before filing their application for registration. The National Ordinance can be found in Dutch and in English on the St. Maarten Government website

All political parties and potential candidates who intend to participate in the upcoming Parliamentary elections, are invited to the Information Session that is hosted by the Electoral Council in collaboration
with the University of St. Martin on Wednesday, April 9, at the University of St. Martin at 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

Over the past weeks, the Electoral Council attended several congresses and a general meeting of political parties, where the procedures for the elections of the Party Board and several functions within the parties were being observed. The Electoral Council hereby requests political parties to inform the Council of the dates and venues of upcoming congresses and general meetings in order for a delegate or a delegation of the Electoral Council to be present at such events.

For more information, please contact the Electoral Council office, located on Back Street No. 145 B. Opening hours are on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 13:30 to 17:30 hours and on Thursdays and Fridays from 9:00 to 13:00 hours. Telephone no.: 543 9888. Fax no.: 543 9887.
Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

APS (Algemeen Pensioenfonds St. Maarten) invites all APS pensioners and active participants to this week's APS Pension Awareness Conference.
Friday, April 11, 2014 from 7:30 a.m. through 12 noon for all APS pensioners – and from 1 to 5 p.m. for all APS active participants.
Place: Sonesta Maho Beach Resort, Maho Room.
Shuttle bus service for pensioners begins with boarding at 6:30 a.m. and departs at 7:00 a.m. sharp
Pick-up locations:

  • Philipsburg at taxi/bus stand in front of the Government Administration Building, Clem Labega Square
  • Cul de Sac at the parking lot of Le Grand Marche Supermarket
  • Cole Bay at the Texaco Gas station

CUL DE SAC:--- St. Maarten's general pension fund administrator, APS, has entered final arrangements for this Friday's pension awareness conference. Among the preparations is the providing of bus transportation from various districts to the conference site, for pensioners attending the conference.
This special service will be provided exclusively in the morning to facilitate persons attending the morning session of the day's two part program.
The bus service is to facilitate those pensioners that may not have their own transportation to get to the conference site. Buses with an APS sign visible will be picking up pensioners at 6:30 a.m.
Shuttle bus service for pensioners begins boarding at 6:30 a.m. and departs at 7:00 a.m. sharp.
Pick-up locations are in Philipsburg at the taxi/bus stand in front of the Government Administration Building on Clem Labega Square, in Cul –de- Sac at the parking lot of Le Grand Marche Supermarket and in Cole Bay at the Texaco gas station.
The early pick-up will allow the attendees to arrive at the conference in time to register, ahead of the official opening of the conference at 8:30 a.m.
Special arrangements are being made to accommodate those walking, as well, when they arrive at the Sonesta Maho Beach Resort.
Refreshments will be available for those attending the morning session for pensioners. The one day conference will be divided into two sessions, one for the pensioners of APS and the other one for the active participants of APS. The afternoon session for the active participants is to be concluded with a panel discussion which is to be followed by a cocktail hour.
With this conference, APS aims to raise awareness and to disseminate pertinent information regarding pensions in general, and aspects of the pension system, in particular. The conference theme will be 'Securing your pension makes cents'.

APS Press Release

keesklarenbeekandrolandtoussaint07042014CAY HILL:--- The St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) Director, Mr. Kees Klarenbeek and Hospital of Saint Martin Director, Mr. Roland Toussaint signed a Letter of Intent between the both hospitals on Monday April 7, 2014.

"This is a step forward to working together but there is still a lot of work to be done after this moment," says SMMC Director Kees.

The future collaboration should work between both hospitals just and only for the benefit for all the people of Sint Maarten and Saint Martin.

The Letter of Intent is a decision of both parties to develop a partnership with the intention of sharing resources, working together when there are disasters to avoid discontinuity of care and giving the population the opportunity for emergency care support at either hospital, and these hospitals can receive payment from the insurance providers.

Another objective of the collaboration is to organize medical referrals between both facilities by sharing common training, procedures and care coordination.

Establishing a clear pricing agreement guaranteeing optimal healthcare quality will also be another focus of both parties.

Most important to this collaboration is the sharing of medical resources that will prove cost effective for the hospitals, especially when there is expensive medical equipment on one side of the island that is seldom used. Patients from the other side of the island can benefit from the medical service/equipment offered 'next door'.

Even though the hospitals are governed by different laws, there is no competition between the hospitals; they are equally interested in delivering the services that both populations of Sint Maarten and Saint Martin need to improve the care management of patients.

SMMC Press Release

Apologizes for possible inconvenience

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Head of the Civil Registry Department Leona Romeo-Marlin would like to inform the community that customers may experience for the next 10 weeks some inconvenience, but everything will be done to lessen the aforementioned.

Staff of the department is currently engaged in work related courses that is followed by exams.

The community is asked for their understanding as the department moves forward to raise the quality and standards of the department in order to better serve the people of the country.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that there will be interruption to the traffic flow on Cay Bay Road on Wednesday.

During the morning and afternoon hours on Wednesday April 9, traffic flow will be interrupted due to road crossing work and sewage works.

Motorists and pedestrians are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs indicating what works are underway in the respective area.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

swescotwilliamsatcatholiclunch06042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams joined the Catholic Community and representatives of the business community at the St. Martin of Tours Community Hall on Friday for the monthly Friday Noon Mass for Professionals and Businessmen. The purpose of the lunch is to pray for all people present, their families, their jobs and for peace and unity within the community and within the world. The dinner and mass are also held in order to raise funds to purchase a new organ for the church. The lunch featured various healthy dishes at two-dollars a person.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

swescotwilliamswithredcrosssxm06042014Calls on Organizations of St. Maarten and St. Martin to Overcome Administrative Hurdles to Work for the People of St. Maarten

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams attended the celebration of the 150 years of existence of the Red Cross organization at a commemorative Ceremony in Port de Plaisance on Sunday. The PM, who was joined by the Minister of Health, Labor and Social Affairs the Hon. Cornelius De Weever, President of the Collectivite Mrs. Aline Hanson and President of Red Cross St. Maarten Paul Martens and Boards and Volunteers of Red Cross organizations, including those of St. Barths and Anguilla, celebrated the important role the Red Cross plays in the community of St. Maarten.

During her address the Prime Minister, who is the Minister in charge of Disaster Management for St. Maarten, stressed the selfless role that especially the Red Cross volunteers play in the community of St. Maarten: "I take this opportunity to congratulate the former and present boards, members and volunteers of both Red Cross organizations. The Red Cross organization is now one hundred and fifty years and you are a part of a group that has been called to serve humanity. Of course we would prefer that there would be a world without tragedy, however this is not the case. While it is important for you as an organization to always be ready to assist there is also much more that over the world and in St. Maarten you have been doing; that is why it is so important to especially recognize the volunteers; the people who make it work. I encourage you to continue to encourage the young people of this country to assist our fellow human beings in a selfless way and it is important that they too recognize how important civil society is to all Governments around the world. And so, as you celebrate one hundred and fifty years internationally and one hundred and forty six for the Dutch Organization I wish you many more years of service to Humanity and service to country.

"It is so true that when it comes to events such as disasters there is no border on St. Maarten. And so I encourage both organizations, and all organizations in fact including the Governments of both sides, to work together to overcome administrative hurdles to work for all of the people of St. Maarten; this island is one, our people are one. We look forward to your two organizations working together when during celebrations such as carnivals, but also when you are called to assist persons in need. I thank you, your families and everyone who assists you. Remember that St. Maarten will get it right for our generations and generations to come. God bless you who work for fellow human being. May you have many more years of cooperation and goodwill.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

twosworninasnationaldetectives06042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday March 26, 2014, a brief swearing in ceremony was held at the Ministry of Justice's offices at A.Th. Illidge road, to acknowledge the academic achievements of two officers in the National Detectives department, namely Misters; Hensley Meulens and Erwin Martina. The two officers successfully completed their extra-ordinary police training at the Sint Maarten Justice Academy.

This achievement made it possible for both officers to be officially sworn in by the Minister of Justice the Honorable Dennis Richardson Minister of Justice. The Minister congratulated both officers and encouraged them to keep up the good work. Also present were the director of the National Detectives Departments and their colleagues and members of the Minister's Cabinet.

pjlandrotaractsunrisehosteasteregghunt06042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Philipsburg Jubilee Library (PJL) in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of St. Maarten Sunrise will be hosting their annual Easter Egg Hunt for children ages 4-10 year old at a cost of $5 at the Library on Saturday, April 12, from 10:00am-1:00pm.
Children attending this event will be engaged in fun activities such as: face painting, storytelling, and a grand Easter egg hunt, where hundreds of eggs will be hidden on the grounds of the library. There will be special prizes awarded to the children who find the most eggs. Easter themed face painting will be done from 10:00am-11:00am.
Literacy is one of the core components of both the Library and Rotaract's projects. It is with these merged goals in mind, that an interactive puppet show by the University of St. Martin's (USM) students will be held, from 11:30am – 12:00pm.
To participate in this event, please register at the Library or through the Rotaract members from Tuesday, April 8 through Friday, April 11. Space is limited so children are urged to register as early as possible to secure their spot.
Children taking part in this event will be provided with refreshments and a special "goody" bag, along with all the Easter eggs they have collected. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to this fun-filled family event.
All proceeds for this event will be used to fund Library activities and Rotaract community outreach projects.
Sponsorship for this event was generously provided by Mark Mingo, Hector Peters, Roger Lawrence, Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise, Rotary Club of St. Maarten – Mid Isle, Funtopia, Akeem Adams, and the students of USM.
For more information on this event please call the library at 542-2970 or contact the members of the Rotatact Club.

PJL Press Release

rolandtuitt21122012By: Roland S Tuitt, MBA, CPA

It is a well-known fact that the leader of the UP Party, the honorable Mr. Theo Heyliger, is a promoter of big businesses. He also does not get involved in any social issues. When there is a project with a construction element he is the first to jump on it, however, no remedies are presented for the social maladies in St. Maarten.
He should remember that the backbone of any country's economy is small businesses.

  1. The honorable Mr. Theo does not promote social issues. In parliament he is mum about items that have to do with the small man. Once there is some construction in a project he is number one.
  2. He built a bride that contributes to the infrastructure of the country at an exorbitant price. The cost of the bridge is US$ 51,000,000 or Naf. 91,800,000. This means that each person on the island has to contribute Naf. 2,040 to the bridge. (91,800,000/45,000 persons). Since the food prices are influenced by the handling fees at the harbor we have to pay higher food prices that will affect us for the rest of our lives.
  3. The honorable Mr. Heyliger is telling people that Naf. 51,000,000 is missing from the government coffers, however, he forgot that he and former minister of finance Mr. Shigimoto were there prior to the NA led government. At the end of 2011 the government had some Naf. 80 million in Certificates of Deposit at the banks. At the End of 2012 it was down to Naf. 48 million. The Theonomics government was in power until May 2012. Now it is down to Naf. 15 million, Theonomics government is in power since June 2013. I left NAf 34 miIlion in the coffers.i It is irresponsible of his government to let the amount dip below Naf. 30 million, because that was the set threshold.
  4. The honorable Mr. Heyliger government close down the internal control department, because they do not want to have any controls on the spending of the people's money. During my tenure, I made an agreement with the SOAB to establish the internal control department. However the honorable Minister Mr. Hassink cancelled it. The internal control department will improve controls on the spending of people's money but that is not part of Theonomics.
  5. The honorable Mr. Theo government did not see to it that new members were appointed to the Corporate Governance Council. It seems that Parliamentarian Mr. Leroy de Weever got his wish to do away with that council. The CFT told Minister Hassink to get the Council up and running.
  6. The Government of St. Maarten got a disclaimer of an opinion from both the SOAB and the Audit Chamber for the year 2011. That entails that the financial administration of government is in such a mess that the produced numbers are unreliable. Only if a well-functioning internal control department is organized can there be improvement.
  7. The Theonomics government represented by the Honorable Mr. Hassink did not sign an intergovernmental agreement with the US government relating to the FATCA. If this signing is not done prior to June 2014, all banks on the island of St. Maarten will not be able to do business with their correspondent banks in the United States of America. None of us or the government will be able to send any money to the students in the United States of America.
  8. The CFT has told the Theonomics government that their financial management is inadequate and improvement is needed.
  9. Theonomics gives large businesses a tax break, however, there is nothing done for small businesses.
  10. Large businesses that are willing to contribute to the coffers of government are protected by Theonomics not to pay any additional fees.

The Theonomics government does not place the spending of the people's money high on their agenda. Their motto is to spend the government funds and see what the people say.
Theonomics can cut off the flow of money to the United States of America including funds to the students.
Theonomics can continue to increase the food prices once the maintenance cost of the bridge increases due to the time factor and erosion.
Theonomics takes care of large businesses, when will the small man get a tax break?

mauricelakewithmembersofstpeterscommunity06042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Saturday various stakeholders such as waste hauler Meadowlands, Fire Department and Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) along with the St. Peters Community Council worked together to remove coconut stumps and trees in the district, especially those that were found in the yards of senior citizens. Approximately 10 fire fighters came out during Firemen's Week to assist the other stakeholders. Next weekend is the general district clean-up. Minister Hon. Maurice Lake would like to thank all stakeholders who were involved.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The newly elected political leader of the OSPP, Mr. Lenny F. Priest and his Deputy Leader Mr. Edwin Maduro stated that when they are elected after the upcoming elections to the parliament of St. Maarten they would not accept 20% of their salaries. On Sunday, April 6, 2014 both of them signed a declaration that if they are legally bound to accept the full amount, they would refund 20% back to the coffers of the government. "All persons thus far who have indicated interest to be a candidate with the OSPP have agreed to sign this declaration, says Mr. Lloyd Beaton the newly elected president of the OSPP. We must put our money where our mouth is. Say what we mean and mean what we say. The people of St. Maarten are sick and tired of politicians saying one thing to get votes and doing something completely different. We must lead by example and let them know that this is a new breed of politicians and that we have their interest at heart at all times. During the launching on Thursday, August 1, 2013 in Middle Region our leader stated very clearly that this is the position of the party and it will remain as such, according to Mr. Lloyd Beaton. Of course it is without saying that we will do everything within our power once elected to debate and convince our fellow members of parliament to reduce our salaries. Just like us, the general public feels that the members of this Parliament have not performed sufficiently over the last three years and a half to justify the salaries that they are collecting on a monthly basis. To the contrary many people believe that we are worst off now than when this parliament took office in 2010 after promising the people that we would be better off. As a people we can't be fooled with those beautiful graphs and statistics that our government is providing us, but we must deal with reality and reality is that the most of our people are suffering. "This government would want us to believe differently, says Mr. Beaton. How can you explain that members of the parliament do not go to meetings but at the end of the month they receive 100% of their salaries? These same members with the worst attendance record in the history of this country today are making themselves available to postulate for the upcoming election. Some will want us to believe that members of parliament with a lower salary would be bought much faster. But I 'm wondering where do all these integrity investigations come from? Would you say that we should pay them even more but the argument that the highest office holder (politician) should earn more than the highest civil servant is not true, according to the OSPP because the highest civil servant is a professional and the politician is rather a vocation or an honor, therefore the politician should accept a lower salary, according to Beaton. The OSPP is of the opinion that the redundancy scheme (wachtgeldregeling) during which a former minister continues to receive his salary after he leaves office should be drastically shortening. How can we explain to the voters that those persons applying for social welfare have to go through a process after losing their jobs and an ex- minister come into consideration for this redundancy pay immediately after leaving office. Some of them even though are qualified to obtain a job immediately after leaving office has abused the system by holding out until the time is just about up. The OSPP believes that we should change the way we have being doing politics for years and that change must start now with the signing of this declaration by our leader and deputy leader.

OSPP Press Release

PHILIPSBURG:--- At present, election fraud, government corruption and the lack of integrity are (unfortunately) common place topics on Sint Maarten. Criminal investigations related to election fraud ("vote for pay") during the 2010 elections are ongoing in addition to a number of inquiries related to alleged misconduct of various holders of public office. Recently, Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams (DP) indicated the need for an investigation into rumors of potential election fraud (ballot switching) targeting the upcoming 2014 national elections. Democratic societies based on the rule of law must be able to guarantee (among others) the equality and soundness (reliability and trustworthiness) of the election process. Citizens must have confidence in their government's ability to insure the fairness of free elections.
Given the fact that the 2014 vote is in fact the first general election for Sint Maarten since becoming a Country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it is even more important that the process proceeds smoothly, i.e. in keeping with the requisite legislation related to the electoral process. Transparency and correctness of the preparation, execution and follow up to the electoral process is a priority.
In terms of the preparation, the Electoral Council has been established and is working on the required activities. In addition, the Central Voting Bureau is awaiting the nomination of new members in order to carry out their work related to the election process. Political parties have also been working to meet the requirements for participation.
These are all actions that are internal to the Country. Given the aforementioned rumors and the political environment related to investigations, it seems prudent to add a layer of security to the process in the form of external monitoring.
The DEMOCRATIC PARTY of St. Maarten believes that time has come to improve the degree to which the public confidence in our election process is enhanced. We believe we can increase the honesty of our electoral process by inviting monitors (observers) from internationally respected institutions. Moreover, external expertise can be helpful in terms of strengthening the process by identifying weak practices.
More important, given the current "integrity milieu" on the island, monitoring can go a long way in terms of discouraging manipulation and fraud. By removing the ability of a voter to prove for whom he/she voted, the economics of purchasing people's vote is fundamentally changed. This will eliminate pressure from (overly zealous, bordering on corrupt) politicians insisting on proof of voting. Mind you, voting in itself is a fundamentally private activity that should never be subjected to political pressures.
Without a doubt reports from monitors that are positive, help strengthen the confidence and trust in the democratic process and thus can solidify the legitimacy of the victors of the elections, i.e. the government.

Therefore the Board of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY of St. Maarten has asked its Leader, Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs, the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams (DP), responsible for the electoral process as well as Foreign Relations, to review and consider the possibility of inviting international monitors to prepare a mission to observe the 2014 Sint Maarten national elections. At the same time she was asked to give consideration to having the chosen international monitoring agency include local persons to join the monitoring team in order to gain experience in terms of best practices for future elections.
The election monitoring mission should be broad in scope, i.e. not limited to the actual Election Day activities, but should commence as soon as possible in order to have the observers review and report on the preparations for the elections.
Optimally, the mission should be endorsed by Sint Maarten's Parliament. Based on statements in the recent past by members/boards of both the National Alliance (NA) and the United Peoples Party (UPP), Prime Minister Wescot-Williams (DP) should expect, at the very least, to be supported by these two parties in her call for outside election monitors. She may even be hopeful to get unanimous support from all Members of Parliament of Sint Maarten.
The choice of which observers are to be used will have to be made by the Government of Sint Maarten; the DEMOCRATIC PARTY of St. Maarten suggests an organization such as the National Democratic Institute (NDI), a non-profit organization that works with international and domestic election observers around the world and has been involved in more than 150 international election observation missions.

DP Press Release

Continues to Urge Especially Young Men to Positively Contribute to Society

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of ST. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams congratulated two outstanding young St. Maarteners over the weekend. The Prime Minister congratulated local film student Trevor Daniel and baseball player Denzel Richardson on their achievements. Trevor Daniel, who is a second year film student at the New York Film Academy, will be appearing n the off-Broadway play "Life is Short, Cherish Every Moment on Sunday the 19th of April. The play is about the negative choices adults often make and how the youth are impacted by those decisions. The play will feature themes centered on child abandonment, drugs and many decisions that impact urban communities and societies and how these influence the youth.

Denzel Richardson has received widespread acclaim recently due to him being the first local athlete to play in a Major league Baseball game as he started for the Colorado Rockies against the Seattle Mariners during a Spring Training Game.

Prime Minister Wescot stated that local youth, especially young men, should be encouraged by the two examples as to what can be achieved through dedicated hard work and perseverance; "I would like to congratulate these two young men, both Trevor and Denzel, for making St. Maarten proud. It is too often that our young men especially are painted in a too negative light and it is important that we highlight the achievements of two St. Maarteners that are leaving their mark on the world. I encourage you to stay committed, continue being an example and continue to make your country proud," commented Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

cdeweever19082012'Protect yourself and your environment from vector-borne diseases'

GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- April 7 is World Health Day (WHD). Mosquitoes, flies, ticks and bugs may be a threat to your health – and that of your family – at home and when traveling. This is the message of this year's WHD.

The theme for WHD 2014 is: "Small bite, big threat: protect yourself and your environment from vector-borne diseases."

Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour Hon. Cornelius de Weever as part of his 'Get Checked' campaign is calling on the populace to reflect on Monday, April 7 World Health Day with respect to the threats posed to the Sint Maarten community where dengue and chikungunya are concerned both vector-borne diseases, and to continue to take measures to prevent the aforementioned.

Vectors are organisms that transmit pathogens and parasites from one infected person (or animal) to another, causing serious diseases in human populations.

These diseases are commonly found in tropical and sub-tropical regions and places where access to safe-drinking water and sanitation systems is problematic.

Roughly 50 per cent of people living in the Western Hemisphere are at risk of one or more diseases carried by mosquitoes, ticks, flies and other vectors, including West Nile virus, dengue, malaria and most recently chikungunya.

Vector-borne diseases account for 17 per cent of the estimated global burden of all infectious diseases. The most deadly vector-borne disease, malaria, caused an estimated 627,000 deaths in 2012.

However, the world's fastest growing vector-borne disease is dengue, with a 30-fold increase in disease incidence over the last 50-years.

These diseases cause a high burden of illness and death for individuals and families according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The burden leads to school absenteeism, worsening of poverty, a negative impact on economic productivity, high health care costs and an overburden health care system in various countries.

Vector-borne diseases most common in the Americas are malaria, dengue, chagas disease, leishmaniasis, lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, and trachoma.

Young Sint Maartener taken advantage of by those with a political agenda

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Saturday met with Denzel Milton "Mojo" of Down to Earth as well as officials from Ministry VROMI to find out what transpired leading to Milton appearing in front of the Government Building with a baseball bat last Thursday.

Minister Lake stated in the meeting on Saturday that he does not condone nor accept any actions that threaten members of the Council of Ministers or the Government establishment of the country and or any individual.

Minister Lake also stated that he was astonished to hear from friends what was written on the blogs and that the story started to live a life by itself.

"I stated emphatically that I did not promise Milton that he would get work in Dutch Quarter. The Ministry of VROMI also did not promise Milton that he would get work, but that they are looking into other things in the Dutch Quarter community.

"In the meeting, Milton presented what he had experienced and all present also stated from their perspective what happened and at the end of the meeting everybody was satisfied with the outcome.

"It is very unfortunate that this young Sint Maartener was taken advantage of and pumped up by individuals with political agendas. This is not the society we know and at no point and time should one entice another to violence in executing your political agenda. Instead I would advise those behind this ploy to offer youngsters guidance in how to represent their businesses and their best interest. As well as guide and assist them when trying to obtain work.

"My Mom always taught me to be still and know that there is a God and the truth will eventually come out. I don't react to the blogs, because it's not based on facts, but melee, assumptions, insinuations and sensationalism. It goes too far and is sending the wrong message and inciting Sint Maarteners against each other and slandering individuals and hard working families. This type of behavior has to stop. As a small society we cannot continue to live by gossip and continue to tear others down. As society we must rise above this destructive behavior.

"The blogs and individuals with a political agenda are stooping to the lowest levels where they are inciting violence which Sint Maarten politics is not known for. I thank God for the principles I was brought up with. I pray every day for the almighty to give me strength to do the job that I accepted, on behalf of the people of this great nation to carry it out in an open transparent manner in the interest of all," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Sunday.

Minister Lake said during a walk-through in Nazareth, Dutch Quarter recently, to assess the work carried out in the district, included were officials from NV GEBE, James Richardson of Waste and Place, President of the Dutch Quarter Community Council Sidney de Weever as well as residents of the area.

"During the walk-throughs that took place, at no time was Down to Earth name mentioned as getting work within Nazareth. The work in Nazareth is being done via the aforementioned parties that took part in the walk-through.

"At no time did Maurice Lake, promise Denzel Milton or any other person that they were going to get work in Nazareth. The comment made in the melee blogs are simply amazing. It was said that the Waste and Place contract of John Richardson would end that week and Denzel Milton would get the job without having to bid for it, this too is simply amazing.

"Anyone who works with Maurice Lake can contest that that is not the way I operate. I follow the procedures as prescribed by national laws. The blogs play a role in the manner in which they re-lay information to the public and should therefore be held accountable for constant "slander" and mis-presentation of the facts and only writing melee. I do believe in freedom of speech, but there are limits and the line has to be drawn somewhere. As such I will be requesting the Prime Minister of Sint Maarten to have the necessary legal framework put in place for dealing with this newly developed media way of life," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Sunday.

"I feel for the young gentleman Denzel Milton. He was taken advantage of for no good reason. This incident has left a bad taste in my mouth and sends a terrible message to the youngsters and young entrepreneurs. I understand that we are in an election year and that politics will be at the forefront for the politicians; however gutter politics is should not be the norm nor standard. Those on radio slandering, should do better because they know better, respect the people of this country and your person by providing facts, not here-say, melee, and grapevine talk, you are insulting the intelligence of the people.

"As a God fearing person who has the people at heart, I continue on the right track working in the interest of the people in an open and transparent manner, following the rules of good governance," Minister Maurice Lake concluded.

lionsstudentsexcellenceaward04042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The St. Maarten Lions Club recently served the community by holding its sixth annual Lions Student Excellence Awards on March 27th 2014 which was the recognition of group 8 (cycle 2 year 4 students) of all the primary schools on the island. This recognition ceremony occurred at the Lions Civic Center in Sucker garden.

According to Lion president Claudio Buncamper and chairperson of the committee Lion Merlyn Schaminee of the St. Maarten Lions Club, N.V. G.E.B.E. stepped up to the plate and truly showed their community spirit by sponsoring the full event. The gesture was greatly appreciated as recognizing young persons for their hard work is something we should not take lightly said GEBE representative Merrill Temmer. Lions president Claudio and his committee thanked GEBE NV profusely for 'adopting' this project. Mr. Jimmy Temmer spoke on behalf of Mr. Maduro. The St. Maarten Lions Club is proud to welcome this corporate citizen onboard the 'service & improvement of life' train. GEBE and everyone who contributed to this important work. You are truly helping Lions make a difference in our community."

Eighteen students from 18 primary schools were selected by and nominated for this recognition by their principal, Student Care Coordinator & homeroom teachers.
These students were selected based on their SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS & PERSONAL GROWTH.
The emphasis is placed on SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS & PERSONAL GROWTH because those elements contribute to developing men & women who will SERVE their direct family/neighborhood and on a larger scale the community in which they live.
The St. Maarten Lions Club acknowledges that all individuals must be taught & nurtured to care for beings & creatures other than themselves.
The clear perception and acceptance of personal responsibility are qualities that are recognized in this group of 11-14 year olds.

The students were addressed by Lion President Claudio Buncamper on the positive qualities & traits they have displayed.
He also voiced a special 'thank you' to the parents & educators who invest time, attention & imparting of social & academic knowledge onto these youngsters.

Each student received a voucher valued at US 360.00 dollars to be used for any activity or purchase of their choosing.

The St. Maarten Lions Club is proud to honor the following students:

  1. Erwin Jones, Charles Leopold Bell School
  2. Nayeli Harrigan, St. Joseph School
  3. Ray Angel Boasman, MAC-Browlia F. Maillard Campus
  4. Vanesca Saint-Hillaire, Dr. Martin Luther King School
  5. Ricardo Phang, St. Dominic Primary School
  6. Shannaz Horne, Sister Borgia School
  7. Leona Laville, Sister Marie Laurence School
  8. Raysha Sewpal, Sister Regina School
  9. Victoria Fong, Sister Magda School
  10. Paul Deoraj, Hillside Christian- Asha Stevens Campus
  11. Xavier Doelmoegin, Hillside Christian-Helmich Snijder Campus
  12. Sebastiaan Vanderkaats, Ruby Labega School
  13. Austel Richardson, Leonald Connor School
  14. Ranciel Felix, Prins Willem Alexander School
  15. Jenesqua Violenus, Prins Willem Alexander School
  16. Mark Mc Almont, MAC- Rev. John A. Gumbs Campus
  17. Roniece Williamson, M.G. de Weever School
  18. Linda Cypre, St. Maarten Sevent-Day School

The St. Maarten Lions Club has 52 members and meets on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Lions Civic Center at 7.00 pm. Lions clubs are a group of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs. For more information or to get involved with the St. Maarten Lions Club, please contact Lion Claudio Buncamper at 5200250.

Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. For more information about Lions Clubs International, visit the website at

george21082009PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament George Pantophlet says that he had to respond to some of the remarks by the United People's Party Board (UP) in their article of Wednesday last. Facts are that people are being removed from the civil registrar, facts are that he did receive calls from persons in the US that they were being removed from the civil registrar, facts are that naturalized persons with the Dutch passport who have been residing on St. Maarten for 10, 15, 20 years or more are being told that they have to get an authenticated birth certificate before renewing their passport. The hysteria created by the UP backed government is not informing the citizens of this country as to the rules and regulations relating to the renewal of their passports, identity cards and driver's license prior to this procedure taking effect. Unless the procedures have been changed the birth certificate (original) of these persons are kept by the civil registrar's office when they apply for their passports. So another question he has for government is what did the census office do with these birth certificates? As recent as yesterday the Member of Parliament was informed that someone born on Aruba went to renew their passport was told that they have to get their birth certificate first before their passport can be renewed. This is a fact. What this government is doing is causing these persons a lot of stress and unnecessary financial costs. These persons have to spend money to get their new birth certificate. They will have to pay someone who lives in their country of origin to do the process. They have to pay for the birth certificate itself which can run into hundreds of dollars. In some cases where it is required by some countries they must appear in person. Again the Member of Parliament wants to know what happened to these persons birth certificate that was submitted when they were receiving their passport. The Member of Parliament does agree with the UP Board final statements when they stated and he quotes;" there are laws in place and procedures need to be followed" end of quote. So exactly what are those laws and procedures? What government should do is make the information known first before creating the present hysteria that the UP Board mentioned. Inform the public. The Member of Parliament says that he is certain that his questions to the Minister of General Affairs will be answered although he is still waiting on the answers on questions he posed to VROMI Minister Maurice Lake during the discussion on the Emilio Wilson Estate. In conclusion the UP board said the Member of Parliament should come with solutions for the island's issues. The Member of Parliament has some advice for the UP Board. Find out from the Minister of Finance how things are progressing with the 100 million guilders AUC deal whether the court case has started or not. The COLA would have been paid easily from this and the Budgets of the next 3 years balanced. Find out from the Minister of Finance if government has paid the 2.6 million guilders owed to the SMMC and the millions still owed to the Pharmacies and other health care providers. Find out from the Minister of Economic Affairs how things are progressing with the legislation on the casino fees, the casino gaming board, the consumer protection agency, the additional products to the basket of basic necessities. These are just a few there is much more but this article is becoming to lengthy. The Member's advice to government is, please inform the people first don't work backwards.

mauricelakenazarethwalkthroughfollowup04042014Residents pleased with work so far

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake did a walk-through on Wednesday of Nazareth in Dutch Quarter to assess the work carried out to repair the Christopher Maccow and Felix Marlin road.

Minister Lake was very pleased with the work carried out to date. NV GEBE has drafted a plan to add 20 to 25 extra street lights in the area which would complete the first phase of the project.

Minister Lake is looking forward to see the finalization of the other phase of the project which entails the placement of milled asphalt next to the intersection of John Philips and Christopher Maccow road and the continuation of Nazareth road.

Waste in Place has been busy cleaning the grown up grassy areas of Nazareth road.

In early March residents of Nazareth road, Dutch Quarter invited Minister Lake to discuss issues of concern within their neighbourhood.

The residents pointed out their main concerns which were the upgrading of the Nazareth road (main), Christopher Maccow, Monrovia road, Amsterdam road, John Philips road and Felix Marlin roads, additional street lighting in the neighbourhood, and a better structure where it concerns the pick-up of garbage in the area by the designated waste hauler.

"The residents of Nazareth brought forward their concerns, and I am very pleased that I was able to address them within a short time. The work is not complete, but much has been accomplished since the initial meeting.

"In my back to basics approach, I listened to the people; they said that nothing was done over the years in their neighbourhood. I drafted a plan of action and worked closely with other stakeholders such as NV GEBE and we have and continue to address the concerns.

"The additional street lights will bring safety and security to the neighbourhood. Along with the aforementioned and better roads, an improvement is made in the daily experience of the quality of life of the people in the area. Everyone is happy with what has been done so far and I thank the people for bringing the issues to my attention.

"We need to work together and address the needs of the residents in the different districts with the scarce resources budgeted within Ministry VROMI, but every little job makes a world of difference for the people," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Wednesday.

statinterviewerwithkeithgraham04042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Department of Statistics (STAT) says 80 percent of known addresses have been visited and there is just two weeks left to complete the fieldwork for the household listing survey of the remaining 20 percent.

STAT interviewers are covering the remaining streets on Dutch Sint Maarten, and will be revisiting addresses where households were previously unavailable or missed.

This upcoming weekend STAT staff will be collecting data with an extra effort on Pelican/Billy Folly, Maho and Cupecoy/Lowlands where up until now the response rate has been rather low. This is due to security challenges and access to homes, access to individuals and a large number of vacation homes.

The department is making an appeal to the general public to participate in the survey to ensure a comprehensive count of households and residents of the country.

During the final week and as a last resort, STAT surveyors will also be approaching some household members via their place of employment. In some instances, persons can expect to receive an email-version of the questionnaire via their employers.

STAT interviewed Keith Graham recently who stated the following: "Found the experience to be quite painless and it took so little time. I hope that all households would realize how important this survey is and will cooperate fully."

Overall the response on the household listing survey has been good. The community is reminded that all residents are legally required to participate.

The questionnaire is short and direct and the results will help Sint Maarten as a developing nation to be certain about its population number, composition and characteristics. These statistics are the cornerstone for setting future policies, plans and programs geared towards our young, working-class and senior citizens of the country.

STAT is emphasizing that the legal base for the household listing survey is the national Statistics Ordinance (AB 2013, GT no.450).

Article seven of the ordinance says that if individuals do not

STAT interviewers are approaching homes up to 8:00pm each day and on weekends.

STAT falls under the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunication.

x104.3fm2013costumewinners04042014PHILIPSBURG:--- X104.3 is pleased to announced that they will be giving away carnival costumes again this carnival season. We have an undisclosed amount of costumes and season passes that we are giving away.
We want for the 45th birthday celebration of St. Maarten Carnival celebration to be special for everyone involved; spectator or participant. Therefore, we decided to give away costumes that are part of Gordon Yee Productions and also some season tickets for the winner to enjoy the entire carnival season.
For your chance to win go to register your name and contact details then keep listening to see if you're a winner.

ministryoffinanceretreat04042014PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- The Ministry of Finance held a retreat for its civil servants at the Little Well Oasis Activity Center in Cole Bay. The theme was "Building and fostering relationships within the Ministry."

Over three hundred civil servants from the Ministry were present to hear from the Minister of Finance, the Honorable Martin Hassink and motivational speaker, L. Anthony Watkins. At the end, those persons present interacted socially.

Minister Hassink thanked the persons involved in organizing the event and wished the management and staff a successful afternoon. I want to thank the organizers and all the persons involved in organizing such an event for the ministry. It is a good one.

"More importantly, I want to urge all present to take time to bond with each other, get to know each other a little better, and to think on work a little bit. But not too much, for we are away from work. This afternoon is meant for you to take in the message from the speaker and reflect a bit. So please enjoy yourselves", the Minister said.

At the event, new uniforms for the tax administration department were revealed, much to the delight, of the staff. For other departments, they will get uniforms as well, said Sherry Hazel, Head of the Receivers Office within the Ministry.

At the retreat, organizational development consultant and motivational speaker, L. Anthony Watkins, spoke about the intricacies of change.

Certain things we have to face, from the economic situation to financial markets, that they are in decline, Watkins said. We have to deal with the ever changing world. There will be societal interruptions, we have to deal with these issues, he pointed out. We cannot run or hide from them. We have to adapt to the situations that we are faced with. It is not the survival of the fittest, but those who can adapt best.

In addition, Watkins said, the integrity of the world and their politicians and others in position have been call into question.

"With all these things going on in society, the world, much will be demanded of you, there will be constant demands on you. Challenges are real. We have to face them. Change will come. It is something you cannot stop," Watkins said. "The world just seems to be going faster and faster. Change is disruptive and you have to get accustomed."

He added that whatever happens, we must succeed. Change will not kill you. We will make it. We have power to make it.

The retreat concluded with the civil servants enjoying drinks, snacks and socializing.

PHILIPSBURG:--- St. Barths is organizing an International Soccer Competition in which FC Soualiga women's soccer team will be competing against the women's soccer team from St. Barths, the Diablesses Rouges. The event takes place this coming Sunday, April 6th at 2:00 PM at the newly renovated Raoul Illidge Sports Complex (RISC). It will be the first official international soccer tournament to take place at RISC since the Complex has been re-opened last month. During the official re-opening of the Complex FC Soualiga played a friendly opening competition against themselves, with the team split into two, as the competing team had to cancel last-minute due to different circumstances. FC Soualiga is very happy to be able to play on the newly renovated field and is very proud to be the first team hosting an international team in such an event, hoping to host many more such events in the near future. FC Soualiga hereby invites everyone to come out and support the team as they represent Sint Maarten. If persons are interested in getting more information or joining the team, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit FC Soualiga on Facebook.

desmondtutu04042014PHILIPSBURG:--- As the saying goes, "Everything rises and falls on leadership." Regardless of the industry, the individual, the organization or opportunity, leadership plays a critical role in one's success or failure.

Consequently, Winair, the St. Maarten based regional airline which connects to Saba, Statia, St. Barths, St. Kitts and Nevis, is now partnering with Leadercast, a powerful leadership conference hosted by Victorious Living Foundation, to empower managers, business owners, educators, and leaders locally and within the region.

Fares are as low as $79.00 plus taxes and range from 25-60% off of regular fares. Victorious Living Foundation is grateful to Winair for providing this gesture and encourages persons on the surrounding islands to take advantage of this dynamite opportunity to not only be empowered by this conference of global leaders but also take some time to relax, and even shop while on St. Maarten.

Sonesta Maho, also recognizes the need to develop leaders worth following, which is Leadercast's mission, and has a Leadercast special for those attending the conference of $117.00 all inclusive (breakfast, lunch and dinner, and taxes) for a limited time.

Speakers at this year's Leadercast include:

  • Laura Schroff, New York Times bestselling author of An Invisible Thread ; a former Time advertising executive who helped launch three of the most successful start-ups in Time Inc. history: InStyle, Teen PEOPLE, and PEOPLE StyleWatch.
  • Andy Stanley, a sought-after leadership communicator, author, pastor, and the founder of North Point Ministries, Inc. has over a million followers weekly to his online podcasts etc. His books include, The Next Generation Leader, Visioneering, Enemies of the Heart, and The Principle of the Path.
  • Malcolm Gladwell, award-winning journalist and best-selling Author of David & Goliath, Outliers and The Tipping Point. He is Staff writer of the New Yorker magazine. In 2005 he was named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People.
  • Dr. Henry Cloud, Clinical Psychologist, business and leadership Consultant and coach who specializes in coaching leaders, building teams, and developing organizational cultures. Author of over twenty books, including Necessary Endings, Integrity, and 9 Things A Leader Must Do.
  • Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a world-renowned human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Beginning with his opposition to apartheid in South Africa, he has worked tirelessly to spread peace, justice, and democracy and to end racial divisions throughout the world. (broadcasting live from Cape Town, South Africa)

Not only do attendees get the chance to benefit from the powerful content shared by these global leaders, but by attending the conference, attendees also get the opportunity to subscribe to Leadercast Now, an everyday, leadership-learning environment designed to help persons become leaders worth following. It is carefully designed to deliver inspiration and action so that you can connect your learning to your life. Non-attendees locally and globally also have the opportunity to subscribe, but only attendees at Leadercast are able to access Leadercast 2014 after the live event. Victorious Living will provide an access code to persons interested in Leadercast Now, so that they receive a special discount.

Victorious Living applauds Telem, Nagico, the St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce, The David Company, SOS, Youth Radio, PJD2, WTN-TV, MSR-TV, Peterson Creative Media and others for seeing the need to raise the bar in our leadership by enrolling and partnering with this event.

The early bird special ends on April 15th and space is filling up quickly, therefore companies and individuals desiring to save should register by April 15th. Students receive a special discount and are encouraged to register. To register, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call, 1-721-524-8731 or FB: Leadercast 2014 SXM-VLF.

PHILIPSBURG:--- After a one year hiatus, the Journey for Education Foundation is back with its annual walkathon. The event is slated for this Saturday April5th at 5:00am and has a few changes in route and venue for the participants. The walkathon starts at Le Grand Marche Bush Road parking lot and will loop around the Simpson Bay lagoon via the causeway ending at Pineapple Pete.

Pineapple Pete has thrown their support behind the annual walkathon by sponsoring the ending venue as well as preparing the breakfast for the early morning walkers. Prime Distributors have also come on board as a sponsor. Various other sponsors are contributing in cash and kind to make this year's walkathon a success. "We wanted to make use of the Causeway for the many JFE walkathon supporters, needed an ending venue with a great ambiance in that area and Management of Pineapple Pete were happy to be a part of this event," stated Rolando Tobias President of JFE.

Tickets sales have been robust and planning for the event has been very encouraging. At the end of the walkathon the usual breakfast of salt fish, journey cakes & bush tea will be served along with a few other surprises. Bus transportation will be provided back to Le Grand Marche after the walkathon for all patrons.

Journey for Education is encouraging all those who purchased tickets to come out and participate in the annual walkathon.

JFE Press Release

renewilsonandmauricelake04042014Youths on the block to be part of community initiative

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry of VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake is assisting the St. Peters Community Council with a general community clean-up among other community improvement initiatives.

This collaborative effort also includes the input of the following stakeholders, Community Police Officer (CPO Felix), Topxic, Edwin Hodge Company, Ministry VROMI and Meadowlands Waste Hauler.

The community clean-up as well as other community-oriented improvement actions are a result of a meeting with the St. Peters Community Council and a walk-through in the neighbourhood with Rene 'Koto' Wilson and the stakeholders.

Minister Lake will be utilizing the so-called boys on the block in the area to help paint the basketball court and the main entrance into St. Peters, the latter in removing the graffiti in this particular area.

"We have to have pride in our communities. You have to give a good impression. As a co-founder of the St. Peters Community Council, we need to start going back to basics and instilling pride in our neighbourhood, respect for each other, and togetherness, so we can all build a healthy clean community for all.

"The youngsters need to take pride in the basketball court that was built for them to use on a daily basis. If we don't take pride and take care of what we have in our district, nobody will do it for us.

"By using our youth and the boys from the block and local contractors, we can all make a difference by collaborating and working together for the interests of our community," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Thursday.

Minister Lake added that he had very positive discussions with Rene 'Koto' Wilson with respect to working together and taking St. Peters up to another level where community innovation and development is concerned.

Minister Lake said he would like to see a solution found to the running water on the streets; add additional speed bumps to enhance safety of pedestrians and children where it concerns the inner streets; and the removal of car wrecks in collaboration with residents.

Minister Lake pointed out that his Ministry is working with Meadowlands Waste Hauler, and the Fire Department to remove coconut tree stumps that have dried out throughout the community and in some of the yards of senior citizens.

"I am a community minded person and work very close with the residents to find ways to improve our district. This is our area where we have to take pride and improve it. This is my childhood district and I am looking forward to being part of the change in St. Peters working together and along with the residents," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake concluded.

ralawardsceremony04042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Philipsburg Jubilee Library in collaboration with the Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunrise held their fourth annual award ceremony on April 3, 2014 at 6pm at the library in recognition of its outstanding "Readers are Leaders" participants.
The goal of "Readers are Leaders" is to promote literacy specifically among high school students and to encourage readers to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas through writing. The participants are challenged to read a number of books and submit reports about the books they read.
This year, a large number of students participated in the challenge to read at least 2 books per month, either individually at the Library or through their advisors for "Readers are Leaders" program at St. Maarten Academy (PSVE and Academic Sections), Sundial School and the St. Maarten Vocational Training School. The board of the reading club recently organized other events such as their annual black history month cultural event and poetry evening.
As an added incentive to encourage participants to continue reading, special prizes are awarded to the most avid readers. This year's winners were first place winner Widney Charles second place went to Britney Mayer, and third place to Trevor Downer, both students of St. Maarten Academy PSVE.
During the Award Ceremony, the top 3 winners were presented with tablets, donated by the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Sunrise. The library also donated free internet hours to each winner in the reading competition.
To close off the evening, all participants were rewarded with discounted pizza courtesy Dominoes Pizza and drinks donated by the Library.
The Rotary Club of St. Maarten Sunrise and Library and wishes to acknowledge the contributions of the following high school representatives, who were instrumental to the success of this project: Michelle Richardson-Artsen (St. Maarten Academy PSVE), Yadira Pierre-Boston and Augustine Scantlebery-Lake (St. Maarten Vocational Training School), Kim Lucas-Felix and Susan van Mierloo (St. Maarten Academy Academic).

denzelmilton04042014DUTCH QUARTER:--- The owner of Down to Earth, a company established by 28 year old Denzel Milton said he lost it when he went to the Government Administration Building on Thursday looking for the Minister of VROMI Maurice Lake.

Milton told SMN News in an exclusive interview on Friday that the Department of VROMI and Minister Maurice Lake promised to give his company a job to clean the Nazareth area. He said Minister Lake told him the contract for Waste and Place owned by James Richardson would have ended on Friday and Down to Earth would get the job without having to bid for it. Milton said the Minister told him that there would not have been any competition and it's a done deal the job will go to Down to Earth. Milton said based on that promise he hired some youths of Dutch Quarter who are also not working, while he renewed his license and purchased some equipment. He said he even made arrangements to rent heavy equipment because he was expected to start the cleaning around 2pm on Thursday.

A very emotional and frustrated Milton said he worked at the Airport on Thursday morning, then he returned to Dutch Quarter where he was supposed to start working with six other youngsters that were ready and waiting on him. Milton aka "Mojo" said that when he reached Dutch Quarter he saw some trucks moving material and James Richardson the owner of Waste and Place was working the excavator cleaning the area that Minister Lake and those at VROMI told him that was going to be given to Down to Earth. He said he approached Richardson and asked him what he was doing there because he knew that his contract had ended. Milton said Richardson told him that he was cleaning the area for free even though he had four Haitian men working at the time.

"When Richardson told me that I picked up a baseball bat and went to the Government Administration Building to see the Minister because I am tired of "sucking asses". I am St. Maartener and I have an established company and I want to work. While at the Government Building I was told that Minister Lake was not in and I then asked to speak with his assistant "OJ" who told me that he will not receive or speak to me because I was not in the right mood. At that point I asked to see Ramona Thomas because I wanted to make her aware of the situation. I did not threaten anyone and most of all I did not threaten Ramona Thomas. I work for Mrs. Thomas privately and I just wanted to let her know what Minister Lake and VROMI had done because I think it's the same people getting work all the time while the youths of Dutch Quarter that really want to work are being neglected." Mojo said a police officer came and arrested him and took him to the police station and the arresting officer told him that if he was in Curacao he could not have gone to the Government Administration Building with a baseball bat. He said the police took a statement from him and they informed him that anytime he wants to visit any government departments he has to first notify the police. Milton said after he gave that statement he was released.

Based on the documents provided to SMN News by Milton, Lake promise to give Down to Earth some 730 meters starting from the bridge in Nazareth. The company was supposed to clean the entire area alongside the roads and the trenches. Down to Earth is specialized in cleaning, landscaping, maintenance, and painting. Milton said that he also spoke to several Members of Parliament, namely Frans Richardson, Romaine Laville, and Patrick Illidge begging each of them to get the Government of St. Maarten to give him work. He said all the MPs kept promising him and some of them told him to hold on something will work out.

Milton said that when you look at other districts like St. Peters the youths of that area are getting work every time in their area but those in Dutch Quarter are forgotten. He said a particular radio host on the French side had a lot to say about him on his radio program without knowing him. Milton readily admitted that when he is angry it's hard for him to speak and express himself. He said for the past six years he had no run ins with the law all he has been focusing on is getting his company up and running so he too could develop himself. Mojo said once he was arrested and it was for a hit and run and some newspapers had a lot to write without even speaking to him.

When asked by SMN News reporter what message he wants to send to Minister Lake, Milton began crying and said that for him the Minister should keep on doing what he is doing.

Click here to view the documents provided to SMN News by Down to Earth.

representationofthenetherlandsdonatestobishopellisfoundation03042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Representation of the Netherlands donated Naf. 10,000 to the Bishop Ellis Foundation. This foundation has a food pantry and feeds about 300 people weekly from various religious beliefs including single mothers, the elderly, the unemployed and others in need. In the past Cross International from Florida funded the food pantry but this ended in 2013. The Representation of the Netherlands highly values the food pantry of the Bishop Ellis Foundation and hopes that the foundation can continue the good work with the help of those – in St. Maarten - who feel the same.

ifebadejoatpassionpowerhour03042014Networking for Movers and Shakers will take place on April 16, 2014!

GREAT BAY:--- Foundation INFOBIZZ organizes activities to develop successful entrepreneurs. Its flagship event is its POWER HOUR- Networking for Movers & Shakers. With a growing demand on getting relevant information, acquiring specific skills, and expanding one's network, POWER HOUR has proven to be the ideal event for both the start-up and the experienced entrepreneur and entrepreneurial professional.
Each POWER HOUR focuses on some aspect on entrepreneurship. The next POWER HOUR will take place on April 16, 2014 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. The organizers have been able to secure one local and one international speaker to share tips on selling one's idea to either investors or clients.
"The art of sales is not just for entrepreneurs, it is for anyone who wants to share their ideas, causes, and beliefs. With the constant overload of information it is necessary to know how to communicate effectively and 'sell' so that your voice can be heard. So for us, we would like all those who want to start an organization (business/non-profit) and those who want to grow their businesses to come to this particular POWER HOUR", the organizers said.
This will be the third POWER HOUR hosted by Foundation INFOBIZZ, which have been able to attract roughly 100 entrepreneurs so far. Its first POWER HOUR occurred during the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2013, which Foundation INFOBIZZ was a top partner for. The second POWER HOUR, which took place in February 2014, focused on defining and following one's passions. Those that attended took a Passion Test at no additional cost. In attendance was also the Prime Minister, Her Excellency Mrs. Sarah Wescot- Williams who participated whole-heartedly and gave a few words to encourage the entrepreneurs to be passionate in their endeavors.
All entrepreneurs – those who want to start, starting out or who have already started – are invited to come to the POWER HOUR on April 16, 2014. Tickets cost $25 and include a welcome drink, finger foods, the mini-workshop, and all materials. For more information, please contact Ife Badejo, founder of Foundation INFOBIZZ at +1-721-523-1842 (Whatsapp) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

nildaarduinwithpierredecelles03042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Rotary Club of St. Maarten invited the Ombudsman, Dr. Nilda Arduin to give a presentation on the role and responsibilities of the Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman welcomes such initiative taken by Rotary Club of St. Maarten to inform its members on the tasks and activities carried out by this High Council of State.
The presentation is in line with the Vision and Mission of the Ombudsman to educate the citizens of St. Maarten on the standards of proper conduct government has to comply with in dealing with the public.


dennisrichardsonreceivesreportfromcle03042014PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday March 31st, 2014, the Minister of Justice the Honorable Dennis Richardson met with the Council of Law Enforcement and was presented a recent report.

The following is:
Police education in Sint Maarten
In spite of tight budgeting, at the dismantling of the Netherlands Antilles, the Police Force Sint Maarten took up the training of the personnel vigorously by offering the personnel a great number of short term trainings, courses and workshops in different areas. Also twelve police trainees successfully completed the basic police training in 2013.

However, where it concerns the more structural police training, the Police Force Sint Maarten has a challenge. The new employees need to follow the basic police training within a short period and also more experienced employees must be given the possibility to catch up with the years of backlog in the training for management and secondary police-functions.

The extra ordinary police officers (bavpollers) working for the Police Force manifestly has led to more police-officers on the streets. However, the Council stresses that the tasks of the bavpollers are intended to be limited to specific police tasks. Even though the bavpollers had a very short training and the legal selection standards were not always met, these bavpollers placed in de Police Force Sint Maarten are not limited in their tasks and authorizations. The Council considers it undesirable when this group de facto gets tasks and authorities for which they have not sufficiently been trained. The Council thinks that clear selection, education and training requirements must be formulated for the training for 'buitengewone agenten van politie'.

The Council notes that on the budget of the country Sint Maarten for 2014 only NAF 150.000 has been reserved for training of the police. The Council wonders whether this amount is sufficient. The Council evokes the Police Force to design a long-term training plan and the minister of Justice to (financially) support the police-training plans. Seen the limited resources, cooperation with other countries, for example Curaçao and the BES-islands is the most achievable option to provide new and existing personnel of the force with training.

In Sint Maarten the training possibilities for the police are not sufficient. There is no police school in Sint Maarten that offers for example the basic police training. The Council recommends that soon a decision must be taken concerning the desire of a Police school.

Furthermore a part of the legislation applicable for the police training must urgently be implemented and modernized, so that it is clear for everyone which requirements the training must comply with.

With this report the Council envisages to provide an overview of the state of affairs with respect to police education in Sint Maarten and to contribute to the quality and quality improvement of police education and by extension of this the professionalism of police education in Sint Maarten. Pursuant to the Kingdom Act on the Law Enforcement Council, the Minister will be given the opportunity to send the advice of the Council to Parliament within six weeks, along with his policy response. After six weeks the report will be available for publication and downloading at

The Council on Law Enforcement was established by Kingdom Act in 2011. It is an inter-insular independent body, responsible for the inspection of the various organizations within the justice system. The ultimate objective is to provide recommendations to the Ministers of Justice of the three countries of the Dutch Kingdom to correct shortcomings. The Council consists of three members who are appointed by Royal Decree and represent respectively Curaçao, St. Maarten and the Netherlands for the islands Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. The Council has a secretariat with offices in St. Maarten, Curaçao and Bonaire.

gracitaarrindellwithmpcstudents03042014PHILIPSBURG:--- A class from Milton Peters College (MPC) recently visited the House of Parliament.

President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell since the birth of country Sint Maarten Parliament initiated school visits enabling students from primary and secondary level schools to learn about the role and functioning of the highest legislative body in the land. Arrindell told students that parliament was an institution of governance and of government.

michaelgorsiraandgerdathode03042014WILLEMSTAD, Curacao:--- Last week, law firm VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne had a special anniversary to celebrate. Secretary Gerda Thodé is employed by the office no less than 35 years. In those 35 years, she also took on other responsibilities, such as the collection management, but eventually she returned to her role as secretary in the litigation and insolvency law practice. She wants to continue developing a deeper understanding of this in the future, because quitting working is not an option for Gerda at this point.
With an interruption of eleven years, Gerda has worked as a secretary and personal assistant of partner Michiel Gorsira since 1985. Even when Michiel was working for another firm in the Netherlands for eleven years, they kept in touch when matters occurred in which both firms were involved. Michiel is therefore values their cooperation: "Gerda is a stable and indispensable factor in my practice. One that I can always revert to."
Gerda expressed her gratitude to her colleagues during the celebration of her anniversary: "I have seen the firm progress in 35 years, and I am very proud of that. Within the team, we work very independently, and we gain the required experience to do that in an environment where we have a lot of fun with each other as well."

SIMPSON BAY:--- WINAIR has notified the Anguilla gov't and its handler in Anguilla that WINAIR will be discontinuing air service between St. Maarten – Anguilla – St. Maarten. When planning WINAIR's first quarter schedule to include Anguilla, our partner airline AIR ANTILLES was to lease WINAIR aircraft to operate Anguilla – San Juan - Anguilla which would have assisted in filling void created when American Eagle ceased operations in the Caribbean. It is most unfortunate that regulatory issues have caused Anguilla – San Juan – Anguilla service to be deferred until such time as required regulatory issues are satisfactorily resolved.
"Air service from St. Maarten to Anguilla is not economically sustainable due to large volume of passengers who elect to utilize ferry service for economic reasons. The cost and taxes on air service provide a large financial competitive advantage to the ferry service.
WINAIR is coordinating with our customers who are booked on WINAIR to be accommodated on Alternate Carriers; this will avoid any disappointment to travelers who have previously booked air transportation on WINAIR.
We regret having to make this decision however WINAIR receives no financial assistance from its shareholders or destinations we serve which make it necessary for WINAIR to operate in a financially viable fashion which is the mandate from our shareholders.

WINAIR Press Release

valeriecombie03042014GREAT BAY:--- St. Martin author Lasana M. Sekou was the keynote speaker at the first conference of the Virgin Islands Writers Association (VIWA) held in St. Croix on Monday, March 31, 2014, said VIWA principal Valerie Combie.

"One major concern of our writers is to get their work published. The committee thought that Mr. Sekou could enlighten us on the process by describing some of the challenges a writer may encounter, especially a writer in the Caribbean," said Combie, who is an associate professor of English at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI).

During his presentation Sekou pointed out challenges writers may face during the writing process and in preparing their manuscript for an agent or publisher to consider or review for publication. He also gave tips on tackling these challenges.

Sekou was also asked to "tell us about the possibility of having our work published by House of Nehesi Publishers," said Combie. Sekou is the projects director at House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).

Mostly VI writers from St. Croix attended the one-day conference where about 10 writers read from their book or manuscript. One high school drama group performed three monologues. The conference started at 8 AM and concluded at 3 PM.

UVI dean Dr. Simon Jones-Hendrikson, folklorist Wayne "Bully" Peterson, Annette Michael, Dr. Frank Mills, doctoral student Brianna J. Grantham, Dr. David Gould, and high school student Victoria Smith, were among the readers.

Sekou's 50-minute presentation included a question-and-answer period and a reading from the French Quarter cockfight story is his book Brotherhood of The Spurs. He also promoted the upcoming 12th annual St. Martin Book Fair among conference participants.

The theme of the writers conference was "The Faces of V.I. Writers" – organized in collaboration with the Virgin Islands Writing Project and UVI.

osppcongress03042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The OSPP in celebration of their first anniversary and as stipulated in their constitution held their first ever congress on Sunday, March 30, 2014 with the theme "A change Must Come". This event was held at the John Larmonie Center from 2:00 pm until 6:00 pm. The first point on the agenda was some remarks by the founder of the party followed by a report of all activities carried out by the party in 2013. This report was given by the outgoing president, Mr. Lenny F. Priest.
We had over sixty registered members representing the various voting districts of St. Maarten and many persons registered before the congress took place. We had a full house with many persons attending as visitors but not able to vote. A complete new board was elected with Mr. Lloyd Beaton as President and the other eight members as board members. During the first meeting of the board the various functions will be distributed amongst the board members. On this same afternoon an election was held for the Leader of the party with two members vying for this position, namely Mr. Jermaine Davelaar and Mr. Lenny Priest. Mr. Davelaar made a fantastic presentation to the membership asking them for their support but at the end Mr. Lenny Priest was victorious hereby becoming the first elected leader of the One St. Maarten People Party. Next on the agenda was the election for Deputy Leader of the OSPP with both Mr. Edwin Maduro and Mr. Denissen Philips working the members to be elected as the second person in command. It was a very tight race but when the votes were counted Mr. Edwin Maduro was elected the Deputy Leader of the OSPP.
The OSPP also presented the bylaws to the members for their approval and these were approved unanimously by them. As a political party we are very happy that this congress took place signaling the beginning of the 2014 campaign of the OSPP.
"We have made it very clear that we will maintain our position from day one that we will be pursuing a strong social agenda for this election in 2014, says Lenny Priest, Leader of the OSPP. Our people have been left behind and we need to play catch up in order for them to benefit from the development of St. Maarten. We will be creating sustainable jobs and careers with better security for our people. The abuse of the short term contracts will be something of the past as we expect to address this issue immediately. The OSPP will establish a General Pension Plan and Health insurance that all workers in the private sector will be part of to avoid many people when reaching the pensionable age not being able to make ends meet financially and afford proper health care. Our graduating students from abroad will be encouraged to return to St. Maarten based on incentives and job opportunities that will be awaiting them. The OSPP will focus on the reduction of the cost of living by tackling the high food prices; high electricity and water prices; the high cost of rent and the high bank interest rates and insurance premiums. We will introduce better border control and more police protection for our people. The establishment of an Unemployment Benefit Program is long overdue. Our people must never again have to endure what the workers of Pelican went through and what some of the workers of RBC Bank are going through today. Our laws must be modernized to better serve our people and they must be enforced. We strongly support the purchase of the Emilio Wilson Estate and it must be developed to benefit the people of St. Maarten. We have seen a proposal for the Emilio Wilson Estate from two local agriculturists and we support it as we believe that it offers the nation the opportunity to create some five hundred (500) plus sustainable jobs and usage of the property that our forefathers will be very proud of.
High on our agenda also remains the reduction of the salaries of the members of Parliaments and the Ministers by at least 20% until we can bring our financial house in order. During the debate of the 2014 Budget our parliamentarians insulted us by not addressing this issue seriously.
The OSPP as a new political party contesting the 2014 election for the first time will be presenting our candidates over the next couple of weeks to the general public. We will not wait until postulation date to present them. The public must have the opportunity to get to know them and their capabilities before sending them to office. These candidates will be representing the districts that they live in and in some cases where they grew up. A change must come and St. Maarten is ready for that change.

OSPP Press Release

scalesofjustice28052013PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prosecutor's Office has dispatched a letter to Attorney General of St. Maarten Taco Stein and the Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson on the decision they received from the judge of instruction to release two suspects that were arrested on March 19th with some 2.5 million US dollars. Police from KPSM arrested two suspects and also confiscated a small aircraft that landed at the Princess Juliana International Airport with the monies.

It is widely rumored that the suspects who are not living on the island were allegedly transporting monies for a political party for the upcoming election campaign. The investigators that are currently investigating the case are not saying much since they believe they know who the monies are for. As for the two suspects, they will receive a summons to appear in court when the investigation is completed.

Press Prosecutor Tineke Kamps told SMN News that her office is busy studying the decision while they sent a letter to Stein and the Minister of Justice. According to the decision, the judge ruled in favor of releasing the two suspects because they were denied some basic human rights benefits which are only available at the Pointe Blanche Prison.

Kamps said these suspects were held in the prison cells at the Philipsburg Police Station but they had to be transported to Pointe Blanche to participate in certain activities, she said right now her office is busy investigating to see if the suspects were not taken to Pointe Blanche Prison for their day program because up to now they are not sure if that happened or not.

Kamps said the main reason the suspects were held at a Philipsburg holding cell and not in Pointe Blanche is because of the renovation of the cells at Pointe Blanche prison. However, the judge ruled that the excuse provided by the prosecution claiming that due to the renovations the suspects could not be held at Pointe Blanche is not sufficient.

Several efforts made to reach the Attorney General of St. Maarten Taco Stein on Thursday for a comment on whether or not he is investigating what transpired with the prison management proved futile as Stein claimed to be off island.

Efforts made to reach Director of the Prison Edward Rohan on Thursday also proved futile.

It should be noted that this is the second time the judge of instruction released suspects that committed serious crimes due to human rights violations. The first being the 17 year old that was involved in a murder in 2013.

baseballbat03042014PHILIPSBURG:--- A young man from Dutch Quarter is now in police custody as police investigate why the youth chose to go to the Government Administration Building with a baseball bat looking for Minister Maurice Lake. Workers at the Government Administration Building said that the young man demanded to see Minister Lake and he also mentioned that he also wanted to see Ramona Thomas from the cabinet of the Prime Minister.

SMN News learnt that the security guard at the Government Administration Building did not take any chances with the young man since he stated that he was not going to leave the building unless he sees Minister Lake or Thomas. The guard immediately called for police assistance fearing the worst would have taken place.
One of the workers who spoke to SMN News on the condition of anonymity said a police officer immediately responded to the scene and arrested the youth.

Police Spokesman Ricardo Henson confirmed the incident which took place around 3:15pm on Thursday. Henson said he did not have any details as the investigation is in its preliminary stages. SMN News will bring you more information on this incident when it becomes available.

mennomisset02042014CAY HILL:--- The St. Maarten Medical Center is proud to announce that as of Tuesday, April 1, 2014, Dr. Menno Misset joined the medical staff as a specialist in General Surgery.
"We are happy to welcome Dr. Misset who will bring 12 years of extensive experience to our hospital. He is an Oncology and Trauma Surgeon who has a good combination of experience and knowledge that will be of benefit to our community," said hospital director Kees Klarenbeek.
"I look forward to taking care of the health needs of the people and building a relationship with the general practitioners to improve the care for the people living here." Dr. Misset continues, "I quit my job to come to the island to have a good change in my career, something new but for the long-term and I hope to find the SMMC an enjoyable environment to work within, I think I will."
Dr. Misset completed his medical training at the University of Antwerpen in Belgium, where he specialised in oncology and trauma. He also specialises in minimal invasive surgery; laparoscopy procedures for the gallbladder, hernia, appendix and colon to name a few.
Prior to his employment at the St. Maarten Medical Center, Dr. Misset worked at the Bernhoven hospital in the Netherlands.
Patients can visit Dr. Misset in the Outpatient Department by appointments, made in person or by phone 543-1111 ext 1300, 1310. SZV patients are required to have a referral letter for clinic visits.
The St. Maarten Medical Center looks forward to a good working relationship with Dr. Misset, we are happy to have him on our team for the best healthcare for the people of St. Maarten.

cdeweevershowingstudentschooltoworksurvey02042014GREAT BAY:--- The Ministry of Public Health Social Development & Labor has started their 2014 "School to Work Survey" in the secondary schools. This survey is prepared by the Department of Labor for the secondary and tertiary education exam students, with the intention to gather relevant information regarding their choices in the future.
"It is important as a country for us to know what the career intentions of our young people are for our labor market. This is one way we can develop the necessary policies to combat youth unemployment, which is not only a problem here on St. Maarten, but worldwide as well," said Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever.
The information will also be used (along with other pertinent research studies) to create the first National Youth Employment Policy. The "school to work" survey 2014, began March 31, 2014 and it will continue with all the (secondary & tertiary) schools until April 12, 2014. The Department of Labor initiated the first "school-to-work" survey in 2013 and will be conducting the survey for the following 3 years in order to develop suitable policies and programs for the youths.
This survey will indicate whether they decide to further their education or seek employment. At the same time the survey will also focus on other important aspects of their development, awareness and social needs. Therefore, the information extracted from this survey will be analyzed yearly and compared to the previous years. During the survey the students voiced their appreciation and their expectation of being regularly included in programs geared towards them, illustrating the importance of such a survey.
Minister De Weever further stated that this information will also be used as the initial documents as soon as the council for education and labor (ROA) is established.

bzsedonatestoasl02042014~ Art Saves Lives Summer Intensive Program will be held June 23-28 ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Local Award winning dancer Nicole C. De Weever of Art Saves Lives received a donation from the BZSE Law Firm in support of Art Saves Lives 2014 Summer Intensive Program. The upcoming Art Saves Lives summer intensive program will feature 19 artists from the United States who in addition to teaching classes will perform community service as part of their contribution to St. Maarten.
Ms. De Weever, founder and President of Art Saves Lives Foundation thanked the representatives of BZSE for their donation and looks forward to providing more programs in the future for the children of St. Maarten.
ASLP continues to raise funds to bring this project to fruition to serve local youth who are interested in a career in the arts and strengthen the performing arts on St. Maarten.

rotarysxmdistributesbookstoprimaryschools02042014PHILIPSBURG:--- The Rotary Club of St. Maarten, in recognition of Rotary Literacy Month, is distributing children's books to all St. Maarten Primary Schools. Rotary International has observed Literacy Month each March since 1983 and each primary school will receive six copies of the Lizzy Lizard storybook by Ms. Robin Boasman, as well as copies of The Butterfly Book.

The Lizzy Lizard book was written while Boasman was attending Teacher's College at the University of St. Maarten. Ms. Boasman wrote the book as part of her coursework and the book was published in mid-2013. Over 120 books will be distributed to both government subsidized, and non-subsidized St. Maarten Primary Schools. This distribution is made possible as a result of the combined efforts of CIBC First Caribbean Bank and the Rotary Club of St. Maarten.

In addition, 200 copies of The Butterfly Book, a compilation of 10 children's stories, will be distributed to all primary schools and the National Philipsburg Jubilee Library. The Butterfly Book stories were written by children in the Caribbean who participated in the Rotary Literacy Story Competition.

"We often take for granted that children will learn to read and further, that they have all the required material at school", said Rotary Club of St. Maarten President Maria Buncamper-Molanus. She continued, "With this great group of volunteers, called Rotarians, and a seriously involved corporate sponsor, our club has been able to join forces with CIBC First Caribbean to double the distribution efforts and provide additional reading material to our primary school children. This effort is extra-special because the books are Caribbean productions. In the case of the Lizzy Lizard book, there are recognizable iconic locations, such as the University of Sint Maarten, the Court House and many more. Congratulations to author Robin Boasman, I hope this is just the beginning of many books to come. I would also like to personally thank Rotarians, Marc Groenveld, Jim Ferris, Fred van de Peijl and Geeta Khatnani for their participation in the presentation".

Mrs. Buncamper concluded, "Reading enables us to further our education and make a myriad of improvements, including economic opportunity. The Rotary Club of St. Maarten is proud to be part of the efforts of Rotary International, providing an opportunity for everyone to learn to read".

For more information about the Rotary Club of St. Maarten, please contact the Rotary Club of St. Maarten Press Officer at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website

denzelbrooksmauricelakejuniorking02042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake on Monday met with Junior King and Denzel Brooks who will be trying-out for the pre-major leagues.

Brooks leaves on Tuesday to take part in the perfect games in Florida. The perfect games are where all 30 major league scouts go to look for young baseball prospects. Brooks is being sponsored by NV GEBE.

Junior King leaves April 13 to try-out at the Pittsburgh Pirates. The Pirates are a professional baseball club based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that competes in Major League Baseball. MNO Vervat Contractor is sponsoring the trip of Junior King.

"In my back to basics approach, we need to sponsor our young aspiring professional athletes and help them to fulfill their dreams by making it to the major leagues.

"I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Sint Maarten's Denzel Richardson in his first major league debut. This shows that our youngsters can compete with any top professional athlete in the world if we give them the opportunity to pursue their dreams. Youngsters like this who have the drive to succeed you have to support.

"I would like to thank MNO Vervat Contractor and NV GEBE for being good corporate citizens and giving our youth a chance. I would like to wish Brooks and King much success and I will be rooting for them as they try-out," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Monday.

POND ISLAND:--- TelEm Group today informed overseas vendors and customers on St. Maarten that company technicians and engineers will be carrying out important maintenance work on switching equipment from midnight, Thursday April 3, 2014.

As a result of the maintenance upgrade, landline, mobile and international voice services will be interrupted for several minutes between Midnight Thursday and 3:00 am Friday morning.

Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Mr. Eldert Louisa, says the work involves replacement of an important equipment part that ensures continuity of service.

"This is a routine maintenance window which we are carrying out when there is least impact to our customers, however we feel it is important to notify everyone so that they are aware of what is happening," said Mr. Louisa.
He has meantime apologized on behalf of the company for any inconvenience any interruptions may cause.

Telem Press Release

mathiasvogesmeetsjeroendegraaf02042014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister Plenipotentiary Hon. Mathias Voges last week Thursday met newly appointed Kingdom Ambassador in Trinidad & Tobago Jeroen de Graaf.

During the meeting Minister Voges stressed on the importance of visiting Sint Maarten as soon as possible and briefed him on the latest developments in the country.

De Graaf was accompanied by advisor to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Western Hemisphere Department Nout van Woudenberg.

The meeting also included Director of the Cabinet Minister Plenipotentiary Perry Geerlings.

ministryofvsadonateshivaidsinfomaterialtopjl02042014PHILIPSBURG:--- A number of books, brochures, DVDs, and video cassettes on HIV & AIDS were donated to the Philipsburg Jubilee Library by the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor (VSA) on Friday evening. A special information table about HIV & AIDS was set up and will remain on display for one month. The informational material will then be incorporated throughout the library's collection. Minister Cornelius de Weever expressed his gratitude to the Director of the library, Mrs. Monique Alberts for their cooperation and thanked them for assisting in the fight against HIV & AIDS. "Providing access to more relevant information on HIV & AIDS is essential in order for the public and particularly the youth to make more informed decisions. This initiative at our national library will do just that, by providing an alternative location in which people can feel more comfortable to access this information at their own leisure", said Minister de Weever. Information on where to get tested is also available.
To mark the launch of the new information table available at the library, the Youth Wing from the St. Maarten AIDS Foundation held their first information workshop at the library Friday evening. They had a night filled with games, interactive presentations and open discussions conversations about staying safe from HIV & AIDS as well as other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
For any other questions or information about HIV & AIDS the community can contact the St. Maarten AIDS Foundation at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Tel: 553-26267 or contact Collective Prevention Services 542-3003.

civilregistrydeptvisitsseniors02042014GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Head of the Civil Registry Department Leona Romeo-Marlin said on Monday that her staff was pleasantly surprised to know one of their colleagues Paul Brookson along with his spouse volunteers their time along with several others to do activities with senior citizens resident at the Red Cross residential homes in Belvedere.

Romeo-Marlin said that as a collegial gesture, the staff got together and donated a basket of non-perishables to senior citizens in support of their colleague.

The organization carrying out this community initiative is called the 'Gazebo Socials,' and its purpose is to ensure those living alone have an activity that keeps them stimulated and interested in remaining a vibrant member of their immediate community.

The group according to the department head has been the one source of social interaction on premises and was formed in June 2012 to promote independent senior's abilities and reduce the risk of social isolation.

Leona Romeo-Marlin gave the donation to the seniors on Saturday, and at the same time took the opportunity to answer questions and address concerns related to her department from seniors.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Ministry of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), hereby announces that there will be a temporary road closure on Back Street between crossings Zout steeg/D.C. steeg and Gevangenis street, according to the following plan.

Thursday April 3rd, 9:00 pm till Friday April 4th, 5:00 am; Installation of filter pipes for dewatering at Backstreet lot #47, #57 and #59.

Sunday April 6th, 9:00 pm till Monday April 7th, 5:00 am

Installation of sewage connection at Backstreet lot #47 (Brayne NV Mr. Lake)

Monday April 7th, 9:00 pm till Tuesday April 8th, 5:00 am Installation of sewage connection at Backstreet lot #57a (Catholic Community Center)

Tuesday April 8th, 9:00 pm till Wednesday April 9th, 5:00 am Installation of sewage connection at Backstreet lot #57 (Boolchand's)

Wednesday April 9th 2014 9:00 PM till Thursday April 10th 2014 5:00 AM : Installation of sewage connection at Backstreet lot #59a (Little Switzerland)

Motorists and pedestrians are requested to be vigilant and observant for the traffic directional signs indicating what works are underway in the respective area.

Ministry VROMI apologizes for any inconvenience that this may cause.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The UP Party Board says former Minister of Energy Affairs William Marlin had 12 months, one year to bring relief to the senior citizens of Sint Maarten, and relief for all residents with respect to their GEBE utility bills during the National Alliance (NA) led Government from May 2012 to June 2013, and absolutely nothing was done.

The NA calls the relief for seniors a political statement, but call it what you will, the UP Minister for Energy Affairs Hon. Maurice Lake delivered, he got the job done that William Marlin and the NA couldn't do and failed to do.

Minister Lake collaborated with the NV GEBE Supervisory Board, Management and Raymond Jessurun from the St. Maarten Seniors and Pensioners Association in this effort.

Yes, the details have to be worked out, but procedures have to be followed and seniors will get their relief in their utility bills. The UP Team is all about getting things done for the people of the country in order to improve the quality of life for all.

Dealing with the issues at hand and the business of the people, even if it is election season or an election year, governing continues, it doesn't stop, and the NA can call it what it wishes, but working in the interests of the people and dealing with their concerns and getting the job done is what TEAM UP is all about and has to offer the people of the country.

UP Minister of Energy Affairs Hon. Maurice Lake also brought home NV GEBE to the people of the country, making the company 100 per cent Sint Maarten owned. Again, under the NA led Government and former Minister Marlin, absolutely nothing was done, nothing was accomplished, and bringing home NV GEBE took Minister Lake just six months.

The UP for the past nine months has provided long lasting and meaningful leadership, and has accomplished a lot within its short period in supporting the current coalition government. The aforementioned accomplishments are not announcements without any concrete action behind them as indicated by the NA last week, but are an UP reality.

William Marlin in his press conference last week said he as Minister had requested NV GEBE to restructure their tariffs and that "relief can be implemented in a day and everyone who needs to benefit, would benefit." Well, the NA had 12 months or 365 days, and when UP took the reins to lead last June 2013, there was no NA relief in sight up until now. The UP record speaks for itself!

United People's Party Board

OYSTER POND:--- The heirs and relatives of the late Olivier Lange will soon get the justice they have been seeking from both the French and Dutch authorities for the past three years.

On Monday March 31st 2014, the Brigade of Research (BR) of the Gendarmerie of St. Martin delivered to the Lange family an "Avis à Victime" after serving a well-known dentist that is operating on the Dutch side of the island who is also a real estate agent with a summons (COPJ) for him to appear in the Tribunal de Grand Instance on June 19th, 2014 to answer to charges of stealing the safe belonging to the late Olivier Lange. The safe containing all documents and other personal items was stolen sometime before or after Olivier Lange passed away in a Paris hospital some three years ago.

The suspects that are indicted so far are Pierre Bigiaqui and Rioust de Largentaye Maylis. The second suspect is also accused of forging the signature of the late Olivier Lange while he was in hospital both in Guadeloupe and France and signature of the French Consul located on Dutch St. Maarten. Those declared victims by the Prosecutors are Vania Lange, the brother and first heir of Captain Olivers, Axelle and Francois Lange, the niece and nephew of the late Olivier Lange. Based on the "Avis à Victime" the Lange family received, the two suspects that are summoned are charged with the usage of false documents and stealing.

According information SMN News received, several other persons who were involved in one of the largest scams between the French and Dutch side will also be summoned to court at a later date. The estate which is now being managed by persons who claimed to have inherited the property has a value of over $30M. While most of the crimes were committed on the Dutch side of the island, former Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos believed it was best for the French to handle the investigation fearing that information from the case would have been leaked since upper class people are involved in the alleged scam. The investigation of exactly what transpired after the death of the proprietor of Captain Oliver's took three years before the relatives of the deceased Lange could obtain the justice they are seeking. SMN News learnt that the Captain Oliver's case is one of the most complicated investigations to have taken place on St. Martin.

Click here to view the "Avis à Victime" given to the Lange family.

Illegal Gas Tanks and sale of the Marina at Oyster Pond will cause problems with Holland and France --- Request submitted to VROMI to modify long lease.

Two illegal fuel tanks that are being built on the grounds of the Captain Oliver's property may lead to political and state turmoil or turn into what can be described as a diplomatic battle. SMN News learnt from well placed sources that the operators of Cactus Tree (Captain Oliver's) recently submitted a request at the department of Domain Affairs to have them modify the long lease granted to late Olivier Lange in 1982. The late Olivier Lange has three long leases for water rights dating back to 1982 to 1989 granting him water rights for the sole purpose of a marina. On the document it is clearly stipulated that the owners of the long lease are prohibited from filling in the water. On Monday inspectors from VROMI were seen at the property issuing a building stop for a huge wall that is being erected on the property to protect the tanks since the Fire Department issued a partial negative advice to VROMI regarding the issuance of a hindrance permit that Cactus Tree requested. The negative advice was given verbally and the report for the hindrance permit is yet to be written up.

SMN News further learnt that someone within the department of VROMI informed the applicants of the verbal advice given by the fire department. That sparked the operators of Cactus Tree to begin construction of a huge wall without a building permit. Already the operators of Cactus Tree erected the two tanks, one for diesel and one for gasoline without a building permit. The law stipulates that for the construction of such tanks a catch pan at the bottom of the tank must be built in order to avoid pollution. Persons that are interested in building such tanks must obtain a building permit and for them to obtain such they must also show ownership of the land which Cactus Tree currently does not have based on a recent long lease obtained at the Kadaster's office.

However, key persons holding major positions on the Dutch side of the island are trying to purchase the marina from the persons claiming to be the heirs of the property. According to well placed sources, a politician has certain persons negotiating the purchase of the marina while the same politician is also using his influence in government to modify the long lease. A Minister was seen last Friday evening at the Captain Oliver's restaurant with the persons behind the scam and sale of the marina. The source said the Minister, and persons at the notary office where the testament of the late Olivier Lange was prepared are also involved in the purchase of the marina. It should be noted that while investigators are in possession of what appeared to be a forged testament, the last testament of the late Olivier Lange disappeared from the notary's office however, an invoice from the notary's office showed that a certain notary went to the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital and took the information to draft the last testament of the late Olivier Lange.

It should be noted that the Ministers of Foreign and Overseas Affairs and other top officials met earlier this year to discuss the Oyster Pond Border since it is the only border in the Kingdom and State of France has no control over. Authorities on French and Dutch St. Maarten were informed that they are not to modify or do anything that will affect the current status at Oyster Pond since both the State and the Kingdom felt that the "zone de non droit" must be regulated so that proper controls with customs, immigration and policing could take place. According to authorities on the French side, Oyster Pond is the only place where the border ends at the shoreline while it is supposed to be in open waters. The French is claiming that based on the current status the water in Oyster Pond belongs to the Dutch while the land belong to the French.

While the Department of VROMI is busy processing the request for the hindrance and building permits and the department of domain affairs is busy working on modifying the long lease the French authorities have been using a microscope to see if the Dutch side would have the gaul to issue such permits for construction on French land.

On Monday two inspectors from VROMI were at the scene issuing a building stop for the wall that is currently being erected on French land, an argument ensued there while the persons who were ordered to stop construction refused to comply with the orders given to them by the inspectors claiming that a certain Minister on the Dutch side gave them the green light to build the wall because he could keep the inspectors in check. Another concern for the residents of Oyster Pond is the pollution of the marina since the operators of Cactus Tree built a laundromat on the property and all the soap and other chemicals used for washing is pumped in the marina.

Click here to view the recent Long Lease obtained from the Kadaster's Office on the water rights granted to Cactus Tree.

gracitaarrindellwithevertjanvanderpoel01042014PHILIPSBURG:--- President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell last week received a visit from the President of the Joint Court of Justice Evert Jan van der Poel. The meeting was of an introductory nature. Van der Poel recently attended the Permanent Committee of Justice meeting along with Professor De Boer regarding the Small Claims Court that has been proposed by Attorney at Law R. Groeneveldt.

telempresentsnightofthehitmakersticketstosmswinners01042014POND ISLAND:--- Fifteen music and carnival fans are the lucky winners of free tickets to see the upcoming Night of the Hit Makers show – sponsored by Mobile provider TelCell.

The winners all correctly answered different questions posed by TelCell in an ongoing SMS contest amongst TelCell mobile customers.
And for their winning prize, each was presented with a ticket for the show (valued at $40.00) by show promoter Mr. Bertaux "Mr. Rude" Fleming and members of the TelEm Group Core Carnival Team, at the TelEm Group main building, Monday.
"TelCell customers are once again participating fully in our latest SMS contest in the hope of being called as a lucky winner," said TelEm Group Carnival Core Group member, Xionara Vicario.
She said winners, including Aureanna Nation, the first winner from neighboring Saba, are very excited when they receive a call informing them they have won and when they can collect their winning prize.
The three questions posed to date on March 24, 26 and 27th are: The names of the artists and bands appearing on the night of the show, the main sponsor of the show and the date of the show, for which the respective answers were; Control Band, Shadow man, Cache Royale, Claudius Philips, Krosfyah and the Dragonaires as the performers, TelCell as the main sponsor and April 25th being the date of the show.
"There are many more tickets to be won every day until April 11th, so there is still time for more customers to get their free ticket to the biggest show in carnival this year," said Xionara.
The full list of SMS contest winners announced Monday are: Aureanna Nation, Yasmine Essed, Austin, Carnie Joseph, Earl Morrison, Dina Caprino, Kay Manners, Franklin Jones, Agnetha Heyting, Kevina Lake, Derbie Thompson, Chadilla Natais, Orlando Fleming, Magdaline Smith and one un-named.

Telem Press Release

PHILIPSBURG:--- Starting Saturday, April 8 and onwards, the Philipsburg Jubilee Library will be hosting courses for the use of multimedia.

"If you are interested in learning how to become more versed in the use of the internet and multimedia, then take part in the Medialab courses where you can learn how to use the internet, make presentations, create movies, games, flyers, posters and much more", suggested library Director, Monique Alberts

In the first course, participants will work with a program called "Movietrader". This program uses videos with interactive quizzes. Participants will learn how to make interactive videos.

Each month various topics in multimedia technology will be offered. During the month of May, participants will learn how to make animations and films. In June, interested persons will learn how to use an innovative presentation and storytelling program, called "Prezi". Additional classes will be scheduled in the coming months.

The courses are open to persons of all ages and will be held on weekday afternoons in the library from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The courses are free to students between 9 to 18 years of age, as well as Teachers. Persons 18 and older pay a contribution of $ 5 at the start of the workshop. Interested persons can register by calling the library at 542-2970 and contacting Annelies Starreveld or Joy Lambert.

mauricelakeonoralgibbes01042014Announces future plans and explains back to basics approach

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake will be the guests on Oral Gibbes TV Program Speaking of Everything on Wednesday, April 2.

The program will be aired at 8:00pm on St. Maarten Cable TV Channel 115 on Wednesday evening.

Minister Lake during the TV program informs TV Producer and Host Oral Gibbes about his political future and highlights his 'back to basics' approach.

"My purpose in life is helping people and serving the community. I do strongly believe that we were put on this earth for a purpose and to play a role.

"My approach has been taking it back to basics in the communities and working closely with stakeholders and community councils in order to meet and address the people's needs and improving the quality of life for all. This would be done in an open and transparent manner following the right procedures and processes according to good governance," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Tuesday.

SIMPSON BAY:--- Due to erosion in the St. Maarten – St. Eustatius – St. Maarten route WINAIR will raise fares slightly between St. Maarten and St. Eustatius. Fares to be charged are NAF. 6 per segment or US$ 3.33 or NAF. 12/ US$ 6.66 per round trip to cover WINAIR's operating costs on this route. WINAIR's traffic between St. Maarten – St. Eustatius – St. Maarten has decreased to 3567 passengers comparing operating years 2012 VS 2013 for the months of January and February traffic has continued to decrease by 126 and 262 passengers in 2014.

These disappointing passenger counts are the result of a finite market in St. Eustatius and are generated by several factors including the postponement of planned terminal expansion in Nu Star in St. Eustatius, reduction of travel by approx. 50% of SVK for medical treatment and the lack of tourist facilities in St. Eustatius to generate replacement traffic.

"WINAIR does not take this decision lightly but in order to maintain 5 daily frequencies to St. Eustatius this modest price increase is necessary". WINAIR has notified Commissioner Carlyle Tear in charge of airport and transportation, as well as our shareholders. The fare increase will take effect April 15, 2014. WINAIR maintains safe and reliable traffic throughout the Caribbean and receives no financial subsidies or support from its shareholders or destination it serves and our mandate from our shareholders remains that WINAIR must be viable and financially sustainable.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams as Minister of General Affairs tasked with International Relations and Judicial Affairs announced that St. Maarten, as part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, has ratified to regulations concerning restrictive measures for certain individuals involved in the political situation in the Ukraine.

On Thursday March 27th the Prime Minister as Minister of General Affairs ratified two ministerial regulations concerning restrictive measures for certain individuals involved with the political situation in the Ukraine. This was done after having the ministerial regulations approved in the Council of Ministers During the Council of Ministers meeting last Tuesday.

Since the European Union issued two separate EU-Ordinances regarding restrictive measures for Russian Nationals involved in the situation in the Ukraine, Sint Maarten is obliged to provide for these ministerial regulations based on the National Ordinance on Sanctions. These regulations have to be replaced by national decrees containing general measures within 10 months after ratification.

On the 11th of March the European Union agreed on a framework for its first sanctions on Russia since the Cold War due to that countries involvement in the cessation of the Crimean Peninsula. The EU sanctions would implement travel bans and asset freezes on a as- list of people and firms accused by Brussels of violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

derieleonard01042014PHILIPSBURG:--- Members of the Windward Islands Chamber of Labor Unions (WICLU) expressed grave concerns about a policy the Government of St. Maarten put in place for government vehicles without informing or involving the GOA when drafting the policy.

President of the WICLU Derie Leonard told members of the media on Tuesday that she recently saw the policy when someone from the Fire Department showed it to her and asked her how could the unions approve such a policy.

Leonard said sometime in 2013 the Department of Facility Services in conjunction with PNO and the Prime Minister's cabinet drafted a policy that stated that if a government vehicle was involved in an accident then the driver (civil servant) would have to endure the cost for damage to the vehicle.

Leonard said she is partly in favor of the policy, but felt that government must respect the GOA and consult with them when making these policies. Further she stated that emergency workers, such as the police, fire department and ambulance services should be exempted from the policy. "These are people that have to provide 24 hour services and they also have to endure some precarious situations when executing their duties which might lead to the damage of vehicles."

Leonard, Elshot and Evers all stated that they believe that the Government of St. Maarten does not need to have the amount of vehicles they purchase and most importantly they believe that the Secretary Generals, Department Heads and other civil servants that are using government vehicles 24/7 have to be stopped. Leonard said on several occasions she saw vehicles with "L" plates parked on the French side and many nights government vehicles are driven by civil servants on the French side and other places where these workers are using government vehicles for their personal use. "I think that every civil servant should go to work with their own vehicle and at the end of the work day park up government vehicles. This would save government monies and besides that the cost of maintenance will be much lower." Elshot said that government also needs to further maintain the vehicles they have parked up in their graveyards because some of the vehicles just need a tire or servicing.

The President of WICSU (Derie Leonard) said that the the unions already dispatched a letter to the Prime Minister seeking that the policy be amended. Elshot on the other hand said when she inquired she was told that the policy was put in place to curb the misuse and abuse of government vehicles.

SZV Applying Different Strokes for Different Folks --- 3 months pension denied for deceased pensioner.

The members of WICLU also raised several issues that they said are of concern to them regarding SZV. Leonard said that suddenly SZV is coming up with policies by the day which is basically affecting workers in general. She said just recently a police officer went to his house doctor and was told that SZV will only pay for 20 minutes of consultation with house doctors. Leonard said she saw the correspondence SZV sent to the doctor and she also wrote the Minister of Health and Labor Cornelius de Weever who promised to look into the matter because he was not aware of it.

Another policy SZV instituted is affecting everyone because certain medications they cannot obtain even when it is prescribed by their doctor. The most recent policy Leonard said she was confronted with is when the daughter of a deceased pensioner contacted her and informed her that SZV refused to give her the three months pension that is due to relatives of deceased pensioners that would help them defray the expenses they incurred when their loved one passed away. Leonard said that SZV basically told the person they are applying article 19 and 20 when they refused to make the payment. She said the argument SZV is making is not substantiated in the article and furthermore there is no known article that states that if a person has a burial insurance in place it will hinder their loved ones from collecting the three months pension that is due to them. Claire Elshot said SZV is using different strokes for different folks and she is calling on the Minister of Health to investigate what the Supervisory Board of SZV is doing. Elshot said for years SZV refused to admit a member of the union on the supervisory board but just recently that was done.

Elshot and Leonard said that the developments at SZV has become more about the dollars and cents and not the care of workers. Another issue Elshot raised is that several persons from the French side that contributed to the pension fund while working for years on the Dutch side cannot get their pension because they are not residents of Dutch St. Maarten. "When the deductions were made no one asked these workers that contributed for 40 to 45 years to the pension fund for a local address, but today that became a key requirement which is hindering a number of persons."

Where is the Consumer Protection Association? --- President Virgillo Brooks needs to give accountability.

The WICLU also dispatched a letter to the Prime Minister of St. Maarten requesting information about the Consumer Protection Foundation which was established sometime in 1985 where Virgilio Brooks was made president.

The WICLU president said just recently a consumer contacted her to find out where they could go to get assistance because the person purchased something at a store in Philipsburg and after three days it was not working. She said when the person went back to the store the owners of the store basically refused to change the item or refund the person their monies. Leonard and Elshot said they sent a letter last year to the Prime Minister asking her to provide them with information on the activities of this foundation. They said the Prime Minister told them that she would have a conversation with the President and then get back to them but to date no update was given. The WICLU intends to send a letter to remind the Prime Minister on the matter.

WITU President Denounced Actions of Teacher that Allegedly spat on student and used profanity at her.

claireelshot01042014President of the Windward Islands Teachers Union Claire Elshot is not at all happy with what she read in the newspaper about a teacher who allegedly spat on a student while using profanity at her in the presence of other students. Elshot said while she does not know the details of the incident she wants to make clear that what the teacher did is not at all acceptable in St. Maarten's culture. She said it appears as though teachers can do such things in Holland where the teacher came from but on St. Maarten that for sure is not acceptable. Responding to questions on the incident, Elshot said she would like an indepth investigation to be conducted to determine exactly what transpired. "We do have incidents where students are very aggressive towards teachers and they also provoke teachers but teachers are adults and they are the ones that are expected to act professionally. This teacher should have acted better instead of reacting the way he did." When asked if she would recommend that the teacher be dismissed, Elshot said as a union rep she has to represent the good, the bad and the ugly and while the actions of the teacher is not acceptable she will recommend that the matter be fully investigated before disciplinary measures are taken.

SMCU President sent Letter to PM --- Who is Merging with TELEM and why no CEO since 2009?

ludsonevers01042014President of SMCU Ludson Evers who is the union representing TELEM workers said he has sent a letter to the Prime Minister requesting to meet with her so that the union could get pertinent information on the company. Evers said that he read in the newspapers that the Prime Minister agreed to have UTS merge with TELEM but when these questions are posed by the union to management of TELEM they are told that information cannot be given because the negotiation is still ongoing. It should be noted that the Prime Minister Sarah Wescot Williams announced at the weekly press briefing last week that she never told anyone who would be merging with TELEM. She said while that was stated in one of the newspapers she wanted to clarify that she never made such statement.

Evers said another reason he wants to discuss with the Prime Minister is to find out why TELEM is without a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) since 2009. He said TELEM is a telecommunications company but communication between the workers, the union and the company is lacking very much.

patricialourensphilip11082013GREAT BAY (DCOMM):--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Hon. Patricia Lourens Philip would like to congratulate son of the soil Denzel Richardson who is playing with the Colorado Rockies, a Major League Baseball (MLB) franchise based in Denver, Colorado.

The Colorado Rockies are currently members of the National League West Division and was founded in 1993.

"I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the family and friends of MLB player Denzel Richardson for making them proud by being able to make it this far in major league baseball.

"It once again says that the stars are the limit for our talented young people. As a country we can all be proud that we have a son of the soil playing abroad in major league baseball," Minister of Sports Hon. Patrcia Lourens Philip said on Monday.

The Rockies as they are popularly known and Marlins are looking to rebound on Monday, March 31 at Marlins Park.

For the last two seasons, the Rockies ended up as last-place finishes in the National League West.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Tuesday the judge of instruction ordered the immediate release of the two suspects that were arrested at PJIAE on March 19th, 2014 for a money laundering investigation. Prosecutor Tineke Kamps told SMN News that the judge terminated the pre-trial detention because the two suspects were held at the Philipsburg Detention Centre and not at the Pointe Blanche Prison where they could participate in the day program. Prosecutor Kamps said the judge of instruction said it's unlawful to keep suspects away from the day program. She stated in her decision that the suspects must have the possibility to participate in the day program and she did not think the renovation at the Pointe Blanche prison is a sufficient reason to keep the suspects away from the day program.

Prosecutor Kamp further stated that while the Prosecution has to execute the order given by the judge, they are currently studying the decision and looking into other possibilities since the renovation of the Pointe Blanche prison is also very important.

SMN News learnt that the police seized some 2.5 million dollars and a small plane on March 19th, 2014 at the Princess Juliana International Airport.

MP should get the facts first instead of wondering

PHILIPSBURG:--- The UP Party Board has taken note of National Alliance (NA) Member of Parliament (MP) George Pantophlet's 'wondering moment' where he accuses the UP for removing persons living in the United States from the civil registry.

The Honourable MP should have gotten his facts first before going to the community with misinformation to incite hysteria among the population.

The MP and the NA overall are attempting to throw up smoke screens and misinform the people of the country with respect to this issue and insinuating that it's an election ploy.

MP George Pantophlet is versed in the process of how to make a formal request via the President of Parliament in seeking information with respect to persons registered in the country at the Department of Civil Registry.

The aforementioned department falls under the Ministry of General Affairs. The MP could address a letter to the Minister of General Affairs via the President of Parliament or his faction could call a Central Committee meeting of the House to get factual information.

Another issue that the MP queried about is the requirement for naturalized citizens to again legalize their birth certificates in their countries of birth when applying for a passport renewal. Here again, the MP needs to have his faction request a Central Committee so the community can be informed.

The UP reminds the MP that this is not a banana republic and the MP should know better that there are laws in place and procedures that need to be followed. The MP seems to be drawing at straws in an attempt to deliberately misinform the people of the country rather than presenting solutions to the issues of the country.

United People's Party Board

PHILIPSBURG:--- The UP Party Board as well as the UP family and supporters says that UP President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell has handled herself very well in a professional and non-bias manner when applying the Rules of Order during parliamentary sessions.

Secondly, President Arrindell has restored integrity to the House of Parliament after the National Alliance (NA) made a mockery of the country with its so-called Mexican standoff whereby the country became the laughing stock of the region and the world.

The UP Party Board is responding to the rant of NA MP Louie Laveist on Monday who accused President Arrindell of violating the Rules of Order.

The House of Parliament and by extension the people were held hostage for several weeks when the former NA President of Parliament R. Samuel refused to relinquish his position after a new parliamentary majority was formed. Samuel also refused to hold parliamentary sessions that were called for by the new parliamentary majority, a serious transgression of the Rules of Order.

The people of Sint Maarten have not forgotten that dark period in the political and constitutional history of the country where the NA made a mockery of the country's parliamentary democracy.

MP Laveist made reference to a meeting of the House related to the Airport that was held recently where according to him it was "called off for unknown reasons to us." That is untrue, as all MPs received a letter stating that Minister Hon. Thaddeus Richardson had requested more time in order to gather information that MPs had requested in an earlier session of the House.

MP Louie Laviest should be more transparent in his disclosures. MP Laveist should tell the people of Sint Maarten why the NA cancelled the Emilio Wilson Estate meeting that his parliamentary faction had requested approximately 90 minutes before it was to start last week Wednesday without giving any reasons why they cancelled the meeting. Minister Hon. Maurice Lake was looking forward to informing the people and the House of Parliament with respect to developments related to the Emilio Wilson Estate.

The President of Parliament Hon. Gracita Arrindell, a strong woman in our community, has restored honour to the House after the NA and its former President of Parliament R. Samuel tarnished and trampled upon the democratic principles of the country and the Constitution.

Democracy in Sint Maarten is well and alive and the people's business is being handled in a professional and unbiased manner according to the Rules of Order of the House.

United People's Party Board

CUL DE SAC:--- The director of Aruba's general pension fund will be one of the speakers at the afternoon session at next week's APS Pension Awareness Conference.

Ms. Sheila van Veen, director of APFA (the general pension fund of Aruba) will elucidate on Aruba's experience with pension reform and legislation and what lessons could be learnt.

Following that presentation, APS director Kendra Arnell will speak on APS and the future of the civil servant's pension ordinance while APS deputy director George Willems is to address the financial sustainability of St. Maarten's general pension fund, APS.

The presentations are for active participants beginning at 1 p.m. on the day of the conference.

For those in attendance, a question and answer panel discussion is to follow, before the day's proceedings end with a cocktail hour.

The APS pension awareness conference will be held on Friday, April 11, 2014 at the Maho Room of the Sonesta Maho Beach Resort.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Police Department wants to congratulate the Sint Maarten Carnival Development Foundation for a well organized "Causeway Jump-Up". The event which started on time and finished on time was well attended by many revelers and spectators. Congratulations also goes out to the entire community who conducted themselves in a very festive and orderly manner. There were no incidents of violence reported; however two persons were taken to the Simpson Bay Police station to be reprimanded. Thanks also goes out to the Coast Guard and Sint Maarten Sea Rescue who showed their presence in the Simpson Bay Lagoon while the Jump-up passed through the area.

KPSM Police Report

DUTCH QUARTER:--- The Special Robbery Unit is presently investigating an armed robbery at the Lucky Star Supermarket located in Dutch Quarter. The incident took place on Tuesday March 25th at approximately 8:15pm at which time, two unknown suspects, both dressed in dark clothing entered the establishment. One of the suspects was armed with a very sharp object and threatened the cashier and ordered him to open the cash register. The other suspect was on the look out during the robbery. An unknown amount of cash was taken from the cash register and a several phone cards were also stolen. After committing this act the suspects fled the scene on foot.

KPSM Police Report

stmartinbookfairlogo31032014GREAT BAY/MARIGOT:--- The 12th annual St. Martin Book Fair will take place at venues throughout the island from Thursday, June 5 to Saturday, June 7, 2014, said book fair coordinator Shujah Reiph.

"The St. Maarten Tourist Bureau (STB), as the strategic partner, has made it possible for us to announce the book fair date at this time; and we're busy contacting the authors and workshop leaders that will treat our island's people and visitors to three exciting days of 'a book fair for the entire family,'" said Reiph.

"Crime&Punishment" is the classic-sounding theme of this year's literary festival. "In 2014, the St. Martin Book Fair opens in the South. New and famous authors will visit schools throughout the island. At the Friday literary evening, which was held in Grand Case last year, visiting writers and St. Martin authors will read from their books. The closing ceremony and main book party are also highlights of the book fair at different venues," said Reiph, who is also president of the Conscious Lyrics Foundation (CLF).

The main book sale exhibition, multimedia activities, and workshops such as the hugely popular herbal health, cooking, hair, and Ponum dance workshops of former years – always take place at the University of St. Martin (USM) on the Saturday.

"Alternating the book fair's opening ceremony between both capitals is an annual feature of the festival that celebrates the Traditional St. Martin unity," said Reiph. CLF and House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP) organize the St. Martin Book Fair in collaboration with STB and USM. In previous years the St. Martin Tourist Office and the Department of Culture in Marigot and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs in Philipsburg have been significant sponsors.

The financial cuts in STB's 2014 budget have already affected book fair plans but the organizers are pressing ahead. "I'm still hoping that private sponsors, legacy patrons, other government departments, and advertisers will return or become new book fair partners this year," said HNP president Jacqueline Sample.

Over the years, St. Martin Book Fair contributors have included United Car Rental, SDL, Black Dimensions In Art, Inc., Peridot, Kennesaw University, Sea Palace, Dauphine Telecom, and SEMSAMAR. A financial contribution to the St. Martin Book Fair is tax-deductible.

Between 2003, when it was founded, and 2013, authors visiting St. Martin for the St. Martin Book Fair, hailed from China, India, Israel, Morocco, Italy, Netherlands, France, Aruba, Curacao, Trinidad, Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia, Saba, Dominican Rep., Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, the USA, and Canada among other countries and territories. Each year a published St. Martin writer appears on the official book fair poster to represent the island's writers, said Reiph. Book fair updates can be seen at

serdelegationmeetswithtedrichardson31032014HARBOR VIEW:--- On Thursday, March 27th, 2014 a Social Economic Council (SER) delegation met with the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport & Telecommunication, the honourable Ted Richardson and his Senior Economic Advisor, Drs. Ramsy Dennaoui. The visit of the Minister to the SER, served mainly to present the advisory body with a preview of the anticipated Economic Road map for Sint Maarten.

The Minister presented his views and stressed the importance of achieving a fairer and more balanced economy, in this way, he expressed his opinions on the high cost of doing business and his dedication to execute various policies, in order to create a sustainable economy and enhance the quality of life on our island. The Minister pointed out that Sint Maarten has all the right ingredients to succeed, however there needs to be a collective effort from the civil service in the execution of economic policies.

Drs. Ramsy Dennaoui expounded on the importance of having an Economic Road map in place, and stressed the sense of urgency if Sint Maarten intends to remain a top tourist destination in the North Eastern Caribbean.

The Chairman of the SER pointed out that economic development will create a stable political, social and economic environment. He expressed the need to look at areas of possible economic transformation, such a vision would be by starting to improve the quality of life of the people of Sint Maarten.

In conclusion the Minister provided the SER with an update on, the Sint Maarten Tourism Authority (STA), Tourism Statistical Information System (TSIS), Bureau of Intellectual Properties, Bureau of Telecommunications, Competition Authority, and the proposed Consumer Protection agency.

In the meeting with the Minister of Economic Affairs and his advisor, the SER was represented by Chairman Arthur Bute, substitute board member Drs. Linda Richardson and Secretary-general Gerard Richardson.

PM: "Relationship with Europe Becoming More In Depth"

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams highlighted that closer ties with the European Union and the ability of St. Maarten to vote for European Parliamentary Elections will have a wide-scale influence for the future development of the country. The Prime Minister explained that the changed structural relationship between the European Union and St. Maarten has already resulted in new developments regarding various aspects of development, including a wider focus on Environmental Sustainability, developments related to the 10th EDF upgrading project for Dutch Quarter and cooperation between St. Martin and St. Maarten on submitting joint projects to the European Union; "If you take into consideration that European Elections are upcoming on the 22nd of May and the relationship between Overseas Countries and Europe has taken on additional dimensions since January 2014 where a new agreement came into force that regulated the understanding between us and Europe. It has not always been the case that citizens of overseas countries could vote in overseas elections. Some years ago we challenged this considering that we hold a European Passport and that we, up until then, were unable to vote. The verdict was passed that persons like us were entitled to vote in European Elections. The people of St. Maarten are now being made aware that they can vote and they are encouraged to do so. The fact is that political parties of the Netherlands field candidates for the European Elections including people who were from the former Antilles and Aruba.

"In addition to that you have were the relationship with Europe is more in depth, especially were European funding is concerned; for example in the case of the European Development Fund EDF. The EDF 10 will be focused on the upgrading of Dutch Quarter with the country determining where the funding will go towards considering the parameters that the European Commission put in place. For example Middle Region has already benefited from this project and Dutch Quarter will be the next to enjoy an upgrading through European Funding.

"St. Maarten and St. Martin are also in discussion about different joint projects were we could apply for funding from Europe. These discussions and this selecting of projects is taking place right now and persons from different departments are taking notes and identifying the way forward for joint projects.

"Environmental Sustainability is also a key factor regarding the overall sustainable development of the relationship between St. Maarten and the European Union. We will be exploring what we as St. Maarten will identify what we will focus on for the 11th EDF and what that project should be focused on. We have already been asked by the European Union what we would like to see for the 11th EDF and what we would like to pursue in the regard," commented Prime Minister Wescot-Williams, who is the Territorial Authorizing Officer for St. Maarten as it relates to EU relations.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

Inspectorate of Labor
The labor division of the Inspectorate would like to bring the following information to your attention. Our statistics have indicated that in addition to non-compliance to the LAV, non-compliance with the Labor regulations has become one of the most common violations.The lack of visible work schedules and overtime registration play a major role in this. The amount of anonymous complaints pertaining to non-compliance with Labor Regulation that is filed at the Inspectorate has also increased. The persons making these complaints clearly state that they wish to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals.
In the context of "decent work" and "putting the people first" it is important to inform all stakeholders about the rules and the consequences in case of non-compliance with the Labor Regulation.

The LABOUR REGULATION.(AB 2013 GT no. 356)

The Labor regulation provides rules with regard to: the working hours, periods of rest, labor in full-continuous shift, overtime, child labor, dangerous labor and labor by (live in) domestic personnel.

With the introduction of the Labor regulation on August 1st 2000, a distinction was made between non-schedule workers(non-schedule work) and schedule workers (schedule work). There are different rules for both groups with regard to working hours, timetables etc.

  1. None-schedule workers

Non-schedule workers are employees with a regular five/six day (on average not exceeding) 40 hours working week.

Non-Schedule work:
Labor, not being overtime, performed during regular office hours:

  • Between 07:00-20:00 hrs;
  • On the two-day parts (whether or not continuous) for example: all Saturday or only Saturday morning and Monday morning;
  • Not on Sundays;
  • Not on holidays.

Working hours non-schedule worker:
Working hours up to a maximum of 10 hours per day and a maximum of 40 hours per week, calculated over a period of four weeks. (art. 8 para 1)

Working hours including overtime may be no more than 11 hours per day and 50 hours per week, calculated over a period of four weeks.

Non-Schedule Worker Overtime Compensation


All Sectors

Special Sectors



Domestic Personnel

Art 15 para1:

The employee receives per hour for overtime perfpormed on top of the hourwage applicable to him a bonus not less than 50% of his hourly wage

Wage+ 50%=150%

Wage + 50%=150%

Special rules apply

(art.25 para 1 sub f) Wage + 50%=150%

Art. 15 para 2a:

The employee receives per hour for overtime performed during hours of rest not less than 25% of his hourly rate (art9 1st para, sub c)


May revert to the regular overtime percentage (art. 15 para 1)

Special rules apply

(art. 25 para 1 sub f)

Wage +50%-150%

Art. 15 para 2b:

The employee receives per hour for overtime performed on his day of rest not less than 50% of his hourly wage (art.9, 1st para, sub b)


Special rules may apply

(art 2 para 1 sub L, Labor decree hospitality industry)


Special rules apply (art.25 para 1 sub g)

Labor performed on a day of rest will be awarded with a bonus of 100%


Art.15 para 2c:

The employee receives per hour for overtime performed on a holiday not less than 100%of his hourly wage


Special rules apply

Art.2 para 1 sub L

Labor decree hospitality industry


Special rules apply (art.25 para 1 sub g) Labor performed on a holiday will be awarded with a bonus of 100%

Wage +100%=200%

None-Schedule Worker Wage On Holidays Compensation


All Sectors

Special Sectors



Domestic Staff

Art. 22 para 1:

If an employee works on a holiday, he’s entitled to no less than the wage he would have earned on that day during the normal time of labor, if that day was not a holiday

Application of: not less than the normal wage.= 100%

Application of: not less than the normal wage =100%

Application of: not less than the normal wage + 100%

       2. Schedule workers
Schedule workers are employees on a five/six day (on average max) 45 hour working week where labor may be performed on different hours (outside regular office hours) Schedule workers provide continuous services example. Air traffic control, police, fire, ambulance, Hotel, catering industry, casino's etc.

Schedule work:

  • Labor not being overtime, performed, according to a periodical time table on different hours and where as a result the working time falls wholly or partially witin the hours of rest (art. 2 para 2 sub e Labor regulation 2000) as specified in art. 9, first paragraph.
  • Labor performed, according to a periodical timetable were as a result the working tie falls wholly or partially:
    - Before 07:00 and after 20:00;
    - On Sundays or days replacing Sunday;
    - On public holidays.

Working hours schedule worker:
Working hours up to a maximum of 10 hours per day and an average of a maximum of 45 hours per week, calculated over a period of four weeks (art.8 para 2)

Working hours including overtime may be no more than 11 hours per day and 55 hours per week calculated over a period of four weeks.

Schedule Worker For Overtime Compensation


All Sectors

Special Sectors



Domestic Personnel

Art.15 para 1:

The employee receives per hour, on top of the hourly wage that is applicable in his case, an overtime bonus of 0% or more of his hourly wage in compensation



Special rules apply

(art.25 para 1 sub f)


Art.15 para 3a:

The employee receives per hour, on top of the hourly wage not less than 25% in case overtime is performed during the period of rest as indicated in art.9 s=2nd para, sub c


May revert to the regular overtime percentage. (art.15 para 1)

May revert to the regular overtime percentage. (art.15 para 1)

Art.15 para 3b:

The employee receives per hour, on top of the hourly wage not less than 25%in case overtime is performed on the same day as the one during which labor is performed in nghtshifts


May revert to the regular overtime percentage. (art.15 para 1)

May revert to the regular overtime percentage

(art.25 para 1 subf)


Art.15 para 3c:

The employee receives per hour, on top of the hourly wage not less than 50% if overtime is performed on the day of rest according to his work schedule


Special rules apply:

(art.2 para 1 sub o Labor decree hospitality industry)


Special rules apply:

(art.25 para 1 sub g)

Labor performed on a day of rest will rewarded 100% bonus


Art.15 para 3d:

The employee receives per hour, on top of the hourly wage not less than 100% of his hourly wage, if overtime is performed on a holiday


Special rules apply:

(art.2 para 1 sub o Labor decree hospitality industry)


Special rules apply:

(art.2 para 1 sub o Labor decree hospitality industry)


Schedule Worker Wage On Holidays Compensation


All Sectors

Special Sectors



Domestic Personnel

Art.22 para2:

If an employee actually performs scheduled work on a holiday, he’s entitled to not less than double wage he would have earned on that day during the normal time of labor, if that day was not a holiday

Application of: not less than double wages = 200%

Application of: not less than double wages = 200%

Application of: not less than double wages = 200%

Overtime register
The employer is obliged to keep an overtime register and to submit this upon request. The register only has to cover one year in retrospect.
The register gives:

  • The names of the employees;
  • The date on which overtime was performed;
  • The duration of the overtime performed per employee;
  • The compensation.

tedrichardson26092013"It's your civic duty and you're obligated under the law."

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Hon. Ted Richardson is appealing to the nation to participate in the household listing survey, especially those whose address have not yet been counted.

The Department of Statistics (STAT) which falls under the responsibility of Ministry TEATT started the survey on February 1 and there is just two weeks left to complete the household listing fieldwork.

Minister Richardson pointed out that the information is relevant for the national socio-economic development of the country adding that the majority of countries in the world collect such data in order to plan their sustainable development.

The Department of STAT has been experiencing great difficulties to access households residing in some privately-owned and gated apartment and condo complexes.

STAT emphasizes that the legal base for the household listing survey is the national Statistics Ordinance (AB 2013, GT no.450).

Article seven of the ordinance says that if individuals do not comply by cooperating with the interviewers of STAT who are acting according to the ordinance, this would be considered a derelict of duty punishable by up to one year imprisonment or a fine of up to Naf. 5,000.

All residents of Dutch Sint Maarten are obliged to cooperate with providing the data to STAT for the Household Listing Survey, in order for population related statistics to be produced.

The survey takes less than 10-minutes. Data collected are basic demographic information from each household member.

The questionnaire consists of a short list of questions, related to the age, gender, country-of-birth and nationality of each member of the household.

STAT interviewers are approaching homes up to 8:00pm each day and on weekends.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The UP Party read with concern the comments of the Prime Minister in Monday's newspaper where she expressed alleged plans by an unknown individual(s)/group to use dummy ballots during the upcoming parliamentary elections, which she said would amount to election fraud. The UP Party Board is very concerned with this as Sint Maarten has always been known to have free, fair and credible elections, and is therefore calling on the Prime Minister to have this matter investigated by the respective authorities. Everything must be done to protect the integrity of the election process and ensure that the election results are credible, and that responsibility lies with the Prime Minister who has revealed the alleged election fraud reports. We must protect our democracy and Constitution at all costs. The outcome of the elections should reflect the will of the people. The UP Party Board also fully supports the Electoral Council intentions to educate the populace and in particular candidates who will be participating in the 2014 parliamentary elections via an information session in collaboration with the University of St. Martin about the electoral process. The UP Party urges the community to visit the websites of Government ( and of Parliament ( where the ordinances governing the new requirements are able to review and even download the files for sharing with friends and family.

United People's Party Board

GREAT BAY:--- The Ministry of Public Health Social Development & Labor has developed a policy framework Social Data Bank, which aims to inform on critical issues surrounding the setting up of a social data bank and describes the relevance of socio-economic data with regards to the development and evaluation of social policy and the various stakeholders therein.
"I am extremely happy that we will be getting this project on stream, as it will play a very important factor in making policies, developing legislation and priorities that will benefit our people at large," said Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Cornelius De Weever.
Social-data banking entails the compilation of relevant socio-economic data based on identified social indicators. This data will consist of a range of micro-information/data which has been deemed of pertinent importance for the development of social policy. Data banking aims to make available to policy makers a body of statistics comprised of data sets. The social data bank will contain all the relevant information on persons, families, households, benefits, jobs, from which statistical outcomes can be produced. It involves the collecting/gathering, storing, archiving, analyzing, reporting of data on input, activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts as well as external factors, in a way that supports effective management and decision making.

Allows for Effective Handling of Proposed Visa Changes

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams stated on her Radio Program One on One with the Prime Minister on 98.1 on Friday that the positive restructuring of the Immigration Department will allow for the effective Handling of the new proposed Visa changes. The Prime Minister stated that while a part of the Immigration Apparatus of the Netherlands Antilles the Department was oftentimes left behind in terms of support, but since 10-10-10 significant improvements have been made; "One of the departments which we took over from the Netherlands Antilles was the Immigration Department. In the Netherlands Antilles days we used to beg the National Government to do something about our immigration department which often fell on deaf ears. However, now we can safely say that the department has made great strides. The department fell under the plans of approach and it has now been reported that they are in full compliance with the plans of approach vetted by the Progress Committee which is also seen by Minister of Kingdom Relations Plasterk. The Immigration Department has been making very good progress and that is why we started to explore new possibilities for people to be able to travel to St. Maarten.

"I think it is important to explain that Visa Policies and Management is something of the Kingdom Government, however there are policy guidelines with respect to the Dutch Caribbean. There is a specific regulation which is called the Columbian Extension Regulation that applies to Colombia and other Countries. We have received a request whether we would mind if that particular policy is also applied to Peru. St. Maarten's response was that we did not have any issue with that and we also believed that the same exemptions should also be applied to China, India and the United Arab Emirates. St. Maarten as a Country is looking at new possibilities with regards to the economy.

"We also went a little further stating that if you had a National in possession of a Schengen Visa they should then be allowed to have that Visa grant entry into the Dutch Caribbean and more specifically St. Maarten. We as a government are consistently looking at new developments and new networking opportunities for St. Maarten and it is the belief that if you have someone who has gone through the process in obtaining a Schengen Visa why should they again has to go through the process again. The discussions are still taking place on a technical level and have been sanctioned by the Government of St. Maarten. They have now been put forward to the Kingdom Government. These processes are about networking and opening up St. Maarten to the International Community, thus benefiting the people of St. Maarten," commented Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

PM: "One of our shortcomings is an insufficient collaboration as far as projects are concerned between Government and Government owned companies."

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams highlighted Government Capital Projects and informed the processes and plans contained therein during a statement issued over the weekend. The Prime Minister also explained that the new estimates within the budget are now in the process of being vetted by the CFT; "It is important to address the issue of Government Capital Projects in terms of the Budget. I have also heard persons asking why Government can't pay the Cost of Living Index while at the same time building the causeway for example. In the case of the Causeway it was built by the Harbor who contracted the loan to under a subsidiary company of the Harbor called SLAC. One of our shortcomings is an insufficient collaboration as far as projects are concerned between Government and Government owned companies. When it comes to long-term projects that actually span more than one year and are considered capital projects you need to seek money to do those projects. That money should not come out of the operational budgets. For 2014 our budget has been approved on time so we can look at capital expenditures for 2014. We needed to prioritize those expenditures and so for all ministries we came up with a proposal for approximately 88 million guilders in terms of capital projects across the seven ministries with the two main Ministries in 2014 in terms of capital projects being the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of VROMI. Under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports there is also a Budgetary estimate for the National Center for the performing arts which the country is in dire need of. Another example is that of a the collaboration between SZV for the building of the new hospital.

"The intention of Government to pursue loans to this amount has to be vetted by the CFT and Budget Amendments have to be made and those decisions should also be communicated to the CFT. We are right now waiting for the approval of the CFT for that amount taking various factors into consideration," concluded Prime Minister Wescot-Williams.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Prime Minister of St. Maarten the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams emphasized during a radio interview over the weekend that the proposed election date during the beginning of September is something which was regulated by law and one which political parties agreed to prior to 10-10-10; "Elections, regularly speaking, would have to take place at the time so that Parliament can complete its term of four years based on the constitutional article. When the decision was taken for Parliament to start on 10-10-10 automatically the consequence of that was that the new parliament will take its seat on 10-10-14 which would mean, taking the necessary terms into consideration, that elections would have to take place in September," stated the Prime Minister.

The PM also reiterated that if one takes into consideration all of the steps which must be taken before elections including political party registration and postulation and all of the time constraints according to law, the date of September 5th will be arrived at; "There is only one possibility for the Parliament to not sit out its full term and that is the dissolving of Parliament by Government. Those who drafted our constitution agreed to include the possibility of dissolving Parliament by the Government. That is basically all the information the constitution provides for as far as Government is concerned. That article also says that if Parliament is dissolved the new Parliament must take its seat no longer than three months after the dissolving. Already I have noted that if such a decision were to be carried out there could be issues related to the terms necessary as are required by our electoral law. This would mean that the Government would have to make amendments to the law in order to comply with the ninety-day requirement. This is an additional complication as far as elections are concerned. So-called snap elections can only take place if Parliament is dissolved. When 10-10-10 was being considered for the date of a country I had my reservations which I expressed at that time but this had nothing to do with Hurricanes but with the technicalities involved. My wish at the time was that the new election year starts in January. The DP was in opposition so the majority then decided on 10-10-10 with all of the subsequent consequences. The fact remains that now the DP is a part of Government and I am responsible for an election date and I need to ensure that the work is done," emphasized the Prime Minister.

From the Cabinet of the Prime Minister

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